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🌺🌺 A Maid For Him 🌺🌺

(Mum brought her )

Episode 1

🌹 Evan 🌹

" yes, Evan! Harder "

" Oh heaven, don't stop!"

" Ahh! You are so sweet!"

The bitch under me moaned as I f*"k her tirelessly!

I brought out the tip of my c*"k before inserting it into her again.

" Who is your daddy " I asked slapping her perfect rounded a*s.

" Evan is my daddy, ah! You are my daddy" she mo*ned in pleasure.

I increased my pace going harder and faster in her!

" Oh! My! Ah! God! Daddy! Yes! Evan! "

She continue yelling!

I took a mouthful of her big br**st in my mouth while still deep into her.

I gave it a soft bite as she gasped!

" I love you Evan "

Idiot! Love yourself not me!

" Ah!!! Oh God! E.. Evan "

I thr*st into her in the roughest way you can ever imagine! She's a slut with
a wide pu**y , you don't expect her to feel any pain!

I reached my climax and pulled out of her.

" That was hell of a s*x " she said.

" I need you out of my room now bitch, take this and get out " I snapped the
money in front of her and she smiled widely, collected the money and wore
her dress.

" I will be always available Evan " she said seductively while I scoffed!

" Get out " I yelled. She nodded in fright and dashed out!


Oh well! I am Evan Scott! Youngest billionaire in America!

I don't know what's your view about me already but you have the right to
think about it how you wish!

I am 24years old! No father, brother nor a sister but my Mum.

If you touch her then you are gone!

People says I am arrogant but that's their headache! I am just me!

The way I f*"k women? Well! I derive pleasure from having them on my bed
every freaking day!

I gat the cash to offer, a nice look and I am a star!

Who wouldn't want a night with a hot dude like me, I am rich and extremely
handsome so what else.
After all, ladies are after every guy's wealth.
I don't have a girlfriend but I can pick any lady I want to f*"k with just my

Tend me as a flirt, it's your business!

I came down from the bed and entered into the bathroom!


" I don't want a maid Mum, I don't remember telling you that " I said loosing
my cool!

" Of course son, you didn't tell me but I know what's good for you. You
need a lady in this house to help you in the chores and prepare your meals
too " she said and I snorted.

I really don't want to scoff because it's disrespectful!

" If I need someone to clean up my house, I will hire people to do it and if I

want to eat, I know lots of restaurants Mum " I replied and she shook her

" Look at the house, it's so unkept " she said looking around.

Seriously? The house that I hired people to clean this morning is unkept?

" And are you talking about the junks you eat out there? I am bringing
someone who will cook better "

" I don't..."

" Say no more Evan, you will receive your new maid tomorrow. Take care
Son, I love you " she kissed my cheeks and hurried out!
Gosh! Mum!


Wow! Is this a house or paradise? How can one person own this type of

It's freaking beautiful! Every single thing in this compound is eye-catching.

I looked around like a lost puppy! You wouldn't blame me, I have never
been to this type of house before!

Not even in my dreams have I imagined been in this type of house!

The Mr Evan guy is truly rich! Very, very rich!

" C'mon Nora, get in " Mrs Scott urged me and I quickly ran to meet up with

My jaw practically dropped immediately I entered into the sitting room!

This is heaven! I am not mistaking!

" Evan, we are here already. Come down stairs " Mrs Scott yelled.

I went to the wall and touched it, it seems different from the one I live in.
The table seems to be made from gold.
All the things are enticing! Am I really going to live in this house?

I will surely enjoy my life to the fullest! This is my time to enjoy!

I chuckled to myself remembering I will be nothing but a maid!

Keep dreaming Nora!

" Sit " she instructed!

Oh well! I am Nora Hans. 21 years old. My poor parents died when I was
12 so it's only me in the world struggling so hard with life just to survive.

No one, I mean, no relative! Just me!

Nothing interesting about me so, I don't have any other thing to say!

I raised my head to see a hot looking guy coming down the stairs!

Wow! He's well built, handsome!

I guess he must be Mr Evan!

Yes, he's popular but I don't know him, how is that possible when I don't
have a TV in my house ?
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" Good morning Mum " he greeted as his eyes landed on me.

I quickly bowed my head gulping nothing!

" Yes , Son. Here is Nora, your new maid, I don't want to hear any
complaint Evan, I brought her and you will do me a favour by showing her
around and to her room too. I have an important meeting to attend to " she
said to him who threw me a stare!
" Mum...I thought..."

" No complaint Ev..."

" You are here Baby "

A beautiful lady said climbing down the stairs!

Wow! She's a perfect creature! Straight legs, curvy and sexy! .

Mrs Scott threw a hateful look at her while Mr Evan stared at her.

" Who's she?" Mrs Scott asked irritatingly.

" Oh! One of those sluts of yours right? And you, as beautiful as you look,
you don't have an atom of shame in you, jumping from a man to another,
you are so shameless "

" I am disappointed in you Evan " she said took her bag and left angrily.

" Mum!" Mr Evan called after her but she already left!

He sighed and picked up the lady earlier.

They began k*sing pushing their tongues in each other's mouth!

What the hell? Did they forget I am here?

" Let's get back to what we started baby " the lady said and Mr Evan turned
to me and smirked!

He placed the lady on the dinning table and began sucking her bo*bs after
he raised up her top.

Holy Molly! Arggh! What's this? Is he a flirt or what?

I quickly turned away but his voice stopped me.

" Nora right? " He asked and I nodded nervously!

" You can equally join us as well "


🌺🌺 A Maid For Him 🌺🌺

(Mum brought her)

Episode 2


" You can equally join us as well "

W.. what? Is he really kidding me? I watched as his hand went into the
lady's skirt caressing her thigh.

" No, thanks "

I replied sharply turning away.

I was welcomed with my boss having s*x on a freaking table.

What the hell is that? How's the rest of my stay in here going to be?

Maybe I should start getting used to it but he should not drink beer and
come to me because I will kick his balls and beat the living out of him.

" Then, you can sit and watch while I...."

I quickly picked up my bag and ascended the stairs.

I can't stand it seeing a guy bring out his d*"k.

Wait! Is that man alright? Was he really going to pull off his trousers in my
presence ?

Now where to? .

There were three rooms upstairs and I actually don't know which to enter.

My eyes circled the rooms and I decided to go into the first one .

I gently opened the door.

Oh my goodness! I dropped my bag on the floor jumping on the king size
bed I have never slept on.

I spread my legs widely on it making me feel more comfortable!

There were four pillows, I placed my head on one, took one in my hand and
left the remaining two .

This is heaven!
I feel so tired right now, I will just unpack later but for now. This bed will be
my best friend!

🎀 Evan 🎀

" Oww! "

" Best s*x ever "

" you gat a huge d*"k "

" Yes daddy "

" Harder "

" More "

" Ow! "

" Ahh"

" Yes, that's it! Faster "

" I love the way you go into me Evan "

The idiot kept mo*ning till I was done. We both reached our climax and I
pulled out of her .

She took my d*"k in her mouth licking my sp*rm .

She gently stroke it as she pushed everything into her mouth till I released

I pushed her to the table, picked up my trouser and shirt before putting it

" I have paid you right? So out! Your service just ended " I snapped coldly.

" Really? No second round? You are so sweet Evan " she said rubbing abs

I pushed her hand away glaring at her.

" Get out sl*t " I yelled.

" Okay, okay, I will but there's a next time right? I love you Evan " she
passed me a flying kiss and left .
Fool! Not only love! Idiot!

I climbed the stairs heading back to my room.

Where's the Nora girl?

Gosh! Mum's mad at me! Oh well I will apologize to her later

I wonder where the hell that lady went to! Although I don't care if she gets
lost in this house!
I need to take a cold shower!

I opened my door and I met with a shocker!

What the hell?

Nora was peacefully sleeping on my bed!

How did she get in here?

I furiously tapped her and she jerked up.

" What are you doing in my room and on my bed ?" I flared.
She looked around and her eyes widened.

" Your room? "

" Stop asking me a silly question and get the f*"k out of my room this
minute. Your room is the one after mine " I yelled.

" Calm down Sir,I didn't know it was your room " she said bashfully still
sitting comfortably on my bed

Is this lady okay? How sure am I she's not insane?

" Now you know, can you now leave?"

She yawned coming down from the bed but she slipped and fell down
which gave me a glimpse of her thigh!

Wow! This lady is a killer! She has the shape of a model! I didn't notice that
earlier and to worsen it all, she's clumsy.

" Oh sorry " she said and left for the door.

" Hey , your bag " I snapped. She took her bag and left my room.



" Argh " I covered my ears with the pillow but it wasn't working!

Can't I have a peaceful sleep without hearing those moans from Mr Evans

This is my first night! Lord! I am sure going to quit after a year!

" Ow Evan, "

" You are ahhhh"

I stood up angrily on my feet heading to his room.

I badged in and their eyes landed on me. Both him and the lady.

Wait! Doesn't he get tired of s*x? Just today, this is the fourth lady!

What the hell? Did they curse him?

" What are you doing here Nora?" He asked with his eyes wide opened.
" I am sorry I came, but can you tell the bitch to reduce the way she moans
like a pig?"

The lady's eyes held lots of shock like wise Mr Evan?

It's only a pig that makes lots of noise right?

🌺🌺 A Maid For Him 🌺🌺

(Mum brought her)

Episode 3


They both stared widely at me under the faint bedroom light in Mr Evan's

I didn't say anything bad right? I only told the lady to reduce her moans.

That's making me wanna puke !

" Did you just insulted me?" She asked blinking her eyes in disbelief and I

" Of course not Miss,how can I insult someone like you? I am just telling
you how your moans sounds like in my ear "

I replied hands akimbo while smirking mischievously at her.

I wonder why Mr Evan is just staring at me like a lost puppy.

The lady stood up with fury half naked coming to slap me but I held her
hand in the air.
" If you try this next time, you won't go unpunished "

She jerked off her hand burning with fury.

" Are you going to sit there and watch your maid insult me Evan?" She
asked facing him.

Evan stared at me then at her !

" First, who gave you the permission to badge into my room Nora?" He
finally spoke up.

" I am sorry Sir but...."

" Shut the f*"k up , you do not have any right whatsoever to talk to her in
that manner and the last time I checked, this is my house, I have every
right to do whatever I want "

" S..."

" I didn't ask you to speak Nora, now get yourself out of my room this
instant " he yelled angrily.

The lady sat on his thigh stroking something I don't wish to mention! Gosh!

" Of course Sir, I am already out of my way but like I said sto..."

" Get out Nora " he snapped.

I quickly opened the door and headed to my room.

He's such a man whore. I pity his poor mother!

Isn't he old enough to settle down instead of taking different ladies around?
I did my prayers again before climbing on the bed .

I didn't hear any noise from his bedroom again, I guess I ruined their night

That's what's going to make me have a good sleep.

With that, I drifted to the dream la la Land

Next morning.......

I woke up as early as I could , clean up the house, kitchen, watched the

dishes, did Mr Evan's laundry and prepared breakfast before he could wake
up with that lady!

Everywhere was sparking ! I arranged the sitting room too

I can be very lousy but I am hardworking! Very hard-working.

That's what poverty thought me.

I set the table ready to go wake Mr Evan when I heard footsteps from the

It was him and that lady wasn't with him! Maybe she's gone already!

Well that's non of my business!

" Good morning Sir " I greeted politely.

He just nodded his head and sat down.

I served his breakfast without uttering a word.

Maybe he's mad at me over yesterday's incident. I don't care okay? I am in
his house but I have freedom of speech!

It's in every Constitution!

He glanced at the pasta salad then at me!

" Are you sure this isn't tasting bad? I don't want to eat poison " he said
staring at me while I rolled my eyes.

" I don't know how to prepare poison Sir " I replied bashfully.

This man shouldn't get on my nerves please!

He pick a fork and took a little out of it in his mouth.

I can't stay here and be watching him, left to the kitchen. I need to take my
breakfast too and I am feeling tired from all the works this morning.

I am sure going to have a very long sleep after now.

I mean nothing to do , the house is freaking boring with no one to talk to

and my boss is a dickhead!

He only knows how to do business and f*"k.

🎀 Evan 🎀

I think Mum was right! This food tastes different from the one I eat in the

Nora can be clumsy but I think she's a good cook.

Her food taste so delicious! In just three minutes, I was done with the one
she dished out for me.
I dished out more for myself digging it !

It's really been a while I ate a tasty food as this.

Well, I haven't visited mum for a long time.

I quickly finished up my meal and headed back in to prepare for work!

I don't know who gave Nora the guts yesterday!

She doesn't seem scared of me!

I seriously wanted to laugh at the bitch I brought yesterday when she called
her a pig!

What sort of guts is that? Gosh!

She looks so innocent yet a great talker!


" There are all in other right? " I asked Nikki who nodded seductively.

She wore a skimpy skirt that was barely reaching her knee

What the hell? Is it to seduce me or? Oh well! That's what I am good at.

" Okay, you can go back to your office " I said to her.

She turned to go but her pen fell from her pocket!

I know she's doing this on purpose!

She stylishly bent down showing me her perfect a*s.

I could see the colour of the p*nt she was wearing. Light blue. A lace pant
at that was almost exposing her pu*sy .

I licked my lips at the sight before me

" Nikki " I called huskily

" Y..yeah Sir "

" Come here " she walked closer to me and without any warning.

I drew up her skirt, tore her f*"king pant dipping two of my fingers into her

" Uhmm, ahh" she moaned bitchily.

" This is what you want right? "

" Y..yes, I want more, oh God!"

" Oh yes! There you go "

I removed my hand taking it to her b**bs before I began fondling them.

I took my mouth to her right b**bs with my hands spanking her butts , I bit
her n**ple.

She moaned in ectacy as I pushed her on my desk.

I took off my trouser bringing out my rod before thr*sting into her.

Very roughly!
The image of Nora flashed in my head! I wish it was her I am f*"king right

I am sure going to have her on my bed, she will be counted among the
numerous ladies I have f*"ked .

I know she must be very sweet down there!

Evan must be crazy!

🌺🌺 A Maid For Him 🌺🌺

(Mum brought her )

Episode 4


Holy crap!
I jumped up from the bed seeing the time, it's few minutes to 7

How the hell did I sleep this long like a pregnant woman?

I quickly rushed to the kitchen and began preparing dinner.

I will just have to make something easier before Mr Evan comes back!

I took out some noodles and eggs. Noodles and sauce for dinner. He won't
complain right?

After all, he didn't give me a time table to follow.

I feel so good and alive again, I also sure I am going to add lots of weight
before I leave this house.

Lots of enjoyment, just imagine how long I have slept. The house was so
boring, nothing to do so, I had to sleep.

In some minutes, I was done. The aroma of the noodles filled the room.

Yeah! Just on time, I heard a car honed. That must be Mr Evan.

I quickly picked up the plate I served to the dinning.

You will enjoy eating noodles when it's hot!

The door opened revealing him!

" Welcome Sir " I greeted.

He only nodded as usual! I wonder if he doesn't know how to respond to a

greeting! Always nodding like a lizard!

Oops! I didn't mean to say that!

He dropped his brief case, removed his suit and handed them to me sitting
down on the table!

" Keep them in my room " he said without sparing me a glance!

I rolled my eyes and left to his room feeling so refreshed .

And who says enjoyment is not good? I pray my prince charming have lots
of money like Mr Evan.

I have seen him very rich in my dream! I know he is rich anywhere he is.

I smiled and to myself trying to bring the image I see in my dream!

I am being stupid right? Well! You have to know I am stupid sometimes.

My prince charming will never be like Mr Evan, he won't dare carry women
about and f*"king any lady he sees.

If he tries that and I get to know! Gosh! Let's leave it till then.

Yawning loudly, I dropped his suit and briefcase on his bed and headed to
the kitchen!

I am hungry!

Next morning....

🎀 Evan 🎀

This lady's food is just sumptuous! Wondering if her body is as sweet as

her foods taste.

I licked my lips with the image of how she will look when she's clad in

Today's Saturday and nothing to do. I don't normally go out on weekends

after my morning walkout .

And if I do, that's to bring home some bitches to f*"k.

I changed the channel to 231 and it happened to be a horror movie!

I was so lost in the movie when a knock came on my door.

Nora ran from the kitchen to get it open! It must be Mum because I am not
expecting anyone.

" Evan !"

My head snapped at the voice and oh my goodness!

" Jenny !" I called as her body landed on mine.

Gosh! I have missed this face!

" Goodness! Is this you Jenny? What where you eating in London?" I asked
turning her around!

" What could I have eaten Evan " she chuckled and hugged me again.

" You've added so much weight and looking more beautiful " I
complimented and she blushed!

" I know you are flattering me Evan "

" Of course, I am stating the fact "

" Okay! Thank you " she said sitting down while I sat beside her

" So how have you been? You didn't tell me you were coming " I said
feigning hurt.

" I am sorry Evan, I just wanted to surprise you " she replied apologetically!

" It's fine, take her bags to the last room Nora " I said to her who was just
staring like we were acting some movie.

" I miss you so much Evan " she pouted

" I miss you too beautiful " I replied.

Wondering who Jenny is? That's my best friend.

She based in the UK with her parents and do visit me once in a while like

" Who's she?" She asked furrowing her brows.

" Don't tell me you haven't left your flirtatious ways Evan " she said glaring
at me.

I smiled in return, I can't do without f*"king ladies and she knows that.

We've been friends since childhood before they relocated to London.

" She's my maid Jenny " I chuckled.

" But you are still chasing after all the things in skirt right?" She asked...

I opened my mouth to talk but couldn't! What do I say?

" God, I am so disappointed Evan " she said hitting me.

" Okay! Can we not talk about that now so you can go upstairs and freshen
up then come back for lunch "

" Yeah, I need that "



Jenny? I wonder who she is to him. But why was she staring angrily at me?
Not that we've met before!
I dropped her luggages heading out when I met her half way.

" Hey wait up " she said and I stopped!

She looks so beautiful and classy, I am sure she's from a well-to-do family!

She stared at me up to down ! Okay! What's her problem?

" What's your name?" She asked folding her hands.

" Nora "

" Okay, dear Nora! You are just a maid in this house and I don't like the
way you stare at my man " she said and I scoffed!

Stare at who? Her man? She's Mr Evan's girlfriend?

" I don't remember glancing at you both Miss Jenny " I replied boldly

" First, do not ever scoff while I am talking to you, secondly, do not talk
back at me you lowlife "

Seriously? Just her first day in this house?

I stared at her and smiled!

" And you are?" I asked.

Who will even drag someone like Mr Evan with her? A total flirt? God forbid
it for me!

" you know what Nora, I will get back to you later " she snapped and
entered into her room.
Only God knows how I am going to give her a small beating if she crosses
my path!


I wonder why Mr Evan isn't at the dinning yet .

He ought to have come down since!

Thank goodness that witch of a girl left to Mrs Scott's to spend the night
and will be back tomorrow!

She's so proud! Arrogant and rude. How I wanted to pour the coffee in my
hand on her this afternoon when she told me I don't know how to cook!

I knocked on Mr Evan's room and heard a faint come in.

" Good evening Sir, dinner is served " I said.

He was lying on the bed.
He sat on the bed looking at me!

" I am not eating Nora but I want you to do something else for me " he said
smiling mischievously

" What Sir?" I asked .

He licked his lips as his eyes landed on my b**bs.

" Did you know how hot you look in this nightie? " He asked.

I quickly covered my b**bs ! Crap! If I had remembered I was on my nightie

already, I wouldn't have entered his room.

" What did you want me to do for you Sir?" I asked changing the topic
" It's simple Nora " he said and climbed down from the bed walking towards

" I want to on the bed with me and you will give me a massage "

He walked closer to me and threw pushed me to the bed!

Is this man okay? How can he force me to give him a massage?

" Start with your work already Nora " he whispered in my ear.

I tried standing up but he was quick enough to hold my left hand!

" I don't look like one of those ladies you bring in here Mr Evan, I am your
maid not a massager " I replied

" Okay then, if you don't want to give me a massage, maybe I should have
a taste of you "


He pushed me down bringing his smelly mouth to kiss me and I gave him a
resounding slap!

🌺🌺 A Maid For Him 🌺🌺

(Mum brought her )

Episode 5


I gave him a resounding slap and he held his cheeks falling beside me.
Because I work for him he thinks he can have me?

" How dare you slap me ?" He fumed angrily trying to grab me again but I
was quick enough to jump down from the bed.

" What gave you the guts to slap me Nora?" He asked again with fury
holding his red cheeks.

" I am sorry Sir but you crossed your limits, the fact that I work for you
doesn't make me your s*x tool. I don't look like one and will never be " I
replied shrugging my shoulders.

He deserves it right?

" That doesn't give you the right to slap me, you are fired Nora. I want you
to pack your things immediately the sun rise and leave my house, you are
f*"king fired "

He yelled and I found myself chuckling. Is he being serious this minute?

" If I can vividly remember, I wasn't employed by you Sir. I only work for
you, Mrs Scott employed me and only her can fire me if you must know, I
ain't going nowhere " I replied boldly smirking at him

It's odd talking to your boss in this manner right? Someone like Mr Evan
needs it.

" Then be ready, I promise you Nora, I must have you on my bed like I have
had others, I get what I want and you are next on my list " he snapped!

" Well Mr Evan, we will see to that. Good night Sir "

I smiled widely at him and left.I am stubborn you know? That's a gift from
God .
I entered straight to the kitchen, served myself with beef, grilled cheese,
sandwich, veggies topped with ice cream.

If you must know, I am a foodie. I love food more than I love myself and
don't worry, I will finish all this meals in just a few minutes.

I began eating like a hungry lion, eating those foods I didn't have the
opportunity to eat then because of money.

There is enough food in this house and even if it gets finished, Mr Evan has
a lot of money to supply more.

After eating to my satisfaction, I entered into my room. To sleep actually!

Oh saviours! What more can I ask for?

Sometimes, I don't care about the work I do, it's just only in the morning I
have to clean the house then the rest is cooking. No much work in the

And Mr Evan wants me to leave , this enjoyment? There's no way that's

gonna happen!

* ***

I woke up with the door bell ringing non-stop.

Who the hell comes to someone's house as early as this time?

It's freaking 5am. What the...?

I sluggishly stood up from my bed still feeling very sleepy!

I wish I can smack the person's head.

I sleepily opened the door to see Jenny standing there looking all red with

" What's wrong with you Nora? You kept me waiting for almost thirty
minutes, are you okay?" She snapped and I scoffed.

Instead of her to apologize for disturbing my sleep she's here saying


" Of course I am okay Miss Jenny, I should be asking if you are okay! What
will make you come home this early or did Mrs Scott sent you away? Don't
you know you disturbed my beauty sleep?" I asked.

She stared at me ! I know she feels like ripping me apart.

" D...did you just say all those words to me?" She asked turning around!

" There's no any other Jenny here or did you come with your invisible

She was red! Her eyes turning redder. She pushed me away and entered
into the room.

This lady is so rude and I hate people like her.

" You are becoming a thorn in my flesh Nora, you are planning on seducing
my mind and now you are talking to me in such ill mannered ? " .

She said furiously! I just don't get how I tried seducing her man!

That thought makes me laugh! Mr Evan is nowhere near my dream man!

I can never be with someone like him!

" I will make sure you leave this house Nora, mark my words " with that she
scurried away.


🎀 Evan 🎀

That nerve of a girl! Where on Earth did Mum pick her from?

With that innocent look, she's a very stubborn person beneath it.

I can't believe she have the audacity to slap me! I mean a slap!

She freaking slapped me!

Even Mum has never for once raised her hands on me. No one else has,
she's the first!

I will make her pay for it, I will make her regret it!
She wouldn't leave right? Well, two can play better!

" Evan " my door burst opened revealing angry Jenny!

She sat furiously beside me on the bed without saying a word.

