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Higher Nationals - Summative Assignment Feedback Form

Student Name/ID Tran Thi Cam Anh/GBS210268

Unit Title Unit 35. Integrated Marketing Communication

Assignment Number Assignment 1 Assessor Nguyen Thu Huyen

03/2023 Date Received
Submission Date
1st submission
Date Received 2nd
Re-submission Date
Grading grid

P1 M1 D1

Assessor Feedback:
*Please note that constructive and useful feedback should allow students to understand:

a) Strengths of performance
b) Limitations of performance
c) Any improvements needed in future assessments
Feedback should be against the learning outcomes and assessment criteria to help students understand how these
inform the process of judging the overall grade.

Feedback should give full guidance to the students on how they have met the learning outcomes and
assessment criteria.

Grade: Assessor Signature: Date:

Resubmission Feedback:
*Please note resubmission feedback is focussed only on the resubmitted work

Grade: Assessor Signature: Date:

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Internal Verifier’s Comments:

Signature & Date:

* Please note that grade decisions are provisional. They are only confirmed once internal and external
moderation has taken place and grades decisions have been agreed at the assessment.

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Table of Contents
I. Introduction........................................................................................................................................................... 5

II. Communication channels ...................................................................................................................................... 6

1. TV ..................................................................................................................................................................... 6

1.1. Content and tatics...................................................................................................................................... 6

1.2. Pros ........................................................................................................................................................... 8

1.3. Cons .......................................................................................................................................................... 9

2. PR Online – Newspaper or margazines .......................................................................................................... 10

2.1. Content and tatics.................................................................................................................................... 10

2.2. Pros ......................................................................................................................................................... 11

2.3. Cons ........................................................................................................................................................ 12

3. Support media – OOH .................................................................................................................................... 13

3.1. Content and tatics.................................................................................................................................... 13

3.2. Pros ......................................................................................................................................................... 16

3.3. Cons ........................................................................................................................................................ 17

4. Direct marketing ................................................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.

4.1. Content and tatics.................................................................................................................................... 17

4.2. Pros ......................................................................................................................................................... 18

4.3. Cons ........................................................................................................................................................ 19

5. Social media.................................................................................................................................................... 20

5.1. Facebook ................................................................................................................................................. 20

5.2. Youtube................................................................................................................................................... 23

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5.3. Tiktok ...................................................................................................................................................... 26

III. Conclusion ...................................................................................................................................................... 28

References................................................................................................................................................................... 29

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I. Introduction

1. Introduction about the report

Covid-19 Pandemic was a difficult time for Acecook. Postcovid period provides great opportunities for
the company to recover their business. Therefore, the company plans to launch an IMC campaign in order
to improve the brand equity and consequently, grow profitability. A part of company's job is to constantly
keep tracks of the performance of all channels currently used by the company. In preparation for the future
campaign, a report will be conducted to critically evaluate the current performance of all IMC channels
used by the company. Specifically, the report will indicate the communication channels the company is
using. Then, state how they are used and their advantages and disadvantages.

2. Introduction about Acecook company

Figure 1: Acecook's Logo (Thietkelogo, 2024)

Acecook has operated in Vietnam since 1993 and is currently the country's largest instant noodle
manufacturer. Acecook Vietnam remains one of the company's largest and most important markets.
According to Nielsen's report, Acecook will account for almost 60% of the instant noodle market in
Vietnam in 2021. Acecook has also expanded into other product areas, including confectionary and
beverages. This company's distribution network has grown to over 300,000 points of sale nationally.

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Acecook in Vietnam is constantly evolving throughout time. With a dense population and increased
consumer demand, Vietnamese people are becoming more interested in saving time and eating good food.
Acecook's instant noodles have become one of the most popular and favored cuisines among Vietnamese
people. However, the Acecook market in Vietnam has numerous hurdles. Domestic and foreign
enterprises compete fiercely. Acecook must always develop and innovate to keep its position.
Furthermore, there are growing concerns about food quality and safety. At the same time, rigorously
adhere to regulations and standards (Nguyen. 2023).

