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This document sets out the basis upon which the Artist’s work is exhibited in the Gallery at
Sunny Bank Mills.


 Exhibition open between 2 March – 21 April.

 Delivery of work between 20th - 25th February.

 Set up on week commencing 26th February.

 Opening event on 1 March 6pm to 8pm.

 Collection of work between 21 – 23 April.

Gallery Address

Sunny Bank Mills Gallery, Unit 14 Sandsgate Building, 82-85 Town Street, Farsley LS28

There is free visitors’ parking on site, and 2 hours on street parking in front of the Gallery.

Preview Night

This will take place on Friday 1stth March from 6pm – 8pm. We would love you to attend.
Please invite your family and friends. There will be a bar.


Please provide us with the following as soon as possible:

 Your pronouns

 At least 3 images of your work; at least one of which should be high resolution (350
dpi) and large size– with name of piece, size, and media for promotional use.

 An artist statement (word document) in third person bio that the Gallery can use
alongside the artist’s work. This should be a summary about the work itself /
processes used (100 words maximum).
 A delivery note in the attached format. This must include the name of the work,
media, dimensions if appropriate, and selling price. Please put NFS on the
delivery note if you do not want to sell. The sale price specified in the delivery note
should include our commission of 45%. Please talk to us about pricing if you are not


 Work should be delivered to the Gallery between 20th – 25th February from 10 am –

 With a hard copy of your delivery note. Please also send a copy of your delivery
note to;

 Ready for exhibition i.e. pictures framed if appropriate and ready to hang/display
(string/mirror plates etc).

 Named on the back, labelled, or coded where possible so we can relate it to the
delivery note. If not possible then please provide pictures of each piece alongside
the label information. We will not take any responsibility for any pieces which are
wrongly priced or listed in the delivery note.

 With any specialist equipment to display your work (e.g. a monitor, projection
equipment, specific plinths or hanging materials). Please bring any televisions or
projectors that were requested by the Gallery Team after the selection process.

We have limited space for storage so if you are delivering in person, please take your
packaging with you.

The Gallery reserves the right:

 not to exhibit any work that is poorly finished, not properly framed or otherwise
ready for display or, at the complete discretion of the Gallery, not appropriate for

 to discuss pricing with the Artist if appropriate. The artist may like to provide a
minimum price they would accept for individual pieces of work – this will enable
the Gallery to negotiate a reduction if it may encourage a sale. This is completely
optional. In usual circumstances no reductions on price would be considered or


The exhibition will be curated and installed by the Gallery. In those cases where the nature
of the work is such that the artist will need to install the work themselves that should be
agreed in advance with the gallery team. In those circumstance the artist is responsible for
putting up and taking down in a professional manner.

How and where the work is installed and curated is at the complete discretion of the Gallery.
If the artist has any specific requests/requirements they should be discussed with the Gallery
Manager in advance of installation and the team will endeavour to help.

Work should be collected from the Gallery between the 21 – 23 April, unless otherwise
agreed with the gallery team. The Gallery accepts no liability for work which is not collected
at the agreed time.

Exhibitors are responsible for the costs of delivery and collection.


Ownership of the work remains with the artist until it is sold at which point ownership is
transferred to the purchaser. The artist agrees to reproduction of the work for the purposes
of marketing the Gallery, exhibition and work itself.

The Gallery will hold, exhibit, and handle the artwork with a reasonable degree of care and


The Gallery will promote the exhibition on a number of platforms including social media,
flyers, Sunny Bank Mills website, E: Bulletin newsletter to mailing list, banners + posters,
and any third party listing to which it subscribes (e.g. Own Art, Leeds Inspired) etc. The
images you supply, and any taken of your work by or for the Gallery will be used in
marketing materials to promote both the exhibition and the Gallery.

Artists are encouraged to promote the exhibition on their own social media accounts, to
contacts and on personal websites and please follow ours!
Facebook: /sunnybankmillsgallery
Instagram /sunnybankmills
X @sunnybankmills

The Artist is asked to use Gallery promotional material for the exhibition. No separate
business cards or postcards will be displayed. On occasion at the Gallery’s discretion
specific exhibition flyers are produced and the artist is requested to distribute these as

Digital Media

Artists are also encouraged to share any digital files they have about themselves as
artists/their processes/studios and work. The Gallery may then use these to help promote
the exhibition and artist on their website and social media.

The Artist is encouraged to hold demonstrations, workshops, or other promotional events

during the exhibition/its opening. The Gallery will assist in organising, promoting, and
managing these.


We are a small independent commercial gallery. Any commission or fees we

charge are used exclusively to fund the costs associated with maintaining the space,
marketing and providing support to exhibitors and other creative activity including
artists residencies, workshops, and studios.