" What's wrong Jenny? No good morning? Did mum upset you?" I asked
knowing well that can't happen.

Mum loves her some much like a daughter and wouldn't let an ant pass by

" Isn't it that lowlife maid of yours? She have the guts to talk back at me , I
don't like her Evan, I don't want her around this house, I hate her " she
blurted out.

Nora? Gosh!
" I am sorry Jenny, d..."

" I want you to fire her Evan, get her fired" she said and I shook my head!

I wish I can do that! Mum will be very mad at me and that Nora girl won't

" I am sorry Jenny, only Mum can. But trust me, I will talk to her okay ?" I
She stared at me and hugged me tightly.


" Can we not talk about this Mum?" I said. I shouldn't have visited!

I only came to apologize to her for the other day.

I know it's been almost two weeks but I still had.

I don't even have enough time and Mum wouldn't let me be with marriage
this and that!

I am still very young and I love my bachelor life !

I can't stop having those sweet ladies under me.

I know within myself I can't get married, not now because I won't be faithful
to her.

Right now, some bi*ches are waiting for me at the office!

Jenny will be mad if I bring them home so yeah! The office will be better!
" You are not getting any younger Evan, I need you to get married to a
woman who will make you leave this life you are leaving " she said plainly
hurt !

I know she doesn't like the way I live but I just love it that way!

I will change when the time comes!

" But I haven't found the right woman for me Mum " I groaned!

" How about Jenny? She's been your friend since childhood, she's loving,
caring, protective of you, she loves you Evan, isn't she good enough for

I love her but never thought of settling down with her. I love her as a sister
and friend, I have never read meanings to our relationship.

I know she has a feeling for me but I don't want to settle down with her.
I will end up breaking her heart!

" She is good okay, but.. it's not her, I have never thought of that Mum " I
said sincerely!

We've been friends for a meaningful time now and I don't want to ruin it by
getting married to her then possibly leave her thereafter. I know that must

" I love her and will want her as my daughter in-law Evan, she's beautiful
and of high standards too if that's what you want in a woman "

" Mum..."

" You are getting engaged to her son, I already sent a proposal on your

Geng geng!
My Nora have dieded! If Jenny comes into the house as Evan's wife, she
will make life miserable for my Nora 😔.

🌺🌺 A Maid For Him 🌺🌺

(Mum brought her )

Episode 6


" Don't you get it fool, I need burger and fries not this thing you prepared "
Jenny said staring at me and the meal with disgust.

God knows I am being quiet because I don't want to murder someone right

" Really? What's wrong with you having fries and chicken soup for lunch? "
I asked.

She Scoffed passing me an irritating look. What's her problem huh?

" What are you paid for Nora? To cook and take care of the house so why
are you complaining? I have the right to choose any food I want to eat " she

" Of course you do miss Jenny but I won't be the one to prepare it for you. If
you don't like this, then you are free to enter the kitchen and make one for
I replied and she stared widely at me. I didn't kill anyone right?

(Written by Simrah Saeed Hareerah.No piracy ❌❌)

" Are you mad Nora? Did you know you are just a maid here ? This is my
man's house and I have the right to talk to his maid and send her too " she
said standing up.
I seriously don't want to pick a fight with her. I ain't in the mood.

My anger is very possessed more than a deadly spirit

" it's better you bring in your own maid Miss Jenny, I was paid to serve Mr
Evan not you"

Before I could understand what was happening, she slapped me. Wait!
This must be a dream!

It can't be real because I will sure kill someone for the first time. .

🎀 Evan 🎀

" Yes! "

" You there, oh God! "

" Daddy"

" This is heaven! No seventh heaven "

" Ahhh"

" Ow! "

The sl*t I don't know her name kept moaning in my ears as I f*"k the hell
outta her.

I turned her around and withdrew my rod outta her taking my mouth to her
ho*ny pot eating it .

She really taste so good!

My hands on her b**bs and I played with her n*pples .

" Oh! Ahh"

" Evan !"

" I have always loved you "

" God!"

She mo*ned as well began eating her ho*ny pot roughly till I was satisfied.

She made me lay on the desk ! Well in my office like I said.

I laid on the desk as she took my d*"k in her hand stroking it slowly before
taking my full d*"k into her mouth giving me a blow job.

I closed my eyes enjoying the pleasure I was having. It's been awhile since
I was last given a blowjob .

She licked every part of my d*"k and I couldn't help but let out a loud mo*n.

This lady is really good at what she does.

I grab her b*tts squeezing them in my hand. There are so soft and big.

While she was sucking my d*"k, I took my two fingers into her f*"king her

" Ow " she squealed a little and opened her legs wide giving my fingers
entrance to her p*ssy .

I entered three of my fingers then four. She was so wide that it entered with

She seems not to bother as she was enjoying it. I mean who wouldn't?

I began f*"king her roughly not caring if she gets wounded or not.

I reached my climax but she didn't let me pull out of her mouth and
everything pour as she licked them with ectacy.

F*"k! She's a real bitch ! Okay! I think I am done !

" You are done here " I slowly pushed her off me reaching for some cash in
my drawer.

I brought out a bundle of dollars and handed it to her

" Out " I said coldly.

" It was really nice having a hot s*x from you " she said seductively.

" I said get out " I yelled. She nodded and quickly put on her dress running
I left the office to my relaxation room to freshen up. I know my body is
smelling like I woke up in sperms semen .

I had to get some ladies to f*"k after I left mum's.

The news about me getting married to Jenny was hell of a decision.

How will she make decisions for me without my consent?

Well yes, Jenny and I have been friends for almost 22 years now and I
know she has feelings for me from the way she acts jealous sometimes
seeing me with other ladies but I don't love her more than her being my
friend and a sister figure.

I can't do anything about it now, and heck! Marriage is the last thing on my

What do I do? I can't argue with Mum! Her decisions are final! No turning
back and again, Jenny might make a good wife but one thing I can't
promise is being faithful to her.

I will just watch her till our marriage! She's not my kinda lady!

I sighed and entered into the bathroom! I will be having a meeting in less
than an hour.

I quickly took my bath and I felt clean again!

The only thing I could think of taking my mind off this marriage thing was
getting a p*ssy to f*"k and it did help.

It worked like a magic !

I dressed up and headed back to my office when my phone beeped.


I sighed and picked up the call!

📞 What's up Jen? 📞

I said. I heard her breath out in anger.

📞 What's the problem Jenny?📞

I asked again!

📞 Isn't that stupid maid of yours? Can you imagine Evan? She gave me
bruises all over my body 📞

She cried out wincing. Bruises? How? Gosh! Why's Nora so stubborn?

📞 Did you get into a fight with her?📞

I asked
(Contact Rikki on WhatsApp 08168354463 so you can be added to our
WhatsApp group )
📞 No, I saw her packing half of the food stuffs in the kitchen to perhaps the
market to sell them so I approached her and she hits me 📞

W...what? Is this the reason my foodstuffs gets finished so quickly all the

📞 I am sorry okay! Hold on! I will be home in two hours, I have a meeting
now. I am really sorry okay? 📞

📞 Be quick about that 📞

She said and hung up


🌹 Jenny 🌹

That nerve of a girl! I will so deal with her in this house till she decides to
leave herself.

Ouch! I touched my skin and it hurts so badly!

She has the guts to lay her hands on me!

I can't believe that she have so much power.
My body hurts so badly!

Getting to know that Evan will be getting married to me, it makes me the
happiest lady on Earth.

That's what I have ever wished for! I love him but he's too blind to see

His Mum told me about it yesterday and I can't be more happier

This alone will give me power over that witch that calls herself Nora.

I lied to Evan and he believed me! Of course he will! I am his best friend
and fiance and I can't lie to him.
I will stay and watch the drama.

That Nora is a threat to me. I just feel insecure with her around Evan.

I am scared he might run after her, you know he's after everything in skirt!

He's a flirt and I hope I change him.

Evan is mine and not even her can take him away from me.


T. B. C

🌺🌺 A Maid For Him 🌺🌺

(Mum brought her )

Episode 7


I heard a hard slap on my back and I jumped out of the bed !

What the hell? Ouch! It hurts like hell!

I slowly opened my eyes to see Mr Evan seething with anger.

Oh! Maybe his girlfriend or fiance has told him what happened but that
doesn't mean he should give me that hurting slap Gosh!

" Good afternoon Mr Evan " I greeted standing up from the bed.

He glared at me and scoffed. Gross!

" What did you think you did Nora? " He asked and I stared at him

" Apart from the fact that I beat up your fiance or girlfriend whatever, I didn't
do anything else " I replied plainly

I am sure she's already at the hospital receiving some treatments.

He snorted and reached for my wrist. His grip tightened on my hand and it
was hurting!

Ouch! What's he doing? My hand became red and blood began gushing

" W..what are you doing Sir, you are hurting me " I tried releasing me hand
but couldn't.

Ouch! I am hurting! I just don't want to cry !

" The salary you are being paid is not enough for you and so you decided
to sell my food stuffs huh?"

Huh? What's he saying? What food stuffs?

" I don't know what you are talking about, leave my hand. You are hurting
me " I winced hissing loudly but he didn't seem to bother.

He slowly released his grip on me and caged me to the wall!

My hand! The blood! It's hurting!

" You don't know what I am talking about right? Were you not trying to steal
my food stuffs but got caught by Jenny? "

(Written by Simrah Saeed)

What? Is that what she told him?

" I will never still anyone's properties let alone yours Mr Evan " I said
pushing him away but he is way more stronger than I am.

That Jenny lady! Must she paint me black?

" Then what happened? Why were you stealing from my kitchen? Jenny
can't lie to me "

I hissed in pain as sweats drop down my face.

My hand is hurting and he pinned me here on the wall!

" That's not true Mr Evan, I know she's your whatever but that wasn't what
happened, she said that to favour her " I replied seething my teeth.

God! Don't let me loose!

" Then what happened?" He asked as he stared at my b**bs

Seriously? I scoffed .

" You know what Mr Evan, you can believe whatever you wish but can you
let me go? You have hurt my hand and I have to treat it "

I said with anger shoving my wrist in his face.

He glanced at my hand and quickly shifted back with his eyes fixed on the
blood gushing out.

The tip of his shirt was stained with it due to the way he held me .

I can see his face soften and he took my other hand sitting me down on the
What's he doing?

" Just sit okay? I will be right back " he replied dashing out of my room and
he came back with a first aid kit .

I scoffed as he took my hand and began doing somethings on it.

" Ahh " I yelped seeing that he added something.
Was it pepper? But it subsided after some minutes.

My hand was red and bandaged. His fingers went deep in my hand.

I feel better after he was done! He really did helped me after wounding me.

" look what your lousiness did, I am sorry okay? I didn't mean to hurt you "


" Did you just apologized?" I asked staring at him bewildered .

He scratched the back of his head and turned away making me chuckle.

" Forget I said that Nora, you are such a pest " he said and scurried away
leaving me laughing.

What can be more funnier? I am glad that made him forget about what he
was saying but how can Jenny lie against me?

Did she think that will make me leave this house? Impossible !

🎀 Evan 🎀

I f*"ked the living hell out of this bitch!

" Yeah! Yes Nora "

Gosh! What's wrong with me? I have been seeing her image in all this
ladies I f*"k.

Am I going mad? Or is it because I desperately want her on my bed? Of

course I am lusting after her.

I made her bend as I inserted my rod in her with one hand supporting her
and the other on her right b**b .

" Yes."

" Ow!"

" Ahhh"

" God!"

" You are so good Evan "

She kept mo*nig while I ride her roughly

I wish it was her! Gosh!

Only God knows how I will smatch her on the wall and lick all her body till
she turn pink before I f*"k her!

Thinking about this makes me yearn more for her hot body ! I just can't wait


🌺 Jenny 🌺

" Baby " I called kissing Evan! He smiled at me and nodded.

" Hey "

" How was work?" I asked. He seems busy with his laptop and he's giving
me no attention.

" Hectic "

" I am sorry about that, baby !" I called again pouting.

He ignored me focusing back on what he was typing.

" Are you going to ignore me throughout? Can't you keep this laptop and
give me your attention once ?" I poured.

He glanced at me and sighed closing the laptop. Better!

" I am sorry okay? Just that this file is important, I need to complete it
before tomorrow " he explained.

" I know but just a little of your time won't hurt " I said making a move to
kiss him but he held my waist. Not again!

Since last week, we started sharing beds together instructed by his Mum
and he wouldn't touch me!

Even if I make the moves, he will stop me. Am I not enticing to him?

Am I different from those whores out there?

" We can't do this now Jenny, I am busy" he said slowly dropping my hand.

" This is what you kept saying Evan! What's wrong with you? Don't you like
me? " I asked as tears threatened to fall.

He drew me closer to him dropping his laptop on the table.

" You I do love you Jenny but it's not the right time for this please " I jerked
away from him angrily and out of the room!
He's so annoying!

(Written by Simrah Saeed)

Next morning........

" I don't know what to do Carly, I am scared of loosing Evan. The way he
stares at that maid scares the crap out of me " I said to her sighing.

" You don't have to be, Evan is always yours believe me " she said
reassuring me.

" I don't know what to do to keep him with me forever, to make him mine
forever Carly "

" I think I have an idea" she said and my eyes snapped to her

" What?" I asked curiously.

" Get pregnant for him "

W..what? How can that be possible when he doesn't even touch me?

🌺🌺 A Maid For Him 🌺🌺

(Mum brought her)

Episode 8

Gosh! I feel so tired working since morning. I haven't been this worked up
since I arrived here.

Lots of work today! Jenny's laundry added to it.

I just had to do them because I am paid for it.

She's my boss's fiancee and I ought to run errands for her too but that
doesn't mean I will take sh*ts from her.

Not in forever will that happen!

I can't let anyone treat me like trash because I am a maid.

Who knows, things might change and I will become very rich and famous in

When I gather enough money to build my fashion house .

It's been my dream to own a fashion house but I can't without money! I
sighed loudly turning the soup I was preparing.

It's evening already and so I am in the kitchen preparing dinner even if I

was tired from today's work.

Mr Evan isn't back yet and like wise his fiancee. Gosh! I wish she never
comes back

When I was done, I turned off the gas and headed out when I bumped into
I thought I am the only one at home right?

I raised my head to see Mr Evan staring at me with a smirk plastered on his

When the hell did he come in? I didn't even heard the car honned

" Welcome Sir " I said trying to get back my composure. I almost fell down
but luckily I didn't.

He didn't reply instead he grabbed me by the waist roughly pinning me to


Not now! I am damn tired and not ready for dramas!

And I don't want Jenny walking on us in this kinda position.

It will add to the hatred in her heart for me although I care less.

" Can you let me go Mr Evan, I am not ready for this " I said pushing him off
me but you know, his well built body was stronger than my mere push.

" And what makes you think I will leave you?" He whispered huskily in my
ear licking my neck!

God ! It's irritating! This same mouth he's used to kiss all the ladies in the

His grip tightened around my waist and I gasp.

He trailed his mouth down to my b**bs and I slapped his face away.

My eyes widened imagining how he just did it

I found myself on the kitchen counter with him on top of me.

He aggressively pinned my hand and leg!

" What are you trying to do Mr Evan ?" I shrieked as his power over took
I couldn't fight it because I was pinned. What the hell? Is he gonna rape me
or what?

" I told you kitten, I told you I will have you so long you live under my roof.
You have to get used to the fact that I keep to my words "

Huh? What mess have I gotten myself into?

I can't let him do anything with me! It can never be but I feel so weak and

I can even pass out anytime soon! My strength are drenched in his huge
body pinning me down!

Is this how determined he can be? He really wants to have s*x with me
here in the kitchen?
How insane!

" Let go off me Mr Evan " I thundered

I felt his grip loosen on my hand going straight into my shirt.

His desperation wouldn't let him unhook my bra as he dragged it up

fondling them.

I looked around and my eyes saw the pan! The pan on the gas.

Thank goodness it was near to my hand.

His head went deep into my shirt which made him very focused not to
notice me..

I slowly and gently took the pan and hit him very hard on the head!

" Ahhh!" He yelled practically falling flat on the floor!

" Ouch! My head " he winced holding his head and I quickly climbed down
from the counter giving him a smirk.

" How are you feeling Mr Evan?" I mocked and his eyes dilated in anger.

" You will pay for this Nora " he winced while I grinned widely.

I wanted serving him before going to bed but that's out of it now.

" Have a lovely night Mr Evan and enjoy the pain " I said laughing heading
out of the kitchen hearing him curse under his breath.

If he wants to satisfy his freaking lust, he have a fiancee!

🎀 Evan 🎀

Ouch! M head hurts like hell!

Why's the lady so violent and unsubmissive?

Every lady will kill to have a night stand with me but her? I scoffed helping
myself up!

Gosh! I was almost lost !

At least I achieved something today even if I got a wounded head !

I smiled at myself recalling how soft her b**bs felt in m hand!

Her skin is as fresh that of pearl!

She's damn beautiful! I can't deny the fact!
Nora? I must have her begging me to f*"k!

I must have a taste of her either ways. . nothing is stopping me.! Not even
her !

I found myself thinking about her, at work, in the meeting, when alone,
when I f*"k those bitches out there.

Just name it!

Jenny doesn't matter to me! I am going to get married to her because Mum
said so.

I don't feel anything for her, I only sees her as a friend and sister!

Not that I feel anything for Nora too! Hell no! Nothing!

I believe I am lusting after her which will stop when I finally get to f*"k her!

I held my head heading to my room! Mum's so annoying! I wonder why she

persuaded me to share my room with Jenny!

Knowing that I will find her in my room and on my bed left me sighing!

" Baby, you are back " I rolled my eyes at her.

This relationship thing is affecting our friendship! Gosh!

" Welcome " she muttered helping me take off my suit.

" Yeah thanks "

I really need to freshen up and sleep! Nora has succeeded in ruining my

" You look so tired, what's wrong?" I grinned glancing at her

She said I look tired and she's asking me what's wrong!

She should know I came back from work!

" I am fine " I managed to say and dashed into the bathroom .

I quickly freshen up and came out dashing into the closet without glancing
at Jenny.

I can't believe we aren't chatting like we used to.

We can even be talking till day break and will not still get tired but now, this
relationship sh*t destroyed that.

I took out my nightie , wore it and made sure I tied the robe!

After I was done, I came out to find Jenny sleeping peacefully.

I sighed in relief! At least she won't bother me with s*x!

My stomach grumbled loudly! That was when I remembered I haven't


I dashed out of the room to the kitchen feeling much better! The pain in my
head has subsided!

I dished some paratha in my plate with a little soup going to the dinning.

I kept glancing around maybe, just maybe I will catch a glimpse of her but
she didn't come out!

Next morning.........
" The file and substitute for the past is beautiful like Nora "

I sighed and delete that very sentence for the fifth time since I began

I couldn't just concentrate! What the hell is wrong with me?

Why's she occupying my thoughts, my body including my soul!

I had to cancel my presentation this morning because I know I will end up

mentioning her name!

I have addressed almost all my workers today including the guys as Nora!

I can't explain what's wrong with me anymore!

Is it still the lust or something more?

I shook my head waving the thought away!

It can't be anything else, I am sure it's the lost!

Her face appeared in my head and I smiled stupidly.

Her long lashes, stubborn yet innocent face, her curves, her soft skin, her
firm b**bs .
(Contact Rikki on WhatsApp 08168354463 so you can be added to our
WhatsApp group )
Oh ! Damn it! I am loosing it already!

Maybe f*"king some bitches will take my mind off her!


🌹 Jenny 🌹

My greatest joy is that Evan's Mum so much love me!

At least I have her support!

" So how's that dumb head son of mine?" She asked as I settled down
beside her.

Well! Evan! I don't know how he has been behaving lately!

He talk to me only when he's spoken to by me and he replied in monotone .

" He's fine Mum " I replied smiling widely!

" Before I forget, my friend is hosting a party for her son who's coming back
from Dubai tomorrow , he's equally Evan's friend from college "

She said and I nodded in confusion not knowing where the conversation is
heading to.

" you will come with me together with Evan to the party, I need to introduce
you to her "

Wait! What? Oh my goodness! This is an opportunity!


An opportunity for me to carry out my plan exactly how Carol told me!

I will take Evan to sleeping with me and I will get pregnant!

I am 98% sure I will get pregnant because I am in my ovulation Period!

" Wait for it Evan! I will be carrying your child before you know it and you
will have no option than to settle down with me "

🌺🌺 A Maid For Him 🌺🌺

(Mum brought her)

Episode 9


Mr Evan don't normally comes back from work unless he forgets some
important documents or something.

And Jenny goes out most of the time.

It feels so boring to be all alone in this big house although I enjoy it

because of the opportunity I have to sleep as I wish.

Well after food is sleep. They are my two favourites and I don't joke with

No one to talk to and no freaking phone.

I will sure buy myself a phone one of this days. Maybe when I get my next

I know I have planned on keeping my salaries in order to build my fashion

house but taking a little out of it wouldn't hurt right?

I will own my fashion house next year if I am able to save reasonable

I served myself a little of Beed burger and ate before dashing to my room.

I jumped on my bed as usual placing my head on the pillow.

I chuckled remembering a night before. The thought of Mr Evan clouded

my mind .

He really deserve it.

I haven't seen him since morning because he didn't take breakfast before
he left for work

Maybe he have loads of work to do at the office.

Did he really think that because he's rich I will give him my body just like

Not in forever is that going to happen.

I do agree I have hots for his body but not him. He's handsome so anyone
can admire him but he's not my kinda man.

He's nowhere near my dream man.

Like I said before, my man can't be a flirt, he should be rich or okay, the
man that will love me for who I am not my body.

Not a man who lust after me. A man that will value me . A man that doesn't
see me as just a lowlife person.

I deleted all the thoughts from my mind as I tossed on the bed.

I need to catch some sleeps before evening.


🎀 Evan 🎀

" Why the hell will you badge into your boss's office dude?" I said playfully
to Adam who rolled his eyes and sat opposite me.

" I am sorry Sir " he replied and I chuckled.

" I am shocked Mr boss haven't been seen with any lady since morning,
what's popping or have you given your life to Christ?" Gosh!

This guy talks so much!

I nudged his arm and he shifted away laughing.

" What? Am I not saying something? There's hardly a day I don't see
almost four ladies entering into your office "

That's true though but today isn't that good since I heard I will be going to
some party together with Jenny.

But trust me, I will f*"k some bi*ches at the party

I don't like that fact. Jenny is too clingy especially in public maybe indirectly
telling other ladies to back off.

God knows I am doing this marriage thing because of Mum, she's never
requested from me before and I just want to fulfill this.

It wasn't a promise but I want Mum happy! All I ever wish for is her
happiness but I can't see Jenny as my wife to be.

I prefer the word best friend between is than an item.

It sounds odd. Complete bizarre!

" I know it's about Jenny right? Why are you finding it difficult to accept

" Man! That girl has everything , she's beautiful, classy, sexy and to crown
it all she have a killer shape " he said and I scoffed

Nora is the most beautiful lady I have ever seen.

She's beautiful, sexy, curvy, cute, a good cook and to top it all, she has self

Not some people who throws themselves at me because of my good look

and wealth.

That Nora girl rejected everything! She paid less or no attention to my

handsomeness and she doesn't give a f*"k about my wealth.

I mean every lady out there will jump at any slightest opportunity to have a
night stand with me but her?

She Fu*"ing hit me the last time I tried and I respect her a lot although she's
too hot!

Her beauty and curves wouldn't just make me think straight.

She has the firmest b**bs that can befuddle anyone including Adam.

I am sure he will know better when he meets her.

" I never said I don't like her " I glared at him

" Then why are you not accepting her?" He asked again.
" I like her okay, but I don't have a thing for her and it's difficult for me to
adjust to everything from seeing her as a friend to a fiancee "

Seriously, I don't have feelings for her.

" That's true though " he said raising an eyebrow.