II. Communication channels - O’food

1. TV

1.1. Content and tatics

Acecook carefully employs television advertising as a vital component of its marketing operations,
promoting its varied variety of food goods to raise brand awareness and encourage product usage.
Acecook makes extensive use of modern media and marketing strategies. The products are marketed on
television stations such as HTV7, HTV9, and VTV, ... Acecook's iconic TV commercials include Ready
Joy in a Cup of Handy Hao Hao, Pho De Nhat - Delicious like pho at a restaurant, with Modern, right
now, and... Coordinated marketing activities, including television advertising, have largely contributed to
Acecook's success, as evidenced by its popularity and market dominance. Market for products like Hao
Hao noodles. Notably, Acecook's devotion to creating appealing ads has been recognized, as evidenced by
prestigious accolades such as the Vietnam Creative Advertising Golden Bell Award in 2016. Overall,
Acecook's strategic use of television advertising underlines the company's commitment to recruiting
customers and maintaining a significant position in a competitive food market scenario (Nguyen, 2023).
Acecook's 2021 TVC "Pho De Nhat" with father-son couple Xuan Bac - Bi Beo piqued the audience's
interest. The presence of Showbiz's hottest father-son combo, along with a significant storyline, has
allowed Acecook have a successful TV commercial that rivals past products. The context is continually
changing as a result of promoting product quality while also respecting traditional values in a rapid pace.
Acecook quickly highlighted the similar aspects of pho in three regions in a 16-second television
advertising. Acecook also made sure to introduce its items in the final few seconds to boost their

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attractiveness and reliability. After publishing on YouTube, Acecook has garnered more than 2.4 million
views for this TVC advertisement (Colormedia, 2021).

Figure 2: Acecook's TVC (Corlormedia, 2021)

Acecook exhibits its commitment to community engagement and brand enhancement by sponsoring a
variety of initiatives and game shows. Acecook, for example, is a sponsor of "Sound Paradise Season 4",
a special television game show that celebrates the essence of Vietnamese food from all across the country.
This sponsorship demonstrates Acecook's support for exploring gastronomy and entertainment, while
increasing Acecook's brand exposure among viewers. In addition, Acecook is growing into other
programs like as music shows and humanitarian gameshows, showcasing its commitment to varied types
of entertainment and social responsibility. By participating with such initiatives, Acecook not only attracts
attention but also targets values and activities relevant to the target demographic, thereby building a
favorable brand image (Acecook, 2018).

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Figure 3: Acecook's gameshow sponsorship activities (Acecook, 2018)

1.2. Pros
Acecook's TV advertising strategy takes a smart approach to using television's broad reach while
efficiently targeting specific demographic groupings. Acecook provides maximum exposure and
engagement by carefully picking critical time periods, such as prime time or during popular shows, that
correspond to the preferences and behaviors of its target audience. For example, running advertising
during family-oriented programs may target parents or caregivers in charge of dinner preparation, whereas
ads during sporting events may appeal to a younger, more active group. This strategic placement improves
brand recognition and recall among the intended audience since viewers are more likely to notice and
remember Acecook's products when they are displayed in situations that are relevant to their interests and
lifestyle. Additionally, Acecook may use data-driven insights and audience analytics to fine-tune its
targeting efforts, ensuring that its TV advertising engage with specific customer segments. Acecook
maximizes the efficiency of its TV advertising campaigns by using television's enormous reach and
precision audience targeting, eventually boosting brand awareness, engagement, and customer loyalty in
the competitive food industry landscape (Linkedin, 2023).
Acecook capitalizes on the dynamic possibilities of television advertising by forging strong consumer
connections through innovative storytelling and appealing visual components. Acecook fosters a
sense of connection and affinity for its brand by telling intriguing stories that elicit emotions and resonate
with viewers' experiences. Acecook not only attracts audiences' attention but also makes a lasting

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impression by exhibiting its products in visually appealing ways, utilizing high-quality cinematography
and delectable visuals. This reinforces brand remember and preference. This strategic approach not only
improves brand awareness and loyalty, but also changes consumer behavior, resulting in increased sales
and market share for Acecook in the competitive food business landscape (Linkedin, 2023).

1.3. Cons
Acecook's biggest difficulty is the high expense of making and showing television advertising. Creating
interesting advertisements with excellent production qualities necessitates a significant financial
investment, which includes costs for screenplay creation, filming, editing, and post-production.
Furthermore, obtaining airtime during peak watching hours, such as popular shows or events, can be
prohibitively expensive due to strong demand and competition among advertisers. This price load presents
substantial hurdles for Acecook, especially if budget limits limit the frequency and duration of its
television advertising campaigns. As a result, Acecook may struggle to maintain a regular presence on
television screens and effectively capture the attention of its target demographic in today's competitive
advertising environment. Furthermore, the high cost of television advertising may require resource trade-
offs, perhaps limiting Acecook's capacity to spend in other marketing initiatives or product development
efforts. Overall, while television advertising provides broad reach and brand exposure, its high cost poses
a significant obstacle for Acecook in optimizing the impact of its marketing tactics within financial limits
(Linkedin, 2023).
One significant downside of Acecook's TV advertising strategy is its low targeting capabilities when
compared to digital media, which reduces its precision in reaching certain audience segments. Unlike
digital advertising, which allows for highly targeted and individualized messaging based on
demographics, interests, and online behavior, TV ads have a larger reach but cannot adjust content to
individual viewers. Because of this lack of specificity, Acecook's TV advertising may reach a huge
audience but fail to properly resonate with the exact demographics or market categories most likely to be
interested in their products. As a result, Acecook may miss out on opportunities to improve its marketing
efforts and allocate resources more effectively by targeting audiences with higher purchase intent or brand
affinity. Furthermore, Acecook's inability to target certain audience segments may result in lost ad
expenditure if a significant portion of viewers are not in its target market. Overall, while television

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advertising is a significant tool for wide brand exposure, its inherent limits in audience targeting when
compared to digital media make it difficult for Acecook to maximize the success of its marketing
campaigns (Linkedin, 2023).

