Speaking Themes ANswers

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Theme 1 – Identity and culture

1-What is your ideal family?

-It is the one where members show a sense of belonging, love, support, and respect for one another.
-It is a place where individuals feel safe and appreciated.
- This family prioritizes communication, spending quality time together, and creating positive memories.
-It creates a positive and welcoming environment where everyone feels comfortable

2-What do you like doing with your family?

-Spending time with my family strengthens bonds, make memories, and create a sense of belonging.
-I like to spend quality time with my family, such as going on vacations, having dinner together, or
participating in shared hobbies.
-Engaging in activities together strengthens our relationships and creates lasting memories.
-Going on vacations provides an opportunity to explore new places, try new things, and make memories that
last a lifetime.
-Having dinner together is a chance for families to sit down, catch up, and bond over a shared meal.

3- What have you done with your friends recently?

- Having friends is an important aspect of life, as it provides social support, entertainment, and new
-Recently, I have spent time with my friends by going out for coffee, watching a movie, or playing video
games together.
- These activities provide an opportunity to catch up, relax, and have fun with people I care about.
-Going out for coffee allows me to spend quality time with friends, catch up on life, and enjoy a warm
- Watching a movie is a great way to relax, enjoy a good story, and bond with friends.
- Playing video games together provides an opportunity to compete, have fun, and challenge each other.

4- How do you use social media to keep in contact with your friends?

-People use social media to keep in contact with friends by sending messages, sharing updates, and posting
-Social media platforms allow us stay connected with friends, even if they are far apart, and to quickly share
news and updates.
-Social media provides an easy and convenient way to stay connected with people from all over the world.
-Sending messages allows people to have real-time conversations, regardless of location.
-Sharing updates provides a way for us to share our lives and experiences with others.
-Posting pictures allows us to capture and share special moments with friends.
5- What are the best uses for mobile technology?

-It is a means for communication, navigation, education, convenience, entertainment, and productivity.
-Mobile devices such as smartphones allow individuals to stay connected with others through phone calls,
text messages, video calls, and various social media platforms, which help people stay in touch with friends
and family even when they are not in the same location.
-Additionally, mobile devices come equipped with GPS technology, allowing individuals to find their way
around new places, plan their travel routes, and access maps and directions with ease.
-The devices also provide access to vast amounts of information and educational resources, such as e-books,
online courses, and educational apps, making education more accessible.
-Moreover, mobile devices can be used to make life more convenient, such as through the use of banking
apps, shopping apps, and entertainment apps, as well as provide access to various forms of entertainment,
such as music, movies, and games.
-Finally, mobile devices can also be used for work-related tasks, such as managing emails, scheduling
appointments, and working on presentations.

6-How does music enrich the lives of people?

-Music has the power to evoke emotions, bring back memories, and provide a sense of comfort to listeners.
-It can act as a form of therapy, reducing stress and anxiety, and enhancing one's overall mood.
- Listening to music can also stimulate the mind and improve cognitive functions, such as memory and
-Moreover, music is a social activity that creates shared experiences, connecting people with similar tastes
and fostering a sense of community.
- Music provides opportunities for people to come together and bond over a shared passion whether it is
through attending concerts and live performances, singing in a choir, or playing musical instruments.
-In short, music enriches people's lives by providing emotional, mental, and social benefits.

7- What is the best film you have seen at the cinema? Why?
-"The Shawshank Redemption" is a classic film that has received widespread critical acclaim and has
remained popular since its release in 1994.
-The film tells the story of a man named Andy Dufresne, who is wrongfully convicted of murder and sent to
- Despite the brutal conditions and harsh treatment, he experiences in prison, Andy befriends a fellow
inmate named Red and works to better himself while also seeking redemption.
-The film explores themes of hope, friendship, and the human spirit, and its characters are well-developed
and memorable.
-The film's engaging storyline and powerful themes are what make it one of the best films seen at the
- The film is an example of the impact a well-made film can have, staying with audiences long after the
credits roll and continuing to inspire and entertain new generations of moviegoers.
8- Why do you think so many people like to play sport?

-Playing sports is a great way to stay active, meet new people, and challenge oneself.
- Sports provide a fun and healthy outlet for physical activity whether it's through participating in organized
leagues or just playing pickup games with friends.
-Participating in sports can also help to relieve stress, as physical activity is known to have a positive impact
on mental health.
-Additionally, playing sports can increase self-esteem by helping individuals develop new skills, set and
achieve goals, and measure their progress.
-Sports also promote teamwork, as players must work together to achieve a common goal.
- The competitive nature of sports also provides a sense of challenge and excitement, and helps people push
themselves to perform at their best.
- There are many reasons why so many people enjoy participating in sports whether it's playing a casual
game of basketball or training for a triathlon.

