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26 July 2007, 12:15 PM
10.57 am 22 July 2007

I got a phone call from Jaipur that in Hindi newspapers there is a report that Pratibha Patil rang
up Pt. Nathulal of Karovi and asked him for a suitable time of swearing in on 25 July. He gave her
some time between 2 and 23.00 pm is the report, which I think is not a case of accurate

These days there is big racket of astrologers promoted by television channels which do not mind
distorting and perverting astrology
only for the sake of their TRP and commercial gains.

I had written on my website Bhrigu and Pratibha Patil-1


KN Rao.
16 Jun, 2007 l 0131 hrs ISTl Kirti Pande/TIME S NEW S NETWORK AMRAVATI:
....Pratibha Patil has immense faith in astrology and her father Narayanrao Patil too was an
expert astrologer. Citing an incident,
Shekhawat said that an Vedic expert had predicted that she would occupy one of the country's
very prominent posts this year and "it
seems that the prediction is set to come true."

It is well known that those who go to an astrologer with respect (shraddha) get right guidance
and prediction. The presidential
candidate Smt.Pratibha Patil has all the looks of a traditional Hindu woman with traditional beliefs
in which astrology seems to occupy a
prominent place.

He had got a prediction from a Bhrigu Samhita reader, I learn, from a friend in Jaipur and he told
me that he was the same person
whom I have praised in my writings. I am not surprised. Those who go to him and grumble are
mostly those who have less shraddha and go with skepticism.

I know of a politician whom people mistake for a staunch Hindu and a traditionalist. But he goes
to astrologers only to know what will happen to his opponent in his own party whom he wants to
see destroyed. If this politician does not get right predictions, it is because he is lacking in
shraddha. His heart is full of malice.

Here the reference is to last year. I know that it was in December 2006 because in February
2007 when I visited him, the road leading to his house was beautifully metalled,tarred and the
car drive was smooth unlike in previous years. This was got done , it seems, at the instance of
Smt.Pratibha Patil, the governor of Rajasthan.

My friend told me that it was this Bhrigu man who had given this reading. It is necessary to know
that it was not an astrological prediction as we know but different because sheets are taken out
and reading of what is already written is revealed.

( 19 June 2007)

I had written in an earlier piece Saturn Transit and Presidential Elections 2007

I am writing this on 28 May 2007. ... As soon as Saturn transits into Simha, we will be in the
midst of a presidential election which is bound to have major effect on the national political

Who will be the next president ? Shekhawat ? An important person working with the vice
president of India Shri Shekhawat passed on to me, long before Mayawati got elected in Uttar
Pradesh as the Chief Minister, his birth details and put me under an oath not to reveal it. He
asked me whether I saw any chances of Sri Shekhawat getting elected as president. I told him it
appeared bleak to me.

19 July 2007

There was a sense of relief on 19 July when the voters of the electoral college who are to elect
the next president of India cast their votes and the asphyxiating mud slinging as has never
happened before in any presidential election came to a halt.

In the days preceding astrologers too came with their predictions in many newspapers in Hindi
and English with unverified horoscopes as happens always. Here one such link. No reference to
the horoscopes of any planet made in the report.

20 July 2007

There is eerie silence and the dirt of the election campaign is settling down. Now only results are

21 July 2007

The counting of votes would start at 11 am and the results will be known around 2 pm. I will be
teaching my astrology classes then. I
asked a woman student during the class to find out the results. We came to know while the class
was going on that Pratibha won by a
margin of more than three lakh votes.

22 July 2007

The newspapers are full of the details of voting. Shekhawat has done rather badly. Even the vote
of favorable cross voting was a false
hope . He has fared badly even in those state where he was expected to be strong.

The day I am giving permission to disclose his horoscope, I will discuss it and show why and how
newspapers discussing wrong horoscopes promote scoundrels as astrologers and television
channels jump at it at the earliest.

(22 July 2007)

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