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Team Name: CASECOMP45


Member 1: NAMIT
Member 2: DANISH
Member 3: DIVYAM
Investment Decisions: Explained Simply
HNILuxe: HNILuxe is a visionary technology HNIPrestige: HNIPrestige is a seasoned real HNIElite: HNIElite is a finance professional in
entrepreneur known for his innovative estate tycoon with decades of successful his mid-30s, holding a senior role at a leading
ventures in the IT sector. With a high risk investments in the property market. In her late investment bank. With a balanced approach to
tolerance and a focus on aggressive growth, he 50s, she prioritizes capital preservation and risk and return, he seeks steady growth while
seeks out opportunities to maximize returns stable income streams. She prefers maintaining a diversified portfolio. HNIElite
while maintaining some degree of investments with lower volatility and a focus wants to have money easily available because
diversification to mitigate risk. on long-term wealth preservation. he plans to invest in market during troughs.

We're opting for only four asset classes for simplicity and ease of management. By focusing Asset Class Allocation (%)
on a smaller number of asset classes, we can streamline our investment strategy, making it Equities 45
easier to research, analyze, and monitor the performance of each asset class effectively.
Bonds 25
1. Equities (45%): This allocation includes investments in mid-cap, small-cap, and large-cap
stocks, offering growth potential and exposure to the stock market. Taking only 3 growing Mutual Funds 15
sectors of the Economy: Real Estate 15
A. IT Sector
B. Biotechnology
C. Renewable Energy
2. Bonds (25%): Bonds provide stability and income through fixed interest payments. This The appendix is really important because it
allocation helps diversify the portfolio and reduces overall risk. contains all the detailed stuff. From looking closely
3. Mutual Funds (15%): Mutual funds offer diversification across various asset classes, at the stocks to seeing how they compare with the
managed by professional fund managers. This allocation provides access to a range of market, to checking out bonds and real estate,
investment opportunities while spreading risk. everything's in there. It's like the behind-the-
4. Real Estate (15%): Investment in real estate offers potential for capital appreciation and scenes of our investment proposal, showing how
rental income. This allocation provides exposure to the property market, enhancing we did our homework.
diversification and portfolio stability.
Investment Proposal - HNILuxe (Analysis in Appendix)
Appendix - Pg 4&5 Appendix - Pg 10&11
Equities Bonds
Gujarat Industries Power 2026

For HNILuxe, we picked four stocks with beta values over 1.15. For HNILuxe, we opted for high-risk, high-return bonds that are secured and
These stocks can grow a lot, but they're also risky because they offer an interest rate of more than 11%. These bonds offer the potential for
higher returns but come with greater risk. However, since HNILuxe is
can change a lot in value. Since HNILuxe wants to take more risks comfortable with taking risks to achieve higher growth, these secured bonds
to grow his money faster, these stocks are the best fit for him. are suitable for his investment strategy.

Appendix - Pg 15&16
Market Net Profit Income
DSP ELSS Tax Saver Fund Cap (Rs. in Close Price Fundamen 1Y Return Margin (Q) (Rs. in
REITs cr.) (Rs.) PE Ratio tal Score (%) (%) cr.) Risk

DLF Ltd 223,075.09 901.20 109.57 6.50 153.40 33.86 656.61 High
HDFC Large and Mid Cap Fund - Regular
Realty &
2,592.88 730.70 36.26 7.22 165.18 16.23 30.48 Medium
Infra India
For HNILuxe, we selected two high-risk, high-return mutual funds offering the best Ltd

interest rates. These funds have a beta of more than 1, indicating higher volatility. To Anant Raj
11,934.59 350.00 78.97 5.84 225.13 15.04 71.83 High
analyze the mutual funds, we used the Treynor Ratio, a measure of risk-adjusted
performance, to ensure they align with HNILuxe's aggressive growth objectives.
Investment Proposal - HNIPrestige (Analysis in Appendix)
Appendix - Pg 6&7 Appendix - Pg 12&13
Equities Bonds
Granules India
Natco Pharma 2031
For HNIPrestige, we selected mid-cap stocks with beta values ranging
from 0.8 to 1.15. These stocks have moderate growth potential and For HNIPrestige, we selected bonds with medium risk and return, offering
an interest rate between 8-10%. These bonds provide a balance between
come with moderate risk. They're a good fit for HNIPrestige, who risk and potential returns, aligning with HNIPrestige's objective of
wants to preserve her wealth while still aiming for steady growth. preserving wealth while still aiming for steady growth.

