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Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research BATNA2


Faculty of Technology – Mechanical Engineering Department Renewable energies
educational area (ex UR)
Specialty: Renewable Energies in Mechanics Master 1

Technological Advances in Solar Photovoltaic Systems:
Current Trends and Future Prospects

Realized by: Abdelhafid Nadia et Ouarhlent Fouzia

College year 2023 - 2024

Technical English Course Abdelhafid Nadia
1st homework Ouarhlent Fouzia

Technological Advances in Solar Photovoltaic Systems: Current Trends and

Future Prospects

Solar energy is a type of modern energy that humans resort to in their uses and
consumptions. Therefore, we must first get to know the concept of energy.

What is energy?
In its most common definition, energy is the capacity to perform work. In other words, anything
that can function has energy. In the case of energy, doing work also means causing or bringing
about change. Energy is either transformed or transferred every time work is done. This means
that since it changes form every time it is used, the amount of energy in the universe will always
remain the same.

Why is energy important?

Why do we need energy? In other words, without energy, there is no life. But what makes energy
so important in our lives? Well, try to think of something that doesn't use energy. It is unlikely
that you will be able to find an answer. A hot drink in a cup, a sleeping baby, a bouncing ball, and
even a beating heart all have energy. 9 reasons why energy is important in our lives: Breathing,
Communication, Digestion, Growth, Healing, Heat, Light, Power, Travel.
The bottom line is that life runs on energy. The more active we are, the more energy we need.
Since we cannot recycle and reuse energy, we must consume a steady flow of energy.

What are the different forms of energy?

Well, energy takes a significant number of different forms.Here are the 14 most common forms of
energy: Chemical energy, Electric energy, Electromagnetic energy, Gravitational energy, Thermal
energy, Hydrolic energy, Magnetic energy, Mechanical energy, Nuclear energy, Radiant energy,
Solar energy, Sound energy, Thermal energy, Wind energy.

Where does our energy come from? What are the types of energy sources?
If energy cannot be created, then where can it be found? Well, there are three main types of
energy sources. They are classified into fossil fuels, renewable energy sources and alternative
energy sources.
Here we focus on renewable energies, especially solar energy, which is the focus of this research
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1st homework Ouarhlent Fouzia

Solar Photovoltaic Systems:

What is solar energy?

Solar energy is the light and heat emanating from the sun. This energy is of great importance on
Earth. All living organisms on Earth depend on the energy of the sun. It is an essential source for
the process of photosynthesis in plants. It also provides warmth for all living organisms to
survive. The heat of the sun also helps in evaporation. Water on the Earth's surface and the
formation of clouds that ultimately provide fresh rainwater.
Solar energy is produced through thermonuclear fusion reactions deep in the sun. These reactions
release a large amount of energy, such that it maintains the temperature of the sun’s surface at
10,300 degrees Fahrenheit (5,700 degrees Celsius). Although solar energy is the largest source of
energy that the Earth receives, its intensity On the surface of the Earth is very low, due to the
large distance between the Earth and the Sun and the Earth’s atmosphere, which absorbs and
scatters radiation. The energy that reaches the surface of the Earth through the atmosphere on a
clear day when the Sun is directly above the Earth does not exceed approximately 30% and when
the Sun is close to the horizon and the sky. Overcast, the solar energy at ground level is very
small, and the amount of rays on the Earth's surface varies from one point to another.
The total amount of solar energy received by the Earth greatly exceeds the amount used in the
world, but if harnessed appropriately, this highly widespread source has the potential to meet all
future energy needs. In the twenty-first century, the use of solar energy is expected to increase
even more as it is considered... Continuous, renewable energy that does not cause pollution. In
return, the uses of limited fossil fuels that cause pollution, such as coal, oil and natural gas, will
decrease.From the above we can say thatsolar energy reaching a given surface depends directly on
its orientation and the position of the sun. To recover maximum energy from the sun, it is
necessary to best orient the receiver in relation to the light rays.Knowing the position of the sun as
a function of time is therefore fundamental.

