Unit 3 Study Guide H Bio Solutions

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Study Guide: DNA & Cell Division Name:_______________________

Grade 11 H. Biology

What topics/content will the test cover?

• DNA and RNA Structure
• Chromosomes
• DNA replication
• Transcription
• Translation
• Mutations
• Mitosis & Asexual Reproduction
• Genetic Engineering
• Meiosis & Sexual Reproduction

1) Select the best answer to questions (a) through (j)

(a) Which of the following statements is correct?

A When cells divide by mitosis, 2 diploid cells are formed

B When cells divide by mitosis, 4 diploid cells are formed
C When cells divide by mitosis, 2 haploid cells are formed
D When cells divide by mitosis, 4 haploid cells are formed

(b) What is the human diploid number? (1)

A 2
B 22
C 23
D 46

(c) In which of the following phases of mitosis, does the nuclear membrane break down?

A Prophase
B Metaphase
C Anaphase
D Telophase

(d) What helps with the separation of chromosomes in mitosis? (1)

A nuclear membrane
B spindle fibres
C sister chromatids
D asters
(e) Which of the following statements is correct?
A a gene is a section of a molecule of DNA
B a gene is made up of several chromosomes
C an allele contains two genes
D a chromosome contains only one gene

(f) Which of the following statement is correct?

A a mutation is the replication of the DNA of a cell

B a mutation is the deletion of the DNA of a cell
C a mutation is a change in the DNA of a cell
D a mutation is the repetition of the DNA of a cell

(g) Which of the following codes for amino acids?

A the nitrogenous bases

B the gene
C the phosphate group
D the entire nucleotide

(h) Which of the following statements is correct?

A mutations are always neutral

B mutations are always neutral or harmful
C mutations are always beneficial
D mutations can be neutral, harmful or beneficial

(i) Which of the following is the function of transfer RNA (tRNA)?

A transporting amino acids to a ribosome

B coding for the order of amino acids
C transcription of the DNA
D translation of the DNA

(j) Which of the following enzymes is used to join together pieces of DNA

A ligase
B DNA polymerase
C protease
D restriction enzyme
2. a) Cell division takes place through different phases.

Write a number beside each phase of cell division to show the correct order of the phases
(1=first phase, 4=final phase).

3 anaphase 4 telophase 1 prophase 2 metaphase

b) Using your knowledge of cell division, state which phase is shown
in Using yourbelow.
the image knowledge of cell division, state which phase is shown
in the image below. (1)
b) Using your knowledge of cell division, state which phase is shown in the image below.
Phase of cell division: ____________________________
Phase of cell division: ____________________________


Phase of cell division: metaphase

c) Using your knowledge of cell division, state which phase is shown
in Using yourbelow.
the image knowledge of cell division, state which phase is shown (1)
in the image below. (1)
c) Using yourPhase
of cell of cell division,
division: state which phase is shown in the image below.
Phase of cell division: ____________________________


Phase of cell division: prophase

! 2!
d) Using the chart below, complete the following:
d) Using the chart below, complete the following: (6)
-Name the other 2 phases of cell division (not seen in images above)
-Briefly explain
-Name what
other in each phase
2 phases of cell division (not seen in images above)
-Draw an image of a explain
-Briefly cell in each phase
what happens in each phase
-Draw an image of a cell in each phase

Name of Explanation of Phase Image of Phase


The centromeres split and the

two chromatids of each double
anaphase chromosome separate. The
chromatids of each pair are then
dragged to the opposite ends of
the cell.

The group of chromatids

telophase assemble at opposite ends of
the cell. The spindle fibres
disintegrate and a nuclear
envelope forms around the
chromosomes at each end. The
chromosomes uncoil and
lengthen back to chromatin

e) Explain what takes place during cytokinesis.

3. Explain what takes place during cytokinesis. (2)
The cytoplasm splits and two daughter cells are formed.

! 3!
3) Sperm cells and egg cells are needed for human sexual reproduction. Describe in detail
the type of cell division that produces sperm cells.

Meiosis is the type of cell division that produces sperm cells. After making copies of
the chromosomes, a parent cell containing a full set of chromosomes (diploid)
undergoes two cell divisions to form four daughter cells each with half the number of
set chromosomes (haploid). Each of the daughter cells are genetically different.

