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4197/24, 753. AM Updates New Style Refs and the return of free GPU hours Hi everyone, two quick announcements 1) We're releasing 2 new algorithms for style references plus a new ‘versioning’ feature The latest version of the style reference algorithm (now default) is more precise and works for both MJ V6 and Niji V6 You can set the version of your style reference algorithm with | --sv © There are 4 options to chose from: * --sv 1 The original style reference algorithm we released with © --sv 2. The one that was default up until today --sv 3. Anew version of sv1 with better performance and more ‘vibey’ than sv2 --sv 4 Anew version of sv2 that with improved performance (this is default) 2) We are turning back on free GPU hours for image rating. © The top 2000 raters every day get 1 free fast GPU hour Do image ranking here: These ratings help improve our algorithms, populate the explore page, and also will be used for upcoming model personalization features Ranking goes fastest if you use the 1/2 hotkeys on PC or use it on mobile Please take rankings seriously. We've deployed a new bot detection & abuse systems. Using bots for ranking or mashing random buttons over and over may result in your account being banned. Don't do it! Hope everyone enjoys the new releases. Thanks! htips:www.migjourey.comfupdates wr 4117/24, 753. AM March 21, 2024 New 730M 89 change tog March 18, 2024 New 11:29AM Announcement htips:www.migjourey.comfupdates Updates New Updates Page Meature © Added the /updates page to stay appraised of the latest announcements, gallery changes and Office Hours directly on the website, * Added simple control over which category of updates you want to see in the main feed and receive pings about. -sref Rolling back Niji update We found a major bug with the new -sref for niji so we've rolled that back to the old version, The new sref is still available for normal v6. an 4117/24, 753. AM March 15, 2024 New 5:30 AM Announcement hps:hwww.migjourey.comlupéstes Updates Style Ref v2 Hi everyone, we're releasing v2 of the “style reference” feature today. It should be much more precise about understanding style and it should be much better at not ‘leaking’ non-style stuff into your images. ‘We've also improved the way the weight parameter -- su works t09, so that it's more meaningful and also has aa bigger range. What are style references again? Style references give you the ability to reference the style of, another image or to keep a consistent style across many images. It's similar to image prompts but focuses solely on the style How do | use it again? To use a style reference, type --sref URL after your prompt with a url to an image. To increase the influence of the style, apply a style weight (_--sw ) that is closer to 1000. To diminish the power of the style, set the weight closer to --sw © (default is 100). You may add multiple style references as well Here's a quick silly example using a crayon drawing as a reference. Anyway we hope you have fu an 4117/24, 753. AM March 13, 2024 New 5:30AM Announcement htips:www.migjourey.comfupdates Updates Halting free-gpu rewards Hey @everyone @here we need to halt our free-gpu rewards for image-ranking until further notice due to extensive automation / abuse. Image ranking powers our front-page and helps us improve our algorithms, but a large group seems to be abusing it for free hours (perhaps as much as 50%) and it's starting to hurt our systems. So basically, we're moving from a reward system based to a system based on altruism and fun to see what happens. If you want to do ranking to find new prompts or images, or to help improve our algorithms, or help populate the frontpage, go ahead, we love you for it! If you're looking for free hours, we're not doing it anymore, since it seems to be incentivizing bad behaviour. We hope this helps us get better data, improve our models and make the explore page amazing ur team is also working on new special features like model personalization that will use your rating data, so your hard ‘work will hopefully pay off in the form of new abilities Thanks for understanding and for being a part of this amazing community @ an 4117/24, 753. AM March 12, 2024 New 5:30AM Announcement htips:www.migjourey.comfupdates Updates Introducing Character References Hey everyone we're testing a new "Character Reference” feature today This is similar to the “Style Reference" feature, except instead of matching a reference style it tries to make the character match a "Character Reference” image How it works © Type. --cref unt after your prompt with a URL to an image of a character * You can use --cw to modify reference ‘strength from 100 to0 © strength 100 ( --cw 108 ) is default and uses the face, hair, and clothes © Atstrength 0 ( --cw @ ) it'll just focus on face (good for changing outfits / hair ete) What it's meant for * This feature works best when using characters made from Midjourney images. It's not designed for real people / photos (and will likely distort them as regular image prompts do) © Cref works similarly to regular image prompts except it “focuses! on the character traits © The precision of this technique is limited, it won't copy exact dimples / freckles / or tshirt logos. 37 4117/24, 753. AM hps:hwww.migjourey.comlupéstes Updates * Cref works for both Niji and normal MJ models and also. can be combined with | --sref Advanced Features * You can use more than one URL to blend the information /characters from multiple images like this --eref uRLa URL2_ (this is similar to multiple image or style prompts) How does it work on the web alpha? * Drag or paste an image into the imagine bar, it now has three icons. selecting these sets whether itis an image prompt, a style reference, or a character reference. shift+click an option to use an image for multiple categories. or 4117/24, 753. AM March 07, 2024 New 5:30AM Announcement htips:www.migjourey.comfupdates Updates Remember, while MJ V6 is in alpha this and other features may change suddenly, but V6 official beta is coming soon. We'd love everyone's thoughts in ‘We hope you enjoy this early release and hope it helps you play with building stories and worlds Launching V6 Turbo Hey everyone we're launching V6 Turbo tonight! What is it? * Turbo mode jobs go 3.5X faster at 2x the cost (~10 second vs ~35 seconds) * These run on the fastest possible GPU machines (that's, why it's both faster / more expensive) * It’s great for groups, public events, whenever you're in a rush or have the ‘need for speed’ How to use it / how does it work * Type /turbo andalll your /imagine jobs will go 3.5X faster (at 2X fast-minute gpu cost) * Turbo mode currently supports regular /inagine vary and remix jobs (but not sref yet) * Any jobs not supported as turbo jobs run as normal jobs (at regular cost) It's pretty wild do have V6 at 3.5x the speed. Enjoy and have fun! @ a"

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