Eng112 G1 Assignment 1

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Prepared by: Tran Khanh Linh – 21073146

Le Hoang Hai – 21073114
Nguyen Hoang Minh – 21073260
Nguyen Duy Khoa – 21073376
A student from: International School - Vietnam National University
Prepared for: Ms. Bui Hoai Huong– Lecturer in College English at
International School – Vietnam National University


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Prepared by: Tran Khanh Linh – 21073146

Le Hoang Hai – 21073114
Nguyen Hoang Minh – 21073260
Nguyen Duy Khoa – 21073376
A student from: International School - Vietnam National University
Prepared for: Ms. Bui Hoai Huong– Lecturer in College English at
International School – Vietnam National University

December 2022

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SUMMARY …………………………………………………………………….....4

INTRODUCTION ………………………………………………………………. 5

FINDINGS ………………………………………………………………………..6

I. Data collection…………………………………………………………………6
II. Data analysis…………………………………………………………………...6


APPENDICES ………………………………………………………………….. 12

BIBLIOGRAPHY ……………………………………………………………… 15

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• This report was to describe classmate’s choice of undergraduate major for Bachelor of science
in Management.
• The investigation was done by Khanh Linh, Hoang Hai, Hoang Minh and Duy Khoa.
• The report would be based on a survey, which contained questionnaires and interviews.
• From the survey it can be inferred that 58.3% of students are satisfied with their current major
and 41.7% of them are not.
• The recommendations are that students need to think carefully about choosing a major, try to
pursue a major or retake the exam to change to a major that is right for them.

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The purpose of this report is to analyze classmate's choice of undergraduate major. The report
is based on 3 main criteria, which are: the students' reasons for choosing their current major;
their post-graduation plans and their satisfaction with the major.

This survey was conducted with the participation of 24 members of class ENG112 G1. The data
will be taken from the results of the survey as well as the interview that our team has set and

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I. Data collection

1. Questionnaires

To find out the student's assessment of the choice of major, the questionnaire was used as a data
tool for the report. Questionnaires include:

• Is your current major your favorite?

• What made you choose this major?

• Satisfaction with current major

• What is your plan after graduation?

• Is your plan related to your current major?

The questionnaire was sent to 24 participants on November 24, 2022. It took participants about
3 minutes to complete their survey. Soon after, 5 questionnaires were collected by our group.

2. Interviews

To get more data for the report, we did an interview with some of the students in the class. There
are 3 students participating in the interview, each person's interview time is about 2 minutes.
Questions for the interview include:

• Satisfaction with current major.

• Reasons for their choice of current major.

• Plan after graduation.

II. Data analysis

1. Questionnaires

From the survey that consisting of 5 questionnaires, we have analyzed the data from 24 different
respondents' responses.

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For the first questionnaire, 58.3% of the participants were interested in their current major and
41.7% answered the opposite. The second questionnaire shows the percentage of people who
chose one of the four reasons. ''According to the wishes of the parents'' is the most chosen reason
by the participants with 37.5%. In contrast, “Failed major aspirations'' is the reason that
participants choose at least about 12.5%. In addition, the number of candidates who chose
"Favorite major" is 33.3%, the remaining 16.7% participants chose the answer "choose

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The third questionnaire asked participants to rate their satisfaction with their current major from
1 to 10. As expected, no one chose number 1, which also means that they are not satisfied with
their current major. In the chart, the majority of votes are equal. For example, the numbers
3,4,5,6 account for 12.5% and the numbers 2,8,10 account for 8.3%. Number 7 topped all
numbers and reached 20.8% but number 9 was the lowest with only 4.2% of votes.

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Questionnaire 4 discussed their future plans. The report has received many interesting and
humorous responses from the participants. The two answers that got the same highest
percentage are "Unknown" and "Don't know yet". Besides, many participants have different
answers such as tutoring, marriage, job interview, management, job application, marketing
director, internship and business. Statistically, the final questionnaire shows the number of
individuals who consider whether their future plans are related to their current major. According
to the survey, 58.3% of students think that their plan is related to their current major, and 41.7%
have a reserved opinion.

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2. Interviews

After the interview, the three participants all gave different answers. 2 students feel quite
satisfied with their current major and the other is not. Everyone gave different reasons for
choosing a major, some answered that they studied according to their parents' wishes and others
studied for fun. And of course, the third student has no future plans, on the contrary, the other
two have their own plans such as working for a family company or becoming a manager.

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Overall assessment: After the survey and interview process, we can see that most of the students'
choice of majors comes from two factors, subjective and objective. However, according to the
above statistics, the satisfaction rate of classmates with the current major is quite low. Besides,
the survey participants did not have too many plans for their future. They don't know if their
major is useful for their future plans or not. Dissatisfaction with the major can make them
uncomfortable in the process of acquiring knowledge, leading to not planning clearly in the
future. Not only that, studying in the wrong field, and not in the right major also makes them
waste time, even educational resources. According to the research results of a group of experts
from the International School, Vietnam National University, Hanoi, the percentage of graduates
working in other fields is more than 24%. In particular, there are many bachelor majors, the rate
of having to work outside the industry is over 60%.

From these conclusions, it is therefore recommended that:

• If you feel unsatisfied with your major, try to study and retake the exam next year. Or
you can reserve your learning results to develop yourself in a different direction.
• Redefining the mindset of “choosing a career”, you need to have certain plans and goals
to try and above all be satisfied and not regret what you have done and chosen.


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intv 1.mp3 intv2.mp3 intv 3.mp3

1) The first student: "I chose this major because my parents chose it, and at the same time, it was
also the person who oriented my career, moreover, my family has a manager, so I feel secure
studying this major."

2) The second student: “I chose this major because I love it and want to become a good and
successful manager, this is the field that I always aspire to. learn and experience more for my future
and career."

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3) The third student: "I don't know the answer why I chose this industry, I only applied because
many people chose this major. So I just study for fun, to know, I don't care about anything."

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“Bao nhiêu sinh viên ra trường làm trái ngành?” by Nghiem Hue (https://tienphong.vn/bao-

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