2. PR Online

2.1. Content and tatics

Acecook also works with a variety of online newspapers such as Hanoi New Newspaper, Tuoi Tre,
VnExpress, Tien Phong Electronics, ... On the afternoon of August 9, 2023, Editor-in-Chief of Hanoi New
Newspaper Nguyen Minh Duc received a delegation from Acecook Vietnam Joint Stock Company, led by
Mr. Kajiwara Junichi, Chairman of the Board of Directors, to visit and work at the newspaper. Nguyen
Minh Duc, Editor-in-Chief of Hanoi New Newspaper, expressed his hope that Acecook Vietnam Joint
Stock Company will cooperate and support the tournament in the future, as well as join the Compassionate
Heart Fund to assist the Newspaper in supporting people in difficult circumstances, such as building
houses, medical examinations, and treatment. The newspaper also hopes that Acecook will spread
propaganda about the company's activities and advertise its products in newspaper publications. In terms
of Acecook Vietnam, Chairman of the Board of Directors Kajiwara Junichi confirmed that he will
collaborate with Hanoi Moi Newspaper in a variety of areas and expressed his hope that the Newspaper
will have a long-term relationship with the company to ensure the most effective communication possible
(Quang, Dong, 2023).
In addition, on May 10, the Chairman of the Board of Directors and the Board of Directors of Acecook
Vietnam visited and collaborated with the Vietnam Journalists Association in Ho Chi Minh City to
connect a number of activities in various fields, including communication, business development support,
and social work programs. In recent years, the Vietnam Journalists Association and news agencies have

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Figure 4: Some newspapers cooperate with Acecook (Huu, 2023; P.N, 2023)
collaborated with Acecook Vietnam on a variety of initiatives, including the organization of numerous
programs to assist enterprises in developing and connecting common activities. Acecook Vietnam is also a
unit that has provided press agencies with numerous useful and practical initiatives. The Vice Chairman of
the Vietnam Journalists Association also hopes that Acecook Vietnam will support the Vietnam
Journalists Association in future events such as the Food Safety Competition, the Family of Press, a
Workshop on Brand Communication, encouraging support for Vietnamese brands, environmental
activities, and sustainable development (Vietnam Journalists Association, 2023).

2.2. Pros
Acecook can use internet platforms to expand its audience and engage in real-time conversation at a
lower cost. Compared to traditional approaches like print or television advertising, online public relations
have reduced production and delivery costs. Acecook may use social media, company websites, and
digital press releases to quickly and inexpensively distribute information to a global audience.
Furthermore, online platforms frequently offer free or low-cost ways to engage with customers, such as
holding webinars, live Q&A sessions, and developing interesting multimedia material. These low-cost
tactics allow Acecook to stretch its public relations budget farther, maximizing the effectiveness of its
communication efforts while increasing the return on investment (ROI). Furthermore, the ability to
accurately target certain audience segments online guarantees that Acecook's public relations efforts are
focused on people who are most likely to convert, maximizing resource allocation and achieving higher
marketing efficiency (Wilson, 2024).
Furthermore, digital analytics tools offer Acecook with detailed information into the effectiveness of its
public relations efforts. Acecook can accurately monitor the impact of its public relations initiatives by
tracking indicators such as website traffic, social media engagement, and email open rates. These tools
provide precise demographic information, enabling Acecook to better understand its customers and tailor
future marketing to their interests. Acecook may also examine consumer activity patterns, like as click-
through rates and conversion rates, to improve its messaging and campaign success. Furthermore,
sentiment analysis technologies enable Acecook to assess public perception and sentiment about its brand,
goods, and projects, allowing for proactive reputation management. By employing these insights, Acecook

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can make data-driven decisions, iterate on PR strategies in real time, and keep ahead of industry trends,
resulting in increased success and ROI for its PR initiatives (Wilson, 2024).

