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Quiz 1

Fall 2022


Question 1
Which of the following sets are subsets of N?
1. {0, 2, 3}
2. {−1, 10}
3. The set of integers Z
4. {10, 15, 21} (+)
5. More than one answer is correct
6. No correct answer

Question 2
Which of the following pairs of sets are disjoint?
1. N and R
2. {1, −1.5} and N
3. {1, −1.5} and R
4. {−1, −1.5} and N (+)
5. More than one answer is correct
6. No correct answer

Question 3
Which of the following notation can be used to denote both an interval and an ordered pair?
1. {0, 1}
2. [0, 1]
3. (0, 1)
4. More than one answer is correct
5. No correct answer

Question 4
The expression cx2 (x21 x2 )−a , where c and a are constants and x1 and x2 are real-valued variables, can also
be written as
1. 2

2. cx2 x2a
1 x2
3. 2

4. cx2 x−2a
2 x−a

5. cx1−a
2 x−2a
1 (+)
6. x−2a

Question 5
The expression cx2 (x21 x2 )−a , where c and a are constants and x1 and x2 are real-valued variables, is a mapping
of the type
1. R → R
2. R2 → R (+)
3. R2 → R2
4. R2+ → R2+
5. R2 → R2+

Question 6
The distance of an ordered pair (x, y) ∈ R2 from the origin (0, 0) is a mapping of the type
1. R → R
2. R2 → R (+)
3. R2 → R2
4. R2+ → R2+
5. R2 → R2+

Question 7
Which of the following functions are linear?
1. y = (2x + 3x)1 + 2 (+)
2. y = (2x + 3x)−1 + x

3. y = (2x + 3x)1 + x2
4. y = (2x + 3x)1 + x−2
5. More than one answer is correct
6. no correct answer

Question 8
Which of the following statements are correct?
1. A set is always a proper subset of itself
2. The complement of N in R is the empty set
3. The complement of Z in R is the empty set

4. The complement of Z in N is the singleton {0}
5. The complement of N in Z is the singleton {0}
6. The complement of N in Z is the empty set
7. More than one statements are correct
8. No statements are correct (+)

Question 9
Which of the following sets are intervals?
1. (−1, 0) ∪ (0, 1)
2. [−1, 0] ∪ [0, 1]

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