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C-88 Part 4: Case Studies

Case 7
aie Organizing to Build a Smart Ecosystem B a d

Introduction to focus on producing high-quality products and excellent

customer service. Its initial success in growing the refriger-
Yong Wu walked through Haier’s Qingdao headquarters ator business led to a government request that the company
on his way to the weekly group strategy meeting. As leader take control of failing companies. As a result, it acquired a
of Haier’s Internet of Food (IoF) sub-field, he oversaw the string of local firms that covered nearly the entire range of
core business of kitchen appliances as well as products and home appliances.
services related to food and cooking. Since adopting a new By , Haier had about , employees worldwide as
strategy in , Haier’s business revolved around providing well as a network of external partners who jointly developed
“smart home solutions”. and delivered co-branded products and services through
Wu had joined Haier in as an intern after graduating Haier’s distribution channels. Its seven brands–Haier,
from Tianjin Business School, starting out at the refrigera- Casarte, Leader, Aqua, Fisher & Paykel, GE Appliances, and
tor factory in Qingdao, where he ultimately became director. CANDY–were present in Asia-Pacific, Europe, the Americas,
From to he had worked internationally, managing the Middle East and Africa. The Haier Group traded on the
two of Haier’s acquisitions in Southeast Asia and Japan. In stock exchanges of Shanghai (A shares), Frankfurt (D shares)
, Wu returned to headquarters in Qingdao to focus on and Hong Kong (H shares) through its principal subsid-
delivering “smart” products and solutions in the refrigerator, iary, Haier Smart Home Co., Ltd., which in reported
food and cooking space. He was made responsible for creat- operating revenues of . billion RMB ( billion)
ing a platform focused on delivering novel ‘food and kitchen and net profits of . billion RMB ( . billion). In ,
experiences’ to users. This involved encouraging an ‘entre- overseas operations represented % of total revenue (see
preneurial’ approach among the people working in the sub- Exhibit ). In the ten years prior, gross profits in Haier’s core
field. In four years, Wu had turned it into an ecosystem with appliance business grew percent per year and revenues
more than , partners covering sectors including food, grew percent per year.
cooking, home decoration, supermarkets & retail, maternal
& infant, and beverages. He was also tasked with providing
feedback on how the recent evolution of Haier’s organizing The Consumer Market and the Rise of
model and its ecosystem micro- communities (EMCs) could Smart Products and Services
be better aligned with company strategy. As Apple, Google, Facebook and Amazon transformed
As he prepared for the strategy meeting, he wondered industries–including entertainment, cloud computing, adver-
whether any changes needed to be made to the organizing tisement, retail and logistics–by leveraging and building on
model to continue building on the IoF’s recent success. their core products and services, it became increasingly clear
that the competitive landscape for consumer goods was no
longer confined to a company’s own industry or market
Haier Group History segment. Instead, Haier believed that the leading firms of
The Haier Group (Haier) is a China-based manufacturer of the future would be companies that created an ecosystem
large and small household appliances and consumer elec- around their products to deliver an integrated user experi-
tronics, founded in with collective ownership. By the ence. From the iPhone and the Apple Watch to Google Nest
late s, the Chinese market was increasingly sophisti- and Amazon Echo, the most successful products were per-
cated, prompting a number of foreign refrigerator brands sonalized to users’ changing needs and offered much more
to enter the market. For Haier, the only way to survive was than a single function. They were linked to other products


This case study was written by Professor Michael Y. Lee, Assistant Professor of Organisational Behaviour, Professor Wesley Wu-Yi Koo, Assistant Professor of Strategy,
both at INSEAD, and Joost Minnaar, Co-Founder of Corporate Rebels. It is intended to be used as a basis for class discussion rather than to illustrate either effective or
ineffective handling of an administrative situation.

