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Các idiom thường gặp trong

No. Ý nghĩa Ví dụ
đề thi THPT Quốc gia

1 A nine-to-five job công việc nhàm chán Hoa has done a lot of nine-to-five jobs in her life

2 In black and white giấy trắng mực đen Would he put that down in black and white?

Blue-collar workers are demanding the same pay

3 A blue-collar worker lao động chân tay
as office staff

These days, few white-collar workers actually

4 A white-collar worker nhân viên văn phòng
wear white shirts

5 An eager beaver người tham việc My girlfriend is an eager beaver

6 Beat about the bush nói vòng vo, lạc đề Don't beat around the bush - get to the point!

7 A black list sổ đen They are in my black list

8 A hot potato vấn đề nan giải, nóng hổi This situation is a hot potato

I have to burn the midnight oil in order to prepare

9 Burn the midnight oil thức khuya làm việc
for the IELTS exam

10 Hit the books học bài We should hit the books right now

11 Let the cat out of the bag để lộ bí mật She is always let the cat out of the bag

People will file lawsuits at the drop of a hat these

12 At the drop of a hat ngay lập tức

Being recognized in the street is part and parcel

13 Part and parcel quan trọng, thiết yếu
of being a celebrity

Take something into We should take something into account before

14 xem xét việc gì
account/consideration doing anything

He'll spend a hundred dollars on a dress without
15 On second thoughts suy nghĩ kĩ
a second thought

16 Chip in quyên góp, góp tiền tHEY decide to chip in to launch the project

She made it clear that her comments were strictly

17 Off the record không chính thức
off the record

được phát hiện, được đưa ra ánh Fresh evidence has recently come to light that
18 Come to light
sáng suggests that he didn't in fact commit the murder

My brothers don't see eye to eye with me about

19 See eye to eye đồng tình
the arrangements

20 Keep an eye on coi chừng Keep an eye on your son while I’m out, please


Các idiom thường

No. gặp trong đề thi Ý nghĩa Ví dụ
THPT Quốc gia

Was Tim pleased about getting that job?" "Pleased? He

1 On cloud nine trên 9 tầng mây
was on cloud nine!"

One day, out of the blue, he announced that he was

2 Out of the blue bất ngờ

3 See red nổi giận bừng bừng People who don't finish a job really make me see red

4 Get/have cold feet mất hết can đảm, chùn bước I was going to try bungee jumping, but I got cold feet

Off someone’s
5 điên, loạn trí What she said was off my head

6 A cup of tea điều mà mình thích Drink milk tea is my cup of tea

Hit the roof = hit
7 giận dữ People who do not finish their work make me hit the roof
the ceiling

8 Pull someone’s leg chọc ai My sister is pulling my leg

Take sb/sth for

9 coi nhẹ cái gì She always takes his friends for granted

10 Ups and downs thăng trầm I have suffered a lot of ups and downs in life


Các idiom thường gặp
No. trong đề thi THPT Quốc Ý nghĩa Ví dụ

A/the black sheep of

1 vết nhơ của gia đình, xã hội Tung was a black sheep of the family
the family

2 A white lie lời nói dối vô hại That is such a white lie

My father is an early bird since he always gets up early to

3 An early bird người hay dậy sớm
prepare for my breakfast

4 An odd bird người quái dị What he does makes his like an odd birdt

She loves being married and if she wasn't she'd be like a

5 A fish out of water người lạc lõng
fish out of water

Give someone get the

6 bật đèn xanh This boy gives him get the green light
green light


Các idiom thường gặp trong đề
No. Ý nghĩa Ví dụ
thi THPT Quốc gia

rất hiếm, hiếm
1 Once in a blue moon Once in a blue moon, there’s an issue she can’t resolve
muộn còn hơn “Chinh finally paid me the money she owed me.” “Well, better late
2 Better late than never
không than never.”
Don’t forget to take your umbrella – it’s raining cats and dogs out
3 Rain cats and dogs mưa to
khác biệt hoàn
4 Chalk and cheese She and her sister are chalk and cheese
There were a few books here and there, but apart from that the
5 Here and there mọi nơi
room was quite bare
may sẵn (quần
6 Off the peg This girl is wearing an off the peg suit
Sunny, warm weekends have been few and far between this
7 Few and far between hiếm gặp
8 On the spot ngay lập tức She was arrested on the spot
On the verge of = on the brink of = in
9 bên bờ vực A lot of wild animal are on the verge of extinction
the edge
không thể
10 Be out of the question A trip to Da Nang is out of the question this year
11 All at once bất thình lình All at once there was a loud crashing sound
12 Face the music chịu trận He has to face the music for what he did
13 Down and out thất cơ lỡ vận Nobody loves he when he’s down and out
14 Put on an act giả bộ She’s just putting on an act for the boss’s benefit


STT Idiom Nghĩa Ví dụ
Don’t forget to take your umbrella – it’s raining
1 rain cats and dog rain heavily (Mưa tầm tã, Mưa nặng hạt)
cats and dogs
2 chalk and cheese very different from each other (Khác biệt) Marry and her sister are chalk and cheese

