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Tugas pertemuan 6 Andreas Cipta WIjaya TIDK003

1 Man: Do you do the cooking every night?

Woman: No, my roomate and I take turns.

Narrator: What does the woman mean?

a. Her roommate does the cooking

while she does other chores.

b. Her roommate cooks more

frequently than she does.

c. She and her roommate alternate

cooking responsibilities.

d. She frequently has lots of takeout dinners.

2 Man: Did you meet Hank's father at the game last night?

woMan: Yes i did. You know, Hank's really a chip of the old block.

Narrator: What does the woman say about Hank?

a. He has chipped tooth.

b. He resembles his father.

c. He and his father were playing a

game with blocks.

d. He lives one block from his


3 Man: Do you want to go to the football game with us tonight?

Woman: No thanks. I think I'm coming down with something.

Narrator: What does the woman mean?

a. She is getting sick.

b. She has a lot of work to do.

c. She does not like foot ball.

d. She’s going somewhere else

4 woMan: I can't believe what Hel said to the teacher !

man: Yeah. He really put his foot in his mouth.

Narrator: What does the man say about Hel?

a. He said shameful things.

b. He put his feet where he should

not do.

c. He told the teacher that his foot

was hurt.

d. He put the food that the teacher

gave him into his mouth.

5 Man: I'm going to the market now.

Woman: Could you hold off going for a minutes? I'd like to go with you.

Narrator: What does the woman mean?

a. She’d like to discuss something

with the man for a few minutes.

b. She would like to know if the

man stays in the market only for

a few minutes.

c. She wants like the man to delay

his trip.

d. She thinks that the man would

better leave a few minutes

earlier than he planned before.

6 Man: I got a parking ticket. But I don't think i want to pay it.

Woman: You know, you're really playing with fire

Narrator: What does the woman mean?

a. The man’s trying to do

something dangerous.

b. The man’s playing a fire game in

the park.

c. The man maybe starts a fire at

the park.

d. The man parked his car close

enough to the fire

7 man: The noise from those machines is really bothering me.

woMan: Yeah i wish we could just ask them to cut it out.

Narrator: What does the woman mean?

a. She wishes the machine would

cut the wood.

b. She’d like them to stop the


c. The machines do not function

very well.

d. The machines don’t really disturb


8 Man: Did fred tell you his theory about who took the money?

Woman: Yes. And Ireally think he is barking up the wrong tree.

Narrator: What does the woman mean?

a. Fred made a mistake.

b. Fred has backed into a tree.

c. Fred has protected the money in

a barking tree.

d. Fred’s dog barks a lot.

9 man: This course is too hard for me. I think i will just drop it.

woMan: Even though it's hard you should keep at it as long as you can.

Narrator: What does the woman tell the man?

a. He should give back what he


b. He should not give up.

c. She’ll help him whenever he


d. He needs to put away what he

doesn’t need.

10 Man: How is the chemistry homework coming?

Woman: It's like trying to swim up stream.

Narrator: What does the woman mean?

a. The stream is dying up.

b. She’s swimming the pool to do

the homework.

c. Their chemistry homework is

really difficult.

d. She prefers swimming to doing

the homework

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