2.3. Cons
Acecook faces the problem of differentiating its brand in a crowded online environment with fierce
competition. With so many firms actively engaged in digital PR activities such as social media
campaigns, influencer partnerships, and content marketing, Acecook must compete for consumers'
attention and engagement. The profusion of information on numerous platforms has resulted in a saturated
market, making it increasingly difficult for Acecook's messaging to penetrate and engage with its intended
audience. Furthermore, customers are constantly bombarded with information and adverts, resulting in
shorter attention spans and greater selectivity in the content they consume. As a result, Acecook must
constantly adapt its online public relations techniques to cut through the noise and attract consumers'
ephemeral attention amidst a sea of rival brands and content (Wilson, 2024).
Furthermore, Acecook's internet PR initiatives may face difficulties in targeting specific demographics,
particularly older or less tech-savvy people who are less engaged online. These populations may rely less
on digital platforms for information and communication, instead preferring traditional media outlets like
print newspapers or television. As a result, Acecook's online public relations efforts may fail to
successfully reach these categories, resulting in wasted opportunities to engage with crucial consumer
groups. Furthermore, older populations may have different preferences and consumption habits than
younger, more digitally savvy consumers, necessitating specific public relations methods to effectively
engage with them. Failure to address these generational gaps may result in a loss of brand exposure and
relevance within certain customer segments, limiting Acecook's overall market penetration and growth
potential. Thus, while online public relations provides great reach and targeting options, Acecook must
keep aware of the various demographic landscape and use a multi-channel approach to achieve broad
audience coverage and engagement (Wilson, 2024).

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3. Support media – OOH

3.1. Content and tatics

Acecook installs billboards in high-traffic areas such as markets and junctions. Specifically, in 2021,
Acecook conducts an advertising effort to introduce products by putting billboards in markets. "Pho De
Nhat" becomes available to consumers. With many years of experience, Acecook strives to provide high-
quality products and services that benefit customers' health, safety, and peace of mind. Acecook erected
advertising signs at the market because it is a daily shopping destination for most grandmothers, moms,
and sisters, and it is a cultural aspect of the Vietnamese people that consumers associate with. Although
many commercial centers, supermarkets, and convenience stores have been established to meet shopping
needs, they have never been able to threaten the survival of traditional markets due to consumer
awareness, particularly among housewives, who continue to go to the market whenever they need to buy
food or household items for everyday use. In addition, Acecook built billboards near the crossroads of
National Highway 1A - National Highway 27 - Ngo Gia Tu - Le Duan, which is in a prime location and
draws attention in the city of Phan Rang - Thap Cham, Ninh Thuan. This strategic location assures that the
billboard will catch the eye of many passing residents and tourists, giving you the opportunity to reach a
big number of clients (Nguyen, 2021; Vuong Di, 2024).

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Figure 5: Acecook's billboard (Vuong Di, 2024)

Acecook's marketing plan also includes advertising campaigns in cars, buses, and other vehicles to
introduce its products and promotions. Cars featuring advertising graphics of Vina Acecook will travel the
roads and streets of Vietnam's two main cities. This manner, passersby will remember and be charmed
with the brand after only a few encounters. On both sides of the automobile, there are representations of
two Hao Hao instant noodle products: fried noodles and purple onion satay noodles. Customers were
drawn in by the eye-catching advertisement design, which included a clear layout and unique colors for
the two goods. The gorgeous golden noodles combine with the thick sauce and the diner's beaming face,
exciting the taste receptors and making us want to eat them forever. This grabcar advertising campaign
employs the tagline "Delicious taste captures all senses" extremely briefly, but thoroughly and powerfully
conveys product information. Furthermore, because the advertising is placed at a low level, it is clearly
visible to passersby while walking along the street. It will be quite fascinating to see how the ongoing
traffic jams in our country will enable this type of advertising boost its efficacy many times over, implying
that the corporate image will be remembered by consumers for a longer period of time (Drivadz, 2021).

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Figure 6: Acecook grabcar advertisement (Drivadz, 2021)

Acecook uses LED screen advertising as a crucial part of its marketing mix. These dynamic digital
displays provide various benefits to the brand's advertising activities. LED screens are a visually appealing
media that may effectively attract and engage people. These screens, which are installed in high-traffic
areas such as retail malls, transit stations, and city centers, command attention and provide maximum
exposure for Acecook's commercials. Furthermore, LED screens provide content distribution flexibility,
allowing Acecook to creatively showcase its products using eye-catching images, animations, and movies.
This dynamic presentation increases brand visibility and allows Acecook to express its messages in a
memorable and impactful manner. Furthermore, LED screen advertising allows Acecook to precisely
target specific demographics or geographic places, ensuring that its promotional efforts reach the intended
audience at the appropriate moment. Acecook can leverage the power of LED screens to increase brand
presence, create product awareness, and ultimately raise sales in a competitive market setting (Shojiki,

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Figure 7: Acecook's LED screen Advertising (Shojiki, 2024)

