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A Thesis Proposal

Submitted as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements to Obtain Bachelor of

Education (B.Ed) in English Language Education

Written by:
Pitri Karismanda

Dinovia Fannil Kher, S.Pd, M.Pd
NIDN. 172020




Pitri Karismanda, (2022). Students' Perceptions Toward Synchronous Online
Learning at English Department of Universitas Negeri Padang. Thesis.
Padang: English Language and Literature Department. Faculty of
Languages and Arts.Universitas Negeri Padang.

This research analyzed students’ perception of synchronous learning

through three aspects. The design of the research was descriptive research.
To gather the data, semi-structured interview guidelines were used as the
instrument. The subject or the key informants of this research consisted of 25
students of the K3 year 2020 English Education at Universitas NegeriPadang.
The researcher used random cluster sampling to pick out the sample.
Data analysis showed that students had positive perceptions in terms of the
teaching material and the student interaction aspect. Yet, they had negative
perceptions about the aspect of the learning environment. The students claimed, in
terms of learning environment, synchronous learning created a monotonous
learning atmosphere they felt bored, unfocused and easily distracted. Therefore, it
could be concluded that, if among the synchronous learning aspects, one aspect
was perceived negatively, there was a possibility that the learning process was not
yet optimal. Thus, it was suggested that the learning environment aspect should be
given more attention to due to its impact on students’ learning process.
Keywords: Students’ Perception, Synchronous Learning, Online learning


Pitri Karismanda. (2022). Students' Perceptions Toward Synchronous Online

Learning at English Department of Universitas Negeri Padang.Thesis.
Padang: Language and Literature Department. Faculty of Languages and
Arts. Universitas Negeri Padang
Penelitian ini menganalisis persepsi siswa terhadap pembelajaran
sinkronus melalui tiga aspek. Desain dari penelitian ini adalah penelitian
deskriptif. Untuk mengumpulkan data digunakan panduan wawancara semi
terstruktur sebagai instrumen. Subjek atau informan utama penelitian ini terdiri
dari 25 orang mahasiswa K3 Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris tahun 2020 Universitas
Negeri Padang. Peneliti menggunakan random cluster sampling untuk memilih
sampel. Analisis data menunjukkan bahwa siswa memiliki persepsi positif ditinjau
dari bahan ajar dan aspek interaksi siswa. Namun, mereka memiliki persepsi
negatif tentang aspek lingkungan belajar. Para siswa menyatakan, dari segi
lingkungan belajar, pembelajaran sinkron menciptakan suasana belajar yang
monoton sehingga mereka merasa bosan, tidak fokus dan mudah teralihkan. Oleh
karena itu, dapat disimpulkan bahwa jika di antara aspek-aspek pembelajaran
sinkron ada salah satu aspek yang dipersepsikan negatif, kemungkinan proses
pembelajaran belum optimal. Dengan demikian, disarankan agar aspek
lingkungan belajar lebih diperhatikan karena berdampak pada proses belajar
Kata kunci: Persepsi siswa, Pembelajaran sinkronus, Pembelajaran online


TABLE OF CONTENT....................................................................................................iii
CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION........................................................................................1
A. Background of the Problem.................................................................................1
B. Identification of the Problem...............................................................................5
C. Limitation of the Problem....................................................................................6
D. Formulation of the Problem................................................................................6
E. Research Questions..............................................................................................6
F. Purposes of the Research.....................................................................................7
G. Significance of the Study..................................................................................7
H. Definition of Key Terms...................................................................................8
CHAPTER II......................................................................................................................9
REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE..........................................................................9
A. The Concept of Online Learning.........................................................................9
B. The Concept of Synchronous-online Learning.................................................13
C. The Dynamics of Synchronous Online Learning.............................................15
D. Perception...........................................................................................................24
E. Types of Perception..............................................................................................26
F. Review of Relevant Studies..................................................................................28
Conceptual Framework................................................................................................32
Figure 1. Conceptual Framework.................................................................................32
CHAPTER III..................................................................................................................33
RESEARCH METHODOLOGY.....................................................................................33
A. Research Design...................................................................................................33
B. Population and Sample.........................................................................................33
C. Instrumentation....................................................................................................34
D. Validity & Reliability...........................................................................................36
E. Techniques of Data Collection.............................................................................36

1. Data reduction..................................................................................................37
2. Data presentation or data display......................................................................37
3. Drawing conclusions and verification..............................................................37
CHAPTER IV......................................................................................................................38
A. Finding of the research............................................................................................38
1. Students’ Perception of teaching material...........................................................38
2. Students’ Perception of students interaction........................................................40
3. Students’ Perception of learning environtment....................................................42
B. Discussion...............................................................................................................44
CHAPTER V Conclussion and Suggestion..........................................................................47
A. Conclusion..............................................................................................................47
B. Suggestion...............................................................................................................47

A. Background of the Problem

The coronavirus has an impact on all aspects of life, including education. At

the beginning of 2020, the school policy changed from face-to-face learning to

online classes. Schools and universities usually face to face learning become

virtual. Jena (2020) states that online learning is defined as a learning system that

uses the internet network. For instance, schools and universities usually use

Google Classroom, WhatsApp, and Video Conferencing to teach students.

Online learning has become popular for about the last two years. Bakia

(2012) mentions that online learning is used because it gives flexible access to

content by offering a learning experience for those who cannot attend the school.

Nowadays, online learning has become the learning alternative because students

are not able to come to regular classes. It is because coronavirus is still spreading

in many regions, such as Padang city. Moreover, starting On March 17 2020, the

Minister of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia has decided that

schools must conduct online learning for areas affected by the COVID

(Kemdikbud RI, 2020). These roles lead students and teachers to learn and also

work from home. These roles lead students and teachers to learn and also work

from home. It fully replaces face-to-face learning in the classroom by using

synchronous online learning.

Online learning is divided into two types. They are synchronous learning and

asynchronous learning. Salmon ( 2013) states that an asynchronous environment

is usually not limited by time, and students can work on e-learning activities from

home. So, the peoples who are participating in this activity can see and respond

without any time limit. (Lim,2017). On the other, Hughes A, (2014) stated that

teachers and students can meet directly during the learning process using the

electronic system. In synchronous learning, there are several examples, like chat

rooms, that provide an opportunity for teachers and students to interact with each

other. Chat rooms and video conferencing are also used to facilitate face-to-face

communication. Interaction that occurs directly between teachers and students in

real-time looks similar to classroom interactions, but distance is no longer an

obstacle. So, the differences between asynchronous and synchronous are based on

the implementation. First, on asynchronous learning, the students are flexible to

access the lesson, but the synchronous learning, the teacher and student must

interact in thze same time (Real-Time).

Synchronous learning will be continued because it is quite flexible, which

means the students can learn from home virtually. Then, students' technology

experience can increase because of online learning. It is also can save much time

for both students and teachers.

Furthermore, synchronous learning is almost the same as the communicative

way of learning by the whiteboard. Video and chat provide feedback as quickly as

possible to encourage students to improve their language and ability. Furthermore,

this learning is a part that can replace face-to-face classes but in real-time

(Keegan et al, 2005).

Perception is a process in which a person gets some information from the

environment. One's perception also affects the learning process and motivates

students to learn, so perception is a view to success. (Pangaribuan, 2015).

Furthermore, it is crucial to know students' perceptions of synchronous learning.

The crucial of students' perception is for lecturers to evaluate the learning process.

Perception is important because by knowing perception, we can find out what

forms of phenomena exist in our environment. Perception shows a process related

to receiving information by the human brain, which states that during the process,

a person will be continuously involved in the process of interacting with his

environment (Slameto, 2010).

Many researchers have done their studies on the perception in synchronous

online learning, which mostly compared the perception of student at the senior

high school level and college student. This study focused on students' perception

only, especially in Universitas Negeri Padang. Some studies also did research on

many subjects such as Technical, Psychology and English subjects.

The researcher used synchronous learning for English students to determine

whether the synchronous learning process is going well. While the study only

focused on how synchronous learning was used in the transistion era.

In accordance of the explanation above, the writer assumed that it is urgent to

analyze students' perceptions toward synchronous online learning.

There have been many studies discussed about synchronous learning. First,

from his research Dada et al,(2019) he analyzed how synchronous and

asynchronous can affect Nigerian student's academic. Based on this research

result, synchronous and asynchronous was affected quite effectively the academic

students performance. Second, Malik et al,(2017) investigated the students'

preferences to use asynchronous and synchronous e-learning. Students are known

to have a greater interest in synchronous learning activities. Third, Dinus and

Simran (2020) researched students' perception of synchronous versus traditional

teaching models. Students expressed that the sycnhronous was the alternative for

implementing academic activities. Hagi (2021) analyzed the synchronous learning

process through students’ perception by using Zoom in English education. Fifth,

Al Ikhlas (2021) did researched by using Zoom, Whatsapp and Telegram. From

their research, students assumed positively toward synchronous learning. Last,

Yigit (2011) did research on students' perception of who takes the synchronous

course in the technical course. Students perception could change starting from the

activity process until the end of the course.

The five studies above have similarities in discussing perception of

synchronous and asynchronous learning. The five studies above have similarities

in discussing synchronous and asynchronous learning, but the aspects discussed in

this research are aspects of nature, areas, structure in the first study. Then, there is

the aspect of the placement and the use of e-learning resources. Next, the

researcher looks at the aspects of the problem, benefits and effectiveness.

Furthermore, there are aspects of learning experience, lecturers' abilities, facilities

and infrastructure. Even from the aspect of teacher and environtment.

Meanwhile, this research will focus on discussing aspects of teaching

materials, student interaction, and student environment. These three aspects need

to be discussed because they affect the success or implementation of a learning

process, therefore this research needs to be carried out.

This research aimed to determine the perception of English students through

synchronous learning. Therefore, a research under the title "Students' Perception

toward Synchronous Online Learning during Covid "will be conducted. This

research was necessary to find out about students' perception toward synchronous

online learning during covid at Universitas Negeri Padang. Some studies also did

research in several subjects such as Psychlogy, Technical, English subjects. In

English subject, the researcher used Zoom in synchronous learning to know

students perception through learning experience , lecture abilities, facilities and

insfrastructure while this study is only focused on students’ perception toward

synchronous learning through aspects; Teaching material, students intercation,

and learning environment. Then, the perception of synchronous online learning

through three aspects; Teaching material, Student interaction, and Learning

environment was still a few researchers who analyzed it.

B. Identification of the Problem

There are some topics that can be discussed toward synchronous online

learning based on the description above. Firstly, it is the effect of synchronous and

asynchronous online learning amid covid pandemic. Secondly, it identifies the

students' preferences between synchronous and asynchronous. Lastly, this topic

also finds out students' perceptions toward synchronous online learning. These

students' perception is critical to measure how effective the synchronous online

learning during covid-19 at Universitas Negeri Padang.

C. Limitation of the Problem

The problem is limited to analyze students' perception toward synchronous

online learning during covid at Universitas Negeri Padang.

D. Formulation of the Problem

From the explanation above, the problem of this study is formulate into: "How

is students' perception toward synchronous online English learning during covid

pandemic at fourth-year students in English Education of Universitas Negeri


E. Research Questions

There are several research questions, as follow:

1. How is the students' perceptions about synchronous online learning

through the aspect of teaching mode ?

2. How is the students' perceptions about synchronous online learning

through the aspect of student interaction?

3. How is the students' perceptions about synchronous online learning

through the aspect of learning environment?

F. Purposes of the Research

From the formulation of the problem described above, the research has the

aim as follows;

1. To find out the students' perceptions about synchronous online learning

through aspect teaching mode.

2. To find out the students' perceptions of synchronous online learning

through aspect student interaction.

3. To find out the students' perceptions about synchronous online learning

through an aspect learning environment.

G. Significance of the Study

From the results of the study are expected to be able to provide the benefits, as


1. For the students

Synchronous learning can be one of the learning methods that can be used

in learning English in the current corona era. Students can use

synchronous learning to learn English material even though students are

not in class and do not meet directly in the learning process so that the

subject matter can still be continued.

2. For the teachers

It is hoped that the study can provide choices and idea to teachers in

teaching English through synchronous learning. Teachers can use

synchronous learning as an alternative teaching in learning English

without having teachers and students meet face-to-face. Then, if the

students' perceptions are known, the teacher can find out how students

understand the material being taught through synchronous learning.

Whether there are obstacle or not found.

H. Definition of Key Terms

In order to avoid misunderstanding of the terms used in this research, there are

several definitions given, as follows:

1. Students' Perception

Students' Perception is how students think about synchronous learning

2. Synchronous Learning

Synchronous online learning is a teaching activity that takes place in real-

time which usually uses video meeting platforms.



A. The Concept of Online Learning

Stern J, (2018) mentioned that online learning is a form of distance

learning that takes place via the internet. In this learning, the teacher is not in the

classroom directly but through a virtual classroom by creating a comfortable

environment. Furthermore, Jena (2020) Online learning is an alternative learning

system that uses the internet network system , for example, Whatsapp, Instant

Messaging or Video Conferencing is used by students to interact indirectly with

their teachers and other students to replace traditional classes.

Online learning is one of the learning systems that use electronic devices.

It means using the internet network that can directly connect students and

teachers, and then there is a direct relationship between them in the learning

process even though it is not in the same place. Online learning is defined as

learning activities that uses the internet network and digital media to provide the

lesson that given by a teacher (Waryanto. N, 2006). In this era, the online learning

method has become a system used by the current generation of students because

students use technology very often. This is a type of digitalization in education

that has numerous advantages. Online learning can assist students learn the

material that students can not learn in the classroom. Everyone can communicate

directly with others through the internet network. Gomez- Rey (2016) mentioned

that online learning platforms are an alternative technique to organize commands,

which can provide optimal content. The existence of student relation in online

learning platforms can help teachers minimize the task at hand and improve the

learning and teaching process inside and outside school. A platform of online

learning is a learning device that can connect teachers with students; this is a

communication and information tool both inside and outside the class. Zoom

meetings, Google meet, and telegram are examples of several platforms often used

in online learning. With telegram applications, teachers or students can convey

written messages, voice and video messages. Not only that, but it also can send

the learning material documents.

From the several applications above, there is one application at most

operated in the English learning process. It is a zoom meetings application. Zoom

Video Communication, inc (2021) stated that Erika Yuan was created the zoom

meeting application in 2013. Zoom meetings are often used since the covid

pandemic. Zoom is a cloud computing-based video conferencing service. Students

and teachers can meet virtually on video, voice calls, or both. In addition, Zoom

application can be used as an automatic recording device for activities during the

learning process through video so that it can be used as a document that can be

studied again.

