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Describe yourself: Describe your favorite person:

My name is Luisa Fernanda Her/his name is Laura varon

I Live in Medellin, Guayabal He/she lives in Barbosa antioquia
I am 30 years old
I study Commercial She/he is 30 years old
Administration in tdea He/she studies Social Work in
I work in my own tdea
company He/she works in a hospital

What do you do during the week? What does he/she do during the week?
She wakes up at 6:00 AM.
During the week: She wakes up my niece to go to school.
She gets ready and they leave to school at 7:00 AM.
I wake up at 8:00 AM. After dropping her off at school, she does housework
I drink a glass of water. and university work.
I do the home work. At 1:00 PM, she has to pick up my niece and take her
I start making empanadas to sell at the to swimming class.
university. At 4:00 PM, my sister gets ready to go to university at
I sell empanadas from 6:00 PM to 10:00 the Copacabana campus.
PM at the Itagui campus twice a week. She leaves at 10:00 PM and arrives home to rest
I attend training sessions with the
Chamber of Commerce to strengthen my
After leaving the university, I walk home.
I brush my teeth.
I go to sleep at 11:00 PM.
What are they doin

 At the bus stop: there are 4 people are waiting for their bus.
 In the sky: there is An airplane flies overhead.
 In the neighborhood:there are 6 birds soar above the trees.
 On the street:there is A mailman delivers the mail.there is A
man rides his bike. There is A dog and a cat chase each
 In the park: there are Two children play in a tree
house.there is A squirrel scampers up the trunk. there are A
couple in love plays the guitar there is an old man takes a
leisurely stroll.
 Near the park: there is A painter paints a picture. there is A
grandmother brings gifts for her granddaughter's birthday.
There is A student does his English homework.
 there is A robot gives an ice cream cone to a little girl.
 There is A policeman gives food to a stray dog.
 there is A man runs for exercise.
 On the sidewalk: there is A garbage can overflows with
 In a nearby field: there is A family camps out for the
 In a backyard: there is A couple blows bubbles with their
daughter. there are Two children play catch.
 At the lake: there is A person swims with a swan.
 On a bench:there is A woman takes a break from her run.
 On a balcony: there is An adult couple enjoys the view.
 At the kitchen table: there is A student studies with a rabbit
on the table

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