9- How do you celebrate your birthday?

- For me, birthday celebrations may involve having a big party with family and friends, complete with
balloons, cake, and gifts.
-I may take a day off from school to relax and do something special for myself, like visiting a restaurant,
going on a trip or hang out with friends.
-I prefer to spend my birthday with my loved ones, enjoying a special meal or spending time together.
- My birthday provides a special opportunity to reflect on the past year, appreciate the people and
experiences that have shaped my life, and look forward to what the future may bring.
-By celebrating my birthdays, I can acknowledge my own growth and give thanks for the blessings in our

10-Why is it important to continue local customs?

-It is important to continue local customs because they preserve cultural heritage and provide a sense of
identity and community.
-Local customs, such as traditional foods, dances, and celebrations, help connect individuals to their cultural
roots and contribute to a shared history and cultural identity.
-Additionally, preserving local customs can provide valuable opportunities for education and learning.
- They allow future generations to understand and appreciate the cultural heritage of their community.
-These customs also promote cultural diversity, as each community has unique traditions and customs that
make it unique.
-Moreover, local customs can also help foster a sense of belonging and pride within a community,
strengthening social bonds and promoting community cohesion.
-Overall, continuing local customs helps to ensure that cultural heritage is passed down and remains a
meaningful part of our shared experience.
Theme 2 – Local, national, international, and global areas of interest
1- What is there for young people to do in the area where you live?
-Participating in sports and recreational activities such as team sports, fitness classes, or outdoor adventures
-Attending community events and festivals such as concerts, fairs, and parades
-Exploring shopping, dining, and entertainment options such as malls, cafes, and movie theatres.
-Engaging in cultural and educational activities such as museums, art galleries, and workshops
-Volunteering and participating in community service projects.
-Hanging out with friends and trying new things like hiking, visiting amusement parks, or trying new
2- How have you helped a neighbour in the past?
-In the past, I helped my neighbour by offering to clean their driveway after a heavy sandstorm.
-They were elderly and unable to clear the rain and sand themselves, so I found it as an opportunity to lend a
hand and be a good neighbour.
-It was a small act of kindness, but it made a big impact on their day and showed that we can all help each
other out in times of need.
3- Which charity do you think most deserves support? Why?

-Choosing the right charity depends on values, causes of interest, and the impact of the organization.
- I prefer to support charities that focus on local communities, while others may prioritize causes such as
environmental protection, animal welfare, or healthcare.
-Some popular causes include supporting medical research, providing disaster relief, improving education,
and helping those in poverty.
-It is important to do research on the organization and ensure that the charity's goals align with your own
values, and that the funds will be used effectively and efficiently.
4- What are the best ways to keep fit and healthy?
-There are many ways to stay fit and healthy, some of the best include:
-Engaging in regular physical activities, such as cardio, strength training, and yoga, helps maintain a healthy
weight, improve heart health, and boost mood and energy levels.
-Eating healthily and consuming a balanced diet that includes plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains.
-Lean protein can provide essential nutrients, prevent chronic diseases, and promote overall well-being.
- Getting 7-9 hours of quality sleep each night is important for physical and mental recovery
- Maintaining a balanced weight, and improving overall mood and productivity are other ways to stay
- Practicing stress-reducing activities, such as meditation, deep breathing, or engaging in a hobby, can
improve overall health by lowering cortisol levels and reducing the risk of chronic diseases.
- Regular visits to the doctor and dentist, as well as preventative screenings, help detect and treat health
problems early, improve quality of life, and promote longevity.
5- Why is it important that people eat healthily?
• Eating healthily is important for several reasons.
• A nutritious diet can help maintain a healthy weight, reduce the risk of chronic diseases, improve
energy levels, and promote overall physical and mental well-being.
• Eating a variety of nutrient-rich foods, such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins, can
provide the body with essential vitamins, minerals, and nutrients needed for optimal health.
• A healthy diet can also improve digestion, boost immunity, and support a healthy brain and cognitive
• In addition, regularly consuming healthy foods and limiting junk foods and added sugars can reduce
the risk of developing health problems such as heart disease, diabetes, and certain types of cancer.
• In conclusion, eating healthily is a crucial aspect of a healthy lifestyle and has many benefits for both
physical and mental health.
6- What are the main problems faced by homeless people?
• Homelessness is a complex issue that affects individuals in a multitude of ways, both physically and
• The main problems faced by homeless people include lack of access to basic necessities like food,
shelter, and healthcare, exposure to extreme weather conditions, limited job opportunities, and mental
health problems like depression and anxiety.
• Additionally, homeless individuals often face stigma and discrimination from society, which can
further exacerbate their difficulties.
• They are also vulnerable to crimes like theft and physical assault, making their day-to-day lives even
more challenging.
• Homelessness is a major issue that requires immediate attention, and it is crucial for society to take
steps to address it.
7- What are the effects of global warming?