Appendix - Pg 17&18
Market Net
Tata Balanced Advantage Fund REITs
Cap (Rs. in
Close Price
(Rs.) PE Ratio
tal Score
1Y Return
Net Profit
Margin (%)
Income (Q)
(Rs. in cr.) Risk

48,877.23 1,344.25 25.66 7.31 54.77 42.20 360.15 Medium
Realty Ltd
HDFC Multi Asset fund Eldeco
and 798.29 811.85 17.99 7.09 36.57 31.55 8.11 Medium
For HNIPrestige, we chose two mutual funds offering good interest rates while Industries
maintaining a moderate level of risk. These funds have a beta between 0.5 and 1,
indicating moderate volatility. We analyzed the mutual funds using the Treynor Ratio AMJ Land
Holdings 155.19 37.85 22.75 6.09 48.14 17.09 0.58 Medium
to evaluate their risk-adjusted performance and ensure they meet HNIPrestige's Ltd
objective of wealth preservation with steady growth.
Investment Proposal - HNIElite (Analysis in Appendix)
Appendix - Pg 8&9 Appendix - Pg 14
Equities Bonds
Glenmark Life Central Govt. Central Govt.
Route Mobile
eClerx Securities Central Govt. Securities
(7.62%) Securities (6.67%)
For HNIPrestige, We've selected stocks with beta values between 0.4 For HNI Elite, we opted for government bonds, known for their
and 0.6. These stocks offer stable growth potential with lower risk high level of security, offering an interest rate between 6-8%. These
compared to the broader market. This aligns well with HNIPrestige's bonds provide a safe investment option with steady returns,
objective of preserving wealth and seeking stable income streams. suitable for HNI Elite's balanced approach to risk and return.
Appendix - Pg 19,20&21
Market Net Profit Income
HSBC Balanced Advantage Fund REITs
Cap (Rs. in
Price (Rs.) PE Ratio
tal Score
1Y Return
(Q) (Rs. in
cr.) Risk

558.08 233.71 -2.00 5.00 62.00 -2.00 - Medium

For HNIElite, we selected one mutual fund offering a good interest rate with low risk. Office 3,656.62 - - - 15.00 17.00 5.00 Low
These funds have a beta of less than 0.5, indicating lower volatility. To analyze the Parks REIT

mutual fund, we used the Treynor Ratio to assess its risk-adjusted performance, GeeCee
Ventures 559.91 267.75 48.14 5.54 93.95 28.12 9.20 Medium
ensuring it aligns with HNIElite's balanced approach to risk and return Ltd
Strategic Risk Management
Regular review and adjustment is like checking your plants to see if they need water. You
Think of managing risk like
wearing a helmet when you Regular keep an eye on your investments regularly to make sure they're growing well. If something
ride your bike or saving money Review needs fixing, you make small changes to help them grow better.
for a rainy day. It's super
important for keeping your
finances safe. Liquidity Liquidity management is like having enough cash in your wallet for everyday needs. You
keep some money easily accessible, so you can quickly use it if you need to. It's like
having a rainy-day fund for unexpected expenses.

Stress testing is like doing practice drills for emergencies. You pretend bad things
Stress Testing might happen to see how your money would handle it. By doing these tests, you
can make sure your money is ready for anything that might come its way.

Hedging is like wearing a helmet when riding a bike. You use special tools, like
Hedging Strategies insurance or contracts, to protect your money from bad things happening in the
financial world. It's like having a backup plan to keep your money safe."

Diversification is like having a bunch of different toys to play with. Instead

Diversification Across of putting all your money in one type of business, you spread it out across
different industries, like technology, healthcare, and finance. This helps
Sectors reduce the risk if one industry has problems.
Asset allocation is like making a recipe with different ingredients.

