Warhammer 40K 10E - Codex Supplement - Dark Angels (SCAN) (OCR)

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Bark {Engels

Forge your army's narrative with these bespoke Crusade rules.

Introduction ................................................................................... 82 Requisitions ....................................................................... . a:

Oathsworn Campaigns ......................................................... 83 Battle Traits .................................................................... 3:
Inner Circle Advancement .................................................. 86 Crusade Relics ......................................................... 3"
Agendas ......................................................................................... 88 Crusade Badges .............................................................. V ~—‘

All the points values you will need to muster your army.
Army Rules . .. 59
Detachment Rules... . 60—65
Unforgiven Task Force ............................................ 60
Inner Circle Task Force ................................................... 62
Company of Hunters ...................................................... 64
Datasheets ........... .. 66-79
Lion El'ionson, ..68
inner Circle Companions ””69
Azrael .......................................................................... 70
Asmodai ...................................................................... 70
Belial ........... 7l
Ezekiel.... ....7l
Sammael t...72
Lazarus ........................................................................ 73
Deathwing Terminator Squad ................................... 74
Deathwing Knights ..................................................... 75
Ravenwing Command Squad ........... .. ..76
Ravenwing Black Knights ..77
Ravenwing Darkshroud .................. 78
Land Speeder Vengeance .......................................... 78
Ravenwing Dark Talon ............................................... 79
Nephilim letfighter .................................................... 79

Codex Supplement: Dark Angels © Copyright Games Workshop
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v alflallan Captain Ian ‘Traitorous vermin,‘ spat Sudvokar's rampart of them before their wall.
Sudvokar stood with his vox officer, Tyrem. The Captain‘s Yet that wall was breached in three
command squad atop a reply died in his throat as he panned places. Lengths of it were ablaze
prefab ferrocrete rampart. the magnoculars over the horde’s with a supernatural flame that could
The wall stretched across front ranks and saw the giants not be quenched. The foxholes
the high Cyclophae Pass advancing there. had become open graves. The field
from one rocky mountainside to the guns had been brutally silenced
other. Lining its firestep to either 'Throne of the Emperor,’ Sudvokar by counter-battery fire from heretic
side of Sudvokar, or dug into foxholes whispered. 'I see Heretic Astartes, tanks. Barely half Sudvokar's soldiers
hastily blasted from rock and snow and the Hooded King leads them.’ still lived, while the heretics seething
before the wall, were the Captain’s before the wall felt numberless.
forces: the I 18th Valhallan Infantry; His command squad breathed oaths. Worst, barely fifty yards from the
some 442nd Krovian Scourges; ragged The Captain stared at the beast in Imperial line, the Hooded King and
mobs of local defence militia. They black power armour who had so his Heretic Astartes elite advanced
were all that had been salvaged bedevilled this world. Its face was unhurriedly, firing as they came. It
during the retreat from Aismola. lost in the shadows of its deep cowl seemed the heretic warlord meant to
Sudvokar had done what he could to but there was no mistaking the scale the wall in person. When he did,
weld them into a coherent army. barbed and glowing blade in its fist, Sudvokar knew it would be over.
or the fan of bone spines that rose
So high above sea level the from its shoulder guards. Here was ‘Sir! You must hear this!’ Tyrem
temperature was brutally cold and the heretical warlord who had turned grabbed his arm, thrust her vox
rebreathers were standard issue — at once-loyal Imperial servants into headset at him. Her eyes were fever-
least insofar as the supply of them murderous lunatics, had plunged bright, though Sudvokar couldn‘t tell
stretched. Hypoxia and cold—blight millions into civil war and unleashed if it was fear or some other emotion
were constant perils and both had the Heretic Astartes upon those who that gripped her. He lifted the
gnawed at Sudvokar’s ranks over the defied him. It was all Sudvokar could headset to one ear. The voice that
past few days. Neither concerned him do not to turn and run. crackled from it was inhumanly deep
now, however. The Captain’s attention and powerful, its words clipped.
was instead focused down the ‘Tyrem, signal the gun crews, enemy
mountain pass. Down there, a heretic will pass our range markers in under '. . .Militarum forces, {told position. We draw
horde approached. a minute,’ he ordered, fighting to nigh. The Emperor protects.’
keep the tremor from his voice. ‘Then
Sudvokar felt hatred and fear churn spread the word. We stand and fight Before Sudvokar could respond to the
in his gut as he watched the foe here. These dogs shall not pass.’ transmission, a cry went up further
draw closer. The sunlit purity of the down the line. Soldiers shouted
snows and the deep blue vaults His subordinates began transmitting oaths and pointed to the northern
of the heavens so near above only his orders. Sudvokar, meanwhile, slope of the pass. To his amazement,
served to exaggerate the traitors' steeled himself. Their chances of Sudvokar saw more than a score of
incongruous foulness. defeating this foe were virtually nil. huge, black-armoured figures on
Still, he would bleed these traitors, rugged combat bikes tearing down
‘Mags,’ he barked, holding out one Sudvokar promised himself. By the the steep slope toward the traitors’
gloved hand to his adiutant, Lethyg. God-Emperor, he would do that at flank. The Captain knew in his bones
Taking the proffered set of bulky least. His artillery began to sing their that no unaugmented Human could
magnoculars, the Captain studied the hymn of war, and the battle began possibly accomplish such a feat of
approaching enemy in detail. in earnest. riding. But these, he realised, were no
mere Humans.
‘Cult of Whispered Truths,’ he
growled, recognising on robes, ‘Throne of the Almighty God-Emperor,
banners and tank hulls the sigil now Barely thirty minutes later, Captain they’re Space Marines!’ he shouted
so reviled from the ruins of Aismola Sudvokar knew that defeat was as the bikers opened fire and the
to the Kuvdhol Reach. 'I see Gospord inevitable. His soldiers had piled thunder of bolt weapons rolled
Light Infantry and Namarth Armoured heretic corpses all the way up the through the pass. ‘The Angels of the
amidst their ranks.’ pass and made a virtual second Emperor are come!’
A glance at the Hooded King he still clutched. ‘Support the thrusters. A storm of smoke and
showed that he, too, had spotted the Space Marines!’ whipped-up snow battered the Astra
newcomers. To Sudvokar’s shock — Militarum soldiers atop their wall.
and, by their reaction, to the shock of He led by example, blazing away
the King‘s subjects, also — the hulking with his laspistol as the paralysis Sudvokar was half blinded. Gripping
warrior was backing away from the of amazement left him at last. As the battlement to steady himself,
onrushing bikers. He shook his head the Astra Militarum rained fire he saw through slitted eyes the
slowly, as though in denial. upon their foes, more Angels of suggestion of the vessels touching
the Emperor joined the fight. As down, of their assault ramps
Thrusters howled. Sudvokar the bikers raced through the heart dropping and of warriors in dark
staggered and his snow-cap was of the horde, so blinding energy green armour spilling out. Bolt
blown from his head by downdraught spheres expanded in their wake. weapons blazed amidst the whirling
as a trio of black aircraft streaked low These eye-watering teleport blooms clouds. Chain blades howled. Then,
and fast over the wall. TWO strafed dissipated to leave behind bands as swiftly as they had arrived,
the heretic lines. Howling traitors of gigantically armoured warriors the loyalists fell back again into
vanished amidst geysers of bloody in bone white armour. Some bore their vessels accompanied by the
snow. The third craft dropped some huge blades and shields. Some were bone-armoured giants.
manner of bulky projectile directly armed with colossal firearms. All
onto the Hooded King from what unleashed death upon the traitor The gunships rose on columns of
looked, to Sudvokar, suicidally ranks with such sudden and vengeful fire, point defence guns still blazing,
close range. The Captain recoiled, fury that even the loyal Imperial then accelerated away with a leonine
expecting an explosion. Instead Guardsmen recoiled in fear. Shrieking roar of ramjets. Through the settling
a rippling energy field expanded missiles and sawing lines of fire snows, Sudvokar saw that the
from the point of impact to engulf reduced tanks to blazing wrecks remaining bikers and skimmers were
the King and more than half his and traitors to chopped meat and sweeping away down the pass without
Heretic Astartes elite. Sudvokar blackened corpses. another word over the vox. He let
blinked in amazement as he saw the out a rattling breath and checked his
hulking traitors frozen in place as chrono. The engagement had lasted
though trapped by the cessation of m... less than five minutes.
time itself.
Cultists and traitor guardsmen
Before Sudvokar could catch up to As Sudvokar watched, wrestling with staggered from hiding places or
the speed of events, another wave of sheer sensory overload, the Space milled in confusion before the wall.
black-hulled attack craft screamed in Marines in black armour and those As they did, Sudvokar saw the chance
from the south. These were anti-grav in bone tore the heart from the that the Space Marines had handed
speeders, several squadrons of them traitor horde. The Heretic Astartes him. They had clearly come with their
sweeping around the mountain's attempted a counter-charge but they own mission, yet the carnage they
flank and descending on the heretics were too few, and caught badly out had wrought amongst the foe had
with cannons blazing. Plasma blasts of position. They took their toll upon turned this engagement decisively in
and storms of shells tore apart mobs the loyalist Space Marines but not the loyalists' favour. Sudvokar knew
of cultists and traitor soldiery. The one heretic lived to capitalise upon his duty, and that of his soldiers, and
surviving Heretic Astartes returned their gains. thanked the God-Emperor that the
fire and sent several speeders Adeptus Astartes had given him the
spiralling down to explode amidst When Sudvokar thought he could means to see it done.
the rocks. Yet as the bikers cut not be amazed further, a trio of huge
deeper into the horde from the north gunships streaked down from the ‘All forces, ready arms and prepare
and the speeders and attack craft cobalt skies. Their hulls were a deep to advance!’ he roared, filled with
doubled back for fresh attack runs, forest green and bore winged blade renewed hope and fury. ‘Butcher
the heretics' casualties mounted and insignia. They fired as they came, these traitors and drive them before
their advance wavered. pulverising and scattering the reeling you like the storm! We shall not
heretics. Then, with blistering speed, squander the opportunity given us by
‘All platoons, fire at will!’ barked they were directly overhead and the Angels of Death! We shall make
Sudvokar into the vox headset dropping into the pass on howling them proud!’
The' nforgium




The Dark Angels’ deepest history is shrouded resultant conflict was fought between El’Jonson
in mystery. Successive Dark Angels Masters and Luther, who was infused with the powers
and Veterans have deliberately obscured of the Dark Gods and capable of duelling
it. The truth is hidden within Chapter even a demigod Primarch on an even footing.
mythology, concealed by circles of metaphor Though the Lion was victorious, he could not
and allegory or sealed behind barred doors. bring himself to slay his former friend. In this
Yet the events of the Chapter’s past have moment of noble hesitation, Luther struck back.
shaped the life of every son of the Lion, and The Lion was left mortally wounded. As Luther
will likely do so far into the future. looked upon the grievously injured form of
the Primarch, a veil was lifted from his eyes: he
Lion El’Ionson was discovered as a feral child in realised the full magnitude of what he had done.
the forests of Caliban by a knight named Luther.
Rather than slay the young Lion, Luther brought It is told that Luther’s anguish echoed through
him to civilisation. A deep bond of brotherhood the warp, churning and boiling so violently
and friendship formed as the Lion grew and it brought psykers across the galaxy to their
they hunted together from Caliban’s dark knees. Its power was so great that a warp storm
keeps. When the Lion led his Legion into the emerged to engulf Caliban, though how this
stars, Luther was granted guardianship of the came about is a terrible secret known to a
planet through the Great Crusade and into the precious few. The tempest destroyed almost all
Horus Heresy. In El’Ionson’s absence, however, of the planet, weakened as it was by the fleet’s
something bitter entered Luther’s heart, and he bombardments, and pulled those ‘Fallen’ Dark
fostered rebellion in those Dark Angels serving Angels who served under Luther into the warp,
under him. When El’Ionson’s fleet reached casting them throughout time and space.
Caliban after years abroad, Luther ordered his
warriors to fire upon it. When the loyalist Dark Angels sought their
Primarch amidst the ruins, all they found was
The battle that followed shook the Dark Angels Luther, reduced to a gibbering wreck. He ranted
Legion to its very core. Thousands were slain. that the Watchers in the Dark had taken the
Caliban cracked and heaved as atomic ordnance Lion away, and that one day the Primarch would
and high-powered laser blasts struck it from return and forgive him. Luther was captured
orbit, before the Lion ordered his warriors and imprisoned. The Dark Angels searched
to make planetfall. The pivotal battle of the everywhere for their genefather, to no avail.
THE AFTERMATH Already an insular brotherhood, the Dark
With but a portion of their home world still Angels Legion turned inward further. The
intact, thousands of their number dead and Masters enacted a plan to ensure the Legion
their Primarch lost, the Dark Angels faced an survived what it had endured. They were
uncertain future. The Lion had imbued in his determined it would. The Dark Angels were, in
gene—sons a stoicism and self—sufficiency, built a manner of speaking, reborn, rededicated to M41, CLOSING DAYS
over years of being the First Legion, that paved serving the Imperium. None could be allowed THE SHADOWED PATHS
the way for those that followed. Never before to doubt their resolve or commitment in such It was in the Era Indomitus, as

had the Dark Angels drawn upon their resolve trying times. the galaxy shook to the howl of

as they did in this moment, for the Imperium warp storms and the clangour of

was now a very different place to what it had The Masters knew, however, that zeal alone crusading armies, that the Lion
been before Horus had turned on the Emperor. could not be enough. All of the Legion was knew consciousness again as he

In the aftermath of Horus’ failed rebellion, it sworn to secrecy. No brother was to ever reveal walked the shadowed paths of a

seethed with mistrust and anarchy. Even with the events that had transpired on Caliban. strange, supernatural forest.
the eventual success of the Scouring, many They knew no one outside the Legion could How he came to be there, who had

Imperial worlds operated without oversight. learn of what had happened. What the Dark spirited him from his hidden

Piracy was rampant. Ignorance was widespread. Angels did with the tens of thousands of serfs, place of millennia—long repose,
Astropaths, Tech—Priests and other non- was a mystery. He knew only that

