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You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

The graph below shows the Gross Domestic

Products (GDP) in four selected countries
between 2010 and 2015.
Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the
main features, and make comparisons where relevant.
You should write at least 150 words.

Sample Answer:
The line graph compares the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in four
countries and delineates how GDP in these countries changed
between 2010 and 2015. The GDP is measured in billions of US dollar.
As can be seen, the USA had the largest GDP and in China, the GDP
growth was remarkable.

The diagram outlines that the USA had the highest GDP in 2010 which
was exactly 15000 billion dollars. With roughly 6000 billion USD,
China had the second largest GDP while Japan almost touched the
GDP of China in this year. The UK had the least GDP in 2010 which
was somewhat 2500 billion USD.
It is worth noticing that, GDP in the USA steadily grew and reached to
over 18000 billion dollars in 2015, 3000 billion higher than that of
2010. USA’s GDP was higher than any other country between 2010
and 2015. However, the GDP growth in China was most remarkable
as it almost doubled in 5 years, reaching almost 12000 billion USD. As
an exception, GDP in Japan actually declined while it remained almost
the same in the UK in five years.

You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

The graph below shows how the prices of

apples and oranges changed between 2010
and 2014 in Australia.
Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the
main features and make comparisons where relevant.
Write at least 150 words.
Prices of Apples and Oranges from 2010 to 2014
Sample Answer:
The bar graph compares price variations of apples and oranges in
Australia over a 5-year period, commencing from 2010. Overall, the
price of these two fruits went up every year and orange became more
expensive than apples in later years despite a reverse price scenario
in early years.

According to the diagram, per pound apple cost approximately 4.5

dollars in 2010 in Australia. At that time, the price of per pound
orange was 4 dollar. Next year, the price of both fruits increased and
it took roughly 5 dollars to purchase one pound apple while per pound
orange was sold at just over 4 dollars. Interestingly, the price of apple
and orange in 2012 became almost identical – 5 dollar. After a year,
orange was slightly expensive than apple as their prices were nearly 5
dollars 10 cents and 5 dollars 20 cents respectively. In the final year,
2014, the orange became even more expensive than apples. At that
time, apple was sold for roughly 5 dollars 20 cents per pound while it
was approximately 70 cents more for the same amount of orange.

You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

The flowchart below shows the process

involved in completing the work experience
requirement for university students.
Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the
main features, and make comparisons where relevant.
» You should write at least 150 words.
Fulfilling the work Experience Requirement
Credits will be awarded when the final report is submitted.
Sample Answer 1:
The flow chart shows steps involved in gaining work experience
before completing the graduation by university students to succeed in
getting their first job. Due to this, some university insists all students
must complete a work experience requirement to be awarded with
credits after submission of the final report.

The initial stage is called Application and a student, in this stage,

picks some approved workplaces and submit applications to his
preferred workplaces. The next stage is Approval stage and if a
student gets an acceptance letter from an office, he then needs to
submit it to the professor for approval. The third stage, which is
known as Schedule, requires the approved students to arrange his
work schedule which should be at least ten hours per week over
twenty weeks. The report is the 4th step and this stage requires a
pupil to submit the report form every Friday to the professor. The fifth
stage is Evaluation and takes place during the final work week and a
student meets the work supervisor who based on the report and
meeting submits an Evaluation form. In the final stage, which is called
Final Report, a student requires submitting the final report before the
last week of spring term.

By following these steps and subsequently submitting the final report,

the pupil receives credit from the university.
You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

The maps below show the village of Stokeford in 1930

and 2010.
Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main
features, and make comparisons where relevant.

Write at least 150 words.

Sample Answer 1:
The pictures illustrate the development of the village of Stokeford that have
taken place over a period of 80 years. In general, it is clearly shown that River
Stoke and a bridge remained unchanged throughout the given period of time and
many more houses had been constructed in 2010.

There were major changes in the village of Stokeford over the years. First of all,
the shops located in the east of River Stoke were destroyed and more houses
were built in 2010. The next noticeable feature is that the farmland in 1930 was
demolished and it was converted into residential places with new roads being
constructed. Furthermore, primary school was developed in 2010 and it was
almost doubled in 2010 compared to 1930. Part of the gardens in 1930 was used
for residential purpose by building more rows of houses near the main road. The
left-over garden with a large house was then developed into a retirement home
in 2010.

