? Savage Love

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💞 LOVE 💞
👅 Addicted To An Indian Girl👅
By: Rejoice Aries Writes ✍️

Genre: Love, Romance, Betrayal,Trust,Suspense and so much more…

What if Fate wants you to be perfect strangers for life?

What if he's not to be yours?

What if he's Savage?

And What if he's addicted to you?

And yet,he's supposed to be your nightmare?

And then,life takes you to a twist,a twist not to your good,and that same twist takes you to HIM?

Aahna Karna,an Indian Girl,her life is pathetic,an utter mess.

She is engaged to marry the wife batterer chief in the community,in exchange for a debt.

She had to run,run far away, where no one will ever find her.

Yes,she will go,and survive.

👅 Thrillers 👅
🌬️I can't pay the debt Aahna,you have to marry him.
🌬️You'll be safe there,until your aunty comes to her senses.
🌬️The car tyres screeched and her head hit the window forcefully…
🌬️ She's fine Mr,you can take her home now.
🌬️I don't need to. Was a gruff reply.
🌬️The next target,I want him dead!
🌬️Aaahhh,so you're a...murderer…
🤗You wanna find out,then read in this journey if suspense that will give you a suspended
headache 😉😉

Grab your popcorns 🍿

You don't wanna miss this story…


💞 LOVE 💞
👅 Addicted To An Indian Girl 👅
By: Rejoice Aries Writes ✍️

💋 Episode 1💋
"But aunt…"

"Shut up Aahna. Stop arguing with me. Is this sacrifice too much for me? I have always taken
care of you ever since your parents were murdered. What's the big deal in marrying him all
because I can't pay his f*cking debt? You must marry him Aahna.

She walked away and Aahna burst into tears. What's happening to her life?

Why is her aunt hell bent on her marrying the son of their village head,not just that,he's a wife
batterer! Everyone knows how he killed his own wife.

And her aunt wants her to marry such a person,all because of a debt. Her body shivered in

No…no…she won't let this happen. She won't sit here and watch her aunt destroy her destiny. If
her parents were alive,all this won't be happening.

They will never sell her out,all because of a debt.

Her window squeaked and with her blurry vision,she looked up to see Sarga.

"Sarga". She called out his name in tears. He hugged her quickly.
"Why are you crying Aahna? What happened?" He asked,with a very concerned face!

Sarga was her best friend. The only friend she has. Though he stays with his rich parents in
Delhi,he visits his grandma regularly in the village and always visits her. Aahna cried on his
chest, wetting his shirt.

"Aahna, you know it hurts me to see you crying. C'mon, stop crying and tell me what's the

And for that minute,he looked like he also wanted to cry.

" Sarga…Sarga…". She whimpered. She couldn't bring herself to say those words.

"I'm getting married".

Sarga was dumbstruck. Something squeezed within his chest. But then,if she's getting
married,why is she crying…or is she…

"Then why are you crying?"

"My aunt. She's forcing me to get married in exchange of her debt".

He freezed. What? How dare her aunt? How will her aunt do such a thing? She was always a
good aunt. Why is she pursuing her to something she knew Aahna hates.

"Oh Aahna…". He held her closely as she kept sobbing. His veins popped. If Aahna doesn't
want to get married to her aunt's debtor,then he will make sure he doesn't.

"It's the son of the village head,the wife batterer". She murmured.

No wonder,no wonder she's crying like this. Not only a stranger but a murderer.

No,he will never let Aahna venture into something that will hurt her,talk more of kill her.

Her aunt was sending her on a suicide mission.

His jaw muscles clenched and he tightened. He had sworn,and he will do it,he will save Aahna.


He swept her off the ground and jumped out of the window with her. Using the back route,he
took her Faraway before dropping her on the ground and bringing out his phone.
"Wait while I make a call".

"Young". He said over the phone as Aahna still clung to him like a magnet. She so much liked
her bestie.

"I'll explain the details later but I really need your help right now. I'm sending my friend to Korea
right now,pick her up from the airport and take care of her."

Aahna's eyes widened. She unclasped from his body to stare at his face.

" She's on her way to the airport,just…I'll send you the details later…thanks..."

He looked at Aahna whose lips were parted in shock.

"I'm sorry for not telling you first but I'm taking you to the airport right now,you need to go
somewhere far and safe. Young will pick you up and take care of you. I'll visit you once it's

Aahna's eyes were filled with tears of gratitude.

"Thank you Sarga. I don't know what I would have ever done without you. Thank you". She
embraced him

" You don't have to thank me Aahna,what are friends for? I just want you to be safe,ok?"

After two hours,Aahna was in the departure hall.

She squeezed Sarga's hands affectionately. What would she have done without him? Without
his help.

"Shhh, Don't thank me again Aahna. Call me once you land. Safe flight. Bye".

" Bye Sarga".

She hugged him quickly before rushing to the tarmac.

Even though she wasn't in her right frame of mind,she couldn't help admiring the airplane. Wow!
It was her first time entering an aircraft.

Sarga watched her as she disappeared in the aircraft.

"I'll come for you in Korea,Aahna,and that's when I'll tell you my feelings". He muttered to

Just then,his phone rang, picking it up,his mum's ear piercing squeal was what greeted him.

"Saaarrrrggggaa. What transaction did you make with that huge amount of money,huh? Sarga
answer me,what did you do with that money you withdrew?"

" I secured my future mum".

He said and dropped the call. He took a cab back to his family house and sneaked into his
room. He knew his father didn't like Aahna and will get very angry finding out that he spent such
money for her flight ticket.


Aahna gasped as she went to the parking lot of the airport. South Korea is very beautiful.

"Good evening, you are miss Aahna Karna, right?"

A young man asked her. She nodded.

" I was sent to pick you up by Sir Young".

" Ok."

The ride to the house was smooth and she admired the whole surrounding of SK. The place is
Just then, she recalled. She had to call Sarga.

She quickly called him.

"Sargaa!" She screamed his name excitedly.

" This place is so beautiful. I love it".

" Are you at Young's house already."

" No!"

" Ok, call me when you get there. Good bye.. love you".

He quickly cut the call.

Aahna swallowed. Love you... Why did it seem like they was a hidden meaning to that word.
She continued admiring the night outlook of SK before she heard the crash.


She screamed.

Darkness clouded her. Her eyes drifted close.


Phew, so much for a day.

✍️ Brought To You By Rejoice Aries Writes ✍️


💞 LOVE 💞
👅 Addicted To An Indian Girl 👅
By: Rejoice Aries Writes ✍️

💋 Episode 2💋
He looked at the crashed vehicle from the window. That driver is very careless. Tch!
Did he survive? Damn, who survives falling into that ditch?

He stepped down from the car. He wanted to check if he survived.

His hand in the hoodie pocket, he strolled to the vehicle.

He opened to the driver and truth be told, he was really dead. He scoffed. Stupid!

He almost banged the door close when he noticed a slight movement on the back seat. He
squinted his eyes at the sight. Not because it was gruesome, darn that, he's done worse
gruesome things.

But... the petite frame, torn lips, cut forehead, without thinking twice, he dashed to the back door
and carried her up. She was so light...light like a feather.

He put her in his car and drove to the nearest hospital. He knew she was still unconscious and
how she survived was something funny. People don't easily survive that. Her chest was heaving


He stepped on the accelerator and got to the hospital in few minutes.

Carrying her up and moving her to the stretcher, he guessed she was Indian cos of her sari.

Driven in, he went to the counter. It has been long he atoned for his heavy sins and saving her
gave him an opportunity to do so. Yes, he always does that, help accident victims especially.
Giving them a second chance to live. It was a weight down for his sin. His deep and great sin.

Which was his SECRET!

Normally he leaves after helping so the victims won't know their helper but, he decided to wait,
wait and see this Indian girl awake. He was curious, he wanted to know why she was here in
Korea, wearing a sari. Does she think she's in India?

He scoffed.

"Mr, the lady's awake. Her injury aren't deep, she only fell unconscious due to shock. Will you
like to see her? "The doctor interrupted his thoughts.

He got up and entered the ward. The hoodie still casted a shadow over his face. She looked up
at him.

"Madam, he brought you to the hospital". The nurse said.

"Thank you". She muttered to their hearing.

He didn't say anything. He just stared at the amusing girl one more time. Then he walked away.

"She's ready to be discharged sir, are you taking her home?"

He stopped in his tracks, turned to the doctor and said.

" I don't know her. She's an accident victim and I helped her. You don't expect me to take her
home, do you?"

The doctor gulped. Geez, why is his tone so... grave. He walked away, ignited his car and drove
away. She was just like any other normal person he saves, why will he take her home? Home?

He scoffed. Does he even have a home?

Does an Assassin have a home?

He asked himself.

It was a bright morning.

For Aahna, it would have been the best morning, a morning free of threats yet, it was the worse
morning of her life.

She was in a place, she knew no one, had no one. She has lost her contact with Sarga due to
the accident, she didn't even know a thing about the supposed Sir Young.

She went far away from the hospital, wandering around. The hospital had wanted her to go to
the gov't agency for help but she refused.

She rubbed her skin which was freezing. It was snowing lightly. A few metres away, she saw
some settlements and decided to ask for water there. She was damned thirsty. Gosh!
But she has to survive.

She knocked on the first door and a middle aged woman came out.

"Who are you?" The woman asked in Korea and Aahna furrowed her brows. Oh boy, this is bad.
Thank goodness she can speak English.

"Uhm, I'm sorry ma, I'm not Korea but I... I... I need... Help". Her voice broke and she looked
down feeling abashed and bitting her inner cheeks.

The woman furrowed her brows.

"Come in". She said in English.

She spoke to a man by the door in Korea and Aahna just looked down.

Then they both walked towards her.

"What is your name miss?" The man asked.

"Aahna Karna." Even though they hadn't asked for an introduction,she did.

"I'm an Indian. I came here just yesterday and…I had an accident".

She saw a kinda expression in the couple's eyes. It was a look of…lingering pain.

Slowly,she took her time to explain everything,why and how she came to Korea and what got
her in this condition. And she could tell,the couple's eyes softened.

"It's ok Aahna. You are welcome to stay here. You can call me ajhussi and call her ajhumma.
Actually,we don't know if you can survive life with us,I don't mean you're a burden but…we are
really poor…if it doesn't fit your…"

" Don't worry ajhussi,I will get a job and I will help. I just need somewhere to lay my head and
think of how to get to my friend. He'll be very worried about me".

And then her mind fashed,to the hooded guy. The guy with the hoodie. Hmm,he looked…grave.
And intimidating…she felt chilly looking at him and couldn't even…ask him where he found her
and if the driver was still alive.

To cut the chase, Aahna knew a new life awaited her and for now,she had to struggle to help
these people that helped her so easily.
She pressed her throbbing head. Gosh,why is life so cruel?

"I don't want him dead now. I want him to feel he's on the winning side then after two weeks,
exactly two weeks, I want his head blown up. It would have been better if I could poison his
damn coffee. That girl was too clumsy."

He commanded in a grave voice.

" Money?"

" Transferred. I want a clean job Tan".

"You shouldn't doubt me. You shouldn't look down on my abilities". He answered gravely. His
voice so chilly and filled with... waging aura.

You knew I was the best and yet you first of all paid a stupid coffee girl to poison his
coffee…tch…stupid dumb brain to think kin will die cos he loves coffee.

"I know you are the best". The other man answered in a grim look, pressing his lips into a thin

" Then I think I'm done here."

"Send the old woman my regards."

Tan stopped and turned swiftly. He clicked his tongue.

" You should know better than look for her hideout"

"Of cos. Just, I wonder what it feels to still have a mother love you so much even though
you're... Savage".

He smirked.
" That's for those who hate their family to think about. I'm done here Sharma, I need to take my

He walked away leaving Sharma fisting. Damn that guy! He's so so... Unbearable. Tch, his

family... He smiled widely... Without them, his life was the most peaceful thing ever existed.

He looked at the hospital for a while wondering if he should go in. Did she leave already? He
just wanted to... Nah... That's stupid.

He thought to himself. "I saved her ass". He muttered to himself.

His mum will be proud to hear this. At least, it will atone for his Savage Sins.

"Since you can actually make coffee this good, you'll be our new coffee girl. The boss liked good
coffee and your pay will be weekly".

Aahna felt like squealing happily. She got a job. She never thought it'd be so easy.

Yeah! Even though the pay is little, she can add up other part times to balance it up. Her lips
widened in a smile.


We're going somewhere... 🤔🤔

Aahna got a job and the boss loves coffee... 😏😏
Brought To You By Rejoice Aries Writes ✍️

💞 LOVE 💞
👅 Addicted To An Indian Girl 👅
By: Rejoice Aries Writes ✍️

💋 Episode 3💋
It was a cool day for Aahna.

Her job was sweet and stress free.

She just had to serve the President Kim mostly with coffee cos he loved coffee alot.

And some other high officials took coffee especially when they had guests. She did her work
diligently and was excited cos this was day 3. At the end of the week, she'll be paid per the

As she sat on the coffee table,she fixed the machine to ensure it's parts were working.

Soon the intercom rang and it was President Kim's office. His morning coffee!

"Good morning President Kim".

He raised up his hand signifying she should drop it. She placed it on his hand and bowed. He

"Aahna Karna". She jerked. The President never spoke. He used hand signals to send her away
after gulping down the whole coffee.

"President…". She bowed. What was she to say? She bit her lips nervously.

President Kim stared at her,as she bit her lips and he gulped. Damnit,he felt himself getting


She's the only beautiful girl remaining in the company he hadn't tasted.
Hmm. He outlined her shape hidden in the apron. Looking at her closely, he noted she was
wearing a Sari. Tch, patriotic!

"Aahna Karna, what is your price to get on my bed?"

"Sir..". She was shocked and her eyes widened.

He chuckled and tilted his head in one side. Her face paled as he stood up and approached her.
Her foot was rooted on that sopt as she tried to... understand what he meant.

He gripped her jaw firmly and she winced.

"Sir..." Her eyes dilated.

"Hmm, petite and pretty. So are you visiting my mansion?"

"I... I can't... do it"

His jaw clenched at her answer. Who was she to say no at him. How dare her disrespect him,
President of the Kim's corporation? This ordinary Indian girl has guts, just like... Sharma.

He huffed.

"I give you three days. Three days to give me a reply to my preposition." He smiled, while Aahna
gulped. Was he deaf, didn't he just hear her reply?

"Your life will be better, it's been long I took interest in a poor thing." His lips were curved in a
smirk as he circled her.

"I said am not interested sir" He chuckled.

" Very well then, in three days, shoo, you may leave."

She stared at him, ashen. She looked at him wide-eyed.

" Do you want me to take you here and now? Are you craving for me now?" He smirked.

She ran out. Getting to her table, she held her chest which was rising and falling heavily.

Damn, how could... How could the boss get attracted to her? He wanted her... for his pleasure.

She whimpered hugging herself. This is bad…too bad.
It was three days already and Aahna's heart was thudding. How will she face the boss? He had
given her three days and within those three days,he didn't speak to her about it but his eyes
spoke volumes.

The way he stared at her especially when she served coffees in the meeting. She avoided his
eyes even though she felt uncomfortable.

Maybe he would have let her go but that day was supposed to be a bad day.

President Kim gritted his teeth in anger.

"You can do nothing Sharma. I'm not handing over my company to you. I'm not that stupid". He
sneered. He was making a call,to the other line.

"That was a very great decision to make Kim. See you in hell".

Kim ran his fingers through his hair as the line went dead. Shit! What the fuck is wrong with
Sharma? Why is he hell bent on making life hell for him?

"Tighten the security". He instructed to his security head. He felt an ominous feeling. Like he
was endangered.

He hated having a bad feeling about something.

He needed to take his mind off this.

"Tell Aahna Karna to my office right now". He instructed to his secretary.
"Kim is so damned stupid. Tan,I want him dead, today I want him dead. That motherf**ker
deserves to die."He growled.

Tan tsked and walked away.

That guy's stupidity is leading him to his death. He would have lived a week longer. He smirked.

Time to visit someone.

Aahna shivered as she still in his office.


He said in a cold voice.

"President,I'm sorry but..."

"I said strip!"

Aahna gulped. She had to run away. She can't go through this,the trauma. She can't bear it.

On a thought,she dashed to the door and tried to unlock it but all efforts were futile. She tried
harder until she felt herself being flung at something hard. The table.

She flinched in pain. And whimpered.

"Please, let me go". She cried.

"You pesky little thing,you thought you can run away from me. You should know that the
almighty President Kim doesn't take ' no ' for an answer."

He said smugly trapping her between himself and his desk.

"For the last time strip or,I'll help me and trust me, you'll walk out naked if I do it myself". He
growled at her.

Aahna whimpered.

" No…no…"

He held the edge of her sari to tear it off and to feel the huge mound he sees on her chest.

Aahna held his hand and he lost his patience,he gave her a dirty slap that had her spitting out

Damnit! Her cheeks went hot.

She never expected to lose her dignity this way.

He threw off his coat and held her cloth to tear him off when Aahna felt his hand still on her.

She opened her eyes which was formally closed.

Opening her eyes,she saw her boss,in blood,a whole in his chest and his mouth spouting out

She screamed at the grotesque sight and pushed him off. He landed on the floor like a corpse
he was and she shrieked louder moving away and looked towards the door to see the person
who murdered her boss in cold blood.

Her eyes dilated in shock as she saw him staring at her with lazy eyes….

"You…you're a murderer".

He rolled his eyes.


That was close 💃💃💃

So, imagine meeting your savior and calling him a murderer 😲😲
Brought To You By Rejoice Aries Writes ✍️

💞 LOVE 💞
👅 Addicted To An Indian Girl 👅
By: Rejoice Aries Writes ✍️

💋 Episode 4💋
Aahna's knees felt weak as her gruesome memory washed through her. Darn it! Her hard
ached badly and her eyes felt heavy!




His lazy eyes were still fixed on her. She tightened her grip on the desk struggling to stand still
but she couldn't...

Her knees gave way and she fell, and before her body could hit the hard floor, he caught her.

"Tch, so vulnerable". He murmured.

He carried her easily. And walked out of the building through the backdoor.

He placed her in the car and drive her to a hospital,near her home so she can easily get home.

"Mr Tan,she has a phobia of death and violence. Thanatophobia!"

The doctor told him and he scoffed internally.

That wasn't his problem. She saw him kill someone. If he let her live,she might go around
blabbing nonsense.

He went out of the office to make a call,

"It's done. He's wasted".

"Good job Tan". He dropped the call and leaned on his car.

His head was aching. How will he shut her up without violence. She already has thanatophobia
all thanks to whoever.

He sighed. And regretted not wearing his sunglasses,it would have been better cos she wouldn't

have recognized him.

Aahna was agitated as she walked towards her house. It was a ten minutes walk. She
recognized this place cos it was close to her office.

She shuddered internally.

Why did he kill her boss? Was it to save her? No,he won't know she's under threat. And even
though what will make him come to save her? He would have just beaten him up,why kill him?
With a gun? Or…is he…is he a….

Her hands quivered at the thought.

He's a murderer. He killed the boss probably not because he wanted to molest her…

A car screeched to a halt at her side partially blocking her way. She peered in and saw him,
sitting coldly,not even staring at her.

"Get in!"

She melted and recalled her boss dropping…covered in blood. Does he want to kidnap her?

"If you don't want what happened to your boss in there to happen right now,then get in!" He
ordered and she swallowed.

He wants to kill her…she shuddered.

She immediately dashed to run away. He won't kill me I'm the midst of people…she assured

Tan cursed at her stupidity. What the hell is wrong with this Indian girl?

He stepped down and it took a few seconds for him to get her.

He pulled her towards himself and she shrieked, tripping and almost falling over but he caught
her right on time for her to fall on his broad chest.

Her breathing hitched. And for a second,she stopped breathing. His arms, were taut…and

He pulled away from himself with a grim look. And for a second,he wondered where the chills
came from. She stared at him in horror.

"No one should know what happened". He said calmly.

"Why did you kill him…is it because he tried to molest me…"she asked in a hushed tone like
she was reprimanding him for killing someone cos of her.

He chuckled at her innocent words. Kill someone cos if her…that's crazy…

"I understand you have thanatophobia,and if you don't want to experience violence,then zip it."

She bobbed her head looking scared.

" I promise not to…I'm not a blabbermouth"…she assured.

He patted her hair like she was some kid.

" Now that's a good girl".

"Wait…" She stopped him as she turned to leave…

"Promise me I'm never gonna see a violent scene from you ever".

He stared at her for a while like she had hone nuts,smirked and went away,with his car.

Her heartbeat palpitated.

She couldn't believe she just saw two different person in one.

The guy who saved her after her accident…

And the guy that shot someone…splattering blood.

Cold and warm heart…in one soul…

His evil smirk…

She gulped.

She didn't expect her savior to be a…murderer….

The coffee shop grew limitlessly.

Yeah,Aahna opened a coffee shop with her new parents. Everyone had a whiff about Aahna the
coffee girl at the Tan Corporation. For a company like that to let her work with them,her coffee
must be refreshing.

And also knowing her family as a good one,many people loved the shop.

Both poor and rich visited the renowned coffee shop. The coffee taste was so refreshing.

Her new parents blessed their luck and fate in meeting Aahna. They never knew they would one
day be making money like this.

Aahna took up part-time jobs to assist the family better.

And also attended evening classes to brush up herself academically.

And still,Aahna won't stop wearing sari almost Everytime,she didn't want to forget her
heritage,she didn't want to forget she was an Indian Girl.

And it soon became her trademark_The Indian Coffee Girl.

She began to have plenty admirers and yet still, plenty haters.

Time went Swiftly and Aahna was already a month old in South Korea.

Sharma had gone for a business trip.

And his way,he decided to explore the rural area in SK. He knew Tan lived around here and
wished to see him or even his b*tch mother.