The authorities that attempted to fill the void Space Marine support staff that undoubtedly his wounds had healed and that he
left by the Emperor, by now ensconced on the bore witness to Luther’s treachery and the felt his loyalty to the Emperor

Golden Throne, faced countless tasks following destruction of Caliban has long since faded blaze bright as ever. By this
up any leads of treachery that still tainted the even from the Dark Angels’ records. In addition star did he navigate the paths
Imperium. Suspicion hung over everyone and to the vows of secrecy, the senior elements of of the sinister forest realm

everything. Investigation after investigation the Legion formed a secret conclave, known as beyond the bounds of reality. With
yielded corruption in every strata of Imperial the Inner Circle. Though these were dangerous each supernatural beast battled

society on thousands of worlds. Pyres burnt for times indeed for the Dark Angels, they were and bested, each revelation
weeks on end as heretics were put to the torch. not without their advantages. The Imperial experienced, the Lion regained his

Blood flowed in rivers as executioners’ axes were authorities launched a multitude of inquiries memories and forged his path. Soon

blunted on the necks of traitors. The Imperium into the Legion. It was impossible to conceal enough, he became the questing

was steeped in paranoia, recriminations and the loss of Caliban, Lion El’Ionson and a lord of this mist—wreathed forest
vengeance. That innocents were slaughtered considerable portion of the Legion’s strength so akin to an echo of Caliban
in these campaigns of retribution is certain. and fleet. But the inquiries found nothing, of old.
By comparison, the Dark Angels thought thanks to the upheaval in the Imperium.
themselves to be wholly guilty and far more Traitors remained in abundance. Xenos species
deserving of such bloody—handed retribution. struck again and again. The investigators lacked
They believed that should any learn of what had the time and resources to carry out the kind of
occurred in Caliban’s last days, they would be thorough inquiry that might have revealed the
declared Excommunicate Traitoris. cracks in the Dark Angels’ story. The Legion’s
reclusive manner was put down to the terrible THE INNER CIRCLE
losses they had sustained, and they were largely
left to do what the Imperium needed them so After Horus’ rebellion failed, the shattered
desperately to do ~ fight Humanity’s enemies. Imperium was in a state of turmoil as Imperial
M41, CLOSING DAYS The Dark Angels sought new recruiting worlds authorities sought to regain control. It was in
KNIGHT OF THE NIHILUS and readied their fleets for fresh campaigns. this time that the Inner Circle was formed,
As he strode the winding ways They also transformed that portion of Caliban a closed network of the Dark Angels’ most
of the shadow forest, the Lion which had survived — their ruined fortress senior warriors.
earned by his deeds the gift of monastery and a huge chunk of the bedrock
the Emperor’s Shield to bear into below it, all protected by a powerful force The Inner Circle took shape over a period of
battle. As he began to cross field — into their new base of operations. They decades and centuries, evolving from an ad hoc
the veil and set foot once again named this huge and fortified asteroid the Rock, formation into a formal conclave. The Inner
upon the worlds of the tormented sometimes also known as the Tower of Angels. Circle ensured the Dark Angels’ ways grew more
Imperium, so he recovered a They added gun batteries, embarkation decks, monastic and ritualistic. They emphasised the
masterwork blade on Camarth and and realspace and warp engines, transforming need for strictness, discipline and brotherhood,
named it Fealty. While the Lion the Rock into one of the largest mobile battle as did the Second Founding Chapters after the
prowled on the hunt, he saw the stations in the Imperium. They also explored the Dark Angels embraced the Codex Astartes — an
cataclysmic decline that afflicted shadowed dungeons they found honeycombing act they undertook to avoid further suspicion.
his father's realm. Vengeful, he the bedrock below. Here they discovered hoards As time went by, the number of warriors who
struck down the abominations of of ancient machinery and weapons that had sat had witnessed what had befallen Caliban
the Dark Gods wherever he found undisturbed since the Dark Age of Technology, dwindled to none but a handful of ancients
them. World by world and whisper as well as many more unsettling secrets that they interred within Dreadnought sarcophagi, and
by whisper, the legends of the have kept under careful guard ever since. whose silence on such matters was self-imposed.
Knight of the Nihilus began to The dark secrets of that grim time lived only
grow, and they were redolent with The Dark Angels only learned later that many of in the memories of later generations of the
both fear and hope. the Fallen had survived the events on Caliban. Unforgiven Chapters’ Inner Circles. To this
This was a new vulnerability. Any one of the day, only the Deathwing, select Masters, the
Fallen could reveal what happened. Yet it was Interrogator—Chaplains and Librarians of the
also a boon, for if the Dark Angels slew the Chapter — and one other, singular being — have
Fallen, they believed absolution could be theirs. any real knowledge of the Unforgiven’s past, and
So began their millennia—long hunt. most of them are ignorant of the full extent of
the Dark Angels’ hidden knowledge.

The Dark Angels Inner Circle is not merely a

ritualised means by which to keep dark secrets.
It is also the Chapter’s equivalent of a First

Company and Chapter Command combined, the Inner Circle. Such duality of role is ever
a formation amongst whose ranks stand a trial for the Company Masters. It is a test
many accomplished and — in some cases — of their loyalty and integrity, that they must
terrifying heroes. safeguard even from their own followers and
battle—brothers the secrets imparted to them
GRAND MASTER EZEKIEL about their Chapter’s past and its true goals.
Ezekiel is a stern and uncompromising It is a testament to Lazarus, and to others like
character who rarely speaks outside of Chapter him, that they are able to discharge all of their
rituals or during interrogations of the Fallen. duties without compromising their vows of
Even the purest of the Chapter feel unsettled secrecy. Indeed, the Master of the 5th not only
by his gaze, as Grand Master Ezekiel has the achieves this balance but is further entrusted
ability to read the intentions of any individual. as the Keeper of the Unseen Ritual. This is an
One glance into his good eye — the other was esteemed role within the Inner Circle that has
replaced with a bionic after the Battle of the seen him collate much secret lore concerning
Sularian Gate — reveals the look of one who has the ancient orders of Caliban itself.
stared deeply into souls and found something
wanting. It is this trait in particular that is so As a leader, Lazarus echoes his Primarch in
vital for assessing the worthiness of candidates his belief in deeds over words. He is a noted
for the Inner Circle. One in three politely strategist within his Chapter’s command
decline promotion, knowing Ezekiel will probe echelons but leaves exalting oratory and
their minds for as long as it takes to ensure their speechcraft to those better suited to such things.
worth. Stories persist of those who have failed Lazarus believes that it is enough to serve as
to meet Ezekiel’s exacting standards or whose an exemplar to the warriors of his Company
minds were not strong enough to withstand his and inspire his followers to emulate his
psychic interrogations. Some are said to have achievements. In this he has proven successful.
vanished, or been locked away in dark cells, Not only have the Dark Angels 5th Company
though none will confirm or deny what is told of won many accolades during his time as their
them. Regardless of the truth, these tales ensure Master, but also Lazarus himself has garnered
only the most pure of heart consider themselves a reputation throughout the Chapter for icy
worthy for elevation. calm in the face of the most terrible crises
or provocations. Only when he is faced by
Ezekiel was recruited on Delphyna III, practitioners of heretical sorcery does his
discovered branded and scarred in a lightless vaunted composure crack. Lazarus has
oubliette by Dark Angels forces purging the done battle with the insidious Thousand
heretic population. Codicier Meroth, part of Sons Traitor Legion on numerous occasions,
that Dark Angels force, could sense the young was almost slain by their magicks during
Ezekiel’s immense psychic potential from many the Disaster at Rimenok, and has lost many
miles away. Ezekiel progressed through the close battle-brothers to their machinations.
Librarius’ ranks incredibly quickly, outranking All this has left a scar upon the Dark Angel’s
Meroth within ten years. Such was his awesome soul and ensures that he assails witches in
power that he gained the rank of Grand Master battle with an uncharacteristic — sometimes
of the Librarius because the former Grand reckless — ferocity.
Master, Danatheum, stepped down from his
position and awarded it to Ezekiel. Whether battling such warp-touched foes
or more conventional enemies, Master
As Grand Master of the Librarius, Ezekiel is Lazarus is a superlative warrior. He wields
the Keeper of the Keys. With the privileges his blade, Enmity’s Edge, with all the martial
associated with this title he can open all portals skill that is his Chapter’s rightful inheritance.
on the Rock, save but a handful. He has never At the same time he is warded against harm by
been told of these locations, but as he walks the Spiritshield Helm, fashioned by Chapter
the Rock’s corridors and passageways he can artificers to incorporate a shard of one of
sense the areas shielded from his psychic gaze Caliban’s old Stone Guardians. The force field
by ancient, esoteric technologies. Another vital that shimmers about the helm’s wearer is proof
duty of his role is guardianship of the Book of against all but the most devastating attacks,
Salvation. Within it, the name of every Fallen and has saved Lazarus’ life on more than
ever captured is written in the traitor’s own one occasion.
blood. Most Dark Angels have no idea of the
tome’s true significance, but will die to protect it. DARK ANGELS RITUALS
On every tier of their Chapter’s organisation
MASTER LAZARUS the Dark Angels have a bewildering array of
Master Lazarus is the commander of the Dark ancient rites and traditions, from the Feast of
Angels’ 5th Company, further belonging — as Malediction and the Rite of Sins Renounced to
do several of such rank within the Chapter — to the three-day Mindchant of the Iron Penance

and the recital of the Liturgy of the Thrice— an opportunity for absolution, should the Dark
avenged. Most sacraments are led by the Dark Angels successfully capture them and force
Angels Chaplains, often accompanied by them to repent. Thus began a hunt that would
Company Masters. Many of these only involve last for millennia.
small groups of robed and hooded figures, but
others are delivered to whole companies or even Each of the Fallen found their own way of
— though very rarely — the entire Chapter. Some surviving in the wider galaxy after being spat
are instructional, some involve oath—taking, out by the warp, whether alone or in groups.
while others are mysterious, leaving neophytes Many embraced Chaos, becoming Heretic
in awe at the unusual proceedings. Astartes. Some of these even ascended to
daemonhood. Others lived life as pirates and
All, however, are cold and solemn ceremonies, raiders; fighting was all they knew and all
for the sons of the Lion are serious-minded they believed they could do. A handful rose to
and believe in a singularity of purpose - that of become mighty tyrants, enslaving worlds or
absolute devotion to defeating the Imperium’s even star systems.
foes. None of the Dark Angels’ ceremonies are
without meaning; whether or not all of the The Fallen were scattered throughout not
participants understand them is another matter. only space but also time. For these souls,
The door is truly opened when a Dark Angel thousands of years passed in the blink of an
joins the Inner Circle and learns some of the eye, for linear time has no meaning within the
Chapter’s secrets. The epiphany of the moment madness of the warp. The realisation of what
strikes like a silent thunderbolt as all the lessons, had happened to them, and what they had
rituals and apocryphal tales coalesce into a done, drove some to madness. They embarked
single, terrible truth. upon violent rampages and raved aloud of their
treacherous deeds and dangerous dishonour.
Through devotion to these traditions, the Others, by comparison, deeply regretted their
Masters strive to make their brethren stronger past actions or believed they had been duped
— in mind, body and spirit. Indeed, with the by the whispers of Luther. They assumed
galaxy torn asunder and the power of the warp lonely existences, becoming mercenaries, or
rife throughout it, never have these ceremonies integrating themselves into Imperial society
and Observances been of greater import to the and striving to work towards some sense
Dark Angels. of redemption.

The hunt for the Fallen has never ceased — it

remains the foremost duty of the Inner Circle. It
is a quest furthered, knowingly or not, through
The Dark Angels have long believed the only the efforts of the rest of the Dark Angels
way to expunge their secret shame is to hunt Chapter and by all their successors as well as
down every last one of the Fallen and extract countless psycho-indoctrinated sleeper agents
their confessions. With his return to the scattered through Imperial society. Though
Chapter, the Lion has brought a measure of decades may pass without the slightest sign of
nuance to this quest. Yet the Fallen remain one of the Fallen, ever are the Sons of the Lion
a stain upon the collective honour of the vigilant for another’s emergence.
Unforgiven Chapters. They also represent a
dangerous weakness that might be exploited For thousands of years it has been the fate
by the Dark Angels’ detractors and foes. of captured Fallen to be taken back to the
Rock — or, in the case of those apprehended
Those loyalist Dark Angels that survived the by successor Chapters, to the darkest cells
destruction of Caliban believed their traitorous within their Fortress Monasteries or flagships
battle—brothers were all slain in the warp storm — and there excruciated by the Interrogator—
that tore their home world apart. During later Chaplains. Such questioning always ended in
attempts to find their lost Primarch, the Dark death, whether in slow agony for those who
Angels’ Librarians came across the psychic would not repent, or after being granted the
signatures of the Fallen. They were dismayed to swift release of final redemption. Since Lion
discover their traitorous brethren yet lived. El’Ionson returned to lead the Unforgiven,
however, there have been some slight — and at
The Dark Angels’ Masters met this revelation times enigmatic — changes. The Fallen are still
with typical stoicism, despite the turmoil it dragged to the dark cells and there subjected to
caused. Many feared the secrets the Fallen all the torments that the Interrogator—Chaplains
would reveal, for the traitors had no reason to can devise. Yet on rare occasions a tall, cowled
conceal what they knew, and were in themselves figure may enter the excruciation chamber
evidence of the calamitous events on Caliban. and call a temporary halt. Even with his face
Yet the simple existence of the Fallen presented hidden there can be no mistaking the awesome

His powers restored — and greater,

or at least stranger than they had

ever been — his eyes open to the
reality he had awoken to, the Lion

sought the Fallen. Yet his quest

was not the same as his gene-





sons’ hunt. The Lion was possessed


of an absolute conviction that

some of those who followed Luther

into rebellion, but had never

embraced worship of the Dark Gods,
might still be truly redeemed.

