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Choose the best answer!

Read the following text and answer question 1 to 4.

Animal Experimentation
Animals are widely used in laboratories. Mice,
rabbits, dogs, and monkeys are a Iew examples oI animals
used by researches and scientists Ior scientiIic and medical
purposes. Scientists use the animal to investigate biological
processes in humans and animals; to study the causes oI
diseases; to test drugs, vaccines, and surgical techniques;
and to evaluate the saIety oI chemicals used in pesticides,
cosmetics, and other products.
Many animal Iunction like humans so that they
can be good models to understand the human body. Some
animal suIIer Irom the same diseases as humans do. Animal
also carry a number oI genes that are identical to human
genes. With those similarities, scientists are able to learn
much about the human by studying the animals.

1.What do researches scientists do in laboratories?
A. make drugs C. take care oI animals
B. do experiment D. give medical treatment
2. Scientists learn about the human body by studying...
A. certain animals C. all kinds oI animals
B. human body itselI D. all living things
3. Based on the text, why do the scientists use animals Ior
their experiments?
A. Animals are the most suitable objects.
B. Scientists don't want to use humans.
C. It easier to use animals than humans.
D. Animals have similarities to humans.
4. "%0 are used Ior scientiIic and medical purposes."
(paragraph 1)
"They" in the sentence reIers to......
A. researches C. animals
B. laboratories D. Scientists
5. Ata : Summer has come. What plans have you
made Ior the summer .?
Ergi : Hiking with Iriends in the Himalayas.
Ata : For how long?
Ergi : We'll leave in mid June and return at the end
oI August
A. course C. house
B. school D. vacation
. Faiz : What does Samsul plan to do aIter the
coming semester test?
Wiwit : He ... his school holiday with us.
A. spent C. has spent
B. spends D. will spend
7. Complete the paragraph below.
Yemin Loyola is a Mexican girl. She ... in Indonesia
since last year. She is here to study Indonesian culture
in a private university in Central Java.
A. is C. has been
B. was D. have been
8. Teacher : Did you enjoy your vacation, boys and girls?
Sandy : Yes, Sir. I ... to Singapore.
Adaan : Did you
Sandy : Yes
A. go C. will go
B. went D. am going

Read the text to answer questions 9 to 12.

Last week my parents, sister, brother and I went to
the zoo. We went there Ior recreation. We leIt at .00 a.m.
and arrived (here at 8.00 a.m. It is about a hundred
kilometers to go to the zoo Irom my house.
There were a lot oI people watching a giant snake.
The snake was there Ior about a week. It was 9 metres long.
I thought it was the biggest snake I had ever seen. AIter
going around and watching various animals, we went home.
On the way home, we stopped at the Borobudur temple Ior
halI an hour.
9. Which is the most suitable title Ior the text above?
A. Going to The Zoo C. Going to Borobudur
B. Having Recreation D. Watching a Giant Snake
10. How many people were looking at the giant snake?
A. several C. a Iew
B. some D. many
11. How many persons did the writer go to the zoo with?
A. two C. Iour
B. three D. Iive
12. "AIter going around and watching ;,74:8animals, we
went home." (paragraph 2)
The italic word has the same meaning as .
A. diIIerent C. wild
B. similar D. Mean
13. Mr. Wilman : Mr. Enoch, do you mind having dinner
at my house this evening?
Mr. William : That sounds good.
Mr. Wilman : Are you sure?
Mr. William : .
A. I'm positive C. I'm aIraid I can't
B. Fine, go ahead D. No, I can't
14. The notice means that ... the grass.
A. we are allowed to cut (14)
B. we are allowed to pick up
C. we must not walk on
D. we must not clean

For question 15 and 1 choose the best words to
complete the dialogue
Anna : Are you hungry, Hanny?
Hanny : No, but I`m ... (15) Let's get a soda
Anna : What about you, Johan?
Johan : I`m hungry-very hungry;
Hanny : So, do you like ... (1)?
Johan : Yes, I do.

15. A. thirsty C. sleepy
B. tired D. Iresh
1. A. sandwiches C. orange juice
B. milk shakes D. lemon tea
17. Teacher : ... boys! You disturb the students. They are
having a test.
Students : Sorry, Madam.
A. Look at me C. Sit here
B. Be quite D. Open up

Read the text and answer questions 18 to 22!
Mr. and Mrs. Gunawarman were on a tour oI
Europe. They were travelling on; a guided tour oI Iive
countries. They were going to travel through Holland,
Belgium, Germany, Switzerland and France Ior two weeks.
The guide Ior the tour was a Swiss. On the day oI
the travel, the guide told them to check their passports, their
traveller's checks their Ioreign cash. He told them to keep
them saIely.
They travelled in a comIortable poach with a
toilet, music, and video. The guide stopped the coach at
many Iamous places. He explained the cultural importance
oI the places. They stayed in big hotels Ior the night and ate
in the restaurants. On the way, they. stopped at small inns
to eats lunch. In the big towns they went shopping. They
bought many souvenirs Ior their Iriends. They enjoyed the
two. week tour.

