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This year was very interesting for me and very filled with lots

of memories. I have learned a lot and got taught a lot this year.
Not just about school subjects but about life and decision
making. I have taught myself to mature and to not be so
childish as I was before. What I liked about this year is getting to
know who my friends were actually and who weren’t, my mom
has always told me before I entered high school that ‘’once you
get to high school your closest friends who you think are your
closest friends will change up on you’’ and she was right once
again. I may have not had the best year but what I have learned
this year is watch out for who your real friends are and who
your fake friends are. What I have liked about this year is that I
have also gotten closer to the people who were always there for
me since the beginning. This year was filled with lots of joy,
downfalls, and a little bit of drama. What I’m hoping for next
year is that I can stay away from the big crowds and the drama
that people like to get in. I have grown out of that and realized
that it’s all for no reason. I have also learned that why be in
drama and keep talking about it when soon I will be graduating,
and I will not see them again. Unless they come across my path
in the future. I really hope next year goes good for me, but also
stressing because it is the hardest year. But this year was filled
with great memories with my favorite people. Also, this year’s
classes that I had were very good to, there wasn’t one that I
didn’t like. But now from sophomore year to junior year. I am
very excited to see what next year has in store for me, and I
can’t wait to see what comes to happening. The end.

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