If it's Nora I was asked to marry, it could have been very well better.

" Anyways, I am off ! Take care of my office " I said standing up.

" Where are you going to? "

" Oh! I have a party to attend with Jenny and Mum "


🌹 Jenny's POV 🌹

I smiled foolishly at myself as I put on a short tight gown that was barely
reaching my knee.

It fitted so well!

I applied a little makeup taking a glance at Evan at the other side of the

He look so cute in his simple suit.

How can a only one person be this handsome?

I feel so happy I am going to take out my plan today.

I will tame him . Nothing is stopping me from becoming pregnant for Evan.

Just like Carol said is what I am doing!

" Ready? " He asked without glancing at me.

I feel so disappointed but that's not a case.

Everything will end tonight.

" Yeah " I replied.

I just wish he can take a glance at me, at least.

I dressed up to entice him and he didn't even give me a single compliment .

" Let's go then "

He dashed out of the room and I followed suit!

I nervously brought it out making sure he doesn't notice.

He was so focused on the road so I felt better.

With my hand shaking, I spread the substance.

I quickly hid it as I was done sighing in relief that I wasn't caught!

Evan took a quick glance at me then back on the road.

He cleaned his eyes and I know it's working!

Yes it's actually working!

" Jenny !" He called with his eyes still fixed on the road.

" Yeah! Are you okay?" I asked trying to be calm

" I think I am feeling drowsy, I..uhm.. "

" What's the problem Evan?" I pretended.

Deep down in me, I feel so happy!

My plan is working!

If you think I am gonna take this chance to have sex with him then your
guessing is wrong!

You wouldn't wanna know what I want to do!

Can you believe I typed this episode and everything went blank?
It got deleted as my battery went off at that moment.

You know I love you all

🌺🌺 A Maid For Him 🌺🌺

( Mum brought her)

Episode 10
🌹 Jenny 🌹

" Wake up Evan, we are getting late for the party " I said tapping him after I
was done with what I wanted using him for.

I felt so happy that I was able to achieve that.

He practically slept off in the process.

Like I said, I didn't have s*x with him and that was just a powder drug to
make him.. Don't worry, you will learn about that later.

" Evan, wake up "

He sleepily rubbed his eyes sitting up. I know he's not going to remember
anything that happened.

" W.. what happened?" He asked and I rolled my eyes.

" You are asking me what happened when you slept off while driving huh? I
had to wait till you have enough sleep before we can head to the party, I
can't possibly take a sleepy fiance to a party " I said and he widened his

" W..what? But.... I am really sorry about that Jenny, I really am " he said

" It's fine, you know I love you so I ain't angry with you "
he nodded and ignited the engine driving off again.

I can't be more happier! I got what I wanted!



Who could be here huh? I am sure it isn't Mr Evan or Jenny.

They dressed up and left not quite long.

Okay Nora! I should go check the door .

But what if it's some kinda robbers? What if it is a serial killer?

I ran back to the kitchen and brought out my favourite pan and knife!

If I open the door immediately, I will hit the person with it then stab his arm
in defense!

I hid at the back of the door peeping through it before opening.

I raised the pain immediately to hit the person and .....

" Wow! Wow! Evan didn't tell me he have a warrior in his house, call down
pretty, I mean no harm " he said raising up his hands.

I brought down the pan as I took in his appearance. .

Who's he?
He look so handsome , tall and slim . I can't say he's skinny because his
figure is okay!

But he's not as handsome as Evan though.

" Who are you?" I asked

" Adam! I am Adam, Evan's best friend "

" A flirt like him I guess " I said narrowing my eyes and he chuckled.

" What makes you think so?" He amusingly replied

" Well, birds of the same feather flocks together "

That made him burst out laughing. What's funny? I am stating the obvious.

A friend of a thief is no doubt a thief too mostly!

" You shouldn't view me from that perspective Nora?"

Huh? How did he know my name?

" I know that look, Evan told me about you "

Oh! Mr Evan but why will he tell him about me? That's gossip!

" Are you going to usher me in or stay out here? " he said and that was
when it hit me that he was still at the door.

I paced way for him and he entered sitting down on the couch !

" What should I offer you Sir and Mr Evan isn't home "

" He isn't home? I thought he told me he do be back before 8 " he said and
I shrugged.

That's between the both of them. ...

" So what should I offer you Sir?"

" Water will do but please don't address me as Sir, I am Adam not sir
please "
" You are my boss's friend,I can't possibly address you by your name Sir "

" What if I insist?" He narrowed his eyes and I sighed.

I guess he's way more fun than Mr Evan.

" Okay Adam,I will go get you the water " I replied dashing to the kitchen.

And returned with a glass of water.

" Thank you " he replied.

Well, he's truly different. Mr Evan will never appreciate someone, his
appreciations were dumped in the waste bin long time ago .

Adam is friendly!

" Are you going to wait for him?" I asked

" Yes I planned on passing the night here "

My mouth formed an ' o ' as I nodded.

" Alright,make yourself comfortable " I said turning to leave to my room of


" C'mon Nora, you can't leave your visitor all alone here while you go to bed
, that's not cool " he mumbled and I chuckled.

Seriously? He's a visitor? But he didn't come to visit me right?

" Please stay with me till that jerk returns" I laughed over it and sat beside
Mr Evan is really a jerk, if not more than!

" Okay, we should watch the TV or something " I suggested.

" That's okay but permit me to say this, you are hell of a beautiful and
endowed woman. Evan didn't mention this part"

He said staring at my body while I shifted and smiled.

" Thank you " I smiled blushing a little. That's the first time someone has
ever told me I am beautiful.

Never heard that before.

" You welcome pretty, so which channel should we watch ?" He asked
taking the remote.

" You like horror movies?" He asked and I shook my head.

I can be anything but I am scared of horror movies.

" I am not a fan but if you want to watch it, you can go on I will watch with
you "

I replied taking the cushion pillows in my hand.

" You do not have to be scared I am here" he replied chuckling.

He put it in channel 213 .

Wait! Is that a beast?

It appeared and began killing unharmed people.

The one that touched me most was the way he pieces the baby's body.
He came nearer to the screen and then boom!

" Ahhhh" I shouted clutching tight to Adam who was laughing at me.

The beast is coming down here,it's gonna eat me .

Fear gripped me as I held him very tight.

" Calm down pretty, it's just a movie " he said taking hold of my hand and

It's just a movie but it look so real.

That very moment I was holding Adam like my life depends on him, Mr
Evan and Jenny burst through the door.

We both raised our heads to see them staring widely at us.

That was when I realized the position we are in .

I quickly disentangle myself from Adam standing up leaving him still
laughing like he doesn't care.

" Welcome Sir " I greeted.

He threw me a look I can't really understand and dragged up Adam.

" Is that how to say hello to a friend?" Adam asked

I didn't know what Mr Evan told him and he began laughing again as he
dragged him upstairs.

" That maid of yours is hell of a drama "

They disappeared upstairs leaving me and Jenny.

She came to a close proximity with me and stopped.

" I thought you were innocent "

With that she dashed upstairs too.

What did she mean by that?

That's her business though.

🎀 Evan 🎀

I busied myself with my laptop. I haven't really been myself since after the
party a day before.

I don't get why!

First sleeping in the car! How did that happen when I didn't take any
medicine that will make me sleep?

That's still a misery to me.

The door flipped opened as Jenny came in looking all Happy!

She's the least of my problems right now.

" Guess what Evan "

She said plumping next to me.

I glanced at her and she smirked.

" What?"
" Take a look at this " she said handing me her phone.

I closed my laptop to see a shocker.

" W.. what's this Jenny? Where did you get this from?" I asked stammering.

How ? When?

" That's left for me to know Evan " she replied nonchalantly.

I watched the video of me masturbating!

I can't remember doing this! Hell! I have never masturbated in my life.

" I am going to post it on social media " she said collecting her phone from

W.. what?

" What? You can't do that to me Jenny, my company, my name and

everything will be damaged "

I replied fearfully.
Why will she think of that? Did she hate me that much?

" Then lets strike a deal and I won't post it"

" Anything Jenny but don't post that please"

I know she can do that but why?

" Just a one night stand, that's all I want. I want you to have s*x with me "


Morning guys.
🌺🌺 A Maid For Him 🌺🌺
(Mum brought her)

Episode 11

🎀 Evan 🎀

" W..what?" I scoffed.

" You heard me right Evan, I will discard this if you have s*x with me " she
said tossing her phone in her hand while I stared at her in utmost surprise
and shock.

How did she get that? And just to make me have sex with her?

" What's this Jenny? Are you blackmailing me?" I asked and she smirked.

" If that's what you think, are you in or not? "

She asked.
I can't let her upload that on social media, I won't be able to walk , my
company I suffered to build over 5years will crumble .

" I guess you are not ready " she said standing up but I was quick enough
to hold her hand.

What option do I have?

I took her lips into mine as I pushed her back to the bed .

I grabbed her waist before pinning her to the bed.

She mo@ned as I roughly bit her tongue.

I don't wish to do this!

I took my hand into her crop top unhooking her bra.

I took off her shirt and I took my hands to her b**bs fondling them.

She removed my belt and my shorts fell down on it's own.

Leaving me stark naked.

She was wearing nothing underneath the top that was barely reaching her
thigh so we both were class in nothing

I kept my rod in her entrance before penetrating into her.

I closed my eyes tightly thr*sting into her speedily.

"Ahhhh "

" Ohh! "

" Evan"

" My love "

" You are so sweet "

" Uhhmm "

She mo@ned in pleasure as I gritted my teeth in anger.

I have never imagined myself f*"king her for any reason!

" Oh my! That was hell, I enjoyed every bit of it " she said .

I just closed my eyes not taking any glance at her.

I can't believe this happened!

" I know you enjoyed it don't you Evan? "

She brought her hand to my chest and I roughly threw it away.

Isn't it what she wanted? Now it's done so what?

" Well, I guess you are not ready to talk to me " she said standing up with
the duvet entering into the bathroom.

My eyes snapped to where her phone was and I quickly grabbed it.

God! Thank goodness! No pin or password and that stupid video was still
there on the screen!

Just great!
I quickly deleted, opened her gallery, went to trash and deleted it again.

I have a feeling she might want to use it against me next time.

I sighed in relief dropping back her phone. .

How the hell come about the video of me masturbating?

Was it photoshopped? But that was me, wait! With the same dress I wore
yesterday to the party.

I remembered I slept off in the car! Does that mean? No!

I think I need to find out what happened, something definitely happened.

If I get to find out who set me up, I won't spare that fool! That's a promise.

🌹 Jenny 🌹

I came back from the bathroom to see the room empty .

Evan's gone! He left the room already!

I smiled in satisfaction as I stood by the window cleaning myself with the


It did happened! Evan and I had sex ! Oh my God!

I feel so happy!
I hastily rubbed my cream and wore a simple dress.

I need to FaceTime Carol. Her plan worked.

Everything ! It came to past! I touched my stomach smiling widely.

In a month, I will be expecting a pregnancy. God! I just hope I get pregnant!

Wait! Of course I will! I definitely will.

I took my phone trying to bring out the video that made me happy but.....

I couldn't find it, what happened?

Did I by any chance get it deleted? Gosh! And I foolishly forgot to save it in
another folder.

Anyways! I already got what I wanted, I don't care if the video is gone or

I quickly on my duo and connected straight to Carol.

In no time, her head popped up on my screen.

" Hey babe what's up " she said

" Guess what! " I yelled happily

" You were able to dupe your Dad again " she said chuckling and I glared
at her.

" That's not it Carol, Evan and I had s*x "

" Oh my goodness! How was he? Was he good in bed? Was he slow? Was
he fast? Is he sweet? Did he know how to ride a woman perfectly? Did .. "

" Shut up Carol, I don't have answers to your numerous questions " I
replied and she pouted.

" That's not fair babe but I am glad the plan worked out " she said happily.

" Yeah , all thanks to you "

" It's nothing Jenny, what are friends for? Anyways talk to you later, I need
to attend to something "

" Alright, bye "

I hung up and smiled.

The first thing I will do when I get pregnant is throwing Nora out of this

She's a very big threat to me.

She's too beautiful to live under the same roof with Evan and I.

I sure don't want to loose him to a clown like her.

Her curves , her skin, her face, her beauty. Everything about her is

Well, I am very hot and curvy too but I can't compete with her.

I wonder why she's not into modelling . Oh! I forgot she's a lowlife.....


I hear the oven to some point before arranging the rack in the lower part of
the oven .

I placed the baking stone on the rack and heat the oven again for like five
minutes .

I divided the dough into two and roll it out.

I added the pizza to the top and baked it leaving it for some minutes before
it was done.

I smiled at the success of my pizza.

Seriously it been like ages I last ate pizza.

I sliced some in my plate munching it with so much ectacy.

It's very tasty! Uhhm!

I just can't wait to get married and make pizza for my husband and I then
he will feed me .

The day I am going to meet my prince charming, I will have to smack his
head for keeping me waiting.

I put the remaining pizza that I have prepared into my plate again .

" Are you seriously going to finish that pizza alone? "

Huh? Mr Evan! How long has he been standing here?

🎀 Evan 🎀

I watched as she eat in ectacy. The sight of the pizza alone is mouth
watering . The scent was what drove me here

It was everywhere in the house and she's here eating alone?

Why will she make it for herself only? I wish I can watch her eat like this

I freaking love everything about her! The way she eats, just name it!
And guess what? She's wearing a body hugging gown that came down her
knee a little.

This lady will soon drive me insane with her curves.

" Are you seriously going to finish that pizza alone?" I asked and she turned
to look at me.

I walked closer to her and opened the oven.

To my surprise, nothing was left! What the hell?

My stomach grumbled and she began laughing!

Her laugh is so cute ! She looks more of a baby when laughing.

" Well, I didn't know you will be home this soon Mr Evan and I prepared it
for myself" she giggled cutting out of the pizza in her mouth.

It's remaining just two pieces! What?

I want to eat that!

I wanted grabbing the plate from her hand but she noticed and ran to the
other side of the kitchen.

She turned to the window backing me while munching another.

" Can you just give me the last piece of the pizza Nora?" I asked and she
shook her head still backing me.

" It's only for my consumption Mr Evan " she replied again.

I stylishly and carefully took a baby step towards her.

I need to hijack the plate. I can't let her finish everything.

This lady here is selfish gosh!

She jumped up as I grabbed her waist as she quickly throw the last piece of
the pizza in her mouth laughing.

Our close proximity sent goosebumps to my body as I just stood frozen

holding her waist while she laughed cutely.

What's wrong with me?

I glanced down at my front to see my d*"k bulging out of my trouser almost

touching her b*tts

I hope she doesn't notice!
I groaned loudly taking my hands off her.

I am so gonna die if this lady remain in this house and won't let me f*"k her.

How can I get a hard on with just a touch?

T. B. C.

Hey guys .

🌺🌺 A Maid For Him 🌺🌺

(Mum brought her)

Episode 12

( A short episode 😔pardon me)

🎀 Evan 🎀

" Yes! Turn around! Bend " I told the bi*ch who giggled setting herself in a
doggie style.

I brought my rod close to her entrance teasing her cl*t a little before
inserting it into her.

" Ahhh!"


" Yes"

" Ow!"

I held her tiny waist dragging her b*tts closer to me before caressing them.

I just want to take a break from everything!

From Jenny's trouble here and there, from thinking about Nora, from mum
telling me to fix a date for my marriage and more.

Everything is super much for me to take in.

I removed my d*"k before turning her and flinging her on the bed. .

She took my huge d*"k in her hand slowly smooching it.

It feels so good as I closed my eyes enjoying the pleasure.

She took the full size in her mouth sucking every bit of it.

My hand went to her n*pple and I began giving it a little sensation.

Awakening her desire.

Through out all this, only one person was on my mind!


Her image kept on appearing on the lady's face.

Why can't she just let me?

To get myself together again, I need to f*"k her.

I have had more than 3 ladies but they are not what I want.

I want her under me with her breathe mixing with mine.

I want her to mo@n my name in ectacy and pleasure.

I want to hear her scream in my ear like a Melody!

I will get her! That's a promise but how?

I think I have a perfect plan! I will have her with or without her consent!

I don't care how it goes! ....


🌹 Jenny 🌹

It's been a month since I had s*x with Evan and no result.

I have gone to the hospital almost four times but nothing.

I didn't get pregnant!

I paced to and fro. Everything I worked for.

It didn't work out as planned. I want this pregnancy so badly.

" Sit down will you?" Carol said patting a space beside her and I hesitantly

" You don't have to be sad okay?" She said and I scoffed.

I don't have to be f*"king sad? What the hell?

Will I ever have the chance to have Evan have s*x with me again?

And that stupid video got deleted!

" I shouldn't be sad? All my plans just crumbled and you are telling me this

I flared angrily.

" I understand you Jenny but there's always a way out you know "

" What other way out huh? What's the way out? "

She stared at me and sighed.

" Don't you trust me anymore? I am Never out of ideas and I know this will
work perfectly "

My curious eyes met with hers and she gave me a reassuring smile.

" What idea do you have? I am loosing it Carol, I can't loose Evan no
matter what"

" Don't worry babe , you won't, not when I am here "

" What do I do?" I asked curiously

" A fake pregnancy! Fake a pregnancy Jenny "

Huh? A fake what?

" Are you kidding me?"

" Trust me, no one will know, we will arrange everything and you will look
like a pregnant woman then after some months, we will go for adoption "

I thought about it and it's actually a good plan.

I will keep my Evan to myself! He will be mine forever!


" Hey " I turned to see Mr Evan smiling at me.

I rolled my eyes at him.

When did he become all nice?

" Good evening Mr Evan "

" Evening Nora "

He didn't just nod! He answered my greeting. Wow ! Impressive

I glanced at him and saw he was nervous about something.


" You want anything?" I asked and he nodded.

" Actually, Jenny is out and I am bored. I was thinking if we could play a
little game , I know it's surprising but please don't say no " huh?

" Mr Evan "

" Please Nora " he pouted and I sighed.

" Fine " at least this is the first time he's asking me for such thing.

It's surprising although.! I shrugged it off.

We sat down and he faced me excitedly . Is he really okay?

" You drink right?" He asked and I shot him a confused stare.

" I ..I..mean, alcohol you know " he said stuttering a little.

" Oh well! Trust me I do but I behave very terrible when I am drunk " I
replied sincerely.
I don't know why he's actually asking.

" Then you can't do a small competition with me, I will beat you to it when it
comes to alcohol "

He said boldly and I scoffed.

" Do not flatter yourself Mr Evan , you can't drink as much as I can " I
replied and he cracked.

"Should we try that and place a bet ?"

I glanced at him and shook my head.

" I don't have anything to give you Mr Evan " I rolled my eyes knowing
where this will end.

" I won't be asking for much. The thing is, if you can take three glass of
whiskey without getting drunk, I will increase your pay but I know you are
definitely going to fail "

Just three glasses?

That can't get me drunk can it?

" Like how much will you add to my salary?" I queried .

He pretended to be thinking for a while before finally speaking up.

" Half of any amount Mum pays you "

Huh? My face lit up immediatetly!

That's close to 25$ . Oh my God!

" Then I am in "

He jumped up clasping his hands running off to the fridge.

He got the whiskey and a glass.

That wasn't the competition he said but since money is involved, count me
always in.

He fill the glass handing it to me.

I briskly collected it and gulped everything down in a swift.

" Wow!" He exclaimed feeling it again.


I took the last glass and I felt my head turning.

I can't loose this money.

" I did right? So keep to your promise " I said trying to make my voice as
normal as it use to be but I terribly failed.

He chuckled .

" You are drunk Nora, just three glass made you drunk " he said laughing
and I shook my head

" I am not drunk Mr Evan, I... "

I couldn't continue my words as I tried standing up ending up falling back

on the couch with my eyes slowly closing.

I groaned trying to keep them open but couldn't.

The last thing I heard was Mr Evan laughing.

My eyes slowly closed and my body relaxed more on the couch with my
hand flung on his shoulder.


Nora won't kill me 🤣.

Did Evan have any plan for making her drunk?🤔.

😒Ayam sorry guys.

Do not complain, I know it's short. Very short but forgive me lovers

My love for you guys can buy the whole world .

See ya tomorrow.

🌺🌺 A Maid For Him 🌺🌺

(Mum brought her )

Episode 13

🎀 Evan 🎀

I picked Nora up from the couch and she opened her eyes slowly.

" Oh Mr Evan, you look handsome " she said laughing while I chuckled. .
My plan did work out
I don't care what will happen later but this is the perfect time for me to
satisfy my urge and stop thinking about her.

I climbed the stairs with her in my arms to her room

" Mr Evan is a cute guy living in a cute world "


She giggled and hit my arm. I thought she was sleeping Gosh !

" We are going to fall down Nora, stay calm " I said to her and she nodded
like she was in her right state of mind.

I knew she was going to get drunk anyways.

She doesn't look like one who can drink and still be stable.

" You know what Mr Evan? I like you but, you are too grumpy and a flirt "

Huh? She likes me? I scoffed remembering she just insulted me.

I could have glared at her on a norm.

I opened her door and dropped her on the bed.

" C'mon Mr Evan " she dragged me towards her and I ended up falling on

Okay! I think I should do this. She's drunk and won't remember a thing

I slowly went closer to her and placed my lips on hers kissing her tenderly.
Her lips feel so soft and sweet.

She wrapped her arms around my neck as I went straight to into her shirt
unhooking her br@ .

I threw it on the table beside her bed removing her shirt.

I was easier because she was just putting on a simple gown.

I zipped it down and took it off.

I wowed as saw the view before me.

My mouth went to her right big b**bs biting her n*pple.

A faint mo@n escaped her mouth while she was still holding me half
asleep, half awake but internally unconscious.

I didn't bother to remove my my dress only my trouser and shorts.

That's all I needed to.

The bedside lamp was on and I could see a clear view of her.

I stared lustfully at her body while removing her lace pa*ties.

She absentmindedly spread her legs widely .

I touched her perfect cl*t and we'll shaved area tingling it. .

She mo@ned a little before murmuring some incoherent words.

I brought my rod closer to her as my eyes went to her innocent sleeping

I almost had a second thought but is there a need?

I know I am being selfish but I am doing myself a favour.

I am sure when I finally f*"k her, the lust, thinking about her, seeing her
images. Everything will be gone.
That's what I want.

I teased her V with my d*"k and slowly thr*st into her.

" Ahh" she winced hitting me and in no time she was call again .

I groaned for the nth time as my d*"k couldn't enter her tight p*ssy.

Why in God's name is she this tight?

" Hmm! " She said wrinkling her face in pain. I could feel it.

" Ouch! Why am I hurting? Oh! It must be where I .... " She trailed off
closing her eyes again.

I heard a loud scream for her as my d*"k finally entered into her .

Goodness! It feels so good!

I began riding her slowly while she winced in her sleep.

She was even a virgin!

I am taking her pride in a very absurd way.

What if she finds out ?

Of course I won't let that happen, maybe I should make her forget this
incident ever happened.

But I must say, this is the best lady I have f*"ked in forever! She's so sweet!
Maybe because she's fresh!!


The sunlight piercing through my window woke me up.

" Ouch" I winced holding my head. It hurts like hell!

What happened? Ouch! Why's my head hurting this much?

I felt a urge to puke and I jumped out of the bed only to land my butts on
the floor.

I puked all over my room still sitting on the cold floor.

What's happening to me?

Why am I feeling pain in between my legs?

Is my menses about to come?

I shook my head at that.
Even if it's a cramp, it can't possibly make my pr*vate part hurting this

Or Maybe, it does changes! Maybe it is normal!

I shook the thoughts trying to stand up on my feet.

I feel so weak, tired and empty like something is missing in me.
What actually happened yesterday?

I could remember Mr Evan coming and asking me to play a game, we

spoke, I took three glasses of whiskey and.......