This would not be the absolution

of death in confession, but a
second chance to fight for the

Lion and the Emperor. He found,

judged, and forgave one such Risen
battle—brother after another,

while offering the final mercy

of his blade to those beyond

his power to save. It was while
engaged in this quest that the
Lion was located by Commander
Dante of the Blood Angels, who
bore a warning of the terrible
peril facing the Unforgiven in the
Idolatros System at the hands of

Vashtorr the Arkifane.

presence of the Primarch. At his bidding, the The rationale by which the Lion chooses
Interrogator—Chaplain and any aiding them in those he removes from the excruciation
their work withdraw, leaving the hooded giant cells eludes even Azrael. More than once
and the captive Fallen alone. since his return, El’Ionson has spirited
away singularly unrepentant and visibly
It is forbidden by edict of the Inner Circle for corrupt beings who have admitted — even
any to know what passes between Primarch bragged of — offering up their souls to the
and Fallen gene—son at such times. Sometimes, Dark Gods. What use the Primarch of the
after long hours, the Lion emerges with an air of Dark Angels could have for such monsters
grim sorrow and commands the interrogators is a mystery. Whatever the truth, though,
to recommence their work. On rare occasions, the Lion has not otherwise interfered with the
however, the door to the excruciation chamber ongoing hunt for the Fallen, and has given
slides open to reveal an empty room. None no indication that he is dissatisfied with the
within the Dark Angels — save perhaps the methods his gene—sons employ or the diligence
very highest—placed of their lords and masters with which they pursue their quest. El’Ionson
— know anything of the fate of those the Lion has, on a handful of occasions, redirected the
removes in this fashion. Supreme Grand Master efforts of the Inner Circle mid-hunt. As each
Azrael, Ezekiel the Grand Master of Librarians such instance has seen a still—greater capture
and a handful of their peers have been made effected than that which was expected, however,
privy to certain secrets in this regard, yet even the Unforgiven take this as tacit approval
they are left to harbour suspicions as to the from their gene—sire that their hunt is just, and
veracity of what they think they know. must continue unabated.
preferring to allow his deeds to speak for him
and driven by the conviction that loyalty is its
own reward. An outsider might be forgiven for
observing that the Lion is as unforthcoming and
clandestine as his gene-sons. It is closer to the
truth to say they learned such ways from him.

Even by the standards once set amongst the long

lost brotherhood of the Primarchs, El’Ionson is
an accomplished strategist and tactician both.
He has ever been an exemplary crusader against
the enemies of the Emperor, a sworn defender
of the Human race, and a stalwart foe of all
servants of the Dark Gods.

After his mortal wounding by Luther during the

destruction of Caliban, the Lion was borne away
into the shadows by the strange and diminutive
Watchers in the Dark. He was laid at rest within
a chamber of the Rock so dark and deep that not
even the Dark Angels’ Supreme Grand Masters
knew of its existence. Only the arch—heretic
Luther himself knew that the Lion had been
so interred, and that the Primarch slumbered
and in his sleep might very slowly be healing.
Locked away in his own dismal cell within the
Rock, kept a secret through the ages by a series
of Supreme Grand Masters, Luther never gave
up his secrets. True understanding of his own
betrayal had driven the Lion’s former comrade
irretrievably mad — though the gifts of Chaos
could sustain his physical form for millennia on
end, they had proven no shield for his mind.

It was during the darkness of the Noctis

Aeterna that Luther was snatched by agents
of the Daemon Prince Marbas. By that time,
he had still never revealed the truth about the
Lion’s survival to his captors, despite claims of
repentance. Yet it was not so long after Luther’s
emancipation that the Lion also found himself
walking abroad in the galaxy again. Of course,
as no single being possessed or likely possesses
all of the parts of this shattered stained glass
puzzle, none have grasped the strange contiguity
of these events or pondered what it might mean.
To date, the Lion has no notion of who or what
The Lion is the Primarch of the Dark woke him from his millennia—long slumbers or
Angels, progenitor of all the Unforgiven. set him upon the shadowed paths of the forest.
He was wrought by the Emperor’s hand. He However it came about, El’Ionson’s apparent
commanded the First Legion through the resurrection saw him return as a changed being
blood and thunder of the Great Crusade and from the one he had been before Caliban’s
the nightmarish Horus Heresy that followed, fall. He has aged during his convalescence,
only to be laid low by the one comrade he insofar as such is possible for a demigod
trusted before any other. Returned to his Primarch. More than this, though, any who
followers in the Era Indomitus by mysterious knew El’Ionson in the days before — precious
forces, the Lion has taken up his mantle of few though they are in M41 — would see that
command once again and continues to fight he has become a more fey and unsettling
for loyalty, duty and honour. presence. At times, particularly when he is lost
in brooding contemplation or gripped by great
Lion El’Ionson is a warrior both noble and anger, the shadows seem to deepen around
knightly. He is as stern as he is sombre, the Lion in sympathy with his mood, and

even to stir restively. 'Ihose transfixed by the might be present, or could step from the
Lion’s stare have reported being gripped by an darkness to lead them to glorious victory, has
almost supernatural fear, that manifested itself proven a potent motivator for many amongst
as a sense of being prey lost within some dark the Unforgiven.
and claustrophobic forest while unseen and
predatory things circled ever closer through THE PRIMARCH ROUSED
the gloom. When he casts secrecy aside and strides to war,
Lion El’Ionson is terrifying and inspirational
Strangest of the Lion’s seemingly-supernatural in equal measure. He is a demigod unleashed,
abilities is his forest walking. Able to part the a knightly paragon equally adroit whether
veil seemingly at will, El’Ionson steps through wielding the might of great armies in planetwide
into an echo—realm of drifting mists and conflicts or his own personal weapons of war in
ethereal, trackless forests that thrum with the duels with the most terrible of foes.
spiritual resonance of the long-ago wilds of
ancient Caliban. Such transit leaves odd traces In one hand the Lion wields the blade Fealty,
in its wake. Telltale undergrowth sprouts from its power field crackling as it cuts the air. Every
ferrocrete, metal, even flesh and bone, then blow El’Ionson strikes with this weapon lands THE INNER CIRCLE
withers slowly into ectoplasmic nothingness with meteoric force and masterful precision. COMPAN IONS
over time. On the defensive he employs it to weave an Even within the closed ranks
impenetrable thicket of swift parries and of the Dark Angels the Inner
By walking his forest paths, the Lion is able cunning deflections that bleed the ferocity from Circle Companions are a
to traverse vast interplanetary distances in a even the most ferocious attacker’s onslaught. mystery to all but themselves
matter of days. On occasion he may take others — and, it is whispered. the
with him upon these dark paths of ever-shifting On his other arm, the Lion bears the Shield Lion. Wielding their Calibanite
shadow, though this is a perilous undertaking of the Emperor. Not only is this bulwark of greatswords, these warriors
for any but he. Such individuals are further adamantine and ceramite tough enough to stop fight with sublime skill and
sworn to absolute secrecy regarding what they a tank shell, but the shield also incorporates a focused fury. They act as
witness during such supernatural journeys. beautifully crafted conversion field generator. bodyguards to heroes of the
These forest walks do not always bring the When a blow of sufficient force strikes the Unforgiven Chapters, or at
Lion out at the destination he first sought to Shield of the Emperor its fury is captured, other times pursue their own
reach. They may lead him to journey’s end only transformed and channelled back at the attacker secret battlefield quests.
via a circuitous and quest-laden route across in a furious eruption of blinding light and force. Their presence is far from
multiple worlds. They may not bring him to reassuring, even to their fellow
his intended objective at all. Somehow, though, Holstered at his hip, the Lion carries the Arma Dark Angels, for Inner Circle
they usually see the Lion emerge into realspace Luminis. This potent energy weapon is a pistol Companions arrive unlooked
where the need for him is greatest and only of such size only a Primarch’s hand could wield for and speak only via heavily
his intervention can stave off the rising tides it. Its power is sufficient to sear a glowing tunnel encrypted vex—transmission
of Chaos. What agency might lie behind such through an enemy battle tank or reduce a to one another, having sworn
turns of fortune remains mysterious. reinforced bulkhead door to molten ruin. vows of silence outside the
bounds of their own fraternity,
Travelling either by his esoteric pathways, or For all his priceless wargear, it is the Lion’s Who these battle-brothers are;
more conventionally aboard the voidships of the own indomitable will and formidable martial how they are chosen for their
Unforgiven, the Lion roams far from the Rock. ability that render him truly deadly. He reads duties or why; what agendas
Sometimes he quests to slay Chaos champions the battlefield with absolute clarity. In war he is they seek to further; these are
and their monstrous followers, or complete a predator, able to discern his foes’ weaknesses questions asked throughout
mysterious tasks whose nature and purpose he at a glance, and alert to even the most cunning the Unforgiven, but for which
keeps to himself. On other occasions he steps attempt to outmanoeuvre or outthink him. He no-one — seemingly not even
from the shadows to lead one or other of his knows, equally, every strength of friend and foe the Chapters' Grand Masters —
successor Chapters to war in person. alike, and is able to appraise the most complex have answers.
entanglement of armies while seeing clearly the
Wherever he prowls and to whatever end, the best path to victory no matter the odds.
Lion does not always choose to reveal himself
even to his own gene-sons. With the aid of the THE INNERMOST CIRCLE
Watchers in the Dark, he has proven able to The Lion occupies a unique space within the
escape even Space Marines’ notice when he Dark Angels Chapter — and indeed the wider
wishes it, remaining hooded and cloaked in the organisation of the Unforgiven. He alone is
shadows while he observes without comment. privy to all the compartmentalised, obfuscated,
What it is that El’Ionson watches for, or what and in some cases forbidden knowledge the
greater hidden agenda he may pursue, his Dark Angels have ever possessed. He stands
followers do not know. Certainly he has shown above even the Supreme Grand Master in
no inclination to organise grand crusades in seniority. All doors and vaults throughout the
emulation of Roboute Guilliman. Still, the Rock open to him. No mystery remains hidden
knowledge that at any time their Primarch from his sight.

El’Ionson maintains two personal sanctums crawls over the ground. Here the Watchers
M41, CLOSING DAYS within the Dark Angels’ colossal battle fortress. in the Dark are seen frequently, hastening on
WYRMWOOD ASCENDANT One is a grand and austere chamber of vaulted enigmatic errands or simply lingering half-seen
By the time the Lion reached the ceilings and fluttering banners in the upper amidst the gloom. The Lion’s private chamber
Idolatros System, the Unforgiven levels of the Rock. Stoic honour guards of robed is infused with a strange sense of watchfulness
Chapters had committed to battle and hooded Dark Angels stand watch in this that even his Grand Masters find unsettling.
upon the nightmarish daemon world echoing space whenever the Primarch is in Perhaps strangest of all, its sparse furnishings
they found there. They were led attendance, looking on as honour guard while and decorations are interspersed with thorned
to war by Azrael and the Dark he receives petitions from Imperial commanders creepers and arboreal underbrush, sprouting
Angels themselves. Their planetary and plans grand strategy on the holomap dais — between flagstones and winding across walls
assault had been furious - even graven from a solid block of black marble — that and ceilings, lending the Lion’s chambers the
reckless — for it was motivated sits at its centre. feeling of some supernatural forest grotto.
by terrible spiritual shock. The
infernal world, Wyrmwood, that Fittingly for the Primarch of the Unforgiven, It is within this sanctum — beyond the Portal
Vashtorr the Arkifane had brought the Lion’s other lair within the Rock is a secret of Penumbral Sorrow and the Chamber of
into being was unmistakably a one. Its location is known only to the highest Passageways, past which, historically, only
mocking reincarnation of Caliban. ranking members of the Inner Circle. Even Supreme Grand Masters have been permitted
Leaving the Blood Angels to join they must complete the enigmatic Rite of — that the Lion holds his true counsels. Here
the fight, El’Jonson and his Risen the Veiled Door before this inner sanctum is he meets with Azrael, Ezekiel, Belial and
stepped into the paths of the revealed to them, and are typically permitted others on as close to an equal footing as ever
forest and made for the planet's entry only by El’Ionson’s explicit invitation. The they will be permitted. Matters of greatest and
nightmarish surface. secret sanctum lies deep within the Rock and most secretive import are discussed. Things
takes the form of a series of interlinked stone are spoken of that may alter the course of the
chambers where shadows creep and a thin mist Dark Angels Chapter, the Unforgiven, even
the Imperium of Man. On more than one Circle — he does not dread censure by agents of
occasion even these storied veterans — knowing the wider Imperium.
as they do secrets fit to blast the souls of lesser
men — emerge from these audiences pale and Indeed, the Lion makes no secret of his
visibly disturbed. At times, as they have waited contempt for what has become of his father’s
for audience with their Primarch, members realm in the millennia since the Great Crusade.
of the Inner Circle have also heard the Lion He still serves the Emperor and cares for the
speaking with other visitors. These hushed fate of Humanity. However, what hints he has
conversations are unintelligible even to post— so far seen of the bloated, bureaucratic and
human senses, yet something in the murmuring deeply superstitious Imperium of M41 disgusts
voices causes a frisson of unease. When they are Lion El’Ionson. He has precious little time for
admitted to their lord’s presence, his mysterious the pompous and self—aggrandizing adepts who
conversational partners are nowhere to be seen. wield such power over people’s lives, and even
less for the Ecclesiarchy and their Imperial
The truth is that, though he talks and strategises Creed. Where Roboute Guilliman has shown
often with the masters of the Inner Circle, Lion a willingness to exploit the existing socio-
El’Ionson keeps his own counsel on certain administrative and political structures of the
secret matters. The escape of Luther is one Imperium to his own ends, the Lion appears
such subject. That fugitive’s grim cell lies just largely to ignore them. His time and respect, the
beyond the Lion’s suite of chambers and the Primarch reserves for those who toil or fight to
Primarch stands within it sometimes, eyes preserve the Emperor’s Realm. More than one
closed, breathing slowly, as though listening for world has a tale of the Knight of the Nihilus
echoes of the one who spent so many centuries choosing to address soldiers in preference
clawing at its walls. What El’Ionson makes of to brocaded governors or gilded priests.
Luther’s escape, whether he wishes to seek his Few indeed are the officials so overblown in
former mentor out — and if so whether for final arrogance that they would find the will or the
judgement or for forgiveness — he has not even words to gainsay a Primarch. Thus, on several
told Supreme Grand Master Azrael. Certainly, occasions, the Lion’s coming has led to swift
the Lion gives no outward sign of concern at and dramatic regime changes as hereditary or
what dark secrets either Luther or the remaining ineffectual leaders have been replaced by those
Fallen might reveal. It appears that — alone who deal in loyal action rather than
amongst all those of the Dark Angels’ Inner ingratiating words.
.4 ,//
Black-clad huntsmen and masters of the art of lightning warfare, the Ravenwing race before
their Chapter like thunder before a storm. Prizing speed and mobility above all else, they are an
integral part of the Dark Angels’ battlefield strategies, as well as a powerful asset in the secret
quest of the Unforgiven.