Special thanks to Haier, the Haier Model Institute, and Ms. Guan (Sylvia) Junhui for facilitating the authors’ research.
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Case 7: Haier: Organizing to Build a Smart Ecosystem Brand C-89

Exhibit 1 Haier Smart Home’s Key Accounting and Financial Data 2020
(I) Key accounting data
Unit and Currency: RMB

Key accounting data 2020 2019 Yoy change (%) 2018

Operating revenue 209,725,821,099.44 200,761,983,256.57 4.46 184,108,481,959.27

Net profit attributable to shareholders
of the listed company 8,876,593,208.19 8,206,247,105.96 8.17 7,483,659,016.04
Net profit after deduction of non-
recurring profit or loss attributable
to shareholders of the listed
company 6,457,813,335.37 5,765,164,700.75 12.01 6,601,505,599.79
Net cash flows from operating
activities 17,599,111,715.51 15,082,630,942.73 16.68 19,142,782,481.20

At the end of
2020 At the end of 2019 Yoy change (%) At the end of 2018

Net assets attributable to

shareholders of the listed
company 66,816,422,614.55 47,888,319,765.92 39.53 39,742,745,893.42
Total assets 203,459,495,879.65 187,454,236,283.17 8.54 168,091,571,652.14

Note: Revenue of COSMO was no longer included in the fourth quarter of 2020 since the business of COSMO was stated
by the end of September 2020. For example, business revenue of COSMO was not included in the fourth quarter
of 2019, representing an increase of 8% and 20% in 2020 and the fourth quarter, respectively.
Source: 2020 Annual Report of Haier Smart Home Co., Ltd

with which they operated in tandem to deliver an integrated Pursuing an Ecosystem Brand
experience–hence, the term “smart”. Strategy at Haier
With the rise of digital technologies and the internet of
From , top managers at Haier saw the potential for an
things (IoT), the ability to form links between products–
“ecosystem brand” strategy in the home appliances business.
like nodes in a network– expanded. Seamless connections
As Yong Wu put it:
between software and hardware gave rise to previously
unimaginable levels of flexibility and adaptability that “As early as , Haier started to think about transform-
threatened to disrupt established firms across multiple ing the traditional home appliances business into an eco-
industries. system or platform. In , we saw the phenomenon of
Despite rising demand for smart solutions, however, smartphones and other smart appliances, and the direc-
smart products had proven hard to develop and manufacture. tion of IoT and mobile internet was clear… Because IoT
They often required participation by external partners, and is about the connections between one appliance and other
collaboration between these disparate stakeholders was diffi- things, we started to explore what can form the basis of
cult as most ecosystems could not be governed hierarchically. connection between home appliances.”
For example, when Amazon first marketed Kindle e-readers
in , it faced resistance from publishers. To overcome the Zhang Ruimin, chairman of the board and CEO of Haier
resistance, not only did Amazon provide financial subsidies Group, proposed to turn Haier’s electrical appliances into
and incentives, it also developed a novel security feature to networked devices that created “smart home solutions” cen-
ensure that e-books on the Kindle could not be easily dupli- tered around the needs of users. Employees were encouraged
cated and shared, allaying publisher concerns about intellec- to integrate the internet and IoT into every product that Haier
tual property theft. made. Over the next few years, the company recruited more
C-90 Part 4: Case Studies

software developers to ‘software-ize’ traditional home appli- humidity). The appliances also interacted and adjusted to
ances, creating smart products that could connect through each other in unison: the air conditioner and the humidifier
Wi-Fi or Bluetooth to other devices. adjusted their power levels depending on whether the cur-
One example of a successful ecosystem that fulfilled tains were closed or open. In addition to hardware devices
Haier’s vision was their Community Laundry business. This working in concert, Haier’s vision was to integrate other
business was built on over forty thousand internet-connected applications and e-commerce storefronts: imagine a smart
washing machines across a thousand Chinese college cam- mirror that could show and recommend new outfits and
puses. Students could schedule and pay for the machines via direct customers to clothing retailers’ websites where they
a smart phone app. Haier built a platform that connected the could purchase the items with one click.
million users of the app with other relevant businesses, In the first three quarters of , Haier sold ,
such as food delivery companies and dorm room furniture smart home solutions, each consisting of multiple connected
sellers. Haier took a share of revenues for every purchase on home appliances, other products and services, for a total of
the platform. . billion RMB ( . billion USD in ), representing %
In October , Haier unveiled a new brand called year-over-year growth.
the “Three-winged bird” that sought to capture all of the
company’s smart product ecosystems under a single brand
umbrella. These included, for example, smart products to
History of Rendanheyi: Haier’s Unique
personalize and synchronize the working of appliances to
Organizing Model
specific user behaviors, such as taking a nap. In this case, As of , Haier’s organizing model, rendanheyi (meaning
the user’s voice activated three appliances– the electric cur- “what is valued most by the customer is compensated best”)
tain, the air conditioner and the humidifier– to create an was guided by the principle of “human value maximization”.
environment conducive for napping (by raising the room This involved motivating all employees “to be their own
temperature, closing the curtain, and increasing ambient CEO”, to aim for “zero distance to users”, and to create an

