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Review of the Air Force Academy No 3 (30) 2015


Cosmina-Oana ROMAN
„Henri Coandă” Air Force Academy, Braşov, Romania
DOI: 10.19062/1842-9238.2015.13.3.22

Abstract: CIMIC is a NATO concept, used not only in Peace Support Operations but also in any kind of
mission that requires this structure. In July 2003, NATO published its proper CIMIC Doctrine , being
described as “the co-ordination and cooperation, in support of the mission, between the NATO commander
and civil actors, including national population and local authorities, as well as international, national and
non-governmental organizations and agencies” (NATO, 2003, p. 1-1). According to this AJP-9, it represents
the means of linking with the civil environment, which in its turn, provides the adequate conditions in which
military force can accomplish the final objective.. It is a rather new concept in military culture although
its activity does not represent a new phenomenon but it has acquired new connotations after the 90s. The
word, diplomacy, the convincing power and the ability to communicate in a foreign language are the assets
of a good CIMIC officer. To this vocation, the emphasis on human quality and the ability to communicate
efficiently in a crisis are to be added.
Keywords: civil-military cooperation, civilian actors, NGOs, local authorities
1. INTRODUCTION Furthermore, in the long-term, it aims at
creating and sustaining conditions that will
CIMIC is a component of military action, support the achievements of a lasting solution
having as a final purpose the accomplishment to the crises.
of the objectives of all parties involved. Thus, in complex humanitarian crises, the
This cooperation fulfills the political and coordination of civil-military structures is
military objectives of operations, including vital and may require multiple CMOCs (Civil-
political, military, civilian and humanitarian Military Operation Centers that is, an ad hoc
elements. In fact, this type of cooperation organization to assist in the coordination of
between civilians and militaries implies the activities of engaged military forces, and other
incorporation of military capabilities into a joint UN Government agencies).
reaction in front of all types of human needs. These structures must be easily accessible
It refers to all measures undertaken between to the NGO community, support NGO requests
a military commander and national authorities for assistance and operate at the local level.
in peacetime, crisis or war (civil and military). However, in-country communication within the
It involves the relation between military NGO community itself is a complex issue. In
forces, national government and civilian some situations, parallel UN/military structures
population in an area where military forces are of coordination are established which simply
employed. serves to complicate coordination.
Such measures might also include co- Improved relations between NGOs and
operation between military commanders, the military through increasing opportunities
NGOs, IOs and authorities. for closer cooperation in areas such as joint
In the short-term, CIMIC structures aim to training, joint planning and joint assessment,
set up and continue the complete collaboration help each in understanding the other and bring
of the civilian population and institutions within about greater effectiveness during missions.
a commandant`s area of operation in order to Differing missions and needs contribute to
create the civil/military conditions that offer distinct perceptions of priorities on the part of
him the greatest possible moral, material and both the military and NGOs.
tactical advantages.
Cimic – Concepts, Principles and Functions

These organizations do not always Besides NATO, there is also a definition

understand the military focus on force proposed by the United Nations, which gives
protection as a priority and feel that military the concept a broader perspective, defining
logistics should be used to transport supplies in CIMIC as “mutually supportive, integrated
the field, and not used for force protection. planning and exchange of information needed
On the other hand, the military also needs at all levels between military forces and
to consult more with reliable NGOs and co- organizations or humanitarian agencies acting
ordinate with the DART (Disaster Assistance to fulfill a common purpose in response to
Response Team). a humanitarian emergency.” Regarding the
definition proposed by the European Union,
2. CONCEPTS CIMIC is presented as containing “specific tasks
or activities conducted by EU forces, alone or
CIMIC represents therefore a NATO in partnership with one or more civil bodies,
concept, generally used during peace always supporting the commander`s mission.”
supporting operations, enjoying the support of Thus, between CIMIC and civil affairs there
the governments, the NGOs, the international are no basically too large differences, the object
organizations and the armed forces. Still, of the activity being the same. The phrase
the CIMIC cannot be regarded only as a “civil affairs” is used by the US military, but
contemporary type of military activity, as the the structures involved in “civil affairs” types
idea of the cooperation between the civil and of activities are part of the forces conducting
the military authorities during this type of special operations.
operations is not new. Gradually, both the concept and CIMIC
The Romanian CIMIC concept involves the activities, have acquired new meanings,
deployment of two activity types. First, there becoming part of military activities and part of
are activities that support the military actions, peace support operations implicitly, including
carried out by the civilian institutions and by the support of the military governments or
the population, during the military actions, by local authorities from a certain area or theater
establishing their concept of action, but also of operations. Military operations are currently
their coordination framework. conducted in a wider political and military
Another type of activities is represented context, where the influences (from the physical
by those deployed as a support for the central and economical to the social ones) can trigger a
(local) administration or for the population, in crisis or may arise as a result of some conflicts
order to establish the constitutional order after in regions where they did not previously exist.
the end of the hostilities, for the normalization Besides the Romanian CIMIC conception and
of the situation in the conflict areas or for the general principles found in NATO CIMIC
removal of the effects of natural or industrial Doctrine we must consider other factors. These
disasters. relate primarily to CIMIC activities as part
The concept of CIMIC was founded of military operations. These represent the
throughout the Cold War period and began to command responsibility and an essential part of
take shape only after the fall of the Iron Curtain the mission of each military. Staff elements and
and the involvement of massive multinational CIMIC forces are the basic means for carrying
Forces in theaters of operations, especially after out the CIMIC tasks. Equally important are
the lessons learned from the Gulf War of the CIMIC activities that take place with the
early ‘90s. With the end of the Cold War and the intention of ensuring the overall success of
initiation of new types of military operations, the mandate by maintaining full cooperation
the European countries began to develop between commanders, civilian population and
CIMIC operational structures and the way of institutions in their area of responsibility. This
understanding the concept by most European cooperation is essential to create conditions for
countries is in accordance with “NATO CIMIC civil-military commanders to provide the best
Doctrine”. benefits possible, moral, material and tactical.