3.2. Pros
Acecook gains unparalleled visibility through OOH advertising, which strategically places ads in high-
traffic areas such as bustling streets, popular shopping districts, and transportation hubs. This smart
placement offers consistent exposure to a varied audience, which improves brand identification and
memory. Acecook maximizes its chances of reaching potential customers by targeting these high-traffic
areas. This saturation in important regions not only boosts brand visibility, but also confirms Acecook's
presence in consumers' minds, resulting in increased brand recognition. Furthermore, by choosing sites
frequented by its target demographic, Acecook may successfully adapt its messaging to resonate with
specific customer groups, increasing the impact of its OOH advertising (Bartle, 2024).
Furthermore, OOH advertising gives Acecook a varied platform for creative expression, allowing the
brand to create visually appealing and memorable ads. Acecook can easily capture audience attention by
experimenting with novel designs, using startling graphics, and including interactive components on
OOH's large canvas. Acecook may use this creative flexibility to exhibit its products in new and effective
ways, separating itself from competition and making a lasting impression on customers. Acecook can
effectively deliver its brand message and drive consumer engagement using OOH, whether through
vibrant images, engaging stories, or interactive experiences. Acecook's creative freedom allows them to

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produce advertising that connect with their target consumers, fostering brand affinity and driving customer
action (Bartle, 2024).

3.3. Cons
Acecook's OOH advertising has limits in terms of accurately targeting specific demographics, as
opposed to digital advertising, which has enhanced targeting possibilities. OOH advertising often target a
large audience without the capacity to tailor messages to specific preferences or traits. This lack of
targeting specificity might result in wasted spending because Acecook's ads may be seen by people who
do not fit the target demographic profile. For example, if Acecook is promoting a product primarily
oriented at young adults, its out-of-home advertisements may reach older groups that are less likely to
engage with the brand, resulting in wasted costs. This constraint highlights the problem of increasing the
efficacy of OOH advertising in reaching the most relevant audience segments while also optimizing return
on investment (ROI) (Bartle, 2024).
Furthermore, the lack of detailed analytics beyond typical impressions makes it difficult to measure the
efficiency of OOH advertisements. Unlike digital advertising, which provides precise metrics on audience
engagement and conversion rates, OOH campaigns frequently rely simply on impression data, giving little
insight into real audience interactions or behaviors. Due to a lack of solid data, Acecook is unable to
effectively assess the ROI of its OOH advertising activities. Without access to data on consumer actions or
replies generated by OOH commercials, Acecook may struggle to grasp the full impact of its campaigns
on boosting brand awareness, consideration, or purchase intent (Bartle, 2024).

4. Email

4.1. Content and tatics

Acecook's use of email marketing, as demonstrated by its use of Mail Outlook to automate email
deliveries on a predetermined timetable, is a significant breakthrough in its overall marketing strategy. By
leveraging the power of email as a critical communication channel, Acecook effectively demonstrates its
proactive approach to client involvement while adeptly adjusting to the evolving contours of
contemporary consumer behaviors, notably in the domain of online shopping trends. Acecook's savvy use

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of automated email campaigns allows it to seamlessly infiltrate its intended target demographic, providing
them with personalized messaging, unique deals, and timely product updates delivered directly to their
email inboxes. This strategic move not only increases the brand's visibility, but it also encourages
continual dialogue and involvement with customers, strengthening long-term consumer connections and
instilling unshakable brand loyalty. Acecook's adoption of email marketing demonstrates the company's
unwavering drive to staying ahead of market trends, assiduously exploiting digital channels to propel
business expansion in today's brutally competitive commercial landscape (Pham et al., 2023).

4.2. Pros
Acecook's email marketing technique has one important advantage, it can accurately target certain
audience segments. Acecook can personalize its messaging to each group's interests and behaviors by
segmenting its email lists based on characteristics such as demographics, purchasing history, and level of
involvement. This tailored strategy guarantees that users receive content that is relevant to their interests,
which increases the chances of engagement and conversion. For example, Acecook might send exclusive
promos or product updates to existing clients while providing recipe ideas or culinary instructions to new
members. This level of customisation not only boosts engagement but also develops better customer
relationships, resulting in increased brand loyalty and repeat sales (Nibussinessinfo, 2024).
Furthermore, compared to traditional advertising methods, email marketing is a more cost-effective way
for Acecook to contact its target demographic. Compared to traditional approaches such as television or
print advertising, which frequently involve a considerable financial investment, email marketing has
reduced expenses for message production, distribution, and tracking. Acecook can use email marketing
systems and automation technologies to streamline the process of designing and sending campaigns,
eliminating the need for manual intervention and associated labor expenses. Furthermore, email marketing
enables accurate budget allocation, with the flexibility to change spending based on campaign
performance and ROI. Because email marketing is so inexpensive, Acecook can maximize its marketing
budget and get demonstrable results without going overboard, resulting in increased efficiency and
profitability (Nibussinessinfo, 2024).
Additionally, email automation systems like as Mail Outlook streamline the process by scheduling email
sends, enhancing Acecook's marketing efficiency and scalability. This automation not only saves time

