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I ‫ هندسة صحية‬/‫اسم المقرر‬ ‫ كلية الهندسة‬-‫جامعة بنغازي‬

CE 467 /‫رمز المقرر‬ ‫قسم الهندسة المدنية‬

‫ ساعتان‬/‫زمن االمتحان‬ ‫فرج المبروك‬.‫ا د‬/‫أستاذ المقرر‬
18/06/2022 :‫تاريخ‬SECOND MIDTERM EXAM
Answer all Questions:
(a) Differentiate between the sterilization, chlorination and
disinfection processes, and Explain “Break Point Chlorination” in
chlorination processes.What are advantages of this method ? Draw the
curve with details.
(‫ )ب‬.‫ متر مكعب‬16000 ‫في محطة معالجة مياه استخدم الكلور لتطهير المياه بدفق يومي يبلغ‬
‫ أوجد مقدار جرعة الكلور المضافة‬.‫ كيلو جرام من الكلور في اليوم‬6 ‫إذا تم استخدام‬
(c) Briefly mention the methods used for water disinfection, which one
is common used in water distribution systems. Why?
(d) Determine the needed contact time for disinfectant to kill 99.99 % of
microorganisms if the death rate of microorganisms is 0.06 per second.
Hint: t = - ( 1/k) log (N/No) , where N= number of living
microorganisms at time t , No = number of living microorganisms at
time t = 0
(a) A semi-permeable membrane separates a mineral-free water from a
water that contains the following impurities:
Impurite Concentration, mg/L
CaCl2 2
MgCl2 2
Na2SO4 3
Determine the osmotic pressure that would be required across this semi-
permeable membrane at a temperature of 20oC.
HINT: Posm.= C.R.T Where, C = molar concentration of impuries.
R = universal gas const. = 0.082 Latm/mole.k
Ca++ = 40 , Mg++ =24.30 ,Na = 23 , Cl- = 35.45 , S = 32 ,O = 16 .
.‫لتر) ÷ الوزن الجزئي لأليون‬/‫= درجة تركيز األيون (ملجم‬M ‫درجة تركيز الموالرية‬
State the different techniques used for water desalinations? Which )b(
type of this technique you recommended from point view of economic
?and practicability
(c) Mention at least four parameters that must be considered when
selecting desalination technology processes .
.Indicate merits and demerits of Reverse Osmosis process )a(
What approximate osmotic pressure would be created across a semi )b(
permeable membrane if water containing 0.01 M Na2SO4, 0.01 M
MgCl2, and 0.03 M CaCl2 were placed on one side of the membrane and
?distilled water were on the o ther side
T = temp. = 20ºC
(c) A wastewater treatment plant disharge an effluent with flow rate
of 250000 m3/d to near by river with BOD5 of 7 mg/L.The BOD5 of
the effluent of wastewater was measured as 75 mg/L and the BOD5
at downstream in the river was measured as 16 mg/L. Determine the
river flow rate in m3/s ?
Hint: Pm( 1+ ( Qr /Qw )=Pw + Pr ( Qr /Qw ) all Qs in m3/s

(a) The molar concentration of the major ions in a brackish groundwater
supply are as follows:
Na+ 0.02 Cl- 0.01
++ -
Mg 0.001 HCO3 Missing
++ -
Ca 0.01 NO3 0.02
+ --
K 0.005 SO4 0.01
Reverse osmosis process was used to desalinate the water. The osmotic
pressure was measured as 2.5 atm. Determine themissing biccarbonate
ion concentration in (mg/L) at a temperature of 20oC.
(‫ به ماء على ارتفاع )ب‬،‫ متر‬0.50 ‫استخدم مسحوق تبييض لتطهير بئر جوفي نصف قطره‬
.‫لتر‬/‫ ملجم‬60 ‫ أوجد كمية مسحوق التبييض(جرام) المطلوبة لوضع جرعة تعادل‬.‫ثالثة أمتار‬
31 ‫علمًا بأن تركيز الكلور في المسحوق يساوي‬%.
(c ) “Solar distillation could ideally suit distillation plants”. Discuss this
statement indicating advantages and limitations of this method.
(‫ما هي خطوات المعالجة المسبقة التي يجب أن تجرى قبل أن يتم إدخال المياه الخام إلى نظام )د‬
‫أرسم مخطط لهذه المعالجة و المواد المستخدمة فيها‬.‫وحدة التقطير‬.

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