Nothing! Everything went blank!

How did I get in here? I thought we were both at the living room!

D..did he bring me here ? Oh my God!

I sighed in relief seeing that I was still in my dress from yesterday.

He actually brought me to my room? What?

Maybe I should get this cleaned first . Thank goodness it's Saturday, I am
sure he's in the house .


I bumped into Mr Evan on my way out. Just perfect!

Is he nervous or something?

" Good morning Mr Evan" I greeted.

He was looking everywhere but me. Okay! That's weird!

" M.. morning Nora " he stuttered quickly walking away but I was quick to
call him back.

" Mr Evan?" I called and he paused.

" Y...yeah , any problem?" He asked

" Not at all Sir, I was wondering who took me to my room yesterday " I

He stiffened a bit before turning to me.

I stared into his eyes and I could see different emotions I don't understand.

He quickly composed himself bursting out laughing confusing the devil out
of me.

" I did Nora, you were so drunk by just taking a three glass if alcohol, I had
to take you to your room and did you know what you told me yesterday?"

He asked as he leaned closer a bit. God! I know I suck when I am drunk.

I say things out of point!

" You said you like me, is that true?" He whispered and I pushed him away
while he laughed.


" Oh please! It was the work of alcohol trust me "

" Are you sure you didn't mean it?" He asked raising his eyebrows and I

Mean it hell!

" Well! I won't be selfish at least, for taking the alcohol, I am going to
increase your pay as promised "

My face lit up immediatetly. I thought I lost it

" The only good thing you've uttered since I came into this house " I blurted
and quickly covered my mouth

Oops ! I didn't mean to say that! But that's true anyways.

" Thanks for the compliment " he replied sarcastically heading back to the
stairs while I laughed.

At least, he's changing from the grumpy boss he used to be.

I mean grumpy and demanding! He's become friendlier since yesterday.

That's better!
He isn't asking for my body again! I wonder what changed but I like it

I need to prepare breakfast! Since Jenny isn't home, the house is peaceful
without her troubles.

I learnt she stays at Mrs Scott most of the time.

I wonder what she likes in her! A bag of trouble.

🎀 Evan 🎀

I hit the balcony door loudly!

Guilt! Guilt! Guilt! Guilt!

Just guilt was what I have been feeling since two days back after I took
advantage of Nora.
Yes! I can't deny what actually happened!

I am feeling really bad for what I did !

She was a virgin!

How much she has dreamt of her first night with her husband!

I feel so terrible!
I regret everything!

I regret f*"king her that night! Seeing her smile at me without knowing what
I have done to her kills me!

I am a monster!
What was I even thinking?

I thought after everything, I will forget about her! I will stop thinking about
her but I lied to myself

It worsen everything!
She's everywhere in my Head!
She's everywhere I go!

What have I done to the innocent girl?

I thought she was like those b*tches I f*"k .

I thought she was as loosed as them and was only pretended to be holy!

I ran my hand through my hair feeling frustrated.

She will hate me forever if she gets to know about it!

She will detest me!

I was taken out of my trance when my phone began ringing.

I sighed dipping my hand into my pocket.

MUM was boldly written on it!

I swiped it up and picked up the call.

📞 Son 📞

She yelled on the other side. I can feel she's excited about something.

📞 Good afternoon Mum 📞

📞 Afternoon Son, I am so happy and mad at you 📞

Huh? Happy and mad at me? What type of figurative speech is that?

📞 I am sorry I haven't been visiting Mum, I... 📞

She cuts in immediatetly. Seriously?

📞 I am not talking about that Evan, why did you keep it away from me? 📞

Huh? Keep what away?

📞 I don't get it Mum 📞

📞 Oh stop pretending son, Jenny just told me about her pregnancy. I am

going to be a grandma, why didn't you tell me earlier? Oh we're you shy? I
can understand. Anyways, congratulations to the latest father to be . I am
off to the mall to shop for the baby 📞

My blood froze as she ended the call!

Jenny? Pregnant? For me?
🌺🌺 A Maid For Him 🌺🌺
(Mum brought her)

Episode 14

🎀 Evan 🎀

I sat there with my eyes widened. can she be pregnant for me?

Oh my goodness! I am doomed!
Jenny will become my child's mother?

I know this will let Mum fasten the marriage steps now and I am not ready
for all that.

That night was just few minutes I spent in bed with her, how can she get

Is that possible? Saviours!

What do I do?
I have never dreamt Jenny giving birth to my baby.

I can't believe this! I just hope mum's pulling my legs .

But she can't be joking with such news!

Why the hell did Jenny inform her before me?

I don't know how it's going to be but I am not ready to take responsibilities.

I am still not done with what I did to Nora and now this?

How do I tackle everything? Am I ready to be a father?

Heck! I am not dreaming of settling down soon !

" Where is that stupid maid? " I shut my eyes tightly sighing loudly.

Is she the first to get pregnant?

" Nora! Baby she's not answering me, I am sure going to throw her out of
this house Evan, can't you see she's not capable?" Jenny yelled angrily.

" I am sure she will be here soon Jenny, why stressing yourself over
nothing?" I replied clasping my hands together.

I am becoming very tired of her nagging all the times.

It's either Nora this, Nora that! Baby here and there!
I am f*"king tired!

" This isn't nothing " she paused as Nora approaches us.

She looks gloomy and tired !

It's been two weeks since the incident and each time I see her, my heart
raced .

I can't watch away the guilt. How will she feel when she finds out what I did
to her?

We've become a little close since that day and I discovered she's such a
sweet soul, that alone makes me feel guilty the more.

She's gone through a lot by bringing herself up without a parent figure.

Yeah! She told me three days back.
That's how close we've become recently since I stopped making sexual
advances to her.

And deflowering her without her knowing will break her!

What do I do?
I can't even face her and confess that I took advantage of her drunken
state !

How will she react?

" Here comes the witch " Jenny said glaring at her as she dropped a glass
of tea for her.

I know Nora is enduring everything! I mean if she can hit me her boss then
who's she? I mean Jenny?

I creased my forehead together sighing on and on.

My eyes met with hers and I gave her an apologetic smile. She just

I don't think she's feeling fine, I mean the Nora I know is always sharp like
she has nothing to worry about but today?

Jenny took a sip of the tea and shouted.

What the hell?

" What's this Nora? Did you want to kill my baby? Oh I know your plan !
You added a lot of sugar so that it will affect my baby right? That won't work
you witch "

My eyes widened! What the hell? Does sugar kills?

Nora stiffened and shook her head! I thought she was going to talk back at
her like the day she beat her up but she didn't, she just kept quiet.

" C'mon Jenny, sugar doesn't do anything to the baby! If you don't want this
one, I will prepare one for you with less sugar "

She shot me a glare staring at Nora with so much hatred.

What's with her? Why don't she like her huh?

Before we could understand what was happening, Jenny poured the hot
tea on her.


" Ahhhh "

Oh my goodness!

" Are you okay Jenny? Why did you do that?" I snapped at her as I stood
up to Nora.

She winced touching her stomach! I know she must be hurting.

" I am sorry Nora, I.."

" Stay out of this Evan, I give you two minutes to prepare another cup of tea
for me , now out!" Jenny yelled and Nora left in tears.

" I don't like this sh*t Jenny "

" Wait up Nora " I said running after her.

" Are you seriously going to ditch me for that thing Evan?" She scoffed and
I turned to her.
" Watch me do it, I am tired of you Jenny"

I ran after Nora who wasn't in sight anymore.

🌹 Jenny 🌹

I fumed angrily! I thought I was going to have all his attentions if I get
pregnant for him and now that bi*ch wouldn't let him attend to me.

I am carrying his baby and he have to take care of me.

I don't care if it's fake, he doesn't know about that right?

I will take Nora out of my way by all means.

I have done everything to get Evan's attention and love but it's not yielding
a thing.

What else should I do?

Maybe if Nora is out of the picture, he will consider me.

Just perfect! I know what you o do!

I sniffed in tears as I ran to the kitchen !
My chest has turned pink from the burn of the hot tea.

How can she be so heatless to pour me a tea? A hot tea?

Tears welled up my eyes as I switch on the gas to make another tea for

Trust me, I could have slap the hell out of her that moment she insulted me
before pouring the tea on me but I couldn't because I don't want Mr Evan to
be mad at me.

At least I should respect him for the friendship we are building. He won't be
happy seeing me hit his fiancee.

I am going to endure till I can't take it anymore.

The day I am going loose it, her baby will be forced out!

" Nora !" Mr Evan called and I quickly turned away.

He came to my front holding my hands.

" I am really sorry for Jenny's behavior towards you, I truly am " he
apologized and I smiled at him.

Within this few weeks, we've become friends at least .

" It's fine Mr Evan,I believe it's pregnancy hormones but I won't tolerate her
for long" I said sincerely.

" I understand, thank you so much Nora but please, call me Evan, we are
done with the Mr and Sir stuff" he said he's my boss right?
It feels so wrong to call him by his name!
" Please Nora "

" Okay, fine "

" Thank you Nora , you don't have to bother make another tea for her, I will
do that and you should go and rest"

" You look so worked up" he said

" I..... "

A strong urge to puke hit me and I ran to the sink puking all my intestine.

What the hell?

I seriously don't understand how I have been feeling since yesterday.

Feeling tired all of a sudden, weak, dizzy, sleep walking, cry over little
things, act a bit crazy, become emotional like what the heck?

" Are you okay ?" Mr Evan, I mean Evan asked and I nodded.

My head is slightly hurting .

" I am fine , I will just go down to my favourite pharmacy to tell them how I
feel, I am sure its either fever or malaria" I said

He stared at me intently before nodding.

" Let me help you to your room "

Those above are the only thing that will make me feel this way right? I am
very certain it's malaria.



I posted super late 😒.

But that Jenny is something else oo.

Ghen ghen!!!!
Nora is having malaria 😟

(Contact Rikki on WhatsApp 08168354463 so you can be added to our

WhatsApp group )
🌺🌺A Maid For Him 🌺🌺
( Mum brought her)

Episode 15

🌹 Jenny 🌹

" Cheers baby girl " Carol said as we drink the wine.

I can't be more happier to have Evan's Mum on my side.

She even asked me to move in with her so she can take a proper care of
me but I refused.

I can't risk leaving Evan with Nora! That's very risky! Not happening.

She prepares and send different ditches to me .

Imagine she have shopped for the Baby that is yet to be born or should I
say the baby that doesn't exist?

That woman so much love to have her grandchild .

I wonder why she trust me this much.

" Thank you so much Carol, you deserve to be crowned Queen of ideas " I
said and she chuckled.

" Anything for you girlfriend, I can't let you loose that hot guy you know but
remember I asked for something in return" she pouted and I furrowed my
eyebrows scoffing.


" You are not serious are you?" I asked blinking my eyes.

" C'mon Jenny, I am dead serious "

" You know how Miguel is, he doesn't like someone choosing for him " I
said sincerely.

My best friend is in love with my brother but how do I connect them?

Miguel is not your typical kinda guy! He's way too different that sometimes I
wonder if he's truly from Earth.

" I know but please, give it a try. I love him so much and you know that "

" Okay fine, I will try "

" That's my girlfriend, I love you "



I woke up feeling so weak and still sleepy.

Evan was so kind enough to help me to my room.

I could kill to see the look Jenny held . If not for my condition at that
moment, I could have laughed my @ss out.

I lazily stood up from the bed heading to the bathroom to take a shower
before I go to the pharmacist down the road to tend my complaint.

Does sleep makes someone tired? I thought I ought to be strong if I wake

up but I am getting more weak.

I seriously need to take some drugs.

In less than 30minutes , I was done with bathing and wearing my simple

I got out of my room straight downstairs. Thank goodness, I didn't meet a

Jenny or Evan.

Out of the gate, I took a cab and headed straight to the pharmacy.

What's exactly wrong with me? I am not that type that falls sick! All the
sicknesses are afraid of my body so why now?

Gosh! I hate medications but what do I do?

I can't be sleeping like someone that has been sedated.

" We are here ma'am " the cab man took me out of my thoughts and I
sighed coming down from the cab.

I paid him for his service and left .

" Good afternoon ma'am " the pharmacist greeted smiling at me.

He's a friend! Even before now, I do come here to buy drugs for myself.

" Good afternoon, I guess the sales are moving "

" Yes ma'am, what are you here for?" He asked and I straighten up.

" Actually, I have been having some unusual feelings since yesterday, like
nuances, dizzy, tired and I sleep a lot. I don't know what sickness it can be,
maybe malaria? Or so " I explained breathing out.

He stared at me for a while and nodded smiling. ...

" I will give you some drugs but I advice you go for a wider checkup at the
hospital, I think there is more to it "

Huh? Wider checkup? More to what?

" How? I don't understand " I replied with confusion.

" You see, the symptoms you mentioned are not for malaria although some
like tiredness is a sign of malaria but I don't think that's what's wrong with
you ma'am" he said

" Then what's wrong with me?"

Seriously I am getting scared. He chuckled softly confusing me the more.

" You don't have to be scared ma'am, I can't really tell what's wrong with
you, that's why I suggest you go for a test or check-up at the hospital, with
that, I can give you a corresponding drug " he said

" Okay, thank you "

I took my bag and headed out without waiting to collect the drugs he said

I mean what's the use without a result?

What if it's a very dangerous sickness? What if it's cancer or leukemia, or a

disorder or....

Oh God! I am finished!

Am I going to die? What if it cost lots of money to cure it and I can't afford

What if I die? What if I become bedridden?

A lots of what ifs where running in my mind as I waited for a cab to take me
to the hospital.

I can't go back home till I know I am fine!

My health should be guaranteed first!


I sat nervously waiting on and on to be called for my result but the doctor
was not in sight. .

Did he really want me to die of heartache?

Or is it that my result is very bad and he doesn't want to announce it to me?

Ahh! Finally! He showed up!

" Miss Nora, please follow me to my office "

I clasp my sweaty hands together as I nodded standing up to meet his pace

to his office. .

" Please have a sit "

I nodded again without uttering a word .

" Here is your test results Miss Nora " he smiled at me and as I took the slip
from him with my hands shaking.

Seriously! It was as if everything in the paper was jargon!

I seriously don't understand a thing from it.

I glanced at the doctor who still held a smile on his face.

" Congratulations Miss Nora, you are two weeks pregnant "

The word " pregnant " sounded like a bomb in my ear which made me

Me? Pregnant?
I glanced at him then the result and began laughing....

" That's not possible doctor, I can't be pregnant "

It was his turn to be confused! How can I be pregnant when I have never
had any man in my whole freaking 21 years?

Or have I turn second mother Mary? This is hilarious .

" But that's what we found Miss Nora, the test can't lie to us " he said

" Then , there should be a mistake somewhere. There is no way I can get
pregnant! I can't remember having s*x with anyone doctor or do babies fall
from heaven?" I asked and he shook his head.

" I think we should conduct another test on you to be sure " he said and I

That's better!

Few minutes later.......

" I told you it wasn't my result right?" I said immediately he entered into his

" I am sorry Miss Nora but its still showing the same result, you are two
weeks pregnant and if you are not convinced enough, you can try other
hospitals "

It can't be right? H... how? When? Just how is that possible?

With the look of things, the doctor isn't lying, he look serious! He can't be
lying can he? But how?

I am doomed!

🎀 Evan 🎀

" Hey, are you okay?" I asked Nora who jumped up in fear.

She quickly wiped her tears giving me a very fake smile!

What's wrong?

She's been acting weird since last week after the day Jenny poured a hot
tea on her.

She practically ignores me, the only thing she says to me is " your food is
ready" .

" fine "

I know that's not true! What could possibly be wrong?

This isn't the Nora I know

" But you were crying before I came in, you know you can always confide in
me Nora, I don't like seeing you this way " I said sincerely as she tried to
avoid my gaze.

" I..I know Evan, but trust me, I am fine" she stuttered turning away

" Nora you..."

" Believe me when I said I am fine " she replied rather harsh and I sighed.

I just have to let her be but I will surely find out.

" Okay if you say so but do not hesitate to tell me anything please "

" Thank you Evan " I smiled at her as I head to my car .

I need to pick my camera and use it for something.

I even forgot I left it in the car three months ago, maybe that was because it
wasn't useful then and I rarely use the car.

I inserted the key and opened it entering inside .

How I miss my camera! Going wild, snapping and making videos.

I smiled widely! I am sure it will be fun watching some old videos and

I opened the first video and.......

Wait! What's this?

It was Jenny and I in the car. I am very certain this was the day we went for
a party.

She spread some powder on me and I became drowsy, the next moment,
the car paused as I watch myself in the video removing my belt and shorts.

The next thing I saw was Jenny smiling and bringing out her phone to
record me.

I took my hand to my huge d*"k as I look for just anything to f*"k just like in
the video she gave me to watch.

I threw the camera away in anger.

Jenny did that? She set me up? She uses some random powder on me just
to make me masturbate for her to record me?

What the hell?

Why did she do that? To get me sleep with her and get pregnant?

Wait! Is she planning on pinning me down with the pregnancy?

I stood up angrily and picked the camera!
I need to see Mum, I am cutting all the ties with Jenny, the engagement,
the marriage, the relationship and heck! The friendship!

If she can do this then she can definitely kill me.

I will make sure I slap her before throwing her out of my house.

I don't care if she's pregnant with my baby or f*"k!

Gbas gbos is about to happen. Who knows Jenny's whereabouts? I need
to kidnap her for Evan!

I can't wait to hear how the slap will sound.

Maybe like, kpaaaaiiii or taaaasss🤣😂😂😂🤣

🌺🌺 A Maid For Him 🌺🌺

(Mum brought her)

Episode 16


My head hurts so badly! I have been crying my eyes out so why won't it

Everything still seems like a dream to me. It's hard to believe that I am
pregnant without knowing how?
I didn't believe the doctor I first went to and I left for two other hospitals all
confirming I am pregnant!

Just how? I have never had s*x with any man in my life , hell! I don't even
have a lover.

Was I raped?
Of course not, I can't be raped and I won't know of that!

Who could be the father? Or the baby just came ?

Who will believe me when they here my story?

I feel so shattered and drained. The confusion in me has added to my

sickness. I think I am becoming depressed.

I stood my the mirror glancing at my stomach.

A baby is living and growing in me, in less than 9months I will put to bed a

How does it feel like? How do I cope?

What if Evan gets to know about this and he inform his mum then I get
thrown out?

Where do I go to? How do I survive with this pregnancy I don't know how
came about it?

I think I have to leave! That will be the best solution.

Evan will be very mad because I rejected him, he will think I am pregnant
for another guy .

He will see me as a pretender , he will see me as a sl*t .

I will be collecting my salary in two days. With all the money I have made in
the last three months, it will be enough for me for at least a year and if I put
to bed, I will look for something doing to sustain me and the baby .

I can't think of anything but to keep the baby! It's a mistery to me and
abortion is the last thing on my mind.

I do rather be mocked than killing an innocent baby.

I believe it has reasons it happened this way. I can't keep crying just that I
can't get over the fact that someone might be responsible for my pregnancy
but who?

I will never forgive the person if he eventually shows up!

I will never forgive him for putting me in this condition!

🎀 Evan 🎀

I stormed angrily into mum's living room. If I get to set my eyes on Jenny,
she won't survive it.

I don't care if she's the first lady I am going to beat to stupor

I trusted her as my best friend. How could she have thought about that?

" Good afternoon Mum " I said as I got nearer to where she was .
" Are you okay son? What's wrong?" She asked.

" Everything is wrong mum, where is Jenny?" I asked loudly.

She dropped the magazine she was reading focusing her attention on me

" Can you at least sit down? What happened? Why are you looking for

I shook my head at her questions, I can't answer anything till I see her.

" That fool you asked me to marry Mum she...gosh, where's she? Where's
Jenny?"I asked fully enraged.

" Hey baby you are here" she said coming downstairs all smiles.

Just perfect! Very perfect!

I rushed to her and dragged her down by a strand of her hair.

" Ouch! Ahh! What's this Evan? You are hurting me " she winced.

" What are you doing Evan? Let go off her now" Mum said but that isn't
going to work.

I roughly pushed her landing a ho slap on her face leaving her shocked.

" D...did you just slap me?" She stammered in disbelief .

" And I will do that again and again "

I charged towards her but was stopped by the slap that landed on my

Mum slapped me back! She slapped me because of Jenny!

That does nothing but added more to my anger.

" have you forgotten she's carrying your baby Evan? Have you gone
insane?" Mum asked and I scoffed.

Does it looks like I care?

" I don't give a f*"k about the baby, I have never wished to have a baby
from her! And how sure am I the pregnancy is mine? This sl*t here is the
one insane "

I grabbed her again and this time tossing her around with her hair.

She winced as tears came down falling. I don't care.

Mum slapped my hand away !

" Evan ...."

" Did you think you can pin me down by making that video of me? Did your
empty brain thought I was going to accept you as my wife if you get
pregnant for me?" I chuckled dryly while her eyes widened and Mum just
stood confused.

" I..I don't know what you are talking about " she stammered and I brought
out my camera.

" Care to explain this Jenny? "

I threw the camera at her as Mum rushed there with curious eyes

" please, I can explain " she said in tears kneeling in front of me.

Explain what exactly?

" You know what Mum, I call off the engagement and wedding! I can't marry
someone who can definitely kill me "

" And you Jenny, I cut all ties with you, our friendship, relationship and even
the baby. You can keep the baby, I don't want anything to do with you and
from now on ward, do not come any closer to my building or else, I will get
you arrested. Mark my words Jenny "

" E.. Evan please, I am sorry! Please don't leave me "

I ignored all her pleas and cries as I stormed out of the room angrily .


🌹 Jenny 🌹

" I am so disappointed in you Jenny, how could you have done that? Was
that the only way to make him love or marry you?" His Mum said

I didn't know he was going to find out! How did he find out?

And now he doesn't wants to see me?

" I know I was wrong mum but please, help me beg him to forgive me, I am
really sorry "

I said in tears.
Everything! I am loosing everything I worked for.

I did all that to get him and now it's taking him far away from me.

" I am sorry Jenny, I trusted you enough, that was why I suggested you for
my son but with this? I can't force him to marry you "
" But you can stay with me till you give birth, just maybe, you will be able to
settle with him before then "

At least that's a ride of hope! I have a chance of getting him back!

" T..thank you Mum "


🎀 Evan 🎀

" Nora ?" I called as I entered into her room but it was empty.

No sign of her in the house! She isn't in the kitchen not in her room then
where could she be?

I entered widely to hear if the shower is running but it wasn't.

Could she have gone out to the market or something?

" No...." I paused as my attention drifted to something.

A diary to be said on her bed.

I know it's not good to dive into people's affairs but curiouscity got the best
part of me.

I climbed her bed picking up the diary.

I opened the first page and " my diary " was written boldly on it

I opened further saw it was the list of what she wants.

" Hi best friend ! "

I read and smiled. How can a book be her best friend?

" You know I have always wished to have a very big fashion house of my
own but I haven't gotten the amount I can use in building it. That will
contribute to my happiness.. a lot "

Wow! She love to own a fashion house. Well that's something good!

I love ladies that wish to be independent.

I flipped through the pages not finding those interesting till I reached the
last part .

" Best friend, can a lady get pregnant without having s*x?! * Chuckle *
what am I even saying?"

Huh? My eyes flickered down the book.

" I discovered a week ago that I am pregnant, I am three weeks in now. "

" You know what? I can't remember having s*x with any man. Not even
once best friend, how I got pregnant is still a mistery to me "

" I hate to say this but I think I was raped unconsciously "

Wait! What?
S . she's pregnant? Nora is pregnant? Three weeks?

Wait no! There's no doubt!

She's pregnant with my baby!

I read further and what I saw broke my heart.

" I am wondering if I ever offended a guy that has to do this to me, he did
not only rip me off my virginity but got me pregnant. Will I ever forgive

Oh my goodness! What have I done?