How to harness solar energy? How does a photovoltaic installation work?

Principle of photovoltaic solar energy: transforming solar radiation into electricity usinga
photovoltaic cell.
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I. The different photovoltaic installations:

Installation son isolated site:

Thistypeofassemblyissuitableforinstallationsthatcannotbeconnectedtothenetwork.The energy
produced must be directly consumed and/or stored in accumulators to meet all needs.

Photovoltaicpanelsproducedirectelectricalcurrent.The regulator optimizes the charging and

dischargingof the battery according to its capacity and ensures itsprotection.The inverter
transforms direct current into alternating current to power the AC receivers. The batteries are
charged during the day to be able to power at night or on bad days.

Example so fuse:
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Facilities connected to the public distribution net work:

Solution with total injection :

All the electrical energy produced by the photovoltaic ensors is sent to be resold on the
distribution network.

- the connection of the consumer which remains identical with its meter consumption (you
cannot use your own production),
- the new connection allowing the entire production to be injected into the network, has

two counters :
o the other for non-consumption (allows you to check that no withdrawal fraudulent is

carried out).
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1st homework Ouarhlent Fouzia

Solution with surplus injection:

This solution is achieved with connection to the public network at one point:

The user consumes the energy it produces with the solar system and the excess is injected
in to the network. When photovoltaic production is insufficient, the network provides the
necessary energy. Only one additional counter is added to the existing counter.
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Example so fuse:

II. Technology :

Photovoltaic cell: The photovoltaic effect was discovered in1839 by the French physicist
Becquerel. A solar panel works by the photovoltaic effect, that is to say by the creation of a
force electromotive linked to the absorption of light energy in a
solid.Thisistheonlywaycurrentlyknowntodirectlyconvertlightintoelectricity.The photovoltaic cell
constitutes the basic element of photovoltaic solar panels. This is a silicon-based semiconductor
devised live ring a voltage of the order of0.5to0.6V.

The photovoltaic cell is made from two layers of silicon (semi-material driver):

- A layer doped with boron which has fewer electrons than silicon, this zone is therefore positively

doped (zone P),

- A layer doped with phosphorus which has more electrons than silicon, this zone is therefore

negatively doped (N zone).

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When a photon o flight arrives, its energy creates a break between a silicon atom and an electron,
modifying the electric charges. The atoms, positively charged, will thenin the P zone and the
electrons, negatively charged, in the N zone. A difference in electric potential, that is to say an
electric voltage, is thus created. That's what we call the photovoltaic effect
On the surface, the electrical contact (negative electrode) is established by the grid in order to
allow for sunlight to pass through the contacts and penetrate the silicon.
Solar cells a recoated with ananti-reflective layer, which protects the cell and reduces reflection
losses. It is a layer that gives solar cells their blue appearance dark.

Solar or photovoltaic module:

Association of cells in series: The electrical characteristics of a single cell are generally
insufficient to power electrical equipment. The cells must be combined in series to obtain a
higher voltage: the solar module or photovoltaic panel. A photovoltaic panel is a series assembly
of cells making it possible to obtain avoltageof12volts.The power of a solar panel depends on its
surface area, i.e. the number of cells. Photovoltaic.
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A panel made up of 24 photovoltaic cells will therefore deliver a voltage U of 12 V,and this
regardless of the sunshine.But to operate electrical appliances, it is the intensity I of the panel,
varying infunction of sunshine, which will determine the electrical energy.

Definition of peak watt: the peak power of a photovoltaic installation is the power maximum
delivered by a module under optimal conditions (orientation, inclination, sunshine,…). It is
expressed in peak Watt (Wc).As a first approximation, it is estimated that a 1 m2 module
produces 100 Wp.