The Ravenwing is the Dark Angels’ 2nd TALONMASTERS

Company, and is a specialised formation that Talonmasters are the Ravenwing equivalent to
takes to the field in rapid assault vehicles. The a Lieutenant, typically elevated to this role from
warriors of the Ravenwing are selected for their amongst the Black Knights. They are selected for
skills with the fastest assets, and given advanced their commitment to the hunt as well as their
training so that they can perform incredible aptitude for command. They also have to be
manoeuvres, adopting new formations only the independent of thought, for they are often given
Ravenwing know. A new inductee can expect to command of smaller detachments as part of
push himself and his allocated vehicle beyond devastating flanking attacks or secret missions.
what he ever thought possible.
Detachments 0f the Ravenwing accompany Those who survive in the Ravenwing long
most Dark Angels strike forces, where their enough learn to take mobile warfare to another
skills are put to use in reconnaissance missions. level. If they pass the Seven Rites of the Raven
On occasion, the Ravenwing form their — brutal ceremonies that test not only skill, but
own strike forces for missions of particular also Chapter loyalty — they are inducted into
import to the Chapter. Regardless, when the the Black Knights and initiated into the Inner
Ravenwing fight they strike at precise moments, Circle. There, after taking part in the long and
gunning into action in a burst of thunderous solemn ritual that culminates in the Vow of the
acceleration. Their squadrons, formally made up Beastslayer, they learn the real reason behind
of a mixture of bikes, gravitic speeders, ATVs the Ravenwing hunt.
and others, form a roaring tide of black armour,
moving between attack patterns to encircle, Whether deployed on their own or forming a
harass and break apart enemy formations. veteran core of a larger Ravenwing spearhead,
Such a fluid way of making war ensures the the Black Knights — mounted upon Mk IV
Ravenwing are never bogged down, and allows Raven—pattern bikes — are their Grand Master’s
them to wear down much larger forces. ultimate weapon. Although Dark Angels rarely
recount battle deeds 0r heroic tales, the Black
Some of the Ravenwing’s most important assets Knights’ Ravenwing brethren are often moved
are the teleport homers they bring to battle. to speak in wonder about the fighting prowess
These are the devices by which Deathwing of their company’s elite battle—brothers.
Terminators can manifest onto the battlefield
with unerring accuracy, delivering the death DAR KS H ROU DS
blow to an enemy already ravaged by the The STC for the Land Speeder Vengeance was
Ravenwing. This also gives a clue as to the discovered in M36. It was around this engine
Ravenwing’s role in the Chapter for — though that the Darkshroud was developed. Of all the
none in the 2nd Company bar the Grand Master archaic relics deployed by the Unforgiven, the
and Black Knights are aware — it is their task Darkshroud is perhaps the most unusual. Those
to hunt down the Fallen. To carry out such a who have witnessed it at close range and felt its
vital duty, each warrior of the Ravenwing must caliginous pall are disturbed for evermore.
be exceptionally skilled, as well as having a
dedication to the Chapter beyond any doubt. The source of the Darkshrouds’ strange powers
Few Dark Angels are as likely to be exposed to lies within the grim stone statues that each
the malicious lies of the Fallen. The warriors of vehicle mounts upon the rear of its chassis.
the Ravenwing are monitored to ensure there is Esoteric cabling and arcane engines bind these
no weakness in their armour of indoctrination, statues in place, siphoning off the empyric
and that no spiritual turmoil or corruption power that saturated these sinister efligies
simmers in their minds. during the fall of Caliban itself. It is said that

these warp traces leaked through the Gorgon’s terrifying feature of the Dark Talon is not a SINISTER WEAPONRY
Aegis, the potent force field that shielded weapon at all. Concealed within the craft’s hull The primary armament of
the Dark Angels’ fortress monastery from is a small chamber — little more than a metal the Dark Talon is the rift
destruction even as the planet around it died. tomb that echoes with sinister whispers — into cannon — a proscribed weapon
which a captured Fallen can be loaded for system whose possession the
Only when driven by desperation during transport back to the Rock. This holding cell Unforgiven have repeatedly
the Vendetta Campaign did the Dark Angels can engage a stasis field to prevent escape if denied. Firing multicoloured
finally seek to weaponise these so—called Stone necessary. For the captive such an act is a mercy. streams of empyric energy, this
Guardians. They found their influence to be Otherwise, they spend days or longer trapped bizarre armament has been
potent indeed, an esoteric pall of penumbral in a void—dark casket with the voices of the lost nicknamed the ‘stained glass
energies that obscured nearby Ravenwing gnawing at their mind, knowing that, at the end cannon'. This is due to the way
warriors and confounded the aim of their foes. of this torture, another awaits them on the Rock. in which its victims are caught
The Darkshrouds have been deployed into the within its beam and rendered
most Vital battles ever since, husbanded as the The STC for the Nephilim Ietfighter, meanwhile, into kaleidoscopic translucency
precious and irreplaceable resource they are. was discovered by battle—brothers engaged in the instant before they
upon the hunt for the suspected Fallen Baelor and their surroundings alike
COMBAT AIRCRAFT the Imposter. The technology — designated the fracture and implode into the "
The Ravenwing’s oversized 2nd and 3rd Squads Lionheart engine — was used to modify older maw of the warp itself.
have traditionally provided the pilots for the aircraft designs, though, to placate the machine
Dark Angels’ arsenal of sleek aerial fighters. spirits, many elements were left untouched.
Amongst these craft, the Dark Talons and The result was a highly agile fighter capable of
Nephilim Ietfighters are unique to the Chapters achieving aerial dominance. On the suggestion
of the Unforgiven. of Ravenwing battle-brothers since then, the
Nephilim has been improved on a number of
Though lightning fast and equipped with occasions, producing an aircraft that can rival
ancient and esoteric weaponry, the most almost any other in the galaxy.
Renowned as one of the finest fighting forces in the Imperium, the Deathwing are their
Chapter’s mailed fist. No foe is too great for them to subdue, and no mission is too diflicult or
dangerous for them to complete. Their reputation is such that the mere sight of their bone-white
armour is enough to put many foes to flight.

The Dark Angels outfit their entire lst Company the esteem in which they are held by their
— the Deathwing — with Terminator armour, allies. They view their abilities as the minimum
lightning—wreathed power weapons and standard required to accomplish their goals, and
towering relic shields. All being members of the feel no compassion, remorse or fear. Devotion
Inner Circle, they are the primary force to which to the Chapter is all that matters to them.
the task of capturing the Fallen is assigned. Only
the most skilled and loyal Dark Angels can join DEATHWING KNIGHTS
the Deathwing, and must survive exacting rites The Deathwing Knights are the most proven
of initiation that test them mentally, physically warriors of the Dark Angels lst Company. In
and spiritually. Once inductees complete these them lives an echo of the Lion himself; they
trials they then begin to learn the truth of too embody silent strength and a veiled yet
Luther, taught in a tightly controlled manner. palpable nobility. In the stratified circles of the
M41, CLOSING DAYS In this time their shame, contempt and anger Dark Angels, few are higher than they, and most
DELIVERED grows, and so does their commitment to aspire to one day join them. Displaying might
As battle raged on Wyrmwood, capturing the Fallen. Such a mentality breeds in battle is not enough to join the Deathwing
Lion El’Jonson met the Daemon devoted and unquestioning warriors who follow Knights. A Deathwing warrior must be wholly
Primarch Angron in mortal any order to complete the Chapter’s goals. dedicated to the Chapter and obsessed with the
battle. The Lion goaded the secret hunt for the Fallen. When a member of
Red Angel and led him away The Deathwing are a hard—hitting assault force the Deathwing is deemed potentially worthy, he
from the outnumbered and whose onslaught can turn the course of entire is brought into the Chamber of Judgements to
outflanked Unforgiven. This, wars. They attack by pinpoint teleport strike or face a series of individualised challenges to test
in turn, afforded Azrael, aboard armoured assault vehicles such as Land his strength, resolve and loyalty to the Chapter,
Dante and the assembled Risen Raiders and Repulsors. Their trademark is the past any breaking point he may have. Should he
the opportunity to coordinate perfectly placed strike aimed at the enemy’s prevail, he is granted the title of Knight.
the fight back against most vulnerable point. When not dispatched
Abaddon and Vashtorr’s to engage the Fallen, Deathwing warriors are The appearance of Deathwing Knights upon
forces. Though many lives sent on the most desperate missions: boarding a battlefield is portentous, for they are rarely
were lost, the Dark Angels infested space hulks, carrying out unsupported deployed without either great need or because
and their allies fought strikes at the heart of enemy territory or there is a strong prospect of the Fallen’s
their way clear of the trap exterminating the most fearsome of foes. A presence. Often their appearance will come only
before the planet vanished number of Deathwing accompany most Dark at the most crucial moment, when they teleport
through reality’s veil, while Angels strike forces, not only for their martial in to annihilate the greatest of threats. So have
the Lion — after a long and might, but also so that they can undertake secret towering war machines, mighty xenos creatures,
gruelling duel — successfully missions on orders originating outside their despotic rulers and monstrous daemons
banished Angron. strike force’s command structure. been destroyed.

Those who join the Deathwing believe they have STRIKEMASTERS

learned everything about the Dark Angels’ past. Strikemasters serve as the Deathwing’s
They are wrong. They have merely entered the Lieutenants, but also have additional, vital
first ring of the Inner Circle. There is more to functions. Ranked more senior even than the
uncover, revealed when they are deemed ready. Deathwing Knights, to Strikemasters falls the
Warriors new to the Deathwing are prepared for onerous duty of managing the gaols deep within
the secrets they are yet to learn in the same way the Rock, where the most treacherous prisoners
that other Dark Angels are gradually prepared are held and the most dangerous relics secured.
for greater levels of understanding. To some Chapters, managing their cells is a
menial task, best left to lower-ranking Space
The Deathwing prize combat skill, monastic Marines or even trusted serfs. For the Dark
asceticism and selflessness, and care little for Angels, the danger posed by those they keep

prisoner is so great that none less than some
of the Chapter’s greatest heroes are sufiicient
for the task. It is the Deathwing Strikemasters
who inscribe the name of each gaoled prisoner
threefold upon the stiff pages of the Volumatis
Illicitatum with the Black Quill upon the
captive’s internment, and scratch out the name
upon the detainee’s death.

All of their prisoners share two things in

common. The first is that, even in the slightest
ways, they have knowledge of the Fallen
whether they themselves realise it or no. The
second is that they will never leave alive. The
Rocks cells are secured by more than lock and
key. Some only respond to specific invocations
spoken in languages known to but a handful of
individuals. Some will only open once in a given
cycle of time, when an extremely rare incense
is burned in their presence. Others are secured
by rune sequences thousands of characters long
that must be committed to memory and change
every handful of days. Many more require
specific biomarkers, psychic signatures and
esoteric coding mechanisms, the workings of
which even the Deathwing barely understand.

The most revered Land Raiders, Repulsors and,
on occasion, other battle tanks — those that have
served the Dark Angels Chapter the longest or
with notable accomplishments — are granted a
great honour: induction into the Deathwing.
The hulls of these vehicles are painted bone—
white, and the signs and markings of the
Deathwing are wrought upon them so that for
evermore they are reserved for use by the lst
Company. Techmarines fortify their venerable
machine spirits with rites of great honour.

Some Venerable Dreadnoughts bear the bone—

white armour of the Deathwing, their occupants
Veterans who served with distinction in the lst
Company before being laid low. Many of these
interred warriors have borne witness to the
Chapter’s secret hunt for millennia, and it is not
uncommon for current members of the Inner
Circle to enter the lower bays of the Armoury in
order to seek out their sage advice.
Azrael is the present, and some would say greatest, Supreme Grand Master of the
Dark Angels. In a close-mouthed Chapter that eschews self-aggrandisement, the
martial respect and deference paid to Azrael speaks volumes — and in the wider
Imperium, even a secretive and monastic nature cannot dim the glow of the heroic
deeds performed by Azrael and his Chapter.