Asset Allocation You spread your money across different types of investments, like
stocks, bonds, and real estate. This way, if one investment doesn't
do well, the others can still help your overall money grow.
Client Communication and Performance Measurement
Measuring Success: Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

Volatility (Standard Beta Tracking Error Alpha

Annualized Return We will measure the We will determine the
We will calculate the Deviation) We will analyze the divergence between the portfolio's risk-adjusted
average annual return of We will assess the portfolio's sensitivity to portfolio's returns and excess return compared to
the portfolio portfolio's volatility market movements. anticipated returns its expected return.

Client Communication Plan Overview

Communication Channel Frequency of Updates Level of Detail Preferred Time for Updates
Concise summary of portfolio
Email Monthly performance, key highlights, and any Flexible
notable changes
Detailed discussion on portfolio
Scheduled appointments during
Phone Calls Quarterly performance, strategy adjustments, and
business hours
addressing any concerns or questions
Comprehensive review of portfolio
performance, long-term strategy Scheduled appointments with advance
In-person Meetings Annually
alignment, and goal setting for the notice for preparation
upcoming year
Appendix (Page 1)
Information and Technology Stocks
With the IT sector's average PE ratio
at 40, we aim to find undervalued
companies with lower PE ratios for
better growth potential. Look for
firms priced below this average,
indicating they might be cheaper
compared to others.

We've selected four stocks with

significantly lower PE ratios
compared to the market average.
These stocks are potentially
undervalued and may offer strong
growth prospects.
Appendix (Page 2)
Biotechnology Stocks
Appendix (Page 3)
Renewable Energy Stocks
Appendix (Page 4)
We're conducting beta analysis for all stocks relative to the mid-cap or some small cap index. This analysis will help us understand how
these stocks move in relation to the broader mid-cap market and assess their volatility and risk levels.
Appendix (Page 5)
Appendix (Page 6)
Appendix (Page 7)
Appendix (Page 8)
Appendix (Page 9)

We studied 11 stocks with lower PE ratios than the market's, indicating

they're undervalued. Additionally, we examined each stock's beta coefficient
to align them with the HNI's preferences. This analysis helped us select
stocks tailored to the HNI's risk appetite and investment objectives.
Appendix (Page 10)
HNILuxe Bonds



Appendix (Page 11)


We chose 6 corporate bonds offering more than an 11% interest rate. Among them, 3 were secured while the others were
unsecured. Opting for the higher risk, higher return option, I selected the secured bonds for their attractive interest rates.

Basically we are focusing on secured bonds with higher interest rates, aligning with the strategy for high-growth investments for
Appendix (Page 12)
HNIPrestige Bonds


Appendix (Page 13)


We have considered 6 bonds, offering interest rates between 8-10%. Among them, 3 were secured while
the remaining 3 were unsecured. Considering HNIPrestige's preference for capital preservation, we opted
for a balanced approach, selecting both secured and unsecured bonds with moderate interest rates.
Appendix (Page 14)
HNIElite Bonds

We opted for Government bonds with interest rates ranging between 6.5-7.9%. These bonds offer
stability and security, aligning with HNIElite's balanced approach to risk and return.
Appendix (Page 15)
Mutual Funds Analysis for HNILuxe

DSP ELSS Tax Saver Fund

A Treynor ratio of 0.266 indicates positive risk-adjusted performance for the investment portfolio. This ratio
suggests that for each unit of systematic risk (as measured by beta), the portfolio has generated
approximately 0.266 units of excess return above the risk-free rate. Overall, this indicates that investors are
being adequately compensated for the systematic risk taken on by the portfolio.
Appendix (Page 16)

HDFC Large and Mid Cap Fund - Regular

A Treynor ratio of 0.372 indicates positive risk-adjusted performance, with the portfolio generating excess
returns relative to its systematic risk. This suggests that investors are being adequately compensated for
the level of risk taken on.
Appendix (Page 17)
Mutual Funds Analysis for HNIPrestige