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and resources, but it also ensures that messages are delivered to subscribers on time, which increases
engagement and reaction. Furthermore, by using email marketing, Acecook exhibits a dedication to
researching consumer online buying patterns and customizing marketing methods to match changing
customer needs. Acecook's usage of email automation exemplifies the company's proactive approach to
communication, helping it to stay engaged with customers while also delivering relevant material,
discounts, and updates on time. This not only strengthens relationships with existing clients, but also
draws new ones, resulting in increased sales and revenue for Acecook (Nibussinessinfo, 2024).

4.3. Cons
Acecook's email marketing approach may face oversaturation difficulties, which occur when an
excessive quantity of emails or unrelated information are sent to subscribers, overloading them and
generating displeasure. This may result in an increase in unsubscribe rates as recipients opt out of
receiving future communications from Acecook. Furthermore, inundating receivers with irrelevant emails
may have a negative impact on Acecook's brand, since recipients may perceive the company as invasive or
uncaring about their preferences. This could eventually tarnish Acecook's brand and impair its efforts to
cultivate positive interactions with its target audience. As a result, Acecook must carefully manage the
frequency and content of its email campaigns in order to prevent overloading readers while also
maintaining engagement and confidence (Nibussinessinfo, 2024).
Furthermore, Acecook's emails may face deliverability issues due to the popularity of spam filters and
inbox categorization algorithms used by email service providers. These filters can sometimes
misclassify valid emails as spam, sending them to recipients' spam folders or promotional tabs rather than
their principal inbox. As a result, recipients may overlook or ignore communications in these less visible
inbox regions, resulting in lower visibility and interaction for Acecook's emails. This may impede
Acecook's ability to properly engage with its audience and transmit crucial information or promotional
offers. To reduce this risk, Acecook should use email marketing best practices, such as utilizing clear and
relevant subject lines, avoiding spam-triggering content, and maintaining a clean email list to improve
deliverability and maximize engagement with its target audience (Nibussinessinfo, 2024).

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5. Social media

5.1. Facebook

5.1.1. Content and tatics

Figure 8: Acecook's Facebook

Acecook Vietnam's Facebook page exemplifies a deliberate approach to social media marketing,
emphasizing genuine connection and contact with the target demographic. Acecook's official Facebook
page serves as both an introduction to products and services and a direct connection link with customers.
By sharing information about new goods, promotions, and company events, Acecook fosters a positive
interaction atmosphere between brands and customers. In addition, Acecook Vietnam regularly reacts to
user comments and messages, resolves questions quickly, and proves its commitment to client satisfaction.
The page also employs Facebook's targeting capabilities to customize material to certain demographic
groupings, assuring relevancy and resonance with the audience. Furthermore, Acecook Vietnam uses
Facebook Insights and analytics to evaluate performance indicators, measure interaction, and fine-tune its
content strategy for the best outcomes. Acecook Vietnam's active and engaging Facebook presence
enhances brand presence, promotes customer relationships, and accelerates business growth in a
competitive food industry market. Acecook also uses Facebook to highlight the company's achievements,

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such as being named one of the top two favorite employers in the FMCG business. This helps to improve
reputation and trust among customers and partners (Acecook Vietnam, 2024).

Figure 9: Some activities of Acecook on Facebook

For example, Acecook promoted its new product "Acecook Hotpot Cup Noodles" on Facebook. Acecook
published an article with the following content: [HOT NEWS HERE] For the first time, a cup noodles
product with only noodles and no spice packs hits the market. Acecook Vietnam would like to announce
the new product HOTPOT ACECOOK Cup Noodle Squeeze, which features tasty chewy noodles and is
designed to be eaten with available hot pot sauces and toppings found in convenience stores. Currently,
the Hotpot Acecook Cup Noodle Squeeze product is offered at FamilyMart convenience stores beginning
March 18, 2024. Don't wait any longer to be among the first customers to sample this brand-new product.
Acecook has detailed the product's primary features in brief, simple language (Acecook Vietnam, 2024).

