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AP Mode Switching - Overview,

Configuration Examples, and


Issue 02
Date 2019-08-31


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Issue 02 (2019-08-31) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. i

AP Mode Switching - Overview, Configuration Examples,
and Troubleshooting Contents


1 Introduction.................................................................................................................................... 1
2 Understanding Modes Supported by APs................................................................................2
3 Understanding APs Support Mode Switching........................................................................ 3
4 Understanding the Default Mode of an AP............................................................................. 4
5 How to Check the Current Working Mode of an AP............................................................. 5
6 How to Switch the Working Mode of an AP............................................................................7
7 AP Mode Switching Examples....................................................................................................9
7.1 Example for Switching a Fit AP with Factory Defaults to the Fat Mode by One Click................................................ 9
7.2 Example for Switching a Fit AP to the Fat Mode Using SFTP....................................................................................13
7.3 Example for Switching a Fit AP to the Fat Mode Using FTP...................................................................................... 23
7.4 Example for Switching an Online Fit AP to the Fat Mode Through the AC............................................................... 28
7.5 Example for Switching a Fit AP to the Fat Mode Using Uboot...................................................................................33

8 Troubleshooting.......................................................................................................................... 39
9 Related Information.................................................................................................................... 40

Issue 02 (2019-08-31) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. ii

AP Mode Switching - Overview, Configuration Examples,
and Troubleshooting 1 Introduction

1 Introduction

This document describes AP modes and APs supporting mode switching, and provides
detailed mode switching examples and troubleshooting measures.

Issue 02 (2019-08-31) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 1

AP Mode Switching - Overview, Configuration Examples,
and Troubleshooting 2 Understanding Modes Supported by APs

2 Understanding Modes Supported by APs

APs can work in Fit, Fat, or cloud mode.

Table 2-1 AP mode description

AP Description Application Scenario

Fit Typically deployed in Agile Campus Medium- and large-sized campus WLAN
Network Solution, Fit APs are
managed by an AC and receive
configurations from the AC. STA
access is also controlled by the AC.

Fat Fat APs are independently deployed SOHO or small WLAN

and configured, and act as
enterprise-class wireless routers or

Clou Deployed in CloudCampus Solution, Small- to medium-sized WLAN, allowing

d cloud APs are managed by the cloud for flexible deployment and low O&M costs
management platform. STA access is
also controlled by

Issue 02 (2019-08-31) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 2

AP Mode Switching - Overview, Configuration Examples,
and Troubleshooting 3 Understanding APs Support Mode Switching

3 Understanding APs Support Mode


Most Huawei APs can switch between different modes. The only difference may lie in
versions, for example, APs in V200R007C20 do not support the cloud mode, while those in
V200R007C10 and V200R008 support.
To find out modes supported by a specified AP model or versions supported by a specified AP
mode, refer to Quick Reference for WLAN AP Modes.
After downloading the table, filter out the specified AP model in AP Model. The following
uses the AP4050DN as an example.

It is found that the AP4050DN can work in Fit or Fat mode from V200R007C20, and has also
supported the cloud mode since V200R008C00.

Issue 02 (2019-08-31) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 3

AP Mode Switching - Overview, Configuration Examples,
and Troubleshooting 4 Understanding the Default Mode of an AP

4 Understanding the Default Mode of an AP

By default, an AP works in Fit mode.

Next-generation APs, such as 802.11ac Wave 2 APs, also have the Fat and cloud modes
integrated. To switch the working mode of an AP, you can log in to the AP and run a mode-
switching command, without the need to configure the FTP server and download the software

Issue 02 (2019-08-31) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 4

AP Mode Switching - Overview, Configuration Examples,
and Troubleshooting 5 How to Check the Current Working Mode of an AP

5 How to Check the Current Working Mode

of an AP

There are three modes for checking the current working mode of an AP:
Log in to the AP and check its working mode using the CLI. Connect a PC to the AP using an
Ethernet cable. Enter identity information and log in to the AP. The working mode of the AP
is automatically displayed.
Log in to the AP and check its working mode on the web platform. Connect a PC to the AP
using an Ethernet cable. Enter the IP address of the AP in the browser. The working mode of
the AP is automatically displayed on the login page.
Determine the working mode by searching for Wi-Fi signals using a mobile phone. Enable
Wi-Fi on a mobile phone and search for signals around the AP. Determine the working mode
of the AP based on the signal name. This mode eliminates the need of an Ethernet cable but is
not applicable to any scenario. APs only in the specified state and version can transmit Wi-Fi
signals. This method allows you to determine the working mode of the AP whose state and
version you are not sure of. If the working mode of the AP cannot be determined, connect a
PC to the AP using an Ethernet cable.
Connect a PC to the AP. Configure the IP address of the PC to locate on the same
network segment as the AP. For the connection mode, see 7 AP Mode Switching
On the PC, log in to the AP using an SSH client. The working mode of the AP is
displayed upon successful login.
Info: Current mode: Fit (managed by the AC).

l Web platform
Connect a PC to the AP. Configure the IP address of the PC to locate on the same
network segment as the AP. Enter http://IP address of the AP (default IP address of an
AP: in the browser of the PC. On the page that is displayed, the working
mode of the AP can be found. For details about cable connections, see 7 AP Mode
Switching Examples.
– Fit mode: Fit is displayed.