Review of the Air Force Academy No 3 (30) 2015

3. PRINCIPLES AND FUNCTIONS a) Civil-military relations that involve

maintaining connections with civilian actors
so as to coordinate, cooperate and spread
CIMIC elements usually encountered
information efficiently;
in stability operations mainly include three
b) Support provided to civilian actors –
main functions: the link between the military
that involves a wide range of military resources:
personnel and all civilian actors in the
information, personnel, technical equipment,
area of operation, assistance to the civilian transmission facilities – communication and
surroundings, and support to the force. Thus, a informatics – expertise and specialists training.
good example is the completion of the General This support is provided only when and if
Framework Agreement for Peace (GFAP) necessary to facilitate mission accomplishment;
in Bosnia and Herzegovina, where CIMIC c) Support provided to military forces –
personnel paid an important role. if circumstances impose, commanders may
Usually, CIMIC develops tasks that the U.S. request and use support from the civilian side in
military consider as being “Civil Affairs (CA) areas of operations. In this particular situation,
activities” which apply primarily to “support of the role of CIMIC is highly important through
the civilian environment.” It covers activities identifying resources and people who can
carried out so as to establish and maintain support the military personnel. This support
connections between military forces and civil may consist in: information necessary to
authorities together with the local population. evaluate the civilian situation in a certain area,
Whereas CIMIC and CA tasks often overlap, promotion in terms of accepting militaries in the
there is a clear doctrinal dissimilarity when it area and access facilitation to civilian resources
comes to their purpose. CIMIC concentrates on when necessary.
humanitarian necessity and offers supervision The overall support given both ways is
for how to interact with civilians (civil perceived by civilians as a must, as something
authorities, locals, international organizations, that comes with the territory, thus, a refusal
and NGOs, etc.) in order to complete effectively from the military side is not quite welcomed
the tasks of a humanitarian mission. CA, on the and fully understood.
other hand, centers on military requirements
and necessities, providing ideas for how to CONCLUSIONS
obtain the help of civilians for the military
mission. In this respect, NATO regards CIMIC In conclusion, the different themes reflect
as the crossing point meant to predominantly the mix of experience and knowledge; theory
improve coordination and diminish overlap and practice that are so characteristic to living
and replication of hard work between civilian and working on the dynamic civil-military
organizations and authorities in order to meet interfaces and are very deserving of in-depth
humanitarian needs even more efficiently. In research. Both civilian and military parts share
the long-term objective that is to promote
a different way, CA, as described in the U.S.
human security and to develop those conditions,
Department of Defense Doctrine for Civil
in case of societies characterized by conflict
Affairs, tries to shape and persuade the civilian
to return to nonviolent and long-standing
environment in support of the armed forces.
structures. At first, civil-military relations were
Regardless of these conspicuous features
formed in the field, when forces intervened to
between CA and CIMIC, the two methods fill the gaps in civilian capabilities. In return
reveal enough common terrain so as to be well- to the increasing complexity of operational
matched and harmonious. requirements, countries are gradually
According to Romanian CIMIC Handbook acknowledging the escalating working links
(pp.11-12), drafted in accordance with ACO between military and civilian actors and are
CIMIC Manual 86-1-1 and NATO CIMIC currently implementing their proper doctrines
Policy, the basic functions of CIMIC are as underlying the characteristics of civil-military
follows: cooperation (CIMIC).
Cimic – Concepts, Principles and Functions

Therefore, CIMIC offers the best BIBLIOGRAPHY

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