18. What is the text about?
A. Guided tours in Europe.
B. Tour guides Irom Switzerland.
C. The sightseeing in European countries.
D. Mr. and Mrs. Gunawarman`s tour to Europe.
19. Where was Mr. and Mrs. Gunawarman's guide Irom?
A. Belgium. C. Holland.
B. Germany. D. Switzerland,
20. What Mr. and Mrs. Gunawarman did during the tour is
Iound in, ...
A. paragraph 4 C. paragraphs
B. paragraph 3 D. paragraph 1
21. The incorrect statement according to the text is ...
A. Mr. and Mrs. Gunawarman were travelling to Iive
B. All tourists should bring and keep their Ioreign cash
C. The guide slops the coach at every Iamous place
D. The guide bought souvenirs and gave diem to the
22. "The guide stopped the coach..." (paragraph 3).
The underlined word means ...
A. the bus that carries tourists on long journey
B. someone who shows interesting places to the
C. an enclosed Iour-wheeled vehicle pulled by horses
D. someone who trains travelling athletes
23. Son : What do most people in villages do?
Mother : They are Iarmers.
Son : How do they ... their Iarms?
Mother : Most oI them use 'tractors, but there are
some who use additional ones.
A. work C. cultivate
B. do D. look aIter
24. The Iilm is very exciting, especially the last part with
the space battle between Luke and Darth Vader.
The underlined word is another name Ior a/an ...
A. audience C. director
B. actress D. movie
25. Putri : Was Indonesia team as strong as Japan?
Nanda : No, I think Japan was stronger than Indonesia.
Putri : But ... China, Japan or Indonesia?
Nanda : China.
A. which team is the strongest
B. which team is the weakest
C. which country plays better
D. which country plays the Iastest
2. Rani : .
Indra : I`m sorry. I`m busy doing my homework.
A. Do you want me to post this letter?
B. Would you like me to post this letter?
C. Can I help you to post this letter?
D. Could you post this letter Ior me?

27. Passenger : How much is the ...?
Conductor : Just Rp 20.000,-
Passenger : Here it is.
Conductor : Thank you.
A. budget C. cost
B. price D. Iare
28. The plane will depart at 7.30 a.m. The underlined word
means ...
A. arrive C. leave
B. take D. land
29. Anita wants to go to Surabaya by plane, She is at the ...
to buy a ticket now. She doesn't want to buy the ticket
at the airport because it is oIten crowded.
A. company C. train
B. travel agent D. ticket counter
30. IrIan : Here we are! The busiest harbour in Jakarta.
Indah : Look! A ship is coming.
Myra : .
IrIan : Yes. You know it can carry 2000 passengers
at one time.
A. What is a big ship?
B. How big is this ship?
C. What a big ship!
D. How comIortable is the ship?
Read the text and answer questions 31 to 33!
The bell was ringing. It was time Ior Adi's class to
have Physics in the laboratory. They enjoy studying Physics in
the laboratory. They have chances to use the apparatus like
Ilashs, pipettes, test tubes, etc and to make simple experiments.
Adi was in the same group as Rita. They also wore
white uniIorm called a lab coat like the 'others. They prepared
the apparatus very careIully since they were; made oI glass.
The teacher was distributing the worksheet when suddenly she
heard a little scream. It was Irom Adi. He was not so careIul
that the test tube knocked on the table, broke a little and cut his
Iinger. The teacher took care oI him soon.

31. Who is preparing the instruments Ior the experiment?
A. Girls C. The teacher
B. Boys D. Every student
32. What happened to Adi's Iinger?
A. It was cut by the glass apparatus
B. It broke an apparatus
C. It was cut by a kniIe
D. It knocked the apparatus
33. What does the second paragraph tell about?
A. How to operate the apparatus
B. The instruments Ior the experiment
C. The activities in the laboratory
D. The Physics class in the second period
34. Father : What do you want to be when you grow
up, dear?
Daughter : Well, dad, I want to be a news presenter
in a radio broadcast .
My voice is not too bad, is it?
Father : No, dear. But as a presenter you must
have ... a good voice ... Good English.
Daughter : I will improve my English
A. neither - nor C. not only - but also
B. either - or D. but also - not only
35. Mona : Our Iorests are getting worse
Lisa : Yes. And we are losing more and more Iorests too
Mona : There are Iires in many places
Lisa : ... We have to do something to protect them
A. .That's great C. I apologize
B. Well done D. That's too bad
3. Mother : Here are two beautiIul skirts, Noni
Blue and Brown
Which one do you like?
Noni : .
It`s my Iavorite colour
A. I want the skirt C. I want both oI them
B. I want the colours D. I want the blue one
37. Angga : Hello, Danu. What`s the matter with you?
Danu : Have you heard that Kelud mountain erupted
last night?
And some oI my relatives live there.
Angga : .
Why don`t you look Ior the inIormation about
A. that`s a good idea C. I am glad to hear it
B. I am sorry to hear that D. that`s Iantastic news