5.1.2. Pros
Acecook uses Facebook's broad reach and diversified user base to connect with existing clients and
attract new customers worldwide. Acecook promotes its products, special deals, and brand identity to a

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large audience by providing updates on a regular basis, offering interactive material, and performing
targeted advertising campaigns. The platform's capabilities, such as multimedia updates, live streaming,
and interactive polls, allow Acecook to engage with users in meaningful ways, increasing brand exposure
and loyalty. Furthermore, Facebook's powerful advertising tools enable Acecook to adapt its campaigns
based on user demographics, interests, and behaviors, ensuring that its messages reach the right audience
groups. This technique not only improves Acecook's visibility but also promotes engagement and
conversion rates, eventually leading to the company's growth and success in the competitive food industry
(CitrusBits, 2017).
Facebook also provides Acecook with useful insights and analytics tools, allowing the company to
track user engagement, analyze the efficiency of its marketing initiatives, and make informed decisions to
improve performance. Acecook may measure critical metrics such as post reach, engagement rate, and
conversion rate via the platform's analytics dashboard, providing significant insights into audience
preferences and behavior. These data-driven insights allow Acecook to fine-tune its content strategy,
modify targeting settings, and effectively allocate resources, assuring the best return on investment (ROI)
for its Facebook marketing efforts. Acecook may use Facebook's data to continuously optimize its ads,
uncover emerging trends, and remain ahead of competitors in the ever-changing digital landscape
(CitrusBits, 2017).

5.1.3. Cons
The disadvantage of Acecook's Facebook page is the possibility of unwanted feedback and public
criticism from users. Facebook, as a public platform, allows consumers to openly voice their ideas and
experiences with Acecook's products and services. Negative comments, reviews, or posts can harm
Acecook's reputation and brand image, particularly if ignored or mistreated. Furthermore, viral incidents
or social media crises can swiftly snowball on Facebook, generating bad sentiment and undermining
Acecook's reputation. Managing and reducing these risks necessitates timely and effective solutions,
which can be difficult to do in real time, especially in high-pressure situations. As a result, Acecook must
invest in strong social media management procedures and crisis communication methods to properly
navigate potential reputational risks on Facebook (CitrusBits, 2017).

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Furthermore, Facebook's ongoing privacy and data scandals, such as data breaches and personal
information misuse, may erode user trust and confidence in Acecook's brand page. As users become more
hesitant of exposing their personal information on the site, they may be less eager to engage with
Acecook's content or participate in its advertising initiatives. Over time, this erosion of trust can lead to
decreasing follower loyalty, interaction rates, and brand affinity. Furthermore, increased privacy
awareness may drive users to question Acecook's data handling procedures more seriously, resulting in
increased scrutiny of its online operations and subsequent backlash if regarded as intrusive or immoral
(CitrusBits, 2017).

5.2. Youtube

5.2.1. Content and tatics

Figure 11: Acecook's Youtube

Figure 10: Acecook's Youtube

Acecook has an official YouTube channel titled "HAO HAO INSTANT NOODLES". Acecook's
YouTube channel deliberately focuses on a variety of content categories to effectively engage its viewers.
This channel primarily broadcasts content about product promotions, promos, TV commercials, and
corporate social responsibility initiatives. Acecook also leverages its YouTube channel to highlight
advertising efforts, leveraging the platform's reach to increase audience excitement and awareness.

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Acecook uses well-produced and visually appealing advertising movies to successfully communicate the
value proposition of its goods and stimulate viewer involvement through calls to action. Furthermore, the
channel uses user-generated content, such as recipe contests, cooking challenges, or Tiktok challenges, to
boost community involvement and viewer participation. Acecook develops audience interactions and
fosters a sense of belonging within its online community by including viewer-generated content.
Acecook's YouTube channel also works with influencers and content creators in the culinary and lifestyle
industries to broaden its reach and attract a larger audience. These agreements frequently result in
endorsements of sponsored content or products, which use the influencer's reputation and audience trust to

efficiently market Acecook's products (Acecook, 2024).

Figure 12: Some contents of Acecook's Youtube

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5.2.2. Pros
Acecook may optimize its audience segmentation using YouTube's extensive targeting features, which
take into account demographics, interests, and surfing history. This precision targeting guarantees that
Acecook's content reaches the most appropriate visitors, enhancing engagement and conversion rates.
Furthermore, the platform's analytics capabilities provide useful information about user demographics,
viewing patterns, and engagement metrics, allowing Acecook to evaluate the performance of its material
and change its plans accordingly. Acecook can use these data-driven insights to enhance its ad campaigns,
optimize content delivery, and effectively allocate resources on YouTube in order to maximize ROI and
promote long-term success (Snob monkey, 2024).
Furthermore, YouTube's user-friendly interface and cross-platform accessibility enable customers to
enjoy Acecook's content at any time and from any device. Whether using smartphones, tablets, or desktop
computers, viewers can quickly navigate Acecook's YouTube account and find fascinating videos
highlighting the brand's products and recipes. This seamless accessibility improves the entire user
experience and guarantees that Acecook's content is available to a large audience, expanding the brand's
reach and influence in the digital realm. Furthermore, YouTube's connectivity with other social media
platforms enables Acecook to cross-promote its videos and broaden its online presence, increasing traffic
and interaction across various networks (Snob monkey, 2024).