Commission/ Consistent Pricing Policy

The Gallery takes a 45% commission including VAT on all sales. Exhibited work shall
be sold only through the Gallery (and the Gallery’s website) during the exhibition

We are aware that most exhibiting artists will have other means of
selling their work, particularly websites, social media, art fairs, other galleries, and open
studio events. To prevent this being abused by customers contacting you directly seeking
the work at reduced prices please try and maintain a consistent pricing structure across all
your outlets for similar work, particularly within a sensible period of the exhibition.

If you are approached directly by a customer during the exhibition for work in the
exhibition, please refer the sale back to us.

When pricing your work please put NFS on the delivery note if you do not want to sell. The
sale price specified in the delivery note should include our commission.

We may reduce the commission in individual circumstances to encourage a sale. We will not
make any reductions that would have an impact on the artist’s price for the work without
referring back to you.

Commission will be deducted from the sale proceeds. The Gallery will account to the Artist
for any sales as soon as is reasonably possible following the end of the exhibition.

Any sales made during the exhibition will be marked as sold but not removed from the
Gallery until the end of the exhibition, unless there is other work available to put in its
place or the Gallery feels a sale will be lost – this is to prevent obvious “gaps” in the

Website Sales

The Gallery may put the work for sale on its website during the exhibition. If the artist
keeps any piece of work held in the gallery for sale on their own website during the
exhibition it should be listed at the same price as in the Gallery and marked as
available to view and buy through the Gallery only.

Work retained after the exhibition is finished may also be sold on the website for a
period if it remains in the Gallery’s custody, Commission remains the same, 45%.

After the exhibition

If you are approached by a customer in relation to work in the exhibition within a period of 3
months of completion of the exhibition (and you are aware that the approach is a direct result
of the exhibition) please pay us commission of 30% of the sale price. This only applies to
work that has been exhibited in the Gallery.

If you are approached by a customer who has been introduced in any way by the Gallery or
its staff e.g. through the exhibition, social media, our website or otherwise within 6 months of
the exhibition, or at any time when you are aware the introduction is from us, please tell us!
We love to know that we have helped your practice. In those cases, a voluntary donation of
10% of the sale price would help us keep this wonderful space sustainable and support your
fellow artists.

Our bank account details are:

Account Name: Edwin Woodhouse & Co Ltd/Gallery Account

Bank: Handelsbanken

Account Number: 85533006

Sort Code: 40-51-62

Security and Insurance
Access to the building is controlled and the gallery is alarmed outside business hours. There
is limited CCTV.

The Gallery has public liability insurance and is insured for damage or loss of work whilst it is
on our premises.

 The Gallery accepts no liability for damage to or loss of work or equipment belonging
to the artists caused whilst it is in transit to or from the Gallery.
 The work will be inspected on delivery and any visible damage will be recorded.
 The insurance policy currently has a £250 excess and in the event of a claim the
artist is responsible for paying the excess (it is deducted from the claim value). We
therefore recommend you insure your own work if its value after commission is under
 In the event of a claim the Gallery/its insurers will decide whether to
restore/replace/repair or make a cash settlement; if the latter the amount paid will be
its market value excluding commission and the insurance excess (unless otherwise
negotiated with us/our insurers) immediately prior to the damage/loss.
 The Gallery accepts no liability for loss or damage to the work on display, caused
during the setting up and taking down of the exhibition by the artists or their agents.
 No claim will be paid where the loss has been caused by negligence of the artist
e.g. a failure of fittings /hangings /hanging system or an inherent fault in the work
itself that was not apparent when the work was delivered.
 The Gallery accepts no liability for damage to or loss of work which is left at the
Gallery beyond the agreed collection dates.

Claims should be made in writing to the Gallery who will make every effort to deal with the
artist and issue fairly. A copy of our insurance cover is available on request.


The Artist agrees not to exhibit at any other gallery or venue within 15 miles of
Farsley during the exhibition without speaking to the Gallery Team.

Sunny Bank Mills

Sunny Bank Mills is a historic former worsted mill standing on a 10-acre site in
Farsley, Leeds (5 miles from Leeds City Centre). It has been in the same family ownership
for nearly 200 years. Since 2008 it has and continues to be lovingly regenerated into creative
spaces for businesses. The site includes several cafes and restaurants, artists’ studios,
project spaces to hire, creative businesses and a unique resource site-specific Archive.

The Gallery is housed in the former cloth warehouse and comprises about 3000sqft with
beautiful natural light, high ceilings and a concrete floor. Since opening formally in 2013, we
have exhibited the work of over 500 artists and makers in nearly 60 exhibitions. We have a
rolling exhibition programme which changes every 2 months or so, run a creative workshop
and event programme and are delighted to have 21 artists’ studios on site. There is a Gallery
shop contained within the space and a small tearoom for visitors to enjoy the exhibitions
whilst having tea and home-made cake.

We are a member of Own Art.

Contact information

Sonia and Natalie
T: 0113 256 3239 (option 3 Gallery)

Anna Turzynski (Arts Director)

DDI: 0113 426 7368

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