While Azrael’s complete tale remains defensive ground, his ability to inspire
hidden within the undisclosed Chapter loyalty in his brethren and, in the end,
records, some details of his rapid rise through combat so fierce that the Sword
through the ranks are known. Azrael’s of Secrets continued to smoke with
beginnings are a mystery, although Daemon ichor for many days afterwards.
rumours persist that he was inducted
into the Chapter from the wild, head— As befits his rank, Supreme Grand Master
hunting tribesmen of the feral planet Azrael carries several of the Dark Angels’
of Kimmeria, a known Dark Angel most precious relics when going into
recruiting world. Whatever his origin, battle. His blade, the Sword of Secrets, is
like all Dark Angels he forswore his past the mightiest of the Heavenfall Blades,
for a life of service to the Chapter. cut from a block of jet-black obsidian that
struck the Rock whilst in orbit around
Azrael was appointed to the Deathwing the feral planet of Al Baradad. So finely
and later became the Master of the 3rd crafted is this weapon that it has not
Company, before being named as the chipped or tarnished in all the millennia
Grand Master of the Deathwing. It was of its use by successive Supreme
W%TCHERSIN in that role that Azrael famously led the Grand Masters.
THE DARK assault that slew the Daemon-possessed
The diminutive, hooded planetary governor of Sephlagm, Alongside his ancient blade, Azrael
attendants that cluster around claiming vengeance for the Imperium carries the legendary combi»weapon
the highest—ranking warriors before the order for Exterminatus known as the Lion’s Wrath. Fashioned
of the Dark Angels have long removed the befouled planet from by the storied Technomagos Prestor
been a mystery to onlookers. the stars. Upon the death of Supreme the Unchallenged, this formidable
These are the Watchers in Grand Master Naberius during the firearm boasts prodigious punch and
the Dark, but none can say Rhamiel Betrayal, Azrael was chosen as tactical versatility, much like the Lion’s
for certain what manner of his successor. gene-sons themselves.
creature lies beneath those
robes. Whatever they are, Since his initiation, Azrael has proven For all the lethality and ornate design of
they speak no words. Their to be a dynamic leader, a beacon of Azrael’s weapons, however, it is the Lion
presence is solemnly accepted inspiration for those that fight alongside Helm that is his most potent and iconic
by the Dark Angels, if rarely him and a visage of terror to his foes. item of wargear. Sometimes the Supreme
visibly acknowledged. They Although solemn by nature and not given Grand Master wears this ancient helm.
appear like some omnipresent to elaborate speeches, when he does Sometimes it is borne at his side by one
manifestation of guilt, a burden speak, his words carry the conviction of of the enigmatic Watchers in the Dark.
clothed in monastic robes righteousness and the surety of victory. Either way, its aegis protects Azrael for
that glides closest to those Like Lion El’lonson himself, Azrael has the helm generates a powerful force
privy to the Chapter's most proven a masterful commander, able field that is proof against even the most
terrible secrets. If this is so, to quickly grasp the rapidly changing apocalyptically powerful weapons. It
then ominous significance may realities of the field and orchestrate his is said that, when the Lion returned to
be read into the creatures’ forces to maximum advantage. His ability his Chapter after the nightmarish battle
increasing manifestations since to manage macro-level strategies as well on Wyrmwood, Azrael knelt before the
the return of Lion El’lonson in as the tactics of individual squads is Primarch and formally offered to return
the Era lndomitus, in whose extraordinary even for a Space Marine. the Lion Helm to he who was reputed
company they are often seen. Perhaps the greatest example of this to have worn it first. El’Ionson refused,
occurred on the planet of Amity, where telling Azrael that he would take back the
Azrael held a thin green line of Dark potent relic only if a day ever came when
Angels against a red tide of daemonic he did not consider the Supreme Grand
invaders. The Supreme Grand Master Mastery worthy of its keeping, and that
alone kept doom at bay with his eye for this was not that day.

Interrogator—Chaplains unsettle even their own battle-brothers with their silent
scrutiny. Sworn to the Inner Circle during a convoluted ceremony in the Hall of
Secrets, every Interrogator-Chaplain has passed the Test of Faith, taken the solemn
vow of the Deathwing and learned the dark secrets of his Chapter’s history. It says
much that, amongst these menacing figures, Asmodai is a grim legend.

Asmodai is the Dark Angels’ foremost in-battle communications. Asmodai has

Interrogator—Chaplain and Master of made enemies in the Inquisition and even
Repentance. His talents for torture and risked conflict with other Space Marine
interrogation first made themselves Chapters, but no Dark Angel can contest
known during the Macharian Heresy, his dedication to the Chapter — to him
when he set to work questioning the the ends justify the means.
leaders of a rebel group. He displayed his
ruthlessness and determination when In combat, Asmodai’s zeal reaches new
hunting the instigator of the rebellion levels, inciting the fighting spirits of his
and fighting his way free of the traitor’s battle—brothers to a fever pitch. He led
deadly ambush that followed. Such the frontal assault against the traitorous
an act saw him elevated to the Inner Helstinian 89th, smashing through the
Circle, and he chose the path of the heretics. As the Dark Angels held the
Interrogator—Chaplain. Since then he has walls of the Fortress of Eternal Devotion,
earned a formidable reputation amongst Asmodai’s oratory filled the ravine the
the Unforgiven, as well as the Fallen mighty bastion was built into, steeling the
themselves, A great many of the traitors Dark Angels to hold for weeks against
have heard the tales of Asmodai, and relentless daemon assaults. Asmodai BLACK PEARLS
there are few things they fear more than single—handedly stormed the barbican of An Interrogator—Chaplain can
remorseless interrogation at his hands. Helican’s Citadel when the Meta-heretics add a single black pearl to his
of Alicantus Nocturnis unleashed the rosarius for each Fallen that he
Asmodai does not suffer fools or power of their moon—singers, opening the convinces to repent. Master
weakness of any kind. His interests lie gates to allow the Ravenwing to pierce Molochia, inarguably the
only in the Chapter’s goals and in battle. the heart of the enemy fortress. greatest of his grim profession,
Such is Asmodai’s motivation, many of died after 300 years of service
his actions border on the indefensible. In addition to his crozius arcanum, an with only ten black pearls. The
He ordered the orbital bombardment of ancient example of its kind known as pearls can be found only on
the city of Hostengard, stating without Censure, Asmodai bears also the power the planet Malmar, a watery
regret or hesitation that the death of fifty sword known as Catechist, and the death world on the edge of the
thousand innocents was preferable to infamous Blades of Reason. Normally Eye of Terror where one must
one traitor escaping. Though over time kept in a sacred reliquary made from face his own temptations. Upon
Azrael has covered up Asmodai’s actions, stone hewn from old Caliban’s bedrock, promotion to his role, each
or moved swiftly to protect the Dark the Blades of Reason are an ancient, lnterrogator—Chaplain must
Angels’ reputation, this was a statement arcane and horrific device that resembles travel to Malmar to retrieve
too far. He revoked Asmodai’s command a knife with many honed and polished one of these treasures — a more
status and placed the Interrogator— blades. It is etched with scriptures of perilous and challenging feat
Chaplain within the Chapter’s 10th repentance, and criss-crossing the than ever since the emergence
Company structure, where he oversaw weapon are cables and fine neural-wires of the Great Rift. The pearls of
the induction of aspirants. His methods — mysterious technology that amplifies those that succeed are stored
were not softened by this censure. He pain beyond endurance. None who feel in the Chapter's Reclusiam, to
went on to order the slaughter of all its touch live to tell of it. It is said that be returned upon the advent
new recruits from the planet Narcium the Fallen fear the Blades of Reason of the Interrogator—Chaplain’s
because their lacklustre answers to his above even death itself, for none can first successfully extracted
inquiries raised the question of gene— suffer beneath it and resist the urge to confession from one of
stock contamination. Later, upon hearing beg for forgiveness or death. Whilst not the Fallen.
laughter in the halls of the Rock, he primarily designed for combat, numerous
placed the Penance of Silence upon the Master Interrogator—Chaplains have used
entire 7th Company. For a standard the Blades of Reason throughout the ages,
Terran year, the formation was unable incapacitating the most dangerous foes
to utter a sound save for hyrnnals and and extracting their secrets.

Countless are the great deeds Belial has carried out to earn the title of Grand
Master of the Deathwing. Combined, they mark him as one of the Chapter’s
most loyal paladins, and to know of his history is to read the account of a warrior
destined for greatness.

The annals in which Grand Master defence of the world’s capital, Kadillus
Belial’s life are recorded are locked away, Harbour. He led the 3rd Company in
preserved only for the eyes of future a weeks—long delaying battle against a
Grand Masters who might learn from greenskin horde — at their head, none
his many victories. They tell that he hails other than Ghazghkull Thraka — that
from the semi—feudal world of Bregundia, outnumbered his warriors thousands
born into a knightly order known as the to one. Belial was wounded facing the
Society of the Ebon Star. Imbued with gigantic Ork warlord, but continued to
a deep sense of honour and duty from lead his warriors for weeks longer, time
birth, the records tell that when a Dark enough for the rest of the Dark Angels
Angels Chaplain arrived on the world Chapter to arrive and save Piscina IV.
seeking fresh aspirants, Belial challenged Belial’s heroics there were noticed by
him to single combat. Though the young, the upper echelons of the Chapter, and
unaugmented Belial was inevitably he was promoted to the rank of Grand
defeated by his grizzled and post—human Master of the Deathwing following the
opponent, he impressed the Chaplain death of Gabriel, the previous holder of
so much he was swiftly recruited. Belial the title.
brought to the Rock with him the same
‘Weakness characterises
determination and courage that he had Though Belial’s tally of victories is long
those we bring to justice.
displayed in his duel, and soon excelled and great indeed, he celebrates none of
Their failures are as
in all areas of training. them, instead dwelling on his defeats
numerous as the stars in the
and perceived failures. No doubt bred
galaxy. But what we cannot
His ascension to Master of the 3rd into him by his severe upbringing as well
forget is that they are us. We,
Company came after he slew the Chaos as the Dark Angels’ stern ways, he leads
like they, descend from the
Lord Furion of the Skull—scythes warband his warriors in the same way. Even after
Lion. They are our gene-
in single combat. Furion, a follower of winning glorious victories he gives each
brothers, though we reject
Khorne, had already razed seventeen combatant their own specific penance,
and damn them utterly. If
star systems by the time he reached whether it be battle drills, hymnals
they could fall, so can we.
the cardinal world of Durga Principe. or arduous rites of atonement. Those
Thus must we be eternally
The 3rd Company began constructing beneath him welcome this, each seeing it
vigilant for our own flaws,
defences in the vast Temple Saturnis. as a way to improve themselves. Belial’s
and persecute them as we
Such was the Chaos Lord’s bloodlust that methods have led to unparalleled success
would the Fallen. Only then
he force—marched his army through the in battle, converting the most sceptical
might we shield ourselves
night, catching the Dark Angels unaware. in the Chapter to his ways. These
from failure, and reach the
Brutal fighting spread into latticeworks achievements include the purging of the
standard the Primarch would
of corridors, Cloisters and chambers. labyrinthine seabed fortress of Akhloth,
expect of us. Only then can
Master Nadael fell early in the fighting, the destruction of the hundred orbital
we be true.’
with Belial acting in his stead, Ordering cities of Lykhear and the clearing of the
— Belial, Grand Master the withdrawal of his company, he led a scorching deserts of Azpor.
of the Deathwing rearguard into the maze. In the ensuing
conflict he struck down Furion in As a warrior, Belial’s combat technique
combat. It was Azrael himself who then has no great style, flourish or artifice.
made Belial Master of the 3rd Company, Instead it is driven by ruthless killing
at the same time awarding him with efficiency and well—honed strength. Each
the Sword of Silence — a blade forged of his parries and thrusts is a decisive
from the same meteorite as the Sword of and precise act, and Belial’s strategies and
Secrets and traditionally granted to the tactics on the battlefield are no different,
Chapter’s greatest fighter. leading him to victory in ruinous, bomb—
churned cityscapes, in fierce boarding
Belial earned yet more renown at the actions, in gruelling space hulk clearances
Battle of Piscina IV, fighting in the and every other environment of war.

Grand Master of the Ravenwing and Master of the 2nd Company, Sammael is
the 348th Dark Angel to hold this role. He has served in this capacity for over a
century, an unusually long period of time — the Ravenwing have suffered the loss
of a Master more than any other company in the Dark Angels Chapter. He was also
the youngest Dark Angel to ever be accepted into the Ravenwing, when then Grand
Master Gideon elevated him to the brotherhood from the 8th Company.

After numerous early successes fighting recognises that victory is best achieved
Orks, Tarellians and traitors, Sammael through calling in aid. The Ravenwing
was later inducted into the Inner Circle are the only Dark Angels outside
and the Black Knights by Grand Master the 1st Company trusted with the
Gideon after fighting against Aeldari teleport homers that enable Deathwing
pirates on Kaphon Betis. With the world Terminators to accurately deploy into a
subject to relentless harassment from battle zone, and none have more daring
the xenos raiders, the Fallen were given than Sammael when it comes to placing
ample opportunity to stoke the fires of these devices. The Grand Master of the
rebellion among the population. Once the Ravenwing never sacrifices his duty for
Aeldari attacks were defeated, Sammael the sake of his personal pride, as is fitting
interrogated a number of captured rebels, for a warrior of the Dark Angels.
learning that an individual called Cypher
was responsible for the uprising. It was So many are Sammael’s victories that
this discovery that saw Sammael elevated none can recount them all. He uprooted
to the Inner Circle. the Hrud infestation that plagued the
‘Our quarry know us.
Qolivarr System and turned its once
They know our ways, our
Sammael was made Grand Master proud merchant-cities to decaying rubble.
thoughts and our minds.
during the Kapua Uprising, in which He purged the world of Lintus Arbetium
They were taught by the
the Ravenwing engaged in brutal clashes of the Enslavers that had taken over the
Lion himself. And yet
with Heretic Astartes of the Black Legion minds of the planet’s ruling body, ceasing
they betrayed him, falling
and Word Bearers. In later fighting, the world’s vital tithes of granea-paste
because of the words of a
the Ravenwing engaged the Chaos that fed much of the sub—sector. It was
much lesser man. While in
Reaver Titan Traitorous Ire, and Grand Sammael who deposed the Onyx Tyrant
that act they demonstrated
Master Gideon was mortally wounded. of Santaluzya, who had turned the once
their weakness, their
Through blood—flecked lips, the old glorious paradise enclave into a hellish pit
lack of honour makes
Master declared Sammael his successor of sadism. Though few of his Ravenwing
them dangerous. We
and handed him the Raven Sword — the brothers knew, the Onyx Tyrant was
must be stronger. We are
blade wielded by all Grand Masters of the a member of the Fallen who had been
stronger. The danger is
Ravenwing. This perilous weapon, along hunted for two thousand years.
but a Whetstone, one that
with the Sword of Secrets, the Sword of
improves us and builds us.
Sanctity and others besides, makes up The Era Indomitus has seen Sammael
When eventually they are all
the select group of weapons known as the faced with greater challenges than ever
gone, and they will be, we
Heavenfall Blades. before. Amidst the chaos unleashed by
will turn upon the rest of our
the Great Rift, the Fallen have found
enemies and pierce the stars
Sammael is noted for his boldness, many opportunities to further their own
like the sharpest of blades.'
which often verges on recklessness. He dark agendas in ever more brazen and
prefers to take the fight to the enemy, alarming ways. This in turn has made . Sammael, Grand Master
drawing the Raven Sword to slash his the business of concealing the truth from of the Ravenwing
foes down. Such traits are vital in the the wider Ravenwing especially difficult
warrior commanding a company with a for Sammael, forcing him on several
role dedicated to high speed and hard- occasions to send battle-brothers for
hitting surprise. Nonetheless, he is a extensive reconditioning. Coupled with
master at orchestrating feints, distracting the loss of the Ravenwing flagship the
manoeuvres and employing traps and Implacable justice during the fighting
ploys in his relentless pursuit of the foe. around the Idolatros System, these events
have instilled a grim anger in Grand
Sammael can master his own desire Master Sammael that has seen him strike
to fight the enemy up close when he with fresh fury against his foes.