Now, this learning is used in many schools in Indonesia, then to

understand and know basically when and how the implementation of online

learning, there are two instructions toward it (Bakia et al, 2012). The first one is

fully online learning. This learning is a form of distance education that is carried

out online, such as teaching materials and assessments which is also known as

internet-based delivery. In this case, the presence of a teacher is not really needed

because the instructions and resources are designed to teach without it. The

second one is blended learning which is also called hybrid learning. This learning

is carried out with a face-to-face strategy and online with the school's teaching

time and the teacher's set.

Riyana (2012) stated that there are characteristics possessed by online

learning, such as personal, structured, and active.

1. Personal

Students create learning experiences in online learning itself. In this

learning, students can easily create their own learning atmosphere with the

learning style they want and make the students feel comfortable. Students do not

have to go to school, wear school uniforms, and come to school at a

predetermined time. In the online learning process the students will study

independently. There are some internal and external factors can affect students'

success in online learning. Intelligence, desire, motivation, perseverance are

internal factors that can influence. While the technology used, the surrounding

environment and internet access speed are external factors affecting online


2. Structured

Online learning is implemented in the same systematic way as face-to-face

learning. Before carrying out online teaching and learning activities, such as

syllabus, subject matter, media and learning resources, the teacher who will teach

at that time must have prepared in advance. All of these activities are

implemented in a structured manner. Additionally to being technically structured,

the level of ability of learning materials must be well regulated. At the beginning

of the meeting, easier material is given. Then, the level of the next material will be

raised and given at the end of the lesson. Moreover, explanations and examples

will be provided for material that is quite difficult to understand.

3. Active

The activeness of students is needed in this learning process. This active

process is needed both in conventional learning and online learning. Technology

is helpful in activating students by facilitating and providing various things.

Technology is given to a teacher to design effective and efficient activities to

make students active in thinking and socializing.

The three characteristics listed above are the clarification that distinguishes

between online learning and also traditional learning. Students can increase their

own knowledge through lesson content provided by the teacher through online

learning, it is because students' capture of learning content is no longer dependent

on teachers in online learning. Everyone can access knowledge resources easily

through online learning.

The COVID outbreak has become a limitation for us in social interactions

where we have to stop this spreading virus, like teaching activities in school.

Furthermore, the education and learning process have to be continued; one

alternative is using a distance learning system. From this system, we do not have

to meet face to face but the teaching and learning activities can still be carried out

well (Gomez- Rey, 2016) The tool most often used by students at fourth- year

students in English Education in Universitas Negeri Padang during the learning

activities during covid pandemic was a hand phone. Hand phones and laptops are

very useful in continuing the learning process through applications that often used

in the distance learning by teachers or students.

Distance learning often uses several application options, such as zoom and

Google meet application. One part of synchronous learning is zoom; this is

included in video conferencing, which during this pandemic synchronous learning

is often used by teachers. Teachers and students can meet at the same time

through the zoom application, which is personally meeting. Then, the teacher can

find out which students are present in the process of learning activities and listen

to them when explaining the lesson.

B. The Concept of Synchronous-online Learning

According to Hrastinski (2008) synchronous and asynchronous learning

are two parts of online learning. The term of synchronous and asynchronous can

be utilized to education. It can be implemented in online learning activities. These

two types of learning such as synchronous and asynchronous, are usually

compared to find out the benefits and limitations of effective and efficient online

learning. In this research, synchronous learning is an alternative way to learn

during the COVID pandemic, which uses video meetings or platforms. Indarti et

al, (2015) states that media commonly use synchronous online learning like video

conferencing (Zoom). This type of learning supports students to have the potential

to develop a good learning community with each other. Students and teachers

experience socially synchronous online learning then to escape the emphazise of

asking and responding questions in real-time. However, synchronous learning

makes students feel they contribute rather than isolate people.

In this learning, teachers' characteristics using synchronous online learning

were that teacher-student interactions were carried out at the same time using

internet platforms of a video conference but in different places (UI, 2020).

This learning usually limits students' time because they have to be on time or be

present at the same time as the teacher. Otherwise, if they cannot attend a lesson at

that time, it means that they will miss a lesson. In addition, Clark et al. (2015)

stated that the basis of synchronous learning comes from the several effects,

namely the classroom, tool, and conference. This learning type is live or real-time

between teachers and students. On the other hand, Mayadas et al, (2007) states

that asynchronous learning is known as an interactive learning group that does not

set a restriction on time, place, and class.

In addition, Nian (2005) mentioned that there are some advantages of

synchronous online learning, as follow:

1. Feedback can be given directly to the intended students to correct

existing mistakes or remember learned lessons.

2. This is as important for learning activities as choosing group decisions,

brainstorming, and detail analysis.

Increase motivation and discipline to attend and participate in real-time,

which will increase student involvement in the learning process activities so that

the resulting learning experience will be even better.

There are two main character players in online synchronous activities:

teachers and students. Teachers and students are asked to use this learning and

teaching environment freely. It means the only requirement for teachers and

students is that they must use online classes, for example, Zoom at the same time

that has been set. They can be in different places like anywhere, certainly not in

the same area like at home since the corona virus.

However, Hughes A, (2014) stated that synchronous learning means the

teachers and students could meet directly during the learning process using the

electronic system. In synchronous learning, several examples like video

conferencing such as zoom provide an opportunity for teacher and students to

interact and communicate with each other.

Not only zoom but chat rooms are also used to provide an opportunity for

teacher and student to interact each other. Using a webcam looks like much in

common with face-to-face classrooms, except that all students can entrance it

remotely through the internet. Interaction that occurs directly between teachers

and students in real-time looks similar to face-to-face classroom interactions, but

distance is no longer an obstacle. He also added that synchronous learning might

be challenging because students must have full-time availability.

C. The Dynamics of Synchronous Online Learning

Moore et al, (2011) mentioned that synchronous learning is a part of

distance learning. In this case, the internet connection is used to implement

learning activities. It means that teachers and students can carry out learning

activities as usual by using an internet connection and also facilities so that the

learning process can be carried out without a classroom. Directly, the existence of

online learning system impacts on all activities so that these activities can be

carried out more mobile.

In the synchronous learning process, there are three issues that often arise

in this learning based on Fortune et al, (2011) namely, material or teaching mode,

students interaction, and learning environment. The first one aspect of teaching

mode becomes a main role in the educating process. The learning materials

provided must be in accordance with the standard criteria that exist for students,

such as content according to student needs, preparation of teaching materials to

facilitate the students in their learning.

1. Teaching Materials

Teaching materials is defined as the resources that a teacher uses to deliver the

instruction. Tomlinson (1998) stated that material is used to refer to anything used

by the teacher or student to facilitate learning. Materials could obviously be

cassettes, videos, CD- Rom, dictionaries, grammar books, readers, workbook, or

photo copied exercises. In other words, they any be anything which is deliberately

used to increase the learners’ knowledge or experience of the language. There are

three standard criteria in teaching material; Content according to student needs,

preparation of teaching materials, implementaion of vocabulary.

a. Content according to student needs

Teaching materials should help the students to learn or as part of the

activities of instruction learning in the class that help both teacher and

learners. O’Neill (1990) argues that materials may be suitable for students’

needs, even if they are not designed specifically for them, that textbooks

make it possible for students to review and prepare their lesson. So, the

materials of teaching have function to control the instruction in teaching

learning process.

According to Tomlinson (1998) there are three principles of goods

material which are presented below:

1. Materials should achieve impact

Impact is achieved when materials have a noticeable effect on learners that

is when the learners’ curiosity, interest and attention are attracted.

Materials can achieved impact through; a) novelty, e.g. unusual topics,

illustrations and activities.

2. Material should help learners to feel at ease

Comfortable class is one of teacher’s responsibility and guarantee to the

students during teaching learning in the class. Materials can help learners

to feel at ease in a number of ways. For example;

- Feel more comfortable with lots of white space than they do with

materials in which lots of different activities are crammed together on the

same page.

- Feel more relaxed with materials which are obviously trying to help

them to learn than they are with materials which are always testing them.

Feeling at ease can also be achieved through a ‘voice’ which is relaxed

and supportive, through content and activities which encourage the

personal participation of the learners.

3. Materials should take into account that learners differ styles

Different students have different preferred learning styles. So, for those

learners with a preference for learning are much more likely to gain from

explicit grammar teaching than those who prefer experiential learning.

Those who prefer experiential learning are more likely to gain from reading

a story with a predominant grammatical feature, e.g. reported speech than

they are from being taught that feature explicitly. This means that activities

should be variable and should cater for all learning styles.

b. Preparation of teaching materials

Preparing the materials before starting class is the first important step that

a teacher must be done. The material have to reach the goal of learning

process, it is meant that there are some standardizations in arranging the

material. There are three domain objective of teaching learning process, so

the materials that the teacher provided have to follow the standard of

teaching materials.

According to Burkil and Eaton (2011) classifies all learning process into:

1. Cognitive: knowledge, knowing (how and why) thinking skills.

2. Psychomotor : motor skills or physical skill

3. Affective : feeling, attitudes, emotions and values.

The teaching materials designed according to syllabus that is to create

a good communicative among learners or between students and teacher.

Then, materials chosen in teaching learning include textbooks or e-book

that extent to which a curriculum will involve teacher made materials

which content of additional activities and exercises, handouts, charts,

review sheets. J.

2. Students Interaction

The second is students interaction. Aspects of student interaction are also

main role in the learning process. It is good for students with each other, and

both students and teachers to encourage the enthusiasm of learning to get good

results. Lin & Lin (2015) stated that interaction between students and other

then teachers with students should be developed to increase communication

and also review about the activities that occur in the teaching and learning


Teacher and students are part of the classroom where teaching and

learning take place. In delivering the knowledge, teacher needs to interact with

the students; either teacher talks about the material and the students listen or the

opposite. The teaching-learning process will not exist without any interaction.

Malamah and Thomas (1987) said that there are action and reaction in interaction,

but interaction is not action and reaction. They explained that action and reaction

are unnatural because in some cases teacher’s action followed by unexpected

students’ reaction then the teacher does not anticipate the students’ reaction

properly. They defined interaction as mutual action which both teacher and

students can act upon each other. By interacting with the students, teacher can also

provide the learning atmosphere (Malamah and Thomas,1987). As stated by

Nugent (2009: 1) teacher is the main variable in the classroom, not the students. If

teacher provides conducive classroom situation, the students will enjoy the

learning. Students’ contribution is very important in learning process; the

students who are involved in the learning process will have better understanding

than students who are the apathy, even in English acquisition where students need

more practice. Furthermore, teacher can control the students‟ contribution by not

dominating the interaction and giving the students chance to speak. In the other

word, teacher plays big role in this classroom interaction.

3. Learning Environment

Learning takes place in multiple settings and the learning environment can be

structured or unstructured and the learning in different environments can

complement each other. Al Rukban (2010) mentioned that learning environment

as everything that is happening in the classroom or department, faculty, or

university. Learning environment refers to the diverse physical locations,

contexts, and cultures in which students learn. Higgins (2005) stated that the term

as encompassing the culture of a school or class and its presiding ethos and

characteristics, including how students interact with and treat one another, as well

as the ways in which teachers may organize an educational setting to facilitate

learning. Since the qualities and characteristics of a learning environment are

determined by a wide variety of factors, school policies, governance structures,

and other features may also be considered elements of a “learning environment”.

Furthermore, Redovan and Makovec (2015) stated that the learning environment

becomes an necessary thing because it can help students increase their desire for

learning activities, so it should create a calm situation and motivate the teaching

and learning process. Husen and Postlethwaite (1991) stated that learning

environment as define as all the physical sensory elements such as colour, sound,

space, furniture, and so on, which specified the place in which a student is

expected to learn. This surrounding must be well created so that learning may

proceed with minimum stress and maximum effectiveness. Learning

environments designed according to students’ needs improve student motivation

and success by using a variety of materials. In addition to supporting human

functioning, the learning environment must accommodate the equipment tools and

materials that are used in education and training. The introduction of media, be it

chalkboard, computer terminal, video, or film display, inevitably alters the nature

of the environment. When media is prudently integrated into the learning

environment, it may be effectively employed in ways that are coordinated with

basic human sensory processes. According to Vinales (2015) mentioned that the

learning environment become a main factor for student learning. It provides

crucial exposure for the students and helps students develop their repertoire of

skills, knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors.

According to Slameto (2003) learning environment is divided into two parts

such as the school environment and environmental community.

A. The school environment

1. Relationship between teachers with students

Teaching and learning happens between teachers with students. If the

relationships between teachers with students can be entwined with the good,

students will pay attention to the material being taught teachers. So, students

will learn with their best, and vice versa if the relationship between teachers

with students less good then will cause the process of teaching and learning

less smoothly.

2. Relationship between students with other Students

Good relationships between students are crucial, because it can influence

student learning. Students who have a relationship with a friend who is less

good others will be exiled from the group as a result of these can interfere with

his studies, for that friend relationships need to be kept well.

3. Learning Tools

The tool is a means in the study. A less complete lesson tools can make the

presentation of the subject matter which is not good. Especially for the lesson

practical, lack of tools lessons will cause learning difficulties for children.

4. School Discipline

Disciplines relating to the code of conduct and rules that must be obeyed.

Discipline closely related to the students in order to follow learning activities in

the classroom. Discipline in schools regarding discipline teachers in teaching as

well as the discipline of students in schools primarily in the teaching and learning

process to develop a strong motivation. Darmadi (2017) stated that the discipline

of learning is rules relating to teaching and learning activities in schools that

include the school time, and out of school. Discipline learning has two parts;

discipline in the task and discipline home study.

1. Discipline in the task

a. Consistent and self-contained task given the teacher, it means

students remain consistent and independent in the given task.

Although teachers were not in class.

2. Discipline home study

a. Do homework provided teachers, which means that students

working at their home and not cheating from friends.

So, discipline is very important for each student. Discipline will

make a students skills about how to learn the good, is also a process

towards the establishment of a good character.

B. Environmental community

1. Peers group

Peer group influence is very great and faster entry in the soul of the

students. Friends get along good will effect both to the students and friends

instead of learning to get along less well will less influential good anyway.

D. Perception

The word of perception originated from the Latin word "perceptio, and

percipio" which means apprehension with mind and sense, collecting, the action

of taking possession and receiving. According to Qiong O (2017) perception is

divided into three points. Firstly, perception is how a person thinks about

something and a view of what it looks like. Secondly, perception is the way

people see an object with the senses of sight, hearing, and so on. Thirdly,

perception is the natural ability to understand or pay attention to something

quickly. Furthermore, those mean that perception can help to know students' idea

of learning. Stinggins (2007) states that a student's idea shows the success factor

of a student in the learning process.