5.2.3. Cons
One particular issue about Acecook's YouTube presence is the possibility of encountering trolls or those
who purposefully write inflammatory or negative remarks. These comments not only create a bad
environment, but they also have the ability to harm Acecook's brand name if not addressed. Furthermore,
handling these unfavorable interactions involves rigorous moderation and prompt reactions in order to
preserve a positive online image. Failure to successfully handle unfavorable comments may result in a
decrease in viewer trust and engagement with Acecook's YouTube channel, affecting the company's
overall performance in using the platform for marketing and promotion (Snob monkey, 2024).
Another problem with Acecook's YouTube presence is the platform's constantly shifting algorithms
and trends. YouTube's algorithms and features are continuously updated, which affects content visibility

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and discoverability. Acecook may struggle to keep up with these developments while optimizing its
videos for maximum reach and engagement. Additionally, changing trends in video content creation and
consumption, like as short-form videos or live streaming, may necessitate Acecook constantly adapting its
strategy in order to be relevant and competitive on the platform. This changing terrain complicates
Acecook's YouTube marketing efforts and requires continual monitoring and change to remain effective
(Snob monkey, 2024).

5.3. Tiktok

5.3.1. Content and tatics

Figure 13: Acecook's Tiktok

Acecook's TikTok channel has a diversified content strategy to engage its audience through a range of
methods. To begin, the channel frequently posts short videos highlighting quick and easy meals that use
Acecook goods. These recipe videos are intended to pique viewers' interest with visually appealing
cooking demos and unique culinary ideas, tailored to TikTok's fast-paced browsing experience.

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Furthermore, Acecook uses hot challenges and hashtags on TikTok to increase its reach and visibility.
Acecook boosts the discoverability of its films by participating in popular challenges and inserting
important hashtags into its material, gaining a larger audience than its current following. Furthermore,
Acecook promotes user participation with interactive features like surveys, Q&A sessions, and duets.
These interactive aspects not only boost viewer engagement, but also allow for two-way contact between
Acecook and its audience, establishing a sense of community and connection. Additionally, Acecook
works with TikTok influencers and content makers to broaden its reach and use their impact. Acecook
uses sponsored partnerships and influencer marketing efforts to promote their products and raise brand
awareness among targeted audiences (Acecook, 2024).

5.3.2. Pros
TikTok's extremely engaging platform, which is defined by short-form videos, allows Acecook to connect
with younger, tech-savvy consumers in an interactive way. The platform's algorithm promotes creative
and entertaining content, allowing Acecook to promote its products and brand identity through engaging
films. This style allows Acecook to attract the attention of users as they scroll through their feeds,
increasing brand recognition and promoting a positive attitude among the platform's largely young
audience. Furthermore, TikTok's emphasis on user-generated content fosters involvement and connection,
allowing Acecook to start conversations and foster a community around its brand (Zetoune, 2023).
Furthermore, TikTok's algorithm encourages the quick dissemination of material, making it easier for
Acecook's videos to go viral and gain extensive notice. The platform's emphasis on user participation
and interaction frequently leads to users sharing and re-sharing compelling material, spreading Acecook's
brand message to a bigger audience. This viral impact not only boosts brand visibility but also encourages
user-generated content production, with customers inspired to make their own movies highlighting
Acecook products or take part in branded challenges and trends. As a result, Acecook can exploit TikTok's
viral nature to organically broaden its reach, increase user engagement, and build a strong community of
brand champions (Zetoune, 2023).

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5.3.3. Cons

TikTok, one of the world's most popular social media platforms, is inundated with videos from a variety
of genres and topics. This saturation presents a tremendous challenge for Lazada in capturing and
maintaining the attention of its target audience amidst an avalanche of content. Furthermore, as the
platform's algorithm evolves to prioritize specific types of content, Lazada may struggle to maintain
consistent visibility and engagement for its videos, potentially leading in decreased reach and effect
(Raymond, 2024).

Furthermore, while TikTok is popular among younger groups, its user base may not reflect Lazada's
bigger target population. TikTok's predominantly young user base raises concerns about brand perception
and legitimacy, particularly among older or more discriminating customers who may not see TikTok as a
reputable channel for engaging with businesses. As a result, Lazada may struggle to effectively
communicate its brand message and establish credibility among segments of its target market that may not
actively engage with TikTok content (Raymond, 2024).

III. Conclusion
In summary, the report has been conducted to critically evaluate the current performance of all IMC
channels used by the company. Specifically, the report pointed out the communication channels the
company is using. Then, state how they are used and their advantages and disadvantages.

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