By-pass”diodes : Placing cells in series can be dangerous when one of them ends up at the
It will heat up and risk destroying itself. In fact, a “masked” cells stein en sit passing through it
decrease. As a result, it blocks the circulation of the “normal” intensity produced by the other
modules. The voltage at the terminals of this “masked” cell increases, resulting in
overheating.Thisisthereverseself-polarizationeffect.Suchacelliscalleda“Hotspot”.To eliminate this
problem and protect the “masked” cell, “by-pass” diodes are placed. pass” in anti-parallel on 18
or 24 cells so as to short-circuit the shaded cells.A solar panel has one to three bypass diodes,
depending on its number of cells (on average 36 cells for 3 bypass diodes). In case of mask:

Example : At the end row, the current passes through the bypass diode due to shading.

Constitution of a photovoltaic field: In order to obtain the necessary voltage for the inverter, the
panels are connected in series. They then form a chain of modules or string.
The chains are then associated in parallel and form a photovoltaic field (field PV).

Itisalsonecessarytoinstalldiodesorfusesinseriesoneachchainofmodules.These protections are useful

to prevent that in the event of a shadow on a channel; it behaves like a receiver and the current
flows in the opposite direction and damages it.
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Inverter:The inverter converts the direct current produced by photovoltaic panels in alternating
current identical to that ofthe electrical
power to inject into the network: this is the MPPT (Maximum Power Point Tracker). This
Operation depends on sunshine and temperature.

Aninverterhasanefficiencygreaterthan94%. Its

The maximum power,
The maximum voltage,
The input voltage range,
The maximum number of connectable strings.
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Output: the maximum power and the nominal power, rated voltage and rated frequencytheyield.

Sensor technology :

Silicon is currently the most used material to manufacture cells photovoltaic. It must be
purified in order to obtain photovoltaic quality silicon. It then comes in the form of round or
square section bars called in goats. The in goats are then cut in to wafers: thin plates of a few
hundred microns thick. They are then enriched with doping elements to obtain semi-silicon. P
or N type conductor.

Metal ribbons are then inlaid on the surface and connected to contacts to form photovoltaic

The cells most used for electricity production are silicon cells. Polycrystalline thanks to their
good quality-price ratio. Manufacturers guarantee a lifespan of 20 to 25 years at 80% power
Note: it is estimated that a photovoltaic cell must operate for approximately 2 to 3 years to
produce the energy that was necessary for its manufacture.
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Manufacturingof crystallinecellphotovoltaicpanels: The data is written in French

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Comparison of the three main sensor technologies:

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III. Photovoltaic electricity Sales Rates:

To facilitate the installation of photovoltaic solar in France, the State, ADEME (Agencyof the

Environment and Energy Management), the regions… offer advantages taxes or bonuses.

Price in effect from April1,2013untilJune30,2013:

QualiPV is a designation recommended by ADEME, to define professionals in photovoltaic

companies committed to a quality charter.

Translated from Arabic to English - www.onlinedoctransl

Analysis For potential future developments in solar PV technology:

Solar energy is abundant and can be harnessed infinitely to meet ever-increasing energy
demands. Not only does solar energy have a wide range of environmental benefits, it is also a
great resource for generating clean, sustainable energy.
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The use of solar energy allows economic and community development in a sustainable
manner that meets the needs of the present without compromising the needs of future
The main benefits of solar energy are that it reduces dependence on fossil fuels, supports
sustainable economic growth, creates jobs, and creates a healthy environment.
Given all the benefits that solar energy provides to society, the economy and the
environment, there is no doubt that it will be a leading source of energy in the near future.

Discussion On the use of emerging materials, such as perovskite solar cells:

Solarabic – Germany – March 2022 :A team from Q CELLS Energy Solutions and
Helmholtz Center Berlin was able to achieve a new record for solar cell efficiency by using a
bi-terminal tandem solar cell from...PerovskiteAnd the Cyclion, whose efficiency reached
New tandem cell:
Develop the company's research and development team“Q CELLS” over the past
three years together with the “HZB” team, a solar cell with “Q.ANTUM” technology based
on back-emitter passivation technology.PERC» Which includes installing a reflective back
layer, designed to take advantage of the energy of solar radiation that has not been absorbed
in the absorption layer, after it has crossed into the cell to reach the surface coated with the
passivation layer, which in turn reflects it back towards the absorption layer.

