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listed below can be very relevant for measuring the success of an FMCG company such as

Hindustan Unilever:

1. Cash Conversion Cycle (CCC) < 0: The Cash Conversion Cycle measures how long a

company turns its inventory and other investments into sales. FMCG companies prefer

shorter CCCs because they mean faster inventory turnover and better-working capital

management. A negative CCC means the company receives cash from customers before

paying suppliers, which can improve liquidity and cash flow.

2. Debt to Equity (D/E) < 0.5: The ratio compares a company's total debt to its

shareholders' equity, providing insight into its financial leverage and risk profile. A lower

D/E ratio suggests that the company has a comparatively low level of debt compared to

its equity, which can be a positive sign for investors, as it implies lower financial risk and

a more extraordinary ability to weather economic downturns or adverse market


3. Market Capitalization > 10,000: Market Capitalization represents the total value of a

company's outstanding shares of stock. A higher market capitalization generally indicates

a larger, more established company with more significant financial resources and

stability. For FMCG companies like Hindustan Unilever, a large market capitalization can

be a competitive advantage, as it allows them to invest in marketing, product

development, and distribution networks to maintain their market position and drive


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