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Task 1 Mona.

The charts illustrate the amount of electricity generation used in
Germany and France in 2009.
Overall, France favored Nuclear energy the most and conventional
thermal the least, whereas the first choice in Germany was
conventional thermal and the last was renewables, meanwhile in terms
of renewables the second country has a more even pattern than the
first one.
It is noticeable that nuclear generation ranked the first of all in France
with 76%, followed by renewables and conventional thermal with
13.7% and 10.3% respectively. This algorithm was the same in case of
renewable ones, where hydroelectric saw the most significant
proportion of all with 80.5%. Wind was responsible for 10.5%, followed
closely by biomass with 8.1%. There was no considerable difference
between the figures for solar and geothermal (0.9% and 0.0%
In Germany the largest proportion of electricity was produced by
conventional thermal with 56.6%, giving the second place to nuclear
with 23.0% and the last renewables by a narrow margin of 17.4%.
Biomass and wind had a close contribution in renewable ones which
the share for former was 39.3% and latter 36.9%. The remaining 24%
percentage was accounted for hydroelectric and solar with 17.7% and
6.1% respectively, leaving geothermal with no share at all.

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