Issue 02 (2019-08-31) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 5

AP Mode Switching - Overview, Configuration Examples,
and Troubleshooting 5 How to Check the Current Working Mode of an AP

– Fat mode: Access Point is displayed on the login page.

– Cloud mode: Cloud Access Point is displayed on the login page.

l Wi-Fi signal search

The Wi-Fi signal name indicates whether an AP is in Fat mode.
For the Fit and cloud modes, the Wi-Fi signal name is the same. You can connect a
mobile phone to the Wi-Fi network. If the mobile phone is directly connected to the Wi-
Fi network, the AP is working in cloud mode. Otherwise, the AP is working in Fit mode.
If no Wi-Fi signal of the specified name is found, connect a PC to the AP and log in to
the AP. An AP can transmit Wi-Fi signals in the following conditions:
Fit mode: From V200R009, an AP in factory defaults or offline state transmits the Wi-Fi
signal with the name of hw-manage-xxxx. xxxx is the last 4 digits of the AP's MAC
address. Note that mobile phones cannot directly access this Wi-Fi network. You must
configure a static IP address on the same network segment as the default IP address of
the AP ( for the mobile phone, for example,

From V200R007C10, the offline management VAP is enabled by default after a Fit AP is powered
on, allowing for wireless connections. After the AP goes online on the AC, the offline
management VAP is disabled and will not be enabled when the AP goes offline. From V200R009,
the offline management VAP is enabled automatically when a Fit AP goes offline from the AC.
Fat mode: From V200R007C20, an AP in factory defaults transmits the Wi-Fi signal
with the name of HUAWEI-XXXX, which allows for direct access of mobile phones.
XXXX is the last 4 digits of the AP's MAC address. Enter in the
browser. The login page of the web platform is displayed. For the sake of security, it is
recommended that you delete the default signal during AP configuration.
Cloud mode: An AP in factory defaults or offline state transmits the Wi-Fi signal with
the name of hw-manage-xxxx, which allows for direct access of mobile phones. xxxx is
the last 4 digits of the AP's MAC address.

Issue 02 (2019-08-31) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 6

AP Mode Switching - Overview, Configuration Examples,
and Troubleshooting 6 How to Switch the Working Mode of an AP

6 How to Switch the Working Mode of an AP

l Switching between the Fat and cloud modes

You can directly switch an AP between the Fat and cloud modes in any circumstance.
l Switching between the Fit and Fat modes or the Fit and cloud modes
Next-generation APs, such as 802.11ac Wave 2 APs, support direct mode switching in
factory defaults. If an AP has been upgraded, switched the mode, or been online on an
AC, configure the FTP server and download the software package to switch the working
mode of the AP.
To switch the working mode of earlier APs, such as 802.11n and some 802.11ac APs,
you must configure the FTP server and download the software package to switch the
working mode of the APs.
Next-generation APs allow for co-existence of Fit software package and "Fat + cloud"
software package. This makes direct switching of three modes possible.
Earlier APs allow for only one type of software package, and therefore do not support direct
switching. Earlier APs here include AP5030DN, AP5130DN, AP5030DN-S, AP3030DN,
AP3010DN-V2, AP4030DN, AP4130DN, AP4030DN-E, AP9131DN, and AP9132DN, as
well as AP8130DN, AP8030DN, AD9430DN-12, and AD9430DN-24 in V200R006 or


To switch a Fat AP of an earlier version to Fit AP, upgrade the upgrade assistant package. If the upgrade
assistant package is not verified or upgraded, the AP mode switching fails.
When switching the AP mode across versions, for example, from Fat AP of V200R007C10 to Fit AP of
V200R008C10 (skipping V200R007C20), ensure that the version of the upgrade assistant package is the
same as the software version.

Issue 02 (2019-08-31) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 7

AP Mode Switching - Overview, Configuration Examples,
and Troubleshooting 6 How to Switch the Working Mode of an AP

Table 6-1 Recommended method for switching the working mode of an AP

Fro To... Switching Description

FIT FAT When an AP is online, switch its mode on the AP upgrade page on the web
platform of the AC. (7.4 Example for Switching an Online Fit AP to the
Fat Mode Through the AC)
When an AP is offline, log in to the AP and switch its working mode using
the CLI. (7.1 Example for Switching a Fit AP with Factory Defaults to
the Fat Mode by One Click)

Clou When an AP is online, switch its mode on the AP upgrade page on the web
d platform of the AC.
When an AP is offline, log in to the AP and switch its working mode using
the CLI. If the AP is in factory defaults, its working mode can be
automatically switched after you configure the cloud management platform
and DHCP server. Alternatively, use the CloudCampus APP to connect to
the AP for manual switching.

FAT FIT On the System Upgrade page of the web platform, specify the backup
startup system software, upload the Fit software package as the backup, and
specify the Fit AP mode on the Device Restart page.

Clou Specify the cloud mode on the Device Restart page of the web platform.

Clou FIT Log in to the AP and switch its working mode using the CLI.
FAT Log in to the AP and switch its working mode using the CLI.

Issue 02 (2019-08-31) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 8

AP Mode Switching - Overview, Configuration Examples,
and Troubleshooting 7 AP Mode Switching Examples

7 AP Mode Switching Examples

7.1 Example for Switching a Fit AP with Factory Defaults to the Fat Mode by One Click
7.2 Example for Switching a Fit AP to the Fat Mode Using SFTP
7.3 Example for Switching a Fit AP to the Fat Mode Using FTP
7.4 Example for Switching an Online Fit AP to the Fat Mode Through the AC
7.5 Example for Switching a Fit AP to the Fat Mode Using Uboot

7.1 Example for Switching a Fit AP with Factory Defaults

to the Fat Mode by One Click
Applicable Scope
This example is applicable to APs with factory defaults. APs work in Fit mode by default.


