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Criteria 4 Points 3 Points 2 Points 1 Point

The journey demonstrates The journey demonstrates The journey demonstrates The journey
a deep understanding of a good understanding of a basic understanding of demonstrates a minimal
mathematics in the mathematics in the mathematics in the understanding of
Content modern world. It includes modern world. It includes modern world. It includes mathematics in the
Knowledge thorough explanations, clear explanations, limited explanations, few modern world. It lacks
accurate examples, and relevant examples, and examples, and weak explanations, examples,
connections to real-life some connections to real- connections to real-life and connections to real-
applications. life applications. applications. life applications.

The journey is mostly

The journey is well- The journey is poorly
well-structured, with an The journey lacks clear
structured, with a clear organized, making it
introduction, a logical structure, making it
introduction, logical extremely difficult to
Organization progression, and a difficult to follow the
progression, and a concise follow the progression of
and creativity conclusion. Ideas are progression of ideas.
conclusion. Ideas are ideas. Sections are
presented coherently, but Some sections may be
presented in a coherent disjointed and lack
some sections may lack disorganized.
manner. coherence.

The journey provides The journey provides The journey provides

The journey lacks
strong evidence and sufficient evidence and limited evidence and
appropriate evidence and
examples to support the examples to support the examples to support the
Evidence and examples to support the
main points. Evidence is main points. Most main points. Some
Examples main points. Evidence is
well-chosen and evidence is relevant and evidence may be weak or
either missing or
effectively illustrates the helps illustrate the unrelated to the concepts
concepts discussed. concepts discussed. discussed.

Submission On time Late for 1-2 days Late for a week More than a week

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