That boy is too smart to hide his mother knowing she can be used as bait.

As he cruised slowly,he saw a little shop. A coffee shop. Hmm,it was full and looked…fun.

He got down and walked in,thanks to his not-to-expensive clothes,only a few people gawked at

He heard fierce whispering and even heard his name but maintained a straight face.

They knew well not to crowd like some baby celebrity.

Good thing the servers recognized him as Mr Sharma Purkit and gave him a VIP treatment.

"You are welcome Mr Sharma". Ajhumma bowed to him and he smiled.

"You will be served shortly. Your coffee will be brewed specially. My girl,Aahna is an Indian girl
and she will know the best of your taste. You might want to see her,Aahna…Aahna…come over
here and welcome our special customer".

Mr Sharma's brows drew together.

Aahna. So familiar but sure dead.

He smirked at that thought.

Aahna sighed in the kitchen. Her new parents knew almost all the celebrities and the last time
one came,the same thing happened. They always introduce her. She watched her hands.

And said am coming in SK. Yep! She learnt Korea and can speak the simpler words. It
enhanced her sales cos most people were impressed an Indian Girl speaks Korea.

She drew her brows together seeing Mr Sharma. Wow! It's really true when they say they are
two of everyone in this world. He looks so like her dad. A bile rose to her throat at the thought of
her father and she heaved.

"Good day sir". She greeted bowing.

He nodded.

" C'mon Aahna,greet him in Indian". Ajhumma probed and Aahna smiled.

She greeted Me Sharma in Indian and he replied her in the same language. He asked her
informal questions and how she came to be in Korea and Aahna answered respectfully feeling
happy too that she has seen an Indian citizen.
She smiled as Mr Sharma walked out.

Sharma's brows creased as he entered the car. So,that dumbass didn't do a complete job.
Well,his son will end it up.

He smirked and thanked his fate for pushing him to this shop.

He had secretly taken her picture and sent the picture to his assassin.

📩Next Target_Aahna Karna, Indian,fair complexioned and pics below…📩

He sent it.

Tan picked up his phone hearing the beep sound.

His jaw dropped in shock as he saw his next target.



It's getting hot

Lots of likes, comments and shares….

Brought To You By Rejoice Aries Writes ✍️


💞 LOVE 💞
👅 Addicted To An Indian Girl 👅
By: Rejoice Aries Writes ✍️

💋 Episode 5💋
Sharma knotted his brows as he drove out.

He thanked his luck for pushing him to that poor looking coffee shop.

She looked so much like Amma, her mum, the unusual strings of Auburn hair. Pretty thing but
uh-huh, there's no way she's gonna live.

Kim Hyung did a very bad job and his son will complete it. Since he wasn't able to kill Aahna
when she was a kid, his son who was more heartless and Savage will do that.

He smirked in satisfaction.

Finally, Karna's lineage will be done. No heir. Oh kid brother, if only you knew you had a
billionaire father...

Sharma's lips pulled up in a smirk again. He felt satisfied. He felt happy.

Tan ruffled his hair.

The same girl he has saved twice, the innocent Indian girl is his next target. He blew out air from
his mouth and rubbed his palms together.

If only he knew he'd get to kill her one day,he wouldn't have saved her in the ditch. Yeah even
though he kills her now she'll never know it's him but …but…

He felt mortified as he stared into space. He exhaled…

"Aahna". He muttered her name.


He gritted his teeth. He had to kill her…else,his mother might be the next target…he knew what
Sharma could do…he was under his mercy.


Aahna was in deep thoughts as she walked back home from her evening classes. She passed
the short and lonely route cos she was damn tired and wanted to get home early.

Why does that man look so much like her dad? Yeah, she still had a faint image of her dad
before he was murdered with her mom and Aunt Madvi's daughter who was her age grade.

That memory clouded her and she pushed to the back of her head not wanting to cry and mull
over the past.

She sighed before she noticed two figures jumping in front of her, blocking her way and her
eyes widened.

Oh no, she mentally slapped herself, how could she forget this street was dangerous especially
at this time of the night.

She took two steps back and gulped in fear.

Oh no... No... No... No...
"See who we have here, our tough Indian girl who is acting like a saint". They laughed at her.

" What do you want?"She asked blinking.

"Oh girl we want you…"

"We wanna know your skills in bed…"

Skills in bed,Aahna thought naïvely,she never knew sleeping in bad has different skills…or
wait…her eyes widened in realization…they are…rapists…..

Her heart thudded and she gulped again. But no,she won't let them do that to her without putting
up a fight.

Remembering the pepper spray she always had in her bag cos of Ajhumma's advice,she took it
out quickly and aimed it on their eyes.

The other dodged but the first guy groaned and covered his eyes screaming in pains.

The other guy became angry and defenseless cos Aahna hurt his partner.

He pinned her on the ground and whipped her a slap across her cheek and she whimpered.

She shrieked as he tore a part of her sari and she recalled how her boss tried to rape her.

Oh my savior,I wouldn't mind fainting again,just please appear out of nowhere and kill this
bastard...she thought and kicked the guy's boner as he unzipped his pants.

He groaned and she quickly ran out of his grip.

He pursued her limping like a frog. He must have a taste of that feisty Indian girl.

Aahna ran as fast as her feet will carry her…holding the torn pieces of her sari to cover her

She bent behind an ugly looking house and took the stairs which was a little hidden. It looked
more like a secret passage and she thanked her stars for seeing it even though it was dark.

She leaned at the edge of the window watching and holding her breath as the other guy ran

The guy cursed under his breath for losing sight of the damned Indian b*tch.
Aahna exhaled and relaxed on the window.

"Phew,so close". She murmured and covered her mouth Immediately cos she found herself
falling in…the window just went up by itself. Her eyes widened in horror as she stared at the
dimly lit room she fell in. It was…beautiful…

So beautiful and neat…wow…who could have thought such a ugly looking house on the outside
will be so beautiful on the inside.

She glanced around and caught sight of her half naked self on the mirror. She gulped and saw a
pullover lying on the couch. She picked it up and noticing it was fairly long,took off her sari and
underthings and wore it.

Thank goodness it covered a little of her hips.

It's better than the torn sari.

She wanted to go out but felt that rapist was still around and so,she decided to walk around the
house to calm her nervousness.

She went down some pretty modern crystal stairs. Wow!

She got to the living room which looked terrifically pretty. Her eyes caught sight of what was
supposed to be a kitchen and she walked in.

Her tummy grumbled immediately reminding her to feed it as if sensing the kitchen and she
rolled her eyes.

She opened the fridge and bent to check it's content…hmm…Korea junks and lots of soju…


And for that minute,she forget she was completely naked until she heard:

"What the f*ck?"

She heard a wild gasp and her eyes widened.

She turned immediately.

It's him….

Can you believe Aahna is wishing that Tan should kill the rapists 😂😂
Brought To You By Rejoice Aries Writes ✍️

💞 LOVE 💞
👅 Addicted To An Indian Girl 👅
By: Rejoice Aries Writes ✍️

💋 Episode 6💋
Aahna gulped as she watched Tan rub his forehead. Damnit!

How come? Is this his house? And why is he covered in blood?

Tan squinted as the image stuck to his head, the plump flesh... and pinkish crack... damnit!

He never expected seeing this today. Damnit! He cursed again within him.

He closed his eyes.

Damn, he was so dangerously cute with his eyes closed, lashes resting on his cheek.

Her back glued to the fridge. He opened his eyes slowly.

"Don't ever let me see you like this ever again else, you'll not walk out straight".

She gulped as her neck and cheeks flushed red. Gawd! She actually forgot she wasn't wearing
a thong cos she didn't expect anyone to barge in on her.

"And what the f*ck are you doing here? Why the heck are you wearing my shirt?"

He rasped and Aahna knotted her brows, glancing at the pullover and yeah, it looked familiar.
Yes, the pullover he was wearing the first day they met, ash in colour.

"Is this your house? Why are you bloodstained?" She replied instead making him huff madly.

" Take off that pullover now!"

Aahna's eyes widened and his dimmed realizing she'll go naked.

"Are you alright?" She asked concerned, "did you get into a fight or... Shit".

He stared at her under his lashes as she closed her eyes shivering, her phobia.

Damnit! Recalling his shirt is bloody, she must have gotten imagination of gory scenes to justify
his bloodiness.

"How did you get in?"

He asked with an eye roll.

"I never meant to,I'm sorry... I had an encounter with..."

She ended up telling him how she got here and mistakenly got into his window.

He huffed.

"This place is full of god damned rapists." He huffed again, getting angry.

Wait! Why is he even concerned about this Indian girl.


"I need to go now". She said and tried to run away but he held her back.

" Are you crazy? You need to wear something underneath. Else, you might bend again... "

He winced for talking too much and pulled her up to his room. Aahna just stared at his bloody
behind. He looked like a villain. A cute villain.

He tsked,on entering his room to see Aahna's sari lying on the floor like trash. He opened his
wardrobe and pulled out a fluffy pants.

He tossed it at her.

"Wear it! I'll drop you".

She wore it quickly as he stared into the wardrobe, brought out another sweatshirt and took off
his bloody shirt.

Aahna gaped at his... perfect chiseled chest... He looked so muscular...

"Stop ogling at me".

He rasped at her. She shut her eyes quickly. "Oh goddess, what's happening to me?" She

Tan picked up his car keys and went out. She followed hurriedly cos his footsteps were long

Tan told her to wait outside and soon a black car was driving out. She got in and he drove her


He parked 10 metres away from her house.

"You know you should avoid me, I'm worse than those rapists."

She smiled at him instead.

" You're the nicest person I've ever known. Thank you for always being there for me".

She stepped down from the car, bowed, pushed her hair back, and wet her lower lips.

Tan felt blood rush up down there. What the hell is this girl doing to him?

"Bye". She bit her lips cutely and walked in.

Tan stared at her retreating figure. He chuckled at her cute behavior. This girl is crazy,other girls
get scared when they see his cold aura but she…this Indian girl looks up at him as a savior.

Well he really is,he chuckled again.

He couldn't even believe he let her go with his pullover. His fav pullover. A gift! Ash coloured,his
ex gave it to him.

The same betrayer ex, that he'll knows he still loves even when he tries as much to hate her.
He couldn't believe his enemy set her up as his weakness. He couldn't believe his ex wanted to
bring him down to his doom.

He felt a rising bile of pain in his throat and swallowed.

No,he won't let her memory spoil today for him.

He drove back home.

"He's gotten another girl. A new weakness".

He smirked.

"How do you always know?"

His daughter beside him huffed.

" The look in his eyes baby girl".

"Boys,get ready,Mr Savage has fallen again".

The boys all smiled. Yes, it's time for their revenge. He dared kill their master,his life will be hell.

Yura huffed loudly.

It hurt her down in her heart.

She stormed out making her father to smirk.

"Boss,are you sure Yura won't spoil our plans,she still looks smitten by that fool".
The second-in-command said making the boss to chuckle bitterly.

"She won't. She would even be glad we wanna get the new b*tch outta his life,but am not sure
she'll let us hurt Tan,she won't be included in those plans."

The boss,Jim,said and his second bowed.

Yura got home looking very pissed.

She rushed to her daughter's room and stared at the sleeping four years old girl.

"Would he accept me back if he sees his daughter?" She asked herself chuckling bitterly.

" I know I hurt you badly Tannie,"

(She called him Tannie fondly)

" But,I love you more. And Aera,will be so happy to meet her cute daddy".

She smiled and stroked Aera's hair.

And soon,she broke into tiny whimpers.

And then,she cried heavily.

"I miss you my Tannie".


😲Tan has a daughter 😲😲

And Aahna's life is in complete danger😞😞
Oh my gawd,let's pray for Aahna 😿😿
☺️☺️"don't let me ever see you like this again else,you
And who else blushed at this statement
won't walk out straight

Brought To You By Rejoice Aries Writes ✍️


💞 LOVE 💞
👅 Addicted To An Indian Girl 👅
💋 Episode 7💋
Aahna hugged her pillow. She closed her eyes imagining and recollecting all her times with the
two-hearted man.

The way he killed, the way he was covered in blood. She gulped. And squeezed her eyes shut

"It's ok Aahna, let it go and love him back".

She heard a voice. She opened her eyes and sat up on seeing Ajhumma.

" The pullover is so pretty".

She commented on the pullover that Tan gave which made her cheeks turn pink in
embarrassment. Damnit! She has been wearing it all the time making her look obsessed with it,
even though the pullover is oversized. And for the past few days, she's been wearing more of
casuals do she can wear the pullover on it.

"I'm not in love with him omma"

She preferred calling this woman mother now.

" Oh c'mon Aahna, you are so don't fight the emotions, make them flow".

She smiled at Aahna.

" I can't love him". Aahna argued," he's not the kind of man I want. Yeah, good looks he
definitely has it but... his heart is complicated. He's a Savage". Aahna peered at her fingers,
picking imaginary dirts from it.

Ajhumma laughed.
"Then give him the Savage Love style".

Ajhumma said making Aahna furrow her brows. This woman is crazy.

" Huh?"

" C'mon Aahna, turn him into a submissive lover boy". She laughed.

Aahna smiled understanding her omma just wanted to make her feel good.

"But I don't really love him, I just like him for being there for me... but then, maybe I can also
take him... I'll show him it's not all about reeking in blood... I pinky promise, I'll take the savage".

" I'll be heading for the floral park. I need to get some fuchsia flowers for the shop."

" Don't stress yourself omma, I'll get it for you."

" Bless you my daughter".

Aahna whistled just feeling excited as she strolled out of the shop. But she saw him...

Her lips curved into a smile and she ran towards him.

He was leaning on the pavement, just staring at the roadside flowers. It was planted by the floral
garden park.

She stood in front of him with a smile.

"Hey, you still remember me right".

His eyes dimmed as he stared at her.

"I warned you to stay away from me".

"Hey, Don't be rude, I just wanted to give you this flower. It's one of my favorites and I hope you
like it. It will make your room much prettier".

She fixed the flowers on his hands cos he didn't look like he'd accept it. Then ran away giggling.

Tan stared at the fuchsia flowers on his hand. He closed his eyes as a string of pain passed
through him.

This flower was his sister's favorite flower. She always made him get them for her,until his dad
spoilt their lives. And his sister's life was the cost,his freedom and freewill also went in the line.

He swallowed,put the flower in his pocket and noticed a car far away,but he could tell that the

person there was staring at him.

Aahna was walking down home.

She giggled again recalling the astonished look on his face.

Suddenly,a car roughly diverted to her path blocking her way.

Her heart skipped a beat. Oh Lord,let this not be rapists again.

A lady stepped down from the car and Aahna was awed,she looked so pretty.

"How dare you?" The lady rasped catching Aahna off guard. She grabbed Aahna hair making
her whimper in pains.

"Ahh,let go, you're hurting me".

"How dare you? Why did you take this? Who gave you the guts to take what is Tan's?"

She tugged at the pullover.

" What did I do?"

But a resounding slap was the reply to her question.

Aahna was dumbfounded and held her hurt cheek.

"Don't ever go close to Tan again or else,I'll kill you".

"Who is Tan?" Aahna was confused.

Yura glared at her murderously.

" You think giving him a fuchsia will make him love a b*tchy sl*t like you. Shameless cunt,you
better try something else".

She stomped off leaving Aahna transfixed.

He has a girlfriend. His name is Tan!

She gulped as a sudden feeling of hurt spread through her.

Tears trickled down her cheeks.

A lady slapped her,cos of a guy she doesn't even love.

"You've never taken so long to undertake a mission Tan. Are you suddenly having feelings for
my niece?"

Mr Sharma asked as he smokes heavily.

Tan huffed within. Have feelings for an Indian girl.

And still for that moment,Tan hated his life. His hatred for his life increased.

"I give you 48 hours to kill her else,your poor mother's headless body will be dangling in the
streets of Korea".

Tans heard snapped up and you could see the rising anger in his eyes.

How dare him? How dare him threaten his mother?

But he knew it wasn't a vain threat.

The last time,he carried out the threat and his sister's body was lying on the porch of their


It was 28 hours already and Tan still hadn't killed Aahna. He had to get this done with,he had to
protect his mother.

He stood up,wore a black hoodie and gloves and walked out.

Time to do this.

Time to pay his target a visit. Entering the car,he saw the flower,the fuchsia flowers lying on the
dashboard, wilting.

He gulped as his cheat stinged.


Sorry it's short…

😿Tan is visiting his target😲😲

What to do?😣😣

Brought To You By Rejoice Aries Writes ✍️


💞 LOVE 💞
👅 Addicted To An Indian Girl 👅
💋 Episode 8💋
Tan paid a reservation for the coffee shop for two hours.

He sat still knowing Aahna was gonna serve him. He knew she's in the shop right now.

He had all her job timings and knew she will be in the shop at the moment.

For a moment,he was lost,just staring at the wall.

"Mister,your coffee".
Tan looked up, hearing her voice. The voice that made his insides…churn. And Aahna gasped
on seeing him. A shock ran through her spine making her drop the saucer and it shattered to

She took her eyes down and bent to pick it up.

"Let it be". Tan stopped her.

Aahna looked up at him.

"I didn't come here to take coffee,I came to…say something."

Aahna sat opposite him.

" What are you doing here,Tan?"

Tan's eyes dimmed.

"How did you know my name?"

Aahna shrugged in reply looking away. And mistakenly moved her hair backwards and the dark
handprints came in view. She realized and quickly covered her left cheek.

But he saw it.

"What happened to your face?"

"Nothing,just got in a minor fight. Hehe".

He furrowed his brows at her. " Don't lie to me, Anna."

She chuckled. He usually pronounced her name as Anna instead of Aahna.

"Well,I met your girlfriend and…she had some silly assumptions".

"Girlfriend?" His eyes dimmed.

" Ok it's not a good idea to be here. I think you should leave,I don't want her to ever see us
together." His eyes darkened.

" I don't have a girlfriend Anna". It hurt him the way she called another person his. Who would
have threatened her?

"I think you should just…we should avoid each other Tan."
And she stood up to leave…

" Wait!" He stopped her.

She turned and her eyes widened on seeing a picture on his iPad.

It was her image with a ❌ mark on it. She's a target.

"You're…you're gonna kill me". Her voice quivered in fear.

"I would have,if I wanted to. You're my next target and I'm giving you the grace to run away,run
far away where I can never find you, AAHNA KARNA".

Wait,how did he know her full name?

Goosebumps lined on her skin as she took her eyes slowly to him.

"Where do I run to?"

He exhaled. And pushed a large envelope to her.

"I prepared your Visa. You're flying to California,in 1 hour".

" This envelope contains money which is more than enough for you to keep yourself. A vehicle
will be waiting for you at the airport to take you to my penthouse there. You'll be safe. My private
number is in there,if you ever need to call me."

She looked at him in his eyes.

" Why are you always helping me Tan? Why do you have to be my knight in shining armor? Why
are you my savior?" Tears tricked down her cheeks.

" I don't know Aahna". He stared at her quivering lips for a while. And for a moment,he imagined
the plump flesh on his.

He stood up,hand in his pants pockets as he strode to her.

Aahna gulped and moved back until her back hit the wall. Her knees went weak as he trapped
her on the wall,his two hands above her head,in either sides.

"I don't know why I can't hurt you. But I know that even when you cry,you still look cute"
Aahna blinked her eyes at his closeness. His hot breath fanned her and his adam's apple
bobbed up and down. He looked too handsome to be true.

His fingers went up to her face, tracing the contours and sides as if to commit everything to

"You're too pretty to go through pain Ahna Karna."

His thumb brushed over her lips and Aahna gulped again.

His face came closer and for that split minute,Aahna waited for it. She couldn't believe
herself,she couldn't believe she wasn't stopping him.

His lips landed on hers, brushed on hers and kissed her lightly and softly and tenderly.

He delved into her lips,fisting her hair with his fingers, pulling her closer to him,Aahna let herself
stay in his embrace,a tingling feeling rose in the pit of her stomach as he sucked and nibbled on
her lips.

"Go Aahna,a car is waiting at the backyard to take you there,I don't want to ever see you hurt".

" Go now, I'll explain to your family".

And he walked away.

Aahna held the wall for support.

He kissed me…Tan kissed me…and even though she didn't want to admit it…it felt…lovely.

Aahna rushed to the backyard and saw the car really waiting for her. She got into the car and
sat in it.

A smile was still at the corner of her lips as the car drove off.

Could it be that Mr Savage has fallen for he? It felt too good to be true.

Just then her head felt light and she felt dizzy.

"Damnit,why am I feeling sleepy?" She muttered under her breath.

But the driver heard her and glanced at her which made Aahna notice he was wearing a nose
mask. He smirked devilishly.

"Sleep tight princess,I hope your Prince charming saves you".

Her eyes widened but her head was muddled up.

No…no…no…this is not happening.

Tan watched as the car drove away.

He heaved with relief and brought out his phone,then texted Sharma.

📩 Mission Accomplished. Target dead📩

Sharma smirked excitedly as he saw the message.

Finally,he had ended the whole of his brother's lineage. Haha,he knew threatening Tan with his
precious mother will make him do things his way.

Finally….he thought,with a satisfied smile.


🙈…but I know even when you cry,you look cute…🙈 who else loves this statement ☺️🙈
But…Aahna is in the danger😲😲

And Sharma believes she's dead😿😿

Brought To You By Rejoice Aries ✍️


💞 LOVE 💞
👅 Addicted To An Indian Girl 👅
💋 Episode 9💋
Tears streaked down her cheeks as she hugged herself.

She couldn't believe she was kidnapped, how were they able to outsmart Tan and kidnap her.

She sobbed and for a second, she wished she had gotten married to the community's head son.
Maybe her life won't be as messed up as this.

The door to her room opened and three men came in. They looked…intimidating.

Aahna swallowed with fear as they came to stand in front of her.