Tata Balanced Advantage Fund

A Treynor ratio of 0.256 suggests positive risk-adjusted performance for the investment portfolio. This ratio
indicates that for each unit of systematic risk (as measured by beta), the portfolio has generated
approximately 0.256 units of excess return above the risk-free rate. Thus, investors are receiving adequate
compensation for the systematic risk associated with the portfolio.
Appendix (Page 18)

HDFC Multi Asset fund

A Treynor ratio of 0.328 indicates positive risk-adjusted performance for the investment portfolio. This ratio
suggests that for each unit of systematic risk (as measured by beta), the portfolio has generated
approximately 0.328 units of excess return above the risk-free rate. Overall, this indicates that investors are
being adequately compensated for the systematic risk taken on by the portfolio.
Appendix (Page 19)
Mutual Funds Analysis for HNIElite

ICICI Prudential Regular Gold Savings Fund (FOF)

A Treynor ratio of -0.281 indicates negative risk-adjusted performance for the investment portfolio. This ratio
suggests that for each unit of systematic risk (as measured by beta), the portfolio has generated a deficit of
approximately 0.281 units of return compared to the risk-free rate. Overall, this indicates that investors are
not adequately compensated for the systematic risk taken on by the portfolio, making it a less attractive
investment option.
Appendix (Page 20)

Axis Gold Fund

A Treynor ratio of -0.297 suggests negative risk-adjusted performance for the investment portfolio. This ratio
indicates that for each unit of systematic risk (as measured by beta), the portfolio has generated a deficit of
approximately 0.297 units of return compared to the risk-free rate. Overall, this indicates that investors are not
adequately compensated for the systematic risk taken on by the portfolio, making it a less favorable
investment option.
Appendix (Page 21)

HSBC Balanced Advantage Fund

A Treynor ratio of 0.396 suggests strong positive risk-adjusted performance for the investment portfolio.
This ratio indicates that for each unit of systematic risk (as measured by beta), the portfolio has
generated approximately 0.396 units of excess return above the risk-free rate. Overall, this indicates that
investors are being well-compensated for the systematic risk associated with the portfolio, making it an
attractive investment option.
Appendix (Page 22)

Coral India Finance and Housing Ltd:

1. Market Cap: Rs. 213.00 cr.

2. Close Price: Rs. 52.85
3. PE Ratio: 11.64
4. Fundamental Score: 7.55
5. 1Y Return: 63.88%
6. Net Profit Margin: 59.71%
7. Net Income (Q): Rs. 3.13 cr.
8. Analysis: Coral India Finance and Housing Ltd exhibits a relatively small market cap and PE ratio, indicating its position in the market. However, the
company has shown strong financial performance with impressive net profit margin and a substantial 1-year return, suggesting growth potential.

Nesco Ltd:
1. Market Cap: Rs. 5,954.57 cr.
2. Close Price: Rs. 845.10
3. PE Ratio: 20.49
4. Fundamental Score: 7.43
5. 1Y Return: 61.76%
6. Net Profit Margin: 47.70%
7. Net Income (Q): Rs. 93.74 cr.
8. Analysis: Nesco Ltd has a considerable market cap and PE ratio, reflecting its position in the market. The company has demonstrated robust financial
performance with significant net profit margin and a substantial 1-year return, indicating stability and growth potential.
Appendix (Page 23)
Oberoi Realty Ltd:
1. Market Cap: Rs. 48,877.23 cr.
2. Close Price: Rs. 1,344.25
3. PE Ratio: 25.66
4. Fundamental Score: 7.31
5. 1Y Return: 54.77%
6. Net Profit Margin: 42.20%
7. Net Income (Q): Rs. 360.15 cr.
8. Analysis: Oberoi Realty Ltd stands out with a high market cap and PE ratio, indicative of its significant presence in the real estate sector. The company
has shown impressive financial performance with substantial net profit margin and a noteworthy 1-year return, suggesting strong growth potential.

