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Information & Management 46 (2009) 267–270

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Information security management standards: Problems and solutions

Mikko Siponen a,*, Robert Willison b
University of Oulu, IS Security Research Center and Department of Information Processing Science, Linnanmaa, P.O. Box 3000, FIN-90014, Finland
Copenhagen Business School, Howitzvej 60, DK-2000 Frederiksberg, Denmark


Article history: International information security management guidelines play a key role in managing and certifying
Received 28 July 2003 organizational IS. We analyzed BS7799, BS ISO/IEC17799: 2000, GASPP/GAISP, and the SSE-CMM to
Received in revised form 10 April 2007 determine and compare how these guidelines are validated, and how widely they can be applied. First,
Accepted 7 December 2008
we found that BS7799, BS ISO/IEC17799: 2000, GASPP/GAISP and the SSE-CMM were generic or universal
Available online 20 May 2009
in scope; consequently they do not pay enough attention to the differences between organizations and
the fact that their security requirements are different. Second, we noted that these guidelines were
validated by appeal to common practice and authority and that this was not a sound basis for important
Information systems security
international information security guidelines. To address these shortcomings, we believe that
Information security management
standards information security management guidelines should be seen as a library of material on information
Information security management security management for practitioners.
Information security management ß 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Information security certification

1. Introduction CMM) [22], and BS7799 and its derivatives (BS7799, BS ISO/
IEC17799: 2000).
Information security management (ISM) guidelines, which These, not surprisingly, have common features. First, they were
attempt to provide the best ISM practices, are used by organiza- offered either to help secure organizations’ IS or for certification
tions. By adopting an authoritative guideline, organizations can purposes, to prove that organizations’ IS complied with the
demonstrate their commitment to secure business practices; guideline; in theory, all standards can be used for both purposes.
organizations may then apply for certification, accreditation, or a Second, they were externally developed by committees. Third, they
security-maturity classification attesting to their compliance to a provided an authoritative voice on infosec management.
set of rules and practices. Of the ‘‘standards’’, we selected BS7799, BS ISO/IEC17799: 2000,
Complying with security management guidelines is essential. GASSP/GAISP and the SSE-CMM for analysis on the basis of three
However, current guidelines have two problems. First, the well factors. First, they are all relatively new. Second, they are widely
known ones are generic in scope, while organizations need advocated by scholars and practitioners; these four standards or
methods tailored to their environment and operations. Second, guidelines have received positive recognition. Third, their advo-
they have not been validated but are fostered by an appeal to cates are geographically dispersed. BS7799 has advocates in
common practice, which is an unsound basis for a true standard. Australia, New Zealand, South-Africa and the UK [1] and the SSE-
CMM is well-known in Canada and the U.S.
2. Research framework The Common Criteria [9] and ITSEC [16] focused on technical
security features [18]. The Common Criteria has been used
2.1. Information security management guidelines primarily for evaluating security properties of IT products. Here,
we are focusing on ISM aspects and guidelines, which emphasize
Different international ISM guidelines have been proposed, organizational, social and behavioural aspects of ISM in organiza-
including the TCSEC/Orange Book, GMITS, CobiT, IT Baseline tions. Such issues include development of organizational strategies
Protection Manual, Generally Accepted Information Security that ensure that employees are educated to comply with the
Principles (GAISP), the System Security Engineering CMM (SSE- security policies [11]. In addition, BS, GASSP and the SSE-CMM
were selected over GMITS, the OECD guideline, ISF and the IT
Baseline Protection Manual [17]. Furthermore the GASSP’s
* Corresponding author. Fax: +358 553 1890. ‘‘pervasive principles’’ were based on the OECD principles [10].
E-mail address: (M. Siponen). Hence, GAISP can be viewed as an later version.