The developed tandem solar cell consists of a silicon bottom cell and a perovskite-
based top cell, and the current record efficiency of 28.7% represents an improvement of
approximately 1% over the record set in 2020 and verified by a laboratory.“Fraunhofer ISE
CalLab” of 27.8%. This increase in tandem efficiency was made possible through
improvements in both perovskite and silicon subcells, and higher efficiencies for perovskite
tandem cells have already been observed in solar research.

These results cannot be put into mass production yet, as they were obtained using laboratory
tests. But it is a remarkable achievement to achieve an efficiency of 28.7% using synthetic
materials at an effective cost.
The research and development was funded by the Federal Ministry of Economy and Climate
Protection «BMWK» and the state «Saxony-Anhalt».

About company «Q CELLS»

It is a company “Q CELLS” is one of the largest and most famous manufacturers of
high-performance solar cells and photovoltaic panels. The company is headquartered in
Seoul, South Korea (Global Executive Headquarters) and Thalheim, Germany (Technology
and Innovation Headquarters), and has several international production facilities in the
United States of America. Malaysia, China and South Korea.
The company offers a full range of PV products, applications and solutions, from cells
and panels to large solar power plants, through its growing global business network covering
Europe, North America, Asia, South America, Africa and the Middle East, providing energy
solutions in the fields of solar energy, energy storage and downstream project work. and
energy trading.
The company announced last year that it would increase its R&D investment in
Germany to €125 million over the next three years, with a significant portion of this amount
allocated to ongoing support of its R&D division in commercializing tandem perovskite and
silicon technologies..
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Officials' comments: Our experts have achieved several world records in tandem cells
composed of perovskite top cells and bottom cells of other materials, albeit on a laboratory
scale. We encourage knowledge and technology transfer and welcome fruitful cooperation«Q
CELLS» It is striking how close the cell efficiency has been achieved to what we can achieve
on a laboratory scale.
Prof. Dr. Bernd Resch, Scientific Director of the team«HZB»
The possibility of achieving such high efficiency tandem industrial cells with a large
market share is a very exciting development, in this way tandem technology will be able to
quickly enter the development of the PV market..
Prof. Dr. Steve Albrecht, junior professor at the Technical University of Berlin and
group leader at«HZB»
Yesser company “Q CELLS” announces this new world record in tandem cell
efficiency, along with “HZB”. The two teams have worked closely together to develop
tandem cell technology that accelerates the commercialization process, enabling the industry
to make a real leap to safety in photovoltaics. Q Cells is confident in its ability to produce the
next generation of solar cells again, and will continue to invest heavily in supporting research
and development in this field.

Dr. Daniel Jeong, chief technology officer at«Q CELLS»

Our planet receives more than 173,000 terawatts of energy every year from the Sun –
that's more than 10,000 times the energy we need.[1]. With such abundant energy, the future
of solar energy will certainly be bright!
Although we are now familiar with solar panels, one of the...The main advantages of solar
energy are that innovations are still thriving in this sector so that we can use the sun's energy
in better ways. Who knows, maybe in 20-30 years from now, the way we recover solar
energy will have completely changed!
However, currently, there are two widely recognized techniquesTo convert solar
energy into electricity: photovoltaic panels (PV) and concentrated solar power, also known as
solar thermal energy.
According to experts, these two technologies are expected to dominate the world of solar
energy until 2050.The reasons for this are multiple.

High solar panels:

In the first place, solar panels, which were once almost a luxury item due to their high
purchase price, have become almost a luxury item.Available to everyone now. Between 2008
and 2013, the cost of solar panels fell by more than 50 percent and is estimated to fall even
further. Hence, solar panels are now more affordable for the average consumer and
government policies often encourage people to invest upfront to purchase solar panels.
With solar panels about to become mainstream,The International Energy Agency (IEA)
predicts that solar energy could make up up to 16% of the entire world's energy within the
next 30 years.
But as solar energy becomes more widely adopted, there are new businesses emerging in
response to new needs that are created, for example demand for space for solar panels or
solutions for solar energy storage..

