Tahs Self-Reflection 2

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PLANNING AND REFLECTION PROFILE (Your cooperating teacher or university supervisor

may ask you to use this form for one lesson

during your student teaching/internship.)

Morgan Brown
Student Teacher __________________________________ Self-Reflection
Observer ____________________________________ May 1st, 2024
Date _____________


(to be completed before observation, either by the student teacher alone or by the observer (to be completed after observation, either by the student teacher alone or by the observer
during the course of a pre-observation interview) during the course of a post-observation interview)


What are your goals / objectives for student learning for this lesson? What To what extent did your students learn what you intended? How do you
do you want your students to learn? know?

*Students will have a better understanding of meter/time The students were able to accomplish
signatures. learning what I had planned with very few
*Students will have a better understanding of duple/ errors and clarifying questions. I was able to
triple subdivisions. witness the increase in their rhythm
*Students will gain understanding in performing comprehension skills by observing an
rhythmic patterns. increase in their confidence when applying
* Students will gain understanding in determining the their rhythm reading/counting/explanation
meter based off of the note groupings. skills.

Why have you chosen these goals / objectives? What goals / objectives would you plan for similar instruction in the future?
These goals/objectives are measurable goals
I would plan for very similar goals/objectives since
that can be accomplished by the end of my
the goals/objectives I utilized in this lesson helped
Impact Learning Project.
me to effectively create a meaningful lesson that
allowed for the informal assessment of the data I
was able to gather during class time.

How will you group your students for instruction? In what ways was your plan for student grouping effective? How do you

Full Class Instruction The student grouping for instruction was very
effective. The older students in the group
helped the younger students build their
confidence about their rhythm comprehension
Why have you chosen this grouping? What grouping would you plan for similar instruction in the future? Why?

I would plan for a similar grouping for instruction in

Students are able to learn from other's
the future since the grouping was effective for
questions and from the confidence of
student learning.
those around them.


What teaching methods will you use for this lesson? In what ways were your teaching methods effective? How do you know?
All of the students were able to identify with one of
Visual, Kinesthetic, and Aural Learning the learning modalities I incorporated in this lesson.
Each of the students exhibited a growth in their
rhythm comprehension skills.
What teaching methods would you plan for similar instruction in the future?
Why have you chosen these methods? Why?

It will provide all of the students with a type of I would plan to utilize similar teaching methods in
learning instruction that can best help them future instruction since these methods were effective
succeed by incorporating the three different in enhancing the student learning.
learning modalities within the lesson.

What activities have you planned? In what ways were your activities effective? How do you know?
Activity Time Allocated
The lesson activities were very effective as seen
*Slideshow: Meter and Rhythm 10 minutes through the growth in the students’ confidence in
*Practicing duple/compound subdivisions 10 minutes their rhythm comprehension skills.

Why have you chosen these activities? What activities would you plan for similar instruction in the future? Why?
I would plan to incorporate a similar approach to lesson
These activities can yield measurable results to
activities in the future since the model of teaching content
assess if the students meet my chosen lesson
and then practicing/reinforcing materials is highly


What instructional materials will you use for this lesson? In what ways were your teaching materials effective? How do you know?

*Slideshow and Practice Examples The students were able to incorporate the three different
*Clapping/Body Percussion learning modalities within their practicing which helped
to effectively reinforce their rhythm comprehension

What teaching materials would you use for similar instruction in the future?
Why have you chosen these materials? Why?

They are effective materials to utilize in presenting the I would plan to use a similar approach to incorporating
content matter to the students and reinforcing their visual, kinesthetic, and aural based teaching materials
understanding of the lesson material. in future instruction since it provides the students with
many learning opportunities.

How and when do you plan to evaluate student learning on the content of Did anything happen during this lesson that influenced your evaluation plan?
this lesson? If so, how has it changed, and why?

I planned to incorporate informal group assessment No.

throughout the lesson as the students speak, clap,
and listen to the rhythms/subdivision.

Why have you chosen this approach to evaluation? How will you use the information from the evaluation to plan future
I chose to utilize informal group assessment during this
lesson since it provides me with an opportunity to I will use the information I gathered from my informal
gauge the group’s understanding of the lesson assessment evaluation to determine when the students
materials. will take their Post-Assessment evaluation.


Did you depart from anything you planned for today? If so, why?


If you were going to teach this class again to the same students, what would you do differently? What would you do the same? Why?

I would structure the lesson in a very similar way - I honestly am incredibly happy with how this lesson
went today.

If I were to teach this lesson again, I would incorporate a small group practice session in addition to the
group practice session.
Based on what happened today, what do you plan to do next with this class?

I was happy with the students' progress today, so I anticipate that the students will take their post-assessment
evaluations next class.

Identify an individual or group of students who did well in today’s lesson. How do you account for this individual’s or group’s performance? How will you
help this individual or group extend their learning?
The upperclassmen students were very successful throughout this lesson. These students are very strong musicians
and are also instrumentalists, so they are very fluent in their rhythm comprehension skills. I chose to introduce
"takatiki" within the lesson to provide the students with an advanced level of rhythm reading comprehension.

Identify an individual or group of students who had difficulty in today’s lesson. How do you account for this individual’s or group’s performance? How will
you help this individual or group achieve the learning goals or objectives?

The younger students seemed to have the most difficulty in today's lesson. These students struggle with reading
(in general), so rhythm reading is difficult to comprehend for them. I chose to introduce "takatiki" to eliminate the
numerical component of rhythm counting for the students. I've also been prioritizing pacing with these students
to ensure that they have the best chance for success.

Please add any other comments, reactions, or questions about the lesson. For example, is there anything that you felt particularly good, frustrated, or
confused about?

I'm happy with the progress that the students made throughout the lesson today and how I chose to introduce the
material to the students. This lesson was a big win since I saw significant growth in the students’ confidence. (The
students learned that the rhythms weren’t as scary as they thought they were!)

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