Exhibit 2 Illustration of the Three-Winged Bird “scenario brand”

Source: Haier Group

Case 7: Haier: Organizing to Build a Smart Ecosystem Brand C-91

ecosystem based on “co-creation and win-win”. Although the The shift to MEs turned Haier into a network of loosely
principle had been consistently applied over the previous two connected autonomous units, each with the authority to
decades, how it was manifested had evolved enormously. act in its own interest, reproducing the competitive dynam-
ics of a marketplace. They were grouped by market segment
into or so platforms, whose role was to incubate new MEs,
2005-13 Market chain & ZZJYTs provide the necessary resources, create a system of internal
Inspired by Michael Porter’s value-chain concept, the first iter- contracting between MEs, establish “presets” or rules of
ation of rendanheyi organized the business into “market chains” engagement, and diffuse best practices.
of strategic business units. Within a given market chain, goods This internal contracting system was not without ten-
and services were traded and transacted as if on the open sions, as each ME’s income was based on the performance
market. The goal was to bring more entrepreneurial energy of the unit - not the performance of the MEs they collabo-
and market-based dynamics into the organization. rated with, nor the larger platform they were part of. This
As a result of tensions that arose with turning collaboration incentivized MEs to focus on their own profits and perfor-
into internal transactions and the desire that more teams be mance even when it came at the expense of the company
market-facing, there was a move towards a team-based struc- as a whole.
ture, called Zi Zhu Jing Ying Ti (meaning “independent oper- The tensions became more apparent when Haier saw
ating units”) or ZZJYT. The , + ZZJYT units were orga- a shift in customer demand towards “smart” products
nized into three tiers. Tier- consisted of marketing, product and services. MEs were encouraged to evolve their busi-
and manufacturing units performing core activities. Tier- ness model from selling standalone hardware products to
delivered support services such as logistics, HR, IT, R&D one-time customers to building ecosystems around smart
and finance, and were intended to support Tier- . Tier- products and services that could generate recurring reve-
provided the other ZZJYT units with strategic direction. nues from engaged, active users. The development of smart
ZZJYT units were given the power to make their own products and services required new levels of collaboration
decisions, essentially operating as mini start-ups. This rad- amongst MEs that had become accustomed to operating
ical change attracted employees who could sense entrepre- independently. To accommodate this new strategic focus,
neurial opportunity. In addition, it created an internal labor Haier again adapted its organizing model.
market where individuals bid for work from various ZZJYT
units, mimicking the external labor market. As part of this
change, , middle management jobs were eliminated– Evolving Rendanheyi to Deliver Smart
those managers either had to find a new role or leave. Ecosystem Brands: Ecosystem Micro-
However, after experimenting with variations of ZZJYT Communities (EMC)
units, it became apparent that the Tier- units lacked the Initiated in , the next evolution of the rendanheyi
decision power to allocate the technical and financial model was designed to facilitate Haier’s transition from a
resources to bring new products and services to market, and traditional appliance manufacturer to an ecosystem that
that the incentives were too weak to promote the type of delivered smart products and services. To accomplish this,
entrepreneurial activity and risk taking envisioned. Haier introduced ecosystem micro-communities, or EMCs.
Whereas platforms in the previous iteration of rendanheyi
were collections of MEs grouped according to common
2013-19 Platforms & MEs product lines without any integration between them, EMCs
To resolve weaknesses in the ZZJYT model, Haier restruc- were coordinated networks of MEs and external partners
tured its , ZZJYT units into , micro-enterprises that worked collaboratively. Haier’s new organization struc-
(MEs). There were “user MEs” that were in direct con- ture was built around EMCs that grouped into sub-fields,
tact with end-customers, and , “node MEs” that provided then ecosystems (see Exhibit ).
the user MEs with services and products via a competitive
internal market system. EMC Case Study: The Peking Roast Duck
Each ME—both user and node MEs —comprised ten Project
to fifteen employees and operated like a stand-alone enter- An early example of an EMC was the Smart Cooking EMC
prise, with its own balance sheet, own P&L, and lifespan (an and its Peking Roast Duck Project. The leader, Yu Zhang, had
ME could cease to exist if it underperformed for a pro- worked for Haier for over years before he took the reins of
longed period). It had the authority to develop and market the Smart Cooking EMC: three years as a sales representative,
their products and services–to be paid for by other (node) five years working on Haier’s high- end brand Casarte, then
MEs or by end users. MEs could decide which other MEs to two years launching the similarly named Smart Kitchen ME.
collaborate with, which staff to hire, and how to distribute As ME leader, Zhang’s vision was sparked by the nationwide
rewards and set compensation. User MEs were free to pro- lockdown in the early months of the COVID- pandemic
cure resources from external partners when they felt that when restaurants shut down. In the same way that many
internal (node) MEs could not meet their needs. high-quality restaurants purchased “semi-finished” dishes
C-92 Part 4: Case Studies