Benefits of solar energy on the environmentAnd economics:

Solar energy has many benefits to the environment, society and economy.AndIt is a
clean, unpolluted source that helps mitigate the effects of climate change With the increasing
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popularity of KunHaGreen People are attracted to the idea of making environmentally

conscious decisions and being energy independent.

1. Helps mitigate climate change:

Solar energy helps mitigate and slow climate change because it reduces carbon
dioxide emissions and releases fewer pollutants into the air.
Mitigating carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide emissions through conventional energy
production (such as coal, gas and oil) contributes to the greenhouse effect, which traps energy
from the sun and warms the Earth's surface. This is a naturally occurring process that helps
warm the planet to a livable temperature.
However, human activities have increased greenhouse gases within the atmosphere
and caused the planet to warm faster than before..
The consequences of climate change are severe and include melting glaciers, sea level rise
and increased health impacts.
Solar energy benefits the environment because capturing solar energy and converting it
into electricity does not produce any pollutants or greenhouse gases.

2. Reduces dependence on the network:

Capturing solar energy and converting it to electricity reduces dependence on the
grid and reduces energy use from the grid.
Solar power does not work at night, so solar users need to install batteries to store
their energy for use at night or use power from the grid. In most cases, energy from the grid is
collected from non-renewable resources and fossil fuels.
Solar energy benefits the environment because it generates less demand on the grid,
reduces demand for fossil fuels, reduces greenhouse gas emissions and shrinks your carbon

Discover the amazing benefits of investing in solar energy:

Once installed, the solar panel system will derive clean, pure energy from the sun,
helping to combat climate change and reduce society's dependence on fossil fuels..

3. Low carbon footprint:

Carbon footprint refers to the total greenhouse gas emissions generated by an

individual, event, organization or product expressed as carbon dioxide equivalent.
The average American's carbon footprint is 16 tons, one of the highest in the world.
Globally, the average is about 4 tons. To mitigate the negative impacts of climate change, the
average global footprint per year must be about 2 tons by 2050..
Installing solar energy is a great way to reduce your carbon footprint because it is a
natural, renewable resource. For every kilowatt of energy solar produces, it reduces your
home's carbon emissions by more than 3,000 pounds per year. This results in an average
reduction of 15,000 pounds of carbon dioxide per year.
Solar energy benefits the environment because it reduces the global carbon footprint
because it produces little or no emissions. Reducing our carbon footprint could save billions
of dollars from climate change damage, such as flooding.

4. Reduces dependence on non-renewable resources:

Solar energy is an endless renewable resource. It is available anywhere on the
planet, although some latitudes are better suited to harnessing solar energy.
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Unlike traditional energy sources (such as coal, oil, and gas), energy from the sun is infinite
and will never run out.
Solar energy reduces dependence on non-renewable resources that create pollutants
and deplete limited non-renewable natural resources.
Renewable energy technologies, such as solar energy, are good for the environment
because they do not require many resources to produce energy.
Once the solar panels are installed, the system does not require any power, water or
other resources to produce electricity.
By harnessing solar energy, the demand for fossil fuels and non-renewable resources
also decreases, helping to reflect the planet's natural resources.

5. Reduces air pollution:

Electricity from fossil fuels (such as oil, gas, and coal) produces gases such as
carbon dioxide and methane. These gases cause air pollution and smog, which is linked to
many health conditions, including asthma, allergies, bronchitis, pulmonary headaches,
anxiety, heart attacks, and cancer..

Are solar panels operated in shade or partially shaded?

