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PUBLIC SC TOPIC “INDIGO” ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I would like to express my special Thanks Of gratitude to my English teacher, #9 \ 4AVAS who gave me the gold en opportunity to do this wonderful project of English on the topic ‘INDIGO’, who also helped me in completing my project. I came to know about so many new things, I am really thankful to them. I would also like to thanks my parents And friends who helped me a lot in finalizing this project within the limited time frame. XII SCIENCE CERTIFICATE | This is to certify that a student) | {Of Class XII “SCIENCE” o /PUBLIC SCHOOL Has successfully completed jhis English project on the Topic “INDIGO” _| under the guidance o: \(ENGLISH TEACHER) during the year '2022-2023.He has taken proper care and | isincerity in completion of his project. All the | iwork related to the project was done bythe | icandidate himself. I certify that this project is upto my | expectations and as per the guidelines | | issued by the CBSE. | TEACHER’S SIGN. Date buuasey a9, in. { ved Os. 0 t o_12/2 ond H natist ond (cus t Luin cetor which wee @ Ost treo ef Qenin tohich Auiord a ell O or hifi Aa hotnn Chand hit a This ot Nas + alked fe edorr Ond St Moseovex, he Gandhi sdhucicd the —Ouoinens ty ists 7 es ccs i ye tH pyovec os Gandhizié politicat Y __Teric Date x disobedience movement auoached a Manatma (andhi tn pvotest “against +the inte meted out im tenan+ fouunnenes sin cham paua )distuct of Binaw —Auuiog Quitich suile , “Day tenamt taumeny ee toyced +n fone indigo - On past of thé stand 6 oben ently under opp eusive ____ Conditions: _ - Ss dnd — pliant ox 4 — ak one_of the items of Tuade. T+ was th aye. or plat _ ned incign — gist yp peas” "inOtoo" Mdus + The Aswalbs Cotted the Topic Date eo wst nit’ meaning “b “blue” = they Just seh cuando “the Noun they doveed the fowmou -h » indigo in Hott of thes fond and hey hove -n Give -the Gaon incyeo os Ta : MuGe +o Ha most __of the foumes Aucide And when Jon Uiade Ond when foume tried ~ @ a the Buitish +hot ome faym ——Joanda —__Qure__not _suttable toy outtivation — ae! indigo they Hhsxeatned +n kill thems i —had loge demama J Fuwope «The dye ——Pxoduct “ tym gro Anata olact had Yo ——saoxk blue caloue cud Bo bye Puoduced in a oon made from Opiuen which Have Sigint blue cal — a louie [CULTIVATION | The thw main stem ot +e Sadjen ___ Cultivation ia. Bingo “weue Nig one R _ Tn the Nit (ystems the @sutish Plante __psaduced —Andieo in tavthd, that they i “af oS _ = ‘o\led - Tr tne rou Ala neck _q_c ontHact catty peaxent CA syott) ur Ao 7 the v —peasent tan compelled n—guoin Jodo. Vc Dy _Topie Date ate” ice is z . Musas i the 31" session of the conquest Ln N », ACK rou Oo Ad. (and hi Met Raye kuna Abublo. 0 step steaenatactive of foxnnesu from CHAM APOHOn —_Loho xequered. buon te ce ond bee tov hunt i moiatuius of tne Indian tots (tendnt ime sa) -thene Gandhi Que Count or poaply Gand He _police Kao \ nor _pugductd befane a Post 12 tohete tne magistrate psu ¢ 4 Popes cd Oo deat The india pla to pus oded the Ptorany _ to_plont indipn insiead. of food. poops | But — ithe Plantation 4.343 __not slik ed” by Hse _- four peal bernie once you plac” io dy Aig —__ wilh ebiogiss ol the minewols aad \ ve The Quitisnew fovced fndian fnwnnens ts os indigo _pecoue move and moe ny a ee ae tbtcause of the aemam nM cunqpe . Th — rod’ Pyonuse Not to setusun _ the Cone. ogpinst a WoL be —_uarth dawn”? | CR F > sR | R te > ° | k | e f He ia , ‘) “This cannot be! applied Gandhi, T_come here +g stemdex humant Loswan £e@wices ty the people of -the Region I Shall make. HE WAS ON HIS WAY TO THE VILAGE WHEN HE WAS SERVED A NOTICE FROM THE BRITISH DISTRICT MAGISTRATE WB HEY COCK, WITH ORDERS To LEAVE CHAMPARAN BY THE NEXT AVAILABIE TRAIN. Date AND Gamben whe amewto Te Rien in THE DISTINCT. THE GrovitmENT aise | weTEVC TED ‘TY OFPCERS Te Lome ine THE imoiee FaRreEe’S Date +old_the fundomentat for thee Schools 1914 the fisut near Metin 4 e_Aecond im Bit hawoo the Hoitid ia Madhuhan To __buidge + the yap | betureen education ond work, —— chool and . 