Furthermore, Kinicki (2010) said that perception is a description of a

process understanding and interpreting the environment around us. He believes

that people have to know about each other and also the environment. Moreover,

according to Robbin( 2001) perception is a process in which a person explains and

gives meaning to information when organizing and interpreting their sensory

impressions. From this theory, perception is a sensory impression with the

purpose of some data. Furthermore, Twedt et al, (2018) states that how sensory

information can be a perceptual experience. It means that students have a view in

answering something with their thought patterns, and sensory information

becomes their perceptual experiences. In this case, knowing students' perception

can help the teacher identify characters and what things they are interested in.

Furthermore, from their perception, teachers can easily give and determine the

topic that indirectly motivates students' enthusiasm for learning.

So, students' perceptions is students' idea about something new. Moreover,

perception is students' learning through the student environment, which comes

from student interaction with students surrounding since their child. In this case,

the study wants to know about students' perceptions toward synchronous online


Furthermore, According to Qiong O (2017) there are several phase in the

perception process, as follows:

1. Selection

Selection becomes the first phase from perception process. From this

phase, the environmental stimulus turns into an experience that has learning value.

2. Organization

Organization becomes the second phase in the perception process. After

getting the information from the surrounding environment, then the information

obtained must be set up in a specific way by looking for significant patterns. This

phase has two characteristics. At the first phase, the process of organizing

prepares the form of human perception. At this phase, raw stimuli from the

external environment are put into meaningful human experiences that are formed.

Then, in this second phase, the process tells that human perception is stable. It

means that after selecting a stimulus and placing it in the section, the selected

stimulus lasts longer.

3. Interpretation

Interpretation is the third phase in this perception process. The process of

assigning meaning to what the stimulus chooses. Moreover, the interpretation

given by everyone will not be the same even though they get the same stimulus.

E. Types of Perception

Perception is divided into three types, as stated by Zaden (1984) that types

are person perception, social perception, and situation perception.

1. Person Perception

People's perceptions belong to those processes by which people

understand and think about someone other than us, their typical, qualities, and


We create images in other ways which serve to stabilize, conceivable, and

construct conceivable views of social life in relation to other people. Every one

has different perception which is usually based on that the person has past

experience, and with that, two people will not have the same perception even

though maybe in the same situation.

This type has a relation with the students who basically have personal

perceptions. Every student does not have the same perception to imagine about

specific characteristic of the teacher, teacher teaching technique, the value of a

teacher, even the teaching media applied by the teacher in learning activities. Each

student has his or her own perception of what the content is given by the teacher.

So, it can be concluded that a person's opinion is related to the impression about

another person, the different conclusions we have about other people come from

our points of views.

2. Situation Perception

In terms of social psycholinguistics perspectives a situation becomes all

the social factors that impact a persons' background or habits at the certain time

and place. It can be concluded that people perceive are not the same because it

comes from their situation. Then, the students' behavior in yesterday and now is

different. It is due to social factors that impact a person's manner and the

differences in students' knowledge who get information and technology so that it

affects students' points of view.

3. Social Perception

Social perception seeks to recognize what people are, for example athletes,

politicals, criminals, leaders, entertainers, or neighbors is not an easy assignment.

Knowing the background of people like people have assumption, beliefs, reaction,

intentions, and preference, knowing other people's inner states comes from their

word, behavior, attitude, and facial expression. This perception is not an easy

process; people see other people's behavior completely until they fully investigate

the person, situation, and manner. So, it can be concluded that people perceive

something depending on the value of expressing a good perception.

F. Review of Relevant Studies

Here are some previous researches that are relevant to this study. First, the

study from Ridhwan et al., (2019) entitled students’ perception on teaching

material development to increase students’s knowledge of Aceh’s maritime

potential. The purpose of this study was to know about students’ perception of

teaching material to increase students’ knowledge. To gather the data in this

research, the reseracher used students’ perception instrument. The researcher was

independently develop the instrument through a comprehensive literature study

the validated by linguistic. So, the instrument became questionnnaire. This study

used quantitative research. The result of this study was geography’ students need

teaching material to improve their knowledge due to the lack of teaching material

sand students knowledge. The suggest of this research is the geography lecturer

need to develop teaching material to increase student knowledge


Second research was from Andovita & Wahyuni (2020). They studies

about students’ perception toward the use of multimedia based teaching material.

The aim of this study was carried out information on students’ perception of the

use Powtoon based teaching material. Instrument of this research used

questionnaire to get the fact. This research method was survey method. The result

of this study was the use of Powtoon gives benefits and easy to operate. It can

conclude that Powtoon can give an impact to their intention to keep using


Another study from Franssisca & Lestariningsih (2021) they studied about

students’ perception on teacher-students’ interaction in an online learning

environment. The purpose of this study was to carried out students’ perspective of

teaher-student interaction in online learning environment. The interview was used

to gather the data. The result of this study was that there was interrelationship

between student-teacher liked by students and responses must be explained

directly, not written in order to help students understand the material.

The other research was from Ahmed et al., (2018) they studied about

students’ perception of the learning environtment and it’s relation to their year of

year and their performance study in Sundan. The aim of this researh was to

evaluate students perception related to students’ performance. To gather the data,

the researcher used descriptive, cross-sectional study of all undergraduate students

studying in the academic year 2016–2017. Participants were registered, active

students. Students who did not belong to the class of origin and those repeating

were excluded. The result of this study showes almost of students have positive

perception because they have satisfaction in the academic atmosphere and

academic self-perception in learning. Then, The students’ year of the study

showed significant variations regarding the perception of the learning


Ahmed et al., (2018) did a research entitled correlation of student

perceptions on learning environment, participation, and academic performance in

a medical school. The purpose was to evaluate the correlation between percepton

of the learning environment, participation, and academic performance. This

research used quentitative approach with cross sectional. The instrument Dundee

Ready Education Environment Measurement (DREEM) was used by researchers

in this study. The sample of this research was 303 students years 1 to 4 in the odd

semester of the year 2016/2017 academic year. The existence of student

participation in tutorials is involved with student academic performance.

Participation possible affect the relationship between students' perceptions of the

learning environment and academic performance can be influenced by student


The other study was from Wahyuni (2019) entitled students’ perception on

lecturer-student interaction in english as foreign language classroom. This study

purpose to know students’ perception of lecturer-students in EFL classroom

interaction at the fourth-semester students of the English department at STKIP

Bina Bangsa Getsempena Banda Aceh. Researchers used questionnaire to obtain

data and used descriptive qualitative design. One set questionnaire (20 questions)

was used to collect data. The results of the study show students' perceptions are

teaching-learning process in the classroom is quite good because students feel

comfortable with the learning methods taught by the teacher. Lecturers not only

use English but also use Indonesian so that students can understand the material

so that class interaction is EFL class is very good.

From the six previous studies above, it can be concluded that teaching

material, students interacting, and learning environment are important for the

learning aspect, but some previous research has not discussed the perception of

synchronous learning. The discussion about students' perception of these three

aspects is in language education, medical education, geography education and

English education. Meanwhile, learning that is widely used in this transition

period, precisely after the pandemic period, is synchronous learning such as using

zoom even though the corona period is over. Therefore, the research that will be

discussed is students perception toward synchronous online learning which goes

through three aspects such as teaching material, students interaction, and learning

environment for English language education students at Padang State University

in 2020. This study will focus on students' perception of synchronous online

learning at Universitas Negeri Padang. This study uses descriptive research as the

research design. The interview will be used as a technique to get the data


Conceptual Framework

Figure 1. Conceptual Framework

Synchronous Student Perception


Teaching Students Learning

Material Interaction Environment

Students’ Perception
on Synchronous
online learning



A. Research Design

In this study, the researcher used descriptive research. Sugiyono (2010) stated

that descriptive research was often used to investigate the data by explaining the

data obtained completely but did not intend to give conclusions to the public.

Saifuddin (2012) mentioned that descriptive research focused on accurately

explaining a population's facts and characteristics. Furthrmore, Kountur (2005)

mentioned that descriptive research has some characteristics: it refers to current

events, explains only one variable or numerous variables but one at a time, and the

variables researched are not revisioned. The study sought to examine and describe

the students’ perception of Fourth-year English Education students in UNP.

B. Population and Sample

The participants of this research were students of English Education in

English Department year 2020 at Universitas Negeri Padang. There were five

classes of English Education in the year of 2020 that have used synchronous

online learning. The researcher chooses the year of 2020 because they have used

synchronous online learning in learning English.

1. Random Cluster Sampling

The researcher used the random cluster sampling with criteria is students

who had experience in using synchronous online learning in learning English.

However, the researcher selects the sample randomly by using lottery. The

researcher wrote down the name of the class from K1, K2, K3, K4, K5 in smaller

paper. Then, the researcher put papers in the bottle. After that, the researcher

shaked the bottle until one paper fell. Finally, the class that used in this research is

K3'20. There were 25 students in K3' 2020 as the participants at Universitas

Negeri Padang.

C. Instrumentation

In this study, the researcher used interviews as instruments of research. This

instrument was chosen because it was efficient for collecting the data. Interview

was a method that met and asked directly or face-to-face between researchers and

participants (Moleong, 1991). Additional sources must convey comprehensive

information according to the research situation. Besides that, the information must

also be accurate, honest, and characteristic. As Creswell J, (2014) mentioned an

interview was two people who exchange opinions, beliefs, and feelings about

something in their own words

Nowadays, the advancement of technology and the growth of the Internet

have provided an opportunity for online interviews in qualitative investigations

which have been able to address issues related to face-to-face interviews Online

interviews can be used to collect data through the Internet for the purpose of

investigating it to provide evidence that related to the research question. Online

interviews can be used in two ways. The first is synchronous (in-real-time) which

involves the exchange of audio, textual and video/visual. the second

asynchronously which is the sending of emails and group forums. Online

interviews can be done in two ways. The first is synchronous (in-real-time) which

involves the exchange of audio and video. The second one is asynchronously

which is the sending of emails and group forums ( Orgad, Holley et al, 2021).

This is an innovative way of interviewing someone. The online interview gives

participants flexibility because they can be involved in this research even at their

respective locations(Chsapman et al, 2013). Furthermore, online interviews have

advantages including low cost and convenience. Efficiency studies have verified

online video conferencing is a cost-effective way to conduct research. In addition,

there is the reduction of failure costs on online interview. It means that if the

interview is rescheduled or canceled the associated costs are much less than the

in-person interview costs (Shore, J. et al, 2007). The added convenience of online

interviewing results from the logistical ease with which it can be arranged that the

interview time is adaptable among multiple individuals.

According Hincliffe and Gavvin (2009) stated that Instant Messenger is an

electronic online communication system that combines the facilities of

synchronous telephone and e-mail conversations which can generate real-time

conversations. It can be concluded, they can reduce and eliminate participants'

fear and provide space for participants who are quiet or shy face to face to be

more confident to 'talk' freely to participate in research. In this study, the

researcher used online interview to find out about students' perception toward

synchronous online learning.

Structured interviews, semi-structured interviews, and unstructured

interviews were the several types of interviews. However, this research used

semi-structured interviews. According to Donald et al (2010) semi-structured

questions are formulated, but the interviewer may modify the question while

asking the participants. The aim of this interview was to answer the research

questions of this study that was to know about the respondents' opinions or ideas

toward synchronous online learning during covid.

D. Validity & Reliability

According to Muijs (2004), validity is the process of how well the test

measures what to measure in a research. It means that validity is an important part

of developing and evaluating research instruments. In this research, the researcher

consulted the instrument to one of lecturers in English Department in Universitas

Negeri Padang, Ainul Addina, M.Pd.

The researcher also did a validity using interview. The validity test was

conducted in class K2’2020 English Education with 10 students. There were 15

questions of interview. The result showed that all item in the interview was valid.

10 students were understood the interview questions because they can answer the


E. Techniques of Data Collection

The analysis technique through interviews, researchers follows the stages of

data analysis techniques according to (Miles & Huberman, 1992):

1. Data reduction

Data reduction was focusing, selecting, and simplifying data that appear in the

field. Researchers try to group data from each problem. Thus, those researchers

get a clearer picture of the data collected by removing unnecessary things.

2. Data presentation or data display

At this stage, the data that has been edited be arranged. Thus, it was easy to

understand. Data presentation was a combination of organized information. There

be action in drawing conclusions and taking action; at this stage, the researcher

composed relevant data in a narrative description to produce accurate qualitative


3. Drawing conclusions and verification

This stage was the final stage; the researcher concludes from the data through data

reduction and presentation stages. The advantage of drawing conclusions or

verification was that researchers understood the problems that had been detailed.

Thus, it can be processed data obtained.



A. Finding of the research

1. Students’ Perception of teaching material

The data analysis found that 25 students from the K3 class were interviewed

about the teaching material. Then, all of them had positive perceptions about

aspects of teaching material in synchronous online learning. It is seen from the

answers given during the interview.

First, the students were asked whether synchronous learning was

delivered. Most of them had similar answers, 4 of 25 students mentioned that

learning has very good, easy to understand, and well conveyed. 12 of the students'

answer has good and clearly explained, and 8 of the students had quite good.

Then, it was possible to say that in terms of presentation, the students positively

perceived the delivery of material through synchronous online learning. It was

positive because the material presented and explained by the lecturer was

conveyed very well so that students could understand the material.

Second, the students were asked their perception of the media used, and

most of them had similar answers, 21 of 25 students mentioned that the media

used were power point and Video. 3 of the students answered only PowerPoint

was used in delivering the material. There were two media used in the learning, it

was said that in terms of media used, they had positive perception because there

were several media used to convey the material to students.

Third, the students were asked about their perceptions of the ease of

understanding the material through the media used. Most of them had similar

answers, 21 of 25 students mentioned the media impacted the ease of

understanding. Additionally, 5 of 21 students that stated before they agreed the

media that the Video was better than PowerPoint due to the attractive Video.

Then, 2 other students that stated before agreed the media PowerPoint was better

than Video because the material was explained in detail. 4 of the students agreed

that understanding the material was relatively easy because of the media.

Furthermore, it could be said in terms of the use of media. Students had positive

perception because the media used in delivering the material is created more

interesting by the lecturer, so it gives an effect that makes it easier for students to

understand the material.

Fourth, the students were asked about their perception of the learning

process in accordance with the syllabus. All of 25 students agreed that the

material presented was per the syllabus. Thus, it could be interpreted that the

learning process following the syllabus had positive perception.