Model Answer 2:
The maps compare the structural developments and the transformation of a
village called Stockford between 1930 and 2010. A glance at the maps reveals
that the Stockford village in 1930 had fewer houses and extended farmland but
witnessed rapid housing development afterwards.

As is observed, Stockford village is located at the east of the River Stoke. Parallel
to this river, the main road has connected a bridge in the farthest north-east side
of the village in both maps. A few houses on both sides of the road, two shops
and a post office on the west side of the road were present in this village in
1930. Besides, an elementary school, a large garden and a connecting road to
the bridge were on the east of this village. Two large farmlands were quite visible
in the early map which disappeared in the latter one.

The 2010's map reveals that the post office, the bridge and the primary school
remained unaltered, though, the school building was enlarged. The shops
disappeared and the garden with many of its trees was compromised to build
more accommodation facilities. The large house was converted to a retirement
home with some extension to its structure. On top of that, the number of houses
increased remarkably and these houses were built on the previously existing
farmlands and garden.

You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

The graph below shows the number of books read by

men and women at Burnaby Public Library from 2011
to 2014.
Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main
features, and make comparisons where relevant.

» You should write at least 150 words.

Sample Answer 1:
The line graph illustrates the number of books read by both sexes from 2011 to
2014 at Burnaby Public Library. Initially, men’s interest in reading books was
slightly less than women, although it continues to rise significantly than women
ultimately. In addition, books read by both male and female were the same in

Firstly, in 2011, men readers in Burnaby Public Library read fewer books than the
women readers did. Men readers read around 3000 books compared to 5000
books read by women readers. Moreover, in the following year, the number book
enjoyed by male readers increased slightly and reached to nearly 4000. Secondly,
the book read by males rose dramatically from 2012 to 2013 and intersected the
female readers' book number at around ten thousand. Finally, in 2014, books
read by the male readers in this library grew rapidly to nearly 14 thousand but
that of women, on the contrary, declined suddenly just around to 7 thousand.

In brief, men were less interested in reading books than women in this library at
first but men have shown a change of their interest in later years.
Sample Answer 2:
The line graph presents data on the number of books read by men and women
at the Burnaby public library from 2011 to 2014.

Overall, initially women readers read more books and showed more interests in
reading at Burnaby Public Library but at the later period, male readers showed
more interests in reading books while that was the opposite in the case of the
women readers.

In the beginning, during 2011, more books were read by women readers, i.e.
5,500 than men readers, i.e. 2500 respectively in this library. In the following two
years, there was a surge in the number of books enjoyed by both sexes.
However, while there was a slight rise for the book read by women, that by men,
on the contrary, rose at a significant pace during this period.

In 2013, the number of books read by both male and female met at an
equidistant point where both men and women had read at around 10,000 books.
But in 2014, we found an opposite reaction towards reading by both men and
women. On one side, men reached a peak at around 14000 book reads by them,
women readers, on the other side, read a significantly fewer number of books,
seven thousand only.

You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

The map below shows the changes in an American

town between 1948 and 2010.
Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main
features and making comparisons where relevant.

» You should write at least 150 words.

Model Answer 1:

The provided map displays how an American town transformed, by providing

how it looked in two different years - 1948 and 2010. A quick look suggests that
with the exception of the town's southeast residential area, new structures have
been built and changes have been made, but the overall area neither expanded
nor contracted.

To begin with, it can be seen that the factories on the north-east corner were
demolished to build an airport and several commercial buildings. Similarly, a
supermarket replaced a lake which had been next to the factories. It is also
worth noticing that four commercial buildings were also constructed on the
southwest of the new supermarket. They were located on both sides of a big
road, with two on each side. A church in the south direction back in 1948 was
replaced by a sports stadium in 2010.

