Reflection Paper 3 Capestone 1

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Reflection Journal 3


HRM-8320-23F-SEC 12 – Capestone 1
Joan Kinsey

STUDENT ID - 8955090
During the first week of our capstone class, groups were formed, and group projects were assigned.

Till 6th week, we were struggling to find companies for internships. Unfortunately, nothing worked

out, though responses from some companies are still pending, and we are hoping for a positive

response from them. Honestly, we were discouraged, and the stress of mid-terms was already high.

Week 7 Midterm exams went well, especially Capestone midterm. Midterms followed by success

week (Week 8) was fun. During success week, no assignments, no quizzes, no exams, and the result

was NO STRESS. Now week 9 has started, and Our professor Joan Kinsey came with the good news

that some companies are ready to impart the training to us. She has sent us an email regarding all the

details of projects, companies, and its location. Now, we will select the desired project and company

where we want to apply as a group. We will have a team meeting soon and discuss the project. After

consensus with each member, we will send a confirmation email with all the details of the desired

project. A billion thanks to our professor, who came forward to help us.

1. Major Steps of Project Propose and Specific Objective

No doubt, we are in the planning phase till now as we have to discuss the desired project soon. In

previous team meetings, we thoroughly covered the project details, including the extended deadlines

and amended responsibilities of each team member. This time, during success week, a fun meeting

was set up at TIM HORTIONS, which was followed by a visit to RIVERSIDE PARK to enjoy

the success week. The meeting was not intended for the group project, but somehow or for some

time, it turned out to be a team meeting, and the entire group decided to implement new ways of

reaching out to companies. But thanks to our professor, who came up with the list of companies with

whom we can work. On next week, we will be working on the same because the major problem of

finding the company is now sorted.

2. Team Reflection and Group Dynamics

Teamwork: It is pleasing to observe that our team bonding is growing day by day. The casual

meeting at Tim proved it beautifully. In the last formal team meeting, we engaged in a discussion

about our collective teamwork and identified the strong and weak points of each team member, and

decided to work on it by exchanging and enhancing interpersonal of each other.

Group Dynamics: I have observed the positive dynamics within our team as we continue to

collaborate and develop together. During the team meetings, we highly value the perspectives of our

team members and strive to implement ideas through the consensus of each team member. Every

team member trusts each other and collectively works for the desired goal.

Conflict Resolution: Our team handles conflict very positively. Whenever we face some issue, we

try to understand team member’s perspective, and then we work towards finding a resolution. We

always try to know what is important for the project and try to act faster accordingly. What I

observed in my team is every conflict brought a positive change to the team.

3. Action Learning

As we are in 9th week, every week, we learn something new in the project. This time, I improved my

problem-solving skill because whenever we recognize the failures of our team, the team tries to

figure out the reason for the failures. This approach made me realize that finding a solution to a

problem in a group is much easier than solving it alone.

4. Personal Leadership, Motivational Style, and Application of Weekly Course Content Learning

and Application

Personal leadership development: No doubt that strengths and weaknesses always play a vital

role in leadership positions. I improved my leadership style by working on my weaknesses. I

observed and learned a lot during these weeks. Leadership style always requires change as per the

people and situations, and I now have a better understanding of leading a team.

Motivational Style: Throughout the entire process till now, I discovered that keeping the team

motivated is most important for the successful completion of the project or for a happy ending. Now,

our team started celebrating the small wins just to make each other motivated.

Learning and Application: The learning experience thus far has proven to be valuable. As

mentioned earlier, I have gained significant knowledge in developing motivational and leadership

skills. Through course assignments, group projects, team meetings, and even informal gatherings at

TIM, I have been able to engage the team in critical thinking and healthy discussions, which are

crucial for effective project management.

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