Fifth, the students were asked about their perception of the effectiveness of

the material provided. 10 of 25 students mentioned the material provided was

effective. One of the students stated before argued that the material provided was

effective except when network problems occurred. 15 of the students answers to

the material provided were quite effective. On the whole, it was said in terms of

the effectiveness of the material provided, students had positive perception

because the material given was explained in more detail and understandable.

Referring to the data, the five questions were responded positively. It

could be stated that the students’ perception of aspects of teaching material in

synchronous online learning was positive. The detail of the answer could be seen

on appendix 5.

2. Students’ Perception of students interaction

The data analysis also found that 25 students from K3 class were interviewed

about the students interaction. Then, all of them had positive perceptions about

aspects of students interaction in synchronous online learning. It is seen from the

answers given during the interview.

First, the students were asked their perception question and answer section in

the learning process. All of 25 students agreed that there was question and answer

activity in the learning process. Therefore, it could be said in terms of question

and answer activity, students had positive perception in answer and question

activity because the lecturer, in synchronous learning process carries out the


Second, the students were asked about their perception of questioning and

answering toward speaking skills. All of 25 students agreed that there were

speaking skills improved through question and answer activities. In addition, 4 of

them stated that before they agreed, there was a little bit of improvement in their

speaking skills through this section. Thus, it could be interpreted that question and

answer toward speaking skills, they had positive perception about this one

because speaking skills were improved through the activity such as pronunciation

and grammar. In addition, students also became brave and confident.

Third, the students were asked about their perception of the example of

material. 17 of 25 students mentioned they agreed that the material example given

were pictures and video. 4 of 25 students answered agree that video media was

given to the students. 4 of the students answered agree that picture was also given

before learning started. The material example was given in some courses. Then, it

was classified in terms of the material example, the students had positive

perception. It was positive because the lecturer gave the material example to be

introductory to the material that would be conveyed Fourth, the students were

asked abouttheir perception toward a willingness to ask the question. 19 of 25

students mentioned, they agreed the question usually asked. 4 of 25 students

answered sometimes asked questions. 1 of the students answered that it was rarely

asked in the learning process. Furthermore, it was possible to say in term of

willingness had positive perception because most of them agreed about their

willingness to ask questions in order to understand the material better.

Fourth, the students were asked their perception toward willingness to ask

question. 19 of 25 students mentioned, they agreed the question usually asked. 4

of 25 students answer sometimes asked questions. 1 of students answer rarely

asked in learning process. Furthermore, it was possible to say in term of

willingness had positive perception because most of them agree about their

willingness to ask questions in order to understand the material better.

Fifth, the students were asked about their perception of motivation in learning

process. All of 25 students agreed that the motivation was given in the learning

process. Furthermore, it could said in term of motivation, they had positive

perception of this part because almost all of the motivation given to students was

in the form of encouragement to read lots and review the material.

Based on the data above, the 5 questions were replied positively. It could be

uttered that students’ perception on students interactions was very positive in the

learning. The details and explanation of answer could be found in appendix 5.

3. Students’ Perception of learning environtment

The data analysis also found that students from the K3 class were interviewed

about the students interaction. Then, all of them had perceptions about aspects of

learning environment in synchronous online learning. It could be seen from the

answers given during the interview.

First, the students were asked about their perception toward the atmosphere of

synchronous learning. 15 of 25 students mentioned, the atmosphere was boring,

interaction limitations, staring at a laptop screen for a long time, monotonous way,

and less variety in media. 10 of 25 students answered the atmosphere was not

boring and could be followed from home, creative way. Then, it was possible to

say in terms of atmosphere learning, the students had negative perceptions

because dominant students agreed that this learning was boring. After all, some

negative views caused it.

Second, the students were asked about their perception concerning motivation

and enthusiasiasm in learning process. 15 of 25 students mentioned, they were

motivated and excited during the learning process . 10 of 25 students answered

that they were unmotivated and not enthusiastic. Then, it could be said in term of

motivation and enthusiasm in the learning process, they had positive perceptions

because most of the students have a positive perception because of the desire to

get good grades, and knowledge must be obtained through this learning.

Third, the students were asked about their perception of synchronous learning

through zoom. All of 25 students mentioned, Zoom media wanted to learn. Thus,

it could be interpreted that they had very positive perceptions. It was positive

because Zoom media gave many advantages to students in learning.

Fourth, the students were asked about their perception of time management

through synchronous learning. 11 of 25 students mentioned that synchronous

learning could train in managing time. 14 of 25 students answered that

synchronous learning could not be trained in managing time. Therefore, it was

said in terms of management time, they had negative perception. It was negative

due to this learning provided an opportunity to be undisciplined and the time


Fifth, the students were asked about their perception of discipline in doing an

assignment. 12 of 25 students agreed that synchronous learning taught honesty in

doing the task. Although, 13 of 25 students answered disagree about that because

this learning gave an opportunity for students to cheat with others or internet.

Certainly, it was possible to say in terms of discipline through synchronous

learning, the students have negative perceptions because they are not supervised

directly, and there is a big opportunity to cheat in doing assignments.

Indicated from the data, 5 questions were responded to negetively. It was

negative because 3 of 5 questions had negative perception, 2 of 5 questions had

positive perception. So, it was concluded that the aspect of learning material had

negative perception. The details answer about the interview could be seen in

appendix 5. The details answer about the interview could be seen in appendix 5.

B. Discussion

Based on the research question findings, it was founded that students have

positive perception of the two aspects, such as aspects of teaching material and

students interaction. However, one negative perception was the learning

environment. Therefore, there are 3 reasons points that would be discussed


Firstly, the finding shows that students positively agreed that the teaching

material was good and understandable. However, there is a problem in the

teaching and learning process because of a network problem. Apuke and Iyendo

(2018) stated that dominant of all students feel limited in understanding and

accessing material due to insufficient and inefficient internet facilities. This

problem limits students from being able to understand the material and access


The result of this research is relevant to the previous research. Vinsensius

(2021) He found that network problems became the biggest problem in the

teaching and learning process. Moreover, Faruq et al (2022) found that students’

perception toward synchronous learning using online media had positively

perceptions, but some problems occurred during this learning process. Technical

problem becomes one of the problems faced in the teaching and learning process

synchronous. Hagi (2021), he figured out network problems are unavoidable as

long as this synchronous learning is done because synchronous learning relies on

internet network. In conclusion, the internet network is a very big issue in

synchronous learning, so this is a major consideration if this synchronous learning

is carried out.

Secondly, the findings from the aspects of students interactions show that

students’ perception toward students interaction aspects was positive. It means

that students agreed that through the interaction activities that occur, it could

improve students’ speaking skills in which pronunciation and grammar become

better. Students’ courage and self-confidence also improve due to interaction and

discussion activities carried out during the learning process. Howe (2007) stated

that interaction is an activity where good interactions take turns which is good

interactions have to include targets, topics or information, and reply.

The result of this research is relevant to the previous research. Natsir

(2016) He found that speaking skill has improved, which is student has become

more confident in speaking in online class. Moreover, Kusuma et al (2022) found

that students have positive perception of student interaction in synchronous

learning. It is positive because the interaction that occur during the learning

process can advance students' confidence to present their dialogue virtually.

Speaking online makes students more confident because their friends do not see

them in person. The results of the research above also showed that online

interaction could reduce student anxiety. In conclusion, students agree that

interaction activities that do not occur face-to-face during the learning process can

provide an improvement in students' speaking skills because students become

more confident and dare to speak up.

Lastly, the findings from aspects of learning environment show that

student had negative perception of this aspect. It means that students’ perception

of synchronous learning seen from the aspect of the learning environment is

boring, which uses a monotonous way. In fact, digital learning in the teaching and

learning process can increase their desire to learn the material. The existence of

digital learning, which is learning activities carried out in different ways so it can

help to vary the differences in learning styles (Atmojo & Priyo, 2020).

Students are also helped to understand the material provided in fun and not

monotonous way through this learning. In addition, student engagement in

learning process activities can make students feel not bored and interested in

participating in learning. Student engagement in the learning process plays a play

a role in their learning achievement (Bundick et al 2014). Thus, there is progress

in involving students in several activities that can make students interested and

focused in the learning process, so it provides good achievement in learning. In

conclusion, learning that is carried out in synchronous (online learning) requires

using different reference methods as a medium for self-evaluation for English

teachers and a reference tool for assessing their abilities to develop and become

English teachers who keep up with the times.

Conclussion and Suggestion
A. Conclusion

From the findings, it was found that the three questions had

negative perceptions and two of them had positive. The five aspects play

an important role in the learning process if there are two aspects had

negative perception, there is possibly teaching process did not run

optimally. It can be concluded, the existence of negative aspects of

perceptions conveyed by students will affect learning. If the learning

atmosphere is not supportive such as boring, students become unfocused

and easily distracted by other things. Students become unfocused and

easily distracted by other things. The learning environment should be the

center of attention as an important thing that must be considered because

this will affect student achievement in learning.

B. Suggestion

1. For English lecturer

It is recommended to lecturers at Padang State University for more

learning activities and variations in teaching in delivering materials in

synchronous learning.

2. For futher researchers

Finally, this research has discussed 3 aspects of issues that often arise in

this synchronous learning, according to (Fortune et al, 2011). The researcher

suggests for the further researchers focus on different topics.


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Table 1. Code data of interviews


Question 1 Question 2 Question 3 Question 4 Question 5


Apakah melalui Melalui media Apakah Apakah Apakah

pembelajaran apa dosenmelalui materi yang penyampaian
sinkronous, tersebut media yang di sampaikan dosen dalam
dosen sudah menyampaikan digunakan dosen sudah memberikan
menyampaikan materi tersebut, anda sesuai materi yang di
materi pembelajaran? bisa dengan dengan ajarkan dalam
pembelajaran (What media mudah rincian pembelajaran
dengan baik? does thememahami silabus yang sinkronus sudah
(Whether lecturer use inmateri dalam ada? efektif?
through delivering the pembelajaran (Is it material (Has the delivery
synchronous material?) sinkronous? presented by of lecturers in
online, the ( Is it through lecturer in providing
lecturer has media used accordance material taught in
delivered the that you can with the synchronous
learning material easily detail of the learning have
well? ) understand existing been effective?
the material lesson plans?
in )

Students 1 “Sangat baik “Materi di “Penggunaan “Materi “Materi yang

dan bisa di sampaikan Media sudah diajarkan sudah
pahami” dengan powerpoint tersampaikan cukup efektif
(Very good and menggunakan memberikan sesuai karena materi di
easy to media seperti kemudahan dengan jelaskan secara
undertand) power point dan dalam rincian rinci”
video” memahami silabus” (The material
(The material materi” (The material taught was quite
was delivered (The use of have been effective because
using media powerpoint conveyed the material was
such as power media helped according to explained in
point and video) a lot to the syllabus detail)
understand details)
the material)
Students 2 “ Baik” “Ada dua media “Kedua “ Materi “Materi yang
(Good) yang digunakan media sudah diajarkan sudah
yaitu power memberikan tersampaikan efektif dan bisa
point yang di kemudahan secara dimengert bila
tampilkan dan dalam berurutan koneksi internet
di jelaskan memahami seperti di stabil”
isinya materi tetapi RPS kecuali (The material
sedangkan melalui ada kendala taught was

video akan di media video seperti effective and
jelaskan isinya materi lebih pergantian understandable
setelah video itu mudah di kelas” if internet
di tampilkan” pahami (The material connection was
(The two media karena materi has been stable)
used were di sampaikan delivered
power point that dengan cara sequentially
would be shared kreatif” at the RPS
and explained (Both power except there
while video that point and were
would be video gave obstacle like
explained after support the make up
it was showed) ease of class)
g the material
but through
video media,
the material
was easier to
because the
material was
given in a
creative way)
Students 3 “ Tersampaikan “Ada beberapa “Kedua “Materi yang “Materi yang
dengan baik” media yang di media diberikan disampaikan
(Well gunakan yaitu memberikan setiap sudah efektif dan
conveyed) power point dan kemudahan minggunya dijelaskan secara
video yang dalam sudah sesuai satu per satu
sering di memahami dengan dengan cara yang
gunakan dalam materi tetapi rincian RPS bervariasi”
pembelajaran melalui yang ada” (The material
(There were media video (The material presented has
several media materi lebih given every been effective
used such as mudah di week was in and explained
powerpoint and pahami accordance one by one in a
video that karena with the variety of ways)
frequently used disampikan details of the
in the learning) dengan cara existing
yang tidak RPS)
(Both media
power point

and video
gace support
the ease of
g the material
but through
video the
material was
easier to
because it
conveyed in a
way that was
like audio
Students 4 “ Cukup baik “Media power “Kedua “Semua “Materi yang
walaupun point dan video media materi yang disampaikan
keadaan yang di gunakan memberikan telah di sudah cukup
terbatas” dalam kemudahan sampaikan efektif dan bisa
(Quite good menyampaikan dalam sangat sesuai dipahami”
even with materi “ memahami dengan (The material
limited (Power point materi seperti rincian presented was
situation) and video melalui silabus” quite effective
media were media power (All the and
used in point materi material that understandable.)
delivering the di jelaskan has been
material) lebih rinci” explained
was in
(Both media accordance
power point with the
and video details of the
gave support syllabus)
the ease of
g the material
like through
the power
point, the
material was
explained in
Students 5 “Baik kecuali “ Media yang “Kedua “ Materi “Materi yang
ada gangguan sangat sering di media cukup yang disampaikan
koneksi yang gunakan dalam membuat disampaikan sudah efektif dan

terjadi” pembelajaran materi lebih melalui bisa dipahami
( Good expect adalah power mudah di media karena materi
there was a point dan pahami tersebut yang di
network video” karena sudah sesuai sampaikan
problem) (Media that melalui dengan RPS” melalui
were very often media ini (The material synchronous ini
used in learning materi di delivered membantu dan
were power jelaskan through the bermanfaat
points and secara satu media was in dalam
videos persatu ” accordance pembelajaran”
(Both media with the (The material
power point RPS) presented is
and video effective and
quite gave understandable
support the because the
ease of material given
understandin through
g the material synchronous was
because helpful and
through these useful in
media, the learning)
material was
explained one
by one)
Students 6 “Cukup baik “ Ada media “Beberapa “Materi yang “Materi yang
dan cukup power point media yang di berikan disampaikan
jelas” yang lebih digunakan sudah sesuai sudah cukup
(Quite good sering memudahkan dengan RPS” efektif dan cukup
and quite clear) digunakan dalam (The material bisa di pahami”
dalam mengerti given was in (The material
menyampaikan materi” accordance presented was
materi (Some of the with the quite effective
sedangkan media gave RPS) and quite
media video support the understandable)
jarang ease of
digunakan” understandin
(Power point g the
media was used material)
frequently in
learning while
video media
was rarely used)