Exhibit 3 Conceptual Representation of Haier’s Organizational Structure

(e.g Manufacturing ME)

Ecosystem Sub-Field Ecosystem Micro-Community

(e.g. Smart home) (e.g. Internet of food) (e.g. Smart cooking EMC)
External partner
(e.g Duck farm)
Sources: A. K. Walker, 2005, Coca-Cola zeros in on growing no-calorie soda market, Nashua Telegraph, July 17,

and used professional equipment to finish the dishes pre- called tián yā, which are raised on only a few farms in China.
sented to restaurant diners, he believed that Haier could Special packaging was needed to ensure the ducks were still
offer a similar service to its customers to help them create fresh after transportation and storage. Once delivered to the
restaurant-quality food at home. customer’s home, ducks had to be stored at a precise tempera-
Along with other employees, Zhang proposed the ture to maintain freshness. They needed chefs to provide the
creation of the Smart Cooking EMC, which he officially recipe for preparing the duck, and customers required a pro-
registered on Haier’s digital platform in April . Their grammable oven so the ducks could be roasted at the touch of
first product, Peking Roast Duck, was one of China’s most a button (see Exhibit ). Mingkai Yu explained the different
famous dishes and consisted of slices of tender roast duck partners with which EMC had to collaborate:
with crispy skin inside a thin crepe, with hoisin sauce,
green onions and other condiments. Historical evidence The challenge is because we need to design the whole
of Peking Duck goes back to the Southern and Northern process from the ducks, the farms, the factories, and the
dynasties ( - AD), and it was first recorded at the cook’s recipes to the IoT appliances and the cooking …
imperial court during the Yuan dynasty ( - ) in the We knew we could not do it alone because Peking Duck is
form of a recipe written by a royal physician which called a very complex dish and it involves a lot of special exper-
for intricate preparation, including roasting the duck tise. Therefore we need to work together with different
inside a sheep’s stomach. By the Qing dynasty ( - ) teams. Inside Haier we can find MEs who are doing
it was consumed by the nobility and praised by scholars ovens or kitchen appliances or some MEs specialized in
and poets. electronic control ... I’m in charge of IoT appliances and
It is made from white ducks raised in a free-range envi- can do this part. But beside these parts, we still need to
ronment for days, force-fed for to days to fatten work together with external partners. For example, we
them, then slaughtered and boiled. To enable the skin to outsourced the packaging work to a Chengdu-based
crisp during the roasting process, air is pumped under the company, and we also reached out to some professional
ducks’ skin so that it separates from the fat. The ducks are cooks who worked in Beijing to cook Peking Duck …
then hung to dry and coated with maltose syrup to further Among the cooks there is the ninth successor of the
enhance the crispiness of the skin, then roasted in either a Restaurant, Quanjude, which is the most famous Peking
traditional closed oven or smoked over a wood fire. Duck restaurant in China.
Given its complex preparation, Peking Roast Duck
was viewed in China as a dish only for special occasions To coordinate activity across the various partner nodes
and meant going out to a fancy restaurant. Mingkai Yu, a (both internal and external), Zhang utilized an “EMC con-
member of the Smart Cooking EMC explained, tract” that specified what was to be delivered by the partner,
by when, and what the compensation or profit-sharing
All Chinese people think ‘If we want to eat Peking Duck arrangement would be:
we need to go to some famous restaurant.’ Even for elderly
people, though it may be difficult for them to move from For example, % of the profits will go to the cooks who
one place to another, they have to go [to the restaurant], sell the recipe to us … For the farms who sell ducks to us …
because if you take home Peking Duck the taste of it will before they were B B, now they need to change to B C,
change. they need special packaging for home use, etc, and we
also will negotiate a percentage of profit sharing with
Peking Duck was a powerful symbol of what the EMC them, for example another % or % . I won’t go into
hoped to achieve: a way for ordinary people to cook restau- details on this because it’s kind of a business secret. But
rant-quality dishes at home. If they could enable this, they at the end of the day, we can get Renminbi by selling
could carve out a niche in the market. The complexity of the one duck,. We will use % of the profit for profit sharing
recipe, however, presented several challenges. For example, among all internal MEs of Haier … the other % of the
they had to identify a partner to source the specialty ducks, profit will go to the sub-field or go to the whole company,
Case 7: Haier: Organizing to Build a Smart Ecosystem Brand C-93