On the other hand, several features of this town did not change throughout the
period. The natural elements, a canal and trees to be specific, remain untouched.
The road system did not change either, with 2 small and 2 big roads.
Additionally, the petrol station in the north was kept intact and so were
residential houses on the bottom right corner, unlike those on the other side of
the canal.

Sample Answer 2:

The maps portray the modifications which took place in an American town
between 1948 and 2010. Overall, in spite of some significant changes, the
dimension of town did not alter. However, these variations manifest that the
town developed gradually in terms of everything during this interval.

Looking at the details, there were some significant variabilities. From the middle
of town up to north-east, the surrounding lake with trees and the factories were
situated in 1948. In 2010, these places were modified to a supermarket,
commercial buildings and the airport. At the same time in the bottom right-hand
corner of the town, the sports stadium replaced the church during this time.
Residential houses and local supermarket were substituted with commercial

By contrast, the residential houses which were located on the right side of
the canal and the petrol station situated in the north of the town did not
change their positions all through a period of time.

Model Answer 3:

The given illustration compares the map of an American town in 2010 with that
of 1948. Analyzing the town in both 1948 and 2010, it is obvious that despite
some general changes like the relocation of buildings or the establishment of new
facilities, its main structure remained almost the same.

As can be seen, residential apartments in the south-east corner of the town were
untouched, and it is the same for the streets of the town and the canal.
Moreover, the trees of the town were not chopped-down for new constructions.
It is worth noticing that the petrol station down the streets, which run south-west
to north-east, was not demolished or repositioned.

Looking further at the maps, many changes took place during the period. The
supermarket was relocated and the church was demolished to make way for a
sports stadium. The residential houses located at the corner of the main streets
were knocked down in order to build two commercial structures. Furthermore, in
2010 there is an airport, located in the eastern part, the place where four
factories were running in 1948. The presence of commercial buildings in 2010 is
noticeable while houses and factories were predominant in 1948’s map.

You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

The bar chart below shows the numbers of men and

women attending various evening courses at an adult
education centre in the year 2009. The pie chart gives
information about the ages of these course
Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main
features and making comparisons where relevant.

» Write at least 150 words.

Sample Answer:
The figures illustrate the number of male and female students who attended four
different evening courses at an adult education institution in 2009, and
proportions of the attendances based on age.It is clear that there were more
women than men in the drama, painting and languages classes, while in
sculpture class men participants outnumbered the women. It can also be seen
that the majority of the students were the senior people (aged 50 years and
above), while the lowest was those whose aged below 20 years.

It is noticed that in the language class, the number of female students had
reached 40 people, which was twice as the population of the males. In the
painting and drama class, populations of men’s students were accounted for
around 25 and 10 people, which were lower than the women’s figure which stood
at 30 and 20 people. As for the sculpture class, the number of men participants
reached 10 people, while the women’s figure was halved of the men’s.
Based on the age group, it is obvious that the highest proportion of the
participants were the senior age people, accounted for approximately 42%. It
was then followed by the figures of two middle age group (40-49 years and 30-
39 years old) which stood at 26% and 16%. As for those who were between 20
and 29 years and below 20 years, their proportions were around 11% and 5%
each respectively.

The chart below shows information about the

challenges people face when they go to live in other
Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main
features, and make comparisons where relevant.

» Write at least 150 words.

Model Answer:
The graph illustrates data on the challenges people face when they start living in
a different country and compares this data based on different age groups. As is
presented in the graph, younger people struggle to make new friends while the
aged people face difficulty to learn the local language in a new country.

As is given in the graph, people from 18-34 years old find it most difficult to
make new friends when they start living in a new country. The second most
challenging issue they face is the issue of finding a living place. Learning the local
language is another problem they face but this is least among the people of this
age group. Secondly, among the 35-54 age group, people who go to live in a
different country find it most difficult to find places to live. About 36% of people
find it difficult to find places to live in while about 35-36% of people find it
difficult to learn the local language and to make friends there. Finally, the aged
people who are over 55 years old, find it most difficult to learn the language than
any other age group. Approximately 54% of aged people face this challenge
when they start living in a new country. Among this age group, 22% of people
face the living place issue while 23% find it hard to make new friends.

