Atentication & Authorization

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4/30/24, 8:48 PM ChatGPT

Implementing User Authentication and Authorization in the Local Library Project

1. User Authentication and Registration:

Configuring URLs for Authentication:
In the file of the Local Library project, integrate Django's built-in authentication
python Copy code

# from django.contrib.auth import views as auth_views from django.urls

import path urlpatterns = [ # Other URL patterns... path('accounts/',
include('django.contrib.auth.urls')), # Other URL patterns... ]

Password Hashing and Authentication:

Django handles password hashing and authentication automatically. Upon user registration
or password change, Django securely hashes passwords before storing them in the
database. During login, Django compares the hashed password with the stored hash for
User Sessions Management:
Django manages user sessions seamlessly. Upon login, Django creates a session for the user
and associates a session token with it. Subsequent requests include this token, allowing
Django to identify and authenticate the user throughout the session.
2. User Authorization and Permissions:
Defining Custom Permissions:
Custom permissions can be defined using Django's Permission model to control access to
specific functionalities. These permissions are created in the file of the relevant
python Copy code

# from django.db import models class CatalogPermissions(models.Model):

can_add_book = models.BooleanField(default=False) can_edit_book =
models.BooleanField(default=False) # Add more permissions as needed

Assigning Permissions to Views:

Django's @permission_required decorator restricts access to views based on user
permissions. For instance, restricting access to the add_book view:
python Copy code

# from django.contrib.auth.decorators import permission_required from

django.shortcuts import render @permission_required('catalog.can_add_book') def
add_book(request): # View logic for adding a book return render(request,

Managing User Groups and Roles: 1/2
4/30/24, 8:48 PM ChatGPT

Django's User model supports the creation of custom user roles and groups. User groups are
created and permissions are assigned via the Django admin interface or programmatically:
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# from django.contrib.auth.models import Group, Permission # Create user

groups librarian_group = Group.objects.create(name='Librarian')
librarian_group.permissions.add(Permission.objects.get(name='Can add book'))

Users are assigned to appropriate groups based on their roles, such as assigning a user to
the 'Librarian' group:
python Copy code

# from django.contrib.auth.models import User, Group user =

User.objects.get(username='example_user') user.groups.add(librarian_group)

Scheme for Evaluation:

Implementation of User Authentication: 4 marks

Implementation of User Authorization: 4 marks
Utilization of Django's Built-in Features: 4 marks

This comprehensive approach ensures robust user authentication and authorization mechanisms in the
Local Library project, promoting security and access control throughout the application. 2/2

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