How do I tell her I am responsible?

She will never forgive me!

Nora is with my baby! She's carrying my baby!

What do I do?
Will I be able to make things right?

Will she ever forgive me?oh God

I jumped up immediately as I heard some footsteps approaching.

She's here!


Anyways, that's that!

Evan yaff found out about the pregnancy ghen! 😱

What wee now happen?

How is he gonna tell Nora that he's responsible?

Wait sef, is she going to find out?

🌺🌺 A Maid For Him 🌺🌺

( Mum brought her )

Episode 17


I feel so tired and now, there's a lot of work to do this evening!

Will I be able to continue with this work?

I might end up passing out one of this days .

Yeah, I just came back from the hospital, the doctor told me to come back
after a week for check up and so far, my baby is fine.

Like I said before, even if I don't know how come about the pregnancy, I am
ready to accept the responsibility of motherhood.

I pushed opened the door and ....what ?

The door hit Evan in the face!

" sorry please, I didn't know you were there " I said sincerely but
what's he doing in my room? In my absence?

He held in head letting out a little groan! I must have hurt him.

" It's uhm fine, I...I..came back and you were nowhere in the house, that's
why I came to your room to check if you will be here but you weren't "

He explained stuttering and I nodded.

" Okay " I replied trailing off. I don't know what else to say.

" So where did you went to?" He asked and I found myself becoming

I can't possibly tell him I went for a check-up to know if my baby is fine.

He will be very mad at me if he knows I am pregnant that's the more reason

I want to leave.

He might even make mockery of me, that's what I want to avoid by all

Even if he ought to know I am pregnant, it should be after I am out of his


" Nora?" I snapped out of my thoughts staring blankly at him

" Huh, I...erhm , I went to get some fresh air down the street " I lied

He stared suspiciously at me before nodding.

Is it me or he looks bothered? It seems he's worried over something.

" O.. okay, I will be in my room " he said as he walked pass me hastily.

Something is definitely wrong somewhere!

I jumped on the bed to rest a little before preparing for work when my back
landed on my diary!

Oh my goodness! D..did he see it?

Gosh! How could I have been stupid to forget keeping it before I left?
I just hope he didn't see it and besides I believe he won't intrude in my


I blinked my eyes rapidly not believing my eyes.

Evan with apron in the kitchen? That's his first since I entered into this
house but what could he be preparing?

I thought that's why I am paid right?

I cleared my throat to grab his attention and it did work.

He turned smilling widely at me.

" Hey " he said cheerfully while I stared at him with a amuse look.

He was preparing some egg and sauce

" You know you don't have to do that when I am here Evan, that's what I
am paid for, to cook for you " I said trying to collect the eggs from him but
he refused.

" Since we became friends, I don't see you as my maid anymore. You are
one sweet soul and we are now friends, I have to help you out in some
domestic works, this is my house remember?"

I nodded. Of course, I am not disagreeing on that with him.

" But Evan...."

" You don't have to say anything pretty, shush already. I am making
breakfast for us " he said elongating the US

Seriously? I have never imagined Evan making breakfast for me and him.
I don't know but he's become more of caring and concerned about me
since last week.

I don't know what might have happened between him and Jenny because I
haven't seen her in a week now.

That's a relief though, I wonder the stresses she will make me go through if
she was here while I am struggling with this pregnancy.

Evan does practically all the chores in the house.

Everywhere will be cleaned up and tidied before I wake up .

He's really been helpful saying that he sees I work a lot in the house and
now he's preparing breakfast.

" Thank you Evan " I said smiling at him which he didn't fail to return.

I pray I will be able to eat it at least for the fact that he made it for us, a first

God please don't let the baby reject it .

The way I am very picky now with food surprised me a lot.

Seeing some meals make me wanna puke.

" Anything for you and by the way, I have a surprise for you Nora " he said
smiling sheepishly and I furrowed my eyebrows.

A surprise for me? What could that be?

" What surprise?" I asked curiously and he shrugged.

"Like I said, it's a surprise. You will find out yourself, now let's eat, I bought
a dress for you, you will dress up and off we go " he replied dishing out the
fried egg and sauce.

When he was done, he handed a plate to me before dragging me out of the

kitchen with him to the dinning.

I sighed smiling. Is this really the Evan I met at first?

He has changed a lot in everything....

He's no longer a flirt, hardly will you see him with a lady and when they
come around him, he runs off.

He has become very caring !

It's just as if God changed him to help me out in this my condition.

I am very grateful!

" Are you going to eat or you want me to feed you?" He asked smirking
while I shook my head making him chuckle.

It doesn't taste bad anyways!

" You like it?" He asked

" I love it Evan, thank you"

He rolled his eyes

" You've said that for a million times today "

I stood nervously as Evan eyed me up and down.

Not even once did he blink or avert his gaze which made me more nervous.

Did I wear the dress wrongly? Why's he staring at me that way?

Is the dress not looking good on my body?

I cleared my throat and he raised his face to mine.

" You look absolutely stunning Nora, you should dress this way more often

I sighed in relief and chuckled. At least it wasn't what I was thinking.

I glanced at myself to see that my curves were visible. No wonder! I bet he

was drooling.

" T..thank you Evan "

" So shall we?" He asked and I nodded.

Like a gentleman he had become, he opened the passenger door for me

and I got in.

Where is he taking me to? What surprise will warrant him taking me out in a
very nice outfit?

He entered into the car and we drove off in a pregnant silent with no one
speaking to another.

I badly wanted to ask him many questions but couldn't.

Why's he doing all this?

" Gosh Evan, I am getting tired already " I said and he chuckled. .

It's been almost an hour he's been driving to where I don't know but I
believe we are entering the main city of America.

" Chill Nora, we are almost there " he said taking a U-turn .

I nodded as he drive further.

We came to a place where the gates automatically opened itself and he

drive in. .

Wow! Where's this place?

It looks beautiful ! The house an decorations.

Evan drove into the lounge and halted as we hoped out the car.

" C'mon Nora, let's head in " his voice snapped me out.

I was looking around like a lost puppy, you wouldn't blame me, this place is

I am sure the owner must be stinking rich! But what are we doing here?

Wait! This is a fashion house! A big and beautiful fashion house. Oh my


This is the exact type I want!

I chuckled at myself .

I can't get the money to build this type of fashion house even in ten years.

" Welcome Sir, welcome ma'am " a Lady greeted us.

She was beautifully dressed in a apprentice uniform. Sure she's a worker

" Yes, is everyone in? Everything's in order?" Evan asked the lady who

" Yes Sir " she replied and smiled at me.

" Let's go Nora "

Evan took my hand in his and we went inside the house.

We first went to the sewing session where we met like 10 people sowing,
then we moved to the place where different materials for sowing were.

Then to where the sowed dress were hung.

Goodness! They look so beautiful and Wow!

Those sewing must be very talented !

We went to another session where different types of designing machines


Everything here is how I have always dreamt of mine being but will that
ever happen?

Some workers were cleaning, some were arranging, some were attending
to few customers, some were sewing, some were getting the materials
ready, some were about going for delivery, while.....

Oh God!

I love everything about this house!

" You like it?" Evan asked and I gave him a " what the f*'k " look.

Is he really asking me that?

" Of course I do, I love everything in here heck! " I shrieked in


My bad! I forgot to check the name of this fashion house.

Evan snapped his fingers and before I could turn around to look at things,
all the workers emerged .

They all stood in front of us.

" Good afternoon everyone, I am sure you all know who I am " he said and
they all nodded.


" with me is Nora, it's ma'am to you all " he said taking a quick glance at

What's he up to?

" I was only taking care of this place since last week and now your boss is
available, you won't be seeing me again "

Huh? Which boss? They have a boss? Oh stupid! Of course, They have!

" congratulations Nora, you own this place "

Wait! What did he just say? . That I own this place? Like this fashion house
belongs to me?

My dream came through? No!

He didn't mean it did he?
Was it the surprise? This big fashion house for me?

My dream house! I own this place! It's freaking mine..


🌹Jenny 🌹

📞 Yes babe, when will I be getting what you said ?📞

I asked Carol over the phone. She ought to give me something to wear and
I will it will be like my stomach is protruding.

I have forgotten what she called it! It's not necessary anyways.

📞 You can come get it tomorrow 📞

She said

📞 Thank you so much Carol, you know Evan's Mum believe me so much,
she truly believes it's a pregnancy not knowing it's fake, I just don't want her
finding out 📞

I said

📞 I know right? I have gotten Everything under control trust me, she won't
find out 📞

📞 Alright then, see you tomorrow 📞

I replied and hung up excitedly. Nothing will stop me from becoming Mrs

" So you have been faking a pregnancy since two months?, You made us
believe you are pregnant?" .

I froze on hearing the voice. Oh my goodness! Don't tell me someone

heard me


Someone heard her🤣.

Who could that be?

Jenny's cup is remaining small to full or has it full?

🌺🌺 A Maid For Him 🌺🌺

(Mum brought her)

Episode 18

🌹 Jenny 🌹

My blood froze as I heard that voice. God ! Don't tell me someone heard
" It was your plan all along Jenny? You made me look like a fool to believe
you, you are so impossible "

Evan's Mum said with so much anger and hatred lashing from her voice.

Gosh! I am bursted, my game has finally ended.

" I ..I ..I am sorry Mum, I can explain " I replied stuttering going towards her
made my blood dry.

She slapped me! Thrice!

Three hot slaps landed on my face!

I have never seen her angry at me before. She loved me so much! What
have I done?
A tear escaped my eyes immediately

" I ..I am sorry Mum " I said holding my already red cheeks.

" I took you as the daughter I never had, I loved you Jenny and all you
could do was to deceive me? I chose your happiness over my son's, that's
how much I love you Jenny "

" My son and I are not in good terms because I forced him to marry you not
knowing you are worst than I thought"

" I am going to call across to your parents right away, you are leaving my
house in an hour. I give you an hour to pack your things and leave "

" If I see you anywhere near my son Jenny, you won't know it's me till then

" I will just look for a way to make my son forgive me and when I am back, I
don't want to see you in my house you decisive ingrate "
With that, she slammed the door and walked out.

I fell down on the floor crying my eyes out.

In my selfish quest to get what I want, I ended up chasing away those that
dearly love me.

My friendship with Evan over 15 years crashed because I wanted him all to

I was so selfish to have considered only myself.

I am so ashamed of myself right now...

My phone beeped and the caller ID was DAD .

Oh my God! I am doomed.
I picked up the phone nervously and his voice came up.

📞 D...Dad 📞

I stammered fearfully.

📞 I don't want to hear you speak Jenny, you disgraced me. I never brought
you up to be deceitful 📞

He yelled angrily.

📞 D.. Dad,I.. I am sorry 📞

I sniffed the tears that was about to fall. Now everyone's mad at me . I wish
I never used all Carol's advices.

Just maybe, my friendship with Evan wouldn't have crashed on ice.

📞 You know what? Take the next flight back to London, I want you at home
before 6pm 📞


The phone went dead! He hung up on me .

What have I done? I only thought I was doing the right thing.

I am so ashamed of myself I can't face Evan and his Mum now.

Maybe he wasn't meant for me, we are not destined to be together.

And I think going back to London will be better.

I just hope everyone forgives me soon!


I jumped on Evan due to excitement forgetting that we are in public and

that I am pregnant while I heard him chuckled hugging me back.

You don't know how much I have dreamt about having a fashion house.
It has been my priority since childhood.

" Easy Nora " he said as we disengaged from the hug

" T..thank you so much Evan, oh my goodness! You don't know how much
this means to me, I am so happy "
I said jumping up while I mentally scold myself.

I am always forgetting I am pregnant, I don't want anything happening to

my baby.

My face turned sour immediately! He's doing all this for me when I am
planning to leave.

If he gets to find out I am pregnant, he might be mad and collect this back.

But wait, how did he know I have wanted to have a fashion house? How did

Anyways, it's not necessary right?

" It's fine, anything that will put a smile on your face beautiful " he said
smiling widely at me while I blushed .

First time he's calling me that!

The only I was hearing was congratulations and the sound of different
camera's clicking.

" You all can go back to your work "

Everyone left leaving me and Evan...

" I am glad you like it , I was actually scared you do shove it back on my
face and embarrass me " he said and I chuckled.

Hell no! It's my dream we are talking about although, if it was when he was
still a dickhead, I could have rejected it !

" What makes you think so?" I asked and he just shrugged.
" Thank you so much Evan, I will forever be grateful for this. You made my
dream come to past " I said and he nodded.

" Well, it's nothing. What are friends for? I just thought you will like
something like this and I guessed right " he replied.

Gosh! I don't even know how to contain my excitement now!

" We should go to a near by restaurant and eat, I am famished already "

He took my hand in his heading out.

I never knew this was going to happen. I never knew this day will come

I never knew I will be a CEO! A boss of my own today.

Well! This pregnancy isn't that bad, it came with good lucks .


" Good afternoon everyone and welcome to TNC news channel. Few hours
ago, famous billionaire Mr Evan , CEO of EA group of company was seen
with a beautiful lady which we are yet to know her identity "

" It was reported that Mr Evan gifted her a very huge and perhaps the
biggest fashion house America so far "

What? Is this how little news circulate?

My eyes was glued to the Television when I felt Evan's hand on mine.

I glanced at him blinking rapidly while he reassured me that it's nothing.

I forgot he's popular.

My picture and his displayed on the screen when I hugged him and the
outer part of the fashion house on the other side.
" With this compromising positions and how happy the lady looks, we can
easily conclude that they are an item "

I choked on the food I was about eating as few eyes in the VIP was on us.

God! An item? Is this how they carry fake news about?

I turned to Evan who had a smile on his face and I quickly looked away.

" Hey, you have to get used to it because the paparazzi will be stalking you
from now on , I am sorry to put you through this" he apologized

He doesn't have to, he did me the favour.

" It's fine, just that I am a little nervous "

" Don't worry, I won't let anything happen to you " he assured and I nodded.

I think I am done here .

" I am filled up Evan, I want to go home already "

" Alright let's head home "

We both stood up going out of the restaurant to meet the greatest shock of
my life.

God! I am going to pass out!

The crowd! They were waiting for us! !

Evan took my hand in his .

" Nothing is going to happen okay? Just be calm " he said and I nodded.
🎤 Mr Evan who is she to you?

🎤 Is she your girlfriend?

🎤 Why did you buy her the house?

🎤 We heard she lives with you is that true?

🎤 What's your relationship with her?

🎤 Young lady, can we know your name?

🎤 You look beautiful where are you from?

They bombarded us with questions as we made our way to the car .

I didn't forget to hold Evan tight ! I am scared of seeing a crowd like this.

" What she is to me and who she is is none of your business, can you
please give us some space to pass "

He replied through gritted teeth.

Some securities came and luckily for us, they were able to have way for us.

I entered into the car sighing. Is this how it feels to be a celebrity? I don't
ever want to be.

" I am sorry about that Nora " he apologized again.

" It's not your fault okay? I understand "


🎀 Evan 🎀

" What's the news all over son ?" Mum asked as I entered into her house.

" Can I at least sit down first Mum?"I rolled my eyes and she asked me to

" So tell me? Is the news true?" She asked as I furrowed my eyebrows.

" If it's that I gifted her a fashion house, yes " I replied nonchalantly

" Why? There must be a reason behind it son , you can't just wake up one
day and buy a house for your maid, tell me, did you love her?"

Wow! That was unexpected!

For the past few weeks, I have developed a liking for her.

There's this feeling I get when she's close, I love spending time with her, I
love seeing her, I love making her happy. Just name it but is that love?

" I asked you a question Son " Mum snapped

" Uhhm, I don't know Mum but, I think I like her " I blurted out
embarrassingly while Mum's grin widened.

" I knew it, I am happy you fell in love with a good woman Son, I could have
made a great mistake by forcing you to marry Jenny "

Yeah right? But that's not the case. ...

" So how's it going? Have you spoke to her about it? Did she say yes to
your proposal? "
Proposal seriously? She must be kidding me.

" Uhmm, I think we will discuss that tomorrow but for now, I need to see a
friend " I ignored the topic dashing out of her house while she called behind

I have a bigger problem at hand I have to solve.

I need to because I am loosing it, I can't leave with the guilt anymore...


" You are whipped man " Adam said laughing.

I punched his stomach and he groaned.

" I came here for advice Adam, not to be mocked " I said frustrated

" You know what? You messed up a big time Evan, I suggest you apologize
to her as soon as possible before it gets out of hand or her finding out
herself "

He said and I sighed. I know right? But how do I tell her? What will be her

" The truth is that I am scared, I am really scary Adam " I replied sincerely.

" I know she will be mad at you but that's what I think you should do "

Sighing again, you made up my mind to tell her this night.

I will ask for her forgiveness and I hope she forgives me.
I have developed a strong feeling for her .
I don't want to ever let her go!!!!!!

🌺🌺 A Maid For Him 🌺🌺

(Mum brought her)

Episode 19


I chopped the onions with my eyes watering gosh!

I feel so tired ! My back hurts like I need a massage.

I feel like sleeping but I have loads of work to do this evening.

If I am done cooking, I will have to clean up the guest room.

Evan informed me that his Mum will be coming to spend the weekend.

Well, it won't be too only me in this boring house for that two days.

Done chopping the onions, I poured it into the already fried oil .

I can't stress myself and prepare a dish that will take time so I am making a
fast food. Biryani !

" And what are we preparing for dinner?"

I turned to see Evan standing by the door with arms crossed.

I passed him a smile seeing him. I have grown so fond of presence.

" A simple dish, biryani !" I replied as he walk towards me.

" I am sure it's going to be tasty like always or even more " he said and he

" But to be frank Nora, after my Mum, you are the best cook I have ever
come across "

Awwn! I bowed my head shyly blushing. I know my face will disgrace me by

turning red

" T..thank you anyways, you are welcome " I said changing the topic
avoiding his gaze.
The way he stares at me looks creepy.

" Thank you, I am famished " he dramatised holding his stomach while I

" Well, you go upstairs and freshen up. Your meal will be ready before you
are down " I said slightly pushing him out of the kitchen

" But can I have a taste of it?" He pouted and I giggled.

" No Mister, you can't now out please "

" That's not fair Nora " he said as I closed the door which made me laugh.

I never knew Evan can be this playful. The side I met was Evan and work
then women but it's gone except for his work of course.

Evan is a great workaholic!!

By tomorrow now, I will start visiting my fashion house.

Can you believe I don't know anything about sewing? Well, I just wish to
have my fashion house where I will employ people to work for me .

Evan has really done a lot for me since the past few days.

He opened a business account for me and connected everything to my

fashion house whereas every single sales made will come into my account

And I freaking pay the workers gosh! It feels so amazing to be a boss.

Nothing gives me joy than that. ..

I can't be more grateful, Evan is an angel in disguise.

🎀 Evan 🎀

My gaze burn through her sitting opposite me.

I was sweating even when the air conditioner was on.

How do I start and from where do I start?

My hands became sweaty .

Her blue hazel eyes met mine and I quickly looked away.
Can I do this? What am I going to utter?

Is it
* hey , I am sorry, I was the one that got you pregnant *

* I f*"ked you when you were drunk *

I sighed and ruffled my hair. I am so confused and scared.

" are you okay Evan? You look tensed " she asked while I stared at her

She is never going to forgive me !

" Evan?"

" N.. Nora, I...I.uhnm I have something to tell you " I stuttered.

I think I need to do this, it can't exceed now and I am ready to face the



Okay! What's up with him? I think we were fine awhile ago right?

" O..okay " I replied.

He breathed in and out before speaking again.

He looks so tensed, worried and scared.

" Please Nora, I know you are going to be mad at me but please don't be
mad at me for long. I can't withstand you being mad at me Nora "

Okay what?
I stared at me with no words forming in my head. I don't know what to reply
him with.

" You are getting me scared Evan, speak up already " I urged

" Please believe me that it wasn't intentional, I was blinded by lust and I
regret every of my action , please find it in your heart to forgive me Nora "

Hell! What's he saying? I don't understand a thing.

" You are confusing me the more , I don't get a thing from what you said " I
replied sincerely.

Why's he asking me to forgive him? I can't remember him doing something

bad to me.

" I...I...I...I.."

" Spill it Evan " I cut in impatiently.

" That night we played a game and you got drunk " he said and paused.

Okay! That night!

" I... I am sorry okay?" He said again

" I...I was the one ..."

God! The one that what?

My eyes are almost bulging out of it's sockets.

He's just leaving his words uncompleted. What did he mean by " I was the
one "
" I ...I... took a.. advantage of your drunken state Nora, but believe me, I am
sorry please forgive me "

Wait! W. What did he just say? He what?

This can't be true, it can't be that he raped me, it can't be!!!!

" Y. You what? Evan?" I asked as ocean of tears flood down my cheeks.

Is this the reason for his sudden niceness?

Is that why he bought me the house?... I should have thought about that.

" I..I am really sorry Nora, I am a changed person now, please forgive me, I
am ready to serve any punishment you give me but please forgive me,
believe me I regret everything "

I can't believe this! I can't believe he raped me, I can't believe be took
advantage of my drunken state.

Was it the idea that made him initiate the game in the first place?

To have s*x with me? To take my dignity away?

I knew he was a flirt but, I have never thought of him being able to take
advantage of me.

I am pregnant for him? Lik his baby in me?

He came closer to me taking my hands in his but I slapped it away

The man I trusted to be safe with is my worst nightmare.

" D.. Don't touch me "

" sor..."

Before he could complete his statement, I stood up and gave him a hard
punch in the face.

" how could you Evan? I know you were desperate to have me but I never
thought it will go to the extent of you taking advantage of me "

" What am I even saying? You said it that you were going to f*"k me so long
I live under your roof, how could I have forgotten? "

" And it came to past, you did had me. You took away my virginity in the
most absurd way, they way I have never imagined loosing it and you know
what crowned it all? "

" I got pregnant, pregnant for you Evan. Did you know what I went

" You know what? I hate you Evan, I hate you so much and I will never
forgive you "

I said in tears running up to my room clicking the door locked ignoring his

Why is my life always a mess?

" Nora please open the door, I am sorry, I promise to change for you, you
can punish me, kick me , hit me but don't stay mad at me, I am sorry "

I ignored him and squat down in the room.

I need to clear my head, I can't take in all this anymore.

It's becoming heavier for me.


🎀 Evan 🎀

She hates me!

She won't forgive me!

I made her went through hard times, I took her dignity!

I laid down on the floor crying my eyes out.

She's shutting me out! I can't do without her.

I love her and now Karma has paid me a visit.

Look at where my desperation has landed me!!!!

What do I do?

" Evan? What the hell? What's wrong? You look like a psychic right now,
you are a mess , what happened?"

Mum asked coming towards me and I broke into another round of tears.

" She hates me mum, sh..e "

" Calm down and talk to me Son, who hates you and why? " She asked.

" Nora! I.. I did something to her, I raped her and now she's mad at me
Mum. I regret ever doing that, I ...."
Mum's gripped loosened on me as she stood up on her feet blinking her

" You did what?" She asked ..

I can't hide it from her, not from anyone. I am becoming mad!

I am nothing without her. ...

" I..I am sorry Mum, please beg her to forgive me "

" Slap "!

" Slap" !!

" Slap"!!

" Slap "!!!

" Slap "!!!!

" Slap " !!!!!!

W...what? Six slaps!

I fell on the floor as I became weak due to the slaps...

" I didn't raise you up to become a rapist "


T. B . C


I pity Evan.
My cheeks are hurting for him🙆

Sorry I didn't post since yesterday

🌺🌺 A Maid For Him 🌺🌺

(Mum brought her)

Episode 20

🎀 Evan 🎀

" I didn't raise you up to become a rapist "

Those words really made a loud thud on my chest.