Exhibit 4 Example of a Peking Duck oven

Source: Haier Group

and the company or the sub-field will use it as the bonus generated revenues of several million RMB, twice the orig-
at the end of the year. inal target. Chef Zhang Weili, who led the development of
the recipe, cooking process and instructions earned several
The EMC contracts were updated on a monthly basis to thousand RMB from profit sharing in the initial months
reflect contribution and changing work needs: after launch.
“For example, if you are a developer and this month you Even as the Smart Cooking EMC was launching the
spent a lot of time developing a new recipe or program- Peking Duck product, they were already reaching out to
ming a new recipe, your share will increase, it will be high external investors, planning to spin off the EMC as an
this month. But next month, maybe you don’t do a lot of independent company - a process called “upgrading”.
work and your share will decrease.” For the EMC, it enabled access to outside capital and
the potential for higher payouts. For Haier, it helped
Very little start-up capital was needed for the EMC. Part- ensure strategic alignment by spinning off entities that
ners were not guaranteed compensation. Incentives were were not core to its strategy while still sharing in their
based purely on the potential for future profits. Based on upside growth potential. Zhang explained:
the initial assessment of the market opportunity and team
capacity, Zhang’s EMC was awarded several hundred thou- Now, we are trying to establish an independent legal
sand RMB of “value-added sharing space”, basically a guaran- entity, and yes there is a committee inside Haier to make
teed profit- sharing pool if the EMC met its initial volume decisions in making investments. We will also attract
and revenue targets. The size of the pool attracted other MEs some external VCs to invest in our MEs, and Haier will
to bid for the goals set by Zhang. Ultimately, Zhang’s EMC also make investments. Haier will establish a panel or
contracted with nodes (internal and external) to help a committee composed of our H.R. departments, legal
develop the product, including the Steaming Oven ME, the department, financial department, and the strategy
Food Materials ME, the Internet of Things Payment Scenario department and I will do a roadshow to the committee
Interaction ME, the Finance ME, the Human Resources ME, as the founder of the company
and the User Interaction ME. In addition, regional mar-
keting centers joined the EMC. In the future our business will focus on selling dishes
The Smart Cooking EMC launched the Peking Roast or selling a solution, how to cook a dish including the
Duck product—an integrated experience combining the semi-finished products and the ingredients–all of these
packaged duck, smart oven, and phone app–for market things … And this is not the main business of Haier
testing in October , a few months after conceiving the Group, so we will become an independent legal entity
idea (see Exhibit ). After tweaking the offering based on separate from Haier …You can deem it as kind of an IPO,
user feedback, they launched on the Haier Smart Home and Haier will be my shareholder. I won’t be affiliated
app. Samples were sent to more than , Haier stores to Haier; we will become kind of a relationship between
for sale. In the first month, they sold , ducks and shareholders.
C-94 Part 4: Case Studies

