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Manual Activity

Disclaimer: This document is not to be considered final, and all information contained herein is
subject to change. As such, this document is not to be quoted, cited in any reference, or used
by anyone for any purpose other than as a draft document.

Table of Contents
Creation of Text elements ............................................................................................................... 2
Creation of GUI status ‘J1IG_ISD_DET’ ............................................................................... 3
Creation of GUI status ‘J1IG_ISD_SUM’ ............................................................................. 5 Cre
ation of GUI status ‘J1IG_ISD_DIST’ ..................................................................................... 8
Creation of Title ‘J1IG_DET’ ....................................................................................................... 10
Creation of Title ‘J1IG_INV’ ....................................................................................................... 10
Creation of Transaction ‘J1IG_ISDN’ .......................................................................................... 11
Disclaimer ..................................................................................................................................... 12

Creation of Text elements
• Execute transaction SE38 and give program name as ‘J_1IG_ISDN’.
• Select 'Text elements' option and then select and then select ‘Change’.
• In Text Symbols, enter the following:
001 Processing Options
002 Selection Parameters
003 Type of Distribution
• In Selection Texts, ensure the following, save and activate.

Creation of GUI status ‘J1IG_ISD_DET'
• Execute transaction SE38 and give program name as ‘J_1IG_ISDN’ and select ‘Change’.

• Select ‘Display Objects List’ from the toolbar, right click on the program “J_1IG_ISDN” from
the list, and select ‘Create -> GUI status’, enter the following

Status: J1IG_ISD_DET
Short Text: ISD Display

• Update the ‘Function Keys’ as follows ‘BACK’, ‘EXIT’ & ‘CANC’, save and activate.

Creation of GUI status ‘J1IG_ISD_SUM
• Execute transaction SE38 and give program name as ‘J_1IG_ISDN’ and select ‘Change’.

Select ‘Display Objects List’ from the toolbar, right click on the program “J_1IG_ISDN” from the list,
and select ‘Create -> GUI status’, enter the following
Status: J1IG_ISD_SUM
Short Text: ISD Posting

• Update the application tool bar



• Update the ‘Function Keys’ as follows ‘BACK’, ‘EXIT’ & ‘CANC’,
• Update Function Keys F7 – LOG, F8 – SUM.
• Save and activate.

Creation of GUI status ‘J1IG_ISD_DIST’
• Execute transaction SE38 and give program name as ‘J_1IG_ISDN’ and select ‘Change’.

Select ‘Display Objects List’ from the toolbar, right click on the program “J_1IG_ISDN” from the list,
and select ‘Create -> GUI status’, enter the following
Short Text: Recreate Posting

Update the function keys ‘SAVE’, ‘BACK’, ‘EXIT’ & ‘CANC’.

Save and activate.

Creation of Title ‘J1IG_DET’
• Execute transaction SE38 and give program name as ‘J_1IG_ISDN’ and select ‘Change’.

Select ‘Display Objects List’ from the toolbar, right click on the program “J_1IG_ISDN” from the list,
and select ‘Create -> GUI Titles’, enter the following
Status: J1IG_DET
Short Text: Distribution Details of ISD Business Place Invoices

Creation of Title ‘J1IG_INV’

• Execute transaction SE38 and give program name as ‘J_1IG_ISDN’ and select ‘Change’.

Select ‘Display Objects List’ from the toolbar, right click on the program “J_1IG_ISDN” from the list,
and select ‘Create -> GUI Titles’, enter the following
Status: J1IG_INV
Short Text: Create Input Service Distribution Invoice

Creation of Transaction ‘J1IG_ISDN’
• Execute transaction SE93, enter “J1IG_ISDN” and select ‘Create.
• In the pop-up, enter “GST IN: ISD Distribution & Posting” as ‘Short text’ and select option
‘Program and selection screen (report transaction)’.
• Ensure the following details are maintained, and save.

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