"I think your Prince Savage will like to listen to your voice. You're his weakness afterall"

"Why are you doing this?" She cried.

They scoffed.

" C'mon baby girl,speak to him huh,you want him to come and rescue you right?"

She stared at them unblinkingly before blurting:

"I'm not talking to anyone".

And the next thing,was a stinging slap. Her cheeks hurt and she had a cut on her lips. She
broke into sobs as her body shuddered.

"C'mon baby girl, we'll let you go when you let him come to us,to his doom".

One sneered at her.

Tan looked at the time and noted Aahna will be in California by now.

He decided to call the driver that was supposed to take her home.

Picking up his phone, a call came through.

His brows drew together as he stared at the number. On a second thought,he decided to pick up
the call.

The sobs he hears from the other side was strangely familiar and his eyes widened when he


"Tan". She cried out his name, sniffing but more sobs came out.

His heart churned. Why is she crying?

"Aahna…" He repeated.

"They have me,they think am your…weakness". She cried harder.

Maybe cos she knew Tan doesn't even love her and…he won't risk his life to come and save her
whereas he had already been paid to kill her. He might see it as a relief. She cursed and
bursted into painful tears.

His heart snapped. Who got her? Is it Sharma? No,Sharma will kill her immediately and not use
her as a bait to kill him cos he knew he was very important to him.

Then which enemy of his has her? His brows creased into a frown as realization hit him.

It all mad sense now,it all fell into place. Damnit! He should have known. Damn him for not
putting the pieces together earlier.

Aahna said his girlfriend warned her to stay away from him. And the only he's been with that has
the guts to do that is his ex,YuRa.

Probably Yura's dad has realized him close to the Indian girl and has found out he cares for
her,he must have told Yura who was still smitten by him and she was the one who slapped and
warned Aahna to stay away from him.

And now,he's probably taken Aahna as a trap to lure him in and kill him.

"Hello my good time friend".

Tan's face hardened at the voice. It was really Yura's dad,Jim.

That guy is stupid,he first used Yura and now he thinks using Aahna is the best way to get him.

"Seems you're finally hooked up. Just wanted you to say bye to her lover boy".
" Don't. You. Dare. Hurt. Her."

His warning was so clear and intimidating but Jim grinned instead.

" You seem to have forgotten who I am Kim Tan".

He pulled the trigger and Tan heard the deafening scream which made his insides curl. His face
hardened and his eys became bloodshot…how dare Jim kill the innocent girl?

"Cool down boy,she ain't dead yet. Get your ass over here…and save the bitch in

Tan sighed in relief hearing Aahna's little sobs in the background. Jim already dropped the call

And Tan opened his wardrobe, pressed a button which revealed another wardrobe containing
weapons of all sorts which he always needed.

He strapped all the little jackknives and other smaller weapons in his body. He picked up
poisonious weapons created specially by his mother to make someone fall dead once you shoot
it at the person.

He also strapped two revolvers in him.

No one messes with who he cares for and goes away with it. He's gonna save his little Indian


Aahna looked around the room looking scared.

Tan might not survive if he comes to save her. She clearly saw the plenty guards surrounding
the building when she came in, luckily she got conscious while dragged out of the car.

She stood up and looked around. Thankfully,she wasn't binded cos they felt she was fragile and
vulnerable, after all,they had found out also that she has thanatophobia. They didn't want
anything to trigger the phobia even though she will still receive some good spanking if she tried
anything silly.

Aahna got up and went towards the little opening she saw. She noticed,it was a wooden window
and she opened it and stared outside.

She gasped on seeing the high place which was a good height away from the balcony.
She gulped. If she mistakenly jumped from here,she might never see light again. She will just

But then an idea popped in her head and she thanked her stars for putting on a Sari.

She quickly took off the shawl over the sari and tied it to the window post. Then lowered herself

It stopped a little height above and jumping from there was much safer.

She jumped and was excited she was safe.

She quickly tiptoed looking around, trying to find out a way to escape from the building.

But Guess luck wasn't on her side cos she came face to face with one of the tough looking men
who was the boss.

He smirked and brought out his gun to aim for her leg. Her heart thudded as he let out the silent
bullet on her and she quickly dodged.

He missed but seems like he was actually enjoying playing hide and seek with her. He aimed for
her again when he suddenly dropped and Aahna's eyes widened.

What the hell happened? She took few steps back only for her back to hit something hard and
she quickly turned to kick the supposed person on the groin to buy herself time to escape.

But the person's reflexes was fast and quick. He caught her knee. And twirled her for her back
to hit his chest again. Somehow,the familiar smell wafted in her nose and she heard the familiar

"You don't want to hurt me cutie".

Her eyes dilated.

"Tan". She called his name to still be sure and he chuckled to her hearing. She tried to turn to
see his face but he held her still.

"You don't want to faint right? I'm all bloodied".

" I won't faint,huh?"

He let her turn and her eyes fell on his bloodied self.
He took in his appearance and whispered instead.

"Thank you for coming for me".

"You got in this mess because of me".

He grinned and held her arm.

"Let's get out of here".

" Not too fast".

It happened so quickly as the bullet pierced his stomach. He groaned.

" Put your hands round my neck quickly".

And she did. Adrenaline rushing in her body.

He took out his two guns and even though he faced the opposite way,he aimed the back and
heard a loud gunshot instead.

He closed his eyes thinking it will hit him but heard a different groan.

It was Jim's voice.

He turned and his eyes widened on seeing Yura holding a gun,pointed at her own father which
proved it,she shot him.

"Go now Tannie…"

He got himself,held Aahna tightly and ran off with her.


😿Yura killed her own father cos of Tan😿

😲This is getting serious 😲
Brought To You By Rejoice Aries ✍️


👅Addicted To An Indian Girl👅
💋Episode 10💋
Aahna was so worried as Tan was running with a little difficulty.

On the passageway,she kept seeing lots of dead bodies and it choked her. The next thing,she
threw up and Tan held her.

"C'mon Aahna,we have to get out,you don't know how far Yura will be able to hold them off".

Aahna quickened her pace and they got to the backyard where his car was packed.

Entering the car a bullet was fired at the car causing a dent and making Tan drive out crazily.
Jeez,Aahna almost hit her head on the dashboard.

He was still groaning and cussing as he drove away, skidding through cars.

Tan wondered what kind of bullet that gun contained that is affecting him like this. He has
received several bullets when involved in bloody fights but none has ever been as serious as

Just a bullet is affecting him this way.

He got to his house,drove his car into a secret underground layer Aahna never suspected was
present in the old looking house.

He came down and Aahna didn't expect Tan to tell her to follow him before she followed him.

Tan finally got into his room after they climbed a flight of stairs. He entered his room, opened a
cupboard and brought out tablets which he swallowed quickly.

Aahna watched him as he brought out a first aid box and got into the restroom to bring out a
bowl of clean water and towel.

He stripped off his shirt and Aahna who has been watching him looked away. She closed her
eyes even though she caught a glimpse of his taut muscles.

She swallowed. He looks so manly and hot. Damn,he looked way more handsome than
Sarga…She had seen Sarga shirtless sometimes and his muscles weren't as wonderful as this
Korea guy. She gritted her teeth at the thought that Sarga will be worried about her. He might
even think she's dead.
She heard a loud huff and looked back to see Tan glaring at her. He's still shirtless.

"Hello, I need some help here in taking care of my wounds".

Aahna walked towards him and saw a tiny object on the table beside him.

"That's the bullet". He said.

"You pulled it out yourself,why can't you go to the hospital?" She said with concern.

" I have everything I need. And…forgot to tell you…am a doctor".

Her eyes widened.

He chuckled.

" Just get this over with. You don't want me to get an infection huh?"

Aahna wiped the wound clean... When she heard Tan muttered, his eyes were closed…


What? She was here and he's busy daydreaming about that creepy girl?

She fumed. So he lied about not having a girlfriend,it's obvious…the same girl that warned her
to stay away from him.

She pursed her lips. But why did he look hurt when looking at her? Could it be that they were
having relationship issues and that's why they were distant?

She huffed realizing Tan cared about the same cunt that slapped her.

Aahna's jealousy got the best of her and she pressed his wounds harder making Tan growl and
flinch in pain.


She huffed and walked away. And within herself,she didn't understand why she was acting like
this,I mean why was she kinda jealous.

Well why won't she be? The same Tan kissed her just earlier and now he's daydreaming about a
She huffed again. Stupid Savage Shitty Tan!

She cursed.

Tan rolled his eyes after he was done covering his wound. Did Aahna just walk out of him?

Just because he mistakenly muttered Yura's name.

He chuckled. This Indian girl is certainly a character.

He shrugged wondering what exactly is her problem.

Yura stared at the lifeless body of her father. Tears ran down her cheeks. Her dad's guards were
staring at her with mouths open.

If it were in their hands, they would have killed her right here and now on killing their boss...
but... But boss has warned them never to lay a finger on her... they had made an oath to protect

Yura wiped her tears. She warned her dad... She told him not to hurt her Tannie, he could kill
that stupid gurl wearing Sari and who wore her Tan's shirt but Tan... No!

She had lost the love of her life because of her father... Even though it was through her mission
to make him fall in love with her that they met, Yura made a mistake by falling for Tan.

She knew why her father wanted Tan dead, he killed his only friend and confidant in the world,
his brother... And that was when Jim swore to revenge the death and first of all, he will make
Tan hurt first by getting his weakness.

He had first sent his own daughter as a trap but they fell in love with each other making her
vulnerable. He had to take her away from him... Even when she found out she had little Tan
growing in her... Her father forbade her to tell Tan.

But even though it was 5 years already, Yura was still smitten by her first love and swore to
protect him against her father.

She had to invade her father's security making Tan's entry easier. And now, she killed her own
She stood up after few minutes of crouching close to her father.

"Take him away. And report all movements of that girl beside him to me... If you have
opportunity, don't hesitate to kill her". She gave orders and they weren't stupid enough to go
against Yura.

" Yes boss".

Yura smoothened her daughter's hair. Her lips were in a thin line.

She couldn't believe Tan couldn't even call to thank her after saving him. It was morning already
and she was expecting even an ordinary thank you.

Is he so obsessed with that stupid cunt that he didn't see her as someone again. She even slept
in his house last night,her informants didn't see her leaving the building.

Tears streaked down her cheeks.

She saved him.

Just then her phone rang and she picked it up...

Her eyes beamed...


He's calling.

She broke into an ear-splitting grin.


Stupid Savage Shitty Tan 😂😂

And Tan really has a daughter 😒😒

Who feels Tan still loves Yura🤔🤔

And Aahna is jealous oh🤗🤗

Brought To You By Rejoice Aries ✍️

👅Addicted To An Indian Girl👅
💋Episode 11💋
Tan let out a sigh.

"Hey". He said solemnly over the phone.

He was sure Yura would be beaming at the other side.

"Tannie". She drawled, her voice...

"Uhm, can we meet?"

Yura's eyes glimmered. He wants to meet her.

"Of course".

"Ok, will be expecting you then. Bye".

He cut the call quickly but he knew that Yura would be very excited now.

For goodness sake, they have been apart for 5 years. 5 good years and Tan couldn't deny, he
missed her and he knew, she still loved him greatly and that's why... She killed her father for his


Aahna's eyes dimmed. WTF!

Tan was inviting that crazy girl to the house. She knew it! She knew Tan loved her, why did he
deny that she's not his girlfriend?

Her fists clenched and she huffed.

She stomped into his room and he was staring into space.

"I'm leaving"

His eyes dilated.

"What do you mean by you're leaving? Do you want my enemies to use you to get me again?
No way Aahna, you're staying here till I move you away from Korea".

" Don't tell me shit Tan. I'm leaving for my pretty home and family and you can't stop me".

Tan rolled his eyes.

" Are you kinda still annoyed cos I muttered Yura's name? Are you jealous? Are you
perhaps…in love with me?"

Aahna froze. This guy is really shitty! Who talks as straight forward as that.

"What nonsense are you saying? Do you even know why I'm in all this shit? It's cos of you... You
put me in this mess by coming close to me and making people feel you are into... "

She paused making Tan smirk.

" Miss Aahna, don't forget I've been saving you? Don't forget you're my target and... you're
wanted dead. And I'm still saving you. So tell me, who put you in a mess".

Aahna fumed.

" You owe me your life Aahna Karna... Don't be too... arrogant".

" I'm not arrogant... You're the one who's making me feel... "

He tilted his head...

" Feel what?"

" Just forget it". She stormed out.

Tan drew his brows together. Could it be that... Aahna is in love with him?

He huffed loudly. And cursed his fate for meeting her. This doesn't look like the Kim Tan he

knows, he looks like another Kim Tan...

Aahna heard the doorbell to the normal house entrance ring and she opened it up...

She frowned on seeing the Yura of a girl. And Yura, she had a deadly look on her face on
seeing the damned Indian girl staying with Tan. It hurt her still even if she expected something
prior to this.

"What are you doing here?"

Yura hissed at her, holding her neck and letting herself in.

Aahna gasped and struggled to speak...

"Let... go"...

Yura smirked and tightened her grip until she heard...

" Let her go".

She slowly dropped Aahna who let out a fit of cough and drew a sharp intake of breath...

"Tannie". Aahna couldn't deny seeing the obvious love in Yura's eyes. She rolled her eyes as
she watched Tan descend the stairs.

Yura rushed and hugged him tightly and Aahna fumed, cos Tan didn't push her away.

"Ahh what's wrong with me?" She prodded herself and turned to leave.

What hurt her more was that... this same guy kissed her and now he's acting like they've never
been intimate... He took advantage of her helplessness and kissed her... Tch!

"Don't go". She hears and froze...

Yura frowned...

"Why...we want to make up and she's just a stranger."

Tan took in Aahna's expression.

" I thought you both wanted to have a nice time together and... make up.. " Aahna said.

" Of course, you can let us both be... "

Aahna started to walk away.

" Aahna, please sit and be the judge..."

His lips were in a thin smile and Yura huffed.

Why's Tan acting strange?

Seconds later, they were all sited with Yura snuggling in Tan and he didn't even bother to stop

"I missed you". She muttered to him and Aahna crossed her arms around her chest looking
pissed off.

"Well... Thank you so much for helping us escape and... Saved me".

Yura grinned. "You know I can do anything for you huh?"

" We are grateful Yura".

We... Aahna scoffed... Tan is so stupid...

"And I've decided to forgive what you did to me but... We can never be together again"

Yura froze at how he said it unfazed.

" Ask for any amount and I'll give it to you for saving me but..."

"Is this a prank or something?"

" You should know very well that I don't play pranks. We're done since 5 years ago and I don't
revisit my past... It means nothing... All the feelings, they're dead... "

Tears brimmed in Yura's eyes. It's just like when they broke up 5 years ago...

" How dare you Tan? I killed my own father cos of you..."

"I didn't ask you to kill him" He cut her off.

" Oh... I see..."She laughed drily.

"It's because of this b*tch right?"

"I'm not a b*tch" Aahna gritted her teeth.

" Oh yes you are... You even gave her my first gift to you... Do I mean nothing to you Tannie?"

" Yes. You mean nothing. And yes too... I'm not going back to you... Because I love Aahna"...

Aahna's eyes widened and her jaw dropped.

Tan... He's joking right?

Yura smirked even though she looked very hurt ...

"Very well then... Let's watch how your love story goes... "

She stormed out...

In the safety and loneliness of her car... She let it all out... She cried hard... Why?...

Aahna stared at Tan dumbstruck.

Slowly, she made her way towards him and landed him a dirty slap on his cheeks.

"How dare you play with my emotions Tan? How dare you lie to your girlfriend using me to get
away from her?"

Tan stood up, towering over her...

" And what if I tell you I'm not lying? What if I tell you that I'm in love with you Aahna?"

Before she could say a word or snap out of her dazed state...

He captured her lips in a savage fierce kiss.


Awwwwwnn 🙈🙈😍😍😍😍😍
Who feels Yura will come back for them?

This is just the beginning...

Brought To You By Rejoice Aries ✍️

👅Addicted To An Indian Girl👅
💋Episode 12👅
Aahna felt sparks in her tummy as Tan kissed her fiercely. It was nothing like the first kiss, he
was rough... But the feeling...it was crazy...

He tried her lips open and twirled her tongue, sucking every part of her mouth, claiming her to
be his...

And when he finally let her... Aahna was gasping and wheezing cos she was out of breath.

She looked up to see Tan moving the hair over his eyes back and he walked away.

Tears streaked down her cheeks, why does he always do this? The first time he kissed her, he
walked away and now too...

Aahna drifted to sit on the floor and cried.

Her life is a mess. Oh goodness, how she wished Sarga to come for her... How she wished to

cry on him again... Only him understands her... Only him understands all her raw emotions.

Tan opened the door and jumped in... Sliding into the under ground pavement... He landed
straight on the lab which was the first thing you would see once you you came here.

"Tannie". She called softly and hugged him tightly...

He let himself melt in her embrace...


"Tannie, you look thin just for this few days and... Are you hurt... You look down..."

He gave a painful smile.

" I'm fine omma and yet... I'm not fine".

" Tell me.. "his mum coaxed leading him to a chair. He sat and heaved.
"Is it about Aahna?"

Of course his mum knew about how he left to save the damsel in distress...

"I'm confused". He said ruefully.

"Yura killed her father to prove her love for me and the funniest thing is that... I still love her...
There is still this lingering care for her. I don't want to see her in pain. And Aahna,she makes me
feel complete... I also care alot about her. I don't want anyone, even Yura hurting her. What do I
do omma? "

His mum chuckled and sat beside him.

" Follow your heart son. But sincerely, I feel Yura doesn't love you truly, she's obsessed. If she
really is in love with you, she'd want you to be happy... But... She wants you for herself. Tan, I'm
not influencing your decision but I want you to look deep into your heart... And know who it
chooses for you".

"She has my daughter all this years and she didn't tell me". His mother was shocked.

" Yura has your daughter?"

"I found out a year after she was born. She looks like... me... But why didn't Yura tell me? Maybe
if she did, I'd have forgiven her and... Our life won't be this complicated. Why is she keeping my
child away from me omma?"

His mother looked surprised at her son. He's never shown so much emotion for someone.
Which really means, he loves his daughter that Yura is keeping away from him.

But she was also happy. She has a grandchild... All these years.

"And I don't want to hurt her... Because of my daughter... What do I do omma?"

"How dare you decieve me you son-of-a-b*tch?"

It was Sharma rasping at Tan over the phone but Tan looked unfazed. He didn't care cos he
knew Sharma can never hurt Aahna as long as she's living under his roof.

And about Aahna things between them had gotten odd. They hardly spoke with each other and
mind their businesses for two days now.
He dropped the call without a reply and moved downstairs to see Aahna watching TV.

"When am I leaving?"

Aahna asked immediately she felt his presence.

He sat beside her making Aahna shift uncomfortably. She wondered why he made her feel
nervous with such simple actions.

He held her face in his soft hands making Aahna's eyes widen.

Then he pressed his forehead to touch hers making their lips to be inches apart.

Aahna felt butterfly in her stomach and she was rendered speechless at his simple gesture.

"If you leave... I will kill myself"

Aahna was shorts of words. That's silly, kill himself because of she left.


"You hold my heart Aahna...I don't want to speak too much but know this... I LOVE YOU

Aahna looked flustered. She could not say anything. And took her eyes to the floor.

"Is it so hard to admit that…you love me too…I know you do by the look in your eyes. I know
you care alot about me Aahna,and when you gave me that flower…I awakened something in
me. It's my favorite flower and you gave it to me, saying it's also your favorite. I guess we're
meant to be Aahna... "

He closed his eyes slowly... His long lashes resting on his cheeks.

Aahna exhaled and her breath felt kinda ticklish on Tan's face.

"I know I'm as clear as a crystal. And it will be a lie for me to say I don't feel anything for you... I
like you a lot Tan but I don't know if it's..."

He placed his finger on her lips shushing her.

" Ssshh... Just say you love me and you'll be mine..."

Aahna stared at his eyes and said...

" Ok. I love you Tan".

He embraced her softly, using his fingers to smoothen her hair. While she inhaled his sweet

Aahna was lost in thoughts. She only accepted cos of the hurt in Tan's eyes. She couldn't
decipher if what she feels for him is love.

But she knew that, he had a soft spot in her heart.

The doorbell ringing stopped the thoughtful moment...

"I'll get it". Tan gave her a nod as she strode to the door. Tan had gone shopping for her with
more of normal casual outfits than Sari. Right now,she looked hot wearing a black pullover and
white shorts.

Aahna opened the door to see Yura... But that wasn't the case... the thing was a beautiful little
girl standing close to her which had features of Tan.

"Won't you let me in?" Yura pushed the dumbstruck Aahna outta her way and entered.

Tan was standing and watching them from a distance. He had a slight smile on his face which
made Aahna lost.

"Uncle Kim".

The young beside Yura screamed and rushed towards Tan in a hug and to the shock of the
other two, Tan swept her up and hugged her back tightly, then kissed her cheeks and the girl...

She had a wide smile on.

"What the hell are you doing Jo-Ann?"

Yura asked, flaring up.

"Uncle Kim, is this your house? It's so pretty". The little girl totally snubbed her mother and Tan
gave her a sweet smile.

"There's no need to call me Uncle again baby, I'm sure mummy is bringing you to me and... You
should call me daddy".

Who else is shocked that this two know each other before? 😲😲
And team


Brought To You By Rejoice Aries ✍️


👅Addicted To An Indian Girl👅
💋Episode 13💋
Aahna looked confounded as she stared from Yura to Tan... And the Jo-Ann looked surprised

"My daddy?" She glanced at her mother.

"Is that true mum?"

Her mum gulped.

"I can explain Jo-Ann"

"What? How dare you? Why didn't you tell me he's my dad?"

Wondering how Tan met Jo-Ann.

