English 3 - Use of The Degree of Adjectives in Making Comparison - Austria, Ma. Maru

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School Mayapa Elementary School Grade Level Three

Teacher Ma. Maru B. Austria Learning Area English
Plan Teaching May 9, 2024
Date and Quarter Fourth Quarter

I. OBJECTIVES Use the degrees of adjectives in making comparison

A. Content Standard Demonstrates understanding of grammatical structures of English
to be able to communicate effectively in oral and written forms.
B. Performance Standard Shows proficiency in constructing grammatically correct sentences
in varied theme-based oral and written activities.
C. Learning Main Objective
Competency/Objectives A. Differentiates the degrees of comparison of adjectives
Write the LC code for B. Use the degrees of adjectives in making comparisons
each. (positive, comparative, superlative) EN3G-IVi-j-5.2
C. Write sentences using comparative and superlative forms
of regular verb.
II. CONTENT Degrees of Adjectives in making comparisons (Positive,
Subject Matter Comparative, Superlative)
A. References
English 3

1. Learner’s Materials Pages 214-216

2. Textbook pages Pages 214-216
3. Additional Materials
from Learning
Resource (LRMDS)
B. Other Learning PowerPoint Presentation
Resources Printed Pictures
Review: What is adjective

Let us have a short recap of what we have discuss last meeting. It

is all about Adjective.

Adjective is a words or phrases that describe a noun or pronoun.

They describe people, places or things.

Can you give me an example of an adjective.

A. Establishing a purpose Teacher will show different pictures and ask them to tell what
for the lesson objects can be seen in the picture.

What can you see in this picture? Can you please

describe the tree?

How about this one? Can you say something

about the colors? How about the size?

There are some tall and short buildings.

Can you tell me what is the picture?

What have you notice with plane and

- Those are both flying. But the rocket flies

faster than the plane.
Ask the students if they have already an idea what the lesson is all

B. Presenting The teacher will present different objects. https://devmedia.turtl

examples/Instances of of-adjectives.png
the new lesson

Our lesson for today Our lesson for today is degree of adjectives.
C. Discussing new What is adjective again?
concepts and practicing Adjectives are words that usually use to describe nouns or
new skills # 1 pronouns.
Did you know that adjectives have degrees in comparing nouns or

Adjective have three degrees of comparison namely:

1. Positive
2. Comparative
3. Superlative
The teacher will dicuss the degrees of comparison one by one.

1. Positive Degree
It is an adjective that does not compare a person or thing with

Showing an example in a form of a sentence:

a. Kim is a tall kid.
b. My hair is long.
c. The elephant is big.

The students will give an example of a positive degree.

2. Comparative Degree
It is an adjective that compares two person, things or action.

We need to remember when we are comparing two persons or

things. We need to follow the basic rules.

a. Adding -er to one syllable adjectives.

tall- taller
short – shorter

b. Adding -r to one syllable adjectives that end in -e

brave -braver

c. Writing the last consonant twice and then adding -er for
adjectives with a single short vowel ending in a single consonant.

big – bigger
d. Changing y to i then adding –er to adjectives that end in –y.

funny – funnier
busy – busier

Here are the example sentences.

1. Kim is taller than Jess.
2. My hair is longer than her.
3. I am older than my best friend.

What are the letters that we usually add to make the adjective in a
comparative degree?

it’s –er or –r.

Ask how many nouns or pronouns that we compare to in a

comparative degree?

The students will give an example of a Comparative degree.

3. Superlative Degree
An adjective that compares more than two persons or things

1. Adding –st to adjectives that end in –e .

Example: brave braver bravest

2. Adding –est to one-syllable adjectives.

Example: tall taller tallest
short shorter shortest

3. Writing the last constant twice and then adding –est for
adjectives with a single short vowel ending in a single consonants.
Example: big bigger biggest

4. Changing y to i then adding –est to adjectives that end in –y.

Example: funny funnier funniest
busy busier busiest

Here are the example sentences.

1. Jose is the tallest among the three.
2. Sheila’s hair is the longest among us.
3. Ate Anne is the oldest in our group.

the students will give an example of a superlative degree.

D. Developing mastery Directions:
(leads to Formative Fill in each blank with correct form of adjectives in the
Assessment) parentheses.
1. Mother is _____ every day of the week. She is ______on
Wednesdays than on Thursdays. Sunday is the ______ day of the
week for her. (busy)
2. Mike’s father is a _____ man. His grandfather is even ______.
Everybody in his family thinks that his great grandfather is the -
______ of all. (Wise)

E. Finding practical Directions: The teacher will show sets of pictures to pupils and ask
application of concepts them to give the degree of adjectives of each picture.
and skills in daily living
F. Making generalizations The Teacher will ask the following questions to the pupils.
and abstractions about 1. What is adjective?
the lesson 2. What are the degrees of adjectives? Differentiate them.
3. Give examples of degrees of adjectives and use it in a sentence.
G. Evaluating learning
Complete the table with the comparative and superlative forms of
the positive adjectives.

1. old ______________ ______________

2. good ______________ ______________
3. lovely ______________ ______________
4. dark ______________ ______________
5. wealthy ______________ ______________

H. Additional activities
for application or Compost at least 2 sentences for each kind of degree of
remediation comparison

____Lesson carried. Move on to the next objective.

____Lesson not carried

VI. REFLECTION ____Pupils did not find difficulties in answering their lesson
____Pupils found difficulties in answering their lesson.
____Pupils did not enjoy the lesson because of lack of knowledge, skills, and
interest about the lesson.
____Pupils were interested on the lesson, despite of some difficulties
in answering the questions asked by the teacher.
____Pupils mastered the lesson despite of limited resources used by the teacher.
____Majority of the pupils finished their work on time.
____Some Pupils did not finish their work on time due to unnecessary behavior.
A. No. of learners who ______ learners earned 80% above
earned 80% in the
B. No. of learners who ______ learners require additional activities for remediation
require additional activities
for remediation who scored
below 80%:
C. Did the remedial lessons ______ Yes ______ No
work? ______ learners caught up the lesson
No. of learners who have
caught up with the lesson:
D. No. of learners who ______ learners continue to require remediation
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching ______ Collaborative ______ Lecture
strategies worked well? Learning ______ Discovery
Why did these work? ______ Debate ______ Spoken Words Poetry
______ Games ______ Creative Dramatics
______ Think, Pair and Pair ______ Journal / Theme Writing
______ Film Showing ______ Complete IMs
______ Others, Please Specify:
F. What difficulties did I ______ Bullying among pupils.
encounter which my ______ Unavailable technology equipment (AVR/LCD)
principal or supervisor can ______ Pupils’ behavior attitude
help me solve? ______ Science / Computer / Internet Lab
______ Use of IMs
______ Strategy in Teaching
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I ______ Localized videos
use/discover which I wish ______ Making big books from views of the locality.
to share with other ______ Recycling of plastics for contemporary arts
______ Local musical composition
______ Others: Kindly specify: ______________________________

Prepared by: Ma. Maru B. Austria

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