Global warming has a wide range of effects on the environment and human society.
1. Rising sea levels, leading to increased coastal flooding and erosion.
2. Changes in precipitation patterns, causing more frequent and intense heat waves, droughts, and hurricanes.
3. Changes in the distribution of plant and animal species, as they struggle to adapt to new conditions.
4. Melting of polar ice caps and glaciers, leading to a decline in biodiversity and loss of habitat for polar
5. Acidification of the oceans, threatening marine life and the food chain.
6. Increased risk of forest fires, desertification, and soil degradation.
7. Displacement of people and communities, as land becomes uninhabitable due to rising sea levels or other
environmental changes.
8. Decline in food production, as crops struggle to grow in changing conditions.
9. Damage to infrastructure and buildings from extreme weather events, leading to economic losses.
8- Why do you think so many people like to visit other countries?
-Many people enjoy visiting other countries to experience new cultures, try different foods, meet new people, and see
new sights.
- Traveling can also broaden one's perspectives and increase understanding and empathy for different ways of life.
-Additionally, visiting other countries can offer new opportunities for personal growth and create long-lasting
-Some people may also travel for work or study purposes.
-Regardless of the reasons, traveling to other countries allows individuals to step outside of their comfort zones and
gain a fresh perspective on the world.

9- Where have you been on holiday?

- I spent my last holiday in Sharm El-Sheikh
- It is a popular tourist destination located in the southern part of Egypt.

- With its beautiful beaches, crystal clear waters, and year-round warm weather, Sharm El-Sheikh offers a perfect
environment for a wonderful holiday.

- I spent the holiday sunbathing on the beaches, exploring the vibrant underwater world through snorkelling or
diving, or engaging in a variety of water sports activities.

- The city also features a rich cultural heritage, with many historical and cultural sites to explore, including the Soho
Square, Naama Bay, and Old Market.

10-What is your ideal holiday? Why?

- The ideal holiday varies for each individual.
- For me it typically involves a combination of relaxation, adventure, and exploration.
- A perfect holiday should provide an escape from the daily routine, a chance to recharge, and
the opportunity to make lasting memories.
- Some of the most important elements of a perfect holiday include beautiful scenery, comfortable
accommodations, delicious food, and plenty of activities and excursions to keep you entertained and engaged.
- Additionally, many people prefer holidays that offer a cultural experience, allowing them to immerse themselves
in local customs and traditions, and to explore new and interesting places.
- Whether it is a tropical beach getaway, a scenic road trip, or a cultural city break, the ideal holiday is a personal
and unique experience that provides a sense of adventure, relaxation, and rejuvenation.
Theme 3 – Current and future study and employment
1- Which subject do you most enjoy studying? Why?

• Physical Education and Sports: participating in games and sports, competing with classmates, improving
physical fitness, and learning new skills.
• Social Studies and Geography: exploring different cultures, learning about historical events, studying world
maps and geography, and discussing current events.
• Language Studies: speaking and writing in a foreign language, learning about the history and culture of a
language, reading literature in the language, and communicating with native speakers.
• Technology and Computer Science: coding, building and creating digital projects, exploring emerging
technologies, and learning how to solve problems using technology.
• Business Studies and Economics: analyzing real-world case studies, learning about financial markets and
economies, creating and running simulations of businesses, and learning about entrepreneurship.
• Drama and Theatre: acting, writing and performing plays, learning about stage design and technical aspects
of theatre, and developing public speaking skills.
• Psychology and Sociology: learning about human behavior and social systems, studying different personality
theories, exploring the causes and treatments of mental health issues, and conducting experiments and
• Environmental Science: learning about the natural world and conservation efforts, exploring ecosystems and
habitats, studying the impact of human activities on the environment, and conducting field research.
• Philosophy and Ethics: exploring the big questions of existence and morality, examining different
philosophical theories, and discussing contemporary ethical issues.
• Creative Writing: expressing oneself through writing, learning different forms of creative writing such as
poetry and fiction, reading and analyzing works of literature, and sharing one's own writing with others.

2- Tell me about something that you have enjoyed at school.