Tan wasn't just a full time assassin. If he was,it will be suspicious. He owned a
pharmacy,yeah,he wasn't joking when he said he was a doctor. Yeah,he was done in medical
school when their life took a drastic turn all because of their father.

Yura had rushed Jo-Ann to his pharmacy and he had caught a glimpse of her.

Seeing Yura with a year old baby who looked at him made him feel and get drawn by the little
girl. And worse,the case was that Jo-Ann was a blue baby. And that made Tan become sure.
Cyanosis is a genetic condition in their family. It simply says that Jo-Ann is their child. A proof of
his and Yura's love.
And since then,he took note of his child, waiting patiently for the day that Yura will bring his baby
to him but she never did.

When Jo-Ann became 4,he made himself known to her as Uncle Kim and a huge supporter of
her ballerina skills.

She made the little girl promise not to tell anyone about their friendship and Jo-Ann who liked
him took him as the best friend she ever had.

Little did Tan know that Yura was neglecting her daughter,his daughter and placing her in the
hands of a nanny.

And that made Jo-Ann drawn to the man she never believed will be her father.

"Calm down Jo,huh? Just the way your mummy neglects you,that was how she neglected me".

" Are you kidding? Mum?" She raised her eyebrows at her mother which face was still ashen in

But Yura snapped out of it.

"Tan, Don't you dare turn my daughter against me…"

" Baby,when someone doesn't care about you,what does that mean?" Tan asked his daughter
looking hurt.

"That's hatred"

"Well that means your mummy hates me. She refused to bring you to me when she knew she
wasn't gonna take care of you Jo."

Jo-Ann had a sad face on.

" What the hell are you doing?" Yura asked with anger feeling Tan turning her daughter away
from her.

"Jo-Ann,come here now,let's get outta here".

"No omma,I'm not going anywhere. I'm staying here with my father."

" Are you crazy Jo-Ann? Why will you trust this guy?"
" Because he loves me mum,he loves me when you busy spending time with your own father
and telling me to steer clear from your matters. You neglected me mum".

Jo-Ann said with tears flowing down her cheeks and she still clung to her father.

"He always came to me while I was in school and…encouraged me during my ballerina

practices. He always had lunch with me at least twice a week, something you never cared to do

Yura bit her lips feeling bitter. Oh goodness, how come she didn't realize all this? It was true,she
hadn't been a good mother. She had only cared about her father's legacy and spent more time
with him coming back home only at night to meet her sleeping daughter.

She loved her daughter but she hadn't cared enough. She had to play her cards well now.

Tan loved the child,he would do anything to get her.

"I'm sorry Ann. I was hurt, because of your dad,he wasn't there for me,for us…Tan…do you
want your daughter back...I don't mind,I'll stay because of her…"

She said desperately making him chuckle.

Aahna was still there trying to wrap her head around the story. It hurts! It hurts cos Tan loves his
child and surely, he'll get her and her mother to stay back.

She blinked her tears back. She can't be the third wheel in their life. They'd be happy
together,with their daughter.

And Tan…he might tell her to leave.

She blinked as she saw Tan conceal a smirk.

"I don't need you to stay because of her. She doesn't need you Yura. The time she was
supposed to be with you,you misused it and now…it's time to take back my daughter".

He looked back at Jo-Ann.

" Will my mummy not live with us? Like how my friends live with their mummy and daddy?" She
asked curiously.

" She doesn't need to. Trust me Jo,you know I love you and I know the perfect person to give
you all the time and affection you want,the person that loves both you and I".

" Who's that?"

" No Tan…you can't try…"

"My love,come over here,my daughter wants to meet you." Tan nodded over to Aahna who was

Did he just refer her as…my love? Holly Molly. She felt butterflies in her tummy,and fleet her
cheeks get hot and moved anxiously closer to them.

"Hey Jo-Ann" . Aahna gave a true smile to the little girl. Well,she couldn't pass the hard feelings
she has for Yura over to her daughter right?"

" She'll be your mom now…because I love her,she loves me and she loves and cares for

The little girl looked at Aahna with scrutiny,her face serious like that of a detective and,then she

"I think I like her…Dad".

She called Tan dad for the first time making a bubble of joy burst in his heart.

He never knew a savage like him will be called Dad,one day in his life.

"Are you crazy Jo-Ann?"

"Go meet the father who you care so much about. The same way you care for him do much,is
the way I care for my own father too". Jo-Ann said with a cold look and Aahna looked intrigued.

The little girl acted just like her dad,wow! Just wow!

Yura had angry tears rushing down her cheeks.

"Are you happy now Tan? Are you glad you've taken everything away from me? I hate you now!
I swear by my future grave that I hate you so much Kim Tan".

And Jo-Ann saw it, that pocket her mum was fiddling,it always houses a knife which is used for
security purposes.

Jo eyes widened when she noticed Eric mum turn slightly to Aahna's direction.

"Look out".
She screamed and sprinted, pushing Aahna away and the already thrown knife went straight
into her stomach.


Yura screamed with horror stricken face.


😥😥I'm so sad for my baby Jo😥

One word for Yura…

Brought To You By Rejoice Aries ✍️


👅Addicted To An Indian Girl👅
💋Episode 14💋
Aahna shuddered at the sight.

Yura tried to stab her and ended up stabbing her daughter instead.

She rushed to the young girl who just saved her life and held her before she could collapse on
the floor.

"How dare you?" Tan was growling at Yura who was suspended in mid air, struggling to breathe
cos Tan was holding her neck.

"Tan... She's losing lots of blood."

Aahna's voice snapped him out of his anger and he returned to his daughter, leaving Yura
coughing and struggling to take in air... Her face was full of tears.

Tan Carried Jo-Ann effortlessly and rushed her to the hospital with Aahna trailing behind him.

Yura stood up with anger filled eyes. She loved her daughter... And because of Tan, she lost
her... Cos of that stupid Indian girl Tan choosed.
She'll make the stupid Aahna pay. And Tan,she'd make sure he regrets going against her.

She lost her father for their love,but she'd kill his own mum for his rejection.

She walked to his room and opened the wardrobe. She pressed a button there which made an
opening in the middle of his room,she smiled and walked to the opening,and before she could
jump in to slide,a sudden force electrocuted her making her scream.

Her face etched pure pain as she stared at the perfect looking slide. She tried to feel around it
but it electrocuted her fingers and she retracted her hands.

She stared daggers at the secret opening and walked away. Tan thinks he's smart. She'll show
him she's smarter.

He will surely lose out.

Tan's mother smirked as she stared at Aahna through the CCTV which her son only allowed her
to use when he left the house.

The girl was sure stupid to think she'd get her easily cos she got a whiff about her staying in the
underground secret layer.

She sent a message to Tan whose face creased into a frown on seeing it.

Aahna looked at Tan who was sitting across her,with a straight and cold expression.

"Are you ok?" She asked him seeing the stoic look on his face,he also looked worried.

" Come here". His face was in a little smile as he took his eyes to him.

She walked over to him steadily and stood before him. But he pulled her to sit over his thigh
making her eyes go wide and cheeks burn red.

All this intimacy was something new for her.

"You look so worried about me love?" He drawled teasingly making her cheeks turn a shade
" Stop frowning every time huh. You look scary to people".

"As far as I'm not scary to you,then it's not a problem".

He said with a cool smile making her to smile always.

"How come you figured out you were in…love with me?" She looked down coyly on saying
those words.

" You imprinted yourself in my heart. You made me think about you always Aahna…you brought
out the humane in me…"

He brushed his thumb over her soft lips.

Aahna was expectant. She wanted to feel it again, those dancing butterflies in her tummy when
his lips were on hers.

And truly,he claimed her lips softly. Aahna got lost in the kiss,well they were both lost forgetting
the doctor said Jo-Ann will soon wake up since the treatments were successful.

"Daddy,what are you doing to my new mummy?"

Their eyes both snapped wide in between the kiss and they both unlocked.

"Uhm," Tan scratched his head wondering how to explain what he was doing to his little girl.

"Well,daddy was taking out something from your mummy lips and her lips were dry and I had to
make it wet"..

Aahna gasped. Tan was spoiling the little girl…

Does he want the little girl to go around telling boys make her lips wet or take things out of her
lips? Tsk!

"What? No..Jo,he was just uhm…forget about what you just saw".

Jo-Ann rolled her eyes and broke into an ear-splitting grin.

"Oh,is it a bedroom stuff?"

Tan and Aahna's eyes went wide. Damn,the little girl has been spoilt.

"Uhm,baby,can we not talk about that? You're still kinda young to say that."
Jo-Ann chuckled.

" Daddy,will you always carry me the way you're carrying my new mummy now?"

Aahna realized she was still sitting on Tan's thigh and stood quickly, returning to her chair.

"Of course,my baby".

Just then, his phone beeped and he rolled his eyes on seeing the text now.

📩Get out of the hospital now📩

His brows creased and he stood up.

"We need to get out now. Love,take care of Jo while I sign the discharge papers."

He quickly pecked both of their cheeks and walked out.

Aahna turned back to see Jo-Ann staring at her with intrigue.

"I don't like the way my mum treats me or how she ignored my daddy. Will you make me happy?
If you make me mad,I won't mind stabbing you".

Aahna's eyes widened.

Jo-Ann let out a grin.

" Just kidding! But am serious. Don't mind me though, I love you hair, especially the red

" Thanks".

Aahna was dumbstruck. This girl is the real prototype of both Tan and Yura…jeez!

A little girl taking death as a joke.

"Don't dare come to me with failed results. I want him,that my stupid niece with her and his
dumb daughter. I also want that Yura of a girl and his mother dead,but that will be for another

Sharma smirked evilly.

The person on the mission bowed and walked away.

Sharma wanted both Aahna and his daughter dead,but he could manage Tan being alive cos he
would like to see the look on his face when he dumped his mother and new family's body beside
him in his cell confinement.

And after the emotional torture,he will give him a lovely physical torture


😲What now?😲
😂😂And who else loves Jo-Ann? Daddy,what are you doing to my new mummy? Oh,is it a
bedroom stuff?🙈🙈😂

Brought To You By Rejoice Aries ✍️


👅Addicted To An Indian Girl👅
💋Episode 15💋
Tan rushed them into the car after getting the discharge papers.

"Is something wrong?"

Aahna asked him.

"Yup. We won't be returning home from here. I'll drop you two where you will be safe."

" Is it Yura?"

Tan glanced at her before glancing back at his daughter he was carrying in his arms.

"I have so many enemies lurking around, waiting for the right opportunity to strike".

They got into the car, making sure to place the sleeping Jo-Ann properly on Aahna's thigh.

Aahna stroked Jo-Ann's hairs before asking.

"Tan, why are you like this?"

"How? Do you mean Savage?"

"Why do you kill without guilt?"

"It wasn't my choice."

He chuckled bitterly. Aahna felt he was being bittered.

"It's ok if you don't want to say."

"I'll sure tell you, but... I'm not really in the mood to say that. I'll be leaving tommorow morning,
you have to take care of Jo for me. Promise me Aahna, that you will be there for her".

" You're talking like you're gonna die". Aahna said in a small voice.

" No one is dying Aahna. At least, not when I just got a chance to love again... " He said with a
small smile making Aahna blush.

He stopped at a moderately sized beautiful house.

He got in carrying Jo-Ann, Aahna beside him.

"Can you help me tuck Jo in bed. This is her room, yours should be opposite hers, mine is just
after yours".

Aahna nodded, taking the weighty girl from him into her room. After tucking her in properly, she
left to her new room which looked so pretty.

Just then, she decided to meet Tan. She wants to ask him where he was going.

But she regretted doing that, cos on opening the door to his room, she met a Greek god.

A towel was hanging loosely round his waist. Hair all wet and tousled up. She gaped at him and
Tan who caught sight of her ogling at him through the mirror, rolled his eyes.

"Like what you see?" He decided to tease her making her gasp and run out banging the door


Oh my gosh!

Oh my gosh!

I can't believe I saw a guy half naked.

I can't believe I saw a guy half naked.

She closed her mouth to prevent the squeal. Holy molly,he's so... Damnit! He's too cute and

She held her face and kept imagining the images, the well sculptured back and flexed ripped


She closed her eyes and sighed.

"What are you doing to me Tan?" She muttered to herself.

Few minutes later, she got into the ensuite. She really needed a bath.

Aahna came out of the restroom before recalling, oh my... There's nothing in the wardrobe.

Dang it!

She was just on a short towel. Will she go to meet Tan like this? And tell him to get her
something to wear.

Will she even have the guts to see him after seeing him half naked and him saying those words.
Well she really liked what she saw.

Her cheeks turned a shade pinker at that thought.

She decided to make her bed before going to ask Tan for the clothes. Maybe, that might help
calm her nervousness for the meantime.

She bent and made her bed, forgetting she wore nothing and someone might just barge into her

room, the way she barged into Tan's.

Tan raised up his hand to knock but stilled. She's his love after all, so why knock when he wants
to see her.

He huffed for a while before opening the door slowly without much sound and the pink hairless
skin faced him once again. His mouth dropped open at the appetizing sight.

Well well, he thought, he had to keep his promise cos he said if he ever saw her like this, she
won't walk out straight.

But he'll be gentler,so she can at least walk to take care of his daughter.

He straightened himself and walked in with loud footsteps making Aahna turn and cover her
chest in shock.

Tan kept taking steps to her,which made her move inches back until her leg hit the bed and she
fell on the soft mattress to make her towel open up to reveal those large b**bs.

"Aaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh". She squeal in embarrassment and picked up the towel to try to

cover herself,but Tan's hands caught hers making her close her eyes immediately.

She felt nervous and kinda dizzy too. She had never been in this kind of close proximity to a
guy. She wasn't the loose type and yet…

It felt as if she liked the way Tan was acting around her which made a small smile pop on her

Tan took his eyes from her pretty face and scattered hair to her neck…down to the two large
b**bs which tits were staring at him as if in anticipation, waiting for him to devour it.

The pink nipples were surely inviting but he wasn't going on it straight. Hell no! He wanted to
see the most attractive of all places. His eyes went down to her almost-every time exposed flat
tummy due to her sari.

Then he took his eyes to in between her which was tightly close due to her nervousness.

He let out a slight chuckle,glanced up to see Aahna staring at him back with wide eyes.

The inviting tits were still calling on him and so…he had no choice but to lick it slowly,his eyes
still looking at hers.

He felt her shudder a little and she pursed her lips.

He left her hands, wanting to put his own hands into good use.
His hands carefully grabbed the large boobs and massage it slowly making her let out the moan
he has been so longing to hear.

His mouth itched for a good suck and so,he placed them over his property…yeah she was

his,and everything about her was also his property, only for him to cherish and admire.

Sarga got into the city of Seoul in SK.

His eyes took in the appearance of the clearly beautiful city.

He shut his eyes for a while and huffed.

He couldn't believe he sent Aahna here to die,right on her landing.


Sarga believes Aahna is dead 😲😲

Someone should tell Aahna and Tan to take it slowly ohh…bedroom stuffs might not be sleeping

Brought To You By Rejoice Aries ✍️


👅Addicted To An Indian Girl👅
💋Episode 16💋
Tan ravaged her b**bs mercilessly making her moan at the strange sweet feeling. She has
never felt like this before. No guy has ever touched her this intimate.

The touch felt…sinful.

Slowly,after sucking her two large b**bs,he made his way down. Sucking and nibbling at her
skin making her moan under him.
Geez,what was Tan doing to her?

Holy Christ! She felt his tongue on her…

"Aaahhh". She moaned feeling so surprised. He's sucking her…she was so embarrassed.

She moaned uncontrollably as his tongue parted the lips of her *** and dived in…

She kept squirming and squealing under him. And then she felt it,a rising pit in her stomach.

"Aaah". She cried softly when she felt his finger drive in. Gawd! She felt so tight, clasping that
index finger but Tan pushed it roughly in adding another,not wanting any obstacles and fingered

She kept moaning and turning her head around, trying to keep in the feeling but it wasn't easy.

The pit in her tummy kept rising.

"Let it out bae". She heard Tan's husky voice and it worked magic.

She cummed squirming and he lapped her juices.

He didn't want to bother her with taking care of his organ cos he knew very well that she was
very naïve.

Tan took off his clothes hastily and Aahna marveled at his size. Was that long thick dangling
thing gonna get into her?

And worse,Tan wasn't the gentle type in bed. He hoped not to hurt his fragile Aahna and not to
lose control cos he knew that tight c*nt was definitely gonna do wonders on his ****.

Dang it! He rubbed her opening making her squirt and then he slammed into her without

"Aaargh!" Aahna groaned. It was too painful. Tan didn't even get halfway in but for Aahna,it was
too deep, she screamed.


She gripped the sheets beside her tight, so she doesn't have to hold him instead. Cos she knew
her nails will surely give him marks.
Tan grunted into her ears as he pulled out of her, taking a lot as a result of how tight her walls
were as they clamped him tight.

She gasped and whimpered, shivering with both fear and relief. She felt his organ was going to
tear her apart.

He went into her again, but not as violent as the first.

"Oh...!" She mumbled anyway, feeling so full.

Oh! It hurt - so badly!

She couldn't exactly tell what she was feeling, but she knew it hurts like mad.

She could feel his erratic breath on her neck as his organ remained stuck into her. She felt so
full. So full!!!

He kissed her neck and sucked her neck which managed to bring down her tensed nerves.

Tan adjusted away from her face so he could position himself properly for the drilling.

Tan grabbed the sheets and started thrusting in and out of her in that position. Oh damn! He
was going so deep, so rough.

Aahna could hardly breath.

She whimpered haggardly, her large b**bs bouncing on her chest as Tan pounded into her. Her
mind was screaming, her hand holding the sheets tight. Is this the feeling?

She moaned, Tan grunted, the sound of flesh hitting her each other could partially be heard.

Slowly, Tan traced his hands to her thighs, down to her legs and lifted them up.

Aahna couldn't understand what he was doing, but he suddenly paused inside of her and waited
until her both legs were up in mid air. Her womanhood faced heaven as well and with that, he
adjusted forward into her and continued the thrusts.

Aahna's painful moans increased. She couldn't tell what position he was making her do but, it
seemed to have more effect than the first as she could feel him earnestly, his cock going so
deep in her.

"Oh...Tan" she found herself moaning his name loudly.

The sensation was running her wild.

"Ugh!" A gruntful moan finally escaped his lips.
He was getting more than he expected.

He suddenly froze inside of her. He wasn't ejaculating, no.

He pulled out to the tip, then drove in at once, all the way to the opening of her cervix. Aahna
almost lost it.

"Ah!!!!" She yelped and tried moving away from him, but couldn't, his hands captured hers.

He loved to be dominating.

He pulled out to the tip again and repeated the same movement and another scream left
Aahna's lips.

"Argh!! No..... please" she shuddered with pains.

What was he doing to her?

He continued with the thrust, unable to control his force and hunger and Aahna could already
feel her flesh burning.

"Oh... please, please" her cries were soft and tender.

Tan couldn't tell what he was doing. He moved his right hand to her clit and rolled on it, giving
Aahna a mixed feeling of pain and pleasure.

He pulled out to the tip again and pounced into her as usual but this time around, he kissed her
lips so she doesn't scream and her attempted screams ended up, turning into muffled sounds.

"Oh...Tan!" she called breathlessly by the time he released her lips, still drilling into her.

Her mind was screaming stop. Her body shook under his possession. She just wanted his organ
out of her, even if it was for a second. She felt so full and needed some air.

She moaned effortlessly and threw her head backwards. Oh! She needed him to stop. It was a
mixture of pain and yet a strange pleasure.

"No... please...!" She cried out.

With a loud grunt, Tan froze into her and ejaculated,her tight c*nt was milking him,she was also
cumming and…her eyes were rolling in pleasure.
Aahna gasped and shifted uncomfortably as she felt the hot liquid pumping right into her.

Tan finally pulled out of her and fell flat on the bed beside her.

Damn! He had almost lost it.

His breath was deep and rough. And Aahna wasn't any different. As a matter of fact, she was

She winced as she forced her legs down from mid air. They hurt so bad from being kept in that
position for so long.

She could barely move her legs. They were hurting so bad.

Her eyes were too heavy and she was sooo drowsy.

So, still in pains and not having the strength to wonder her mind about, she just closed her eyes
and slept off.

Tan stared at her pretty sleeping face and felt stupid.

How could he do hard on this girl when it was just her first time?

Slowly,he massaged her tummy.

And somehow,it made Aahna feel better and she slept more comfortably, snuggling in his arms.

Tan covered themselves with the duvet and kissed her forehead. He just hoped Aahna can bear
this with him,she hoped she would never leave him or his Jo-Ann when things get more

Cos right now,he was in a deep shit.

All because he might this innocent little girl.

Or rather because,he became addicted to an Indian girl.


Me,I closed my eyes when typing this ohh 🙈🙈🙈

Don't say I spoilt you oh cos I don't even know what am typing

But wait oh…Tan deserves flogging. He was too rough on my baby 🙈🙈

Brought To You By Rejoice Aries ✍️

👅Addicted To An Indian Girl👅
💋Episode 17💋
Tan was laying on the valley between Aahna's b00bs. He felt so comfortable, and secured
feeling the soft skin on each sides of his face.

His hand was lazily over his eye, covering it partially while the other hand was over his naked

Their night really exhausted him and even though he wanted to leave right now to set things
straight, he couldn't cos he wanted to explain everything to her.

He wanted to tell her some important things about him so she will keep trusting him even though
he gets behind bars.

Aahna's eyes fluttered open and she saw someone blurrily.

She rubbed her eyes and yawned and that was when the pain shot her up.

"Aaah". She whimpered softly, still feeling the pain in her ***.

Darn it! Tan really damaged her yesterday.

She opened her eyes wider and saw someone in between her b00bs and she immediately
recognized both the warmth and hair to be Tan's.

