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Nama Mahasiswa : Jeri Pangestu

NIM : 20230120028
Hari / Tanggal : Kamis / 14 Maret 2024
Nama Pengampu : CHITRASH BISHT, D.El.Ed., B.Tech., M.Hist
Jumlah Soal : 1 Butir

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1. Write a short paragraph about business and use at least 5 business terms in the
paragraph. Make a footnote to explain the meaning of the business terms used in the


Navigating the Electronics Spare Parts Industry

The electronics spare parts industry is a dynamic sector within the broader electronics landscape.
Companies operating in this space function as vital links in the supply chain, managing a diverse
stock (inventory)¹ of components to cater to a wide range of repair needs. Cashflow² is king in this
industry, and businesses must maintain a delicate balance between having sufficient stock readily
available to fulfill customer orders while also avoiding excessive inventory that could tie up valuable

Curating a compelling product mix³ is essential for success. Businesses need to stay abreast of the
latest trends in consumer electronics and ensure they have the necessary replacement parts⁴ on
hand. Strong supplier relationships⁵ are crucial for maintaining a consistent flow of inventory and
securing competitive pricing. Here, effective negotiation skills come into play to optimize cost of
goods sold (COGS)⁶.

Furthermore, leveraging efficient logistics management⁷ practices is paramount. By optimizing

delivery routes and minimizing warehouse holding times, businesses can ensure timely deliveries and
reduce customer churn⁸. E-commerce platforms⁹ are also becoming increasingly important,
allowing businesses to expand their customer reach and attract both individual consumers and
professional repair technicians seeking specific components.


¹ Stock (Inventory): The physical goods a company holds for sale to customers.
² Cash Flow: The movement of cash in and out of a business.
³ Compelling Product Mix: The variety of products offered by a business that is strategically chosen to
meet customer needs and maximize sales.
⁴ Replacement Parts: Components that can be used to repair or replace faulty parts within a device.
⁵ Supplier Relationships: The partnerships a business forms with companies that provide them with
the goods they sell.
⁶ Cost of Goods Sold (COGS): The direct costs associated with producing the goods a company sells.
⁷ Logistics Management: The process of planning, implementing, and controlling the movement and
storage of goods.
⁸ Customer Churn: The rate at which customers stop doing business with a company.
⁹ E-commerce Platform: An online marketplace where businesses can sell their products and services
to customers.

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