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Middle School Full Reports - Summer 2023

Name: Vivaan Gajria

Form: 9MSA

Please find below the interim report for your child for July 2023. This consists of an Attendance Report, a
report from the form tutor and an academic report from each subject teacher.

Attendance Record

Attendance below 95% has a measurable impact upon academic outcomes. If your child’s absence from
school exceeds 5% it is therefore a cause for concern.

April 2023 - July 2023

Present Absence Unauthorised
95.0% 5.00% 0.0%

Authorised absence indicates absence due to illness, medical/dental appointments, religious observance, university
interviews/open days and other authorised circumstances.

Tutor Report - M Andrade

Vivaan has been made great progress this year, showing a strong work ethic in his subjects and receiving
praise from all of his subject teachers. His teachers in French, Spanish, Physics, History and Chemistry
have all given him particularly high praise for his achievements and efforts. Even in Maths, where he
obtained a lower percentage in his end of year assessment, his teacher commented on how this result did
not reflect the great work that Vivaan had done throughout the year. He is always polite and respectful
towards all his teachers and fellow classmates, which is pleasing to see. Finally, in Global Goals Vivaan
has been chosen as the most responsible, hard working and efficient team member in Mrs Hetherington's
Global Goals class, of which I am sure he is very proud. It has been a pleasure to be Vivaan's form tutor
this year and I wish him every success in his GCSEs!

Art Vivaan has worked well in Art this year with both class work and homework being of a high
standard. His foundational skills are good and he has developed these further with
explorations into etching and 3D work producing work which is accurate and considered.
Recent work using skulls as inspiration has seen him explore pattern work with precision. Well

P Davies
Biology Vivaan has improved hugely over the year and this was reflected in his test scores going from
66% at the start of the year to 75% in the end of year assessment. It was fantastic to see his
paper including lots of detail when answering questions on difficult topics such as immunity.
Vivaan has also started contributing more to lessons which is fantastic to see and I hope that
this continues throughout his iGCSE course. I wish him the best of luck, I am confident he has
the ability to do well.

S Saleem
Chemistry Vivaan has done very well for himself this year and made excellent progress. He works quietly
and independently in class but always to a very high level of attainment. He is also a very
good practical chemist who carries out experimental procedures with care and efficiency. He
can improve by learning to correctly describe displacement reactions in terms of electrons
transferred between elements. I wish him a very happy and restful summer break, he has
definitely earned it. Very well done, Vivaan!

B Howarth
Computing Vivaan has made excellent progress in Computing this year and seems to be enjoying the
subject, demonstrating perseverance and dedication. He has tried hard with the development
of his Python skills and has been able to successfully create a number of small programs
using inputs, variables and if, then else statements. Vivaan has learned about cyber threats
and security including hacking, malware and phishing. In data representation he can also
perform binary to denary conversions. Vivaan has done well in his Computing exam
particularly in the topic of Python debugging skills and data representation. Vivaan has been a
pleasure to teach this year.

R Belkacem
Drama Vivaan is a hardworking and conscientious student of Drama, and I have enjoyed the
thoughtful and focused performances that he has given over the course of the year. He works
well with his peers and uses sensitivity and tact to guide rehearsals when necessary. Vivaan's
performance in our recent Theatre in Education project was very convincing and performed
with commitment and energy. Well done!

M Collier
English Vivaan scored 75%, a B grade, in his summer examination, in which he analysed a passage
from Melville's 'Moby Dick' and produced a piece of descriptive writing. Vivaan has written a
good deal of promising work this year, and to capitalise on his efforts, must prepare for the
IGCSEs by reading three or four excellent novels over summer.

L Maxted
French Vivaan has worked hard all year in French. Always attentive in lessons, he has made solid
progress. His summer exams demonstrated excellent understanding and knowledge across
all skills. A positive year overall, well done! A shame he is not continuing with French next

C Desmons
Geography Vivaan has worked well this year in Geography and I have been really pleased with the
progress he has made. His performance in the end of year exam was great, and he should be
happy. It would have been nice for Vivaan's total percentage to have been a little higher, and
to do this, he should consider working on his extended writing. Improving the depth of his
explanations will be helpful here; using a range of academic language and chains of
reasoning will enable this. Overall though, Vivaan has had a great year. Well done.