There are many things that students can enjoy at school, and it varies from student to student. Some common
activities and experiences that students often enjoy including:
• Hands-on projects and experiments: Many students enjoy learning by doing and find hands-on projects to be
engaging and fun.
• Group work and collaboration: Some students find working in groups to be enjoyable, as they can share
ideas, learn from one another, and have a sense of community in the classroom.
• Field trips and excursions: Students often enjoy getting out of the classroom and exploring new places,
whether it be a local museum, a nature reserve, or a cultural landmark.
• Sports and physical activity: Many students enjoy participating in school sports teams or physical education
classes, as they can improve their physical fitness and form new relationships with classmates.
• Art and music classes: For students who are creative or enjoy expressing themselves through art or music,
these classes can be a fun and enjoyable experience.
• Competition and games: Some students enjoy the challenge of competition and may find games and contests
in the classroom to be a fun way to learn.
• Guest speakers and presentations: Listening to guest speakers or watching presentations can be interesting
and engaging for students, as they can learn from experts in various fields and hear about new and exciting

3- Explain why it is important to learn other languages.

Learning other languages has many benefits and is an important part of personal and professional development. Here
are a few reasons why:
• Improved Communication: Knowing multiple languages allows individuals to communicate with a wider
range of people, both domestically and internationally. This can enhance relationships, increase cultural
understanding, and open up new opportunities for travel and business.
• Cognitive Benefits: Studies have shown that learning another language can improve cognitive abilities, such
as memory, problem-solving, and critical thinking skills. It can also delay the onset of age-related cognitive
• Cultural Awareness: Learning about another culture through its language can increase one's understanding and
appreciation of different perspectives and ways of life. This can promote tolerance, empathy, and a global
• Career Opportunities: In today's increasingly globalized job market, being able to speak multiple languages
can give job seekers a competitive edge and expand their career opportunities. It can also enhance one's ability
to work with people from diverse backgrounds and cultures.
• Personal Growth: Learning a new language can be a fun and challenging experience, and can provide a sense
of accomplishment and personal growth. It can also increase one's self-confidence and ability to navigate new
and unfamiliar situations.

4- What could be done to improve your life in school/college?


• Create a positive and supportive learning environment: This can be achieved through building strong
relationships between students, teachers, and staff, promoting a culture of respect and inclusion, and creating a
safe and secure physical environment.
• Provide engaging and relevant curriculum: Students are more likely to be engaged and motivated when they
are learning material that is relevant to their interests and future goals. It's also important to incorporate hands-
on and project-based learning experiences.
• Address the social and emotional needs of students: School can be a stressful and challenging environment for
many students. Providing support and resources to address social and emotional issues can help students
develop resilience, cope with stress, and feel more supported and connected to their school community.
• Foster a growth mindset: Encouraging students to see challenges as opportunities for growth and emphasizing
the value of effort over innate talent can help students develop a growth mindset, increase their motivation
and resilience, and lead to better academic outcomes.
• Encourage physical activity and healthy habits: Regular physical activity and a healthy diet can have a
positive impact on students' physical and mental health, as well as their academic performance. Schools can
encourage these habits by providing physical education classes, encouraging active transportation, and
promoting healthy eating options.
• Encourage parent and community involvement: Parent and community involvement can provide students with
additional support and resources, and can also help create a more supportive and inclusive school
environment. Schools can encourage this involvement through regular communication, volunteer programs,
and community events.


• Enhance mental health resources: College can be a stressful and challenging time for many students, and
access to mental health resources can help them navigate these challenges. This can include counseling
services, workshops, and online resources.
• Provide affordable and accessible housing: Secure and affordable housing is essential for college students, and
can help reduce stress and promote academic success. Colleges can work with local organizations and
government agencies to provide affordable housing options and support services for students.
• Foster a sense of community: Creating a sense of community and belonging among students can help reduce
stress and increase engagement. This can be achieved through student organizations, clubs, and events, as well
as through intentional efforts to promote diversity and inclusiveness.
• Encourage a work-life balance: Balancing academic and work responsibilities can be challenging for college
students, and colleges can support students by providing flexible course schedules, paid internship and work-
study programs, and resources to manage stress.
• Promote financial literacy and support: Many college students face financial challenges, and access to
financial literacy resources and support can help reduce stress and improve academic success. This can
include workshops, counseling services, and resources to help with budgeting, student loan management, and
financial planning.
• Offer career and professional development resources: College students can benefit from access to career and
professional development resources, such as internships, networking events, and mentorship programs.
Colleges can also provide career counseling services and support for finding job opportunities after

5- In your opinion, what makes a good teacher?