With factory defaults, the local configuration of an AP is not modified, and the AP has not obtained the
new configuration from an AC.

Applicable version: V200R007 and later versions

Applicable model: AP5050DN-S, AP2051DN, AP2051DN-S, AP2051DN-E, AP1050DN-S,

AD9431DN-24X, AP2050DN, AP2050DN-S, AP2050DN-E, AP4050DN-HD, AP4050DN-
E, AP7050DN-E, AP7050DE, AD9430DN-12, AD9430DN-24, AP6150DN, AP6050DN,
AP8130DN, AP8030DN, AP4050DN, AP4051DN, AP4151DN, AP4050DN-S, AP8050DN,
AP8150DN, AP8050DN-S, AP4051TN, AP6052DN, AP7052DN, AP7152DN, AP7052DE,
AP8050TN-HD, AP8082DN, AP8182DN, AP4050DE-M, AP4050DE-M-S, AP4050DE-B-S,
AP3050DE, AP7060, AP2051DN-L-S, AP9131DN, AP9132DN, and AirEngine Series

For other models, see 7.3 Example for Switching a Fit AP to the Fat Mode Using FTP.

Networking Scenario
To use a new AP independently provide Wi-Fi coverage, you need to switch the AP to the Fat
mode and deploy services through the web platform or other way.

Issue 02 (2019-08-31) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 9

AP Mode Switching - Overview, Configuration Examples,
and Troubleshooting 7 AP Mode Switching Examples

Connect the AP to a PC through an Ethernet cable in a proper mode, as shown in Figure 7-1.

When the AP supports DC power supply and works with a power adapter, connect the AP to
the AC directly through an Ethernet cable. If the AP does not support DC power supply or no
adapter is available, supply PoE power to the AP. In this case, connect the AP to the PC
through a PoE device.

Figure 7-1 AP-PC connection diagram

Quick Configuration
This section helps you quickly configure an AP, without the need to read the entire document.
If you are not familiar with the product or operation, read the detailed guidance in the
following sections.

Pr Task

1 Prepare the environment: Configure the IP address of the PC and STelnet client,
check network connectivity between the AP and PC, and observe indicator states.

2 Check AP information: On the PC, log in to the AP through STelnet to check the
version and working mode of the AP.

3 Start the switching: Run the ap-mode-switch fat command in the system view to
switch the working mode of the AP. The AP then restarts.

4 Verify the switching: Log in to the AP again and check the working mode of the AP.

Issue 02 (2019-08-31) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 10

AP Mode Switching - Overview, Configuration Examples,
and Troubleshooting 7 AP Mode Switching Examples

Configuration Procedure
Step 1 Prepare the environment.
The following is used as an example. Prepare your environment based on site requirements.

D Description

PC Operating system: Windows 7

STelnet client: PuTTY (third-party software)

A Model: AP4050DN
P Version: V200R007C20
Default information:
l IP address:
l User name: admin
l Password:
l STelnet login port number: 22

# Power on the AP. The indicator is green for around 2 minutes during the startup. When the
indicator blinks, the AP is started successfully.
# Set the IP address of the PC to and mask to so that the PC and
AP are located on the same network segment.
Step 2 Check AP information.
# Open PuTTY on the PC, enter the IP address and port number of the AP, select the SSH
mode, and click Open. If a key pair information prompt is displayed, click Yes.

Issue 02 (2019-08-31) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 11

AP Mode Switching - Overview, Configuration Examples,
and Troubleshooting 7 AP Mode Switching Examples

# When the following information is displayed, the AP is connected successfully. Enter the
user name and password to log in to the AP.
login as: admin
Further authentication required
admin@'s //For information security,
characters you entered are invisible.

Info: Current mode: Fit (managed by the AC). //The current mode is Fit.
Info: You are advised to change the password to ensure security.

# Check AP information.
<Huawei> display version
Huawei Versatile Routing Platform Software
VRP (R) software, Version 5.170 (AP4050DN FIT V200R007C20SPCa00) //Model,
working mode, and version

Step 3 Start the switching.

# Switch the AP mode to Fat. Wait until the AP restart is complete. The AP will restart and
the restart takes around 2 minutes.
<Huawei> system-view
[Huawei] ap-mode-switch fat
Warning: The system will reboot and start in fat mode of V200R007C20SPCa00.
Continue? (y/n)[n]:y
Info: system is rebooting ,please wait.................

Step 4 Verify the switching.

# Log in to the AP to view AP information. The AP is working in Fat mode.

Issue 02 (2019-08-31) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 12

AP Mode Switching - Overview, Configuration Examples,
and Troubleshooting 7 AP Mode Switching Examples

login as: admin

Further authentication required

Info: Current mode: Fat (working independently).

Warning: The default country code is CN. Ensure that AP radio attributes comply
with laws and regulations in different countries. Do you want to change the
country code? [Y/N]:n
Info: You are advised to change the password to ensure security.
<Huawei> system-view
[Huawei] display version
Huawei Versatile Routing Platform Software
VRP (R) software, Version 5.170 (AP4050DN FAT V200R007C20SPCa00)


An error message is displayed when you run a mode switching command.
[Huawei] ap-mode-switch fat
Error: The fat mode does not exist. To switch to the fat AP mode, run the ap-mode-
switch fat tftp/ftp/sftp command.