"You're awake. How was your night?"

He asked raising up his head to meet her eyes.

Aahna scoffed at him. She pouted feeling annoyed because he hurt her. He isn't supposed to
hurt her. He was supposed to pamper her.

"I'm sorry". He said noticing the frown on her face.

She turned her face away. Will sorry drive away the pains in her v?

"Ok, don't give me the silent treatment. I hate it". He muttered to her her hearing and she
scoffed again.

" C'mon honey. Ok give me any punishment you deem fit. I promise I'll do it,just don't give me
the silent treatment". He said pouting like a baby.

Her eyes beamed on hearing that she should punish him. Hmm,what kinda punishment?

And then her cheeks went hot on recalling what he did yesternight that she really enjoyed.

He sucked her b00bs.

She wondered if she would be able to tell him to do it cos she really enjoyed it. She enjoyed the
feeling of his lips twirling round her…

"Aaah". She moaned softly recalling the erotic moment.

Jeez,Tan was looking at her with a raised eyebrow. What was she thinking that was making her
blush furiously and even…moan out?

He chuckled loudly making her realize he was present and her cheeks turn redder.

"Uhm,Tan". She fiddled with her nails.

"Uh uhm". He hummed in response and she bit her inner cheeks coyly.

Jeez,she never knew she will one day request for a guy to touch her,not to talk of putting his lips
on her private body.

"Can you…uhm…suck…ahh I can't say it". She covered her face in embarrassment making Tan

"You don't have to be shy love. Your whole body belongs to me,just like mine belongs to you".
He said huskily and she peeped at him by making a space between her fingers.

She quickly covered her face completely again and said it hurriedly,like the word itself is an

"Suck my breasts".

Tan grinned.
"With all pleasure."

He dived on her bare b00bs making her moan in ecstasy.

"Aaah". She moaned uncovering her face as Tan sucked and nipped at her b00bs using his
teeth to bite it softly.

It was kinda painful but still,Aahna felt heat between her legs. Damn it!

She loves this so much.

She thrashed on feeling his fingers pinch her clit.

"Oh god…" she moaned loudly as Tan played with her clit,his other hand working wonders on
her other b00b and his lips busy on the other, interchanging it at some certain time.

The intense feeling in her tummy kept rising as Tan kept fiddling with her cl*t.

Damn it! She needed it to go out…

And just as she reached her highest peak,all ready to cum as Tan wanted to insert the finger…

The door opened and they heard the dreaded voice.

"Daddy,why are you sucking my mummy's breasts,are you a baby?"

Jo-Ann had woken up and was surprised to see herself in the room.

Still feeling slight pains,she got down and stepped outside the door. They was a long balcony
with various rooms and she decided to open up the door opposite to behold the sight.

Her daddy was sucking her mummy's breasts. She fumed and asked:

"Daddy,why are you sucking my mummy's breasts, are you a baby?"

The two paused their actions and Tan quickly covered their selves with the duvet and Aahna felt
embarrassed that the little girl caught them again.

And this was worse than the first time she caught them cos they are much more intimate now.
"Gosh,this is breach of privacy. I'm always gonna close the door now". Tan groaned
exasperatingly and Aahna chuckled.

Jo-Ann jumped on the bed within them curiously. She stared from her dad to her mum waiting
for an answer.

"Daddy?" She demanded.

"Alright…" Tan groaned again.

"I'm a big baby,if I don't suck those breasts,I'll die". Tan said bluntly making Aahna gasp while
Jo's eyes widened.

"What? Tan,that's too vulgar. She's a kid". Aahna chided Tan and turned to the inquisitive kid.

"Uhm,Jo, actually…I...your dad…ok how do I put this". Aahna stuttered looking confused.

"Daddy, mummy,are you both naked? Why are you both sleeping in one bed naked?"

Jo-Ann asked after seeing that both Tan and Aahna was holding the duvet closely to their
self,not wanting her to slip in.

"Ok Aahna,I'm not lying to this girl any longer! Jo,I and your new mummy are actually trying to
make a baby".

Aahna's eyes beamed at that statement. She's really gonna bear Tan's child one day.

"Really?" Jo-Ann asked excitedly. "I'm gonna have a baby sibling. Yey!"

Aahna smiled.

"Then I think you should do more of bedroom stuffs then,grandpa Jim said it guarantees having
a baby quickly".

Aahna's eyes widened. So Yura's dad has been the one telling her about bedroom stuffs.

"One day mummy took a man to her room after the man made her lips wet…then mummy
started screaming loudly and saying words like uhm….go faster…harder…deeper…I'm

And I asked my grandpa what all those meant. He just told me it's a bedroom stuffs,and when I
grow up I'll do it alot and I'll enjoy it".
Aahna glanced at her with wide eyes. Geez,Yura has made Jo too exposed and it will be very
hard to curb her inquisitiveness.


"He's right baby,when you grow but not now huh. When you get to 18 above,you can do all the
bedroom stuffs which I and your mummy are gonna do a lot".

" Tan". Aahna growled tiredly.

" Stop corrupting this little girl already".

" What,am being truthful here?"

Jo-Ann giggled at her parent's banter. She loved this her new life and wished she could live like
this forever…


Who else enjoyed this 😂😂😂

Jo-Ann will not kill us with her bedroom stuffs narration 🙉🙉
And Tan🚶🏻‍♂️🚶🏻‍♂️🚶🏻‍♂️he's helping us to spoil this girl more🙈🙈

Brought To You By Rejoice Aries ✍️


👅Addicted To An Indian Girl👅
💋Episode 18💋
Sharma hit his fists on the table angrily shattering it.

"What the f*ck!" He growled.

"How did he find out we were gonna attack him? Who leaked out information to him? Who the
fuck is the spy? Who is his man here?" He rasped and all is men shivered in fear.
Smoke was coming out from his ears. He fumed as everybody bowed as conniption gripped

No one wanted to speak cos they knew he would easily be aggravated and shot out the anger
on the person by wasting his life.

Only Kim Tan had the guts to talk back at him without losing his head and that same person has
betrayed them.

They gritted their teeth.

"Find him". He commanded hoarsely.

"Find that motherf*cker and bring him to me cos am gonna feed his body to the dogs. I'm gonna
torture him to death. His father escaped doesn't mean he will. I'll kill and crush him with my bare

hands". He roared sending his men scampering to wherever their legs took them to.

Aahna stared at Tan's tensed back as he spoke;

"... I had just graduated from medical college. Got my license and everything when I and my
family were attacked by his bloody men. And...the motherf*cker we called our father was
nowhere to be found. They wanted to kill my sister as a warning to my dumb father that they will
hurt his family and I pulled a quick move to disarm the man and shot about 6 of them in one go.
But I didn't do enough, they still got her... They killed my sister when she and my mum tried to
run out through a secret passage,while I kept the men busy. The boss got me, he shot my leg.
He kept me alive cos he saw great potentials in me. He coaxed me to join them if I want my
mother alive. I was already feeling guilty for my sister's death and had to accept cos of my
mum's safety. I took several oaths and promises which I was not supposed to break but I had
to... I broke them the moment I was sent to kill you Aahna. You became my weakness. You
made fall for you as we met even before I was sent to kill you. And worse, I had already
promised my self to protect your vulnerable self. And I don't break my promises not made out of
compulsion... Never break a promise... "

His thoughts wandered to when his baby sister was warning him never to break his promise
when he didn't buy the doll he promised her. Recalling his sister brought out painful memories in
him and then... For the first time in several years, a tear dropped...

"And when I fell in love with Yura,I thought my life has finally gotten better until I figured out they
the bitch was faking her love ever since,she was sent to kill me, through slow poison…and I
thank God I figured out quickly,else…I don't know if I would have been alive now"..
Another tear rolled down his cheeks.

Aahna was astonished seeing Tan cry. He looked so vulnerable right now. Out of impulse, she
back hugged him.

"I will avenge her death. I will make those bitches regret killing my sister. Even the
betrayal…"He growled,his voice trailing off.

Aahna closed her eyes as they got wet feeling his pain. Now she also knew why he adored
Yura,he loved her wholeheartedly.

"Tannie..." He froze. Yeah both Yura and his mum called him Tannie alot, but hearing it from her
lips made it feel like his sister was actually calling him.

"It's going to be fine".

She hugged him tighter.

He slowly loosened her grip on him and turned to face her... making her have a full view of his
red and teary face. It made her heart burn. It made her angry. Her Tan... her Tan is hurt.

"Is your mum alive?" She asked and he nodded.

" Sharma was actually foolish. I hid my mum immediately after joining them in an underground
house. She'll on her way here though so don't be surprised to see your mother-in-law a few
hours from now".

It made Aahna smile. Happy he still had someone he loved so much.

" But why does Sharma want to hurt me?" She asked.

"I don't know Aahna, but I know that he'll never hurt you... I promise".

Aahna wrapped her arms round his taut body again, feeling his warmth.

" Tan, take care of yourself". She bid him farewell.

" I will. Tell Jo-Ann, that daddy loves her... And he'll be back... to get her and you too safe. I love
you Aahna".

" I love you too Tan"

He captured her lips in his.

"Tell me". Sharma grunted at one of his right hand men.

"I was able to get through the CCTV footage of Tan,Aahna and the little girl who I found out is
his daughter".

Sharma's ears pecked up in curiousity.

" Tan actually said his taking them somewhere safe and also using the City's highway CCTV,I
know their location and tracked it through GPS. It's a 4 hours drive away from here as it is in the
outskirts of the city."

" That's good news. I think we need to pay the motherfucker a visit. Take some men with you,as
much as you need and kidnap those two with him. Even if he hides,those two will bring him out
from his hiding spot." He smirked.

" Yes boss".

"Sir,they are planning to kill him now".

" Let's go then. I won't let that bastard ruin my life". The unknown said.

The next morning after Sarga landed in Seoul,he decided to take a walk around. Hands in his
pants pocket,he strolled around the busy streets.

His thoughts were elsewhere. He couldn't believe his Aahna died here in this city. He couldn't
believe he sent her away to her immediate death. Of only he knew…

He swayed slightly as he walked due to his drifting thoughts. And then,he heard a screech and
noticed he almost got run down by a car.

"Hey,are you ok? Why are just standing in the middle of the road?" He gulped as he stared at
the girl who just stepped down from her car. She looked so pretty,like his Aahna.

"You won't understand miss. Cos you may never know how much it hurts to lose someone you

For a minute,her eyes softened on hearing that. She recalled how she just lost someone she
loves to that bitch.
"Are you ok miss?" He asked on seeing her foul mood.

"Yeah. Just recalled some stuffs."

She sniffed and walked to the nearest pedestal bench. She sat trying to still think on how to
carry out her revenge.

"I'm sorry miss. By the way,am Sarga."

He said sitting beside her.

" Yura"

" Yura,you look pretty. The girl I also loved was very pretty too,with a his of red hair streaks. She
was a goddess,the goddess of Indian". He praised Aahna loudly and Yura's brows perked.

The only person she knows that fits in that description is that bitch..

"Would you mind telling me the pretty girl's name?"

"Aahna…Aahna Karna…may her pretty soul rest in peace".

Yura's jaw dropped.


😱Danger is coming⚠️
Who can guess who the unknown is? 🤔🤔
And who pities Tan 😥😥
Brought To You By Rejoice Aries ✍️

👅Addicted To An Indian Girl👅
💋Episode 20💋
Sharma was very furious as he stared at the motherf*cker.

But Kim, Tan's father barely smiled as he stared. He just had a smirk playing at the corner of his

"What the hell are you doing here you dickhead?" Hana cursed at the intruder whose face
softened at her but he didn't lose his concentration.

"I want to do this for my family. I want to set straight my path".

" Go to hell you devil. We don't need you, get out motherf*cker". Hana cursed as tears spilled
down her cheeks.

"I'm sorry Hana. But I can't leave you like this, not again".

Both Tan and Hana looked pissed off by his presence.

And Aahna understood why. The man dumped them, I mean who does that to his own family?

Jo-Ann had turned and was just staring at everyone, looking confused while Tan was staring.

"Ok... Ok... Enough of the awful reunion". Sharma taunted.

"Well Sharma, I hope you get out of here alive. Cos I don't see that happening". Kim replied him
folding his hands behind his back and snapping his fingers.

A troop of hefty looking men came in. Sharma's jaw dropped. How did the dick infiltrate all the

"I must say, all your men are weak. It wasn't hard fighting them off my way. What can I say, my
son is the only capable man here?"

" I'm not your f*cking son". Tan roared at his father making Aahna flinch. He looks so...mad!

Kim ignored. He knew it will take a long while for Tan to get over everything. He was the worse
father on Earth. Which father tarnished his son's dreams. But then, Tan was really smart. He

"You and your nitwit son are betrayers."

Tan twitched his lips at that.

"You don't expect someone to be your toy forever". He blasted.

"No time for too much talks Sharma. You hurt me, made me leave my family and yet, you still
killed my daughter. Hmmmph, I'm not letting you off the hook. Say your last prayers".

" Let's see who say the last prayers."

" Freeze!!!!"

They heard a booming voice and all looked up, very shocked. The police!

How the hell did they find them? Even Kim was slightly surprised.

Tan let out a phew.

Aahna stared at Tan with mixed feelings. Tan is also a criminal. The police might arrest him. She
shuddered at her thought.

Who the hell tipped the police?

"Your hands on the air and your weapons down". The police growled.

Slowly,both Kim and Sharma and the men brought out their weapons and acted like they wanted
to drop it but Sharma quickly turned and aimed at Jo who was right in front of Tan.

"Move out Jo". Tan screamed seeing the quick move and Jo crouched immediately and the
bullet went straight to Tan's arm.

He growled softly.

The police also shot Sharma's leg.

And Kim,who's teeth clenched at the thought that Sharma almost killed his son made a move
and shot Sharma straight on his chest. Right into his heart and the police hit his head with the
butt of their gun.

Sharma coughed…blood in large sputum and grinned showing his red teeth and making him
look scary.

"See you in hell,bastard". He grunted and dropped. Still breathing slowly even though the bullet
went through his heart.

Kim spat at his face even though he was already handcuffed and the police pulled him roughly.
Some went over the hostages and untied them. Aahna rushed over to Tan immediately and
uncuffed him from the electric chair and both she and Jo hugged him tightly, crying and soaking
themselves in his bleeding arm.

But Hana,she walked straight to her cuffed husband and gave him a dirty slap making the police
hold her back.

"You bastard. Die in jail. Enjoy your death while you rot…" she cussed struggling with the
police's hold on her.

" Let her,I'll love her to pass on her anger to me by hitting me however she wants."

And once the police left her,she made good use the opportunity.

She slapped,punched and kicked him until he bled through his lips and face. She kept hitting
him, crying and wanting to hurt him in every possible way. He caused everything. He caused it.

He made her lose her daughter. All cos of him!

"You dog". She cried bitterly and walked out of him, going to hold her son.

Tan peered at his father cuffed.

He scoffed within him. The nitwit!

"Ok, Mr Kim Tan,it's time for us to move."

"Great. C'mon Tan,let's go,you have to get treated". Aahna said with a worried look.

Tan stopped her from pulling him out.

"I'm not going to the hospital Aahna. I'm going to…jail. It's time to pay for all my crimes."

Tan said sullenly making Aahna and both his mum stare at him with gaped mouth.

Even Kim shot them a stare.

"Are you going to jail dad?" Jo asked her dad unbelievably.

" Yes honey. Daddy's going to jail for a tweeny while. I tipped the police to catch us while I get
information from Sharma. And I want to clean my records. Stay safe and I'm coming back for
you,your mummy and my own mum". He smiled at her.

Tears rolled down her cheeks.

" I don't want you to go daddy. I want you to stay with me. Please daddy". She cried.

" It's ok sweetheart, you'll get over this".

He pecked her forehead,his lips lingering on her head for a while before he got up.

He moved to his mum and hugged her slightly before moving over to Aahna who still looked
thunderstruck on hearing that her Tan was going to jail.

He pulled her numb body to his self and captured her lips in a short kiss.

"I love you". He mouthed at her.

And like that,he smiled at them and walked out, after the police cuffed him too.

Aahna's tears slowly began to drop as she watched Tan walk away,behind Kim and other men
who led the way.

And just like that,she fainted.

"Mummy, mummy". Jo screamed.


Hana and Jo rushed to revive Aahna and a police assisted her and they rushed her out.

Tan stared at them rushing Aahna away, a tight smile on his face.


Who else felt like crying during this episode? 😥😥

Brought To You By Rejoice Aries ✍️

👅Addicted To An Indian Girl👅
💋Episode 21💋
Yura paced to and fro in her wide sitting room.

"Think, think, Yura". She muttered to herself.

She felt so stupid. She can't let Tan go. Never! Not after killing her father for him! And not while
her daughter is with him.

She had to make him lose interest in that stupid Indian girl, somehow, someway.

Then suddenly, an idea clicked in her mind. She'll frame the bitch with Sarga in a way that she'd
never be able to earn his forgiveness.

Tan will hate her so much after this. He'll be so disgusted in her.

She got up, picked up her car keys and walked out. She got in her car and zoomed off.

Time for revenge!

She'd never sit and watch Tan with another girl, it's either he remains single for life or he comes
back to her sure waiting arms.

She smirked.

In the police station,Kim was causing a ruckus.

Using his connections which Tan never believed his father had,he was let out of prison while he
will serve his own son's jail term.

"I need to fix my mistakes. Stay safe,son with your new family".

Tan didn't reply his father. He just walked out of the Station,got an Uber to take him home.

Tan rubbed his head tired as his ride took him home. His head was aching badly and his arms
still hurt like hell. Somehow,the bullet was far more painful than any other bullet he had

However,he trusted he had the best treatments he needed at home.

He knew Aahna fainted out of shock and he hoped she'd be fine before he gets home. It's night
Finally,Tan walked into the compound,his hands in his pants pocket and his hair looking so
ruffled and unkempt.

Within him actually,he contemplated if he could really stay in jail for two days. Will he survive?

He chuckled within him,the old man was finally suffering from what he caused. That's a fine way
of getting self repercussion.

Tan opened the door wide and got in to see his mum cuddling Jo who was asleep.

"Omma". He called softly and his mum turned, looking very shocked.

"Tannie". He rushed to her and hugged her together with his daughter.

"How come? How did you ge..."

"Your husband took everything upon his head by pressing some buttons. Well I don't care, I just
hope he should rot in jail". Tan scoffed.

And for a second, he noticed the slight contour on her face. Damnit, this woman should better
not go for that motherfucker again if he finds his ass outta jail.

He petted Jo's face feeling happy too cos he knew she would be so happy to see him in the

"Where's Aahna?" He asked calmly and looked at his mom's facial expressions.

"Well, she's still unconscious. I got the doctor come look at her at home and he said she might
slip into coma cos the shock damaged her brain cells. It's that bad".

He heaved.

"Tuck Jo in bed mum, so you can get some sleep".

He climbed hastily,very anxious. Please be fine Aahna.

He rushed to her room and dashed in. And there she was, laying on the bed,her skin looking so

"Aahna". His lips shook as he took her cold hand into his.

"Please Aahna,don't leave me, don't try it cos if you do,I'm gonna die. I can't leave without you
Aahna, please".
He sniffed solemnly, pressing her cold hands on his. Her chapped lips,she looked…pale, like
she was…losing life.

Gawd he should have known it,that her body system is so fragile.

How was she gonna survive if he stayed longer?

Silly girl, he ruffled her hair. Then pecked her forehead,and that was when he noticed the
teardrop on her forehead,which of cos was his.

"Oh Aahna, please don't leave me".

And he let it out,he let the silent tears flow than his cheek. When last did he cry,the day his sister

died,it was.

Aahna tiptoed towards his back to catch him by surprise. A wide smile on her face.

She couldn't believe it. Her Tan was back from jail,but why didn't he come home,to meet
her,where she has been waiting for him since that day.

And just as she was about to back hug him,he turned swiftly and grabbed her arm,a hard frown
on his face.

"Tan". She said with an innocent smile. She was so excited…so…so…excited.

"I don't ever want to see you beside me". He answered her gruffly making her brows crease.

" Tan,are you ok? It's me,Aahna".

"Of cos I know. You're the goddamned forsaken sl*t that just confused me into liking a fake
innocent hoe like you".

Aahna looked flustered.

" Tan…"

" Just get out. Allow me to live my life". He interrupted her.

Suddenly Aahna heard a voice which made her jaw drop.

"Tannie,who is that?"


What the!

Holy Lord!

"Oh, it's the little bitch. C'mon honey let's go". She linked her hand in Tan's,gave him a
kiss,smirked at her and walked away.

Aahna stood rooted on the ground,no,this can't be true.

"Tan…Tan….Tan" She kept muttering as tears rolled down her cheeks.

"Nooooooooooooo". She screamed with tears. No…

Tan stared at Aahna as she shuddered on the bed muttering his name and tears running down
his cheeks.

"Tan". She muttered…

And her eyes snapped open.

Her lips were shaking and she slowly glanced at her hand which someone was holding.

And surprisingly,the hands were…


Her head snapped to the side and there he was, staring at her with tears stained cheeks.

It's really him.

"Tan". She cried and embraced him tightly.

She sobbed in his arms as he patted her back.

"It's all a dream". She muttered.

Then unlocked slowly.

He stared at her eyes. And she did too.

" I love you Tan". She cried and as he parted his lips to say his,she claimed his lips like a hungry

She kissed him.


Aahna kissed Tan 😍😍

I somehow feel that dream will come through 😉😉
And please guys,I'm extremely sorry for posting late 😐😐
But then,my birthday is coming up 💃💃💃
It's on the 25th of March,yep,on Thursday 😘😘

And am gonna show my main account so you can always wish me happy birthday there 😉😉
Love you all💋💋
Brought To You By Rejoice Aries ✍️

👅Addicted To An Indian Girl👅
💋Episode 22💋
Aahna moved her lips synically on his like she was so hungry... So hungry for his delicious lips.