In summary, aged people can make friends more easily than the young age
group when they start living in a new country while young population finds it
easier to learn the loan language than the aged people in a new country.
You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

The graph below shows the comparison between the

number of applicants and the number of students who
were granted admission in a university.
Write a report for a university teacher describing the information
shown in the diagram below.

Write at least 150 words.

Application and admission 1993-2003

Sample Answer:
The column graph shows a comparison data between the number of applicants
and the number of accepted students in a university over a decade, commencing
from 1993. Overall, the number of applicants to this university remarkably
increased each year despite a stable acceptance rate by the university authority.

According to the illustration, in 1993, around 250 students applied for admission
to that university and almost 200 of them were granted. Next year, applicants
went up to approximately 800 but half of them were rejected. The number of
admission seekers to this institute steadily surged and in 2000 more than 3
thousand pupils attempted for admission. However, at this time only 600 of them
were granted admission which means 80% applications were rejected in this
year. This university accepted around 500 to 700 students each year from 1996
to 2003 despite a hike in the number of candidates. In 2002 and 2003 the
university received around 4000 to 4500 application while they approved around
650 students’ admission.

You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

The charts below show the percentage of time

younger and older people spend on various Internet
activities in their free time (excluding email).
Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main
features and make comparisons where relevant.

Write at least 150 words.

Sample Answer 1:
The pie charts illustrate the proportion of time people allocate on different
internet activities when they are free, divided into two groups: that is youngsters
(18-26 group) and the elderly people (60-70 age group). Overall, it is clear that
the two age groups have different preferences of internet activities.

First and foremost, the younger age group spends a majority of their time on
social networking (24%) compared to only 8% of the time elderly people spend.
The older people, however, spend most of their time on making bookings for the
cinema ticket or travel (29%) which is almost fourfold then the time youngsters
spend on this stuff. Young people tend to access to music or films more than
older people (just over one-fifth and 17% respectively).

In addition, young people use three times more in playing online games than the
other age group (18% and 6% correspondingly). Interestingly, both the age
groups spend approximately the same time for activities like doing research
related to the health issue and making purchases online, that is 20% and 14%
for the elderly people.
You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

The graphs below show how people in a European city

reached their office and got back home in 1959 and
Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main
features, and make comparisons where relevant.

You should write at least 150 words.

Journeys to and from work

Sample Answer:
The pie charts delineate how citizens in a European city commuted to and from
their offices in 1959 and 2009. Overall, more than half of the office-goers walked
in 1959 while car use in 2009 significantly increased. Besides, people travelled
more distance in 2009 at a faster speed.

According to the illustration, more than half of the job holders walked to reach
their office and get back home in 1959 while only a quarter of them did so in
2009. Bus commuters in this city accounted for 15% in 1959 while it was 2% less
after 5 decades. The ratio of office executives (15%) who used trains in both
years remained the same. One in ten office commuters drove cars in 1959 but
after five decades their percentage increased significantly, 35% to be exact. The
use of different other transportations in 2009 increased than that of 50 years

It is worth noticing that the speed and average distance travelled by these
commuters considerably increased in 2009 when a commuter travelled 19
kilometres on an average in 42 minutes compared to their average 3.5-kilometre
journey in 17 minutes in 1959.

You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

In April 2006, an experimental flu vaccine was trialled

on females in a large town. The graphs outline the
effect of this vaccination in this town.
Write a report for a university lecturer describing the information
shown in the diagrams below.

Write at least 150 words.

Number of Deaths in 2005 - 2006

Percentages of complaints recorded after the vaccination

Flue Rates for Males and Females

Sample Answer:
The bar graph shows the number of deceased people in a town in 2006, the year
when a flu vaccine was trailed, the pie chart presents the ratio of complaints
from different patients due to vaccinations and finally the line graph outlines the
flu rates among people in this town throughout the year.

According to the bar graph, 2 females died in the town in question in 2005 while
no male death was recorded in this year. In 2006, the year the flu vaccine
experimented on females in this town, 4 women passed away. However, a male
also died in 2006.