Exhibit 5 Example of Marketing Material for Haier’s Peking Duck Project

Source: Haier Group

Based on its early success, the Smart Cooking EMC suc- flexibly to collaborate on a new product or service. In con-
cessfully spun off as an independent company. In November trast to MEs which were relatively stable, EMCs were highly
, Zhang mortgaged his house and then invested over dynamic. One EMC leader in the IoF sub-field explained:
million RMB ( k USD) in the new company. Together
with other EMC members they invested a total of over I think of EMCs as more like a connector, and MEs as
million RMB ( k USD) in their own start-up. more likely to meet a single demand or to have a single
Thereafter, the Smart Cooking EMC expanded its offer- function. For example, any small team inside Haier can
ings by developing new dishes with regional characteris- be an ME. An ME has a single function to meet, a single
tics from around China, such as Beijing, Shandong, Fujian, need from the user or from anybody inside Haier. But
Guangdong, and Sichuan. an EMC is kind of a connector. For example, my EMC
connects over nodes, they are MEs, and we connect
indirectly to nodes and even more MEs, so this way
EMCs as connectors of nodes we are a connector or coordinator of different resources.
As illustrated by the example of the Smart Cooking EMC,
EMCs were temporary structures that connected various An EMC could be created in a planned manner or
internal MEs as well as external partners. They enabled more organically. For example, the IoF sub- field of which
Haier to bring various stakeholders together quickly and the Smart Cooking EMC was a part had seven different
Case 7: Haier: Organizing to Build a Smart Ecosystem Brand C-95

EMCs. Five were initiated in a planned fashion. Other EMCs Exhibit 6 Procedures to Initiate an EMC Contract
emerged more organically in response to customer feedback
and as the vision evolved in response to new data. An EMC Fill in project
Identify target De ne project
leader in the IoF sub- field, Hang Sun, recalled the origin and name and
customers targets/goals
evolution of the seven EMCs: type

[A]t the beginning we studied people’s behavior related

to a kitchen. No matter if you are poor or rich, healthy or
not healthy, if you have a kitchen you must carry out the
following actions: eating, buying food, storage, cooking,
washing. And so these are the five EMCs we created or Indicate
Begin review Estimate
designed in a planned manner. process
amount of
project costs
self- investment
Regarding the EMC of Kitchen Renovation and the
Mother and Infant, these two EMCs were created in an Source: Based on internal company documents and interviews
emerging manner. Another example which is a mixture of
both methods, is the EMC of Smart Cooking. Originally
we wanted to develop it into an educational platform goal, which can also separate or select the best solution
where we could do some offline or offsite education and provider. For example, I cannot tell all of my MEs, “Who
teach you how to cook a dish. However, we received a lot can design a machine which can make dumplings?” ...
of opinions and feedback from our colleagues, and, even- The oven producer can tell me ‘I can do this and my
tually, we made it an EMC to help customers fully accom- cost is , Renminbi,’ and the manufacturer of a pen
plish the task of making dishes from semi-finished food. can also tell me ‘I can also do this and my cost is only
Renminbi,’ so how can I decide? I need to make the
Like the Smart Cooking EMC, which addressed the demand or the need very specific so that I can select the
problem of making restaurant quality dishes at home, each best one.
of these EMCs aimed to build solutions that were complex
and required integration across a variety of internal and Any individual or ME could bid on goals on the Work-
external partners. For example, the EMC for Kitchen Ren- bench. To attract bidders, the vision and profit potential of
ovation sought to address the widespread problem of small, the opportunity needed to be compelling. If an EMC strug-
antiquated kitchens by creating a service that would allow gled to attract bidders, it might indicate that the goal was
households to renovate and modernize their kitchen in three unreasonable, the broader vision needed to be revisited, or
days. The ambitious vision required Haier to martial exper- that the EMC needed to look for external partners.
tise both across Haier and outside the company. The bidding process was open to all. Senior leaders could
also bid for roles in EMCs working alongside individuals
who were junior to them. For instance, Hang Sun bid on
goals from other EMCs. He explained:
Process of Creating an EMC and Attracting
Bids to Participate I also compete for the goals created by other EMCs or
To create an EMC, formal evaluation and approval were the EMCs under the framework of IoF. For example,
required. Anybody could propose an EMC by submitting sometimes an EMC will create a goal regarding R&D,
the long-term vision, an estimate of the resources required regarding operations, regarding marketing or regarding
and the potential profit to an internal committee called some other views, and sometimes I take part in these
the Great Shared Platform that comprised members of HR, EMC goals competing for a role in these opportunities.
legal, finance and others. Upon approval, the EMC was Because we don’t have a bureaucratic system in Haier
formally registered on Haier’s internal digital platform, the and … I think everybody who is able should take part
“Workbench” (see Exhibit ). in their role. In this way, I also want to take part in
Once registered, an EMC could start to attract resources other EMC contacts so I can also share the profits in
and partners to achieve its vision by sharing its goals via the the future.
Workbench that others in the company competed for and bade
on. Setting the right goals was an important and non-trivial Sun acknowledged that sometimes individuals he worked
part of the exercise. They needed to be specific enough so with in an operating role in an EMC might view him as the
that the EMC leader and the Great Shared Platform could boss. He explained:
evaluate competing bidders, as Yu Zhang explained:
In my EMC all the people are of the same age and some
I think the leader of an EMC is very important. Not every- of them are younger than me. Some of them were born
body can be the leader of an EMC … Our work is kind in the s and Chinese people born in the s are
of art. We need to make a specific reasonable achievable very active in their mind. I never try to overrule them,
C-96 Part 4: Case Studies