I have been looking here and there for the book
3 here and there everywhere
I received from my friend yesterday
something that is difficult or dangerous to The abortion issue is a political hot potato in the
4 a hot potato
deal with (vấn đề nan giải, nóng hổi) US.
immediately, instantly, without hesitation or
If you need me, just call me. I can come at the
5 at the drop of a hat reasons (Ngay lập tức, không do dự, không
drop of a hat.
có lý do rõ ràng)
My plans to create a tiny car made of glasses
time to start from the beginning; it is time to
6 back to the drawing board were unsuccessful, so I guess it’s back to the
doplan something over again (bắt đầu lại)
drawing board for me.
avoiding the main topic, and not speaking Stop beating about the bush and answer my
7 beat about the bush
directly about the issue (nói vòng vo, lạc đề) question.
Portable phones are marketed as the best thing
best/ greatest thing since = be excellenta good invention or innovation,
8 since sliced bread; people think they are
sliced bread a good idea orplan (ý tưởng hay, tốt)
to stay up working, especially studying late I will have an English exam tomorrow so I’ll be
9 burn the midnight oil
at night (thức khuya làm việc, học bài) burning the midnight oil tonight.
when someone finds it difficult to choose
I was caught between two stools when I had to
10 caught between two stools between two alternatives (lưỡng lự, không
choose which university to attend.
biết lựa chọn cái nào, do dự)
I have heard that you’re going to take part in a
11 break a leg good luck! (thường dùng để chúc may mắn )
contest tomorrow, break a leg, my friend!
Study with concentrated effort (học cực kỳ I can’t go out tonight. I’ve got to hit the books
12 hit the books
tập trung) because I’m having an exam tomorrow.
something will never happen (chuyện viễn I think he’ll pay you back your money – when
13 when pigs fly
vông, không tưởng) pigs fly
help someone out with the assumption that “You scratch my back and I will scratch yours
14 scratch someone’s back theywill return the favor in the future (giúp đỡ later,” the customer said when we talked about
người khác với hy vọng họ sẽ giúp lại mình) the new sales contact.
John hit the nail on the head when he said most
do or say something exactly right (nói chính
15 hit the nail on the head people can use a computer without knowing
xác, làm chính xác)
how it works.

16 take sb/sth for granted coi thường, không coi trọng She always takes his friends for granted
take sth into to remember to considersomething (tính đến We will take your long year of service into
account/consideration cái gì, xem xét việc gì) account when we make our final decision.
put sb/sth at somebody’s to make someone orsomething available to I’d be glad to help you if you need me. I put
disposal someone (có sẵn theo ý muốn của ai) myself at your disposal.
I’ve got a splitting headache. I’m going upstairs
19 splitting headache a severe headache (đau đầu như búa bổ)
for a nap.
I went to a restaurant last night. I was the ten
20 on the house = free (không phải trả tiền) thousandth customer, so my dinner was on the
If I buy trousers off the peg, they’re always too
21 off the peg may sẵn (quần áo)
hit the roof = go through I’m afraid he will hit the roof when he finds out
22 to suddenly become angry (giận dữ)
the roof = hit the ceiling our vacation is canceled
make an audience respond with great
enthusiasm, typically as shown by their G-Dragon brought the house down. He really
23 bring the house down
laughter or applause (làm cho cả khán brought down the house with his fantastic song
phòng vỗ tay nhiệt liệt)
to pay too much for something (trả giá quá You have to pay through the nose for a new
24 pay through the nose
đắt) car.
by the skin of someone’s I got through calculus math by the skin of my
25 sát sao, rất sát
teeth teeth.
26 pull someone’s leg chọc ai Are you just pulling my leg?
it strikes someone as/that It strikes me as strange that he failed the exam
27 lấy làm lạ
strange because he studied hard.
high and low = here and I have been searching high and low for the new
28 everywhere
there shirt
Can I bring some friends with me? Yeah sure,
29 the more, the merrier càng đông càng vui
the more, the merrier.
The kitchen was spick and span as ever, every
30 spick and span ngăn nắp, gọn gàng
surface wiped down and everything in its place.
31 every now and then sometimes Every now and then, I want to be alone.
Being hard-working is a part and parcel of
32 part and parcel integral, crucial (quan trọng, thiết yếu)
33 go to someone’s head khiến ai kiêu ngạo Too much success will go to her head.
Once in a blue moon, I stop thinking about her.
34 once in a blue moon rất hiếm (rare)
If only she knew how much I loved her.
Go and tell her that you love her! That kind of
35 few and far between rare (hiếm gặp)
girl is really few and far between
Bob’s old drinking buddies complained that he
36 be on the wagon kiêng rượu
was no fun when he went on the wagon
37 on the spot immediately (ngay lập tức) I will be there on the spot.
on the verge of = on the We have to protect elephants. They are on the
38 bên bờ vực
brink of = on the edge of verge of extinction.
to control someone and make them do They simply didn’t know what they were doing
39 led someone by the nose exactly what you want them to do (nắm đầu, and they were led by the nose by a
dắt mũi ai) manipulative government
She always turned her term paper in at the
40 the eleventh hour phút chót
eleventh hour.
It is very easy to find fault with the work of
41 find fault with chỉ trích, kiếm chuyện, bắt lỗi
42 off and on/ on and off không đều đặn, thỉnh thoảng We don’t often go there- just off and on.
I tried to make believe she was happy, but
43 make believe giả bộ, giả vờ
knew deep down it was not true.
We made good time and were at the hotel by
44 make good time di chuyển nhanh, đi nhanh
lunch time.
Their relationship is not free and easy but at
45 look daggers at someone giận dữ nhìn ai đó
least he is no longer looking daggers at her.
You cannot get married until you are 18, it’s out
46 be out of the question impossible (không thể được)
of the question.
All at once, there was a loud banging on the
47 all at once suddenly (bất thình lình)