Students 7 “Cukup baik” “Ada dua media “Kedua “Materi yang “Materi yang
(Quite good) yang media itu disampaikan disampaikan
digabungkan memudahkan sudah sama sudah cukup

secara dalam dengan efektif dan bisa
bersamaan memahami urutan dari cukup di
dalam materi karena RPS” pahami”
menyampaikan materi di (The material (The material
materi yaitu sampaikan delivered presented was
power point dan dengan jelas” was the same quite effective
video” (Both media as the order and quite
(The two power point of the details understood)
combined an video gave of RPS)
media in support the
delivering were ease of
power point and understandin
video) g because the
material was
clearly )
Students 8 “Sudah di “Ada beberapa “Kedua “Materi “Materi yang
sampaikan media yang media sudah disampaikan
dengan baik” digunakan yaitu memberikan disampaikan sudah cukup
(Well power point dan kemudahan berdasarkan efektif dan cukup
conveyed) video.” dalam RPS yang detail”
(There were memahami ada” (The material
several media materi tetapi (The material delivered was
were used such melalui has been quite effective
as power point media power delivered and quite
and video) point materi based on the detailed)
sangat mudah exsiting
untuk di RPS)
karena materi
di jelaskan
secara satu
(Both media
power point
and video
gave support
the ease of
g the material
but through
power point,
the material
was easier to

material was
explained one
by one )
Students 9 “Baik dan “ Adanya “Media “ Materi “Penyampaian
sudah berusaha penggunaan memudahkan yang materi melalui
menjelaskan media power dalam disampaikan synchronous
secara sedetail point dan memahami sudah sesuai sudah efektif dan
(Good and video” materi karena dengan RPS” materi bisa
already (There was the materi (The material dipahami dengan
explained in use of power diberikan presented cukup mudah”
detail point and video dengan cara was in ( Delivery of
media) yang accordance material through
menarik” with the synchronous has
(These media RPS) been effective
gave support and the material
the ease of could be
understandin understood quite
g the material easily)
material was
given in
Students “Tersampaikan “Hanya media “Kedua “ Materi “Penyampaian
dengan baik” power point media itu yang materi sudah
10 (Well digunakan cukup disampaikan cukup efektif dan
conveyed) dalam memberikan sudah sama sudah cukup
menyampaikan kemudahan dengan jelas”
materi” untuk urutan materi (The delivery of
(Power point memahami di RPS) the material was
media was used materi yang (The material quite effective
only in ada” delivered and quite clear)
conveying the (Both media was the same
material) were helped a as the order
lot in of the
understandin material in
g the the RPS)
Students “ Baik namun “ Ada media “ Media itu “Materi yang “Penyampaian
terkadang power point sangat disampaikan materi sudah
11 beberapa waktu yang lebih membantu sangat sesuai efektif”
ada kendala sering dalam dengan rps (Material
jaringan” digunakan memahami karena delivery has been
(Good but dalam materi tetapi urutan materi effective)
sometimes menyampaikan melalui video sudah di
there was a materi materi lebih beritahukan

network sedangkan mudah untuk terlebih
problem that media video di pahami” dahulu”
occured) jarang (The media (The material
digunakan” was very delivered
(Power point helpful in was very
media was used understandin appropriate
frequently in g the material with the
learning while but through details of the
video media video, the RPS because
was rarely used) material was the order of
easier to the material
understand) has been

Students “ sangat baik” “ Media yang “Kedua “ Materi “Penyampaian

( Very good) sangat sering media yang materi ini cukup
12 digunakan tersebut disampaikan efektif dan
adalah power memberikan sudah sesuai materi yang
point” kemudahan dengan RPS” diajarkan sudah
( The media dalam (The material sangat jelas”
that used memahami presented (The delivery of
frequently was materi karena was in this material was
power point) materi di accordance quite effective
dalam media with the and very clear)
sudah ringkas RPS)
dan jelas”
(Both media
power point
and video
gave support
the ease of
g the material
because the
material in
the media
was concise,
clear easy to
understand )
Students “Baik tapi “Ada dua media “Materi lebih “ Materi “Penyampaian
ketika yang digunakan mudah yang materi sudah
13 terjadinya yaitu power dipahami disampaikan cukup efektif dan
masalah point dan video dengan setiap materi yang

jaringan materi yang mana isi menggunakan minggunya disampaikan
tidak materi di media video sudah sesuai dengan cara yang
tersampaikan jelaskan lebih dan cukup di dengan RPS” menarik”
dengan baik” rinci” mengerti (The material (Delivery of
(Good but (There were dengan power delivered material was
when the two media used point” every week quite effective
network such as power (The material was in and delivered in
problem point and video was easier to accordance an interesting
occured the where the understand by with the way)
material was content of the using video RPS)
not conveyed material was media and
clearly ) explained in quite clear by
more detail) power point)
Students “Cukup baik “Ada beberapa “Kedua “ Materi “ Penyampaian
namun media yang media itu yang materi sudah
14 terkadang digunakan cukup disampaikan cukup efektif”
terjadinya seperti power memberikan sudah sesuai (Delivery of
masalah point dan kemudahan dengan RPS” material was
jaringan video” dalam (The material quite effective)
(Quite good but ( There were memahami delivered
sometimes several media materi” was
network such as power (Both media appropriate
problem point and video) were helped a with RPS)
occured) lot in
g the
Students “Cukup baik “ Ada dua “Kedua “ Materi “Penyampaian
dan bisa di media yang media itu yang materi sudah
15 pahami” digunakan yaitu cukup disampaikan cukup baik
(Quite good power point dan memberikan sudah sama namun terkadang
and could be video tetapi kemudahan dengan masalah jaringan
understood) power point dalam rincian RPS” menjadi kendala
dominan memahami (The material dalam
digunakan” materi karena delivered penyampaian
(There were materi yang was the same materi”
two media used di tampilkan as the details (Delivery of the
namely power sudah sangat of the RPS) material was
point and video jelas” quite effective
but power (Both media but sometimes
point was used power point network
frequently) and video problems became
gave support an obstacle in
the ease of delivering the
understandin material)
g the material

because the
showed was
Students “Sangat baik “ Media yang “Media “ Materi “Penyampaian
dan mudah di digunakan power point yang materi sudah
16 pahami” adalah video dan video disampaikan efektif tetapi
( Very good dan power memberikan sudah sesuai terkadang
and easy to point. Tetapi kemudahan dengan RPS” masalah jaringan
understand) media video di dalam (The material membuat
sampaikan memahami given was in penyampaian
dengan cara materi” accordance materi menjadi
yang lebih (Power point with the kurang jelas”
menarik” and video RPS) (Delivery of
(The media media gave material has been
used were video support the effective but
and power point ease of sometimes
but the material understandin Network
in video was g the problems made
conveyed in material) the delivery of
more interesting material less
way) clear)
Students “Cukup baik “ Ada dua “Dengan “Materi yang “ Penyampaian
dan bisa di media yang kedua media di sampaikan materi sudah
17 pahami” digunakan yaitu ini, materi sudah sesuai cukup efektif”
(Quite good power point dan yang dengan RPS (Delivery of
and could be video tetapi disampaikan yang ada” material was
understood) media power menjadi tidak (The material quite effective)
point dominan sulit untuk di delivered
digunakan” pahami” was in
(There were (With these accordance
two media used two media, with the
namely power the material existing
point and video presented was RPS)
but power point not difficult
was used to
frequently) understand)
Students “ Cukup baik “Ada media “Media “ Materi “Penyampaian
dan dijelaskan power point dan power point yang materi yang
18 dengan jelas” video namun dan video disampaikan diajarkan sudah
(Quite good media power cukup sudah sesuai cukup efektif dan
and clearly point lebih memberikan rincian yang materi yang
explained) sering kemudahan ada di dalam disampaikan bisa
digunakan” untuk RPS” cukup di
(There are mengerti (The material mengerti”
power point and materi” delivered (The delivery of

video media, (Power point was in the material
but power point and video accordance taught was quite
media was used media quite with the effective and
frequently) gave support details in the quite understood)
the ease of RPS)
g the
Students “ Baik dan bisa “ Ada dua “Media “Materi yang “Penyampaian
mendapatkan media yang power point disampaikan materi sudah
19 ilmu digunakan yaitu memberikan sudah sama efektif dan sudah
( Good and power point dan kemudahan dengan rinci”
could get video tetapi untuk urutan materi (Delivery of the
knowledge” power point memahami di RPS” material has been
dominan materi tetapi (The material effective and
digunakan” melalui delivered detail)
(There were media video was the same
two media used materi cukup as the order
such as power mudah di of the
point and video pahami” material in
but power point (Power point the RPS)
was used media gave
frequently) support the
ease of
g the
material but
video, the
material was
quite easy to
Students “ Sangat baik “Ada beberapa “Kedua “Materi yang “Penyampaian
dan di jelaskan media yang media ini disampaikan materi melalui
20 secara digunakan yaitu memberikan sangat sesuai synchronous ini
terperinci” video dan kemudahan dengan rps” sudah efektif dan
( Very good power point” untuk (The material sudah jelas”
and explained (There were memahami delivered (Delivery of
one by one) several media materi karena was very in material through
that used such materi di accordance synchronous
as video and jelaskan with the learning has been
power point) secara detail” details of the effective and
(Both media RPS) clearly)
gave support
the ease of

g the material
because the
material was
explained in
Students “Cukup baik” “Ada dua media “Kedua “Materi yang “Penyampaian
(Quite good) yang digunakan media disampaikan dan penjelasan
21 yaitu power tersebut biasanya materi sudah
point dan video cukup sudah sesuai cukup efektif dan
yang mana isi memberikan dengan rps” materi sudah bisa
materi di kemudahan (The material di pahami”
jelaskan lebih untuk given was (The delivery
rinci” memahami normally and explanation
(There were materi” accordance of the material
two media used (Both media with the was quite
such as power power point RPS) effective and
point and video and video could be
where the quite gave understood)
content was support the
explained in ease of
detail) understandin
g the
Students “ Baik dan di “Ada dua media “Media “Materi yang “Materi yang
jelaskan secara yang digunakan power point disampaikan disampaikan
22 terperinci” seperti power and video sudah sesuai dalam
(Good and point dan video memberikan dengan pembelajaran ini
clearly tetapi melalui kemudahan rencana rps sudah efektif dan
explained) video, materi di untuk kecuali bila materi yang di
variasikan memahami ada make up sampaikan sudah
menjadi video materi” class” lengkap”
animasi” (Both media (The material (The material
(There were power point presented presented in this
two media used and video was in lesson was
such as power gave support accordance effective and
point and video the ease of with the RPS complete)
but through understandin except there
video, the g the was a make
material was material) up class)
varied into

Students “ Baik namun “Ada dua media “Media yang “Materi yang “Penyampaian
terkadang ada yang digunakan digunakan disampaikan materi sudah
23 kendala yaitu media sangat biasanya cukup efektif dan

jaringan” power point dan membantu sudah sesuai materi yang
(Good but video yang untuk dengan rps” disampaikan
sometimes mana adanya memahami (The material sudah di jelaskan
there was a penjelasan materi given was secara rinci”
network tambahan yang dengan normally (Delivery of
problem) diberikan” mudah” accordance material has been
(There are two (The media with the quite effective
media used used was RPS) and explained in
such as power very helpful detail)
point and video to understand
in which an the material
additional easily)
explanation was
Students “ Cukup baik” “Media power “Media yang “Materi yang “Penyampaian
(Quite good) point cukup dan digunakan di sampaikan materi secara
24 video cukup cukup sudah sesuai sikronus ini
sering membantu dengan RPS sudah efektif”
digunakan untuk yang ada” ( Synchronous
untuk memahami (The material delivery of
menjelaskan materi given was in materials has
materi lebih dengan accordance been effective)
detail tetapi mudah” with the
pada media (The media existing
video, siswa di used was RPS)
minta untuk quite helpful
memahami isi to understand
video terlebih the material
dahulu” easily)
(Media power
point and video
was used quite
often to explain
the material in
detail but in
media video,
students were
supposed to
comprehend the
material first)
Students “ Baik” “ Ada dua “Media yang “ Materi “Penyampaian
(Good) media yang digunakan yang materi sudah
25 digunakan yaitu cukup disampaikan cukup efektif dan
power point dan membantu sudah sesuai materi yang di
video but media untuk dan RPS” sampaikan sudah
video dominan memahami (The material cukup jelas”

digunakan” materi delivered (Delivery of
(There were dengan was material was
two media used mudah karena accordance quite effective
namely power materi di with RPS) and clear
point and video sampaikan enough)
but video was dengan cara
used frequently) yang
(The media
used was
quite helpful
to understand
the material
material was
conveyed in
various ways)




Interviewee Question 1 Question 2 Question 3 Question 4 Question 5

Apakah dalam Dalam Apakah dosen Ketika anda Apakah dosen

proses kegiatan tanya ada mengalami pernah
pembelajaran jawab tersebut, memberikan kesulitan memberikan
sinkronus apakah ada contoh materi dalam proses motivasi
dosen peningkatan berupa video belajar secara setelah
melakukan dalam atau gambar sinkronus, berakhirnya
kegiatan berupa kemampuan sebelum apakah anda pembelajaran
tanya jawab? speaking melakukan akan melalui
(In the anda? pembelajaran mengajukan pembelajaran
synchronous (In the secara pertanyaan synchronous?
learning question and sinkronus? tentang materi (Has the
process, does answer (Does the tersebut? lecturer ever
the lecturer activity, was lecturer give (When you given
carry out there an examples of have difficulty motivation
activities in the improvement material in the in the after the end of
form of in your form of synchronous learning
questions and speaking videos or learning through
answers?) ability?) pictures process, will synchronous

before doing you ask learning?)
synchronous questions
learning?) about the

Students 1 “ Adanya “Adanya “Ada contoh “ Pertanyaan “Adanya

kegiatan tanya peningkatan video yang di jarang di motivasi yang
jawab yang di yang terjadi berikan yang ajukan dan diberikan
lakukan oleh secara mana contoh hanya di seperti di
guru dan perlahan pada itu di minta ajukan jika berikan
siswa” kemampuan untuk di dalam situasi dorongan
(Question and speaking” analisis jawaban tidak untuk
answer (There was an terlebih bisa membaca
activities improvement dahulu” ditemukan” ulang materi
carried out by step by step (There was an (The questions yang sudah di
lecturer and that occured in example of a were asked pelajari”
student) speaking video that conditionaly if (There is
skills) given,in the answer motivation
which the cannot be given such as
example was found was given
asked to be independently) encouragement
analyzed first) to reviewed
the material
that has been
Students 2 “ Kegiatan “Kegiatan ini “Adanya “ Pertanyaan “Ada motivasi
tanya jawab membuat contoh video jarang di yang selalu
selalu di speaking skill atau gambar ajukan dan diberikan
lakukan” mengalami yang hanya di seperti di
(Question and peningkatan diberikan ajukan jika berikan
answer tetapi tidak seperti di dalam situasi semangat
activities were secara pesat” mata kuliah jawaban tidak untuk rajin
always carried (This activity interpretation” bisa mengerjakan
out) made (There were ditemukan” tugas”
improvement examples of (The questions (There was
in speaking videos or were asked motivation that
skill but not pictures that conditionaly if was always
rapidly) given in the the answer given like
interpretation cannot be being given
course) found support to be
independently) diligent in
doing the task)
Students 3 “ Adanya sesi “Sesi tanya “Ada “Pertanyaan “Adanya
tanya jawab jawab ini beberapa akan diajukan motivasi yang
yang di lakukan selalu contoh yang ketika materi diberikan

di tengah diadakan diberikan itu sangat sulit seperti arahan
penjelasan dan sehingga seperti video untuk di supaya lebih
akhir setelah kemampuan atau gambar pahami” percaya diri
semua materi di speaking ini yang mana (The question untuk
sampaikan” mengalami berkaitan would be berbicara
(Question and kemajuan” dengan materi asked when menggunakan
answer session (Question and yang akan di the material bahasa
was held in the answer session jelaskan” was very inggris”
middle of the was always (There were difficult to (There was
explanation and held so that several understand) motivation
at the end after speaking examples given such as
all the material achievement given such as instruction to
was explained) was improved) videos or be more
pictures confident to
which were speak English)
related to the
material to be