I never try to suppress them, suppress their ideas. I always In addition, partners contracting with an EMC could
encourage discussion. And yes, there are some people contract with other MEs inside Haier to support the comple-
who defer to me or think I’m the boss and they need to tion of their contracted work. For example, the Smart Cook-
follow my instructions or my orders, but normally those ing EMC contracted with the Smart Kitchen ME (focused
are newcomers. As they spend more time here, they will on transforming traditional home appliances into networked
know that they can talk very openly with me. appliances) to deliver a camera inside the oven that could
determine when a food item was cooked. To facilitate this,
EMCs were able to quickly form and disband. Most the ME worked with a separate Artificial Intelligence ME
EMCs had very few full-time employees dedicated exclu- inside Haier to help with the image-processing capabilities
sively to the work of the EMC. Most individuals working needed to accomplish this goal.
on a given EMC were also members of established MEs that EMC contracts were also used with external partners.
paid their base salary. Compensation for EMC-related work For example, with the Peking Roast Duck project, the EMC
typically came in the form of claims on future profits. Product needed to contract with duck farms, specifying the volume
development cycles were very short–many took just weeks or of ducks, the packaging needed, and the share of profits.
months from concept to launch. If EMCs were not successful To negotiate, establish, enforce, and periodically update
in the market, workers lost interest and the EMCs disbanded. contracts between the different partners in an EMC required
communication and coordination. This meant a lot of meet-
The EMC Contract ings. A member of the Smart Cooking EMC, Tang Ying,
described a typical working day:
The EMC contract was the key coordinating mechanism
between EMC partners. In addition to specifying respon- In the morning we will identify all the projects we need to
sibilities, deadlines and profit-sharing arrangements, it was drive for the day and what are the departments or teams
updated according to work needs. EMC contracts, including involved and what the gaps are, and what kind of support
the profit-sharing percentages, were built on blockchain tech- we need, resources we need to drive these projects for-
nology and were transparent to everyone in the EMC via the ward, and there’s a lot of communication, a lot of meet-
Workbench. A member of the Smart Cooking EMC explained: ings going on. And at the end of the day we will look at
Mr. Zhang [the leader of the Smart Cooking EMC] has a the progress we have made and the problems we still have
and what are the things that we need to communicate
requirement for all the MEs, for example, that by the end
of next month we need to finish the programming of a with other departments, so there’s a lot of meetings and
communication going on during the day.
recipe in a new device, a new oven. Mr. Lee applied and he
got this task, so he needs to upload this task to his dash-
board in the Workbench so that everybody can see that
he has this responsibility. They will sign an EMC contract
Looking Ahead
(Mr. Lee and Mr. Zhang) ... that by the end of next month As Yong Wu surveyed the landscape, he was convinced that
you need to finish the programming of this new recipe Haier’s strategy of pursuing an ecosystem brand strategy was
in this new device. If you make it correctly, you can get a the right one. Early returns on the most recent evolution of
share of the profits, and if not you cannot get this profit. So the rendanheyi model–and the EMC structure–were positive
everything will go following the contents of this contract. and indicated that it was enabling the type of complex col-
laborations needed to deliver smart products and services.
The goals, targets, and compensation arrangements of However, like earlier shifts in the rendanheyi model, the EMC
each EMC contract were decided by the EMC leader and model was not without its own challenges. One was how to
the Great Shared Platform but were the result of discussion harness the market-based entrepreneurial forces at the root
between the EMC leader, other staff members, and the of the model to align with the company’s direction. While
partners. The EMC leader needed to continually manage individuals and MEs had decision- making authority and the
and negotiate with partner nodes to ensure that people were autonomy to pursue any entrepreneurial opportunities they
aligned and felt fairly compensated. This required the ability judged valuable, these had to be sufficiently coordinated with
to effectively communicate the “why” behind profit sharing the strategic direction of the broader organization. Yong Wu
percentages. Yong Wu explained: explained:
The discussion process is very open and public and fair, [At the level of the leadership of the company] we need
and we adjust the profit- sharing mechanism once a to make sure that MEs can compete, but the direction
month. For example, this month if you’re not very happy they are competing must align with the strategic direction
with your share, you just tell me and the next month, if of the company, for example to develop home appliance
I think it is unfair for you, maybe I will compensate you solutions instead of competing towards other goals.
with another bonus or another profit. So up to now I
haven’t had any problems with the profit sharing making Competition between MEs for various EMC goals could
anybody not very happy. only exist when there were multiple buyers and sellers in
Case 7: Haier: Organizing to Build a Smart Ecosystem Brand C-97

