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London is the capital of Great Britain, it is a dream city, a city that I really
want to visit someday.
2. London consists of four parts that differ sharply from each other: the
western part of London (West End), the eastern part of London (East End),
the business center of London, Westminster.
3. The western part of London is known for its rich shops, restaurants, and
4. The eastern part of the city is much poorer: its inhabitants are ordinary
people, workers.
5. The business center of London is a place of concentration of business; a
huge number of offices, companies, business centers are located here.
6. Westminster is the historical center of the city, it is rich in various
7. There are many places in London that are worth seeing, among which we
can mention Westminster Abbey - a Gothic church, the traditional place of
coronation and burial of the kings of Great Britain, the famous Big Ben
clock, the largest observation wheel in the world, called the "London eye",
Hyde Park - the largest and the most beautiful park in the city.
8. The place which I want to visit is Madame Tussauds wax museum.
9. It is a legendary place where you can see a large number of celebrity wax
10. The next attraction I would like to see in London is the Natural
History Museum, especially its Dinosaur Gallery.
11. Next, I would like to spend a day in some youth hostel in London.
12. They say that the atmosphere in such youth places is wonderful.
13. I hope to meet many international students there and make new
14. And probably the last thing on my list is a boat ride on the Thames.
15. I am sure that the views of the city during such an excursion will be
16. In conclusion, I would like to say that London is a fairy-tale city that
should be visited by everyone who wants to expand their horizons.

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