I believe in you because you’d never blow your
48 blow someone’s trumpet bốc phét, khoác lác
You don’t have to make your decision now.
49 sleep on it suy nghĩ thêm về điều gì đó
Sleep on it.
We fought tooth and claw to retain our share of
50 fight tooth and claw/nail đánh nhau dữ dội, cấu xé nhau
the business.


1 an eager beaver: người tham việc a busy bee: người làm việc lu bù
2 an early bird: người hay dậy sớm a cat nap: ngủ ngày
3 a home bird: người thích ở nhà a lone bird/worf: người hay ở nhà
4 an odd bird/fish: người quái dị a rare bird: của hiếm
5 a bird’s eye view: nhìn bao quát/nói vắn tắt badger someone: mè nheo ai
6 bud someone: quấy rầy ai make a big of oneself: ăn uống thô tục
7 have a bee in one’s bonest: ám ảnh chuyện gì make a bee-line foe something: nhanh nhảu làm chuyện gì
8 the bee’s knees: ngon lành nhất take the bull by the horns: không ngại khó khăn
9 have butterflies in one’s stomach: nôn nóng lead a cat and dog life: sống như chó với mèo
10 let the cat out of the bag: để lộ bí mật not have room to swing a cat: hẹp như lỗi mũi
11 not have a cat in hell’s change: chẳng có cơ may play cat and mouse with someone: chơi mèo vờn chuột
12 put the cat among the pigeons: làm hư bột hư đường dog tired: mệt nhoài
13 top dog: kẻ thống trị a dog’s life: cuộc sống lầm than
14 go to the dogs: sa sút let sleeping dog’s lie: đừng khêu lại chuyện đã qua
15 donkey’s years: thời gian dài dằng dặc do the donkey’s work: làm chuyện nhàm chán
16 a lame duck: người thất bại a sitting duck: dễ bị tấn công
17 a cold fish: người lạnh lùng a fish out of water: người lạc lõng
18 have other fish to fry: có chuyện phải làm a fly in the oinment: con sâu làm rầu nồi canh
19 not hurt a fly: chẳng làm hại ai there are no flies on someone: người ngôn lanh đáo để
20 can’t say boo to a goose: hiền như cục đất someone’s goose: làm hư kế hoạch
21 a wild goose chase: cuộc tìm kiếm vô vọng
Be walking on air: vui sướng, phấn khởi
Be on cloud nine/ be over the moon: vui sướng như ở chín tầng mây
On top of the world: Rất vui, rất hạnh phúc
Tickled pink: Rất vui, rất hài lòng
Make someone’s blood boil: Giận sôi máu
Lose your temper: Bực tức
Jump out of your skin: Ngạc nhiên, giật mình vì điều gì
Have butterflies (in your stomach): Hồi hộp
On pins and needles: Đứng ngồi không yên
See red: Nổi giận bừng bừng
at one time: thời gian nào đó đã qua a great one for sth: đam mê chuyện gì
a new one on me: chuyện lạ a one-night stand: 1 đêm chơi bời
a quick one: uống nhanh 1 ly rượu back to square one: trở lại từ đầu
be at one with someone: thống nhất với ai be/get one up on someone: có ưu thế hơn ai
for one thing: vì 1 lý do have one over th eight: uống quá chén
all in one, all rolled up into one: kết hợp lại it’s all one (to me/him): như nhau thôi
my one and only copy: người duy nhất one and the same: chỉ là một
one for the road: ly cuối cùng trước khi đi one in the eye for somone: làm gai mắt
one in a thousand/milion: một người tốt trong ngàn người one of the boy: người cùng hội
one of these days: chẳng bao lâu one of those days: ngày xui xẻo
one too many: quá nhiều rượu be in two minds: chưa quyết định được
for two pins: xém chút nữa in two shakes: 1 loáng là xong
put two and two together: đoán chắc điều gì two bites of/at the cherry: cơ hội đến 2 lần
two/ten a penny: dễ kiếm được at sixs and sevens: tình rạng rối tinh rối mù
knock somone for six: đánh bại ai a nine day wonder: 1 điều kỳ lạ nhất đời
a nine-to-five job: công việc văn phòng dresses up to the nines: ăn mặc bảnh bao
ten to one: rất có thể nineteen to the dozen: nói huyên thuyên

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