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Lower School Full Reports - Summer 2022

Name: Vivaan Gajria

Form: 8KAB

Please find below the full report for your child for July 2022. This consists of an attendance report, a
report from the form tutor and an academic report from each subject teacher.

Attendance Record

Attendance below 95% has a measurable impact upon academic outcomes. If your child's non-Covid-related
absence from school exceeds 5% it is therefore a cause for concern.

Tutor Report - K Bartlett

Vivaan has had a super year. He has really grown in confidence, which is lovely to see. He is always
cheerful and polite and a pleasure to see in form-time. This is a great set of reports; his teachers have
clearly recognised his efforts and strong performances. Congratulations to Vivaan on getting into the A
team for U13 cricket as well. I look forward to seeing all that Vivaan achieves as he progresses through
the Middle School.

Attendance Record

September 2021 - July 2022

Attendance % Authorised % Unauthorised %
Total Covid-related Non Covid-related
95.86 4.14 2.55 1.59 0.00

Authorised absence indicates absence due to illness, medical/dental appointments, religious observance, university
interviews/open days and other authorised circumstances.
Art Good effort from Vivaan this year. He has proved he could really do well when putting in the
necessary effort. His work is of a good standard and the attention to detail has improved
gradually. His seascape is looking strong and his colour scheme and colour mixing have been
successful. Well done!

C Blanchard-Conner

Exam Grade: N/A

Biology Vivaan has made good progress in Biology this year. He engaged particularly well with Sports
Science and Forensics topics. In order to better his performance, Vivaan should recap the
different types of scientific variables when writing a method for an investigation. He should
also highlight command words in the questions before answering them, and add more
scientific terminology to his explanations.

E Seddaoui
Exam Grade: B
Chemistry Vivaan has been on an upward trajectory all year, steadily improving and demonstrating
increasing levels of attainment. His end of year test mark is in line with his average topic test
score, suggesting that it is the work from earlier topics that he must revisit and improve upon
in order to develop further with this year's content. He is very quiet in class and would be
delighted to be left alone forever, but he must contribute more to class discussion if he wishes
to challenge for top grades. I wish him a happy summer.

B Howarth
Exam Grade: A
Computing Vivaan has worked consistently throughout the year, demonstrating an ability to work
independently and problem-solve in order to become a better programmer. Last term, he
worked on creating a simple App using block-based coding. More recently, Vivaan has learnt
some of the basic programming constructs in Python and has, with some teacher input,
created a number of programs using text-based programming.

K Shah
Exam Grade: N/A
Design Vivaan really enjoyed learning about OnShape this term. He has overcome various
challenges, strengthening his problem-solving skills, and he should be proud of this. He has
produced solid work demonstrating creative talent. His work on his CAD/CAM project showed
pleasing effort. I would like Vivaan to continue to feed his enthusiasm for Design by practising
his learnt skills.

S Whyte
Exam Grade: B
Drama Vivaan continues to bring creativity, commitment and a sense of humour to his work in
Drama, and I was particularly impressed with his bold and detailed Grimms' Tales
performance. He approached our Stage Combat topic with focus and energy and devised
some effective and entertaining sequences. Vivaan collaborates maturely with his peers and
is an asset to any group he works with.

M Collier
Exam Grade: N/A
English Vivaan has worked quietly but consistently this year. In the latter half of the year (and
particularly in recent weeks), he has volunteered his ideas in class discussion a lot more
frequently, which has been heartening to see. I hope he continues to build on this in Year 9.
He achieved a good mark in his end of year examination, which evidences his secure writing

C Lewis
Exam Grade: B
Geography Vivaan has shown good promise in Geography over the last year. He comes to lessons
prepared and has good on-task behaviour. When asked directly he often contributes well but
it would be nice to see him offer knowledge on his own footing. He scored a strong 80% in the
recent end-of-year exam. I hope he realises his writing abilities and grows in confidence into
next year. Well done on an excellent year.

H Harris
Exam Grade: A
History Vivaan has had a generally impressive year in History. Shy at first, he has grown in
confidence as the year has progressed, which has been a real pleasure to witness. His end of
year examination demonstrated that Vivaan is starting to develop the source analysis skills he
will need to develop further as a historian. As a target for next year, he must ensure that he
considers all of the available information about a source in his answers, and not just the
content. Vivaan should also focus on ensuring he always gives a balanced answer. I am sure
he will grow into a most capable historian.