The pie chart reveals that the highest percentages of complaints (35%) came
from the elderly women (over 65 years). Almost a quarter of the total objections
were related to adolescents and 13% related to women who were not given the
vaccine. 28% of those objections were made by people who were under medical

The line graph shows that the flu rate among females was higher throughout the
years. In March 2003 around 1000 females suffered from the flu while this was
exactly the half among men. After the vaccination in April 2006, the flu cases
actually surged. In May 2006, 3500 females had some kind of flues while just
over 2500 men suffered from it. After August, the number of cases stabilized but
was higher than the earlier of the year, around 2750 cases for female and just
below 1500 for men.

You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

The chart below shows the percentage of female

employees in three job sectors in Greece from 1990 to
Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main
features and make comparisons where relevant.

Write at least 150 words.

Percentage of female employees 1990-2015

Sample Answer:
The bar graph compares the ratio of female employees in three job sectors,
namely "call centre", "banking and finance" and "customer service" in Greece
from 1990 to 2015. Overall, the percentages of women workers in these sectors
skyrocketed and in customer service, the highest ratio of female was employed in

According to the diagram, only 2-3 call centre employees out of a hundred were
female in 1990. However, the female operatives in this sector kept on increasing
and reached over 20% in 2005 and over 30% in 2010. Finally, in 2015, almost
half of the call centre workers were female.

A similar trend could be observed in the "banking and finance" and "customer
care" sectors. Approximately 9 to 11 per cent of employees in these two sectors
were female during 1990 and 2000. However, women participation in these jobs
kept on increasing from 2005. In 2015, nearly 35% of Greece women worked in
the banking and finance sector. It is worth noticing that the ratio of female
employees in customer service in 2015 was more than half of the total

You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

The graphs below show the average monthly

expenditure on children’s sports and participation in
different sports in the UK from 2008 to 2014.
Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main
features and make comparisons where relevant.

Write at least 150 words.

Average monthly spending on children’s sports

Participation in three different sports

Sample Answer:
The line graphs depict average monthly spending on children’s sporting activities
and the number of children who took part in football, athletics and swimming in
the United Kingdom between 2008 and 2014. Overall, monthly spending on
children’s sports increased over time and football was the most popular sports
among British children.

According to the first line chart, 20 million pounds was spent monthly, on an
average, in 2008 for British children’s sporting activities which continually went
up in the subsequent years. The expenditure in 2011 reached to over 25 million
pounds and in 2014, this cost was as high as 32 million pounds approximately.

In 2008, roughly 8 million children participated in football while 1 to 2 million in

swimming and athletics, making football the most widely played sports in the UK.
However, the popularity of swimming grew and in 2014 roughly 3.8 million
participants took this activity. With a steady rise in popularity, athletics was taken
up by nearly 5 million children in 2014. Football participants range from 8.5 to
9.5 million during this period, considerably higher than the participants in the
other two activities. It is worth noticing that more children participated in these
sports in 2014 than they did in 2008.

You are advised to spend about 20 minutes on this task.

The charts below show degrees granted in different

fields at the National University in the years 1990,
2000, 2010.
Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main
features, and make comparisons where relevant.

You should write at least 150 words.

Degrees Granted at the National University.

Sample Answer 1:
The provided pie charts compare four different degrees that were awarded to the
students at the National University in three decades, commencing from 1990. As
can be seen, more students were granted Computer Science degrees while
Business graduates decreased over the time.

The illustration indicates that both Business and Computer Science diplomas
were achieved by 30% students in 1990 at the National University. The
4tfremaining 40% diplomas went to Medicine and Law graduates with a ration of
5: 3. After 10 years, the National University handed over 40% degrees to
Computer Science students and 30% to Medicine students. Total students who
achieved Business degrees in this year reduced by 10% while it was a 5% drop
for the Law graduates. Finally, in 2010, the percentage of Computer Science
graduates climbed to 45% in this institution. One-fourth diplomas were given to
the Medicine students in this same year while the remaining 30% graduates were
from the Business and Law departments with 15% from each faculty.

In summary, more degrees were awarded to the Computer Science graduates in

the National University and there was a significant decrease in the number of
Business graduates in 2000.

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