The Dark Angels have a strong bond organisation, including equivalents to the — in some cases perhaps even more
with the vast majority of their successor Deathwing and Ravenwing. The Angels of so — as do the Dark Angels themselves,
Chapters, borne out of their shared guilt Vengeance call theirs the Dreadwing and Many have known the honour of being
and mission. Even after the dissolution of Raptorwing respectively. The Angels of led to battle by the Lion in person, an
the Legion, the successors met regularly Redemption’s lst and 2nd Companies are occasion typically commemorated upon
in clandestine fashion, sharing battlefield known as the Redwings. The Inner Circle the designs of grand banners or stained
intelligence and maintaining ancient of the Guardians of the Covenant is armaglass shrines. Less well known is
traditions. This has extended to all called the Secret Order; for the Angels of that he has also sat in closed counsel with
their successor Chapters founded since. Absolution, it is the Hidden Brotherhood. some of these Chapters’ Inner Circles,
Most of the Dark Angels’ successors The Dark Angels’ successors venerate though what was discussed or imparted
follow their parent Chapter’s distinctive their returned Primarch as fervently remains known only to them.


REDEMPTION The warriors in this Chapter fear
The Angels of Redemption are no spiritual damnation. The
utterly dedicated to hunting Angels of Absolution consider
the Fallen, so much so that they their own sins expunged by the
frequently abandon all else in actions of their loyalist forefathers
its pursuit. Calls for Inquisitorial upon Caliban. However, they still
censure have been forestalled consider themselves responsible
by the opening of the Great Rift, for meting out punishment upon
with disrupted communication the traitors. This means that
keeping reports of further they possess all the drive of the
misdeeds from reaching Terra, other Unforgiven Chapters, while
allowing the Chapter's secret not being weighed down by
quest to continue. their guilt.


There is no Chapter more grim or The Blades of Vengeance were
single-minded than the Angels the first of the Primaris Space
of Vengeance. Their willingness Marines created from the gene-
to accept high casualties and seed of Lion El’Ionson. They have
stubborn refusal to retreat is thrown their full strength into the
well documented, and severe Indomitus Crusade, liberating
losses have jeopardised the dozens of worlds and putting
Chapter’s future on several dozens more they deemed
occasions. Even for warriors of beyond salvation to the sword.
the Adeptus Astartes, they are They do this in eagerness to
unrelenting in their persecution root out the Fallen, seeing the
of the Emperor's foes, reserving a Crusade as the means by which
particular loathing for those who many of the traitors will be forced
serve the Chaos Gods. out into the open.


The Consecrators Chapter is a The Disciples of Caliban are
mystery, arriving in a war zone a fleet-based Chapter that
without warning and, upon strikes with blistering speed.
defeating their foe, disappearing They were founded in M37
without a word. The cryptic under circumstances that have
Chapter wields all manner of never been disclosed. Rumours
ancient relics and holy patterns abound over their creation, and
of armour, weapons and vehicles. Unforgiven Chapters theorise
it is as though the Consecrators that they were created for the
have inherited the most revered pursuit of the renegade known
heirlooms of the First Legion, as Cypher, They bear reliquaries
preserving them through the ages to war, although it is unknown if
to bear them against the foes of the relics are merely symbolic or
the Lion. have some sinister purpose.

He who endures, conquers. COVENANT
So spoke Lion El'lonson. The It is not known from what
Primarch‘s legendary tenacity Founding the warrior-monks of
and his Legion's ability to bear the Guardians of the Covenant
great suffering to achieve victory came, only that they too are
is embodied in the new Primaris Unforgiven. Their adopted home
Chapter, the Angels of Defiance. world, Mortikah VII, lies near to
Founded in the Imperium’s the western rim of the lmperium.
darkest hour, they have become Their banners, armour and
a beacon of hope beneath the vehicles are covered in spidery,
pall of despair, earning many hand-written text extracted from
commendations during the the pages of tomes held sacred
lndomitus Crusade. by the Space Marines.


IUDGEMENT The Cowled Wardens' base of
The Bringers of Judgment are operations lies within the Sirikoid
possessed of a fanatical zeal. Belt, a part of the region known
When they encounter rebellion, as the Tears of Piruz. Rather than
they deem the entire world guilty, a single fortress monastery, the
In their view, weakness in even Chapter operates out of several
one citizen indicates weakness hollowed-out asteroids. Not long
in the entire population. The after his return, the Lion is known
punishment is death. The many to have visited this Chapter.
atrocities this Chapter has The nature of this meeting is
committed have drawn the ire of unknown, but at its end he led
the Inquisition, though this has them to a final victory over the
not dissuaded them. savage alien Iehangir.


ABHORREN CE The Penitent Blades hail from
In the first eight centuries after a world whose continents
their founding, the Knights of are made up of thousands of
Abhorrence fought solely in small landmasses suspended
the Ghoul Stars, blooding their kilometres in the air above acidic
swords with the viscera of some oceans. How this phenomenon
of the most dangerous xenos the occurs is a mystery, but it has
lmperium has ever encountered. ensured the Penitent Blades
In the years since, they have are aerial combat experts. Their
patrolled the outer reaches of 2nd Company has four oversized
the lmperium, specialising in squads providing gunship pilots,
the slaughter of alien horrors rather than the two in most other
whilst acquiring information on Unforgiven Chapters, and their
the Fallen. aerial onslaughts are famed.


Chapter Master Dagiel I-Iarn of When the senior elements of
the Prime Absolvers, an Ultima the Unnamed learned from
Founding Chapter, first learned Azrael of the Dark Angels’
of the Fallen from Azrael himself. secrets, they felt the weight of
A headstrong warrior, he saw no their genetic ancestors' guilt
reason for his Chapter brethren heavily on their shoulders. They
to feel the responsibility borne refused to take a name for their
by many of the Unforgiven. To Chapter, deeming themselves
Harn, the Fallen are no different unworthy, and refused to take
to other traitors. Though he a home world, determined that
established an Inner Circle and they would never cease to ply
specialised companies, he sees the stars until the blight of the
his Chapter’s mission as hunting Fallen was eradicated from the
all the Emperor's foes equally. galaxy forever.
V nfiltrator Brother Koharial rose beasts amongst the masses returned ‘Disengage!’ barked Sergeant Zachath.
from his place of concealment fire and splattered the Dark Angels' ‘Tumult lire pattern. Rally point Stronghold.‘
amidst the ruins and opened position with acidic projectiles.
fire at his Sergeant's voxed Stonework and ceramite sizzled. Koharial and his battle-brothers
command. His battle~brothers Beside Koharial, Brother Natham were already breaking cover, blazing
did likewise, Sergeant lurched back and collapsed, the face away now on full auto to cover their
Zachath and his lnfiltrators letting plate of his helm a bubbling horror. retreat. Tyranid bodies detonated
fly with their bolt carbines into the wetly. Chitin shrapnel pinged from
onrushing mass of Tyranids. ‘Understood, Portcullis. Support nigh,’ Koharial’s armour. He poured shots
replied Master Lazarus. His stony into a trio of blade-armed beasts that
The ruins of the shrineplex were calm jarred with the rapidly escalating were trying to overwhelm Brother
drowned in twilight gloom, its savagery around Koharial. Auspex Beloth, blasting the creatures back
shadows deepened by the ceiling flickers hinted at hundreds of xenos and allowing the lnfiltrator to stagger
of lowering clouds that bellied low bearing down on the lnfiltrators’ free and join the retreat. Brother
overhead. Purple-tinged rain, thick position like an avalanche, bringing Atarial was less fortunate. Three-foot—
with spores, lashed down in sheets. the promise of death with them. long talons burst through his throat
Luminescent ground-mist billowed Koharial ignored them. He knew and chest before he was borne to
so dense and rad-saturated that it his duty. the ground and vanished beneath
confounded even the Space Marines’ the swarm.
auto-senses. Amidst the obscuring Thrusters screaming, a squadron of
conditions, the Tyranid swarm black-hulled Storm Speeders tore The surviving lnfiltrators ran through
seemed to Koharial to meld into a overhead spitting shells and rockets the lashing rain, They leapt over
single, rippling organism of chitin and into the swarm. As they peeled up rubble heaps and vaulted low walls,
talons and dead black eyes. and away from the ruins, they ejected fighting to stay ahead of the tide of
a cloud of crimson chem-flares that monsters gnashing at their heels.
The sight would have been enough to lit the battlefield like a scene from Koharial’s footfalls crunched as he
send unaugmented soldiers fleeing scriptural damnation. dashed across a courtyard, though
in terror. Instead, Koharial placed through the ground-mist he couldn’t
his shots with grim precision. His Koharial could not restrain a grunt see if he was treading on broken glass
bolt shells rocketed through the of shock at the scale and horror of or scattered bone. For an instant the
murk to blow apart alien heads and the revealed swarm. The enemy traitorous thought came that Lazarus'
dismember monsters that leapt and resembled a malevolent tidal wave strike would come too late, that he
scuttled closer by the second. about to break over his position. He and his battle-brothers bones would
knew with detached certainty that be strewn here too soon enough. He
‘This is Portcullis, hostile contact,’ he and his battle-brothers would be discarded the notion with disgust and
reported Sergeant Zachath over swept away by that flood. Yet there, kept running.
the strike force’s strategic voxnet. lumbering forward amidst the swarm,
‘Enviro-conditions adverse, our augur—scopes shouldering aside ancient columns The twilight erupted with furious light
are confounded, hut estimate main enemg and ploughing through crumbling and sound as the main Dark Angels
strength attaching along projected vectors.’ walls, were a trio of massive beasts force — who had waited poised and
with sickle talons and club-like tails. ready in their ambushing positions
‘What of the alpha target?’came the Carnifexes, Koharial thought, Screamer- — opened fire en masse. The jaws
response from Master Lazarus. Killers, and behind them— of Master Lazarus’ counter-attack
closed on the ravening Tyranid swarm
‘Confirmation is challenging,‘ Zachath ‘Alpha target confirmed,’ voxed Sergeant as it stretched out its alien tendrils
voxed back, even as Koharial and Zachath even as the leading bioforms to seize the bait of Squad Zachath.
his brothers kept firing. The Tyranids sprang at the lnfiltrators and were Dozens of Tyranids vanished amidst
were a confused and undulating blasted backward by point-blank bolt the firestorm. Half-seen tanks ground
mass half-hidden by rain, mist and fire. ‘Visual authentication of Hive Tgrant.’ forward, their lumens cutting through
shadow. Their forerunners were the falling rain as their cannons
driving relentlessly forward through ‘Portcullis fall hach,‘ came Master blazed. Salvoes of plasma and
the lnfiltrators‘ fusillade, scrambling Lazarus’ clipped response. missiles flashed from fire support
over their own heaped dead. Weapon ‘Beast-slager, commence strike.’ positions amidst the ruins.

Knowing their part in the plan, swiftness, driving Fealty point first watching himself fight from afar. Only
Koharial and his surviving through the Screamer-Killer‘s eye. the Lion's duel appeared real and
squad-mates dropped into their El’lonson gave his blade a twist and clear to him, lit by the whirling mists
pre-designated spot in the line and a wrench, ripping it free. His victim like some scene from myth.
added their fire to the barrage. The toppled backwards and crashed down
Infiltrator felt vengeful satisfaction with ichor jetting from its ruined face. With shocking suddenness, the
as swathes of warrior organisms were Primarch hacked off his foe's sword
reduced to a gory mist as though they Another of the Screamer-Killers arm and the battle leapt back into
had run headlong into an industrial ploughed into the midst of the Inner focus for Koharial. The Hive Tyrant
thresher. So sudden and cataclysmic Circle Companions. Its sweeping shrieked and coiled its lash whip 1”

was the reversal of fortunes that the blade-limbs caught one warrior and around El'Ionson's neck. Koharial
xenos swarm recoiled like a wounded hurled him through a wall. A vomited cried out in horror at the sight of the
beast on the verge of flight. blast of bio-plasma incinerated Primarch’s blood mingling with the
another. Yet the battle—brothers' rain that sluiced down his ornate
Then came pounding footfalls, sacrifices allowed their fellows to chest plate, yet the Lion seemed not
and monstrous roars, and the encircle the beast and take their to notice. Instead he smashed his
three Screamer-Killers weathered blades to it. shield into the Hive Tyrant's chest,
the fusillade as they hit the Dark shattering chitin, pulping organs,
Angels' lines like living battering causing the monster to reel. Spinning
rams. Behind them came the Hive Fealty, the Lion sliced the blade
Tyrant, its insidious presence visibly through the lash whip, cutting it in
steadying the swarm even as its two like a snapped tendon before
grotesque bio-weapons spat barbed bringing the blade back and lopping
shards into the Space Marines lines. the Hive Tyrant's head off.
The lesser Tyranids redoubled
their onslaught to push through the Bellowing, the third Screamer-Killer The monstrous alien stayed standing
firestorm and hurl themselves into rushed the Lion, seeking to enfold for several heartbeats, ichor jetting
close-quarters combat. him in a lethal embrace. The Primarch from the stump of its neck. Then it
stepped back, deftly parrying with his crumpled, just so much butchered
In answer, as though materialising blade and blocking with his shield, meat in the rain. The effect of its
from the shadows, came the drawing the monster into the crossfire death upon the mauled Tyranids was
Lion. Fealty glowed like a beacon of his warriors and their armoured electric and immediate. The impetus
amidst the gloom. The Emperor's support. The resultant barrage of their onslaught faltered. Creatures
Shield thrummed with power. A annihilated the Carnifex, the Lion screeched and howled, snapping
band of Inner Circle Companions leaping over the glowing ruin of its at their fellows or rising into the air
advanced in an honour guard at the carcass to lunge toward his true prey. with panicked flurries of wingbeats.
Primarch's side. Koharial’s spirits soared as the Lion
Now. for several seconds, Brother turned back to his warriors and raised
The very sight of him, even veiled by Koharial truly did forget to fire his Fealty high.
driving rain and phosphorescent mist, bolt carbine as he watched the Lion
was enough to make Koharial's twin and the Hive Tyrant duel. Blade and ‘Into them, my sons!’ roared the
hearts pound. He almost forgot to shield met slashing bonesword and Primarch. 'Drive back this monstrous
keep firing as he witnessed the Lion coiling lash whip again and again. swarm! For the Emperor!’
charging the brood of Carnifexes with Even as the battle raged around
Fealty swinging. The Primarch caught the knight and his monstrous foe, With that the Primarch turned and,
the blow of a titanic talon against it seemed to Koharial as though bloodied but unbowed, plunged
the Emperor's Shield. The Screamer- it faded, as if lost beneath the into the wavering Tyranids. Chanting
Killer that had struck him reeled back shadowed boughs of some ghostly litanies of loyalty and hatred.
as the converted force-pulse burst primordial forest. The screams of the Dark Angels followed their
from the shield in an expanding shock beasts and the boom of gunfire gene-sire into the fray and Koharial
wave of rainwater and tattered mist. sounded hollow in the Infiltrator’s was amongst them, bolt carbine
Before the huge alien could rally, the ears. His own body felt momentarily blazing as the Lion led him and his
Lion was inside its guard with fluid distant, as though he were a stranger battle-brothers onward to victory.