The AP is not in factory defaults and therefore cannot be switched to the Fat mode by one
click. In this case, switch the working mode of the AP using SFTP. For details, see 7.2
Example for Switching a Fit AP to the Fat Mode Using SFTP.

7.2 Example for Switching a Fit AP to the Fat Mode Using

Applicable Scope
Applicable version: V200R007 and later versions

Applicable model: AP5050DN-S, AP2051DN, AP2051DN-S, AP2051DN-E, AP1050DN-S,

AD9431DN-24X, AP2050DN, AP2050DN-S, AP2050DN-E, AP4050DN-HD, AP4050DN-
E, AP7050DN-E, AP7050DE, AD9430DN-12, AD9430DN-24, AP6150DN, AP6050DN,
AP8130DN, AP8030DN, AP4050DN, AP4051DN, AP4151DN, AP4050DN-S, AP8050DN,
AP8150DN, AP8050DN-S, AP4051TN, AP6052DN, AP7052DN, AP7152DN, AP7052DE,
AP8050TN-HD, AP8082DN, AP8182DN, AP4050DE-M, AP4050DE-M-S, AP4050DE-B-S,
AP3050DE, AP7060, AP2051DN-L-S, and AirEngine Series

For APs in factory defaults, it is recommended that you switch the working mode of an AP by
referring to 7.1 Example for Switching a Fit AP with Factory Defaults to the Fat Mode by
One Click.

For other models, see 7.3 Example for Switching a Fit AP to the Fat Mode Using FTP.

This example is also applicable to switching a Fit AP to the Fat mode using FTP or TFTP.
Note the following differences:

l Configure the FTP or TFTP client software on the PC, which is not mentioned here.
l Different parameters are used in the command for switching the AP mode and are
described in the procedure.

Issue 02 (2019-08-31) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 13

AP Mode Switching - Overview, Configuration Examples,
and Troubleshooting 7 AP Mode Switching Examples

Networking Scenario
To use a new AP independently provide Wi-Fi coverage, you need to switch the AP to the Fat
mode and deploy services through the web platform or other way.

Connect the AP to a PC through an Ethernet cable in a proper mode, as shown in Figure 7-2.

When the AP supports DC power supply and works with a power adapter, connect the AP to
the AC directly through an Ethernet cable. If the AP does not support DC power supply or no
adapter is available, supply PoE power to the AP. In this case, connect the AP to the PC
through a PoE device.

When the PC serves as an SFTP server, prepare the Fat AP software package for the AP to
obtain through SFTP.

Figure 7-2 AP-PC connection diagram

Quick Configuration
This section helps you quickly configure an AP, without the need to read the entire document.
If you are not familiar with the product or operation, read the detailed guidance in the
following sections.

Pr Task

1 Prepare the environment: Configure the IP address, STelnet client, and SFTP server
software on the PC. Download the Fat AP software package of the target version to
the SFTP server. Check network connectivity and the indicator states of the AP.

Issue 02 (2019-08-31) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 14

AP Mode Switching - Overview, Configuration Examples,
and Troubleshooting 7 AP Mode Switching Examples

Pr Task

2 Check AP information: On the PC, log in to the AP through STelnet to check the
version and working mode of the AP.

3 Start the switching: Run the ap-mode-switch fat sftp filename server-ip-address
user-name password [ port ] command in the system view. The AP restarts.
If FTP or TFTP is used, run the following command:
l FTP mode: ap-mode-switch fat ftp filename server-ip-address user-name
password [ port ]
l TFTP mode: ap-mode-switch fat tftp filename server-ip-address
For the support for FTP, SFTP, and TFTP modes by different models and versions, see the Fit AP
Command Reference. Select a proper mode as required.

4 Verify the switching: Log in to the AP again and check the working mode of the AP.

Configuration Procedure
Step 1 Prepare the environment.

The following is used as an example. Prepare your environment based on site requirements.

Dev Description

PC Operating system: Windows 7

STelnet client: PuTTY (third-party software)
SFTP server: FreeSSHd (third-party software)

AP Model: AP4050DN
Version: V200R007C20
Default information:
l IP address:
l User name: admin
l Password:
l STelnet login port number: 22

# Power on the AP. The indicator is on for around 2 minutes during the startup. When the
indicator blinks, the AP is started successfully.

# Log in to Huawei enterprise technical support website (, download

the Fat AP software package, and store the package on the PC.

Issue 02 (2019-08-31) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 15

AP Mode Switching - Overview, Configuration Examples,
and Troubleshooting 7 AP Mode Switching Examples

# Set the IP address of the PC to and mask to so that the PC and
AP are located on the same network segment.
# Open FreeSSHd on the PC, and set SFTP server parameters:
l Set the IP address and port number for the client to access the server. Retain the default
settings here.

l Set the authentication mode so that the password is required for the client to access the

Issue 02 (2019-08-31) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 16

AP Mode Switching - Overview, Configuration Examples,
and Troubleshooting 7 AP Mode Switching Examples

l Select a local directory to provide file services for the client. Store the downloaded
software package in this directory.

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AP Mode Switching - Overview, Configuration Examples,
and Troubleshooting 7 AP Mode Switching Examples

l Add a user to verify identity information entered by the client to ensure access security.