the internal market and when MEs had the slack to take entrepreneur of their start-up. It’s a very good opportu-
on additional projects. How to allow for enough but not too nity for me, it can help me realize my dream. But I think
much slack was an ongoing concern. Yong Wu described the this mechanism is kind of a double- edged sword. If you
delicate balancing act: are a passive person, you don’t want to start your business,
maybe you will be phased out of this mechanism quickly.
As leaders in Haier we also consider how to make sure But if you have a big dream and you are an entrepreneur,
that MEs are not doing the same thing, because ... that Haier’s system can help you grow up rapidly.
means there’s a waste of time and input. For example,
maybe only one solution will be used and other solutions The compensation structure at Haier provided low base
won’t be used–this will be a waste. pay, equivalent to the minimum wage of the province in
which the company was based. To supplement this, Haier
Haier generally relied on market forces to strike this bal- provided upside potential through numerous profit-sharing
ance. If an ME was not able to deliver competitive products mechanisms. Individuals could receive high financial rewards
or services to the EMC it was eventually phased out. But for their efforts, but this was dependent on the performance
some wondered whether Haier should have greater oversight of the MEs and EMCs of which they were a part. On aver-
to shape the composition of the ME portfolio and ensure age, about % of an employee’s pay came from guaranteed
alignment between EMCs and corporate strategy. Central- wages, while % came from profit sharing. In addition, Hai-
ized oversight was applied only at the formation stage of er’s entrepreneurial system promoted a culture of high moti-
the EMC, which had to be approved by the Great Shared vation and intense work demands. Acting as an entrepreneur
Platform, but should Haier include additional touchpoints, entailed high workloads and work intensity, and could be
perhaps through an annual strategic review process? To overwhelming for some.
manage slack resources, should Haier more actively mon- How to strike the right balance between unleashing the
itor the performance of MEs and take the initiative to phase entrepreneurial drive and risk taking of its employees and
out the low-performing ones and spur new ones where there providing sufficient predictable income for all its employees?
was greater demand and greater fit with the overall portfolio What percent of an average employee’s compensation should
of MEs at Haier? be guaranteed? It was % now, but should it be higher?
The rendanheyi model relied on the entrepreneurial What would be the trade-offs of doing so?
behavior and capabilities of individuals to be successful. As Yong Wu considered these questions, he realized
For those with big dreams and entrepreneurial drive, Hai- that Haier had to remain vigilant and continue to adapt its
er’s system presented an abundance of opportunities, but organizing model to fit an evolving strategy and emergent
not everyone was cut out for it. Yu Zhang reflected on how tensions. He wondered what recommendations to make
Haier’s system was good for some but not others. in the group strategy meeting on how to adapt and refine
the model in light of the questions and tensions he had
I think now Haier has such a good platform to encour-
age everybody to create their own business to be an

. Source: Annual Report of Haier Smart Home . For more information on the e-book example, . From “Humanocracy” ( ) by Gary Hamel and
Co., Ltd see “Wide Lens” by Ron Adner. Michele Zanini

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