L Goodchild
Exam Grade: B
Latin Vivaan has impressed throughout the year with his methodical, rigorous and positive
approach, making excellent progress. His superb summer exam result was well deserved:
testament to his hard work and some effective revision techniques. While I am sure that he
would have continued to excel in Year 9 Latin, I am also sure that he will apply the many skills
he has developed to his other subjects and I wish him all the best.

E Rothwell
Exam Grade: A
Mandarin Vivaan has been a quiet yet focused member of the class and he has worked quite well in
Mandarin this year. His performance in the end of year exam was a fair reflection of his efforts
and he showed a good level of understanding in the listening and reading sections, although
the writing highlighted a few areas for further consolidation.

B Wu
Exam Grade: A
Mathematics Having taught Vivaan in Year 7 I was well versed in what he brings to the class, which is
plenty of endeavour and enthusiasm. A target for Vivaan at the beginning of the year was to
improve the quality of his presentation and the accuracy of his working. This has been met to
some extent, although, as ever, there is still room for improvement. I have always been
impressed with how he has enjoyed doing the more challenging problems in class and this
was reflected in his end of year paper, in which he tackled many of the challenging multi-step
problems with great aplomb. Areas which require further work include algebraic fluency and
set theory.

M Devenport
Exam Grade: A
Music I have enjoyed seeing Vivaan play a more active role in our lessons of late and to take greater
ownership of the work he puts into practical projects. This resulted in an enjoyable minimalist
piece last term where he helped his group use texture to create variation in the music. This
term saw him use his musicianship to help compose an effective jingle for his group’s
advertising project. Good work!

J Geoghegan
Exam Grade: N/A
PE Vivaan's love for sport is clear and his enthusiasm shines through with every activity we have
covered this year. It has been fantastic to see his positive development within the cricket
section especially, helped by his commitment to training and matches. I look forward to
seeing Vivaan continue to thrive within PE and Games, looking to develop his technical and
tactical awareness in a variety of sports.

G Tidey
Exam Grade: N/A
Physics Vivaan has done very well refining his skills this year. He has worked hard to improve his
understanding across all the topics, though he was most comfortable with the Sound topic,
where he earned an outstanding 91% in the topic test. His 61% in the End of Year exam is a
small step down from those lofty ambitions; he was held back by the quality of his
explanations. There is a need for further exam practice and I would like to see his confidence
grow as he is very able.

M Shah
Exam Grade: B
Religion and Philosophy This term's study of Religion and Philosophy has focused on Sikhism, including its history,
beliefs, practices and modern influence. The end of year exam covered all religions studied
this year (Christianity, Islam and Sikhism). Vivaan's 26/43 (60%) earned him a B grade. He is
certainly capable of achieving an A and should reflect on how to improve, particularly his
explanation and analysis in longer written answers. Vivaan can contribute well in lessons; I
encourage him to do so more frequently in Year 9. I wish him an enjoyable summer holiday.

J Boteler
Exam Grade: B
Spanish Vivaan is an assiduous student who has made a consistent effort in Spanish from the outset.
Diligent and serious about his learning, he revises well for tests and always checks his written
work carefully. Additionally, Vivaan participates well in lessons. He is meticulous and
organised, and works brilliantly both independently and collaboratively. Scoring an impressive
87% in the summer exam is a testatment to his consitent efforts. Well done!

C Desmons
Exam Grade: A

Pupil Comments
In Biology I am contributing more, and I think I am starting to understand the subject better, due to the fact that if
I say something incorrect, the teacher will correct me and my understanding becomes better and clearer. I have
really enjoyed geography this year, because we have focused more on the economic and political features of
geography in China, rather than the natural aspect of Geography; I am also proud that I got an A in my
geography end of year exam. I am also very proud of getting into the A team for the U13 cricket team. I feel like I
am contributing a lot in Spanish, and I also feel like I understand the subject very well. I think to continue
improving I should contribute even more in different subjects, such as english, RSP, physics and chemistry. If I
start contributing more in these subjects, it will increase my knowledge in those areas.

End of year exam grades are awarded based on the performance levels your child performed at regarding eventual
GCSE outcomes. This is based solely on their exam performance this term. These grades are not predictions. Final
GCSE performance may well vary from outcomes earlier in a child’s school career.

Grade Descriptor

A Performance at a level that those pupils eventually scoring an 8 or 9 grade tend to perform at.
B Performance at a level that those pupils eventually scoring a 7 grade tend to perform at.
C Performance at a level that those pupils eventually scoring a 6 grade tend to perform at.
D Performance at a level that those pupils eventually scoring a 5 grade tend to perform at.
E Performance at a level that those pupils eventually scoring a 4 or below grade tend to perform at.

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