I know I stupidly raped her, yes! It's rape because she wasn't aware but am
I a rapist?

It's hurts to see the two most important women in my life are mad at me.

" I..I. sorry Mum please forgive me " I pleaded in tears.

My eyes were red and puffy, my cheeks turned pink from the slaps.

It hurts but I think I deserve it for hurting Nora. I deserve everything. All I
want is her forgiveness
" How could you Evan? What pushed you to hurt the innocent lady? Why? "
Mum asked angrily.

I struggled to her side and held her hands.

I feel so week and dejected.

" M.. Mum, I admit what I did was wrong but I am sorry. I can't have you
both mad at me please Mum "

I felt something warm on my cheeks and discovered I was still crying.

I have never cried this way in a long time.

I buried my face on her legs with tears rushing down my cheeks.

" I am sorry "

I heard her sigh and she pulled me up into a bone crushing hug.

" It's okay Son, if you had wanted her. You could have told me not taking
advantage of her " she said patting my back

I sniffed the tears away trying to stand firm.

I can't , I staggered falling down but Mum was quick enough to get hold of

Those slaps are having effect on me now!

" P. Promise me something Mum " I said staring at her

" What?"

" Promise you will beg her to forgive me, I am so ashamed of myself and
act Mum. I feel dirty , I regret everything Mum "
" I did that because I thought it was lust, I did that because I thought it will
wipe her image off my head but I realized I was beginning to love her more
because the feeling wouldn't go away but become more stronger "

" I wish I can turn back the hands of time to correct all my mistakes, to be
Nora's perfect kind of man and become the son you've always wished me
to be mum "

I broke down in tears again.... Just when I thought everything was going to
go well, my past came paying me a terrific visit.

" I promise to talk to her Evan but I am not assuring you her forgiveness. I
will put in my best and I am sorry for hitting you "

She replied and pulled me into a hug again. She wasn't wrong for slapping
me. That's what every good mother will do.

" T. Thank you Mum "

" So where's she? I mean Nora "

" She locked up herself in the room for the past two hours mum, will she
ever forgive me?"

" I know she will with time, just be patient Son "

She said walking to Nora's door .....

God please, I will change if she forgives me.


🌹 Jenny 🌹

" Hey can you please stop stalking me?" I flared up shooting daggers at

What's with him?

He's been stalking me for the past two weeks I arrived here in London .
He's everywhere I go like what the heck?

Mum and Dad forgave me, I mean it was easy because I happen to be their
only daughter out of three children

" I just want us to talk " he said calmly and I chuckled.

" Talk about what? I don't even know you, can't you let me be?"

" I will stop stalking you on one condition"


" What condition? " I asked

" If you give me your number " he said and I scoffed.

Like seriously?

" you want my number? That's it ?"

I asked and he nodded.

" Fine "

I collected his phone and imputed my number

" Thank you uhmm"

" Jenny "

" If you don't mind, excuse me" he nodded smiling at me while I entered
into my car.


I sniffed in tears as the bang on the door didn't stop.

" You can't continue staying in the room crying all day hunny please open
the door just for me and believe me, Evan isn't with me please "

She pleaded. What did she want to say to me?

Her son put me in this situation and now I am carrying his baby.

Have I ever dreamt about that in my life? Not even for once has the thought
of being Evan's baby mama cross my mind.
Does he knows how it feels to wake up one day and discovered the
virginity you slept with was gone?

That was a case of rape, he raped me in my drunken state and why can't I
remember anything?

Did he make me forget that too?

I so much hate him, I detest him so much.

" Nora please, for the respect you have for me open the door "

How did this loving woman give birth to a monster?

I can't continue being in door, I have to face the reality outside this room

Maybe it was destined to happen but it's the worst kinda destiny I have ever
come across and I happen to be the victim.

Evan has destroyed me. He ruined me. ...

I briskly stood up from the floor heading to the door.

I opened it and Mrs Scott entered....

She took me in a warm embrace and I couldn't help but break into tears .....

" Shhhh, it's okay baby stop crying "

She sat me on the bed with her hands entangled to mine.

" I understand what you are going through baby but crying won't solve a
thing "

" I am really sorry for everything, for what my son did Nora, I am deeply
sorry "
She wiped my tears with her thumb giving me a sympathetic look.

" I was very mad at him when he told me about it but believe me, he's
sorry. He regrets everything baby "

" You need to see how he's become within this few hours Nora. You won't
recognize the Evan you know "

After he's done taking what he wants he now regrets it! Wonderful!

" Should I tell you a secret baby?" She whispered and I glanced curiously
at her.

What secret? I wanted to speak but ended up nodding.

" Evan loves you "

My eyes widened in shock and she smiled at me . ..

Evan what? How can that be true?

He loves me? How?

" Take a look at this, he was trying to prove how sorry he is for what he did
by buying you the fashion house and because of the love he has for you
too "

" I am not saying all this to favour him because he's my son , I know he's
messed up a big time and I gave him slaps to reset his brain trust me "

I couldn't help but chuckle at that. Slaps?

I can imagine his red face now. Like how many slaps? Two , three?

" He took advantage of you and still took bold steps to tell you about it and
apologize, that's how much he loves you Nora and he wouldn't want you to
find out from someone else or you remembering it yourself "
" I know it will take time for you to adjust to everything but please forgive
him. Give him another chance to prove how sorry he is baby but give him a
kick in his @ss when you meet him "

We both began laughing. Even if every wound is still fresh in my head.

She has eased my mind with her words. ..

" Anyways, have you checked the mirror? You look like a mess so go
freshen up while I prepare something hot for you to drink "

She said and left for the door.

Did he truly love me like his Mum said?
Should I give him another chance?

I so much love Mrs Scott. She's a good mother.

There is this popular saying that says " if you beat up a child with one hand,
use the other hand to dram him closer "

That's exactly what she did...

Ehen, but if it's me I won't agree o. 🤣

I will remind you later of the slaps you gave me 😂.

(Contact Rikki on WhatsApp 08168354463 so you can be added to our
WhatsApp group )
🌺🌺 A Maid For Him 🌺🌺
(Mum brought her )

Episode 21


" Here take your this hot coffee and be strong " Mrs Scott said placing a
glass of coffee in my hand.

She's such a cool woman, she makes me long for the love of a mother.

" Thank you ma'am " I said genuinely. There's this strength and a light of
hope her words gives me .

If I am going to forgive Evan , it will definitely be because of her.

" Can you quit calling me that already? You are now my daughter and I
expect you to call me mum okay "

Mum! That sounds good on my lips . I am going to call someone as Mum

after almost 10 years of loosing my mum.

" O..okay Mum "

" Yes now, take the coffee already then we will head downstairs for dinner
before I tuck you to bed " she urged and I chuckled .

Meaning I am going to see Evan this evening.

After everything, I am not mad at him anymore but I can't just get over the
fact that he raped me.
He did do that, it hurts so much but what do I do?

Fate has its own way of playing it's role in people's life.

It was destined to happen and it happened anyways.

I will forgive him but not tonight, I have to let him drink from his guilt and

I nodded taking the coffee and gulping it down my throat.

It just the way I love it, black coffee with a little sugar .

She's treating me like a princess because her son took advantage of me.

What if she gets to know that I am carrying her grandchild?

I am sure she's going to freak out. ...


I kept a straight face looking everywhere but him.

I could see his intense gaze burning my face but I pretended not to care.

Mum dished out a some sandwich for me and I began munching hungrily.

I won't give him the impression that I have forgiven him.

Although truth to mum's words, he look so tattered like a psychic and a


His hair is a mess, dark shades under his eyes as mine but it's a lot better
because of mum.
She was by me, he was still in his earlier outfit and I bet if he has taken a
spoonful of the sandwich dished out for him.
All he does is stare at me.....

My eyes met with his and I quickly averted my gaze.

I could see different emotions flickered in his eyes. .

That of hurt, regret and sadness.

I can feel his pain but what he caused me is more than this.

" Are you okay hunny? What else did you want to eat?" Mum asked as she
stood up.

I really wish to take some chocolates but my legs are too tired to move to
the kitchen and I can't tell mum to get that for me .

" Yes Mum, I am okay. Good night Mum " I smiled kissing her cheeks a
Evan stared at us blankly.
It feels so good ignoring him this way.

" Remember I promise to tuck you to bed" she said and I chuckled.

" C'mon mum, I am fine and I will do that myself " I replied

" Or you want Evan to do that? He can ..."

" No mummm goodnight " I hastily replied walking away hearing her loud
laughter behind me.


🎀 Evan 🎀

" Get the f*"k out of my office this minute" I yelled at the stupid sl*t I
employed as a secretary.

She can't think of settling down but to whore around.

" S ..sir ..."

" You are fired " I flared up.

Her eyes widened in shock while I stood up angrily.

There's a limit I can take sh*ts

" W...what? I.. I am sorry Sir please don't fire me " she said fearfully.
I hit the wall behind her making her flinch.

" Get out of this building peacefully or you will be forced out by the
securities "

She stared at me with tears in her eyes picking up her bag and left. .

Scumbag! !!!

I am here shattered and dejected looking for a way to earn Nora's

forgiveness and that fool came for s*x .

The s*x I quitted long ago just to make sure Nora loves me.

I mean no woman in her senses will ever want to be with a man she clearly
knows as a flirt.
I am trying all I could to change and meet up her standards.

I am not me anymore with the way Nora is punishing me.

She's giving me a silent treatment and it's the worst experience ever.

I want to talk to her, hug her , kiss her and make her mine forever.

I feel so scared to start up a conversation with her.

Adam told me to find a time to speak with her again but I am scared.

What if she ignores me?.

But that's what I have to do and get my Nora back.

I can't do without her. Seeing her makes my heart beat rapidly.

I am hungry for her Love. I wish to touch her. Place my hand on her
stomach and talk to my baby.

I will do everything tonight, I just pray everything works out.


Okay! What's happening?

I saw some red roses on my bed this morning and now thorns of
chocolates and cookies?
Well, I climbed my bed opening the box of chocolates and began licking it
like my life depends on it.

Maybe the person wants to surprise me with my favourites so yeah and no

one can harm me right?

" You like them? " My head snapped at the direction of the voice to see
Evan standing by the door with his arms crossed and a smile displayed on
his handsome face.

So he got me all of this? Stupid! Of course he should be the one, who else
do I live with in this house?

I rolled my eyes and ignored him getting to my cookies.

He came closer to me and sat on the bed.

It's his house and I can't chase him away.

Mum has gone back and I miss her a lot.

She really saved me from lots of stresses gosh!

She's the best Mum anyone could ask for. Evan is lucky.

" Nora please, can you spare me out of your time?" He asked .
I narrowed my eyes at him and sat up.

" You have to be fast with whatever you have to say, I have an appointment
with the doctor in an hour " I replied and he nodded briskly.

" I can take you to the doctor, yo.. "

" Thank you Mr Evan but no thanks. I will have to leave if you don't have
anything else to say " I replied nonchalantly.

I glanced at him seeing how nervous he looks trying to hide my smiles.

He has become so thin within this two days I have given him cold

I feel so proud of myself for that!

" N.noo.., uhmm, I wanted to tell you that I am sorry over again "

" Believe me Nora, if I can go back to the past and change everything, I do
make amendments "

" I..I did what I did out of cowardice thinking I was only lusting over your
body but I was proved wrong after the incident"

" I...I...I...I. ... discovered it wasn't lust but love "

I choked on the cookies in my mouth coughing.

Did he just say love?

" Are you okay Nora? Should I get you water?" He asked with concern
lacing through his voice while I shook my head

" I am fine " I stammered.

" Okay, I am really sorry for everything and I hope your forgiveness won't
exceed this night Nora "

" I can't hide everything anymore, I wish to see you by my side forever
seeing our baby grow with us under our roof "

" I want you not because of the fact that you are carrying my baby but
because I love you "

" I won't be able to handle myself if I loose you forever "

I stared at him as he took my hand in his.

" Please forgive me and give us a chance Nora "

My Evan 😊....

🌺🌺 A Maid For Him 🌺🌺

( Mum brought her)

Episode 22

🎀 Evan 🎀

" Forgive me and give us a chance Nora" I said with a cracked voice trying
to hold my tears.

I might break down if she doesn't forgive me this minute.

She stared at me then our interlocked hands .

" E.... Evan " she stuttered

" I know I have messed up a big time Nora but trust me, if you give us a
chance, I will change for you and become the man you've always wished
for "

" I know I turned out to be among the least of men you will want to go into a
relationship with but I can change for you, that's how much I love you Nora
We both stared intently at each other and I could see a little smile crept on
her face.

" D...did you truly love me?" She asked

" I do, from the very first day I set my eyes on you. I fell in love with you at
first sight"

She removed her hands from mine and stood up from the bed while I did

Her facial expression became unreadable.

Did I say something wrong again ?

She walked closer to me and what.......

She kicked my balls ...

I groaned and fell on the floor seeing her giggled.

" Your Mum asked me to do so " she said with a smirk and I hissed in pain.

What the hell? Mum? While will she tell her to do so?

" And I have forgiven you Evan, I am giving you a chance, giving us a
chance and please do not hurt me "

Amidst the pain I was feeling, I felt satisfied.

I felt like I was being crowned the king of the universe.

" I am sorry I did that but you deserve it and I did as instructed " she
grinned helping me stand on my feet

I am not mad at her, not even for a second.

Earning her forgiveness alone took the pain away.

Feeling my heart and mind at peace is what I wished for.

I pulled her into a hug and we both fell on the bed because my legs weren't
stable due to the pain in my balls.

I held her waist snuggling closer to her with her breath fanning my

" Thank you so much Nora, this means a lot to me "

I removed the stubborn strand of her hair falling on her face and she smiled

" I love you Nora " I placed a soft kiss on her cheek and she flushed.

She stared at me trying to speak but couldn't.

" You don't have to love me back or say it, my love for you is enough to
cover everything "

She nodded.
We stayed in that same position for about five minutes before she spoke

" about Jenny?"

I chuckled at her question. She had to ask anyways. If I was the one, I will
ask about her too. .

" She's in our past now cupcake, right now is just you and I building up our
relationship without rushing into things " I replied touching the breed of her
nose while she nodded .
" O..okay, can you let go off me? I need to get to the hospital in ten minutes
" she said and I groaned

" I want to stay with you like this forever " I replied placing her head on my
chest while she grinned.

" Seriously Evan? I live here with you, snuggling with me can wait but the
hospital can't " she said loosening her self from my grip but I held her

" I will on one condition " I said smirking.

" W...what condition?"

" I will take you to the hospital and no objection cupcake " I said and she

" Fine "

" Is the baby fine?" I asked the doctor as he uses something like an X-ray
on Nora's tummy while a very tiny foetus display on the screen

" Yes, oh my goodness " the doctor shouted and I shrieked.

" Is anything wrong? What's wrong with my baby?" Nora asked worriedly as
I stared curiously at the doctor who chuckled.
" Can you see the baby boy hiding behind his sister? Isn't he supposed to
be the one to protect her ?" He said laughing and I stared at him with

" We don't understand doctor "

" Mr Evan, your wife is carrying a baby girl and boy. She's carrying twins "

My eyes met with Nora and I saw tears and smile on her face.

I am going to be a father of twins? A boy and a girl? Oh my goodness!

Should I jump up, laugh, cry, hug the doctor, kiss Nora or what?

" Congratulations Mr and Mrs Evan, the babies are doing perfectly fine "

I ran to Nora and hugged her.

" Thank you so much for accepting to keep our babies cupcake "

I didn't feel so much joy when I learnt about Jenny's pregnancy.

Maybe because I don't love her. ....

I am the happiest man in the whole universe.

I can't wait to make Nora officially mine by putting the ring on her finger and
wedding her.
She will be mine, mine forever......


I felt someone's tap on me and I slowly opened my eyes to see Nora

standing beside my bed pouting.
What's she doing here?

" Are you okay cupcake? Are the babies fine?" I asked as I jolted from the

I sat her down on my thigh while she was still pouting.

" The babies wants some ice cream " she said ...
Ice cream?

" Okay, there are still some in the freezer, I will go get one for you " I said
trying to stand up but she shook her head.

" I don't like that flavour, they make me wanna puke. I want vanilla flavour "


Where do I get ice cream from by this time of the night?

It's 12am !!!!!!

" Okay, I will get it for you as early as 7am in the morning, it's already late
cupcake " I said and she stood up from my thigh.

" I get you don't want to get it for me, it's fine you don't love me as you
claimed, it's very fine "

What the?
She's crying? Oh my God!

I quickly rushed to her and hugged her. ..

Is this how pregnant women behaves?

God !
For the past few days have been hell for me.

I almost cried yesterday when she say she wants to eat a cake made in a
particular bakery in California.

I bought her from places around but she threw everything on my face.

I had to travel to California to get that for her only to hear that she doesn't
have appetite for it anymore that she wants cherries...

Like freaking cherries that we hardly see in the whole America.

" I am sorry cupcake, I don't mean to make you cry babes. I will go get it for
you right away "

Gosh! I feel like I am the one pregnant. !

T. B. C

Evan yaff not seen anything 😂😂🤣.

🌺🌺 A Maid For Him 🌺🌺

(Mum brought her )

Episode 23
🎀 Evan 🎀

" Thank you Evan " she said releasing herself from the hug looking so
excited like I just promised to buy her the whole universe.

I nodded going to get my car keys. I don't have to change from this nightie

I feel so sleepy but what do I do? I don't want to make her cry.

" I will be back in a jiffy "

I said to her heading out but she held my arm . I sighed turning to look at

" Did you need anything else cupcake? " I asked and she shook her head.

Then what?
This is just two months into her pregnancy, am I sure I am not going to die
before she delivers?

" I want to go with you" she replied fidgeting with her hand.

That's it? Gosh! Unbelievable!

"Okay, you can come with me " she giggled giving me a quick peck on my
cheek before running off to her room

I am sure not going to allow her stay there after our engagement.

I just want to let mum know of her pregnancy before planning on asking her
to marry me which will be soonest.

" I am ready Evan " she yelled and I left to meet her.
God don't let her wake me up by 2am again demanding for my head !

" You mean you went out by 12am to get her ice cream?" Adam asked
again for the tenth time laughing his @ss out.

He wouldn't understand till his wife or girlfriend gets pregnant for him.

Pregnant women are so annoying to some extent but I can't be mad at my


I will do anything for her because I love her. She's my light and without her,
I will be in darkness forever.

" You don't understand do you? Man I dressed up for work this morning but
my beloved baby mama asked me to get her some sand and a new book " I
said rolling my eyes.

" Sand? Like sand and a new book? For what?" He asked bewildered while
I chuckled.

" She said she feel like eating some sand and sniffing the scent of a new
book " I shrugged.

Seriously! I wanted to laugh but couldn't because it might make her cry
again .

Her pregnancy hormones is something else.

" Don't tell me you got them for her " he said grinning .
" Of course I did, I don't want her to start displaying her rollercoaster
emotions "

" You are really trying, this is scaring me dude I can't do all this " he said .

I just shook my head at him . Till he get there, he won't understand seeing
the tears of the one you love most.

" This is not you talking, when that time comes, you will understand what I
am talking about "

" It can't dude, I won't leave my sleep in the middle of the night to get some
sh*ts for my pregnant wife , anyways accept my condolence "

Condolence really? .

" You don't understand English do you?" I glared at him while he laughed.


" Hunny, oh my.... You didn't tell me you were pregnant, how are you? Are
you feeling fine? How are the babies? What did you want to eat? Did you
need something? Y..."

" Mum !" I had to interrupt her long squeak .

God! Evan told her already!
" Why didn't you tell me earlier? I am going to be a grandma, I know you
are tired, I am employing three maids to be taking care of you, I will stay
here till you deliver "

" I will give you anything and everything, wait! Where's Evan? "

She said looking around .

" I am here Mum any problem?" He asked coming downstairs with his
phone while I stood watching amusingly.

What's this woman up to?

" Are you seriously asking me that Evan? You are allowing a pregnant
woman to do your laundry? Are you okay ?" She snapped

Evan's eyes flickered towards me and I smirked.

I so much love this woman!

" But Mum, she's just two months in and I did almost all the chores this
morning " he defended .

" And you are still letting her do your laundry? What happened to the
machine or the watchers?"

" Mum she....."

" Do not defend yourself bighead "

She shushed him and turned towards me.

" I can see you are very stressed out baby" she said to me and I nodded
Gosh! I want to watch the look on Evan's face forever.

" yes Mum, my back hurts, my legs, my hand " I lied as Evan stared at me

How much I wish to laugh right now.

" I am sorry baby, Evan is such a stupid boy that doesn't know how to take
care of a woman, did you know how hard it is to carry a baby let alone
two?" She shouted at Evan who kept mute.

Seriously I pity him but I love this direct movie I am watching.

" Have you forgotten that I am the Son Mum, it seems you choose her over
me " Evan groaned which made me chuckle.

" You are the dumbass son and she's the pregnant princess "

Okay! I can't hold it anymore. I burst out laughing and she joined me
leaving Evan grunting

" This is not fair "

" Whatever you say Evan, take her to your room and give her a thorough
massage, it's an order " she said with finality and both our eyes widened.

I thought Nora is crazy but Mrs Scott is crazier 😂😂
🌺🌺 A Maid For Him 🌺🌺
(Mum brought her )

Episode 24

🎀 Evan 🎀

I stared at mum with my eyes widened before it was replaced with a grin.

Perfect! She wants me to give Nora a massage right? Good!

" I just spoke to you son, take her to your room and give her a massage "
she repeated again

My eyes ran into Nora's and I could see her red face which made me smirk.

" Okay Mum " I replied stepping towards Nora before picking her up in a
bridal style .

She gasped and I chuckled. It's my turn to laugh.

" That's like my son " Mum said excitedly

I glanced at Nora who buried her face in the crook of my neck. She wasn't
expecting me to pick her up and I did .

" D.. drop me down Evan, I can walk on my own " she said slightly hitting
me and I shook my head.

" No cupcake, I am doing as ordered like you said the day you kicked me
where the sun doesn't shine "

I replied and she giggled.

I took her to my room and gently place her on the bed .

So where do I start from? Seriously? I might used to be a flirt but I don't

know anything about taking care of a woman.

Mum was right and this massage might lead to something else.

I don't trust my d*"k, if it stands then there will be a big problem.

I brought the body oil close before unzipping her short gown .

" E...Evan" she shrieked.

" C'mon cupcake, I am giving you a massage and I have to start from your
back so you must take off your dress or are you shy? Did you want us to
make love? Like have s...."

" Evan nooo! " She cuts in taking off her dress herself without glancing at
me while I chuckled again.

My baby is timid and I love her for her.

She laid on her left side with her backing me. I am sure she's feeling like
the ground should open and swallow her.

I examined her body and groaned.

Her body looks so spotless, is it me or her skin is radiating?

I took the oil and applied it on my hand before massaging her back.

Gosh! Will I be able to do this without any temptation?

Groaning again, my hands landed on her back and that moment, I felt a
different sensation.
It felt my stomach knuckles. F*"k!

" Hmm" she mo@ned absentmindedly.

I massaged down her waist and I felt like going further but couldn't.

This is my limit for now, I don't want to rush things or hurt her again

I won't stand a chance in doing that!

This is going to punish me with a hard on.


I aired myself with my hand tiredly. What have I gotten myself into?

It's been five good hours we entered into this mall and she is not done yet.

I stylishly left her there at the baby session back to the receptionist.

" I need a seat please " I said to her who was staring at me with a creepy
smile on her face.

" Alright ma'am " she replied and in no time, she brought out a chair for me.
" Thank you " I muttered and she smiled

Gosh! I am freaking tired of walking around.

I rubbed my little baby pump smiling widely.

It look so cute. Well! I am going to be a mother.

It's almost four months into my pregnancy now. I still have a long way to go.

It will come to a point where I will be afraid of my stomach.