4) Mitosis and meiosis are types of cell division. Compare these two types of cell division.

• (genetically) identical cells produced
• two daughter cells
• one division
• diploid daughter cells
• occurs in the formation of body cells
• for growth and repair (of body tissues)

• (genetically) non-identical cells
• four daughter cells
• 2 divisions
• haploid daughter cells
• half the number of chromosomes
• occurs in the formation of gametes
• results in genetic variation
5) The following passage describes inheritance.
Complete the passage by writing a suitable word or words on each dotted line.

A gene is a section of a double-stranded molecule known

as .......................DNA...................... . This molecule is found within

the …………………nucleus………………………………… of the cell,

contained in threadlike structures called .............chromosomes.............................................. .

The two strands form a double helix linked by a series of paired bases.

The base adenine is always linked to ................thymine...................................... and the base

cytosine is always linked to .................guanine........................................... .

Sometimes the genetic material of a cell changes. This is known as

a ....................mutation........................ . These changes occur very rarely but their incidence

can be increased by chemicals or ionising radiation, known as ..............mutagens.................

DNA replication involves the use of the enzyme ……DNA polymerase................................

6) Describe how a section of DNA determines the structure of a protein.

A gene is a section of DNA which codes for a specific protein. The sequence of
nitrogenous bases in the section of DNA determines the sequence of amino acids in the
protein, with one codon (3 bases) coding for one amino acid. During transcription, a
segment of DNA is copied into mRNA. The mRNA formed in transcription is
transported out of the nucleus into the cytoplasm, to the ribosome, where protein
synthesis takes place. Translation occurs as tRNA molecules bring the specific amino
acids coded for by the mRNA to the ribosome, where a polypeptide chain is
7) Figure 1 shows a short section of a DNA molecule.

Figure 1

(a) Name parts R and Q.

(i) R ………deoxyribose …………………………………….

(ii) Q ………phosphate…………………………………….

(b) Ribonuclease is an enzyme. It is 127 amino acids long.

What is the minimum number of DNA bases needed to code for

ribonuclease? 381

(c) Figure 2 shows the sequence of DNA bases coding for seven amino acids in
the enzyme ribonuclease.

Figure 2


The number of each type of amino acid coded for by this sequence of DNA
bases is shown in the table.

Amino acid Number present

Arg 3
Met 2
Gln 1
Asn 1
Use the table and Figure 2 to work out the sequence of amino acids in this
part of the enzyme. Write your answer in the boxes below.

Gln Met Met Arg Arg Arg Asn

(e) Explain how a change in a sequence of DNA bases could result in a non-
functional enzyme

A change in the sequence of DNA bases results in changing the sequence of

amino acids that determines protein structure. For example, a deletion
will cause a shift in the pattern of nitrogenous bases, causing all of the
subsequent codons to code for incorrect amino acids. The change in the
protein structure may cause changes the enzyme’s active site which could
prevent the substrate from binding to it.

8) Human insulin can be made by genetically modified bacteria.

(a) (i) Name the small circle of DNA that is genetically modified in bacteria.


(ii) Name two enzymes that are used to genetically modify the DNA of the bacteria.

restriction enzyme (restriction endonuclease)


b) Describe the stages by which a bacterium can be genetically modified to produce large
amounts of insulin.

A restriction enzyme is used to remove the gene coding for insulin from human DNA.
The same restriction enzyme is used to cut out a section from the bacteria plasmid,
which acts as a vector. Ligase is used to insert the human gene into the plasmid,
creating recombinant DNA. The recombinant DNA is inserted back into the bacteria,
which are allowed to reproduce. These bacteria now contain the gene for which codes
for insulin.
9) Describe the roles of messenger RNA (mRNA) and transfer RNA (tRNA) in protein

a) Messenger RNA

mRNA is a copy of the genetic code (DNA) for the protein to be synthesized. The
mRNA travels from the nucleus to the ribosomes, where it acts as a template for

b) Transfer RNA

tRNA is used in translation, where it brings amino acids to the ribosome according to
the mRNA code. Each tRNA molecule is specific to one amino acid, holding it in place
as it forms a polypeptide chain.

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