0378-7206/$ – see front matter ß 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
268 M. Siponen, R. Willison / Information & Management 46 (2009) 267–270

2.1.1. Generally accepted systems security principles (GASSP) of rules of thumb, which could be seen as a process guiding the use
The development of GASSP started in 1992, with support from of the guideline. The maturity levels are similar to those of SEI’s
the U.S. government, the International Information Security CMM/CMMI: (0) not performed; (1) performed initially, based on
Foundation, and other world-wide organizations. GASSP version individual effort; (2) planned and tracked, when there is a security
2.0 was published in 1999, and with the release of version 3.0 the process in place; (3) well-defined, where the security process is
name was changed to Generally Accepted Information Security standardized, tailorable and integrated into the organization-wide
Principles. The aim in the development of GAISP was to document process; (4) quantitatively controlled, where the security process is
common practice. The preface stated: ‘‘We believe it is time for the quantitatively measured; and (5) continuously improving, where
Information Security profession to create our own set of accepted metrics are used to collect feedback that is then used to improve
principles and practices.’’ [11]. the process.
GAISP proposed three levels of information security principles:
pervasive (few, rarely changing) such as those of ethics and 2.2. Criteria for assessing infosec management guidelines
awareness; broad functional (more detailed); and most detailed.
Pervasive principles lay down the basis for the others. In total, The guidelines were analyzed from the perspectives shown in
there are nine pervasive principles. GAISP version 3.0 included the Table 1.
‘‘Detailed Principles Cookbook’’ for guiding GAISP developers in
detailing the principles from authorities such as OECD and ISF. 2.3. Scope of application

2.1.2. BS7799 and derivatives It is important to know how broadly ISM guidelines can be
BS7799 was developed in 1995 by the UK Department of Trade applied, and also to assess the extent to which a guideline is suited
and Industry, with international companies joining in the effort. An to the needs of small to large organizations. The scope of a
international version (BS ISO/IEC17799:2000 [7]) was later guideline may be generic (applying throughout organizations, with
published. The 1995 version [5] is well-known and respected. rare exceptions where the it does not), universal (applicable, to all
Later versions were published in 1999 [6] and 2000 [7] but for organizations, from small to multinational, without exception) or
clarity, we refer to these as BS Version 1, BS Version 2 and BS company-specific (where every company may have a unique set of
Version 3, respectively. A standard known as BS 7799-2: 2002 [8] requirements). Thus a company-specific international ISM guide-
will be referred to as BS Version 4. BS Version 1 included ten key line would start by listing and modeling the organization’s unique
controls that are essential for all organizations, however the term security goals and requirements. We argue that guidelines should
key controls was changed in versions 2 and 3 to ‘‘information be company-specific, to a certain degree. General and generic
security starting point’’ with eight ‘‘critical success factors.’’ security practices may overlook specific requirements, which may
BS Version 4 described a process for use of the guideline, known result in expenditure in the wrong places, resulting in waste and
as the ‘‘Plan–Do–Check–Act’’ process: potentially insecure systems [4].

 Plan ! establish a security policy and relevant procedures and 2.4. Type of evidence
controls; then prepare a statement of the scope of its application,
justifying why the controls were selected and why others were Two types of evidence, validation and argumentation, are
not; important in research and development efforts.
 Do ! implement the security policy and relevant procedures; Given the importance of information security guidelines, it is
 Check ! assess and measure the process performance, and necessary to examine how, and on what evidence they are
report the results to management; validated. Claims may be based on arguments that have empirical
 Act ! take appropriate corrective actions. support. However, one criterion is accepted: that the research
processes and types of evidence should be made public and visible.
These methods were intended for use both in securing IS and in In argumentation theory, several fallacies are discussed, including
their certification. appeals to popularity (Ad Populum), to common practice and
authority (Ad Verecundiam). We argue that ISM guidelines should
2.1.3. The system security engineering capability maturity model not be based on fallacious arguments.
The development of the SSE-CMM started in 1993 as an NSA- 3. Analysis of BS7799, GAISP/GASSP, and the SSE-CMM
sponsored endeavor to extend the capability maturity model [14].
The purpose of the effort was to use the model to address security 3.1. Scope of application
issues in systems development. To aid in development of the SSE-
CMM, the International Systems Security Engineering Association BS Version 1 (and derivatives), the SSE-CMM, and GASSP/GAISP
(ISSEA) was founded. appear to be generic or universal in scope. The following citations
Versions 2.0 and 3.0 of the SSE-CMM both included base illustrate how these principles were embodied.
practices that were grouped into 22 key process areas (11 security- BS Version 1 states that ‘‘some controls are not applicable to every
related and 11 general project-oriented), and six maturity levels. IT environment and should be used selectively. However, most of the
Version 3.0 included 129 base practices, such as: ‘‘Identify system controls documented are widely accepted’’ . . . and . . . ‘‘recommended
security vulnerabilities.’’ The 11 security-related process areas good practices for all organizations.’’ [5]. Thus, the controls are
were: (1) administer security controls; (2) assess impact; (3) assess applicable to all organizations, while leaving room for exceptional
security risk; (4) assess threat; (5) assess vulnerability; (6) build
assurance argument; (7) coordinate security; (8) monitor security Table 1
posture; (9) provide security input; (10) specify security needs; Criteria for evaluating ISM guidelines and guidelines.
and (11) verify and validate security. Viewpoints Examples
The SSE-CMM was intended to be used in certificating the
Scope of application Generic, universal, company-specific
maturity level of an organization’s IS security and thus its security
Type of evidence Is the research process visible? Is the evidence sound?
processes. Version 3.0 of the SSE-CMM also included a 10-point set
M. Siponen, R. Willison / Information & Management 46 (2009) 267–270 269