Am I even going to be a good mother? What legacy should I lay for my


What if I don't treat them like a mother should?

How should I feed them?

I sighed remembering my parents, if only Mum and Dad were alive .

Quiet alright, Evan's mum has played a great role of being a mother in my
life but..

I still miss my Mum. They were everything I had.

" Oh hunny, you made me so worried " Mum said coming towards me with
her hands full of bags .

" I am sorry Mum, I became tired and I had to sit " I explained and he

" It's fine baby...." She was cut off by one of the attendant.

" This are your remaining bags ma'am "

Wait! What?

The bags were more than twenty excluding the ones with Mum.

" Mum what are all this for?" I asked staring at her with a confused

" There are all for the babies hunny " she clapped her hands and I almost

Really? The babies that are yet to come into the world? What?

Is she this eager to have her grandchildren?

This is really hilarious!

" And I bought lots of things for the baby showers "

Okay! I couldn't help it, I scoffed!

Baby showers? Huh? The babies that are barely four months in the

Wait! Who does that?

" Hey , you can't leave them here, take them to my car " she ordered and
the attendant nodded

" Let's go hunny, we need to start preparing for the baby showers and
again. Their nursery rooms, what colour will you love it to be? Oh. Yeah, I
have a friend who decorates, I will just tell her to prepare it for me " she
said excitedly while I stared at her.

Is she being serious right now? Like freaking seriously?

" Mum !" I called and she passed me a smile.

" What? I want to shower by grandchildren with money from the womb so
do not complain "

I am speechless already ....


" Look who's back " my eyes snapped to the chair and a shrieked.

" Adam !" I ran to him and he engulfed me in a brotherly hug.

I haven't seen him after he left the day we'd watch a movie together.

" Easy there, I don't want anything happening to you or my little champs" he
said and I chuckled.

Evan is really going to tell the world that I am pregnant.

" I miss you pretty " he enthused .

" I miss you too Adam, you just disappeared into the thin air " I

" Of course not, your dumbass baby daddy stopped me from coming to his
house because he believes I am going to take you from him "

He said and I began laughing! I am sure this is a joke, Evan can't say that
can he?

" You two forgot I am standing right beside you right?" Evan asked and I
disengaged from the hug while he glared at Adam.

I sense jealousy! Evan is jealous! This is interesting.

" Evan " I called and hugged him.
He didn't hug me back but I snuggled closer to his chest.

I heard him groaned wrapping his hands around my now expanding waist.

" Were you trying to flirt with my woman Adam?" Evan asked in sternly .

I looked at Evan and we both burst out laughing.

" What makes you think so Evan, I won't take her away, she's only yours
not be too possessive " Adam replied laughing while Evan glared at him

" How was the shopping with mum cupcake?" He asked with his hands
holding me firmly .

Should I tell him it was hell? I am still wondering how that woman spent
5hours on just shopping .

" It went well though "

" Okay, I bought this for you "

He collected a red rose from Adam and handed it to me.

Wow! !
He kissed my forehead and I blushed ...

" I am still here dude " Adam whined and we laughed

I sniffed the rose the rose and ..... It smell like sh*t that I did not know
when I puked all over Evan ....

🎀 Evan 🎀

Way to ruin everything ! I stared at myself then at her whose eyes where

What the hell? How can she just throw up on me?

Adam began laughing at the scene till he fell on the couch.

" really sorry Evan, the flower smells so awfully that I have to
throw up "

She said and he scoffed.

A rose flower smell awfully? Gosh!

When is the pregnancy reaching 9months?

🌺🌺 A Maid For Him 🌺🌺

(Mum brought her)

Episode 25


I could kill to see the look on Evan's face right now and Adam is worsening
everything by laughing.

I seriously didn't mean to throw up on him. It was accidental!

But the rose, why does it smell so badly? I quickly dropped it on the table to
avoid throwing up again
" Look at your designed shirt Evan, it look so beautiful " Adam mocked and
I glared at him .

" I will kill you Adam " Evan threatened which made me chuckle.

"I am really sorry Evan, let's go upstairs so that you take your bath and
change into something else "

I said holding him by his arm and yuck! He's smelling !

I covered my nose and he groaned!

" Did you have to make me feel bad for what you did ?" He murmured while
I smirked .

" Of course not Evan, I said I am sorry but seriously you stink " I said
laughing and he threw me a glare.

He scoffed removing my hand around his waist.

" Thanks for your compliment " he said and left me there while I laugh my
@ss out.

" I am sorry Evan " I yelled after him but he didn't answer.
Gosh! I feel so hungry.

I made my way to the kitchen while Adam followed suit.

" You are really giving Evan a hard time did you know that? " He said
smiling while I rolled my eyes.

Is it my fault?

" It's the babies not me, his babies are giving him a hard time " I defended
while he chuckled.
" It's seriously amusing how you get him to do everything for you Nora, he
truly love you dearly " he said and I flushed

I know right? He's really proven to be responsible and he's becoming the
kinda man I wish to be with.

I still can't believe things turned out to be this way.

Getting pregnant for Evan and being an item with him although I don't know
where this is heading to but I am sure it's gonna be good.

" Awwn look who's blushing, what did you want to eat? I can prepare it for
you , I don't want you to stress yourself you know" he said and I narrowed
my eyes.

" You know how to cook?" I asked . He nodded shrugging.

" Yeah, for the fact that I was raised among six girls and I the only son. I
picked interest in doing whatever they do"

Wow! Six sisters!!!!

" That's impressive unlike my baby daddy that doesn't know anything about
cooking" I said and we both laugh. .

" Evan is a lazy ass you know, so what did you want to eat?" He asked.

I thought for a while and clapped my hands.

" Lobster Mac and cheese " I replied cheerfully.

" Alright, you go back to the living room, sit down, take a remote and watch
your favourite channel while I prepare it for you, it will be ready in less than
an hour"
He said.

" I can stay and help you with one thing or so"

" You don't have to worry pretty, I will do everything " he assured and I

🌹 Unknown POV 🌹

" Did you find her?" I asked curiously while he shook his head.

" No boss but I think I have a clue on who she might be with, I saw her on
the TV with popular Mr Evan "

" Are you trying to say she might be with him in his house?" I asked

" Yes boss , I think she might be there "

" Then find her, by all means, I need her before Dawn "

" Yes boss "

I can't loose this opportunity of finding her again, I have kept a tap on her
for a long time till she disappeared into the thin air.

I couldn't find her but not anymore, I promise to get her very soon.

🎀 Evan 🎀

" Are you listening to me at all Evan?" Mum asked and I sighed.

Can't they allow me have a little rest in my own home? Gosh! Nora is a
case with her pregnancy and Mum is worse.

She's always saying I should do this for the babies, Nora needs me, the
babies this, and that!

It's really so frustrating that at this point, I am glad I don't have any sister to
add to my problem.

" Evan?" Sh called again while I turned to her.

" I am listening mum, you can use any colour for the decorations " I replied

" If you say so, where's Nora?" She asked

Isn't she just coming in? Nora is downstairs with Adam.

" She's downstairs and probably in the kitchen , I need to rest a little before
Nora starts her demands again " I said jumping on my bed while she

" Perks of being a father " she chuckled again and I heard the door closed.
She's gone! Hmm!
I am going to propose to Nora as soon as possible so that if she gives birth,
we won't waste time before setting the wedding date.

I can't wait to make her mine, only then I can have her as I wish to. She will
be mine completely.

I won't stand a chance to leave my baby mama to anyone.

Not when she's my light, without her, I will become blind.

That day I checked her diary, I stumbled on something. Her birthday!

Her birthday is in two days and I am thinking I should propose to her then.

T. B. C.

Who is the unknown again🤔.

And who is he/she looking for?🤔.

🌺🌺 A Maid For Him 🌺🌺

(Mum brought her)

Episode 26


" This is yum!" I complimented munching on the meal Adam prepared for
me while he chuckled.
I must confess he's a good cook!
" Is it still remaining Adam?" I asked

" Yeah, I wanted to give that to Mum and Evan but since you want it , I will
go get it for you " he replied standing up.

Well, they can eat something else later right?

I nodded as he dashed into the kitchen and returned with another player of
lobster Mac and cheese .

" Here "

He placed it in my front while he watched amusingly.

It's the babies that eats alot not me !

" Are you seriously going to be able to finish all this meals Nora?" He asked
and I smiled in return.

" Watch me finish everything on my plate"

He didn't say anything further as he kept on staring at the way I eat

chuckling to himself.

" What's happening here?" Evan asked coming in. He's already changed
into something

" This is happening here " I replied .

He came closer to me and placed a soft kiss on my cheek. Awwn!

" Stop being a pervert Evan, I am still here" Adam groaned.

" Go get yourself a woman and stop staring at mine " he fired and I almost
choked from laughing.
Evan is too protective of what's his.

" Cupcake, can I have a taste of what you are eating? It smells good " he
said taking a seat beside me.
I nodded and he took a spoon from it.

" Wow! This is so tasty "

I rolled my eyes and got hold of his hand he was about dipping into my food

" No! It's yum right? Tell your best friend to teach you how to cook , he
prepared this for only me " I replied gently placing his hand on his thigh.

Adam burst out laughing at him and I chuckled.

" This is not fair " he pouted and we all began laughing m

🎀 Evan 🎀

I woke up with my hands wrapped around someone. Nora!

I grinned trying to stand up but she snuggled closer to me.

I stared into her face and all I could see was beauty and pure innocence.
We were having a little chitchat yesterday and we slept off in the process.

I kissed her jawline to her cheeks and forehead.

She's so beautiful that I wonder how I didn't notice earlier.

She's a sleeping beauty, I just wish we stay like this forever and I will watch
her like now.
I am becoming obsessed with her Gosh!

I never believe in love till she showed up in my life.

I believe love doesn't exist, it was a mere fantasy. That I thought but not

She changed me without doing anything.

I tucked back the strand of her hair stubbornly falling on her face.

Her cologne filled my nostrils. She smells like flower.

It might sound creepy but I sniffed her closing my eyes in ectacy.

I fell in love with this angel without thinking twice, even if there is a
consequence to love, I'd prefer facing it that letting Nora go.

She's my everything! Ever man's dream.

She's extremely beautiful, sexy, cute, pretty, a good cook , heck! She will
make a perfect wife for any man.

The more reason I love her. She's my miss perfect! Oh my mistake! My Mrs
I kissed her lips and that woke her up ...

She looked down at the position we are and smiled shyly.

" G.. good morning Evan " she greeted .

" How was your night cupcake? "

" It will always be fine so long I am close to you "


" Then we should be sleeping together more often " I replied .

" You know, I love being with you and us like this " I added .

Her face turned crimson and she hid her face on my chest hitting me.

" You are a pervert Evan " she said and I chuckled.

" Only your pervert cupcake, I am a pervert for you "

" Evan let go off me "

" No baby, stay with me " I said

" But you have work, you will be late to work remember?"

" I own the company cupcake, I can choose not to go and nothing will

She sighed touching my abs. So long it's her, everything feels good.

" There's no way I getting away from you this morning but where's my
morning tea?" She asked.

I scratched my head staring at her. I totally forgot she demands for tea
every morning.
" It's here hunny and Evan, get your @ss off the bed "

Mum yelled from the door and I groaned. She's such a kill joy.

.. ........

" Is everything ready? I can't let a single thing ruin my plans for tomorrow, I
want to make it a very big event and surprise for Nora "

I said .

" I know right? Everything is in order trust me " Adam replied and I nodded

Tomorrow is gonna be a very bug day and I am already becoming nervous

about it.

I am organizing a big party for Nora's birthday and I will pretend I don't
know her birthday.

I am going to propose to her too but I am scared of rejection.

What if she turns me down? What if she doesn't want to marry me?
It's really scaring the crap outta me.

" I am really scared Adam " I said pacing about.

" Scared of what?"

" About all the what ifs going on in my mind " I replied and he chuckled.

" You don't have to be scared man, Nora loves you and I believe she won't
turn down your proposal " he assured.

" Okay, I hope so. "

" Yeah , just chill "

" When am I having a meeting with the marketing department?" I asked.

He flipped through the books in his hand

" In less than thirty minutes "

" Okay, you can go "

" Yes boss "


🌹 Unknown 🌹

" Just a simple task yesterday, you weren't able to do for me, why do I
employ you?" I yelled angrily.

I can't let Nora out of my sight again, not now I know where she is .

" We are sorry boss, we will try our best to bring her to you " he said and I
Is getting her forcefully going to work?

" How do you intend on doing that?" I asked

" Tomorrow is her birthday and Mr Evan has planned a birthday party for
her and we can go there and take her "

Oh yeah! I know tomorrow is her birthday!

Maybe I should do something different but not taking her anymore.

I will just give her a surprise....

" You don't have to do that anymore, just let her be okay? You know Evan's
company right?" I asked

" Yes boss "

" Take me to him, I want to see him "

T. B . C

Tomorrow is Nora's birthday 💃💃 I am wearing isolation green to the party 😇

And why did the unknown want to see Evan now 🤨.

(Contact Rikki on WhatsApp 08168354463 so you can be added to our

WhatsApp group )
🌺🌺 A Maid For Him 🌺🌺
(Mum brought her)

Episode 27

🎀 Evan 🎀

" It's beautiful but did you think she will like this?" I asked Vette who gave
me a reassuring nod.

" Yes Sir, it's going to fit perfectly on her body and she will love it " she
I tossed the gown in my hand. No doubt, it's very beautiful .

Seriously I didn't have a peaceful sleep yesterday, I couldn't even sleep

because I was nervous about today.

I have to rush out of the house early this morning to get her a dress.

At least she have to wear something nice to her birthday party.

I am sure going to change her wardrobe after today's event.

" Okay, thank you Vette, how about the beauticians?" I asked .

Vette? That's Nora's manager in her fashion house.

I don't have to buy this dress, she sew it and it's so beautiful.

" They will be here very soon Sir " I nodded sitting down patiently waiting
for them to arrive.

They need to work some magic on my Nora.

She hasn't celebrated her birthday in years now but not anymore.

" They are here "

My head snapped towards the door as three women walked in carrying

some boxes.

" Good morning Sir " they chorused

" Yeah, you are welcome now shall we?" I gestured

" Yes Sir "

" Alright then, thank you Vette " I passed her an appreciative smile.

" It's nothing Sir "

Now, let the game begin ! I just hope my idiot best friend is doing his job
and not still sleeping because I gave him a day off to help me with the
rearrangement .

Gosh! I pray Nora believes any lie I am going to tell her to get her out of the

Thank goodness mum's around...


" Wake up hunny, you need to take your bath, take your morning tea and
come down for breakfast then I will introduce you to the maids "

I lazily opened my eyes and sat up on the bed.

" Good morning Mum " I greeted removing the duvet from my body.

Why's she hear instead of Evan? He normally wakes me up every morning.

" Morning baby, stand up already or should I bathe you?" She said and I
shook my head.

Bathe me! This woman can be funny, I am just pregnant, I am not a baby.

" I will just take my bathe and meet you downstairs Mum "

I sprang on my feet and she nodded

" Will be waiting and be quick "

I nodded hastily rushing my tea before dashing into the bathroom.

It's my 22nd birthday today and no one to wish me a happy birthday.

Even Evan left without wishing me a happy birthday. Heck!

I chuckled to myself knowing that he doesn't know about my birthday.

I wouldn't blame anyone, I never told them.

My mind went back to the last birthday I celebrated with my parents.

My 12th birthday, Mum got me a necklace I carelessly lost. It was her last
gift to me and so I cherished it a lot but I lost it the day my landlord threw
me out of his house .

My belongings were scattered all over the place , since then it disappeared.

Dad got me a box of chocolates, you know right, I love chocolates.

I really miss them so much.

A tear escaped my eyes remembering them. If they are to be here, just
maybe, I wouldn't have lived in someone's house before they will throw me

I wouldn't have even become a maid just to survive.

I used to be their princess! Their everything and they left me just like that.

I allowed the water to wash over me , I don't really wish to stand up from

The cold water gives me strength and wash my pains away.

Sighing, I came out of the bathtub tying my towel around me before coming
out of the bathroom.

I stood in front of the mirror drying up my body and my hair.

I combed my hair tying it in a bun. Then dashing to my closet to find a

simple wear.

It's my birthday, I ought to be happy not turning into an emotional wreck

right now.

I need to be happy even if it's just for today although since I came into this
house, I have had a real rest of mind.

With Evan in my life, he's eased a lot of things for me.

My life is just taking a turn, from being a maid to having thorns of maid and
becoming a boss.

I haven't been to my fashion house in two days now, maybe I should go

there then go have fun today.
I have to create a good memory from today.

I am not to cry today like I always do on my birthday after my parent's death

That have to change and stop!

" Are you done Nora?" Mum's voice came in through the door

" Yes Mum, I am coming "

Hours later......

" Here's Lisa, she will be your personal maid " Mum introduced and I smiled
at the Lisa who bowed her head smiling too.

At least it won't be boring in the house.

" This is Bina, the cook , beside her are Kate and Mag , they are in charge
of cleaning the house and taking care of the laundries "

Wow! All work lifted off me.

" Good afternoon ma'am " they greeted simultaneously.

Life can be unpredictable! I never believe I will ever have people working
under me.

" Yeah, good afternoon and you are all welcome " I said not knowing what
else to say.

" You can all go back to your duty post and Bina, make sure the lunch is
ready on time " mum instructed and she nodded.

I wonder where Evan went to. He's not yet back home or Maybe he went to
This is almost 3pm .
Ahh! Talk of the devil!

The door opened and he came in with some ladies.

Huh? Who are they?

" You are back Son " mum said excitedly

" Yes Mum, I am so tired " he replied coming towards me .

He held me by the waist kissing my earlobe .

My cheeks turned red seeing that people are here.

Isn't he ashame? Gosh!

Seriously? He's tired but not tired of holding me.

" Hey cupcake " I glared at him and he quickly got the message chuckling.

" I am sorry I left very early without seeing you cupcake, something came
up that needed my attention "

" Afternoon ladies " mum said.

Oops ! I forgot they are still here.

" Afternoon ma'am "

" Well cupcake, they are beauticians " Evan said while I narrowed my eyes
at him

Beauticians? What are they doing here ?

" I brought them to change your look because I am taking you somewhere

Somewhere? I blinked my eyes staring at him them Mum.

Seems she knows about it.

" Somewhere? " I found myself asking.

" Yes cupcake somewhere, there's something I will love to show you so
they have to make you up " he replied smiling.

He's confusing me the more!

" If you are taking me somewhere, you don't have to bring beauticians Evan
" I protested

" Stop complaining hunny, you will love it when they do some magic on
your face and body " Mum shipped in and I sighed.

But what are they up to?

" O..okay " I surrendered

" Alright cupcake, take them to your room and here, this is the dress she
will wear "

I glanced at him and he grinned.

Two hours later...

" I am tired of sitting down already, are you not done?" I asked frustrated .
It's been hours since they have been shifting my head my neck and doing
something on my face.

" We are almost done ma'am, bring the dress " she said to one them who
brought it from the bed.

She brought out a red gown and handed it to me.

Wow! This is beautiful!

" Put it on ma'am " she instructed.

I zipped down the gown wearing it from my leg before removing the towel .

They zipped it up for me making me sit again arranging my hair.

" Done, you can check the mirror "

I briskly stood up to the mirror and my jaw dropped.

This isn't me is it?

I touched my face staring at the girl in the mirror.

I look so freaking stunning. I don't even know it's me at first.

Everything changed and the gown fits perfectly on my body bringing out my
curves and shapes.

I look so hot like a model ....

" You look beautiful " one of them complimented .

" Thank you "

" Are you not done? I am all set cupcake"

My heart began racing as I heard the voice.

He's going to see me like this, will I be able to walk? Goodness!

" I...I am done, will be down in two " I stammered .

What do I have to do again? The ladies left my room and I followed suit
well, nervously!

I walked majestically and carefully so that this heel won't fall me, I can't risk
being disgraced.

Evan was patiently waiting for me as I came down.

" I am here "

He turned to face me and his mouth opened in surprise?

I shifted uncomfortably as he stared at me without looking away.

I bowed my head in discomfort and he seems out of this world.

Why's he staring at me like a creep? Am I that bad?

I cleared my throat and he blinked before smiling at me.

" You look f*"king gorgeous cupcake, I just wish to slam you on one if the
couch and have you right now, you are so beautiful"

My cheeks heat up immediatetly. I am going to melt.

" T..thank you " I stuttered bowing my head.

He groaned taking my hand in his and I could swear I felt some electricity
run down my body.

" I am going to pluck the eyes of any idiot that stares at you today " he
gritted which made me chuckle.

We went to his car and he opened the door for me like a gentleman he is.

Then he entered and drove off. I wonder where he's taking me to this
evening and Mum? She left too.


Where's this place? Why's it crowded? Is there any occasion taking place

I clutched Evan's hand tightly. Have I ever mention it that I hate crowd? It
freak me out.

" W..what are we doing here Evan?" I asked .

" Chill cupcake, you will know pretty soon"

The moment we entered into the hall, everywhere became dead silent.

Except.... Wait Adam? He's on the stage.

" And here comes the birthday girl " my heart skipped on hearing that as all
head snapped at me.
God I am going to die here.

" Isn't she pretty? That's our lovely Nora Hans and her Man popular Evan,
they look so cute together isn't it?"
The crowd chorused a yes and I glanced at Evan who was smiling.
He planned this, he knows my birthday!

" You both should come on the stage please, make a way for the birthday
girl and her man to come forward" Adam shouted

Evan held my hand and we slowly climbed the stage.

God! Have I passed out?

" Happy birthday pretty, on this special day of yours, I wish you the very
best in life " Adam said and the hall became noisy again as everyone
shouted happy birthday.

All I could do was smiled. I don't know if I should start crying or laugh.

" Cupcake " Evan called.

The light was placed on both of us. Everywhere became silent that if a pin
drop, you could hear the sound.

" Happy birthday baby "

" I don't know which other way to celebrate your special day with you and
so I came up with the idea of organizing this little party for you as a surprise

" And to equally use this opportunity to ask you this Nora "

" For the past few months, you've become a part of me I can't do without,
you changed me and made me a gentle man"

" When I say I love you, I mean it cupcake"

" You are my Angel, my saviour and everything"

" I don't want to loose you forever, I want you by my side and we will grow
old together "

" You know that can't happen unless we are tied together by marriage "

" That's why I am asking "

He knelt down and brought out a diamond ring.

My eyes widened in shock covering my mouth in awe.

" Will you marry me Nora Hans?"

Tears welled up my eyes. I couldn't say anything, my life changed over

night .

Evan's asking me to marry him, he chose me as the woman he wants to

spend the rest of his life with.

* Say yes already.

* Don't keep the him waiting.

*He's yours.

* Let him slide the ring.

* You two will look perfect together.

The crowd kept yelling. I glanced down at Evan. He's sincere and ready to
take responsibility.

" y...yes , I will marry you "

He sighed and smiled broadly before sliding the ring on my finger.

It looks so beautiful...
I held him up and hugged him

" Thank you cupcake " he whispered only to my hearing.

" Now, now, enough of the lovey dovey, congratulations Nora and Evan "
Adam said as I released from the hug.

He hugged me whispering happy birthday and congratulations.

" Well, I still have a surprise for you cupcake, just give me a second " he
said and dashed out to the room behind the stage.

What other surprise? Isn't this enough? I am so overwhelmed.

I never expected this.

In no time, he showed up with someone.

" Here's your surprise cupcake "

I shifted a little to take a close look at the person and I stiffened.

" D..... Dad?"

T. B. C.

Longest chapter 😱.
My fingers are itching 😔
🌺🌺 A Maid For Him 🌺🌺
(Mum brought her)

Episode 28


" D... Dad?" I stammered in fear shifting away.

He ought to be dead right? This is his spirit.
The hall became extremely quiet as they watch the scene.

