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Student Satisfaction with Binghamton Universitys educational system A survey analysis by Amanda Kohn Last week, a survey was

sent out to numerous students asking their opinions on rational tuition, political ideology, and satisfaction with Binghamton Universitys educational system. As respondents answered the survey, the results were not only shocking, but interesting as well. Out of 401 respondents, 48.4% claimed that Binghamton University was their first choice for college. On the other hand, 51.6% of the respondents claimed that another university was their top choice. (See figure 1 below) As an out-of-state student, I think that Binghamton University not only offers a reasonable tuition, but Binghamton is listed on U.S. News Best Colleges 2012. This may seem great to any potential student applying for admittance into the university, but when current students were asked how satisfied they were with Binghamton, the results were shocking (the results are shown in Figure 1 below). Out of the 182 respondents (their first choice college was SUNY Binghamton) who actually answered the question, How satisfied are you with your education at Binghamton University 83.5% of students were satisfied (very and somewhat satisfied) with their education. When the respondents whose first choice school was not SUNY Binghamton answered the same question, (192 respondents in total) 76.6% were either very or somewhat satisfied with their education. In contrast, 7.1% of respondents are not satisfied with their first choice colleges education and 9.9% of respondents are not satisfied with their education (these students did not chose Binghamton as their first choice school).
Binghamton University as first choice school? Yes= 194 R No= 207 R Total=401R Very satisfied Somewhat satisfied Indifferent Somewhat Dissatisfied Very dissatisfied Dont Know No response given 12 R 15 R 27 R

70 R 49 R 119 R

82 R 98 R 180 R

14 R 24 R 38 R

11 R 14 R 25 R

2R 5R 7R

3R 2R 5R

Figure1: Satisfaction with Binghamton University Education among Students Who Chose Binghamton University (R=respondents)

As the survey continued, respondents were asked the question, What would most help you be more satisfied with Binghamton education? Wider course selection (40.7%) was the most common answer whereas better textbooks (1.9%) were the least common response. The most interesting answer was decreased costs (30.5%) because Binghamton University can be considered a university with reasonable tuition, especially for out-of-state residents like me. In addition to these options, 14.8% of respondents believe that more faculty would improve student satisfaction. Other responses to the question are smaller classes (9.2%) and nothing, its perfect here (2.9%). Even though a decent number of students are satisfied with their education,

something can always be improved.

Total Wider Course Selecti on 151 R More Better Decreased Smaller Nothing. No Other faculty textbooks costs classes Its response perfect given here 55 R 7R 113 R 34 R 11 R 3R See list below

374 R

Figure 2: Improving the Satisfaction among Students (R=respondents)

As Figure 3 demonstrates, there were a lot of other ways in which Binghamton University can be improved in order for students to be more satisfied with their education. Among the responses include a better math department, more minor options, and better advising. The most fascinating response could be identified as Handle shit better. The fucking athletic scandal? Give me a fucking break.Out of all of the responses to other, this can be seen as the most vulgar and even the most ridiculous response. That though, is the definition of public opinion; the ability to express ones views through polls and surveys without being penalized for ones response. This answer exemplifies the respondents views not only on athletics, but his/her overall satisfaction with the way the university handles scandals. Binghamton University will never be able to completely satisfy all of its students; however, this survey shows that a decent number of students are satisfied (79.9% in total) with the universitys education.
-and a better math department -Better advising and connection to students -Better course material (what we learn) -Better dining hall food get rid of sodexo -Better facilities, More competent student body, etc... -Better Faculty -better instructors in certain classes or departments -Better philosophy and math departments in general. Ranked 90?? WTF? -better professors -better teachers -Bigger classes -cheaper textbooks and more faculty so that it is easier to get into your desired class -Classes that cater to specific career aspirations, and not simply arbitrary courses that bear credit. -Counseling on schedules in respect to time/expected graduation date -Easier scheduling -fix HDEV, its shit -gen eds waste time, more gen eds for science field, so if someone who is good in science and bad in writing essays isnt punished, so like have science classes that give writing credits, get it? -Handle shit better. The fucking athletic scandal? Give me a fucking break. -More available class times -more classes more often to make it easier to have a good schedule -More courses, more faculty (better faculty) -more financial aid for those who need it -More Minor options. -more staff, such as TA's , lab instructors -More weekend activities...alternatives to partying. -No TA's or graduate students teaching courses. -Not more faculty, but replace the professors with bad reviews -Professors that focus more on teaching and less on research. -Quality of some faculty -some large courses are offered only spring or fall, they should be offered both -Specifically for this semester, I feel the course selection is limited, especially for courses required for my major. -wider course selection too, more faculty in the ARTS

Figure 3: Respondents Answers to Other

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