situations. It also prescribed key controls that were universal. They 4. The weaknesses of prior ISM guidelines and
‘‘are either essential requirements . . . or are considered to be a possible solution
fundamental building blocks for information security.’’ and the
controls ‘‘apply to all organizations and environments’’. Later We will term the current position taken on ISM guidelines as
versions use ‘‘information security starting point’’ principles, the traditional view. According to our analysis, the guidelines were
which ‘‘apply to most organizations and in most environments’’ developed externally by security experts, and their scope was
[7]. Hence, they are generic. generic or universal.
GASSP distinguishes between what is ‘‘generally accepted’’ and
‘‘universally accepted’’ and notes that all principles may have 4.1. The traditional view
exceptions. Thus, GASSP is of generic scope but GAISP does not state
this view explicitly; rather, it offers ‘‘. . .comprehensive, objective Guidelines developed according to the traditional view were
guidance for IS professionals, organizations, governments, and users.’’ based on generic or universal principles, which the guidelines’
[12]. It seems that such objectivism leans towards a universal view. developers sought to validate by appealing to common practice
Even though the SSE-CMM ‘‘applies to all types and sizes of and authority. Both approaches are problematic. Generic and
security engineering organizations . . .’’, it states that organizations’ universal guidelines do not pay enough attention to organizational
security requirements differ: ‘‘The SSE-CMM includes practices that difference. Such guidelines do not address the organization’s own,
focus on gaining an understanding of the customer’s security needs.’’ and unique, information security needs, but prescribe universal or
The SSE-CMM takes this into account in two ways. First, the general procedures. In addition, and perhaps more worryingly,
designer can select the relevant process areas and base practices. information security may not be applied in areas where it is
Second, the SSE-CMM describes what practices need to be required.
performed, though it does not state how they are to be performed. BS Versions 2 and 3 have moved in the right direction by stating
The 12 common features, associated with the five maturity levels, that the guidelines can be used as a starting point for developing
are universal. organization-specific guidelines. ISM guidelines [7] were validated
by appeals to common practice and authority. Because some
3.2. Validation based on appeal to common practice and authority organizations are using certain practices, does not prove that they
are best practices. Consequently, we have no evidence of the
The international ISM guidelines being considered were based reliability of the guidelines. The current international ISM guide-
on ‘‘generally accepted principles’’, or ‘‘best practice’’. Neither the lines do not meet this criterion.
evidence for the reasoning behind them nor the underlying
research processes were given or made public and visible. Thus, the 4.1.1. Overcoming the weaknesses of the current ISM guidelines
results are not verifiable or repeatable. Thus practitioners have no Rigorous empirical studies are needed in which all possible
way of evaluating the reliability (or objectivity) of the claimed best variables are considered. The authors of guidelines should (1)
practices. try to validate their usefulness and implications empirically,
GASSP and GAISP note how: ‘‘the principles have been developed and (2) consider how various environmental and organizational
on the basis of experience, reason, custom . . .’’ and ‘‘practices are factors may affect the use of the guideline. Both qualitative
generally accepted because they represent prevalent practice’’. (e.g., action research, interpretive field studies, interpretive
BS Version 1 states: ‘‘These generally accepted controls are often case research) and quantitative (e.g., survey) studies are
referred to as baseline security controls, because they collectively required.
define an industry baseline of good security practice’’. This appeal to First, there is a need to study what security techniques and
common practice is evident when BS Version 1 argued that ‘‘most of methods are currently in use and their real effects and possible
the controls documented are widely accepted by large, experienced weaknesses. Second, studies are needed, to examine not only the
organizations as recommended good practices for all situations’’. BS individual techniques, but managers and users perceptions of their
Version 2 and Version 3 continue with the ‘‘information security value, etc. In addition, the problems and implications of using
starting point’’ principles justified since they are ‘‘considered to be guidelines in organizations should be considered. In particular,
common best practice for information security’’ [6]. more care needs to be paid to the generalizability of the findings.
The SSE-CMM version 2.0 offered a similar justification; the When developing new guidelines, the extent that existing results
standard ‘‘is a compilation of the best-known security engineering can be generalized should be assessed.
The appeal to common practice is a faulty argument. In 4.2. Guidelines as a library of research results for practitioners
addition, it is questionable whether any research methods have
been used to obtain results supporting such a claim: the SSE-CMM Guidelines must be crafted for the benefit of practitioners. Their
versions 2.0 and 3.0 and GASSP reports imply that there have been scope of application should be considered on its individual
none. Hopkinson [15] states that the SSE-CMM version 2.0 was principles and any findings should have undergone a peer-review
based on experts’ judgment and their personal experience. This process. While we cannot outline a full guideline here, we can
also seems to be the case for version 3.0: ‘‘The SSE-CMM model was illustrate our proposal with a simple example (Table 2).
developed by a consensus process’’. GASSP and GAISP present a In this simple example there are two areas: user compliance
similar line of reasoning: principles were ‘‘generally accepted by with respect to security policies and guidelines, and risk analysis.
agreement (often tacit agreement) rather than formal derivation from Each consists of objectives, principles and cautions. The objectives
a set of postulates or basic concepts’’. GAISP maintained that ‘‘these lay down the general aim of the principles. In this example, the
principles will be reviewed and vetted by skilled information security areas are risk analysis and user compliance with respect to security
experts and authorities who will ensure’’ that they are valid. This was policies and guidelines. The principles act as a guide to how the
an appeal to authority. different means for ensuring security should be used. The caution
Hefner and Monroe [13] reported that the SSE-CMM also used could warn about some pitfalls in the use of a principle. The key
key and community reviewers. They also referred to pilot projects, references for objectives, principles and caution are listed, so that
which they suggested made the SSE-CMM fundamentally sound. practitioners can refer to them for further information. The
However, no further evidence was provided about them. Evidence column shows the evidence on which the objectives,
270 M. Siponen, R. Willison / Information & Management 46 (2009) 267–270