Okay! I believe this is a dream, I have been thinking about mum and dad
lately maybe that's why.

" Princess " he called smiling at me and coming towards me.

No! I ran away and hid at Evan's back. This can't be my father right? He's

" C'mon cupcake, are you afraid? This is your Dad okay? He's not dead
believe me"

Evan said. Huh? He's not dead? But how?

He survived the accident? I learnt their car was burnt down so how?

" It's me princess, you have every right to be mad at me for showing up just
today in ten years but I have a reasonable explanation to give, I was never
dead but your mum was "

I quickly released myself from Evan as I stared at the man before me. My
The one I thought he died ten years ago. He must really have a reason for
leaving me all alone in this cruel word to survive on my own.

" Come give Dad a hug and happy birthday and engagement princess " he
said spreading his arms widely.

My eyes met with Adam's and he nodded signaling me to go then Evan

who practically pushed me there.

I engulfed him in a tight embrace as tears flows down freely. That of joy,
surprise and shock.

" Shhhh princess, I am here now, you don't have to cry anymore " he held
me firmly patting my hair.
How much I miss this warm embrace.

The crowd cheered up clapping loudly as I released from the hug.

" I miss you princess " he said pulling me into a hug again smiling.

" Well that's enough of the father - daughter huggies , happy birthday
hunny" mum said while the rest laugh.

Everything is still a surprise to me, the party, being engaged to Evan and
Dad showing up.
It's a lot for me to take in!

I just couldn't stop stealing glances at Dad, that's a big surprise Evan has
ever given me.

It's more than anything to have a father in my life again.

" Here is your gift princess " dad said handing me a package.
I collected it from him telling him a thank you. I will have to open it when I
get home. I am certain some of my favourites will be there.

" And here is your gift from me cupcake " huh? Another gift? Evan won't kill
me ! Hasn't he done

Wow! A freaking car key! Oh my goodness! I am going to pass out already.

" I can't be left out you know, so this is my gift t you pretty " Adam handed
me a box which I discovered it's a new phone. Gosh!

" And mine " Mum gave me a portrait of me. Saviours!

Did they have to shower me with love this much? How did I become this

" I...I..I.. don't even know what to say, thank you so much " I said in tears
out of word.

I don't know I will be shown love like this in my life.

" Now, we will love the birthday girl to give us a little speech before the
refreshment and closure of the party"

Adam gave me the mic and I nervously turned to the thousands of crowd.

Can I do this? What if I pass out?

As if reading my thoughts, Evan gave me a reassuring look before both him

and Dad dashed out of the stage.

" I.. can't really express how overwhelmed I am right now, planning this
surprise party for me means a lot to me and it made me feel so special
knowing that I have people who takes my interest at heart and love me
" I am so grateful and I show my appreciation to my fiance, Evan who
thought about all this and giving me my Dad as a surprise "

" I don't know what to say, I am so speechless from the love I received from
my family and friends. I am very grateful to you all and thank you for
gracing my occasion "

" Wow!" I blurted immediately I came out of the car.

My Dad owns this house? How? He wasn't that rich then so what changed?

" You like our mansion?" He asked . Like? I freaking love it. It's very
beautiful and spacious like that of Evan's.

Remembering Evan,a smile crept up on my face.

He bluntly refused to release me to my father saying he can't stay without

me for 24hours.

It was after much persuasion from everyone that he let me come here with
Dad but with a condition that he do come the next day if he doesn't see me.

You know Dad and I have a lot of catch up to do, it been ten years and
everything that happened is still a mistery to me.
" I love it Dad " I replied simply. He nodded walking in front of me into the

Okay! Is Dad now a Mafia king? Why did he have all this men with different
types of weapon in his house?

It's creepy and scary!

He turned to me and smiled seeing the confusion on my face.

" I know that look princess " he paused chuckling

" Like I said, I have lots of explanations to do okay, so come in " he said
paving way for me to enter.

My jaw dropped on seeing the sitting room. W..what?

Is this heaven on Earth? This is confusing me the more. How did this all

Evan's sitting room is a child's play compared to this I am seeing .

Everywhere is well tinted and all white. Gosh! This very house belongs to
my Dad? I can't believe this.

Then why did he leave me for years suffering when he got this kinda
money huh?

He instructed me to sit and I did. I sat on the soft sofa.

If care is not taken I will just start sleeping here right now.

" Welcome ma'am, what can we offer you?" I raised my head to see three
ladies standing in my front.

In some seconds, it seems I don't understand what they say.

Everything is very new to me , being treated like a princess since the past
few weeks still doesn't get me used to it.

" This is your home princess, feel free to order for anything and do anything
you wish to, you can even seen this mansion if you want " Dad said making
me chuckle.

" Okay, just juice will do " I said. They nodded and left. Why wasn't just one
person that came?

" Welcome to our home princess, I know you are surprised about my
sudden affluence " he said pausing a bit taking that time to clear his throat.

" Your mum and I were never involved in an accident "


" She was killed, they tried taking all our lives including yours princess "

This is becoming more complicated than I thought.

" They thought you died with your Mum and they can after me, I was shot
but never died and I knew you were alive but if I come any closer to you,
they could have killed you "

W... what? Who are the they? Why did they want us dead?

T. B. C
I know it's short but I managed to type this.
Headache won't let me write 😔.

I promise a longer episode tomorrow

🌺🌺 A Maid For Him 🌺🌺

( Mum brought her)

Episode 29


What? Who are the they and why did they want us dead?

I blinked in utter confusion as he breathed out.

" The day you turned 11 was the day I won a medal worth millions of naira,
it was as if your birthday brought that luck for me "

" Your mum and I was very happy because we will be living a comfortable
life after I invest the money and we will be able to give you all that you ever
wanted as a child "

" When they brought the huge amount of money for me, they brought it
directly to my office where I work as a clerical staff remember? "

He said and I nodded even if I can't remember.

" I wasn't in the company when they came they met my boss , he collected
the money from them after promising he was going to give me when I arrive
at the company "
" But he never did and in the rule that guide the money was that, it can be
given out to anyone if I or any of my family members are dead "

" He wanted to be in the possession of the money and so he came for our

" He killed your mother and thought you died with her so he came after me

" I had to make sure you were out of our house by any means because I
was sure they were going to come there so I framed you up for stealing and
the owner of the apartment sent you out "

Huh? Was that why I was sent out at twelve? I knew I never stole the
golden bracelet of her daughter.

" I am sorry I did that but I had to just to protect you "

" I left this city to hide somewhere safe, I couldn't take you with me , I know
gab is a very dangerous man, he could track me and get me anytime "

" If I had to die, I wouldn't let my precious daughter die with me so he took
everything I laboured for thinking I was dead "

" Even after I left, I knew every of your movement, I always look out for you
Nora to make sure no harm comes to you "

" I just cake back last two years when I had enough money to forward the
case to court "

" The case lasted for a year and half. Gab was sentenced to life
imprisonment for murder and possession of someone's properties "

" I got my money back, everything! I got it back last few months and I
decided it was time to go out and look for my daughter"
" What made it more hard for me was that I lost every info of you, that was
when you went into the Evan's mansion "

" I wanted taking you with force like inform of kidnaping you are to scare
you a little, I know my princess can be a scary cat but when I heard Evan
was planning a birthday party for you, I got a change of plan, that was why I
showed up at your party "

" And the men out there? They are just for protection "

I breathed out after listening to everything. Was it tears of joy or sadness

that Mum isn't here to witness this day?

I wish I can see that godforsaken man and tear him apart! He killed my
Mum. My role model!

Dad came towards me hugging me while I placed my head on his shoulder.

How can one stupidly be comfortable enjoying someone's sweat? That he

have to kill us huh?
How heartless can he be?

" It's okay baby, we are fine now and I miss Handel so much like you do but
she's in a better place now " he patted my back gently while I sniffed in

At least, I am glad everything is fine now and the fact that I have my Dad
with me now.

To top it all, he's handsomely rich! Stinking wealthy!

" Dinner's ready, let's go eat something " he said holding me up.

I wonder how he will react if he knows I am pregnant! Gosh!


🎀 Evan 🎀

I tossed on the bed dialing her number. I feel so empty without Nora with

My face lit up seeing she picked up almost immediately.

📞 Cupcake, I freaking miss you📞

She chuckled before replying

📞 seriously Evan? You are unbelievable! I just left few hours ago and you
will see me by tomorrow 📞

She replied.

📞 Yeah whatever, I just miss you, I miss touching you, I miss holding your
tiny waist, I miss seeing your little baby bump, I miss kissing your soft lips,

📞 Evan! You have gone crazy 📞

She cuts in laughing which made me smile. Her laugh is freaking


📞 I can only be crazy when I am with you cupcake, so tell me, how are you
catching up with your Dad?📞

I asked.
📞 Yeah! We are getting along like before real quick, I am glad he's not
dead and he came back for me 📞

I nodded thinking she was here to see me.

📞 I am happy to see you happy cupcake, that's my number one priority 📞

📞 Awwn, I am so loved 📞 she said giggling and I smiled.

📞 I have always love you cupcake 📞

📞 And I love you to Evan 📞

I quickly sat on the bed taking the phone from my ear. She didn't just say
that did she?

📞 I think I am having ear problem, repeat that again 📞

She chuckled

📞 I love you Evan 📞

She didn't stammer! Saviours! I have made it to the next level!


I groaned scoffing continuously!

Everyone in the room chuckled and I glared at them .

" You don't mean it right?" I said to Nora's Dad and he chuckled.

" I mean it Son, she's going to stay with me till after her marriage "

That can't happen! I can't stay without her and everyone knows it .
" Okay then, can we do the marriage tomorrow already?"

Everyone burst out laughing but I didn't see it as something funny.

I planned on doing the wedding when she puts to bed and that's almost
5months from now, how did he expect me to cope ?

Five good months! What the heck?

" Seriously Evan, you want to get married tomorrow? Without any
preparation done?" Mum asked laughing at me.

I never thought of that but is it necessary? I will just die if Nora leaves even
for 48hours.

" You all have forgotten he have a chicken brain " Adam shipped in and I
glared hard at him. Idiot!

" She can't stay with you for five months right cupcake?" I asked looking at
her and she looked away smiling without replying

Okay! They all want to punish me!

" I will be going back with her " he dropped the bombshell! What? Like is he
kidding me?

" Then I am going with you both " I replied with a serious expression.

Mum wanted saying something when the door bell rang!

I am not expecting anyone!

" I will go get it " I replied standing up.

I turned the door knob and opened it and it was....

Jenny? What the hell?

T. B. C.
Seriously 😔

🌺🌺 A Maid For Him 🌺🌺

(Mum brought her)

Episode 30


My body unconsciously stiffened as I clutch to my little baby bump.

Jenny? What's she doing here? I thought Evan said she's out of our lives?

My heart limped as she walked in bowing her head while everyone sat

" What are you doing here Jenny? I told you to be miles away from us
right?" Mum flared up walking towards her and she shifted in fright.

", please Mum, I. I am not here for any troubles or anything on
anything like that please " she pleaded in a cracked voice

Huh? Jenny can be this calm? I stared bewildered at her like wise
" What did you want Jenny? Why are you here?" Evan asked calmly.

Tears fall down from her cheeks as she played with the tip of her dress .

Well I heard she faked a pregnancy but got caught by mum, that was bad
anyways but I am happy it gave me a room into Evan's life.

But what scares me now is why she's here. What if she says she is now
truly pregnant?

I stared at Evan who was busy staring at Jenny. They were friends before
then, what if he have feelings for her?

What will happen to me?

My face turned sour at that thought, I can't bear being heart broken please.

Dad noticed my discomfort and I quickly replaced it with a smile.

" I.. I..just came to apologize for everything I have done please forgive me, I
was so desperate to have Evan all to myself because I thought I loved him
but I have come to realize it was a mere attraction, I am sorry for lying,
please forgive me "

Huh? This is not dream right? Jenny? Like Jenny is apologizing?

" You really disappointed me, I trusted you so much that I chose your
happiness over my son's but you disappointed me. Even if you want a man,
you shouldn't have gone to the extent of faking a pregnancy "

Mum said .

Jenny bowed her head in shame. For the first time in 8months, I feel for her
and I see she's sincere with her apology.
I sighed as I head what she said, at least she's not back to take my Evan
from me.

"I... I am sorry " she said in tears .

I felt something warm on my cheeks and I touched it.
Groaning slightly! Damn this hormones !

They should forgive her already, everyone make mistakes but if you accept
you make mistakes then you ought to be forgiven.

And she doesn't like Evan anymore so yeah! I am happy.

I rushed to her engulfing her in a hug.

She's never done anything wrong to me just that she doesn't like me then
but I don't know of now.

" I am sorry Nora, I really am " she said sniffing.

I smiled genuinely at her patting her back.

" It's fine okay, we are cool and stop crying like a baby" I said

With this my one act, everyone sighed and hugged her.

It's good to forgive!

" We've forgiven you, and you are still my daughter okay?" Mum said

Dad just sat watching keenly while Adam had a smirk on his face for God
knows why!

Gosh! That guy is something else! Always smirking and grinning.

" And nothing changed about you being my best friend " Evan shipped in
but his hands flew over to his mouth after he said that.

" I...I... cupcake ..I..."

Everyone in the room began laughing due to the way he was stammering.

" I don't have a problem with that okay? You knew her before I came into
the picture and I can't possibly ruin your relationship you both build since
childhood "

I said and he sighed in relief making me chuckle.

" You don't even have to worry, I am now married. I got married earlier this
month "

Wow! Really!?


Five months later .......

🎀 Evan 🎀

I frustratedly punched the keyboard non-stop.

I am so going to dump this entry now, maybe I should just give it to my

I am so tired ! It's not really easy being a CEO. It's not at all!

I have been working since morning without taking a break, no food and now
it's 8pm .

Everyone has left the office of course but I stayed back thinking I will be
able to finish up this work but I can't.

I am damn hungry and I need to be with my heavily pregnant wife .

I closed my laptop standing up.

Out of the office, I took my private elevator down and entered into my car .

I can't wait to see my cupcake. Gosh! She's so dramatic, imagine she told
me I hate her because her stomach is big.

I almost laughed if not that she might start crying if I do.

Since her baby bump became very big, she stopped looking at the mirror
saying it scares her.


" Hey baby " I wrapped my arms around her big tummy from behind

" You came home late again Evan " she grumbled.

" I am sorry cupcake, I was so busy at work today " I said kissing her

" Okay, go upstairs and freshen up while I inform the maids to set up your
dinner " she replied holding her waist.

This pregnancy has made her expanded but anyway she is,I will forever
love her.

" Okay Mum" I replied and she rolled her eyes.

" How are my babies doing?" I asked rubbing her tummy band a felt a

I jolted away surprised before composing myself. Did they know I am their

" This is what I go through Evan, can't they understand that I am a human
being? I feel the pain from their kick " she pouted making me grin.
It must be hard for her, seriously, I know it's not easy carrying a baby in
your stomach.

" Don't worry cupcake, you will be free when you put to bed "

She looked down at her tummy nodding her head.

" Isn't it scary? It scares me seeing this big tummy Evan "
I held her hand giving it a kiss.

" It's nothing bad cupcake,it's our babies you are carrying, nothing to be
scared of" I assured and she nodded .

" Alright, let me go upstairs and freshen up, I will be down in 10minutes "

She nodded .
I began walking upstairs when I heard her loud scream!

" Ahh"

I turned and began running back to where she was only to find her on the
floor with one of the maids beside her.

I rushed to her immediately almost having a panic attack.

What's wrong? I just left her seconds ago right?

" What's wrong cupcake?" I asked holding her up.

" Ahhhh, Evan, ow!! Ahhh, my waist " she said hitting my hand

" Hold on okay " I replied helping her up but she pushed me away sweating
within this pace of minutes.
" E.. Evan, the babies , ahh! My stomach, my waist is twisting "

She yelped. The babies? Does that mean the babies are coming?

I stood there dumbfounded not getting a thing from what she just said.

What do I do? And she won't let me touch her.

Should I call Mum? N...

" Are you mad Evan? The babies are coming and you are just standing
there idiot ahhh "

Gosh! Didn't she just push me away? And she's in labour oh God!

" Okay, I will, come on stand up " I held her up but....

She peed on my hand! What ?

" But you don't have to pee on my hand cupcake " I groaned loudly.

She hit me glaring at me

" My water broke and you are telling me I peed on you Evan, ahhh, my
waist , idiot"

Huh? Her water broke?

" Take me to the hospital Evan " she yelled giving me a slap.

What? When did she become this violent?

I held her up taking her to the car. She kept hitting and cussing me
We came to the car and I checked my pocket for the key but..gosh! Don't
tell me I forgot it inside.

" Are you crazy? Open the door already, you put me into this, I will cut off
your d*"k so you won't come near me again fool "

She slapped my back and I winced. What's my crime now?

" Just wait here okay, I need to get the car keys " I said making her stand
by the car but she began shouting.

All my tiredness has vanished already,the hunger is gone!

" My waist Evan, ouch! Ahh! My legs, I can't stand anymore , how can you
be careless to forget the car key inside, are you stupid? "

I stared blankly at her before I regained my composure running into the


" E.... Evan "

T. B. C
I Can't laugh 🤣
Nora won't kill me 😂 my Evan have suffered 🤣😂😂

(Contact Rikki on WhatsApp 08168354463 so you can be added to our

WhatsApp group )
🌺🌺 A Maid For Him 🌺🌺
(Mum brought her)

Episode 31


🎀 Evan 🎀

I paced to and fro in the waiting room. Saviours, I just hope she delivers

I can't bear it if anything happens to her in this process.

It's been almost an hour since she was brought here and all this nurses are
walking up and down without even sparing me a minute.

It's scaring me to the bone. Is she fine? How are the babies?

What's happening to her now? Is she struggling to push?

Is the doctor handling her well?

I know she was reigning all those cusses on me because of the pain she
felt that moment although it surprises me.

I am sure going to remind her when she finally puts to bed .

A funny and not so funny incident.

Even as at now, my back and cheeks still hurts from those slaps.

But everything doesn't matter right now, all I want is to see that Nora comes
out of the OT room unharmed.

I want the babies safe too but Nora's first. I mean we can always make
other babies right?
" Calm down and stop pacing like a frog " Adam said and I glared at him .
Idiot! Why did I even call him here in the first place?

I called Mum too and Nora's Dad, they might arrive later although Mum said
she have to prepare something for Nora before she comes.

Something really tasty and special that she will have to take after she's
been delivered of the babies. Mum can be so dramatic!

" You don't know how I am feeling now Adam, what if ...."

" Stop being pessimistic Evan, I know Nora is a fighter and she will deliver
safely but remember, I am their godfather"

He placed his hand on his chest dramatically and I glared at him. He's
talking about being a godfather when we don't know what's happening in
that ward.

I am worried sick about it. Why are the doctors not showing up? Does that
mean she's not fine?

" I know you are very senseless " I hissed going to the window when the
doctor came out sweating profusely.

I hastily ran to him inquiring about Nora and the babies.

" How's she doctor? She is fine right? " I asked curiously

He used a hankie to wipe off the sweat from his face smilling broadly at me.

" Yes Mr Evan, she's perfectly fine and congratulations. She was delivered
of a baby girl and boy "

I absentmindedly engulfed him in a hug not minding my environ.

" Oh my goodness! I am so excited, thank you doctor "

" Congrats man, you are now a father, I need to find a woman already, how
about that your sexy secretary? Is she vacant? Like no one? "

Adam poured out while I stared at him! He talks too much.

And really? How did he expect me to know about my secretary's love life?

And is she good for him? Although yeah! Annette is a good lady but she's
someone I have screwed before and he knows it.
It doesn't matter right?

I smacked his shoulder pushing him off .

" Go ask her those will y questions " I rolled my eyes facing the doctor who
was still standing with a knowing smile on his face .

" So doctor, can I see them now?" I asked

You don't know the joy flowing through me now.

I am now a father! A fu*k"ng father! Like I am a father of two now.

I wonder how lucky I am to have gotten an innocent lady like Nora as mine.

I know I don't deserve her and that's the more reason I will cherish her

She will be my wife and a mother to my kids.

We are giving birth to five more children but I already volunteered to carry
the pregnancy.

I can't go through all I went through in the hands of Nora! So help me God!
" Yes, she has been shifting a private ward now , you can follow me "

I nodded and Adam and I followed up with his pace of movement.


I stared at the pale looking Nora on the bed with a faint smile on her face.

I rushed to her engulfing her in a warm but tight embrace.

She's made me a father! She changed my world!

" E.. Evan, I can't breathe" she said .

The next thing I felt was a punch in my stomach.

What the hell?

I glared at Adam who just shrugged like he didn't just punched me.

" What was that for?" I snapped.

He shrugged again

" I can't let you kill her with your hug you know, you should die rather " he
said laughing while Nora laughed too.

" Congratulations pretty on delivering of my godchildren "

I scoffed turning to my tiny kids placed on their bed at the side of Nora's

They look so beautiful with their eyes glistering and their hands holding

A small smile touched my lips seeing how entangled they are to each other.
I stared adorably at them , without thinking twice, you will know they are my
Their grey eyes like mine says it all.

" Thank you so much cupcake, you made me a man " I said placing a kiss
on her hand.

She smiled blushing !

" Wait! What are you trying to say Evan? That I am a woman? I am hurt "
Adam said dramatically holding his chest again.

What's he saying? And of course, he behaves so childish like a woman.

" So now, it's only men that are father's that are the real men?" He asked
pouting and I was forced to laugh.

What do I do with this guy? He's not only dramatic but problematic .

I wanted saying something when the door burst open revealing Mum and
Nora's Dad.

" Oh hunny"

" Princess "

2 years later.....

" E... please " I said in between laugh as tears

came down from my eyes
I hate being tickled but he wouldn't listen.

" I told you I will get back at you yesterday or did you think I have
forgotten?" He replied still tickling me.

Gosh! My dear husband have a retentive memory !

We got married three months after Daniel and Danielle's birth.

And I can proudly say he's the best husband anyone could ever ask for

Despite his work, he still create enough time for his family which is

I asked little Dan our baby boy to set a flour for Daddy and after we were
done, Elle rushed in to call him.

When he was coming into the kitchen, I literally left the flour pour all over

" O..oh God Evan, sorry " I pleaded laughing so loudly.

If anyone is to be here now, they will think I have been crying instead of

The tears flowing down is massive.

" I can't let you go just like that, there's a condition "

God! Kill me already! I know he will have to demand for something.

He's so unbelievable!

" Just name it already " I asked tiredly.

" I need to make you wet down there and this instant "

My face flushed red as he said that! Saviours!

When will my husband stop being shameless?

" Evan " I called sternly glaring at him. He stopped tickling me staring into
my soul.

" Is it a yes or should I continue tickling you?" He whispered in my ear

biting my earlobe sending a tingle to my V.

He placed wet kisses all over my body and I couldn't help the mo@n tat
escaped my lips.

Even after two years if marriage. He still have an effect on me.

I become numb under his touch! Is that enough love? I am so obsessed

with my husband.

" E.. Evan " he didn't answer me as his hands find it's way into my panties
and his mouth devouring my lips.
At this moment I can't stop him....

" Daddy! Daddy! Uncle A is here with our favourite Aunty "

Dan and Elle yelled from the door with excitement clearly in their voices.
Adam and his wife are here.

Evan groaned standing up from my body while I giggled.

" Adam f*"king Finn, did he have to be the kill Joy? I am so going to kill him

I burst out laughing.

My small and happy family!

End 🤗.

It was really a journey I achieved with you guys by side 😍😍😍.

Thank you for reading A MAID FOR HIM.

And like I said, my likes and comments shouldn't follow this story and go

You know i will forever love you all💖💖💖💖

©️All right reserved.

Add me on whatsapp for more interesting stories


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