Solar energy also eliminates water pollution from power plants. During the cooling
stages of energy production, power plants process water that often becomes contaminated
with toxins such as mercury, lead and arsenic.
After production is completed, the polluted water is released or disposed of, meaning
it eventually enters and pollutes waterways affecting ecosystems and marine wildlife..
Solar energy is good for the environment for several reasons. As a clean energy
source, it removes pollution, harmful emissions and toxic substances from energy production.
It also reduces pollution because it reduces society's dependence on fossil fuels to produce
By reducing pollution, solar energy can prevent billions in health and environmental
damage. This will not only save lives but will also preserve ecosystems and preserve natural

6. Conserve water use:

Water is a precious resource as only 3% of the Earth's surface is fresh water.
Resource extraction and traditional electricity sources are labor intensive, environmentally
harmful and require tens of thousands of liters of water each year. For example, coal-fired
plants use more than 15,500 gallons of water for every megawatt-hour of electricity they
Unlike traditional electricity and energy sources, solar energy does not require water for
Solar energy is a major resource and long-term water saving solution that can contribute
to maintaining the world's water supply.

7. Withstand environmental factors:

In today's consumer-driven society, products are rarely built to last and the constant
purchasing and replacement of goods contributes to resource extraction and waste..
Solar energy benefits the environment because once the system is installed, it lasts a long
time, up to 50 years, and requires little or no maintenance.
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Solar panels are specifically designed to withstand environmental factors. Traditional

methods of producing electricity require regular replacement and maintenance, which
contributes to waste, pollution and resource extraction.

The role of solar energy in combating climate change:

There are also many economic benefits of solar energy for both individuals (e.g. lower
electricity bills) and the economy (e.g. spending less money on resource extraction).

Key economic benefits of solar energy:

• It creates jobs in manufacturing, installation and maintenance
• Diversify energy supply
• Reduces dependence on fossil fuels
• Economic growth
• Stabilize the economy by reducing uncertainty in future energy prices

Major social benefits of solar energy:

• Energy independence
• Reduces electricity bills between 14-54%
• Better health
• Jobs chances
• Solar-powered homes are selling twice as fast
• Ensures adequate energy supply for future generations

Researchers are also constantly working to find better solutions for solar energy
collection that will be more efficient, affordable and compact.
Here are some examples of the work being done around the world to improve the way we
harvest solar energy!

Innovations in the field of solar energy harvesting:

-Printable solar panels: Aim for printable solar panelsTo become the go-to solution for
rooftop solar, with the goal of bringing costs down to little more than the cost of a Venti
Starbucks Frappucino. Researchers from the University of Newcastle in Australia are testing
solar cells that use inks Electronic printed on plastic film.
These panels will be less than a tenth of a millimeter thick, and can be printed quickly in
large quantities all for less than $8 per square meter. This would be amazingly cheaper
compared to Tesla's solar roof panels, for example, which cost about $235 per square metre..

-Improve the efficiency of solar panels: Solar panels are more efficient Another aspect that
experts are determined to improve. Since the 1950s, the efficiency of solar panels has
improved from about 6% to about 15%.
But there is still much room for improvement: some scientists believe that efficiency can be
improved by...Capture the infrared spectrum of the sun. Currently, solar panels do not absorb
this sunlight, so it is essentially waste. If this energy could be utilized, the energy efficiency
of solar panels could be enhanced by 30%.
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-Cyanobacterial solar cells: Efficiency gains can also be achieved through Try new
materials. Scientists work with biological materials to try to make solar cells use them. This
process involves using cyanobacteria to help power wireless devices.

Why are solar panels so expensive? Below is a breakdown of solar system costs

Currently, the efficiency of these bio-based solar cells is much lower compared to
traditional photovoltaic cells, but scientists hope to improve this especially since this type of
solar cell could be very useful in providing energy in remote areas where batteries may have
to be replaced. be more difficult.

