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Name: ____________________________ Class Block: ________

DNA Model Project

Your DNA Model will be due: Wednesday, March 13th.

PURPOSE: Your assignment is to use your understanding of DNA and build a Double Helix DNA Model.

MATERIALS: I would suggest using wire or pipe cleaners as a framework, and using beads, candies with holes, foam balls, or
some other item that you can support on the framework to represent sugars, phosphate groups, hydrogen bond, and the
four nitrogenous bases.

GOAL: Make a 3 D model of DNA that includes seven different colors and shapes, and a way to hold them together and
support them. Also, the model must show the helical shape of DNA. Finally, a key must accompany your model. The key
must include your name and a representation of each different part of your model that identifies which structural part it

It should have a minimum of 8 base pairs represented.

Criteria 4 3 2 1
3D DNA model, with at least 8 base
pairs are present, all the
components (sugar, phosphate,
hydrogen bond, 4 nitrogenous
bases) of DNA are presented
Nitrogenous Bases are paired
correctly, and all 4 bases are

Bases attached to correct backbone

molecule in the correct location

The DNA model displays alternating

deoxyribose sugar/ phosphate
groups as the backbone on both
sides of the double helix

All components (deoxyribose,

phosphate group, hydrogen bond,
4 nitrogenous bases) are clearly
labeled and a key/legend is
The 3D model is well organized and
creative. It is easy to recognize as a
model of DNA. Each component is
represented by a different shape or

TOTAL: _________________/18

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