Ajmera Realty & Infra India Ltd:

1. Market Cap: Rs. 2,592.88 cr.
2. Close Price: Rs. 730.70
3. PE Ratio: 36.26
4. Fundamental Score: 7.22
5. 1Y Return: 165.18%
6. Net Profit Margin: 16.23%
7. Net Income (Q): Rs. 30.48 cr.
8. Analysis: Ajmera Realty & Infra India Ltd exhibits a moderate market cap and PE ratio, showing steady growth potential. The company has demonstrated
commendable financial performance with a significant 1-year return, indicating positive performance in the real estate market.
Appendix (Page 24)

Eldeco Housing and Industries Ltd:

1. Market Cap: Rs. 798.29 cr.
2. Close Price: Rs. 811.85
3. PE Ratio: 17.99
4. Fundamental Score: 7.09
5. 1Y Return: 36.57%
6. Net Profit Margin: 31.55%
7. Net Income (Q): Rs. 8.11 cr.
8. Analysis: Eldeco Housing and Industries Ltd has a relatively smaller market cap and PE ratio compared to others, suggesting its position in the
market. The company has shown moderate financial performance with a decent 1-year return, reflecting stability in its performance.

DLF Ltd:
1. Market Cap: Rs. 223,075.09 cr.
2. Close Price: Rs. 901.20
3. PE Ratio: 109.57
4. Fundamental Score: 6.50
5. 1Y Return: 153.40%
6. Net Profit Margin: 33.86%
7. Net Income (Q): Rs. 656.61 cr.
8. Analysis: DLF Ltd, with its massive market cap and high PE ratio, is a major player in the real estate sector. Despite its high valuation, the
company has demonstrated robust financial performance with a substantial 1-year return and significant net profit margin, indicating strong
growth potential.
Appendix (Page 25)
AMJ Land Holdings Ltd:
1. Market Cap: Rs. 155.19 cr.
2. Close Price: Rs. 37.85
3. PE Ratio: 22.75
4. Fundamental Score: 6.09
5. 1Y Return: 48.14%
6. Net Profit Margin: 17.09%
7. Net Income (Q): Rs. 0.58 cr.
8. Analysis: AMJ Land Holdings Ltd exhibits a smaller market cap and moderate PE ratio, indicating its position in the real estate market. The company
has shown steady financial performance with a decent 1-year return, suggesting potential for growth.

Anant Raj Ltd:

1. Market Cap: Rs. 11,934.59 cr.
2. Close Price: Rs. 350.00
3. PE Ratio: 78.97
4. Fundamental Score: 5.84
5. 1Y Return: 225.13%
6. Net Profit Margin: 15.04%
7. Net Income (Q): Rs. 71.83 cr.
8. Analysis: Anant Raj Ltd has a considerable market cap but a high PE ratio, indicating its position in the real estate sector. Despite its high valuation,
the company has demonstrated impressive financial performance with a significant 1-year return, reflecting strong growth potential.
Appendix (Page 26)
Phoenix Mills Ltd:
1. Market Cap: Rs. 49,330.60 cr.
2. Close Price: Rs. 2,760.70
3. PE Ratio: 36.95
4. Fundamental Score: 5.78
5. 1Y Return: 97.19%
6. Net Profit Margin: 39.73%
7. Net Income (Q): Rs. 279.35 cr.
8. Analysis: Phoenix Mills Ltd stands out with its substantial market cap and moderate PE ratio, indicating its prominent position in the real estate
market. The company has shown impressive financial performance with a substantial 1-year return and significant net profit margin, reflecting
strong growth potential.

GeeCee Ventures Ltd:

1. Market Cap: Rs. 559.91 cr.
2. Close Price: Rs. 267.75
3. PE Ratio: 48.14
4. Fundamental Score: 5.54
5. 1Y Return: 93.95%
6. Net Profit Margin: 28.12%
7. Net Income (Q): Rs. 9.2 cr.
8. Analysis: GeeCee Ventures Ltd exhibits a smaller market cap and a relatively high PE ratio, suggesting its position in the real estate market. The
company has demonstrated strong financial performance with a significant 1-year return and a respectable net profit margin, indicating
potential for growth.
Team Name: CASECOMP45


Member 1: NAMIT
Member 2: DANISH
Member 3: DIVYAM

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