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INTEGRAL UNIVERSITY LUCKNOW Subject : Introduction to Computer Subject Code: CS703 Course&Group: BBA Group(B) Year: 1st year (Sem1) ASSIGNMENT-1 Submitted To: Submitted By: Mr. Aftab Yaseen Mohd Amaan Khan (2100102996) “Role of Computers in the field of business management Sntroduction © Computer technelegy has great applications in almest all kinds of businesses. Abmast all kinds wf businesses are relying en. cempaters for automating their traditianal pracesses. © Businesses we wide variely of databases, management information systems, information sharing platforms, dala sharing networks, internet, intranets, machines, equipments etc which highly rely on computers. © The wse of computer technologies is net only in the field of firance or marketing, it is alse being used by the medical industry, human resource departments, inventory contrel management systems ete. Computer technalegies help te. perform the routine busineds tasks much quicker ad compared te the traditional way of deing things Applications in different areas of Business: ¢ Business Communication:- a Co => 7 New-a-days companies use email. live chat systems, enline meeting bsels, uidee- conferencing system and smart-phenes ad the principal meand of communication between empleyces, suppliers and cudtemers e Inventory management:- a “x = This systems brach the quantity of each item @ compary maintains, triggering an order of additisnal stech when the quantities fall below a pre- determined amount. « Customer Relationship Management:- Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems stored. every. interaction @ company has with a curstamer fir future reference . The customer had a better. mere fecused experience and the cempany, benefits fram improved productivity. ¢ Payroll System:- Computerized pay rel system id used in different erganizatiens ts maintain pay accounts of employees, easily and quickly. * Advertisements:- en Computers play a vital rele in advertising. Whether they are paper notices on beards er electrsnic billboards and online aduertisements, every advert via any media id fully done with a computer. ¢ Data Management:- Teday, mest companies store digital versions. of decuments ar sewers and storage devices. These decuments. become instantly available te everysne ir the company, regardless of their geographical lscation. « Management Information System:- Management Infsrmation Systems (MIS) enable esmpanies ts tract, sales data, expenses, productivity levels, profitability ever time, identify anced of improvement and wre the data 2 part of their strategic planning process . e Human Resource Management:- The HRIS helps in: Human Resewree Planning Reciuitment Wage and Salary Planning Personnel Record Keeping Training and Develepment © Role of Computers at Different Levels of Management: Operational Level Middle level Top Level 1 Operational Level:- Aé aperatisnal level, mest of the erganizatisns have automated computer systems for handling their transactions. The use of computers drastically increases the speed at which the bransactions secur and provide greater accuracy. 2. Middle Level:- The middle level management benefits the mest by the wee of computers and automated systems. The computer helps the manager te take cweial decisions and helps in seluing problems. 3. Top Level:- Tn mest of the companies, the tep level management wes the executive information systems which are sbuctwred and autimated racking systems. The major advantage i that the systems provides the tap level management with effective updates of slightest changes in the working. " Features of Windows Operating System" © Graphical User Interface:- Windows provides a screen, based on pictwres Due te this graphic capability, it posible te mix bath character—based programs, such ad werd precessers, and jraphies prsgrams such 2d painting and drawing applications and mere text and images easily between application. © Windows Consistent User Interface:- Windews users, can use programs designed te take advantage of the windsws paphical wer interface Because of this, userd of windews pregams de net need Ee learn the baséed of a new command language fcr euery new program e Windows Multi-tasking:- Windows is a multi-tasking sperating system It permits the computer system fe wn mere than ne program at the same time. e User-friendly:- Refers be easy use and interactive communications. ¢ File management:- Makes browsing and accessing of files eadier. e Security:- Tnaccessibility en unauthe wed thin Go ¢ Portability:- Ability, ts transfer on with little medifications. @ Flexibility:- Quich reopense be new changer

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