Students 4 “ Kegiatan “Adanya “Ada “ Pertanyaan “Adanya

tanya jawab peningkatan beberapa jarang di motivasi yang
selalu di secara contoh yang ajukan dan diberikan yang
lakukan pada perlahan diberikan hanya di mana
setiap dalam seperti video ajukan jika berkaitan
pembelajaran kemampuan atau gambar dalam situasi dengan
(Question and berbicara” tetapi contoh jawaban tidak perkuliahan
answer (There was an tidak bisa dan kehidupan
activities were improvement diberikan ditemukan” seperti
always carried step by step pada semua (The questions motivasi untuk
out in all that occured in mata kuliah” were asked belajar lebih
lessons) speaking (There were conditionaly if giat”
skills) some the answer (There was
examples cannot be motivation
given like found given which
videos or independently) was related to
pictures but study and life
the example like
was not given motivation to
in all courses) study hard)
Students 5 “ Kegiatan “Adanya “Ada contoh “Pertanyaan “Adanya
tanya jawab peningkatan yang di jarang di motivasi yang
ada di lakukan dalam berikan ajukan dan diberikan
sebanyak kemampuan seperti hanya di seperti
sembilan kali speaking ini gambar dan ajukan jika dorongan

namun tidak seperti video pada dalam situasi untuk lebih
pada semua pengucapan mata kulaih jawaban tidak aktif lagi
pertemuan dan grammar speaking, bisa dalam
kelas” itu mengalami grammar dan ditemukan” mengikuti
( Question and peningkatan interpretation” (The questions proses
answer activity dengan baik” (There were were asked pembelajaran”
was carried out (There was an examples conditionaly if (There was a
nine times but improvement given such as the answer given
not in all class in speaking videos or cannot be motivation an
meetings” skills such as pictures on found encouragement
pronunciation speaking, independently) to be more
and grammar grammar and active in
which was interpretation participating in
improved courses) the learning
well) process)
Students 6 “ Kegiatan “Adanya “Adanya “Pertanyaan “Adanya
tanya jawab peningkatan contoh yang akan diajukan motivasi yang
selalu di dalam diberikan ketika materi diberikan
lakukan pada kemampuan seperti sangat sulit di seperti
semua speaking gambar saja pahami supaya dorongan
pelajaran “ secara pada kelas bisa untuk melatih
(Question and perlahan grammar dan memahami kemampuan
answer always karena interpretation” materi secara berbicara
carried out in pada sesi ini (There were akurat” bahasa
all lessons) diharuskan examples (The question inggris”
menggunakan given such as would be (There was
bahasa pictures only asked when motivation
inggris” in grammar the material given like an
(There was an and was very encouragement
improvement interpretation difficult to to practice
step by step classes) understand in speaking
in speaking order to English skills)
because understand the
this session material
required to use accurately )
Students 7 “ Adanya “Adanya “Adaa “Pertanyaan “Adanya
kegiatan tanya peningkatan beberapa yang sangat motivasi yang
jawab” dalam contoh materi sulit akan di diberikan
(There was a kemampuan yang ajukan bila seperti
question and speaking yang diberikan jawaban tidak dorongan
answer mana seperti di temukan untuk lebih
activity” peningkatan gambar dan secara banyak
ini terjadi video” mandiri” membaca
secara (There were (Very difficult materi atau
bertahap” several questions mereview

(There was an examples of would be materi”
improvement material given asked if the (There was
in speaking such as answers were motivation
ability which pictures and not figure out given such as
was videos independently) encouragement
improvement to read a lot
occured step material or
by step” review the
Students 8 “ Adanya “Kegiatan ini “Adanya “Pertanyaan “Adanya
kegiatan tanya meningkatkan contoh materi akan diajukan motivasi yang
jawab “ kemampuan yang ketika materi diberikan
( There was a berbicara diberikan itu sangat sulit seperti
question and tetapi tidak seperti contoh untuk di motivasi untuk
answer terjadi secara video pada pahami” tidak mudah
activity) cepat” mata kuliah (The question menyerah
( This activity interpretation” would be dalam belajar
improved (There were asked when dan mencari
speaking examples of the material tahu lebih
ability but did material given was very banyak tentang
not happen like video in difficult to materi”
quickly) interpretation understand) (There was
course) motivation
given such as
motivation not
to give up
easily in
learning and
explore more
Students 9 “Kegiatan “Adanya “Ada contoh “ Pertanyaan “Adanya
tanya jawab peningkatan materi yang akan di motivasi yang
selalu di speaking skill diberikan ajukan” diberikan
adakan” karena seperti ( Question seperti
( Question and kegiatan ini gambar atau would be dorongan
answer activity membantu video di kelas asked) untuk
were always melatih interpretation meningkatkan
held) kemampuan dan speaking” kemampuan
berbicara ” (There were berbicara
(There was an examples of bahasa
improvement material given inggris”
in speaking such as ( Kind of
skills because pictures or motivation
this activity videos in given like an
could help interpretation encouragement

practice and speaking to improve
speaking) classes) English
Students “ Adanya “Adanya “Ada “Pertanyaan “Adanya
kegiatan tanya sedikit beberapa kali sering motivasi yang
10 jawab yang peningkatan contoh materi diajukan diberikan
dilakukan” yang terjadi diberikan supaya materi seperti
( There was a pada yaitu contoh bisa di pahami motivasi untuk
question and kemampuan video atau secara memperbaiki
answer speaking gambar” maksimal” pola pikir”
activity) karena (There were (Questions ( Kind of
kegiatan ini several times were asked motivation
menggunakan examples of frequently given like
bahasa material are so that the motivation to
indonesia” given such as material could change the
(There was a videos or be understood mindset)
little bit pictures) optimally)
that in
speaking skill
because this
activity used
Students “ Kegiatan ini “ Kegiatan ini “Adanya “Pertanyaan di “Adanya
di adakan membantu contoh materi ajukan supaya motivasi yang
11 setelah semua meningkatkan yang di bisa diberikan
materi sudah di dan melatih berikan memahami seperti sebuah
jelaskan” kemampuan berupa materi lebih arahan untuk
(This activity berbicara gambar.” akurat ” melatih dan
were held after karena (The (Questions memperbaiki
all the material meningkatkan examples was were asked in grammar agar
has been keberanian dan given through order to bisa berbicara
explained” kepercayaan pictures) understand the dengan benar”
diri” material more (The
(This activity accurately) motivation
helped given was a
improve and directive to
practice practice and
speaking skills improve
because this grammar in
improved order to speak
courage and correctly)

Students “Semua dosen “Adanya “Adanya “Pertanyaan “Adanya
melakukan peningkatan contoh yang sering motivasi yang
12 kegiatan tanya yang terjadi diberikan diajukan bila sering
jawab” dalam seperti video materi sulit diberikan
( All of lecturer kemampuan pada mata untuk seperti sebuah
did a question speaking ini kuliah dimengerti” motivasi untuk
and answer seperti sudah interpretation (Questions selalu
activity) berani dan grammar” was asked mereview
bertanya” (There were frequently materi”
(There was an examples when the (Kind of
improvement given like material was motivation
that occured in videos on very difficult given like a
speaking skills interpretation to understand) motivation to
like having the and grammar always review
courage to ask classes) the material)
Students “ Adanya “ Kegiatan ini “Adanya “Pertanyaan “Adanya
kegiatan tanya memberikan contoh materi tidak sering di motivasi yang
13 jawab yang di cukup yang ajukan karena sering
lakukan” peningkatan diberikan kurangnya diberikan
(There was a dalam seperti percaya diri” seperti sebuah
question and kemampuan gambar (Questions dorongan
answer berbicara” ataupun video were not asked untuk selalu
activity) (This activity tetapi contoh frequently mencari tahu
gave a little bit tidak due to lack of materi lebih
improvement diberikan confidence) banyak”
in speaking pada semua ( Kind of
skill) mata kuliah” motivation
(There were given like an
examples of encouragement
material given to always
such as explore the
pictures and material)
videos but the
example was
not given in
all courses)
Students “Semua dosen “Adanya “Ada contoh “Pertanyaan “Adanya
melakukan kegiatan ini yang akan diajukan motivasi yang
14 kegiatan tanya bisa membantu diberikan ketika materi diberikan
jawab” meningkatkan seperti itu sangat sulit seperti sebuah
(All of lecturer kemampuan gambar atau untuk di motivasi untuk
did a question speaking video pada pahami” menjadi
and answer karena mata kuliah (The question partisipan
activity) kegiatan ini interpretation would be yang aktif
memberikan dan grammar” asked when dalam mencari

dorongan (There were the material referensi
untuk berani examples was very materi”
berbicara” given such as difficult to (There was
(The existence pictures or understand) motivation
of this activity videos in the given such as
could help interpretation motivation to
improve and grammar be an active
speaking skills courses) participant in
because this looking for
activity gave material
encouragement references)
to speak up)
Students “Semua dosen “Ada “Adanya “ Pertanyaan “Adanya
melakukan peningkatan contoh materi cukup sering motivasi yang
15 kegiatan tanya dalam yang di ajukan agar diberikan
jawab” kemampuan diberikan bisa seperti
( All of lecturer speaking ini seperti contoh memahami motivasi untuk
did a question karena gambar” dan menguasai lebih giat dan
and answer kegiatan ini (There was an materi ” semangat
activity) melatih example of (The questions dalam
kemampuan the material frequently membaca
berbicara agar given like asked in order materi”
menjadi lebih picture) to understand ( There were
baik lagi” the lesson very motivation
(There was an well) given such as
improvement motivation to
in speaking be more
skill because deligent and
this activity enthusiastic in
trained reading the
speaking skills material)
to be better)
Students “Adanya “Adanya “Adanya “Pertanyaan “Adanya
kegiatan tanya kemajuan beberapa kali sering di motivasi yang
16 jawab yang secara contoh materi ajukan supaya diberikan
dilakukan” bertahap diberikan bisa seperti adanya
(There was a dalam seperti video” membantu dorongan agar
question and kemampuan (There were memahami lebih giat dan
answer berbicara several times materi lebih semangat
activity) karena melalui examples of detail” dalam
kegiatan ini material was (The question membaca”
menimbulkan given like were asked (There were
keinginan videos) frequently in motivation
untuk order to given such as
mencoba comprehend motivation to
bertanya” the material in be more

(There was an detail) deligent and
improvement enthusiastic in
constanly in . reading the
speaking material
through this
activity there
was an
intention to
speak up and
ask question)
Students “ Adanya “Adanya “Adanya “Pertanyaan “Adanya
kegiatan tanya peningkatan contoh materi sering motivasi yang
17 jawab yang yang terjadi yang cukup diajukan diberikan
dilakukan” secara sering ketika materi seperti
( There was a bertahap diberikan itu sulit untuk dorongan
question and melalui seperti di pahami” untuk lebih
answer kegiatan ini” gambar atau (Questions giat dalam
activity) (There was an video pada were asked memperlajari
improvement mata kuliah frequently pelajaran”
constanly interpretation when the (A kind of
through this dan speaking” material was motivation
activity) (There were very difficult given such as
examples of to understand) encouragement
material that to be more
were given deligent in
frequently studying
such as lessons)
pictures or
videos in
and speaking
Students “Kegiatan “Adanya “Ada contoh “Pertanyaan “Adanya
tanya jawab kemajuan materi yang akan diajukan motivasi yang
18 selalu di dalam diberikan ketika materi diberikan
adakan” kemampuan seperti video itu sulit untuk seperti
( Question and speaking dan gambar di di pahami” motivasi untuk
answer activity karena melalui beberapa mata (Questions selalu
were always kegiatan kuliah” would be semangat
held) membantu (There were asked when mengikuti
melatih examples of the material pembelajaran”
berbicara agar material given was very (There was a
lebih fasih” such as videos difficult to motivation
(There was and pictures understand) given such as
progress in in several motivation to

speaking skill courses) always be
because that enthusiastic
sessions carry about
through participating in
speaking learning)
Students “ Kegiatan “Adanya “Ada contoh “Pertanyaan “Adanya
tanya selalu di peningkatan materi yang akan diajukan motivasi yang
19 lakukan setelah yang cukup diberikan ketika materi diberikan
semua materi baik dalam seperti video itu sulit untuk seperti
sudah di kemampuan dan gambar di pahami” motivasi untuk
jelaskan” speaking yang (Questions bertanggung
(Question and melalui diberikan would be jawab dalam
answer kegiatan tanya pada kelas asked when mengerjakan
activities were jawab interpretation the material tugas yang
always held tersebut” dan speaking) was very sudah
after all the (There was an (There were difficult to diberikan”
material has quite good examples of understand) (A kind of
been explained) improvement material that motivation
in speaking given such as given such as
skills through videos and motivation to
this activity) pictures) be responsible
in doing the
tasks that have
been given)
Students “ Adanya “Adanya “gambar ada “Pertanyaan “Adanya
kegiatan tanya peningkatan di berikan akan diajukan motivasi yang
20 jawab yang dalam sebagai bila materi diberikan
dilakukan” kemampuan introduktori sulit untuk di seperti
( There was a speaking dan di video pahami” motivasi untuk
question and karena di tampilkan (Questions selalu
answer kegiatan ini penjelasan” would be mengerjakan
activity) melatih (The picture asked if the tugas dengan
kemampuan were given as material was baik”
berbicara introductory difficult to (Kind of
bahasa inggris material understand) motivation
untuk lebih followed by given like a
baik” videos motivation to
(There was an explaining in always did a
improvemente detail) good job)
in speaking
skills because
this activity
trained the
ability to speak