Issue 02 (2019-08-31) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 18

AP Mode Switching - Overview, Configuration Examples,
and Troubleshooting 7 AP Mode Switching Examples

l Enable the SFTP service.

Issue 02 (2019-08-31) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 19

AP Mode Switching - Overview, Configuration Examples,
and Troubleshooting 7 AP Mode Switching Examples

Step 2 Check AP information.

# Open PuTTY on the PC, enter the IP address and port number of the AP, select the SSH
mode, and click Open. If a key pair information prompt is displayed, click Yes.

Issue 02 (2019-08-31) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 20

AP Mode Switching - Overview, Configuration Examples,
and Troubleshooting 7 AP Mode Switching Examples

# When the following information is displayed, the AP is connected successfully. Enter the
user name and password to log in to the AP.
login as: admin
Further authentication required
admin@'s //For information security,
characters you entered are invisible.

Info: Current mode: Fit (managed by the AC). //The current mode is Fit.
Info: You are advised to change the password to ensure security.

# Check AP information.
<Huawei> display version
Huawei Versatile Routing Platform Software
VRP (R) software, Version 5.170 (AP4050DN FIT V200R007C20SPCa00) //Model,
working mode, and version

Step 3 Start the switching.

# Enable the first-time authentication function on the AP working as an SSH client.
<Huawei> system-view
[Huawei] ssh client first-time enable

# Switch the AP mode to Fat. Set the file name (including the extension) of the target
software package, IP address, user name, and password of the SFTP server. The AP will
restart and the restart takes around 2 minutes.
[Huawei] ap-mode-switch fat sftp Fat&CloudAP4050DN_V200R007C20SPCa00.bin huawei huawei123

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AP Mode Switching - Overview, Configuration Examples,
and Troubleshooting 7 AP Mode Switching Examples

Warning: The system will reboot and start in fat mode of V200R007C20SPCa00.
Continue? (y/n)[n]:y
Warning: Do Not Power-off!
End of file......

Info: system is rebooting ,please wait...


If FTP or TFTP is used, specify the following parameters in the switching command (as an example):
l FTP mode: ap-mode-switch fat ftp Fat&CloudAP4050DN_V200R007C20SPCa00.bin huawei huawei123
l TFTP mode: ap-mode-switch fat tftp Fat&CloudAP4050DN_V200R007C20SPCa00.bin

Step 4 Verify the switching.

# Log in to the AP to view AP information. The AP is working in Fat mode.
login as: admin
Further authentication required

Info: Current mode: Fat (working independently).

Warning: The default country code is CN. Ensure that AP radio attributes comply
with laws and regulations in different countries. Do you want to change the
country code? [Y/N]:n
Info: You are advised to change the password to ensure security.
<Huawei> system-view
[Huawei] display version
Huawei Versatile Routing Platform Software
VRP (R) software, Version 5.170 (AP4050DN FAT V200R007C20SPCa00)


An error message is displayed when you run a mode switching command.
[Huawei] ap-mode-switch fat sftp Fat&CloudAP4050DN_V200R007C20SPCa00.bin huawei huawei@123
Warning: The system will reboot and start in fat mode of V200R007C20SPCa00.
Continue? (y/n)[n]:y
Warning: Do Not Power-off!
Error: Upgrade failed due to a failure in downloading the version file.

The public key for the SSH server is not configured on the AP. When the AP accesses the
SSH server for the first time, authentication fails.
Run the ssh client first-time enable command in the system view to allow the AP to access
the server. The public key will be saved and used for authentication on the server.
[Huawei] ssh client first-time enable

Issue 02 (2019-08-31) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 22

AP Mode Switching - Overview, Configuration Examples,
and Troubleshooting 7 AP Mode Switching Examples

7.3 Example for Switching a Fit AP to the Fat Mode Using

Applicable Scope
Applicable version: V200R007 and later versions
Applicable models: AP5030DN, AP5130DN, AP5030DN-S, AP3030DN, AP3010DN-V2,
AP4030DN, AP4130DN, and AP4030DN-E
This example is also applicable to switching a Fit AP to the Fat mode using TFTP. Note the
following differences:
l Configure the TFTP client software on the PC, which is not mentioned here.
l Different parameters are used in the command for switching the AP mode and are
described in the procedure.

Networking Scenario
To use a new AP independently provide Wi-Fi coverage, you need to switch the AP to the Fat
mode and deploy services through the web platform or other way.
Connect the AP to a PC through an Ethernet cable in a proper mode, as shown in Figure 7-3.
When the AP supports DC power supply and works with a power adapter, connect the AP to
the AC directly through an Ethernet cable. If the AP does not support DC power supply or no
adapter is available, supply PoE power to the AP. In this case, connect the AP to the PC
through a PoE device.
When the PC serves as an FTP server, prepare the Fat AP software package for the AP to
obtain through FTP.

Issue 02 (2019-08-31) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 23

AP Mode Switching - Overview, Configuration Examples,
and Troubleshooting 7 AP Mode Switching Examples

Figure 7-3 AP-PC connection diagram

Quick Configuration
This section helps you quickly configure an AP, without the need to read the entire document.
If you are not familiar with the product or operation, read the detailed guidance in the
following sections.

Pr Task

1 Prepare the environment: Configure the IP address, STelnet client, and FTP server
software on the PC. Download the Fat AP software package of the target version to
the FTP server. Check network connectivity and the indicator states of the AP.