A mighty host of the Dark Angels,
led to battle by Supreme Grand Battlefield Role and Squad Number

Master Azrael and the dread lnterrogator—

The battlefield role is shown bg the icon on
Chaplain Asmodai, meet the heretical the right pauldron. The squad number is borne
Black Legion at furious close quarters. Bolt upon the right shoulder, over the icon for
rounds and plasma blasts cut through the battlefield role. Battleline Veteran Close Support Fire Support
smoke-wreathed air in the ruined shrine of
Saint Tharlian. Chanted oaths, hate-filled
curses and the bellow of powerful engines
mingle with the thunder of gunfire as the
fighting intensifies. Yet no matter the
malevolence of their foes, the Sons ofthe
Lion will not relent until victorg is theirs.

Dark Angels Assault Dark Angels Intercessor Dark Angels Captain

Intercessor Sergeant

Company Markings
In the Dark Angels, the brothers
of the Battle and Reserve
Companies wear their compang
markings upon their left knee.

Dark Angels Intercessor Sergeant Dark Angels Hellblaster Dark Angels Hellblaster Sergeant Supreme Grand Master Azrael
Deathwing Terminators
As the Ravenwing bear down upon
them, sections of the anti-gravitic
T’au fortifications take to the air. The
aliens’ hopes of a safe vantage point to fire
down from are dashed, however, as with a
scream ofthrusters a Nephilim Jetfighter
streaks in to strafe the hovering platform
and its occupants alike.

When the worshippers of the Dark

Gods claimed the industrial
city-sprawl of Zaghoria Prime, they
reckoned without the massed furg ofthe
Deathwing. Even the heretics themselves
did not know that theg harboured within
their ranks one ofthe Fallen. Yet the Dark
Angels have wags of learning even the
most closelg guarded secrets, and the
singular will to act upon their knowledge
no matter the challenges — orthe foes —
that must be overcome.

Ravenwing Dark Talon


a (7 w}
‘l 'WT
o afim
,'~&§ {‘1sz
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Lion EIUonson, Primarch ofthe Dark Angels

Deep within the Chalnath Expanse,
Fire caste cadres attempt to claim
the Imperial shrine world of Endura for the
growing T’au Empire. Expecting light
resistance, the xenos are instead met bg
the fury of the Lion himself, fighting at the
head ofa mightg host of Dark Angels. The
aliens‘ attempted conquests will be short
lived on Endura.

Lion Eonnson leads an elite band of

hand-picked veterans into battle
upon the moon of Ptelebrax-Gau VI. The
Primarch and his companions face a
warband of heretical Iron Warriors, seeking
to infest this third moon of the the forge
world Umegrath with the corrupting
datastrains ofthe Dbliterator virus.
Revolted bg the sight of how farthe
traitors have fallen since their rebellion in
millennia long past, the Primarch hacks
his wag through the foe with a grim and
cold-eyed determination.

Inner Circle Companions

During the savagery ofthe crusade
through the Serpent Stars, an
armoured column of Dark Angels is
redirected suddenly from its primary
objective on the authority ofthe Master of
the Dark Angels 5th Company. Ignoring the
irate vox hails oftheir Imperial allies, the
Dark Angels fight a swift and vicious battle
against a warband of Chaos Space Marines
whose ranks include some robed and
strangely armoured warriors. Poised to
annihilate their foes, the Dark Angels are
instead commanded to drive their
survivors north into a shrouded
operational zone whose details even they
are not privy to. They are then ordered
back into the war, questions unasked
burning in their minds.

0n the accursed moon of Boreada,

the Deathwing corner a handful of
Fallen whose ranks have been bolstered
by renegade pretenders. The battle that
follows is ferocious and fuelled by mutual,
ice-cold hate.

Many months into the escalating

bloodbath of the Serpent Stars
Crusade, the Dark Angels at last have their
quarry cornered. The infamous Cypher
stands seemingly alone against the
swiftly converging might of the
Ravenwing. Yet this most enigmatic ofthe
Fallen is never without a plan, and even
faced by such dire odds his capture is far
from a certain thing.

Deathwing Knights

Ravenwing Outrider

‘,{/Wfi /


After answering an astropathic
distress call from the refinery
temples of Ghastanbael, a strike force of
the Guardians of the Covenant find
themselves mired in horror. The feculent
hosts ofthe Death Guard have claimed this
world and are alreadg hard at work
transforming its petrochemical
infrastructure into a rancid, planetwide
disease factorg, Undaunted, the Sons of
the Lion set about purgingthis revolting

The elite warriors of the Guardians

ofthe Covenant‘s Inner Circle strike
without warning! Even as the frenzied
chanting ofthe Word Bearers‘ daemonic
rite reaches a fever pitch, it is interrupted
bg the thunder of bolt weapons and the
bellowed oaths oflogalist battlebrothers.
The heretics fight back, incensed at their
enemies' sacrilege, but their hopes of
survival decrease bg the moment...
Angels of Redemption Reiver Blades of Vengeance Assault Intercessor Guardians ofthe Covenant lnfiltrator
{Combat IPatrol _
In this section you will find all the essentials for using the Vengeful
Brethren in games of Combat Patrol, from a tactical commentary
and a guide to painting your miniatures to bespoke faction rules
and datasheets.
I Every model is equipped with:
bolt pistol; bolt rifle; close
combat weapon.

[1 MODEL] 'lhe lntercessor Squad can be split
I This model is equipped with: into two separate units using the
boltstorm gauntlet; power fist; Patrol Squads rule. 'lhis gives you
relic chainsword. two BATTLELINE units, making for
a greater degree of flexibility when
it comes to securing objectives.
As far as characters go, few are However, keeping your lntercessors
as durable as a Captain in Gravis as a single unit does increase the
armour. Master Zacharial is able to effectiveness of Stratagems such
cut his way through large swathes as Relic Munitions, making such
of the foe, but must be protected a decision far from automatic. To
from the enemy’s more powerful guide your decision, be sure to take
guns. As such, be sure to use a look at your opponent’s army
intervening scenery to keep him before the battle begins to judge
hidden from such firepower until whether you need to focus more on
the time comes to pile him into his objectives or dealing damage.
chosen target.
I livery model is equipped with:
heavy boll pistol; master eralled
lNlWCI‘ \Vt'llllt)”.

'lhis unit is the Illosl durahle

HELLBLASTER SQUAD portion ol your lbree..wilh a
[5 MODELS] good invulnel'ahle save making it
I livery model is equipped with: possible tor them to take even the
holt pistol; plasma meinel'alor; mightiest ol'hlows and still have a
(lose eomhat weapon. chance to keep going. 'I hey are also
superlative melee lighters, able to
switch hetween improved damage
'l he I lellhlasters are an incredibly output and extra durahility eaeh
versatile ranged unit. able to turn. Pushing these warriors into
elleetively deal with some ol’your the centre 0!. the enemy lilies and
opponents most heavily armoured forcing your opponent to react
infantry. To ensure that you use to the threat they pose is rarely a
them to full etleetiveness, make sure had strategy.
to keep them well away from any
enemy units that might tie them
up in combat. as this will prevent
them from using their plasma
incinerators until they light their
way tree.
0n the following pages you will find a painting guide intended to help you to bring your Dark Angels Combat Patrol to
life. By following the steps set out here you will be able to paint your models in the colours of the Dark Angels Chapter
to a Battle Ready standard, and also learn useful techniques that you can apply to your collection as it grows.

Yo u Will N e e d
To make the most of
this painting guide, we
recommend you use a
Citadel brush and the
Citadel Colour paints
shown below. We also
recommend using multiple
thin coats where needed to
achieve good coverage.




’lfdVJ ID 1 Caliban Green 3 Warpstone Glow


.Apply several coats of Caliban Green thinned with water overthe armourto get a smooth finish.
' ASTRUGRAMTE DEBRIS Shade the armourwith Nuln Oil, focusing on the recesses and the darker areas. “Apply a careful
highlight ofthinned Warpstone Glow. Take yourtime, usingthe edge of your brush for best effect.

To Ti
Befgre)Emfollowany Bone Armour, Chest Emblems, Parchments and Other Details
other steps, we suggest .
priming your models with
Wraithbone 2 SeraphimSepia kit 3 Wraithbone
an even coat of Chaos
Black Spray paint, or
Wraithbone Spray paint
for those in bone armour.
You can use several thin
coats of Caliban Green
or Wraithbone Base
paint instead.
Apply several thinned coats ofWraithbone, making sure to let each dry fully before moving on to
the next. .While applying Seraphim Sepia, load the brush and use one fluid motion to achieve a
smooth finish. a Carefully highlight the raised edges with thinned Wraithbone.
Metals, Red Weapon Casings and Helmet Lenses

1 Leadbelcher 2 Mephiston Red 3 NulnDil 4 Evil Sunz Scarlet

L.» ‘


.Apply thinned Leadbelcherto all metal areas, being careful not to catch anythingthat will not be metal. a Use several thinned coats of
Mephiston Red to pick out the helmet lenses, weapon casings and other red areasflApply Nuln Dil over all those metal and red areas on
your models. Use thinned Evil Sunz Scarlet to apply a careful edge highlight to the red areas on the model to provide definition. Forthe
metal areas, use Leadbelcherforthis edge highlight.

Plasma Coils Gold Details

1 Wraithbone 2 Frostheart


;‘ tummy

Carefully apply thinned Wraithbone to the plasma .Apply thinned RetributorArmourto all gold areas, being careful not to obscure
areas.” Focus the Frostheart towards the recesses. any detail by applying it too thickly.“ Once the basecoat is dry apply Seraphim
Once it has fully dried, use thinned Wraithbone to SepiaaThin your Leadbelcher before applyingthis highlight; take yourtime
highlight the top raised edges. applying the highlight to the very edges ofthe gold details.


1 Mephiston Red 2 SeraphimSepia 3 EvilSunzScarlet

Basecoat the inside ofthe cloak with Wraithbone and the outside with Mephiston Red, using
several thin coatsflApply Seraphim Sepia to both sides. Try not to let it pool in the recesses.
a Highlight the inside with thinned Wraithbone and the outside with thinned Evil Sunz Scarlet.


1 Astrogranite Debris Wraithbone

Apply a neat layer of Astrogranite Debris, being careful near the edges. a Once the layer of
Astrogranite Debris is completely dry, apply a shade ofNuln Dil.- Drybrush the base gently with
Wraithbone then apply multiple thin coats ofAbaddon Black to the base edge to finish.



The datasheets required to use the Vengeful Brethren Your CAPTAIN model has the Determined Combatant
can be found on the following pages, and are designed Enhancement. You can replace this with the
exclusively for Combat Patrol games. A unit’s datasheet Wages of Retribution.
will list all of the abilities it has. This will include a Faction
ability — Oath of Moment — that is referenced on each unit’s
datasheet and is described below.


In battle, Space Marines swear mighty oaths to destroy the An exemplar of the Dark Angels’ relentless dedication
enemies of the Emperor and uphold the honour of their to duty, once this warrior has set their mind to taking
Chapter, and such vows are sacrosanct. When the Angels and holding a location they strike down any who
of Death strike, they do so with the precision of a surgeon oppose them with cold fury.
and the force of a thunderbolt. Experience and strategic
expertise help them to read the shifting shape of the battle While the bearer is within range of an objective
with post-human speed and clarity, directing their wrath marker, weapons equipped by the bearer have the
towards one priority target after another. Command assets [susnmen HITS 1] ability.
are annihilated, leaving the enemy reeling leaderless. Heavy
armour, potent artillery and the vaunted elites of the
foe’sforces are laid waste with horrifying speed, until the
Emperor’s Angels of Death stand victorious over afield of
smouldering wreckage and bolt—riddled corpses, and honour
is finally satisfied.

At the start of your Command phase, select one unit

from your opponent’s army. Until the start of your next
Command phase, that enemy unit is your Oath of Moment
target. Each time a model with this ability makes an attack
that targets your Oath of Moment target, you can re—roll A
the Hit roll.


The battle—brothers of the Unforgiven Chapters may
not always know why a particular foe has been
marked above all others for destruction or capture,
for their superiors make a habit of secrecy. Yet it is
enough to know they have done their duty, for in their
Primarch’s own words, duty is its own reward.

Each time an ADEPTUS ASTARTES model from your

army destroys your Oath of Moment target, if the
bearer is on the battlefield, roll one D6: on a 4+, you
gain lCP.



You will use the Hunters of Heretics secondary objective. You can use the following Stratagems:
You can replace this with the Take the Stronghold.