English better)

Students “ Kegiatan “Adanya “Adanya “Pertanyaan “Adanya

tanya jawab peningkatan contoh yang akan diajukan motivasi yang
21 sering di cukup baik diberikan bila materi diberikan
lakukan setelah pada seperti sangat sulit seperti
semua materi di kemampuan gambar atau untuk di motivasi untuk
jelaskan” berbicara ini” video” pahami” rajin belajar
( Question and (There was (There were (Questions dan banyak
answer activity quite good examples would be membaca”
often carried improvement given such as asked if the (There was
out after all the in this pictures or material was motivation
material have speaking skill) videos) very difficult given such as
been explained) to understand) motivation to
study hard and
read a lot)
Students “ Kegiatan “Adanya “Adanya “Pertanyaan “Adanya
tanya jawab di kemajuan contoh yang cukup sering motivasi yang
22 lakukan setelah dalam diberikan diajukan sering
semua materi di kemampuan seperti supaya materi diberikan di
jelaskan” speaking ini. gambar atau itu bisa awal
( Question and Melalui video” dipahami pembelajaran
answer activity kegiatan ini (There were dengan lebih seperti
were carried kemampuan examples detail” motivasi untuk
out after all the
bicara menjadi provided such (Questions lebih fokus
material have terlatih dan as pictures or were asked dalam belajar”
been explained) tidak gugup” videos) frequently so (A kind of
(There was that the motivation that
progress in this material could was given
speaking skill be understood frequently at
because in more detail) the beginning
through this of learning
activity such as
speaking skill motivation to
could be focus on
trained and learning)
improve self
Students “Sesi tanya “Adanya “Adanya “Pertanyaan “Adanya
jawab di peningkatan contoh yang akan diajukan motivasi yang
23 lakukan dengan secara sering supaya materi sering
memberikan bertahap diberikan itu bisa diberikan
kesempatan dalam seperti contoh dipahami seperti
untuk kemampuan gambar” dengan lebih motivasi untuk
bertanya” speaking (There were detail” lebih banyak

(The sessions karena examples that (Questions membaca
were carried kegiatan ini were often could be asked tentang hal
out by membantu given such as so that the apapun”
providing melatih bicara picture) material could ( Kind of
opportunities to bahasa be understood motivation that
ask some inggris” in more detail) was given
questions) (There was an frequently for
slowly example a
improvement motivation to
in speaking read a lot
skill because about
this activity anything)
helped practice
English )
Students “Sesi tanya “Adanya “Adanya “Pertanyaan “Adanya
jawab selalu di proses contoh materi akan diajukan motivasi yang
24 adakan” peningkatan yang bila materi sering
(Question and dalam diberikan sulit dipahami diberikan
answer activity kemampuan seperti supaya materi seperti
always be held) berbicara gambar atau bisa lebih di motivasi untuk
karena video” mengerti” lebih banyak
Kegiatan (There were (Questions membaca
menyediakan examples of would be materi dan
sebuah material asked if the rajin
kesempatan provided such material was mengerjakan
untuk as pictures or very difficult tugas”
mencoba lebih videos) to understand) (There was
berani motivation that
berbicara ” was given
(There was a frequently
process of like motivation
improvement to read a lot
in this about material
speaking skill and be diligent
because this in doing
session gave assignments)
an oppurtunity
to speak up)
Students “Adanya sesi “Adanya “Adanya “Pertanyaan “Adanya
tanya jawab peningkatan contoh yang akan diajukan motivasi yang
25 yang di dalam di berikan bila materi diberikan
lakukan” kemampuan dalam bentuk sangat sulit seperti
(There was a berbicara seperti untuk motivasi untuk
question and karena melalui gambar dan dipahami” lebih banyak
answer session kegiatan ini video di (Questions berlatih

held) bisa melatih beberapa mata would be berbicara
pengucapan kuliah) asked if the menggunakan
kata dan (There was an material was bahasa
penyusunan example very difficult inggris”
kalimat agar given in the to understand) (Kind of
lebih baik” form picture motivation
(There was an and video in given like a
improvement the several motivation to
in speaking class) practice
skill because speaking more
through this in English)
activity helped
and grammar
to be better)



Interviewee Question 1 Question 2 Question 3 Question 4 Question 5

Apakah Apakah anda Apakah anda mau Apakah Apakah

pembelajaran termotivasi dan mempelajari media pembelajaran pembelajaran
secara bersemangat pembelajaran secara secara
sychronous dalam sinkronus yang synchronous synchronous
tidak mengikuti digunakan oleh guru dapat melatih mengajarkan
membosankan? proses belajar seperti zoom? anda dalam kejujuran dalam
(Is synchronous melalui (Do you want to mengatur mengerjakan
learning not pembelajaran study synchronous waktu? tugas?
boring?) synchronous? learning media used (Can (Does
(Are you by teachers such as synchronous synchronous
motivated and zoom?) learning train learning teach
enthusiastic in you in honesty in
following the managing doing
learning time?) assignments?)
process through

Students 1 “Pembelajaran “Selama proses “Media “Pembelajaran “Pembelajaran

secara pembelajaran pembelajaran ini kurang bisa synchronous
synchronous ini adanya seperti zoom ingin melatih waktu cukup
tidak motivasi yang dipelajari karena karena mengajarkan
membosankan di rasakan bermanfaat untuk memberikan kejujuran
dan cukup karena bisa membantu kesempatan karena
menyenangkan” berinteraksi pembelajaran jarak untuk menjadi pembelajaran
(Synchronous secara jauh” tidak disiplin” ini melatih

learning was not langsung” (Learning media ( This learning tanggung jawab
boring and quite ( During the such as zoom was less able to untuk tidak
fun) learning wanted to be train time berbuat curang”
process, there studied because it because it gave ( Synchronous
was a sense of was useful to help an opportunity learning was
motivation distance learning) to enough to teach
because could undisciplined) honesty because
interact this learning
directly) trained
not to cheat)
Students 2 “Pembelajaran “Selama proses “Media “Pembelajaran “Pembelajaran
secara pembelajaran pembelajaran ini ini dapat synchronous
synchronous ini ini adanya sangat ingin melatih cukup
tidak motivasi dan dipelajari karena mengatur mengajarkan
sepenuhnya semangat yang kebutuhan untuk waktu karena kejujuran
membosankan di rasakan mempermudah mengajarkan karena
yang mana supaya bisa proses kedisiplinan mengajarkan
materi itu di mendapatkan pembelajaran” seperti mengandalkan
berikan dengan nilai atau angka (This learning mempersiapkan diri sendiri”
cara yang yang baik” media really wanted beberapa hal” ( Synchronous
kreatif” (During this to be studied (This learning learning was
(This learning because of the need could trained in enough to teach
synchronous process, there to facilitate the mananging honesty because
learning was not was motivation learning process) time because it it taught count
completely and enthusiasm taught on yourself)
boring where to get good discipline such
the material was grades” as preparing
given in a some things)
creative way)
Students 3 “Pembelajaran “Adanya “Media “Pembelajaran “Pembelajaran
secara motivasi yang pembelajaran ingin ini dapat synchronous
synchronous ini di rasakan dipelajari karena melatih cukup
tidak karena adanya menambah ilmu” mengatur mengajarkan
membosankan dorongan yang (Learning media waktu karena kejujuran tetapi
yang mana diberikan untuk wanted to be cukup kecurangan bisa
materi di semangat studied because it mengajarkan terjadi karena
sampaikan belajar dan rasa added knowledge) kedisiplinan pengawasan
dengan cara ingin tahu yang dalam hanya dari jarak
yang menarik” tinggi” mempersiapkan jauh”
(This (The motivation diri” ( Synchronous
synchronous was felt (This learning learning was
learning was not because of the could trained in enough to teach
boring where encouragement managing time honesty but
the material was given to study because it was cheating could
delivered in an diligently and enough to teach happen because

interesting way) high curiosity) discipline in supervision was
preparing only remotely)

Students 4 “Pembelajaran “Selama proses “Media “Pembelajaran “Pembelajaran

secara pembelajaran pembelajaran ini ini dapat synchronous
synchronous ini ini cukup ingin dipelajari melatih waktu sangat
tidak adanya karena banyaknya karena cukup mengajarkan
membosankan semangat manfaat yang di mengajarkan kejujuran
yang mana karena materi dapatkan dari kedisiplinan karena
materi diberikan mempelajarinya” dalam kejujuran
disampaikan secara ( This learning mempersiapkan dilatih melalui
melalui media bervariasi” media wants to be diri” pembelajaran
yang menarik” (There was studied because of (This learning ini”
(Synchronous enough the many benefits could trained in ( Synchronous
learning was not enthusiasm that that can be obtained managing time learning really
boring where was felt from studying it) because it was taught honesty
the material was because the enough to teach because honesty
delivered material was discipline in was trained
through given in a preparing through this
interesting variety of ourself) learning)
media) ways)
Students 5 “Pembelajaran “Adanya “Media “Pembelajaran “Pembelajaran
synchronous semangat yang pembelajaran ingin ini dapat synchronous
tidak di rasakan dipelajari supaya melatih sangat
membosankan karena bisa mengatur mengajarkan
karena materi di pembelajaran mengaplikasikannya waktu karena kejujuran
sampaikan diajarkan dengan benar” cukup karena
dengan cara dengan cara (Learning media mengajarkan kejujuran
yang lebih baik” yang wanted to be kedisiplinan dilatih melalui
(Synchronous menyenangkan studied so that it dalam pembelajaran
learning was not ” could be applied mempersiapkan ini”
boring because (There was a correctly) diri” ( Synchronous
the material was enthusiasm that (This learning learning really
delivered in a was felt could trained in taught honesty
better way) because managing time because honesty
learning was because it was was trained

taught in a fun enough to teach through this
way) discipline in learning)

Students 6 “Pembelajaran “Selama proses “Media “Pembelajaran “Pembelajaran

sinkron tidak pembelajaran pembelajaran ini ini cukup synchronous
membosankan ini adanya ingin dipelajari melatih cukup
yang mana semangat karena dapat mengatur mengajarkan
pembelajaran karena menjadi alat bantu waktu karena kejujuran
ini dapat diikuti pembelajaran pembelajaran jarak mengajarkan karena
dari rumah dan ini jauh” kedisiplinan pembelajaran
menghemat menggunakan (This learning seperti bisa ini melatih
budget” aplikasi zoom media wanted to be mengatur tanggung
(Synchronous yang mana studied because it jadwal dengan jawab”
learning was not aplikasi ini could be a distance dengan baik” ( Synchronous
boring where sangat menarik learning tool) (This learning learning was
this learning untuk was good quite good to
could be dipelajari” enough to teach teach honesty
followed from (During this time because this
home and saves learning management learning trained
budget) process there and discipline responsibility)
was enthusiasm like having a
because this good time
learning used management)
zoom app
which was very
interesting to
Students 7 “Pembelajaran “Selama proses “Media “Pembelajaran “Pembelajaran
sinkron tidak pembelajaran pembelajaran ini ini dapat synchronous
membosankan adanya ingin dipelajari melatih waktu cukup
karena adanya semangat yang karena mudah untuk karena cukup mengajarkan
interaksi di rasakan mempelajarinya” mengajarkan kejujuran
walaupun secara karena (This learning kedisiplinan karena tugas
virtual” pembelajaran media wanted to be dalam akan di cek
( Synchronous ini bisa studied because it mempersiapkan plagiarismenya”
learning was not menghemat was easy to learn diri” ( Synchronous
boring because waktu” the media) (This learning learning was
of the ( During the was good quite good to
interaction even learning enough to teach teach honesty
though it was process there time because the
virtual) was a sense of management assignment
enthusiasm and dicipline in would be
because this preparing checked for
learning could ourself) plagiarism)

save time)
Students 8 “Pembelajaran “Selama proses “Media “Pembelajaran “Pembelajaran
secara pembelajaran pembelajaran ini ini kurang synchronous
synchronous ini ini kurang ingin dipelajari mengajarkan tidak
cukup adanya karena kebutuhan mengatur mengajarkan
membosankan motivasi karena dalam proses waktu karena kejujuran
karena tidak ada sering merasa pembelajaran” bisa mengikuti karena
interaksi secara jenuh” (This learning pembelajaran memberikan
langsung “ (During this media wanted to be tanpa adanya kesempatan
(Synchronous learning studied because of persiapan” yang besar
learning was process there the need in the ( This learning untuk berbuat
quite boring was less learning process) was less able to kecurangan”
because there motivation due train time ( Synchronous
was no direct to mundane management learning did not
interaction) activity) because teach honesty
learning could because it
be follow provided a big
without any opportunity for
preparation) cheating)