Table 2
An example of a guideline as a library of research results for practitioners.

Areas Content (objectives, principles and cautions) Key references Evidence

1. Employees’ compliance with respect to Objective 1: To make users comply with security policy objectives. [21,23,24] Quantitative survey
security policies and guidelines
Principle 1: Wide dissemination of security policies, use of software Deterrence theory
preventives and disciplinary actions for non-compliance, and enough
full-time security staff (or their increased visibility) increase
information security.

Caution for principle 1: The mere existence of security practice [20] Conceptual
(e.g., policies, education programs) does not guarantee their
quality in practise.

2. Risk analysis Objective 1: Risk analysis with the aim of calculating and managing risk. [2] Conceptual
Objective 2: Risk analysis as a tool for communication between
developers and managers.

Principles: (1) Analysis of security relevant resources and assets; (2) [19] Conceptual
analysis of threats whose occurrence could cause loss; (3) analysis of
vulnerabilities in security controls which may increase the frequency
of threat occurrences or their impact; (4) analysis of the overall risk;
(5) analysis and selection of appropriate controls that may reduce the risks.

Caution: Risk analysis to meet objective 1 is subjective. [3] Conceptual

principles and cautions are based. Practitioners may extract only [16] Information Technology Security Evaluation Criteria (ITSEC), Harmonised Criteria
of France, Germany, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom, 1990.
those points they need. [17] IT Baseline Protection Manual, BSI, Germany, 1996.
[18] P. Overbeek, Common criteria for IT security Evaluation – Update Report, in:
5. Conclusions Proceedings of the IFIP TC11 Eleventh International Conference on Information
Security, Cape Town, South Africa, 1995.
[19] T. Saltmarsh, P. Browne, Data processing – risk assessment, in: M. Wofsey (Ed.),
It is widely accepted that ISM guidelines play an important role Advances in Computer Security Management, (vol. 2), John Wiley and Sons Ltd,
in managing and certifying information security in organizations. 1983, pp. 93–116.
[20] M. Siponen, Information security standards focus on the existence of process not
We analyzed BS7799 and its derivatives, GASPP/GAISP, and the its content? Communications of the ACM 49 (8), 2006, pp. 97–100.
SSE-CMM to show how these guidelines were validated and their [21] M. Siponen, S. Pahnila, A. Mahmood, Employees’ adherence to information
scope of application. They are generic or universal in scope and security policies: an empirical study, in: Proceedings of the IFIP SEC2007, Sand-
ton, Gauteng, South Africa, 2007.
thus they do not pay enough attention to the differences between
[22] SSE-CMM, The Appraisal Method, v2.0 and v3.0, 1998,
organizations and their security requirements. The guidelines [23] D. Straub, Effective IS security: an empirical study, Information Systems Research
were validated by appeal to common practice and authority and 1 (3), 1990, pp. 255–276.
this process is likely to be fallible. [24] D. Straub, W. Nance, Discovering and disciplining computer abuse in organiza-
tions: a field study, MIS Quarterly 14 (1), 1990, pp. 45–60.

Mikko Siponen is a Professor and Director of the IS
Security Research Centre in the Department of Infor-
[1] J. Backhouse, C. Hsu, L. Silva, Circuits of power in creating de jure standards:
shaping an international information systems security standard, MIS Quarterly 30 mation Processing Science at the University of Oulu,
(Special issue), 2006, pp. 413–438. Finland. He holds a Ph.D. in Philosophy from theUni-
[2] R. Baskerville, Risk analysis: an interpretative feasibility tool in justifying infor- versity of Joensuu, Finland, and Ph.D. in IS from the
mation systems security, European Journal of Information Systems 1 (2), 1991, pp. University of Oulu, Finland. His research interests
121–130. include IS security, IS development, computer ethics,
[3] R. Baskerville, Risk analysis as a source of professional knowledge, Computers and and philosophical aspects of IS. He has published 30
Security 10 (8), 1991, pp. 749–764. papers in journals, such as MIS Quarterly Journal of the
[4] R. Baskerville, Information systems security design methods: implications for Association for Information Systems, European Journal of
information systems development, Computing Surveys 25 (4), 1993, pp. 375–414. Information Systems, Information & Organization, Infor-
[5] 7799BS, Code of Practice for Information Security Management, Department of mation Systems Journal, ACM Database, Communications
Trade and Industry, DISC PD003, British Standard Institute, London, UK (1995). of the ACM and IEEE IT Professional. He has received over 5.4 million USD of research
[6] BS7799-1, Code of Practice for Information Security Management, Department of
funding from companies and numerous funding bodies. He has acted as SE for ICIS
Trade and Industry, 1999.
and is currently SE for an MIS Quarterly special issue entitled ‘Information Systems
[7] BS ISO/IEC 17799:2000 (BS 7799-1:2000), Information Technology – Code of
Security in a Digital Economy’. He sits on the editorial boards of the European Journal
Practice for Information Security Management, British Standards Institute, 2000.
[8] BS 7799-2:2002 Information security management systems – Specification with of Information Systems, Journal of Organizational and End User Computing and the
guidance for use, BSI, UK, 2002. Journal of Information Systems Security.
[9] Common Criteria, Common criteria for information technology security evalua-
tion, 2006, Robert Willison is an Assistant Professor in the
menu=2. Department of Informatics, Copenhagen Business
[10] GASSP, Generally Accepted System Security Principles (GASSP), Version 2.0, School. He received his Ph.D. in IS from the London
Information Systems Security, June, vol. 8, no. 3, 1999. School of Economics and Political Science. His research
[11] GAISP V3.0, 2003,
focuses on IS security, with a specific interest in
[12] GAISP, Detailed Principles Cookbook, 2003,
employee computer crime. He has published in journals
[13] R. Hefner, W. Monroe, System Security Engineering Capability Maturity Model, including Information and Organisation, European Jour-
Conference on Software Process Improvement, UC Irvine, CA, USA, 1997. nal of Information Systems and Communications of the
[14] J. Herbsleb, D. Zubrow, D. Goldenson, W. Hayes, M. Paulk, Software quality and the ACM. He acts as an AE for the European Journal of
capability model, Communications of the ACM 40 (6), 1997, pp. 30–40. Information Systems and is currently guest editing a
[15] J. Hopkinson, Security standards overview, in: Proceedings of the Second Annual special issue of the journal entitled ‘Behavioral and
International Systems Security Engineering Conference, 2001. Policy Issues in IS Security’.

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