Tan held her waist and adjusted her in the kiss, fought over the dominance and her mouth was
getting ravished by his lips.

Aahna held him tight not wanting to ever let him go. Not wanting to be ever far away from him.

Slowly,they unlocked from the kiss and Tan smiled.

"Seems my baby girl is getting spoilt now,hmm,I love that". He licked his lips softly.

But he noticed Aahna's face is still deadpanned.

"Aahna,what is the problem?" He asked.

"How did you get out of prison?" She asked him.

" Well,the old man did it. Not to worry baby,I'm be here for you to kiss anytime and any day."

Suddenly,she frowned and held his ears before twisting it hard.

"Aaah,it hurts,…Aahna…my love…." He pretended it hurt him…but it did…a little….

"Don't dare leave me for Yura". She warned him twisting his ears harder and looking like a
jealous lover which in fact she is.

"Aaah,I won't try that baby…just let go…Aahhh,…I'm gonna cry now" He pouted like a baby
making Aahna grin and leave his ears.

He rubbed his ears softly with the unleaving pout on his face which Aahna found to be actually

"Gosh,do you want to cut off my ears? Aaah,I don't believe my love will want to use my wars to
prepare soup."

" Trust me,I sure will if you ever think of going to Yura".

" Ok now,why is everything about Yura?" He asked with an eye roll.

"Because I had a dream…and you went back to her…you even kissed her…ahhh…I'm going
crazy….I'm acting jealous". She muttered the last part to herself,face palming herself.

" It's ok Aahna,I will never leave you,ok?".

He pulled her to a hug.

"Aahhh…"He moaned softly making Aahna's eye's crease up.

" Are you ok?"

"Gosh…the feeling is so undescribable….hmmmm"

Aahna pulled away to look at his heavenly face.

She raised up her eye brows seeing the dreamy relishing look on his face.

"Gosh…the feeling…it's so superb…on my chest…the feeling of your boobs and nipples…."

And that got Aahna turning red….

" You're crazy?".

She wanted to pull farther away from him but he pinned her beneath him.

"Hmm,I see…where you expecting me to come…is that why you wore such exposing night

He taunted her making her smile.

" Maybe…I wanted you to do what you did to me on that night".

"Awwwwwnn,she's getting naughty"..

" You made me like this". She replied with an eye roll.

"I never knew Indian girls will be so sweet. Ok,I want you to be on top this time, my hand still

Her eyes widened.

" Tan…."

" Infact,let's go to bed…"

"C'mon baby…I'm hungry for you…you got me in the mood…"

" Sort your self out". She pulled the bedsheet over her body.

"Fine! But tommorow,you're gonna do everything I say".

" Sure. Have you forgotten you said I'm yours."

Tan smiled as his lids got heavy.

Gosh,he's really feeling sleepy.

Aahna waited and waited,she wanted Tan to take her…she wanted him to be in charge...na,she
can't…be on top…it won't work.

But she actually felt disappointed on seeing Tan sleeping…like a baby. He's so cute.

"Goodnight love". She pecked his forehead, and also went to bed.

The next morning,the family was having their breakfast.

Jo was very excited...very very excited to see her dad back.

She was singing the la-la-la-la song as she spread the ham on her bread before eating.

Tan smiled and glanced at the time, wondering why Aahna was not down from bed by now.

He had actually planned something naughty for her at the breakfast table and was picking on
his meal.

"Good morning everybody". Aahna greeted with a smile as she walked over to Tan's mum,gave
her a peck on her cheeks,also gave Jo the same and moved to sit beside Tan.

She smiled at him before pecking his lips which made him smile sheepishly.

"How was your night?" Hana asked her.

"It was good mum".

"Omma,you look so happy this morning. Is it because daddy is back,so you can do many more
bedroom stuffs and give me a baby sister very soon". Jo said innocently.

Hmm,make a baby,it made Tan's rod twitch inside his pants.

"Of course baby".

Aahna smiled at her and proceeded to eat.

"Tan,why are you eating so slow?" She asked him.

"I was waiting for you to come and feed me".

"No problem". She replied hastily.

She had always imagined how it will feel to tell tan to open his mouth while she feeds him.

She smiled and started feeding him.

Jo smiled at the two happy couple.

"Ahh". Aahna motioned him to open his mouth and he did.

"I want you to feed me too mummy". Jo said with a pout.

" Of cos,come sit beside me…"

"Uh-uh". Tan stopped her. "Your mummy and I made a deal and I want her to feed only me."

" That's unfair daddy".

" Sorry baby"

Aahna continued feeding him while Hana fed Jo to stop the fight.

Tan smirked and started rubbing Aahna's bare laps.

The girl was still wearing last night's dress. She really wants to seduce him.

Aahna sighed feeling what he was doing to her in the pit of her stomach.

"Is that making you feel better?" She whispered to him in a hushed tone.

" Of cos…what do you expect?"

And torturously slowly,his hands moved to her tiny thong and caressed her v from the surface.

It got Aahna biting her lips to suppress the moan trying to spill out of her lips.

"What are you doing?" She whispered furiously.

" What? You're feeding me,I'm feeling ok".

He said loudly making both Jo and Hana glance at the couple.

One look at Aahna's red face and Tan's hands underneath the table and she knew Tan was
performing his ministrations on the girl.
Tan caressed that area until it got freaking wet. Seems the baby girl gets easily aroused,good
for him.

He thought and inserted a finger which got her releasing the moan. He pinched her clit which
made her moan even louder.

"C'mon Tan, you guys should get a room". Hana said naughtily.

"Aahna said she loves it on the dinning table". Tan answered innocently.

And that had Aahna gasp.

" Tan…" she shrieked at him which instead turned to a wild moan and she pread her legs wider.
Damnit! His finger hit her g-spot.

"Jo, c'mon, granny wants to show you something".

Hana carried the amused Jo away from the naughty two.

Tan picked her up and went to the kitchen and bent her over the kitchen island.

"What are you doing Tan?" She asked with a glint in her eyes.

" I always dreamed of f*cking you over the kitchen counter".

He said huskily in her ears.


Someone should tell these two to get a room 🙄🙄

Brought To You By Rejoice Aries ✍️

👅Addicted To An Indian Girl👅
💋Episode 23💋‘’
Yura rang the doorbell and a cute looking guy stepped out to answer.

"Hey". He ran his eyes over her hot body.

"Wow". He drooled... "How may I help you please?"

"I think one Mr Sarga lives here. I'm here to see him". She said with a charming smile.

" Oh my my... Sarga really has a good taste. Come in".

And soon, Sarge was coming down the stairs.

"Hey, miss Yura. What a pleasant surprise". And he did look surprised.

" Yeah, I know. I was passing down the street and I saw you entering this house. I thought it was
yours and decided to pay you a visit".

" Oh really, that's very sweet of you. How are you doing? Oh, pardon my manners, what would
you like to have?"

" I'm really ok Mr Sarga. But I think I will make a coffee. I love good coffee".

"Alright, I'll get it for you".

" Uh-uh, I only drink coffee made by me. I would do it in your kitchen ok". She gave him her
smile which surely does wonders in hypnotizing anyone once she has a request.

But the crazy thing was that, I had worked on Tan before, but now, it's a waste of time.

Sarga nodded.

She replaced the coffee with a new pack which contained exactly what she needed for her plan.

She gave a devilish grin and sipped the normal coffee before returning to Sarga.

"I actually know someone by the name Aahna here in Korea. She loves coffee a lot and even
owned a coffee shop."

Sarga's eyes glinted. His Aahna also loves coffee.

"Really, do you have a picture?"

"Oh yeah. Side glance".

She showed him picture of Aahna and watched the happy reaction and beaming smile on his

"Oh my,it's really her. It's my Aahna."

"I even know where she might be right now."

" Oh really,let's go then…"

" Nope. Actually the place is heavily secured and only I have the permission to see her. You
don't have to worry about how to get her here. It'll be very easy. And oh, don't forget to give her
coffee first,she really loves it."

" Of cos. Thank you so much Yura,I really bless the God's of pushing me to you that night".

" It's ok. You don't have to say more. But I think you but should be alone while talking cos…your
really need privacy to make up for the lost time".

" Anything you say Yura. I just want to see. Oh my God... You don't know how much I've missed
her. I mean, I thought she was dead."

He giggled happily.

" Ok, let me get her for you".

"I need peanuts butter". Jo was demanding.

Tan had left to sort out some stuffs.

Hana wasn't entirely in a good mood.

And Jo crying for peanuts butter.

"Ok,ok,fine. I'll get it. Even when Tan warned nobody should go out". She muttered the last part.

" Then get it now".


Aahna scoffed and walked out of the house.

Jeez,Jo is so unbelievably. Just pop up in the morning and demand for peanuts butter.

"Just made everything simpler". Yura smirked and gave the girl a signal.

"Hey,miss,you look like someone I recognize". A girl close to her at the shop muttered and
Aahna raised her brows. She pursed her lips and didn't reply.

"Wait,yes. You're the girl that a prize was put on by Mr Sarga". She squealed and that got
Aahna's full attention.

" Sarga,is looking for me?" There was a glint in her eyes and she beamed.

" Are you serious? Is he in Korea?"

"Of cos. He's been looking for you for a while."

" Oh my God!" Aahna looked so excited.

"Do you know where I can see him? Are you sure it's my own Sarga. In fact,can you take me to

Aahna was very happy.

" Of cos. He does stay around here. C'mon,I'll drive you there".

"Of course."

Aahna was so anxious as she waited for the car to drop at Sarga's house.

Finally,the lady pulled over at a cute looking house.

"Hey,that's him."

Aahna beamed. From the transparent gate,she could see him,her best friend pacing to and fro
like he was expecting someone.

"Thank you so much".

She ran down quickly.

"Sarga". She screamed loudly, enough to get his attention.

" Aahna." He called back,his lips broke into a wide smile.

"Oh my…"

They embraced tightly.

"Ahh,I'm so happy to see you again Aahna. I thought you were dead. I'm sorry for sending you
here to put you I'm danger".

" C'mon Sarga. It's ok huh. I can never be mad at you."

They hugged again tightly.

" C'mon,who's up for some coffee time?" He squeaked and Aahna giggled.

"You haven't forgotten me a bit".

They held hands and got into the house.

" How have you been coping, cutie?"

"There's a lot of things to talk about Sarga. We'll have to sit first."

" Great. I'd love to hear everything. But first, let's grab the coffee."

Both of them made coffee and sipped it while sitting on the couch.

"…I felt I was dead already Sarga. After the accident,I never knew I'd be alive again. But he
saved me."

She smiled.

" Uh-huh,go on. Please don't keep me waiting. I want to know everything".

" Of cos,of cos, don't rush me Sarga. Else I won't tell you anything".

They both laughed.

It was so exciting to see each other after a long time.

"Wait,let me increase the AC,it's suddenly hot in here."

" Yeah,I don't know why,I'm feeling hot". Aahna muttered, rubbing her skin slightly.

Sarga returned to sit beside her and smiled.

"Now continue. Tell me".

"Well the guy helped me to the hospital and I became ok. He didn't take me in…"

" Better".

Sarga muttered at that.

Aahna chuckled. Her mouth itching to tell him about her and Tan. But she had to take it slowly if
he's gonna understand the story.

"Why am I feeling hotter?"

Aahna muttered touching her skin which had become more sensitive and even in between her

It was as if Tan was doing what he does to her when in fact he isn't doing it but yet,it felt hot
down there.

"Uhm,i wonder if the AC is faulty. I'm also feeling hot. I'm coming Aahna,I should take a shower".

" Why? Why do you need a shower?"

Aahna asked innocently, flicking her lashes which got Sarga dumbstruck. Aahna was drawing
him to her. She's tempting him. Her face,all red and inviting.

Even the erotic smell,she was even rubbing her thighs against each other.

Sarga wanted to relieve himself in the bathroom Wondering what was also wrong with him. He's
never lost control before.

But he wished Aahna never stopped him.

"Oh maybe…she wants to show she really likes me". He thought.

"You really missed me a lot Aahna". He rubbed her Cheeks gently and Aahna didn't believe a
moan slipped out of her mouth.
It felt like,it was Tan touching her.

She wanted to stop this…she doesn't want this... even though her body wants this.

And as for Sarga,that soft moan was a huge turn on for him.

And he lost it.

"Oh Aahna,you don't know what you do to me"

What the hell is going on? Aahna wanted to yell but found herself moaning again,as Sarga
touched her thighs.

Both if them didn't understand themselves.


What's going on 😱😱
Tan will be very angry if he finds out 😐😐
Yura, why? 😭😭
Brought To You By Rejoice Aries ✍️

👅Addicted To An Indian Girl👅
💋Episode 24💋
Tan looked so mad as he drove fiercely, watching a video with one hand and driving with the

It was the ongoing video of Aahna making out with Sarga. And she was clearly enjoying it.

The b*tch was moaning.

He growled angrily as Sarga hand went to her clothes to take it off.

He had gotten home not to see Aahna and his mum told him she went to buy peanuts butter for

She could have just ordered it but no, she went out despite all his warning to see the fool.

He knew he was very possessive. He knew he was jealous. He knew he was filled with rage but
he didn't care.

He wanted to deal with the nitwit touching what is his.

He drove madly into his compound and flew into the house.

Entering, he met them in the very incriminating position.

On the couch. Was Aahna so impatient that she couldn't get a room?

A vein popped in his face as he growled loudly stopping Sarga whose tip was about to get into
Aahna's hole. They were both stark naked.

Startled, they turned to love at the interruption and it was like Aahna's eyes opened.

Realization dawned on her. It wasn't Tan touching her since.

It was... Sarga.

She gasped loudly and pushed the naked Sarga off him. But, she was still feeling so horny. Her
face and neck was very red and her private part was glistening in need.

She picked up her cloth and covered herself with it, feeling a lot of guilt.

What the hell happened to her?

Sarga just stared at the guy who just came in. How dare him barge into the house. He picked up
his shorts to cover himself up first when he felt a rough grip on his neck.

"What the... Let go". He coughed loudly as he tried to speak. His breathing became hallow.
Damnit! Why is his grip so strong?

"Tannie". Aahna called in a frightened voice. No matter what just happened,he shouldn't kill her
beat friend.

"Tannie". She called again and he tightened his grip round his neck, choking him badly.

He glared at her contemptuously making her swallow. She rushed to him and back hugged him.
"I can explain Tan. Please, just let him go". Her voice cracked. Tan muttered under his breath
and threw Sarga away.

He landed on the glass table which shattered.

He then turned to face Aahna, fury filled in his eyes.

Suddenly, he gripped Aahna's neck roughly making her gasp at the sudden cut of air.

"How could you do this Aahna?"

"Tan..." She gasped, choking and coughing.

"Tan". Her lids fluttered.

"I could just kill you now. I told you you're mine now. Why did you let a guy see and touch you".
He growled and Aahna shuddered. But the crazy thing was that she still felt hot... Crazily hot...

He left her neck expecting an apology but the next thing she said shocked him.

"Tan... I'm horny"...

His brows creased as realization hit him.

Aahna... she was drugged... She's under the influence of a drug... That's why she's so horny
and all red... That's why she didn't realize what she was doing... It was an aphrodisiac drug.

Who the hell gave it to her?

He gave the unconscious dog a murderous look before carrying Aahna swiftly, covering her

He walked out with Aahna who instead of looking hurt looked so seducing and hot...

Tan filled her desire in the car before she ran out of control. She fell asleep after orgasm.

Tan gulped feeling so guilty. He felt so stupid. He gripped Yura's neck tightly.
"You really have guts. Planned a false s*x video for Aahna. You wanted it to look like she really
wanted it. You thought you could fool me, huh, you bitch?" Tan rasped, throwing her on the floor.

Yura looked at him angrily.

"You are blindly in love with that shit. That guy you are seeing there was her lover. She did it on
her own will. I never gave her an aphrodisiac drug. That guy gave it to her. I sent you the video
to show how much of a bitch she is".

Yura screamed at him making him scoff.

" I can't believe your lies Yura. You're lucky he didn't f*ck her else. I'd have given you to the dogs
to f*ck. Bitch!"

Aahna woke up very tired. She dragged her feet down and tears strolled down her cheeks as
she recalled everything.

Sarga touched her. She felt filthy. She felt worthless.

Staring at her reflection in the mirror, she gritted her teeth in anger seeing Tan's fingerprints on
her neck.

How dare him?

How dare him hurt her when she didn't do it clearly? She was drugged for f*ck's sake.

The door opened and she turned to see him coming in with a remorseful look.

"Aahna I'm..."


A loud slap arrested the rest of his statement as Aahna glared at him.

With rage, she sauntered to the restroom and locked her self in.

Tan looked dumbstruck.

Did Aahna just slap him?

Who else loves what Aahna did to Tan? 😉😉😉
Brought To You By Rejoice Aries ✍️

👅Addicted To An Indian Girl👅
💋Episode 25💋
Aahna sniffed, wiping her eyes.

Tan didn't trust her! He almost killed her all cos he thought she was clearly cheating on him.

How could he even think that?

Why couldn't that savage brain tell him something was wrong somewhere?

She stared at her reflection again in the bathroom mirror.

The red fingerprints was there.

It hurts!

The same person who doesn't want any dick to hurt her gave her this scar.

Tan huffed as he went to the dinning to get dinner.

He was kinda mad at Aahna.

No one has ever slapped him.

And it hurt that a girl slapped him. His girlfriend!

Just why is she so proud?

She left the house despite his warning,number one offence.

She went to meet the guy, number two offence.

If she hadn't done that, all these wouldn't have happened.

Does she know how hard it is to trust someone again in his life?

He trusted his f*cking dad which led him to living this savage life. He trusted Yura and this is
what he got.

And her, he was slowly building trust for her when he received that video from the kitty. And
seeing that video sent the trust you the wall.

She looked desirous, happy as she was busy making out with the motherf*cker.

Even if it was a drug, does she know how jealous he is knowing a guy has seen her nakedness,
her most private part and even touched it with his filthy rod.

His eyes was filled with rage which his mother clearly saw.

"Daddy, why do you look angry?"

"Nothing! I just... Never mind". He heaved.

" Don't let in anger just now Tan. Go back to her and apologise"...

" Seriously mum, she slapped me". He gritted his teeth.

" And so, you hurt her neck".

"Who slapped you dad?" Jo asked inquisitively.

Did her mum slap dad? Is that why she wasn't at the table?

Wow! She really was bold.

"You don't have to worry about it Jo". He replied her with a forced smile.

Few minutes later,Aahna stepped down wearing a PJ.

She sat down,sparing Tan a glance.

"Hey mum,hey Jo". She ruffled Jo's hair.

"Mum,did you slap Dad?". Jo asked with a pout.

" Yes. He deserves a punch too". Aahna glared at him and Tan huffed.

Aahna scoffed at him too.

"You deserve a f*ck". Tan muttered to only her hearing and she gasped.

He stood and left the table with a smirk.

Aahna frowned. She'd make him apologise. He'd want to get her. She knew he is addicted to
her and she'd use that against him.

She also left her half eaten food with a loud huff and walked away too.

"What's up with them grandma?" Jo asked.

"Couple fight." Hana chuckled.

"C'mon,eat up. I have a tweeny surprise for you".

Jo smiled and hastened up her eating.

Aahna huffed when Tan stepped into the room. She was applying lotion over her body.

Tan stared at her glistening skin. She just took a bath and was looking very sexy.

Tan couldn't stop the drool. She's so cute.

"Hey,snap out of it."


"Go bath. You stink. Eww". She teased him and he flared.

"Oh yeah, I bet you're seducing the stinking man".

" Whatever!" She slowly slide the towel down her chest,taking a lot of courage within her.

Gawd,who knew seducing her own boyfriend…fiance…will be so hard?

She slowly applied the lotion on her chest and her breasts, fondling it softly and Tan felt himself
getting huge.
Damn,he never expected Indian girls to be so sexy.

"I can help you…please". He couldn't keep it in again and Aahna smirked,tying back her towel.

"I don't need your help…please".

"Oh c'mon Aahna…please…ok….am sorry…I'm sorry for not trusting you…I'm sorry for letting
jealousy take over me…I'm sorry for hurting you…"

Aahna twitched her lips at his solemn face.

" I'm also sorry Tan…but…it's not my fault too…it was a drug and yet you…you hurt me…do you
know how hard the grip was…I felt like I was dying…I almost died in your own hands Tan"

" I'm sorry Aahna…I'm really sorry". He hugged her as she sniffled.

" I guess am too over possessive and not trustful for you. I should have believed you're really

" But…"Aahna drawled with a smirk and pulled away from Tan's body.

" I'll forgive you on only one condition". She twirled and Tan was lost looking at her.

Gawd,this girl is really hot. Those Sari hid her curvy body…no wonder her boss wanted
her…and those street fools too…

"Back to earth Tan". She said with an eye roll.

"Oh…ok. What condition?"

"We'll go to India. I want to go on a vacation there. I feel like dancing." She twirled looking so

Tan's brow creased.


"Yeah". She smiled like a kid.

"Wow! I wasn't expecting that request but..it's fine. You can go on your vacation to India". He
" Me…what do you mean me? I want both of us to go…like on a couple vacation…rather family

" What…but am busy".

" Are you tryna say you're busy not to have time with me?"

" Alright fine. We'll go with you. Do you forgive me now?"

" Not that easy guy…woooh".

Tan swept her from the ground.

" I'm sorry Aahna. Am really really sorry. And I love you…very much".

" I can't stay mad at you Tan. Thanks for saving me. I'm still wondering why Sarga did that? Why
was he so desperate?"

" He didn't do it Aahna,Yura did".

" Yura!"

