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The purpose of this form is to help you establish order and visual management on your
manufacturing floor. To do this you will utilize the 5S system, namely
1. Sort
2. Set in order
3. Shine
4. Standardize
5. Sustain

While it is easy enough to apply Sort, Set in order and Shine the key to this process is
Standardization and Sustaining improvements. 5S is a foundational element of process
improvement. It is second nature to the way world class organizations operate. The
basic premise of 5S is to keep things where they belong. This maximizes worker
productivity because less time is wasted looking for things. The use of visual controls
such as color coding, signage, audible signals, lines and pictures further enhance
productivity by allowing the factory to “speak” to its workers, thus minimizing the
amount of supervision or indirect labor required.

All this said, the question then becomes how neat is neat? Orderliness is often very
subjective topic. This can create much confusion when several people express their
opinions of how neat an area is kept.

To minimize this subjectivity and allow a way for you to measure and set goals for
orderliness we have developed this easy to follow 5S audit sheet.

Refer to the next page for details on how to use this form. Be aware this can not be done
from behind a desk, you will have to take a blank copy and go a target area on your
manufacturing floor, spend some time observing the operation and fill in the scores.

Use the scores to motivate your workers, establish 5S contests or high score of the month
awards. The bottom line is making it fun for the workers and you will see a tremendous
payback in reduction of overhead and floor space.

If you require further information about how to use this form or about the 5S process
please feel free to contact us via email at or telephone at

Summit Form LEVC102.2

Business Solutions, Inc.

PO Box 10222, Westbury, NY 11590 T: 516.414.3741 F: 516.941.0747

How to Use This Form

1) Go to the target area.

2) Starting with the first S – Sort, check each item according to the description and rate it
on a scale of 0 through 4, where 0 is the worst and 4 is the best. Place a check mark in
the appropriate box.

Description Score weight

of what you based on the
Item to be description Add all
examined should numbers
within a evaluate from each
target area column

Check item Score

1S No Description
0 1 2 3 4
1 Materials or Does the inventory or in-process inventory include
parts and unneeded materials or parts?
2 Machines or Are there any unused machines or other equipment
equipment around?

3 Jigs, tools, or Are there any unused jigs, tools, dies or similar
dies items around?
4 Visual control Is it obvious which items have been marked as Category
unnecessary? Subtotal
5 Written Has establishing the 5S’s left behind any useless
standards standard?
Sub Total

Add all
from for a
score per S

3) When you complete an S, add the number of times you checked each column by the
column score weight then add up all your subtotal numbers and write that number in
the category subtotal box.
4) Continue this process throughout each S
5) Add up each category subtotal to obtain your final score.
6) Post the score in a visible location in the target area using the 5S Score Sheet.

Summit Form LEVC102.2

Business Solutions, Inc.

PO Box 10222, Westbury, NY 11590 T: 516.414.3741 F: 516.941.0747

0=Very Bad 1=Bad 2= Average 3=Good 4=Very Good

Check item Score

1S No Description
0 1 2 3 4
1 Materials or Does the inventory or in-process inventory include
parts and unneeded materials or parts?
2 Machines or Are there any unused machines or other equipment
equipment around?

3 Jigs, tools, or Are there any unused jigs, tools, dies or similar
dies items around?
4 Visual control Is it obvious which items have been marked as Category
unnecessary? Subtotal
5 Written Has establishing the 5S’s left behind any useless
standards standard?
Sub Total

Check item Score

2S No Description
0 1 2 3 4
6 Location Are shelves and other storage areas marked with
Indicators location indicators and addresses?

7 Item Indicators Do the shelves have signboards showing which

items go where?
8 Quantity Are the maximum and minimum allowable
Indicators quantities indicated?
9 Demarcation of Are white lines or other markers used to clearly
walkways and indicate walkways and storage areas?
in-process Category
inventory areas Subtotal
10 Jigs and tools Are jigs and tools arranged more rationally to
facilitate picking them up and returning them?
Sub Total

Check item Score

3S No Description
0 1 2 3 4
11 Floors Are floors kept shiny clean and free of waste,
water and oil?
12 Machines Are the machine wiped clean often and kept free
of shavings, chips and oil?

13 Cleaning and Is equipment inspection combined with

checking equipment maintenance?
14 Cleaning Is there a person responsible for overseeing Category
responsibilities cleaning operations? Subtotal
15 Habitual Do operators habitually sweep floors, and wipe
cleanliness equipment without being told?
Sub Total

Summit Form LEVC102.2

Business Solutions, Inc.

PO Box 10222, Westbury, NY 11590 T: 516.414.3741 F: 516.941.0747


0=Very Bad 1=Bad 2= Average 3=Good 4=Very Good

Check item Score

4S No Description
0 1 2 3 4
16 Improvement Are improvement memos regularly being
memos generated?
17 Improvement Are improvement ideas being acted on?

18 Key procedures Are standard procedures clear, documented and
actively used?
19 Improvement plan Are the future standards being considered with a Category
clear improvement plan for the area? Subtotal
20 The first 3 Ss Are the first 3 Ss (sort, set locations and shine)
being maintained?
Sub Total

Check item Score

5S No Description
0 1 2 3 4
21 Training Is everyone adequately trained in standard
22 Tools and parts Are tools and parts being stored correctly?

23 Stock controls Are stock controls being adhered to?

24 Procedures Are procedures up-to-date and regularly Category
reviewed? Subtotal
25 Activity boards Are activity boards up-to-date and regularly
Sub Total


Summit Form LEVC102.2

Business Solutions, Inc.

PO Box 10222, Westbury, NY 11590 T: 516.414.3741 F: 516.941.0747


5S Score


Previous Score

% Change

Audit Date:

Summit Form LEVC102.2

Business Solutions, Inc.

PO Box 10222, Westbury, NY 11590 T: 516.414.3741 F: 516.941.0747

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