Students 9 “Pembelajaran “Adanya “Media ini ingin di “Pembelajaran “Pembelajaran

secara semangat yang pelajari karena agar ini cukup dapat synchronous
synchronous ini di rasakan mendapatkan melatih waktu mengajarkan
tidak karena keahlian baru” karena bisa kejujuran
membosankan pembelajaran (This media wanted mengajarkan karena
bila materi tidak ini to be studied kedisiplinan mengajarkan
di sampaikan menggunakan because to get a seperti bisa kemandirian”
dengan cara aplikasi zoom new skill) mengatur ( Synchronous
yang monoton” yang mana jadwal dengan learning taught
(Synchronous aplikasi ini dengan baik” honesty because
learning was not sangat menarik ( This learning it taught
boring if the untuk was good independence)
material was not dipelajari” enough to teach
delivered in a ( During this time
monotonous learning management
way) process there and discipline
was enthusiasm like having a
because this good time
learning used management)
zoom app
which was very
interesting to
Students “Pembelajaran “Selama proses “Media ini ingin “Pembelajaran “Pembelajaran
secara pembelajaran dipelajari karena ini tidak bisa synchronous
10 synchronous ini ini kurang banyaknya manfaat melatih waktu tidak

cukup adanya dari karena waktu mengajarkan
membosankan semangat mempelajarinya sering di kejujuran
yang mana karena sering media ini” abaikan” karena
proses merasa jenuh” (This media wanted (This learning memberikan
pembelajaran (During this to be studied cannot manage kesempatan
bisa di ikuti learning because of the many time because yang besar
tanpa adanya process, there benefits of studying the time untuk berbuat
persiapan” was a lack of this media) ignorence) kecurangan”
(Synchronous enthusiasm due ( Synchronous
learning was to mundane learning did not
quite boring activity) teach honesty
where the because it
learning process provided a big
could be opportunity for
followed cheating)
without any
Students “Pembelajaran “Selama proses “Media “Pembelajaran “ Pembelajaran
secara pembelajaran pembelajaran ini ini dapat synchronous
11 synchronous ini ini kurang ingin dipelajari kurang bisa tidak
cukup adanya supaya bisa melatih mengajarkan
membosankan motivasi karena mengaplikasikannya mengatur kejujuran
yang mana tidak adanya batasan dengan benar” waktu karena karena
adanya interaksi interaksi” (This learning memberikan memberikan
secara (During this media wanted to be kesempatan kesempatan
langsung“ learning studied so that it untuk menjadi besar untuk
(Synchronous process there could be applied tidak disiplin” bersikusi
learning was was lack of correctly) ( This learning dengan yang
quite boring motivation was less able to lain”
where there was because train to manage ( Synchronous
no direct limitations of time because it learning did not
interaction) interaction) provided an teach honesty
opportunity to because it gave
be a big
undisciplined) opportunity to
discuss with
Students Pembelajaran “Selama proses Media ini ingin “Pembelajaran “Pembelajaran
synchronous pembelajaran dipelajari karena ini dapat synchronous ini
12 tidak adanya banyaknya manfaat melatih cukup
membosankan semangat dari mempelajari mengatur mengajarkan
yang mana karena ilmu media ini” waktu karena kejujuran
pembelajaran harus bisa di (This media wanted mengajarkan karena tidak
ini sangat dapatkan” to be studied disiplin seperti bisa diskusi
membantu (During this because of the many mempersiapkan secara
dilaksanakannya learning benefits of studying beberapa hal” langsung”

proses process there this media) (This learning ( This
pembelajaran” was enthusiasm could trained in synchronous
(Synchronous because managing time learning was
learning was not knowledge because it quite enough to
boring which must be taught teach honesty
was very helpful obtained) discipline such because it
in carrying out as preparing cannot be
the learning some things) discussed
process) directly)
Students “Pembelajaran “Selama proses “Media ini ingin “Pembelajaran “Pembelajaran
secara pembelajaran dipelajari karena ini tidak dapat synchronous ini
13 synchronous ini adanya sebagai calon guru mengajarkan kurang
cukup semangat yang harus mengerti IT” manajemen mengajarkan
membosankan di rasakan (This media wanted waktu karena kejujuran
yang mana karena to be studied fleksibilitas karena jawaban
hanya menatap pembelajaran because as a pembelajaran bisa di cari dari
layar laptop ini bisa candidate of teacher dapat diikuti internet”
dengan waktu menghemat must must be secara spontan” ( This
yang lama” uang seperti professional in (This learning synchronous
(Synchronous tidak perlu ke using IT could not teach learning did not
learning was kampus” (Information time teach honesty
quite boring, (During this Technology) management because
which was just learning because the answers could
staring at the process there flexibility of be found on the
laptop screen was enthusiasm learning could internet)
for a long time) that was felt be followed
because this spontaneously)
learning could
save money
like not having
to go to

Students “Pembelajaran “Selama proses “Media ini ingin “Pembelajaran “Pembelajaran

secara pembelajaran dipelajari agar tidak ini tidak bisa synchronous ini
14 synchronous ini kurang adanya ada kendala dalam melatih waktu kurang
cukup motivasi karena pembelajaran” karena waktu mengajarkan
membosankan materi yang di (This media wanted sering di kejujuran
yang mana sampaikan to be studied so that abaikan” karena bisa
hanya menatap tidak dengan there were no (This learning berdiskusi dan
layar laptop cara yang obstacles in could not jawaban bisa di
tanpa ada menarik” learning) manage time cari dari
interaksi secara (During this because the internet”
langsung” learning time ignorence) (This
(Synchronous process there synchronous
learning was was lack of learning did not

quite boring motivation teach honesty
which was just because the because it could
staring at the material given discuss and
laptop without not in an answers be
any interaction) attractive way) found from the
Students “Pembelajaran “ Selama proses “Media ini ingin “Pembelajaran “Pembelajaran
ini cukup pembelajaran dipelajari karena ini tidak bisa synchronous
15 membosankan kurang adanya banyaknya manfaat melatih waktu tidak
seperti materi motivasi karena dari karena waktu mengajarkan
hanya di materi yang di mempelajarinya sering di kejujuran
sampaikan sampaikan media ini” abaikan” karena
melalui satu dominan (This media wanted (This learning memberikan
media saja dan menggunakan to be studied could not train kesempatan
kurang ada media power” because of the many to manage time yang besar
variasi dalam ( During the benefits of studying because the untuk berbuat
media” learning this media) time ignorance) kecurangan”
( This learning process there ( Synchronous
was quite boring was a lack of learning did not
like the material motivation teach honesty
only delivered because the because it
through a media material provided a big
and less variety conveyed was opportunity for
in the media) dominantly cheating)
using power
Students “Pembelajaran “Adanya “Media ini ingin “Pembelajaran “Pembelajaran
ini tidak semangat yang dipelajari karena ini dapat synchronous
16 membosankan di rasakan banyaknya manfaat melatih waktu bisa
karena di karena dari karena mengajarkan
sampaikan pembelajaran mempelajarinya mengajarkan kejujuran
melalui media ini media ini” disiplin seperti karena diawasi
yang bervariasi” menggunakan (This media wanted mempersiapkan secara langsung
(This learning zoom yang to be studied beberapa hal” melalui via
was not boring mana aplikasi because of the many (This learning zoom”
because ini sangat benefits of studying could trained (Synchronous
material was menarik untuk this media) in managing learning could
conveyed dipelajari” time because it teach honesty
through various ( There was a taught because it was
media) feeling of discipline such supervised
enthusiasm as preparing directly through
because this some things) via zoom)
learning used
zoom which
was a very

application to
Students “Pembelajaran “Selama proses “Media ini ingin “Pembelajaran “Pembelajaran
synchronous ini pembelajaran dipelajari agar tidak ini dapat synchronous
17 tidak ini adanya ada kendala dalam melatih waktu cukup
membosankan motivasi karena pembelajaran” karena cukup mengajarkan
karena materi pembelajaran (This media wanted mengajarkan kejujuran
disampaikan ini bisa to be studied so that kedisiplinan karena
dengan cara menghemat there were no dalam pembelajaran
yang menarik” uang dan obstacles in mempersiapkan ini melatih
( Synchronous diakses dari learning) diri” tanggung
learning was not manapun” (This learning jawab”
boring because (During this could trained in (Synchronous
the material was learning managing time learning was
delivered in an process there because it was enough to teach
interesting way) was motivation enough to teach honesty because
because this discipline in this learning
learning could preparing trained
save money and myself) responsibility)
accessed from
Students Pembelajaran “Selama “Media “Pembelajaran “Pembelajaran
secara pembelajaran pembelajaran ini ini tidak bisa synchronous ini
18 synchronous ini ini tidak adanya ingin dipelajari melatih kurang
cukup semangat supaya bisa mengatur mengajarkan
membosankan karena mengaplikasikannya waktu karena kejujuran
karena adanya pembelajaran dengan benar” waktu sering di karena bisa
batasan secara online (This learning abaikan” berdiskusi dan
komunikasi” ini kurang media wanted to be (This learning jawaban bisa di
(This menyenangkan studied so that it could not train cari dari
synchronous ” could be applied time because internet”
learning was (During this correctly) the time (This
quite boring learning there ignorance) synchronous
because there was no learning did not
was a enthusiasm teach honesty
communication because online because it could
limitation) learning was discuss and
not fun) answers could
be found from
the internet)
Students “Pembelajaran “Selama proses “Media ini ingin “Pembelajaran “Pembelajaran
secara pembelajaran dipelajari agar tidak kurang bisa synchronous ini
19 synchronous ini ini kurang ada kendala dalam melatih kurang
cukup adanya pembelajaran” mengatur mengajarkan
membosankan motivasi karena (This media wanted waktu karena kejujuran
yang mana adanya batasan to be studied so that memberikan karena jawaban

hanya menatap interaksi” there were no kesempatan bisa di cari dari
layar laptop (During this obstacles in untuk menjadi internet”
dengan waktu learning learning) tidak disiplin” ( This
yang lama” process there (This learning synchronous
(Synchronous was lack of can be less able learning did not
learning was motivation to train time teach honesty
quite boring because because it because
which was just limitations of provides an answers could
staring at the interaction) opportunity to be found on the
laptop screen undisciplined) internet)
for a long time)
Students “Pembelajaran “ Selama proses “Media ini ingin “Pembelajaran “Pembelajaran
secara pembelajaran dipelajari karena ini dapat tidak synchronous
20 synchronous ini kurang adanya bisa membantu bisa melatih kurang bisa
cukup motivasi karena terlaksananya waktu karena mengajarkan
membosankan tidak adanya pembelajaran jarak tuntutan dalam kejujuran
yang mana aktifitas yang jauh” pembelajaran karena jawaban
hanya menatap menyenangkan (This media wanted ini tidak besar” bisa di ambil
layar laptop seperti games to be studied (This learning dari internet”
dengan waktu atau kuis“ because it could could not be (Synchronous
yang lama” (During this help the able to train in learning did not
(Synchronous learning implementation of managing time teach honesty
learning was process there distance learning) because the because the
quite boring was a lack of requirement in answers could
which was just motivation this learning be taken from
staring at the because there were not large) the internet)
laptop screen was no fun
for a long time) activities such
as games or
Students “Pembelajaran “Selama proses “Media “Pembelajaran “Pembelajaran
secara pembelajaran pembelajaran kurang bisa synchronous
21 synchronous ini ini kurang iniingin dipelajari melatih tidak
cukup adanya karena bisa mengatur mengajarkan
membosankan motivasi karena menambah ilmu” waktu karena kejujuran
yang mana sering merasa (This learning memberikan karena
hanya menatap jenuh” media wanted to be kesempatan memberikan
layar laptop (During this studied because untuk menjadi kesempatan
dengan waktu learning could added tidak disiplin” yang besar
yang lama” process there knowledge) ( This learning untuk berbuat
(Synchronous was a lack of was less able to kecurangan”
learning was motivation due train in ( Synchronous
quite boring to mundane managing time learning did not
which was just activity) because it teach honesty
staring at the provided an because it
laptop screen opportunity to provided a big

for a long time) undisciplined) opportunity for
Students “Pembelajaran “Selama proses “Media ini ingin “Pembelajaran “ Pembelajaran
ini pembelajaran dipelajari karena ini tidak bisa synchronous
22 membosankan ini kurang suatu kebutuhan melatih waktu tidak
karena adanya adanya dalam proses karena waktu mengajarkan
interaksi yang motivasi karena pembelajaran” sering di kejujuran
terbatas dan adanya batasan (This media wanted abaikan” karena
kendala jaringan interaksi” to be studied (This learning memberikan
yang membuat (During this because of a need in could not train kesempatan
penyampaian learning the learning in managing besar untuk
materi menjadi process there process) time because bersikusi
tidak maksimal” was lack of time ignorence) dengan yang
(This learning motivation lain”
was boring because ( Synchronous
because limited limitations of learning did not
interaction and interaction) teach honesty
problem because it
network that provided a big
made the opportunity to
delivery of discuss with
material not others)
Students “Pembelajaran “Selama proses “Media ini ingin “pembelajaran “Pembelajaran
secara pembelajaran dipelajari karena ini cukup bisa ini kurang
23 synchronous ini ini adanya adanya manfaat melatih waktu mengajarkan
cukup motivasi karena yang bisa di karena adanya kejujuran
membosankan materi di dapatkan” tuntutan untuk karena adanya
karena materi sampaikan (This media wanted mempersiapkan peluang untuk
disampaikan menggunakan to be studied diri” membuka
dengan cara pengabunggan because of the (This learning internet”
monoton” kedua media benefits that could was enough to (This learning
(Synchronous yang mana be obtained) train time did not teach
learning was adanya aktifitas because of the honesty because
quite boring menyenangkan requirement to there was an
because the seperti games prepare opportunity to
material was dan kuis” ourself) search the
delivered in ( During this internet)
monotonous learning
way) process there
was motivation
because the
material was
delivered using
a combination
of the two

media where
there were fun
activities such
as games and
Students “Pembelajaran “Selama proses “Media ini ingin “Pembelajaran “Pembelajaran
secara pembelajaran dipelajari supaya ini tidak bisa ini kurang
24 synchronous ini ini adanya tidak ada hambatan melatih mengajarkan
cukup motivasi karena yang terjadi selama mengatur kejujuran
membosankan materi proses waktu karena karena bisa bisa
karena materi disampaikan pembelajaran” memberikan berdiskusi
disampaikan dengan cara (This media wanted peluang dengan yang
dengan cara yang menarik” to be studied so that menjadi tidak lainnya”
ynag monoton” (During this there were no disipline” (This learning
(Synchronous learning obstacles that occur ( This learning did not teach
learning was process there during the learning could not train honesty because
quite boring was motivation process) to manage time it could be
because the because the because it discuss with
material was material was provides others)
delivered in conveyed in an opportunities to
monotonous interesting way) be
way) undisciplined)
Students “Pembelajaran “Selama proses “Media ini ingin “Pembelajaran “ Pembelajaran
ini pembelajaran dipelajari supaya ini kurang bisa synchronous
25 membosankan ini adanya bisa diaplikasikan mengajarkan mengajarkan
karena menatap motivasi karena dengan baik tanpa melatih waktu kejujuran
layar laptop atau materi adanya hambatan” karena karena waktu
handphone disampaikan (This media wants pembelajaran yang diberikan
dalam waktu menggunakan to be studied so that bisa diikuti terbatas
yang lama” media yang it can be applied secara spontan, sehingga
( This learning menarik“ properly without sehingga ada mengajarkan
was boring (During this problem) rasa malas kemandirian”
because looking learning dalam bersiap- ( Synchronous
at the laptop process there siap” learning taught
screen or was motivation This learning is honesty because
hanpdhone for a because the less able to the time given
long time) material was teach in was limited so
delivered using managing time that it taught
interesting because independence)
media) learning could
so there was a
sense of
laziness in


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