" Don't worry,I got it all under control. For now,I missed you badly".

He captured her lips hungrily.

" I didn't expect you to visit me Hana". Kim said with a small smile. Heavens knows how much
he missed her...he missed her badly..

"Why did you do it Kim? Why did you come back for us?" She asked suspiciously.

" Because they are going to kill him. They killed my daughter…but I'm never gonna let them get
Tan…I'll save you all. With what I have."

" What do you mean them?" Hana asked with a frown. Oh Lord,let it not be another problem.

"I became an Assassin through a bad influence. We were three. We were always there for each
other. We were gay…and I met you and I...just fell for you. We had an oath never to meet any
lady…never to be intimate with a lady. And when we got into trouble…I turned them in…I put us
in danger and acted like a good guy. They got jailed…but swore they'd get back to me and
whatever girl that made me betray them. They promised to get back at my generation. I know
they'd come after Tan. They have finished serving their jail terms and they gonna be out from jail
in two days from now. I have to make sure…they don't get to you and Tan…I don't want to see
you guys hurt…again…".

Hana stared at him with a frown.

" You did all this. Why didn't you tell me?"

"I thought you'd judge me by my past. J thought you'd hate me".

" I'll never hate you Kim".

" I love you Hana".

They kissed.


Aahna wants to go to India 🤔🤔

Brought To You By Rejoice Aries ✍️

👅Addicted To An Indian Girl👅
💋Episode 26💋
Yura looked mad with anger as she watched the video of Tan saving Aahna.

She didn't expect him to go there. She expected him to be mad at her and watch as another guy
f*cked her.

"Aaargh". She screamed angrily.

"I'd get you back. I'll definitely get you back."

" C'mon Tan hurry up, we're gonna be late for our flight". Aahna yelled at Tan who was packing

" Darn it stop yelling". He huffed.

Geez, he didn't like the idea of going to India but his mum wants him to go on a sort of couple
vacation. Only him and her.

Jo has to return to school else she'll miss her promotion exams and Hana was to look after her
while both were away.

"Tannie". She pouted.

"I'm fine stop yelling. I'll hurry up and go to your country... Hmph".

Aahna smiled and rolled their bags out.

" A little help here". She called over to him as she wanted to go down the stairs.

"Aahhh". Tan groaned tiredly.

"Daddy, take care of yourself and mummy. Love you both". Jo hugged them goodbye with a

"Bye Tan, bye Aahna". Hana also hugged them goodbye.

" We'll be good. Take care of Jo mum. Please".

" Be careful Jo and you too mum"

" Of course".

After they were airborne,Aahna swept her head around and gasped on seeing Sarga.

She immediately faced forward.

"Who's that?"

"Tan,it's Sarga".

And she noticed how his face contoured n anger.

" That bastard". He cursed.

Aahna stared at her fingers looking abashed.

"I don't want to see him too."

He chuckled at her cute behavior and kiss her smoochingly.

"It's fine cos am here with you".

She wrapped herself up in Tan's comfort arms.

After landing, Aahna still noticed Sarga glaring at them while Tan was just kissing her

Perhaps to make Sarga jealous. And to define his territory.

Aahna didn't believe Sarga loves her. She only sees him as her friend and nothing more.

"We'll be staying at the hotel and tommorow, we'll start our tour."

" No problem".

Tan had left three buttons of his chest open to reveal his masculine chest and Aahna observed
how girls we're drooling over him.

She got to his front with a pout and started buttoning up his chest.

"Aahna, what are you doing?" Tan asked with a smirk.

" Closing my property"

And she snarled at one of the girls that was still drooling over Tan.

Tan gulped slowly as his adam's apple bobbed up and down and Aahna stared at him.

Why is he so cute?

She didn't need to tiptoe because of her high heels to kiss Tan's face.

"You're really handsome, my boyfr...Uhm what are we... "She asked scratching her neck.
Swiftly, Tan went on one knee in the presence of everyone. This was not how he planned to
engage her... But since she was confused on what to call themselves, he was gonna engage
her right here in front of this drooling girls and also guys drooling at his property. And not to say
Sarga who was sure behind them, watching the whole drama.

Aahna's eyes widened on seeing Tan on his knee.

With a whisper:

"I'm not really romantic and all that Aahna but I know one thing for sure, my heart won't stop
beating for you. I'm addicted to you Aahna. You got a Savage to fall in love with you. I want to
be with you forever. I want to cherish you, I want to wake up beside you on the bed, with our
kids. I want to love you forever Aahna".

And with a loud voice, he finally asked the big question.

"Will you marry me?" Tears ran down her cheeks.

" Yes.. yes... Yes yes". She screamed happily as he slid a diamond ring... Pure diamond into her

They hugged for a short while before landing a kiss on their lips amidst the loud claps from the
people around them.

🗣️ Awwwwwnn, they're so cute.

🗣️I wish my husband engaged me this way, in the presence of everyone
🗣️ They are a perfect fit.
People kept talking and talking until the new couples disappeared into their car.

They both had a fulfilled smile on their face.

"I love you Tannie". She snuggled into his arms.

"I love you more Aahna". Tan replied.

"No,I love you morer". She insisted with a pout.

"And I love you morest"..Tan said with a chuckle.

" C'mon Tan,I love you morester".

They both burst into laughter, staring at each other's eyes. Then kissed again.

Sarga bit his lips angrily. Out of everyplace in the world,the dickhead decided to propose to her

in the airport, where he is watching them.

Jo prepared to attend a new school as her grandma tightened security around her. They knew
bad things were coming,but not just yet.

"Bye granny".

"Bye Jo. Be careful and be friendly too".

" Of course, granny,bye".

She hopped into the hallway, excited to be in a new school. It was very big than the one her
mum put her.

Wow! She gazed around until she bumped on someone and they both fell with a thud,her hair
splayed all over his face.

She slowly lifted her head up to see the person she bumped into and couldn't believe how red
her chubby cheeks went.

He's so cute..

The boy also smiled slightly on seeing the cute newbie in their middle School.

"Hey,nice meeting you but please,get off me. You weigh quite a pound".

She was embarrassed that a cute boy was calling her heavy.

She pouted as she stood still, folding her hands over her chest and huffing dramatically.

The boy stood up and faced her.

"Hey newbie,what's your name and,how old are you?"

"Jo-Ann,and am 5".

"Oh,am 7. And my name is Ro-bin. Nice meeting you".

" My pleasure".

" Sorry for bumping into you". He apologized which made Aahna smile.
" Ok."

" So,I'll walk you to your class. I'll come pick you up during lunch time to show you the cafeteria,
would you mind?"

" Of course no. I'd really love it."

" Cool then,let's go".


Jo is liking a cute boy oh… 💋💋

And Aahna is finally engaged to Tan 😍😍
Brought To You By Rejoice Aries ✍️

👅Addicted To An Indian Girl👅
💋Episode 27💋
Aahna dressed up really quick. She couldn't believe her luck. She arrived in India just in time for
the dancing and acrobatics festival.

Aahna was so excited. One thing she loved so much was dancing. She never missed any of the
festivals when she was in India and you can imagine her excitement on coming back to meet
the festive dance.

"Aahna,I didn't expect going to a festival to be part of our vacation". Tan said with a bored look.

" C'mon Tan, you're killing my spirit. Don't you want to watch me dance". She twirled in her
costume all decked up in anticipation.

"I want to watch you dance but not the full town to watch my property dance..."

" I really ended up with a jealous possessive man. But just know this Tan. I'm dancing for you
and you alone".
She pecked his lips and helped him up.

"Aahna am not sure this is a good idea. We still have enemies you know and…"

" Tannie." She pouted at him. " If anyone tries to attack me,I know my knight in shining armor
will surely rescue me".

She had a firm look on her face.

" Well what if I can't see the damsel in distress while she's dancing in the crowd."

" I know you'll never take your eyes off me. Haha, let's go".

" Aaargh". Tan groaned.

" Don't worry, you're gonna love it. And when we start choosing partners for the dance,make
sure you come out and dance with me huh?" She instructed him.

" Huh,but I thought you're the only one dancing. Aaargh!"

" What? Would you like another guy to dance with me huh?" She asked placing her hands on
her waist.

" But I can't dance". Tan whined but Aahna won't hear anything about that.

"If you refuse to dance with me,you won't touch me for two whole days."

" What? Do you want to kill me?" He asked with widened eyes. He couldn't imagine not being
intimate with his addiction for two days.

That's impossible.

"Hmph?". She had a stubborn look which told Tan she wasn't gonna back down.

"Ok fine!I'll dance even though I can't dance".

" Don't worry. I'll teach you. C'mon, let's go while it's still fun". She clapped happily.

Tan muttered under his breath and followed her.

"Hey". Jo was startled on seeing the same guy she bumped into in the morning.
"Oh,you frightened me. Hi" She waved.

"Sorry for the startle. So, you're up for lunch". He had his hands in his uniform shorts which
made him look cute.


He led her to the cafeteria.

"So,what school did you attend previously before you came here?"

" Peyton Middle School".

" That's a nice school. My cousins attends that school".

" Hmmhm". She affirmed.

" So why did you quit?"

" Well,my mum took me back to my dad and he wants me to attend another school and my
grandma found this for me".

" That's sweet. At least,I got to meet a really pretty girl".

Jo chuckled.

" So, any siblings?" He asked.

" Naaah,only child. But very soon,my dad promised me he's gonna get a kid sister for me by
doing bedroom stuffs more often with my new mum".

" What's bedroom stuffs?" Ro-bin asked with an eyeroll.

Jo only laughed.

" So here we are. Will you buy lunch or your parents packed up lunch for you?"

" Yeah,my grandma packed up lunch for me but still gave me some money to buy whatever
catches my fancy in school".

" Your grandma should be cool. Hey,mind having lunch at my home during weekend. My mum
loves hosting lunch or dinner for my friends".
" I'll ask my grandma".

" Ok".

They both started eating lunch after Ro-bin bought food for himself.

"Here is the description of the people. Dani and Hyung."

Kim swiped the phone on his hands showing the pictures of the two men.

" Tan and Aahna is in India and they might be safe there and still,I trust Tan to take care of her.
But Jo's life is in your hands Hana. I let my daughter die but I don't want to see my
granddaughter die. Please Jo,am still in jail but I'd send some of my trusted men to keep a safe
eye on you guys. But I want you to be extremely careful."

" I will be careful Kim".

He sighed and ruffled his hair. Damn the jail! Even if it was very lenient on him,he hated the
bondage with passion.

"When will you bring Jo to me. I want to see her."

"I'll bring her after school. Bye Kim".

" Bye Hana". He embraced her before she left.

Kim exhaled through his mouth and tapped the desk for his must trusted bodyguard to appear.

"Have you been successful with planting the chips?"

"Yas, we'll always be in track of their movement, especially the little girl".

"Great. Send me a message when something suspicious is ongoing. I want my granddaughter

to be safe".

" Yes Boss". He walked away.

Aahna was dancing with so much grace. She looked flawless as her body twisted to the sound
of music. She looked like the goddess of beauty as Tan's jaw dropped on seeing Aahna.
She's so beautiful. She's too pretty.

God! Why was a savage like him so lucky to meet this innocent little Indian goddess?

"She's so pretty isn't she?" He felt someone, precisely a lady sit beside him but he didn't even
spare her a glance.

"Any body with eyes know that". He answered sarcastically.

" Why don't you check out the dancing moves of others too? Your eyes has been on her ever

" I guess your eyes have been on me throughout and that's why you think I haven't seen others
dancing moves".

" I actu…"

" I came here to watch only her dance. I think her body is enough for me to take in".

The lady beside him huffed. How could he not just act like she was invincible beside him? Not
even a glance.

And he finally glanced at her which made her beam and bite her lower lips seductively.

"I think you should leave now,my wife wouldn't mind slapping you for sitting beside me. She's
very possessive".

Her face fell and just then,Aahna was staying right in front of them.

"Love,is it time for the couple dance?" Tan asked with a smile and Aahna huffed at his

" Of course. C'mon love". She pulled him away and sent the girl a glare.

"Why were talking with her?" Aahna rasped at him when they began to dance.

"She was jealous of your beautiful my sweet little flower. And I had to put her in her place. Now
let me concentrate on learning the dance. You want me to be perfect right?"

Aahna's lips pulled up in a smile.


😍Love is so sweet 😍
Who else thinks Tan savaged that girl real good 😉😉
Can't wait to see how our little Jo's love story will brew😊😊
Brought To You By Rejoice Aries Writes

Love you all 💓


👅Addicted To An Indian Girl👅
💋Episode 28💋
"Omma, when will grandpa get out of jail?"

"Very soon hon". Hana assured her and Jo twirled her hair ribbon in between her fingers.

"Why did grandpa leave you guys in the first place?" Jo asked curiously.

"Some sort of stuffs".

" But you forgive him now?"

" Of course Jo, I have to. I just... Can't stay mad at him".

" You know you're really good grandma. I always wished to have a great grandma. Rather than
my former grandpa that visits me once in a blue moon". She rolled her eyes. And Hana smiled
at her.

" Well all those are changed now honey. I, your mum and your dad will always be here for you

" Thank you gran-gran".

She embraced Hana for a while before they stepped into the cell.

"Jo". Kim called with a glint.

"Hey Grandpa". She called with an innocent smile and ran to him.

"My baby girl". He embraced her tightly and kissed her hair. Oh how he missed doing that to his
late cute daughter?

"Grandpa, when are you getting out of prison". Jo asked with a pout.

"Maybe, in a couple of months... "

" Then we'll all be together, like one happy family". Jo asked excitedly. She's always wished for

" Sure, I'd love to but... Tan never wants to see my face again". He said solemnly.

" Don't worry gran-gran,I'll tell my dad to allow you stay with us."

" You're lovely Jo-Ann".

" Daddy, mummy and grandma tells me that everyday and I love to hear it. Thanks Grandpa".

" And oh gran-gran,I got you some pickles hamburger, granny said it's your favorite".

" That's so sweet of you darling".

" Ok,open up your mouth grandpa,I'm gonna feed you….aahhh".

She motioned him to open his mouth making her grandparents smile. They were really excited

to have a granddaughter like her.

"Uhm grandma,I got a new friend in school today. He invited me to dinner in his house during
weekend. Can we go?" Jo asked with puppy eyes immediately they got on their way home.

" Really,and who is this new friend?" Grandma smiled.

"His name is Ro-bin. He's seven. Cute and…well he invited me over".

" Seriously. Aren't you too young to be attending dinners of your…friend's".

" It's not just me,it's both of us….pleeeaaassssseeee" She drawled.

" Ok fine". Grandma rolled her eyes.

"Yeess!" Jo exclaimed happily.

"I love you granny".

" Love you too baby girl".

" Mum said she and Jo are attending Jo's friend dinner party". Tan said with a chuckle taking a
mouthful of popcorn.

They were watching a movie which Aahna actually selected. A romance movie, Indian romance
which Tan felt it sucked but then…

Look what love made me do! Tan chuckled.

"Hmm,that's actually nice. They'd enjoy themselves".

"Seriously. Jo's too young to be attending dinner over a male friend's house".

" I'll actually blame you for that."

" What? Me?"Tan rolled his eyes.

" You made her curious on how to do bedroom stuffs with a boy".

"What,am not allowing my baby get close to any guy? In fact,I'm calling mum now,they ain't
going for any fucking Dinner". Tan huffed.

" Quit it Tan. Let them enjoy themselves. But Don't forget,you spoilt her Hun".

" Aaargh".

Aahna giggled, relaxing more on his laps. And they heard the doorbell to their penthouse ring.

"Who could possibly be visiting at this time of the evening?" Aahna asked.

" Dunno. But I gotta check. Probably hotel management".

"Duh, there's an intercom system".

Tan gently placed her head on the throw pillow and headed at the door picking up some few
defence weapons.
He checked the door transparent box and was surprised to see the girl of the dancing festival
day. What the hell is she doing in the penthouse of the hotel?

"What are you doing here? Are you stalking me and my love?"

"Nope. I actually saw you entering this penthouse and decided to spend the evening with you
guys since am quite lonely." She said with an innocent face.

" Lonely you say?" He huffed,then smirked in getting a nasty idea. " Come on in".

He was gonna show the bitch her place today.

" I'm so glad you made it Jo". Ro-bin had a huge smile on his face.

" Of course I promised you I'd come. This is my grandma,Hana".

" Good evening ma'am. You're welcome". He bowed at her.

"My mama isn't home. But my grandpa and nanny is home. My nanny actually prepared the
dinner and my grandpa is not that sort of a social person. Anyways,come in".

" Thank you my dear boy".

And they all made themselves comfortable, with the nanny. And truly,his grandpa didn't come

"Jo,if love to show you round my home. Will you like to sight-see?"

" Yes. Granny please".

" Of cos. Catch up and return very soon. We need to leave very soon."

"Ok grandma".

" Those kids are really close within these few days they've met".

" It's nice". Grandma commented feeling wary.

They was something odd about this grandpa Ro-bin talked about.

"So this is your room. It's really pretty". Jo admired his room which had more colours of red just
like her. She loved red so much.

"Thanks Jo. C'mon,I've got other places to show you. Like my swing…"

" You have a swing." Jo sounded excited.

" Yes,and we can sit together and play,it's really nice".

As they sprinted,Jo bumped into someone and fell, hitting her butt on the floor.

"Ouch". She winced.

"Grandpa. Sorry Jo". He helped Jo up and Jo lifted her face up to see a huge man standing in
front of her.

Wow! He's big!

"Sorry little girl". The guy said looking curious. This girl,her face…it looked…

"Grandpa,this is Kim Jo-Ann,my friend and Jo,this is my grandpa,Dani".

For that minute,the man almost lost his composture but maintained it. Kim Jo-Ann,and she
looked like…Kim Tan…son of that bastard.

So the bastard's son has a daughter. Splendid. He grinned.

"Nice meeting you little girl."

"Nice meeting you too ajhussi".

Dani smirked.

Fate is so wonderful, to hand over one of the fool's generation to him. It's just a few days he
stepped out of prison to meet this gift.

"Uhm bin,can you get me my coffee spoon,I don't have it with me right now".

"Of course Grandpa. C'mon Jo"

" There's no need for that. Go get the spoon while I keep your pretty friend company".

And he grinned which made him look very odd in Ro-bin's eyes. His grandfather didn't smile
until things want to go bad,so his mum told him.
He gave Jo a nod and hurried out.

"Now little princess,what's that your name again?" He questioned with a smirk

" Kim Jo-Ann. My grandma is here with me too. Will you like to meet her?"

" And what's your grandma's name?" He asked to confirm and Jo spilled the words he's been
aching to hear.

"Kim Hana". She replied innocently turning his grin wider and which made him look weird.

And one word came to her mind just then…a soft whisper.


And she took off only to he drawn back.

"Not so fast smart bitch".

Jo looked..…terrified.


Who thinks inviting that girl in is gonna cause done real ruckus between Tan and Aahna 🙄🙄
Double trouble 😳😳
Brought To You By Rejoice Aries ✍️
Love you all 💓

👅Addicted To An Indian Girl👅
💋Episode 29💋
"What do you want?" Jo asked looking scared.

And he swatted her head so hard that she fell unconscious.

"Finally!" He smirked,picked up the little girl and threw her in his room. He knew she would be

unconscious for a fairly long time while he greets the second guest downstairs.

Ro-bin gulped.

What the hell did his grandpa just do?

He just... kidnapped Jo for some crazy revenge…

Immediately his grandpa passed by with a terrific smile on his face, Ro-bin tiptoed into his room
that he dragged Jo in.

He stared at Jo that was unconscious on the cold floor.

"Jo" He called with a scared look on.

"Jo…Jo please…we need to get out…Jo…"

Tears brimmed down his eyes on seeing her still looking unconscious.

And for a moment,he felt she was dead. She laid, unmoving…and…it hurt him…it hurt him real

bad that she was in pains...

Hana was already having an odd feeling. Why has Ho and Ro-bin not come down ever since
they went up to look around.

"Uhm, nanny,can you help me check on the kids?"

"Very well ma'am". She curtsied and went up to bump into grandpa which she greeted.

Hana's eyes went up and narrowed slightly at the face.

"I knew something wasn't right". She said through gritted teeth making Dani smirk.

" Finally,I met the girl that broke us up…the woman that stole Kim away from
us…hmmmm…really beautiful"
" We have nothing to do with you. Where's my granddaughter?"

" Oh,she must be having a nice time getting a nap. Trust me,she's ok".

Hana's blood boiled and her eyes went fierce.

"Let the girl be…it's me you really want…"

" I'm not stupid Mrs Kim Hana,I'd first of all hurt the person you really love and cherish. Your son
and granddaughter. It was really a surprise,I never knew Kim had a granddaughter already."

" And you too,you have a gr to hiandson."

" Oh please, Ro-bin's my sister's grandchild. So,am clear". He smiled softly.

Meanwhile,Hana had pressed an emergency chip always with her.

And the security Kim placed for them got the signal. The signal they've been dreading.

"But the girl is innocent. So take me and leave her out of this".

"I'm not sure I can especially as the two kids are getting close. I need to end that crazy

" Please". Hana was trying to buy herself time and Dani smirked.

"Do you think someone will come and save you? That bastard son of yours... The Mr Savage
I've heard so much about isn't in town and the numbskull Kim is in jail. Hmmph... Let's have a
longer conversation... And I think Hyung will be willing to join us... We would also like to taste
what Kim tasted in you that made him dump us... I'm so hurt. "

Hana gulped... Let it not be that these freaks want to also rape her as revenge.

Ro-bin groaned lowly as he carried Jo. Luckily for him, she wasn't too heavy.

He walked out using the backdoor and came in contact with some men outside. His heartbeat
thudded loudly.

"Men,it's the little girl…she's safe".