2 Check AP information: On the PC, log in to the AP through STelnet to check the
version and working mode of the AP.

3 Start the switching: Execute commands sequentially in system view.

ap-mode-switch prepare //The AP may need to be restarted depending on the AP
ap-mode-switch check
ap-mode-switch ftp filename server-ip-address user-name password [ port ] //The
AP will restart.
If TFTP is used, run ap-mode-switch tftp filename server-ip-address.
For the support for FTP, SFTP, and TFTP modes by different models and versions, see the Fit AP
Command Reference. Select a proper mode as required.

Issue 02 (2019-08-31) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 24

AP Mode Switching - Overview, Configuration Examples,
and Troubleshooting 7 AP Mode Switching Examples

Pr Task

4 Verify the switching: Log in to the AP again and check the working mode of the AP.

Configuration Procedure
Step 1 Prepare the environment.

The following is used as an example. Prepare your environment based on site requirements.

Dev Description

PC Operating system: Windows 7

STelnet client: PuTTY (third-party software)
FTP server: WFTPD (third-party software)

AP Model: AP5030DN
Version: V200R007C20
Default information:
l IP address:
l User name: admin
l Password:
l STelnet login port number: 22

# Power on the AP. The indicator is on for around 2 minutes during the startup. When the
indicator blinks, the AP is started successfully.

# Set the IP address of the PC to and mask to so that the PC and
AP are located on the same network segment.

# Set FTP server parameters.

l Open WFTPD on the PC and choose Security > Users/rights.

l Add a user to verify identity information entered by the client to ensure access security.

Issue 02 (2019-08-31) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 25

AP Mode Switching - Overview, Configuration Examples,
and Troubleshooting 7 AP Mode Switching Examples

l Set the user's password.

l Select a local directory to provide file services for the client.

# Log in to Huawei enterprise technical support website (, download

the Fat AP software package, and store the package on the FTP directory.
Step 2 Check AP information.
# Open PuTTY on the PC, enter the IP address and port number of the AP, select the SSH
mode, and click Open. If a key pair information prompt is displayed, click Yes.

Issue 02 (2019-08-31) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 26

AP Mode Switching - Overview, Configuration Examples,
and Troubleshooting 7 AP Mode Switching Examples

# When the following information is displayed, the AP is connected successfully. Enter the
user name and password to log in to the AP.
login as: admin
Further authentication required
admin@'s //For information security,
characters you entered are invisible.

Info: Current mode: Fit (managed by the AC). //The current mode is Fit.
Info: You are advised to change the password to ensure security.

# Check AP information.
<Huawei> display version
Huawei Versatile Routing Platform Software
VRP (R) software, Version 5.170 (AP5030DN FIT V200R007C20SPCa00) //Model,
working mode, and version

Step 3 Start the switching.

# Prepare the switching.

[Huawei] ap-mode-switch prepare
Info: Prepare is ok, Use ap-mode-switch command to switch to fat ap.

# Verify before the switching.

[Huawei] ap-mode-switch check
Info: Ap-mode-switch check ok.

Issue 02 (2019-08-31) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 27

AP Mode Switching - Overview, Configuration Examples,
and Troubleshooting 7 AP Mode Switching Examples

# Switch the AP mode to Fat. Set the file name (including the extension) of the target
software package, IP address, user name, and password of the FTP server. The AP will restart
and the restart takes around 2 minutes.
[Huawei] ap-mode-switch ftp FatAP5X30XN_V200R007C20SPCa00.bin
huawei huawei123
Warning: Do Not Power-off.........
Info: Upgrade upgrade-assistant-package successfully!
Warning: System will reboot, if you want to switch to upgrade-assistant-package.
Are you sure to execute these operations ? [Y/N]: y


If TFTP is used, specify the following parameters in the switching command (as an example).
ap-mode-switch tftp FatAP5X30XN_V200R007C20SPCa00.bin

Step 4 Verify the switching.

# Log in to the AP to view AP information. The AP is working in Fat mode.

login as: admin
Further authentication required

Info: Current mode: Fat (working independently).

Warning: The default country code is CN. Ensure that AP radio attributes comply
with laws and regulations in different countries. Do you want to change the
country code? [Y/N]:n
Info: You are advised to change the password to ensure security.
<Huawei> system-view
[Huawei] display version
Huawei Versatile Routing Platform Software
VRP (R) software, Version 5.170 (AP5030DN FAT V200R007C20SPCa00)


7.4 Example for Switching an Online Fit AP to the Fat

Mode Through the AC
Applicable Scope
All APs that properly go online on an AC

Applicable version: V200R007 and later versions

Applicable models: APs supporting both the Fit and Fat modes

In centralized management mode, you can manage the upgrade and mode switching for a
single AP or APs of the same model or in the same group on the AC. This example describes
how to switch the working mode of a single AP.

Networking Scenario
Log in to the AC through the web platform, without the need to adjust the networking or cable

Issue 02 (2019-08-31) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 28

AP Mode Switching - Overview, Configuration Examples,
and Troubleshooting 7 AP Mode Switching Examples

Quick Configuration
This section helps you quickly configure an AP, without the need to read the entire document.
If you are not familiar with the product or operation, read the detailed guidance in the
following sections.

Pr Task

1 Prepare the environment: Download the Fat AP software package of the target
version to the PC where you log in to the AC.

2 Check AP information: Log in to the web platform of the AC, choose Monitoring >
AP, and view information about the AP, including the IP address, model, and version.