0 . Ing tee inn Pastted OA "0. pas Achoo educaton- iz &trength ond devato HN Cause, +he Government mndde Gondhi_O membew of Go enguiaty Commitee Conctrhited tn Sook inty the ex es committed _b Qand plants . nN OGDOeH the Auomitted ire epost to_stht_giouts ro Onde On Novebe} 24, the Chompavan — AUD cartte om re AgHosuor, DOS | S| a we” Date RAN A TURNING L L _ ID Ls — he sueatied rat civil |_disehedien —— had chimps = the a at, Moueove ha ari ‘d \eOn art Quoane __ Confident. The episode of Masiked OQ ava ___ the __ pits Os well AL the -thinkir fo pe Onats = They came -to stealise” th cesrbaun sugbis inthe Society thay had people to” AupPOxt AX well ___indiived unith fot of cote age Qmd bec Ouoane OF thal stants The chap tes ecules alt ra —Seadessup _AOWwWD. hy Nabbotamea Gong iif to _sctune fustice toy ma tess Cd People thy tenn a? Ou ) av 90” details numewous_events io the ote — of “bandhi which he witnested in cham paxao,— Bia: 9 toaa in 19g +Hhat— Grandi unas app.uoached by o peasant Raykumax shulde, from champawan + He wanitd Gandhi -to visit _champawon and clo — Som ethi for the Condition of peasants thewe Duets ‘his peuistant efforts he was zucceccdil —19_buingi g Gandhi +o Chosnpaxan Often a fern — — month Orn the way to champakan eon _cateutta, Gand, in “ondet ty undewstond the — oer a of share cuoppeu deaded +s meet o Raz endua Puatod, in Patna ard Puetescor | 3 & Kiuelani — Os Muzzopunf _-the__tipne. oondhi eathed chompawan, “the news of pissin’ ot Sion hod Apsiend ike widFse| _ flex seach 4 Shepp punt ann: Jeceunt has — __guahte avel inte divided arty Las ae extote Tne _ ants Came tn @ Cotpth “tp supposed cthe off; seue unable to contro! — the cvoud: As a sesutt , the hat W808 _Poctpened —tnd_t0 attained Gand hi to move _xOUNd freely. i. + ent syeHie tocludi Rapeodua —_Peorad. @sujkishou Babu, Maulana Ma Jas uuHug, —Aiatuvtd in _champasion fo suppott Ganda’ and —tediledl to 90 to fail__with Gandhi _anel_devialee REALIZING THAT IGNORANCE AND MLUTERALY AMONG THE FARMERS HAD made 17 FASY FOR THE “BRITISMERS To ExpLeIT an REPRESS THEm. oe To SET uP volun wes To IMPROVE THE ELonmomics AND EDUCATIONAL CONDITIONS THE PEOME. ty, Topic Date to ao Yo JO tith Gord hifi tt he was derrt \ . ® NOU But Cnandhi siecenved 0 er dartber Communication —-that +he Lieutenant ho had __dsiaped_-the case. this igs the begir at the -bsuitum Oh. of civil disobedience 11 Atte the Gandhi woxked -foy -the economy One Cutt usat devel pment ofthe aueq it He __help esa and Naxhauj Pauikh, the wives, Gandhi wife and hit dong Cond hi openal _{rhoole and +oujht cleankinecs and. £anitotion- A volunteeu doctor Come to impuove se os Atake of health A cuyi pitti gt tea ins nf elf - sreWiance to 4 seh cir the “idea of : Anduews 7A Sadia to fo pir uw Gandhi , 3+ twas a siden — nt eae cca btn seek the help of “an d et thei, ef ort pt aay mba of set ce Sedian independence p . The Poxiti ci pation of the gencial prosant —_£ ideology af non. Violence gays Sheng lt tothe _péasants dos tes ing — to -Coek fis myevennent Ot the Out cons s ot J champasan mov ement fe dedabed as a _auceessful story in dhe hertory cof peasant — moucnent Sip nda: . __ athe Champarian .&at wyagscaha torll aloorde ge ____ siemens ay the CU Gal Stevi ng - LD: foy the fist Lime ed peasants tp the national movements an assured foy Ube attimate Success of he As we obsciwe the cert of the event, one twond eu how paang fribut< _ Could be Adequate toy be Stn fisumnes < And deteuminerion shown bandhi and the Un wmesi ance roses by th _Obpsessed Chanypasian 42 eacrnts cal: at et wre al “Koy kupnass_shukla + - He ie isa peta ant_in-chonnpa~ = 08nd in tenled_by ne thee cua pieg 3 Gondhi Ti i He visited Chameauan on the seGuect of Ragkumax Shukla: He spent almost 4 “ n t z - Dusyj A _ he _suermoved the Puoblems of shawervopping 8. Eduard Gail ‘= He was 4: Govesines of the psiovince- He _o¥dened to dune case O19 aunet Coordi — | Y. Kaptkumas ic Qs0 tates became the piecdent of indian ___ Natigmas congue and ato ef Sndiq “SOP. Anduige 204 i He was On English Pacifist _ nnd devoted Jfoltousen of fhondhi{! + tie —— tn 7 ang th s1Qy cham patan nd. help —“handhi_gi but —Cranhipi_ opposed rt: « W90" _ dusseminates O stro —_Aelf -welianre One must sel t n yO, a Oo Pi 1 WA hisia, Atte that pasted. Non-Violent $ fe] pe Osted the Lape x Firtase coe OvEm Hes co truth = £Otyagaha ts gnctheu tor civil Michhedience . Patience, pesrevenence Ond deteurynatinn 0 help one -to ovexrome QU odd, Ond OAdvemiitec. name

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