A good teacher has several qualities, including:

1. Strong subject knowledge: A good teacher has a deep understanding of the subject they are teaching.
2. Patience and enthusiasm: A good teacher is patient with their students and has a passion for teaching.
3. Good communication skills: A good teacher is able to clearly and effectively communicate information to
4. Adaptability: A good teacher is able to adjust their teaching style to meet the needs of different students.
5. Organized: A good teacher is able to effectively plan and structure lessons.
6. Encouragement and support: A good teacher provides support and encouragement to students, helping them to
develop their skills and confidence.
7. Fairness and impartiality: A good teacher treats all students fairly and impartially, regardless of their abilities
or background.
8. Ability to create a positive learning environment: A good teacher creates a positive, engaging, and inclusive
learning environment for their students.

6- What do you plan to study next year?

10. After completing their IGCSE studies, I typically have a range of options for their next steps. Some may
choose to continue their education by enrolling in A-level courses or equivalent, which is a common path for
those who plan to attend university. I will typically choose subjects that align with their future career goals or
11. Other students may choose to enter the workforce directly, either by seeking employment or starting their own
business. This could be a good option for students who have a clear idea of what they want to do and have
developed relevant skills and experience during their IGCSE studies.
12. Additionally, some students may choose to take a gap year, during which they may travel, volunteer, work, or
pursue other interests. This can be a valuable experience for students, as it can help them to broaden their
perspectives, gain new skills, and make informed decisions about their future plans.

7- What could be the advantages of going to university?

There are several advantages of going to university, including:

1. Career advancement: University education can provide students with the knowledge and skills they need to
advance in their chosen career.
2. Increased earning potential: University graduates often have higher earning potential compared to those
without a university education.
3. Personal growth and development: University provides students with opportunities to learn, grow, and
develop as individuals, both academically and personally.
4. Networking opportunities: University provides students with the opportunity to build relationships and
networks with people from diverse backgrounds and industries.
5. Access to resources and facilities: Universities often have access to cutting-edge technology, research
facilities, and other resources that can enhance a student's learning experience.
6. Exposure to new ideas and perspectives: University exposes students to a range of new ideas and perspectives,
helping them to broaden their horizons and develop a well-rounded view of the world.
7. Improved critical thinking and problem-solving skills: University education encourages students to think
critically and solve problems, skills that are valuable in both academic and professional settings.
8. Better job prospects: University graduates often have better job prospects and a wider range of career options
available to them.

8- Would you like to work in England? Why/why not?

Advantages of working in England:

1. Strong economy: England has a strong economy, with a wide range of job opportunities and high levels of
economic growth.
2. Attractive salaries: Salaries in England are generally high compared to other countries, providing workers
with good earning potential.
3. Generous benefits: Many employers in England offer a range of benefits, such as flexible working hours,
health insurance, and pension schemes.
4. Advanced infrastructure: England has an advanced infrastructure, including good transportation links,
communications networks, and a strong healthcare system.
5. Multicultural environment: England is a multicultural society, offering workers the opportunity to experience
different cultures and ways of life.
6. High standard of living: England has a high standard of living, with access to quality housing, healthcare, and
Disadvantages of working in England:
1. High cost of living: The cost of living in England can be high, especially in major cities like London.
2. Competitive job market: The job market in England can be competitive, with many qualified individuals
vying for limited job opportunities.
3. High taxes: Taxation in England can be high, reducing the amount of take-home pay for workers.
4. Busy lifestyle: England can have a fast-paced and busy lifestyle, which can be challenging for some
5. Rainy weather: England is known for its rainy weather, which can be a drawback for those who prefer sunnier

9-Why is it important to have a good job?

• Having a good job is important for several reasons, including providing financial stability and security, offering
opportunities for personal and professional growth, and increasing one's sense of purpose and self-esteem.

• A good job can also provide benefits such as healthcare, retirement savings plans, and paid time off, which can
improve an individual's overall quality of life.

• Additionally, having a good job can lead to a stable and fulfilling career, as well as a positive work-life balance.

10- Describe your ideal job.

• The ideal job is one that aligns with an individual's personal values, beliefs, and interests.
• It provides challenges and opportunities for personal and professional growth.
• It offers a positive work-life balance, competitive compensation including salary and benefits.
• It is in a supportive work environment with positive relationships and clear communication.
• It offers flexibility in terms of work schedule and location and provides opportunities for advancement
and career progression.
• It should meet an individual's unique needs, goals, and aspirations, providing both personal and
professional satisfaction.

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