3 Load the software package to the AP: Choose Maintenance > AP Maintenance >
AP Upgrade, select the upgrade mode, and upload the software package, and
upgrade the AP. You can check the upgrade progress on the Upgrade Status page.
The upgrade state is displayed success after around 2 minutes (requiring mode
To switch the working mode for APs in a batch, select an AP model or group on this page to
determine the upgrade scope and select the immediate or scheduled upgrade mode.

4 Start the switching: Choose Configuration > AP Config > AP Config, and modify
AP mode as fat. The AP restarts. The restart takes around 2 minutes.

5 Verify the switching: Log in to the AC using the CLI console on the web platform,
STelnet to the AP and check the working mode of the AP.

Configuration Procedure
Step 1 Prepare the environment.
The following is used as an example. Prepare your environment based on site requirements.

Dev Description

PC Operating system: Windows 7

Browser: Google Chrome
IP address:

Issue 02 (2019-08-31) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 29

AP Mode Switching - Overview, Configuration Examples,
and Troubleshooting 7 AP Mode Switching Examples

Dev Description

AC Model: AC6605
Version: V200R007C20
Management IP address:
Administrator account: Telnet and web platform
l User name: admin
l Password: huawei@123

AP Model: AP4050DN
Version: V200R007C20
Information for the radio used by the AP to go online:
l IP address:
l User name: admin (default)
l Password: (default)
l STelnet login port number: 22 (default)

# Log in to Huawei enterprise technical support website (, download

the Fat AP software package, and store the package on the PC.
Step 2 Check AP information.
# Enter the IP address of the AC in the browser of the AC. Enter the user name and password
to log in to the web platform. If a security connection prompt is displayed, continue with the
# Choose Monitoring > AP. Search for the target AP in AP List, check AP information, and
record the IP address of the AP. Continue with the following operations only when the AP
status is normal or ver-mismatch.

Step 3 Load the software package to the AP.

# Choose Maintenance > AP Maintenance > AP Upgrade, select the software package
stored on the PC, and upload the upgrade file to the AC.

Issue 02 (2019-08-31) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 30

AP Mode Switching - Overview, Configuration Examples,
and Troubleshooting 7 AP Mode Switching Examples

# Under AP Upgrade, select the target AP.

# Select the target software package and click Upgrade.

# Click the Upgrade Status tab to upgrade the AP upgrade progress. The upgrade takes
around 2 minutes.

Step 4 Start the switching.

# Go to AP Config page.

Issue 02 (2019-08-31) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 31

AP Mode Switching - Overview, Configuration Examples,
and Troubleshooting 7 AP Mode Switching Examples

# Select AP, click Modify, select AP mode as fat, and click OK. The AP will restart and the
restart takes around 2 minutes.

Step 5 Verify the switching.

# Click the CLI button, download and run the script as prompted, and enable Telnet through
the URL.

Issue 02 (2019-08-31) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 32

AP Mode Switching - Overview, Configuration Examples,
and Troubleshooting 7 AP Mode Switching Examples

# In the Telnet window, enter the user name and password to log in to the AC, STelnet to the
AP to view AP information. The AP is working in Fat mode.
Warning: Telnet is not a secure protocol, and it is recommended to use Stelnet.
Login authentication

Password:huawei@123 //For information security, characters you entered are
<AC6605> system-view
Enter system view, return user view with Ctrl+Z.
[AC6605] stelnet //Log in to the target AP from the AC.
Please input the username:admin
Trying ...
Press CTRL+K to abort
Connected to ...
Enter //For information security, characters you
entered are invisible.
Info: Current mode: Fat (working independently).
Warning: The default country code is CN. Ensure that AP radio attributes comply
with laws and regulations in different countries. Do you want to change the
country code? [Y/N]:n
Info: You are advised to change the password to ensure security.
<ap1> system-view
[ap1] display version
Huawei Versatile Routing Platform Software
VRP (R) software, Version 5.170 (AP4050DN FAT V200R007C20SPCa00)


7.5 Example for Switching a Fit AP to the Fat Mode Using

Applicable Scope
It is recommended that the AP mode be switched using a method described in the preceding
part. If the switching fails, consider switching the AP mode in Uboot mode.

Issue 02 (2019-08-31) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 33

AP Mode Switching - Overview, Configuration Examples,
and Troubleshooting 7 AP Mode Switching Examples

Applicable version: All versions

Applicable model: APs that support the Fit and Fat modes and have a console port

Networking Scenario
If the mode switching using the preceding methods fails, you can use the Uboot mode to
switch the AP mode.

Connect the AP to a PC through an Ethernet cable in a proper mode, as shown in Figure 7-4.

When the AP supports DC power supply and works with a power adapter, connect the AP to
the AC directly through an Ethernet cable. If the AP does not support DC power supply or no
adapter is available, supply PoE power to the AP. In this case, connect the AP to the PC
through a PoE device.

When the PC serves as a TFTP server, prepare the Fat AP software package for the AP to
obtain through TFTP.

Figure 7-4 AP-PC connection diagram

Quick Configuration
This section helps you quickly configure an AP, without the need to read the entire document.
If you are not familiar with the product or operation, read the detailed guidance in the
following sections.

Proce Task

1 Prepare the environment: Download the Fat AP software package of the target
version to the PC. Configure the IP address for the PC and specify the TFTP tool
directory to the same as that for storing the software package on the PC. Check
network connectivity and the indicator states of the AP.