A Shackleton
Global Goals Vivaan has worked very well in Global Goals this term. For the group project for the Global
Goals fair, his team's name was 'Health is Wealth', assisting people in Somalia with limited
access to healthcare. They created the 'medbox' solution, a portable first aid kit including
relevant medicine and vaccines; Vivaan's role was as a designer, which was very effective,
and he created an excellent video for the project.

A Hetherington
History Vivaan turned in a strong end of year exam script. In particular, his powers of analysis in one
of the two source questions were excellent. In his essay writing he should do more to
organise his points into paragraphs. Some of the information provided spilt beyond the
timeframe set by the question. Vivaan has grown in confidence this year and his contributions
to the classroom discussion are much valued.

B Bladon
Mathematics Vivaan scored 57% (an A grade) in the end of year assessment and it does not surprise me
that he was disappointed with this result. Going forward, areas such as algebraic fractions,
straight line graphs, forming and solving algebraic equation and inverse proportion require
particular focus. That said, Vivaan should be congratulated for excellent work in
Trigonometry, Functions and Ratio. Vivaan's score of 57% is not reflective of all of the
excellent work he has done over the past two years and I would urge him to take heart from
some excellent topic test scores. Exam technique certainly needs to be a focus going forward
and Vivaan would do well to go through those aforementioned topics.

M Devenport

Music Vivaan is a quiet but mature member of the class, with a wide vocabulary. Although he is not
always among those who are prepared to share their opinions, he certainly has the musical
and theoretical vocabulary to do so. This was shown in an essay on postmodernism - I must
admit, I was very impressed by this effort, as he was able to explain, justify, and exemplify
numerous points of view, in what was a very difficult subject area. I hope he continues this
sort of deep, analytical approach in future, as he is clearly very articulate. Well done.

R King
PE Vivaan is a polite and conscientious pupil who is always keen to do well in lessons. Vivaan
has had the opportunity to work on the technical elements of health-related fitness in the
fitness suite, exploring different types of training. We have also covered basketball, invasion
games and have spent time in the pool developing our water skills. We are currently enjoying
the summer sports rotation. He integrates well with the rest of the class and always listens to
the guidance given, displaying a good level of subject knowledge.

M Kochar
Physics Vivaan should be incredibly proud of his attainment throughout this year, ending with an
impressive 95% in the end of year exam. His conscientiousness and consistent effort are
essential parts of his work ethic and have enabled his success this year. Recapping
Astronomy would be a good use of his time as he has consistently lost marks in questions
here. On the other hand, 100% in explanations shows an in-depth understanding of course
content which is excellent. Keep up the hard work!

M Shah
Religion and Philosophy Vivaan has made good progress in Religion and Philosophy. The A grade that he achieved
for the end of year exam was impressive and the result is reflective of his ability in the subject.
He has continued to be focused and engaged in class, offering thoughtful contributions to
class discussion, although I would like to hear these even more often. Wishing him a restful

H Waddington
Spanish Vivaan has made excellent progress this year and has engaged very well in lessons. In his
end of year exam, he demonstrated excellent ability in his listening, reading, and writing skills.
There is, however, still room for improvement in grammar and writing. He should make sure
he extends his writing and uses accurately the simple future and preterite tenses. Targets for
next year would be consolidating the preterite and future tenses (with special attention to
irregular verbs) and keeping on revising Spanish vocabulary for a few minutes a day through
apps like Duolingo or Languagenut. ¡Muy bien!

J Jimenez
Pupil Comments
I think I have made good progress in Physics this year. I have really enjoyed studying forces and motion, and
this has reflected on my EOY exam results. I revised effectively by looking at previous EOY exams. This really
helped me in understanding all of the topics fully, and helped me score high marks in the explanations part of
the exam. I found English the most difficult this year. This is because I wasn't focusing enough towards the start
of the year, which restricted my use of basic analytical skills in pieces of work. Next year, if I pay full attention in
classes, I will end up understanding the subject better and will therefore receive better results in essays and
other pieces of writing. I am proud that I maintained my spot in the cricket A team. I go to training sessions
regularly, and hope that I am improving as a result. In the future, I want to start revising for EOY exams earlier
than I did this year. I will score higher marks, as I can recall more of the content taught throughout the year.

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