New materials work wonders:

Other types of materials being researched as alternatives include solar panel production
Gallium arsenide, cadmium telluride, and amorphous siliconAnd also perovskite.
Perovskite, which coined the solar cell a “wonder material,” is a material that holds a lot of
promise. It's a cheaper product with the potential to be just as efficient - if not more so - than
traditional silicon cells.
Perovskites have a special type of crystal structure that can be described as an organic-
inorganic hybrid material or a tin halide-based material, such as the light-harvesting active
layer. While perovskite cells are by no means at a commercial stage, researchers believe that
within five to ten years we could be heading towards a revolution in the solar market.
This is because experts feel that by combining perovskite cells with silicon cells, we can
greatly improve the efficiency of solar energy. Researchers are working on a new
experimental technique that layers perovskite solar cells on top of silicon cells in order to
increase their overall efficiency.
In addition, better design can also be a solution to improve energy efficiency. Company
investsIBM is making individual photovoltaic cells smaller so that more of them can be
placed in narrower spaces. IBM experts believe that by making solar panels smaller, they can
eventually pack ten times more photovoltaic cells into the same space..

Discover the amazing benefits of investing in solar energy:

Floating solar farms:
Given that PV panels also take up space, companies have also thought of innovative
ways to place PV panels. In addition to their adaptation as roof tiles and to cover building
facades, proposals are emerging to create floating photovoltaic panels or to integrate them
into agricultural lands..
In fact, some environmental organizations prefer to integrate solar panels onto farmland
because this allows for a different use of the land than solar panelsEncourages biodiversity.
Floating solar farms have also attracted a lot of attention especially since some companies
e.gCiel & Terre International has been making this a reality by creating a large-scale, floating
solar solution since 2011.
One such farm is already being established as an experiment off the coast of the United
Kingdom; Similar projects could be attempted in India, France and Japan.
There is so much brewing in the world of solar energy, that aside from forecasting cost
reductions and increased efficiency, no one can accurately guess what the future of solar
energy will look like. However, one thing is certain: solar energy is one of the key solutions
for achieving a low-carbon future.
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Algeria's capabilities are significant in the field of renewable energies:

Algeria has exploitable capabilities in the field of renewable energies, with a desert area
of more than 200 million hectares. With regard to solar energy potential, the average
insolation at the national level is 3,000 hours annually, which is among the highest rates of
solar radiation in the world and at the level of the Algerian Sahara desert, which represents 80
percent of the country's area can reach 3,900 hours annually, while incoming solar radiation
can exceed 2,500 kilowatt-hours per square meter annually.
Algeria is working to implement a national program to develop electricity generation
from renewable resources, which aims to produce 15,000 megawatts by 2035, with an
addition rate of 1,000 megawatts annually.
The World Wind Energy Council indicated that Algeria is among the countries that have
remarkable potential in wind energy, and estimates by the International Financial Corporation
of the World Bank in the report “Energy Outlook in Africa 2019” indicate that Algeria has
the largest wind energy capabilities on the African continent. About 7,700 gigawatts, and the
report was prepared in cooperation with the Global Wind Energy Council.
Knowing that Algeria established a “Capertan” wind power plant with a capacity of 10.2
megawatts in June 2014 in Adrar, the energy produced by it is pumped into the network.
In an effort to ensure the diversification of energy sources, Algeria is working, according to
specialized reports, to ensure the development of hydroelectric energy, in addition to
renewable energy, especially since this energy was available in the past.
Hydroelectric energy, by exploiting and employing dams, can constitute an important
energy resource, in addition to traditional fossil energies of oil, gas, and renewable energies.
Algeria has about 13 hydroelectric power stations, and Algeria has adopted programs to
develop renewable energies, especially solar, through the “Solar” project. In particular, to
produce 1,000 megawatts, and reach a production of 15,000 megawatts by 2030.
Algeria has the largest solar energy fields in the world, and it has an insolation period of
2000 to 3000 hours annually over the entire Algerian territory, and it can reach up to 3900
hours, especially in the highlands and desert.
Algeria aims to produce about 22,000 megawatts of electricity through renewable energy
sources during the next ten years, or 27% of the country’s electricity needs, by 2030.
A gas solar station was developed in Hassi R’Mel with a capacity of 150 megawatts, as
well as a wind power station in Adrar with a capacity of 10 megawatts. In addition, there is a
trend, on the other hand, to develop hydroelectric energy, starting with the rehabilitation of
hydroelectric power stations, and considering the possibility of exploiting them by exploiting
the available water resources. Of valleys and streams.

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