Issue 02 (2019-08-31) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 34

AP Mode Switching - Overview, Configuration Examples,
and Troubleshooting 7 AP Mode Switching Examples

Proce Task

2 Start the switching: Restart the AP, enter the Uboot CLI view, configure the IP
addresses of the AP and TFTP server, and run the update system filename
command. Restart the AP again.

3 Verify the switching: Log in to the AP again and check the working mode of the

Configuration Procedure
Step 1 Prepare the environment.
The following is used as an example. Prepare your environment based on site requirements.

Dev Description

PC Operating system: Windows 7

Terminal emulation software: PuTTY (third-party software)
TFTP server: Tftpd (third-party software)

AP Model: AP4050DN
Version: V200R007C20
Default information:
l Baud rate (B): 9600
l Data bits (D): 8
l Parity (P): None
l Stop bits (S): 1
l Flow control (F): None
l Uboot password:

# Set the PC IP address to

# Set TFTP server parameters.
l Open Tftpd on the PC. Select a local directory to provide file services for clients.

Issue 02 (2019-08-31) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 35

AP Mode Switching - Overview, Configuration Examples,
and Troubleshooting 7 AP Mode Switching Examples

# Log in to Huawei enterprise technical support website (, download

the Fat AP software package, and store the package on the FTP directory.
Step 2 Enter the Uboot CLI view and configure the AP to communicate with the TFTP server.
# Connect the AP to the PC through a serial cable. Check the COM port used by the serial
port on the PC.

# Open PuTTY on the PC, set Connection type to Serial, enter the COM port, and click

Issue 02 (2019-08-31) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 36

AP Mode Switching - Overview, Configuration Examples,
and Troubleshooting 7 AP Mode Switching Examples

# Restart the AP.

# Press F within 3 seconds when the following information is displayed to enter the Uboot
CLI view:
Press f or F to stop Auto-Boot in 3 seconds: 3
Password for uboot cmd line : //The default password for Uboot is

# Configure IP addresses for the AP and TFTP server to be in the same network segment so
that the AP can obtain the target software package from the TFTP server.
ar7240> setenv ipaddr #IP address of the AP
ar7240> setenv serverip #IP address of the TFTP server
ar7240> saveenv
Saving Environment to Flash...
Erasing Flash...Writing to Flash... done

Step 3 Start the switching.

# Switch the AP mode to Fat. Set the file name (including the file name extension) of the
target software package.
ar7240> update system Fat&CloudAP4050DN_V200R007C20.bin
Using eth0 device
TFTP from server; our IP address is
Filename 'Fat&CloudAP4050DN_V200R007C20SPCh00.bin'.
Load address: 0x84000000
Loading: #################################################################

Issue 02 (2019-08-31) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 37

AP Mode Switching - Overview, Configuration Examples,
and Troubleshooting 7 AP Mode Switching Examples

The current device is a FIT AP, but the upgrade package is for a FAT&CLOUD AP. C
ontinue? [y/n]:y
Warning: Do Not Power-Off!
Warning: Do Not Power-Off!
Upgrade nor Boot Successful
Writing Version to Flash...
Set Boot KernelA Address: 0x1c0f000
Erasing SPI flash...Writing to SPI flash...done
Warning: The backup software system of the AP supports the fat and cloud modes.
To retain the default mode (fat), please input 'Y' or 'y'. Alternatively, please
select a mode (fat/cloud):fat //To switch to the cloud mode, enter cloud.
Info: The system will start in default(Fat) mode. Please restart the system.
Upgrade Firmware to A Successful

# Restart the AP, which takes about 2 minutes.

ar7240> reset

Step 4 Verify the switching.

# Log in to the AP to view AP information. The AP is working in Fat mode.
login as: admin
Further authentication required

Info: Current mode: Fat (working independently).

Warning: The default country code is CN. Ensure that AP radio attributes comply
with laws and regulations in different countries. Do you want to change the
country code? [Y/N]:n
Info: You are advised to change the password to ensure security.
<Huawei> system-view
[Huawei] display version
Huawei Versatile Routing Platform Software
VRP (R) software, Version 5.170 (AP4050DN FAT V200R007C20SPCh00)


Issue 02 (2019-08-31) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 38

AP Mode Switching - Overview, Configuration Examples,
and Troubleshooting 8 Troubleshooting

8 Troubleshooting

For details about how to troubleshoot failures to switch between the Fat and Fit AP modes,
see Fit AP and Fat AP Mode Switching Failure.

Issue 02 (2019-08-31) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 39

AP Mode Switching - Overview, Configuration Examples,
and Troubleshooting 9 Related Information

9 Related Information

How Can I Configure Services After Switching the AP Mode

l APs in Fit mode can go online without configurations, and the AC will manage the APs
and deliver configurations to them. Ensure network connectivity between the AC and
APs. You are advised to deploy services using the web platform of the AC. For details,
see Configuration Guide Video and Product Documentation.
l After an AP is switched to the Fat mode, you are advised to deploy services using the
web platform of the AP. For details, see Configuration Guide Video and Product
l APs in cloud mode can go online without configurations, and the cloud management
platform will manage the APs and deliver configurations to them. Ensure network
connectivity between the cloud management platform and APs. Then deploy services on
the cloud management platform. For details, see CloudCampus Solution.

Issue 02 (2019-08-31) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 40

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