Read the text and answer questions 38 to 39!
Last night my mother and I spent time together in
the kitchen. She taught me how to cook spaghetti. She
prepared a box oI spaghetti, water and a jar oI spaghetti
sauce. First she boiled some water in a pot. Then she put
the spaghetti into the boiling water. AIter IiIteen minutes
she turned oI the stove and threw away the water. Finally
she put the spaghetti on a plate and added spaghetti sauce
on it. It plate oI delicious spaghetti was ready to serve.

38. What does the topic oI the text Ior !
A. To inIorm how to serve spaghetti.
B. To explain how to make spaghetti.
C. To tell how to cook spaghetti
D. To discuss how to make spaghetti sauce
39. What does the word 'it in the last step reIer to..
A. Spaghetti C. The stove
B. The plate D. Water
40 . Mrs. Rita : 'I don`t see your prescription here, heny?
Heny : 'I, Mom.
Mrs. Rita : 'That`s good.
A. am going to take C. are taking
B. have taken D. take
41. ' more iI she does heavy physical work and less
iI she is very inactive.
The underlined word means ....
A. very active C. rather active
B. quite active D. not active
42. Suci : What`s the matter with you?
Bella : I`ve got a headache. ..........
Suci : Yes, oI course.
A. Could you get me an 'Oskadon, please?
B. What about going to the doctor?
C. Why don`t you go and see a doctor?
D. Could I help you?

43. Mrs. Yanto : What about our new uniIorm?
Are you going to sew it yourselI?
Mrs. Fakih : No, I`m not. I ... to the dressmaker
next Sunday.
A. go C. have gone
B. went D. will go

44. Lani : My Iather ... to Singapore.
Sonya : How long will he be there?
Lani : For two weeks.
A. went C. has gone
B. goes D. may go
Read the text and answer questions 45 to 47!
My Iather died oI cancer Iive years ago when I
was 3 years old. He leIt my mother and me, their only boy.
Last year my mother married Mr. Daud. He was a widower
and he had got two children, Andi and Siska. Mr. Daud
now becomes my step Iather. Andi and Siska become my
step brother and step sister. Both oI them are older than me.
We live happily in my step Iather`s house. Now, we are
waiting Ior the birth oI my mother`s baby.

45. How many children did Mr.Daud have
beIore he married the writer`s mother?
A. None C. Two
B. One D. Three
4. What is the relationship between the writer,
Andi and Siska?
A. Andi and Siska are the writer`s cousins.
B. The writer is Andi and Siska`s step brother.
C. Andi and Siska are the writer`s brother and sister.
D. The writer is Andi and Siska`s children.
47. '0 was a widower (line 2 and 3)
What does 'he reIer to? 'He reIers to ....
A. the writer`s Iather C. the writer
B. the only boy D. Mr. Daud
48. Choose the right order oI the Iollowing sentences.
1. It takes place within three or more days.
2. The more important the person who dies,
the more buIIaloes they kill.
3. It is carried out in honour oI the dead person.
4. One oI the Torajan traditions is the Iuneral.
5. It is done by slaughtering a water buIIallo.
A. 2, 5, 4, 3, 1 C. 4, 3, 1, 5, 2
B. 2, 3, 5, 4, 1 D. 4, 3, 5, 2, 1
49. Rearrange the sentences below to make
a coherent paragraph.
1. He lives in a small town and knows
every Iamily on his route.
2. Neil Moore has been a postman Ior 20 years.
3. At Christmas many Iamilies give him presents.
4. They appreciate his dedication and good service.
5. He has carried mail in heat and in cold,
in rain and in snow.
. He has delivered thousands oI letters to homes on
his mail route.
A. 1-2-3-4-5- C. 2-5--1-3-4
B. -1-3-5-2-4 D. 4-5--3-2-1
50. 1. In 1890 Baron Pierre de Coubertin,
a Frenchman, decided to try to start
the Olympic Games again.
2. The event lasted Ior more than 1,000 years
but then died out aIter Greece became
part oI The Roman Empire.
3. He succeeded, and the Iirst Modern Olympic
Games began in Athens, Greece, in 189.
4. He wanted to promote how to strengthen
the mind and spirit shown in the Classic Greek
Olympic Games.

5. The Olympic Games were Iirst held in
ancient Greece approximately in the year 77 B.C.
The correct arrangement to make a good paragraph is..
A. 5 1 2 3 4 C. 5 2 1 3 4
B. 5 1 2 4 3 D. 5 1 2 3 4

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