"Who are you?" Ro-bin shielded Jo away from the men. He didn't want her to get hurt again.
" It's ok boy,she's safe. We're her family's guards".

"No,I'm not giving her to you". He said after scrutinizing the men. They looked dangerous.

"It's a promise boy,we need to take her out of here,before your grandpa knows you sneaked her

Ro-bin gave it a thought before letting her go to them. He'd really be in serious trouble if his
grandpa figures out what he did.

They smiled genuinely at him and went away with Jo while he kept staring. He hoped she'd be

"You bastard".

He heard a familiar voice to get hit in the head. He fainted but he knew the person who hit him

through the familiar voice, it was Hyung, his grandpa's best friend.

"I hope you're enjoying the movie". Aahna asked the intruder.

"Yeah, it's really nice"

She replied with a fake smile.

How could she be enjoying the movie when she was distracted by Tan's shirtless body and the
wench sitting loosely on his laps. And the blanket covering them.

However, Aahna didn't like the girl's company. She is interrupting their couple time.

"Finally, you're on top, so you're gonna do the riding" Tan whispered breezily into her ears
making her cheeks turn slightly pink.

Has he forgotten they have an uninvited guest with them?

She didn't reply him.

"So Deepali, you're from Delhi right?" Aahna decided to strike a conversation with the girl who
looked bored as she ate popcorn and watched the movie.

"Yes. My dad's a lawyer and he's quite rich".

"Wow, so what is the daughter of a rich man doing, sleeping in an hotel?" Tan taunted
" I just wanted some time alone". She flashed him a smile.

" And now you complain you're lonely, aah, what childishness". Tan mocked making the girl
almost lose her cool.

"Actually, my dad is contracting me to marry a guy I don't like. So I needed some fresh air
outside my house".

" It's ok". Aahna replied and clamped her mouth shut on feeling Tan's hand teasing her clit.

"Oh no not again". She sighed within her.

He roved his hands testingly and Aahna gulped,. When will she even get used to his touch cos
she loved it so much.

Seconds later, his finger has already worked it's way into her tightness making her unable to
resist the moan that broke through her lips.

She grinded herself on his finger wanting him to hit her pleasure spot...

"Ride me... Or I'll drop you at the edge". He whispered in her ears again.

And that was something Aahna never wanted to experience again. She had dared him before
and he pushed her almost to the edge and left her not getting a release. She'd been so mad and
tried to touch herself but he refused her touching herself.

Deepali stared at the couple weirdly.

The really had guts to be making out in front of a stranger. She could make out the slow
movements which Aahna was making on Tan's crotch.

She huffed.

Tan smirked as Aahna fixed himself into her and started rocking him provokingly and torturously

"Aah"He sighed softly and even Aahna's lips parted at the pleasure. She wanted to go faster
harder on him but the bitch...

"Uhm, I think I'd leave now, I need to sleep. Nice spending time with you".

But the couple ignored her totally and continued rocking themselves harder.
She left stomping angrily making them giggle.

But Tan's phone ringing interrupted the heating moment.

✉️They got Jo✉️

Both he and Aahna froze on seeing the message.


The story will soon be ending guys

Brought To You By Rejoice Aries ✍️

Love you all 💓


👅Addicted To An Indian Girl👅
💋Episode 30💋
Aahna blinked numerously.

"How did it happen? How did they get Jo?" Aahna asked looking so scared.

"I don't know, and I think we'd have to get back to Korea now".

Tears welled in Aahna's eyes.

" I don't want anything to happen to Jo".

" It's not time to get all emotional Aahna. I got to know who did this, who dare touch my


Hana looked so scared as the two men approached her.

" Please... "

" You don't have to beg". Hyung mocked.

Dani grabbed her and the helpless Hana placed an electric prick on his hand which electrocuted
him and he fell, groaning in pains.

"What the..." Hyung growled.

He kicked the device outta her hand and slapped her hard around her face.

"How dare you?" He gripped her neck tightly and she kicked his groin making his eyes go wide.

"Aaahhh". He groaned.

"Well, I can't be a damsel in distress dude". She brought out a little laser beam from her back
strap and shot at both their arms and they groaned.

She traced her steps out of the house and caught up with some guards,Kim's guards and she
sent the message to Tan.

Tears brimmed on her eyes.


"Go in and look for Jo! Go now!All of you!"

She shrieked at them.

" It's ok madam,we got the girl. She's safe,her friend actually helped her out".

" Good! But,is he ok? I mean,the boy?"

" Don't know".

" Call the police,those two need to get back in jail. Get the security camera and submit it. Make
sure those men don't escape".

She dragged her tired self into the car and sat.

"Where is Jo-Ann?"

"Samuel took her home".

She breathed heavily in relief.

Could their life get any worse?

Kim held Jo tenderly.

"Hey,what are you doing here? How did you get out of prison?" Hana asked with a surprised
look on.

He hasn't even served quarter of his term.

"Connections got me out for an hour Hana. Come look at Jo. Seems her body system is too
weak,she's still unconscious".

" Yeah,she is a blue baby just like Tan".

"How are you feeling Hana? Did they hurt you?"

"Almost". She whispered.

" I'm sorry". He hugged her.

" It's ok Kim. I'm still happy you're here,with me,with Jo." She said with a smile.

" Not for too long though. I was able to get out for a few hours. I'd be leaving before Dawn".

Hana blinked her tears away. She had thought he was really let out.

"It's ok. I can get out to visit you after a while again. And my boys will always be around when
you need them".

" Ok".

" Flight 0005 to South Korea has been delayed for 3 hours due to operational reasons. The
airline is deeply sorry and regrets any inconveniences caused due to the delay. Once
again,flight 0005 to South Korea has been delayed. Thank you".

Was the flight announcement that made Tan cuss angrily.

His daughter was in a terrible Condition and they're talking about operational shits.

"You need to calm down Tan. She's be ok even though the flight is delayed."

" Don't tell me that Aahna. Shit!"

He smacked the wall beside him.

" You're causing a scene Tan. Please,time will roll so fast and we'd be there before you know it".

" Don't fucking tell me any shit Aahna. This is all your fault". He glared at her looking provoked.

" Me,what do you mean this is my fault?" Aahna asked confused.

"If you hadn't made a fuss about your so called Indian couple vacation that I didn't fucking
enjoy,then this wouldn't have happened. I'd have been there for my daughter when she needs
me most".

" Tan…"tears trickled down her cheeks and she looked hurt.

" Tan…" she called him again but he looked away from her.

"I'm not taking back my words Aahna. It's your fault. All these are happening because of you,if I
didn't meet you,my life wouldn't be messed up like this. You made me vulnerable and now
everyone is getting back at me through you and if you didn't show up in my life,Yura wouldn't
have brought Jo back for her to go through all these. She got stabbed by her own mum because
of you and she was also put in risk when Sharma wanted you. This is all your fault".

He yelled at her.

Aahna held her chest in shock. What has gotten over Tan?

Why was he looking so wild…and savage?

"You know what,if that's what you think then it's fine. After all,I'm in my country and I can always
move on with my life. Get that,you idiot".

She also looked mad and walked out of the airport.

But Tan was too bothered about Jo to care.

He didn't realize that Aahna wasn't just walking out of the airport.

But walking out of his life. For good.

"He finally ditched you huh?" Deepali had a smirk on her face as she stared at Aahna who had
bitter tears on her cheeks. It was the dead of the night.
And she was actually scared.

She didn't answer her.

"You know,I'll help you. After all,I know what it feels to be dumped. Seems it's your first time but
don't worry. I'm here to help for something in return."

Aahna shot up her head to look at the girl speaking anyhow.

"I found out the idiot am contracted to marry,Sarga,your own Sarga is in love with Aahna Karna,i
want you to make him cut of the marriage. Then I'll pay you whatever you want so you can start
your life afresh."

" Deal?"Aahna asked.

" Deal!"

They accepted.

Aahna never believed her life will have this Page but right now,she was not gonna wallow in

She was sure,that Tan will come back for her.

"Mum,mum,how is Jo? Is she fine?"

Tan was relieved when his mom called after he landed in Korea that Jo is fine.

"Yes she is resting and I won't have her get company but where's Aahna?"

" Aahna…"

He shut his eyes.

" I said some words to her out of anger and…she left…"

Hana's eyes widened.

" Why did you hurt her again Tan? Are you crazy? Now go apologise to her and bring her

" She isn't in SK. And I'm not bringing her back…she's too starcrossed…she's been bringing
bad things to th…"
A slap arrested the rest of his statement.

" Get her back Tan…else I'd never forgive you for using that innocent girl".

She stomped away leaving Tan dumbfounded.

His mum slapped him…because of Aahna.


Anger can cause lots of bad things😭😭

Brought To You By Rejoice Aries ✍️


👅Addicted To An Indian Girl👅
💋Grande Finale💋
Aahna traced her steps into the house and there was Sarga, backing both of them.

"Can't you just stay at your house till the day we're getting married?"

He said with a scoff not noticing her company.

"Sarga". Aahna also called noticing Deepali's irritated face.

Both didn't really want get married.

Sarga turned at the familiar voice to see Aahna and his eyes dimmed.

"Aahna am sorry…please…I was drugged that day…I didn't know…"

"It's ok Sarga,I forgive you".

He heaved in relief.

"But,what are you doing in India,I thought you and that guy were…"
"No. It's alright. Just,forget about that. How are you doing?" She asked.

"I'm fine Aahna. I missed you".

She smiled.

"Is everything okay Sarga? Are you getting married?" His eyes flared in anger.

"My parents are forcing me to marry her, against my will. I've always wished to marry someone I
wish to. I'm not ready for this".

"You can stall them for a while. Won't they respect your choice?"

"If I can get a lady,then no problem but since I can't…I have no choice".

"Don't worry Sarga,I know you and Deepali don't want to be together. I'll stay with you till you
find someone going really want to marry. I'd help you stall your parents".

His eyes brightened.

"Are you serious?"


Sarga had a fulfilled smile on his face.

"Thank you Aahna".

"So,I guess my business is done here. Thank you Aahna".

It was a day already after the incident. Jo has recovered and his mom was taking care of her.

He was still mad at Aahna.

Even though he talked to her like that,why would she just leave? He never asked her to leave.
Just speaking out of anger,she left.

He wasn't gonna apologise or get her back.no! She doesn't even deserve an apology.

His life is now peaceful.

He has stroked deal with some of his enemies using their weakness and some were behind
bars including his father's enemies.

His father!

The man who made his life hell,he was never gonna meet him,he didn't even want to see him
even though he helped him get out of jail.

After all,he's paying for his sins. He concluded within him. He caused his sister death and he
deserves to cool his ass in jail.

Thanks funny thing he noticed is that his mother was still in love with the damned guy. After all
he made them pass through. Absurd!

As he paced to and fro in his room,deep in thoughts,Jo slipped into the room noiselessly.

She observed him for a while before calling softly.


He turned with a jerk and sighed.

"Baby,come here…" He beckoned on her with a forced smile.

But Jo was glaring at him.

"Where is my mum?"

His eyebrows arched.

"Uhm…Jo…you don't have to worry about th…"

" Where.is.mum?" She repeated the question emphasizing on each word with a glowing
fierceness in her eyes.

"Jo…she left…she's not a member in this family any longer. She's not your mum".

" Are you ok dad?" She asked in horror. " How could say that about mum? I want her back right
this instance". Jo growled at Tan.

" I'm sorry to burst your bubbles Jo but that's not working. She's not coming back".
" Have you forgotten you promised to give me a baby sister? What the hell do you mean by
she's not coming back? If she's not coming back,then I'm leaving dad. I'll go back to my real
mum and hate forever. I'm gonna believe you're a bad person like my grandpa says."

She stomped off angrily.

Tan blew out air from his lips. What's wrong with everyone?

But then, something reverberated in his mind.

〰️You promised to give me a baby sister?〰️

And he prayed that Aahna shouldn't get pregnant for him cos they had unprotected s*x.

Suddenly,his conscience whispered at him.

〰️ You're hurting yourself. You love that girl 〰️

He rolled his eyes. He was merely addicted to her.

〰️She needs you Tan〰️

A voice whispered softly.

Tch! That's stupid.

〰️If you don't get her back, you'd regret it 〰️

"Are you really ready to forget her?" He heard his mum's voice.

" Can you guys just let me be?" He groaned.

He turned back and was surprised not to see anyone.

Aaargh! He's getting crazy!

He stood up,picked up his keys and walked out.

He couldn't stop this. He had to clear his head. Somehow somewhere!

And as he drove. He didn't know but his destination found him in the airport.

He furrowed his brows and brought out his phone.

The wall paper stared back at him. It was Aahna's smiley face.

The screen got were and that was when he realized that he was crying.

He heaved and picked up his credit card.

She is his addiction.

And you can't stay away from your addiction.

He agreed. He'd regret if he loses her.

Aahna threw up everything in her mouth.

She stared at the food which made her nauseous. What the hell was wrong with her?

She twisted her face and pushed the food away. She needed to find out what was wrong with

Taking up the little money she had,she went to the clinic close to them and the test results was
her expectations.

She was three weeks and few days pregnant.

But her next statement shocked even herself.

She wanted to get rid of all her memories without a care and…she will.

"I want to abort the pregnancy".

She told the doctor.


Wahala 😳😳
And Tan is finally coming back for her 🙄🙄
Epilogue loading 💋💋
Brought To You By Rejoice Aries
Love you all

👅Addicted To An Indian Girl👅
💋 Epilogue ✍️
Aahna walked out of the clinic tiredly after booking an appointment with the doctor for the

She rented a rickshaw which she wanted to use and explore the town.

She was successful in making Sarga's parents think that they were really getting married.

And she noticed Sarga was falling for his new secretary. It was welcoming and she hoped for
the very best for him since she couldn't return his love.

Driving the rickshaw,she got to the airport road and parked,sat on the pedestal bench and
watched people walking and vehicles moving.

Slowly,her hand made way to her bare tummy cos of the sari she wore and she rubbed it softly.

A whimper left her lips at the thought that she was gonna hurt the innocent foetus.

A memory made its way back to her head.

"Really?" Jo-Ann asked excitedly. "I'm gonna have a baby sibling. Yey!"

Aahna smiled.

"Then I think you should do more of bedroom stuffs then,grandpa Jim said it guarantees having

a baby quickly".

Jo would have been so excited to see the baby.

A tears trickled down her cheeks.

For a moment,her life had turned out to be cool and perfect but now,it's perfectly
starcrossed…stupid and awful…
She swallowed.

But no…nothing was changing her mind…she was having this baby and no one is gonna stop

Her eyes moved up and she gasped on seeing the familiar figure crouching right in front of her.

How come she didn't notice?


He came back for her!

Tan was driving the car he rented when he saw the very familiar person sitting in the pedestal

His throat went dry and he wondered what exactly was pushing him back to her.


You are addicted to her…it kept replaying in her head as he parked his car a little far away from

He stepped down and sauntered towards her,his hands in his pants pocket.

But the sight he met broke him totally.

She was sobbing.

She was hurt.

You hurt her.

His head kept with it's new attitude I'd replaying things after he left her.

He crouched down to her height.

And when she looked up,he was heartbroken on how pale she looked…eyebags. Dried lips and
not so lively eyes.

She looked awful.

And she gasped on seeing him.

And he saw her eyes light up on seeing him.

But suddenly it flared in fury and unspeakable wrath all directed at him.

"What do you want?" She asked menacingly and Tan licked his lips.

Ok this is his first time being nervous and he didn't even know how to apologise.

If she was seducing him,it's make things easier but right now,she looked as cold as him.

He guessed she learnt that look and cold demeanor from him.


"Don't even dare call my name". She growled at him with a glare and his shoulder slumped.

How the hell was he gonna beg her with this attitude?

He closed his eyes for a while like he was meditating and Aahna stared at him amusedly.

Was he praying for the strength to apologise? But the heavens knows that she was never gonna
accept his apology.

He didn't deserve someone like her and she didn't deserve a savage.

"I'm terribly sorry. I need you…I can't live without you…"

" Just quit it. I've forgiven you…and I can live without you".

She got up and got to her rickshaw leaving Tan dumbstruck and dumbfounded

What the…Aaargh…he groaned…she's too stubborn.

Only when Aahna's rickshaw started moving did he realize he was actually supposed to go after
her and really apologise.

She already drove off and so,he took his car and followed her at a slow speed.

He had to also know her abode so he can always apologise till he wins her back

Tan stared at Aahna as she made her way to the house. A guy came out and hugged her
warmly and his expression turned sour. So,she already moved on…that was sure why she was
staying in a huge house like this.

His fists tightened on seeing the face of the motherf*cker…SARGA.

The anger and rage great tenfold especially as it was the same guy he hated so much.

He only realized he was moving towards them when they started staring at him but he didn't
care much.

He got to them and his fists inched to land a punch on his face but he did something instead.

His knees landed on the floor and Aahna's eyes widened.

Tan…kneeling in front of her…to apologise…

"I'm sorry Aahna…please…please don't hurt me anymore…"

He gripped her legs and hugged her…tears ran down his cheeks and dropped on the floor
making both Aahna and Sarga dumbstruck.

"Tan…get up…stop kneeling…"

She helped him up and stared at him.

"Please Aahna…forgive me…Don't do this to me…I'm really sorry…"

"Tan I..."

He interrupted her with a kiss…a deep one…she tried to struggle but…he overpowered
her…taking complete ownership in her mouth…her will broke and all the strength she showed
crumbled with that one kiss…with that one kiss…Her resolve shattered to dust and when he left
her lips…she wondered if it was really Tan that kissed her…

The kiss was filled with so many emotions and passions…burning and raw desire in his eyes…

"I was foolish…I can't live without you else…I'd run mad…Will you forgive me Aahna?"

" For the sake of…" Her lips twitched at what she was about to say and Tan stared at her in

"…the baby…I forgive you…"

Tan's heart bubbled in joy...she's...she's... pregnant…

"Baby?" He muttered to be sure and Aahna smiled.

"I'm pregnant Tan"

"Mum,can you take out the baby and show me before placing it back".

Jo asked with shining eyes as she stared at her mum's bare tummy which Tan was massaging
along with her waist.

"That's not possible Jo". Tan replied without a care but truth be told…he was more excited than
Tan. He couldn't wait to see his baby…baby boy as the scan confirmed.

"Patience Jo…patience…" Aahna smiled at her.

Jo pouted and Hana entered just then…

"Here,your favorite.."

"Hmm…delicious…" She snatched it from her hand. Aahna developed an addiction to pancakes
as per her pregnancy.

"Grandpa said I should send my regards to you Jo…and you too Aahna…Tan he…"

" I don't want to hear anything about him". Tan cut in making his mom sigh in defeat.

" Tan…I want to visit him". Aahna said with a pout…

" Go ahead". He grunted and stood up but Aahna started crying…pretentiously.

"What again?"

"I want both of us to visit him…please"

She made a puppy face which he couldn't resist.


"I'm really sorry Tan". Kim was saying.
"Forgive him already baby…don't forget I also forgave you when you wronged me". Aahna
pouted at him.

" Aaargh…ok fine…fine…I forgive you."

The doctor actually instructed them to agree to all her demands else she'd get emotionally down
and it will affect the baby. She had fainted once because Tan refused to give her an alcohol

"Yipee…now hug each other…and now the family is finally complete".

She had a sweet smile on her face as she watched father and son reunion but she knew it
wasn't from Tan's heart…

"Don't worry ajhussi,Tan will sure come and visit you everyday…bye..Tan loves you".

She giggled crazily and sprinted out.

Pregnancy really changed her behavior…she became livelier…happier and

〰️Years Later〰️
"Mummy,Jo is kissing Ro-bin".

Samuel yelled loudly which brought the whole family down...I swear Samuel's yell could bring
the mansion down.

Both Jo and Ro-bin pretended like they didn't do anything and started giving the talkative
Samuel a keep-quiet signal but he didn't agree.

He kept calling on everyone to come and see his elder sister kissing another boy…

"Jo…why are you kissing Ro-bin huh?" Aahna scolded.

"We weren't kissing mum…after all…he was just making my lips wet…" Jo answered
mischievously making Aahna gasp and Tan chuckle.

"I knew Tan spoilt this girl…" Hana said laughing.

"He's as naughty as his mum and she took after a grandma". Kim also said.

"Honestly Jo…I think you're too young to kiss guys".

" C'mon.. we're not kids..she's 12 already..she can have a boyfriend.."

Ro-bin rolled his eyes really wanting to continue smooching his girlfriend.

"Really…12…I didn't even know the meaning of kissing when I was twelve.."

" Tch…that was the local century…in our century…we even know what s*x is". Jo replied with
an eye roll making all of their mouths drop in shock.

Except Tan who chuckled.

"Sshhh…you shouldn't have told them you're dad enlightened us about s*x". Ro-bin hushed Jo
a little too loud which made all eyes to rotate to Tan..

"Tan…I'm gonna kill you today…how dare you enlighten this kids about that…" Aahna shrieked
at him and he raised up his hands in surrender.

" What…it's the computer age..they deserve to know.."

He shrugged.

" Ok..Samuel I think we need to get out of here".

The grandparents left with Samuel giggling on their way.

"Seriously Tan…"

"C'mon Jo, bedroom stuffs are meant to be done in the room and not the sitting room".

Ro-bin winked and carried Jo in a bridal style.

" Don't worry mum,we'd use protection…Dad taught us how to use it so I won't get preggies like
you…let's go honey".

Jo pecked Ro-bin and they left for Aahna to turn to Tan with mad eyes…

"I will kill you…" she shrieked and jumped on him but he held her still…

"You don't want to hurt our baby my love".

He held her protectively and they both smiled…relishing the moment of being in each other's

After everything…they lived…



😍😍 I'm gonna miss thrm😍😍

Who's expecting the new story?

Lemme give you a hint….

Story loading….

Brought To You By Rejoice Aries

LOVE you all 💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓


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