HUNTERS OF HERETICS So stubborn and stoic are the Dark Angels that even death is
not enough to stay their wrath.
Not only does cutting down theirfoes’greatest
champions do honour to the Emperor and the WHEN: Fight phase,just after an enemy unit has selected

Primarch, but it also serves to shatter enemy morale its targets.

and cement the Dark Angels’ victory. TARGET: One ADEPTus ASTARTES unit from your army that
was selected as the target ofone or more ofthe attacking
I Each time an ADEPTUS ASTARTES unit from your unit’s attacks.

army destroys an enemy CHARACTER model, you EFFECT: Until the end ofthe phase, each time a model in
score 5VP. your unit is destroyed, ifthat model has not fought this
I At the end of the battle, if all enemy CHARACTER phase, roll one DB. adding 1 to the result ifthat model has

models are destroyed, you score 5VP. the BLADEGUARD VETERAN SDUAD keyword: on a 4+, do not
remove it from play. The destroyed model can light after
the attacking unit has finished making attacks, and is then
removed from play.


Cutting down the lost of theirfoes and giving no mind

to their own hurts, the Unforgiven press relentlessly on
toward victory.

WHEN: Fight phase.

TARGET: One ADEPTUS ASTARTES unit from your army.

EFFECT: Until the end ofthe phase, each time a model in

your unit makes a Consolidation move, it can move up to 6"
instead ofup to 3".

The enemies ofthe Emperor must be dug out ofevery
Drawn from the deep vaults of the Rack, these ancient and
bolthole and tainted strongpoint, driven from their
invaluable rounds afammunitian contain destabilised
heretical fastnesses and subjected to the merciless
plasmic cores and are reservedfor cutting down the
judgement of the Unforgiven.

Before the battle, at the start of the Deploy Armies WHEN: Your Shooting phase.

step, your opponent must select one objective TARGET: One ADEPTUS ASTARTEs unit from your army that

marker that is not in their deployment zone. has not been selected to shoot this phase.

EFFECT: Until the end ofthe phase, ranged weapons

At the end of your turn, you score SVP if you equipped by models in your unit [excluding plasma
control that selected objective marker. incinerators] have the [LETHAL HITS] ability.


Combat Patrol Datasheet

Clad in his mighty suit of Gravis armour and utterly

dedicated to his martial duties, Zacharial shrugs afi‘

hisfoes'attacks with contemptuous ease. In return he

blasts them from theirfeet with hails of explosive bolts

or hacks and bludgeans them to ruin at close quarters.

Boltstorm gauntlet [PISTOL] 12" 3 2+ 4 -1 1 FACTIUN: Oath of Moment

45% MELEE WEAPONS RANGE A WS S AP D Refuse to Yield: Eachtime an attack is allocated to this model,
halve the Damage characteristic ofthat attack.
Powerfist Melee 5 2+ 8 -2 2 .................................................................................................................. .

Relic chainsword [EXTRAATTAcKsl Melee 3 2+ 4 -1 2



Combat Patrol Datasheet

lntercessor Squads are capable oflaging down punishing

fire while advancing or holding ground against the enemy,
They have access to a range ofbolt weaponry suited to

varied battlefield assignments, from engaging enemies at

long range to cleansing bunker complexes.


BOIT pIStDI [PISTOL] 12" 1 3+ 4 U 1 FACTICIN: Oath of Moment
Boltrifle “SSW” HEAVY] 24.. 3+ ......................................................................................................................

CI b t M | At the start ofthe Declare Battle Formations step this unit can
......9§§EPT..§._.YVE?EQQ,...,..,.l., eee be splitinto two units,each containingfive models.


Combat Patrol Datasheet

Fewfoes can survive the incandescentfury ofa

Hellblaster Squad. Whether they be Tyranid Hive Tyrant,

Urk Warboss or Heretic Astartes battle tank, all are
reduced to ash and slag by searing, well-aimed plasma

fire pourinyfram the Hellblasters’ferocious weapons,


Bolt pistol [PISTOL] 12" 1 3+ 4 [J 1 FACTION: Oath of Moment

D Plasma incinerator — standard (ASSAULT, HEAVY] 24“ 2 3+ 7 -2 1

Plasma incinerator — supercharge



Close combat weapon Melee 3 3+ 4 0 1

. Before selecting targetsfor this weapon, select one of its profiles to make attacks with


Combat Patrol Datasheet

Bladeguard Veterans advance relentlessly with blades

held high -— the very image ofnoble knights ofmyth.
Members of their Chapters elite lst Company of Veterans,
each of these vast/y experienced Space Marines has
fought to preserve the Imperium across uncaunted worlds,


.."l?‘t€'.‘.’.‘4PP.‘.‘.PI?F.9I.I?'§T9H............................................................1?..................1 3+ 4 1 1 FACT IUN: Oath of Moment

5C MELEE WEAPONS RANGE A WS S AP D Bladeguard: At the start ofthe Fight phase, you can select
one ofthe following abilities to apply to models in this unit
Master-crafted powerweapon Melee 4 3+ 5 -2
until the end ofthe phase:

I Swords of the Chapter: Each time a model in this unit

makes a melee attack, re-roll a Hit roll Of 1.

I Shields of the Chapter: Each time an invulnerable saving

throw is made fora model in this unit. re-roll a savingthrow
of 1‘


illoms of the
Bark Engels
‘Whal is il 10 be a Dark Angel? It is‘ [0 be one ol lhe
Firsl Legion, (he honoured, [he ’~'.()nSOlll1Cl,l()li. II is
10 never yield [0 lhe will ()l herelirs, II is to know lhal
a momenl ol laxily spawns a lilelime Ol heresy, Willi
every breath we who follow in [he loolsleps 0| llle
Lion remember. We will never lorgel, never lorgivef

~ /\:rm'l, Suprcmv Grand Muxlcr nl llu' Durl: Aum'ls

Welcome to the rules section of Codex Supplement: DarkAngeIs. Whether forging your own tales of glory
and infamy with narrative play or pitting yourself against your opponents in nail-biting matched play
contests, the following pages present all the rules you will need to bring your Dark Angels collection to
life on the tabletop.

These include Detachment rules that Space Marines and Dark Angels armies can use, along with
instructions on how to field ADEPTUS ASTARTES units drawn from the Dark Angels’ elite Deathwing and
Ravenwing companies. This section also includes datasheets for Dark Angels units; you can find out
more about how to use datasheets on pages 3?-38 of the Core Rules.

n. n.
. 1mm. lylgnlmliltlllyslaugmu 11 1

sun-1:11.11.“ :
Farm! .1. 1.1mm,
1n. m... 111;... 1

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1hs1.m1 1.11.1...


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-I1.1..1.1..1.1.1m. I1111.'1...1I11.~11.11.11...1.111.I

On the following pages you will find several Dark Angels Detachments you can select from, as described in
the Core Rules (see the Select Detachment Rules step, page 56). If you are playing a Crusade battle, see the
equivalent step in the Mustering a Crusade Army section of the main Crusade rules. Each Detachment is a
themed fighting force that focuses on one particular combat style employed by the Dark Angels — the rules
they include are as follows:

DETACHMENT RULE If you are playing a Crusade battle, you can instead
The Detachment rule listed here will apply use the Renowned Heroes Requisition to give your
to either your whole army or to particular units Characters Enhancements, as described in the main
within it. If any additional restrictions or benefits Crusade rules.
apply to a Detachment, they will be listed here. This
can include units your army either must include or ST RATAG E M S
cannot include, as well as additional keywords some Your chosen Detachment gives you access
of your units may gain. to the Stratagems listed here in addition to the Core
Stratagems listed in the Core Rules. During the
ENHANCEMENTS battle, you can spend Command points (CF) to use
When mustering your army, your chosen these Stratagems. You can find out more about how
Detachment enables you to upgrade Characters to use Stratagems on pages 41—42 of the Core Rules.
using the Enhancements listed here, as described in
the Core Rules (see the Select Units step, page 56).
In battle, Space Marines swear mighty oaths to destroy the
enemies of the Emperor and uphold the honour of their Chapter,
and such vows are sacrosanct.

This ability is described in full on the Army Rules page of

Codex: Space Marines.

Nonefight with more grim determination than the sons ofthe
Lion, and their specialised companies — known as the Deathwing
and the Ravenwing in the case of the Dark Angels — are the bane
of their terrified foes.

I If an ADEPTUS ASTARTES unit has a second Faction keyword

on its datasheet, that Faction keyword is the name of that
unit’s Chapter. For example, Asmodai has both the ADEPTUS
ASTARTEs and DARK ANGELS Faction keywords, and is therefore
from the Dark Angels Chapter.
I You cannot include units from more than one Chapter in
your army.

Designer’s Note: The rules presented in this section assume

that the ADEPTUS ASTARTES units in your army are from the
Dark Angels Chapter, but they can also be used to represent
any Dark Angels successor Chapter, such as one described in
the background section of this book, or even one of your own
invention. However, players who wish to faithfully recreate
the Dark Angels Chapter on the tabletop should only include
DARK ANGELS EPIC HERDEs if their collection is intended to
represent the First Founding Chapter itself; Ezekiel is the Chief
Librarian of the Dark Angels, for example, and not of any of
their successors.

The Ravenwing
The following ADEPTus ASTARTES units gain the RAVENWING
keyword if they are drawn from the Dark Angels Chapter:

I VEHICLE units that can FLY

The Deathwing
The following ADEPTUS AsrARTEs units gain the DEATHWING
keyword if they are drawn from the Dark Angels Chapter:


The Dark Angels are renownedfor their Formedfrom the death shrouds of some of the Chapter’s
unshakeable resolve, enduring tenacity greatest warriors, this robe inspires its wearer with the
and strict discipline in battle. Yhey are might and selflessness of those who came before.
tactically astute, able to prosecute their
wars on any front. On the oflence, they ADEPTUS ASTARTEs model only. The first time the bearer
strike with all the martialpride ofthe is destroyed, roll one D6 at the end of the phase.
Lion, while in defence they are stalwart, On a 2+, set the bearer back up on the battlefield as
determined to accomplish their mission no close as possible to where it was destroyed and not
matter the cost. within Engagement Range of any enemy units, with 3
wounds remaining (if the bearer was Battle-shocked
While an ADEPTUS ASTARTES unit from when it was destroyed, it is instead returned with its
your army is Battle-shocked, change full wounds remaining).
the Objective Control characteristic of
models in that unit to 1, instead of 0. STUBBORN TENACITY
Even for a Chapter asfamously stubborn as the Dark
Angels, this warrior is known for their intractable nature.
ADEPTUS ASTARTES model only. While the bearer is
Your army can include DARK ANGELS leading a unit, each time a model in that unit makes
units, but it cannot include any an attack, add 1 to the Hit roll if that unit is below
ADEPTUS ASTARTES units drawn from any its Starting Strength, and add 1 to the Wound roll
other Chapter. as well if that unit is Battle-shocked and below its
Starting Strength.


Beneath the surface of the Rock lie vaults within which
weapons of antiquity and terrible power are stored.

ADEPTUS ASTARTES model only. Add 1 to the Attacks,

Strength and Damage characteristics of the bearer’s
melee weapons. While the bearer is Battle—shocked,
add 2 to the Attacks, Strength and Damage
characteristics of the bearer’s melee weapons instead.

This hallowed banner records the names and deeds
of legendary members of the Deathwing, staking still
firmer resolve in those who fight beneath it.

ANCIENT model only. While the bearer is leading a

unit, models in that unit have the Feel No Pain 6+
ability. While that unit is Battle-shocked, models in
that unit have the Feel No Pain 4+ ability instead.

The Darl’tAngels march to war with sombre determination. Merciless, relentless, driven by duty
and resolve, they systematically slaughter their enemies until nothing remains but corpses
and blazing wreckage. Though divided by circles ofsecrecy, still the Dark Angels deploy most
commonly in strike forces that mingle assets from their Battle or Reserve Companies with fighting
vehicles from the Chapter Armoury and specialised warriors of the Ravenwing, Deathwing or
both. Wreathed in incense, heralded by the snarl of engines and vex-amplified chanting, these
Unforgiven Task Forces wed the versatility of the Adeptus Astartes with the indomitable will of the
Lion’s sons to form armies whose might is even greaterthan the sum of their parts.



The belligerence of the Adeptus Astartes combined There is no escaping the wrath of the Unforgiven
with their transhuman physiology makes them when they bring their disciplinedfirepower to bear.
unyielding foes to face.
WHEN: Your Shooting phase.
WHEN: Your opponent’s Shooting phase orthe
TARGET: One ADEFTUS ASTARTES unit from your army
Fight phase, just after an enemy unit has selected
that has not been selected to shootthis phase.
its targets.
EFFECT: Until the end ofthe phase, ranged weapons
TARGET: One ADEPTUS ASTARTES unit from your army
equipped by models in your unit have the [ASSAULT],
that was selected as the target ofone or more ofthe
[HEAVY] and [IGNORES COVER] abilities.
attacking unit’s attacks.

EFFECT: Until the end ofthe phase, each time

an attack targets your unit, worsen the Armour
Penetration characteristic ofthat attack by 1. UNFORGIVEN TASK FORCE STRATEGIC PLOY STRATAEEM

Stern and vengeful as they are, the warriors of the

UNFORGIVEN FURY Unforgiven Chapters deliver swift retribution to any

foe foolish enough to try to lay them low.

Your opponent’s Shooting phase,just after an

With focused aggressron, the Dark Angels
enemy unit has shot.
relentlessly punish the foe.
': 1., One ADEPTUS ASTARTES unit from your army
WHEN: Your Shooting phase orthe Fight phase.
that had one or more models destroyed as a result of
TARGET: One ADEPTUS ASTARTES unit from your the attacking unit's attacks.
army that has not been selected to shoot or fight
I Your unit can shoot as if it were your
this phase.
Shooting phase, but it must target only the enemy
EFFECT: Until the end ofthe phase, weapons unit thatjust attacked it, and can only do so ifthat
equipped by models in your unit have the enemy unit is an eligible target.
[LETHAL HITS] ability. In addition, ifone or more
ADEPrus ASTARTES units from your army are
currently Battle—shocked, until the end ofthe phase,
each time a model in your unit makes an attack,
a successful unmodified Hit roll of 5+ scores a
Countless assaults have faltered against the
Critical Hit.
unbreakable ceramite wall that is the Unforgiven

INTRACTABLE Your opponent’s Charge phase,just after an


Even the Dark Angels must give ground occasionally, .F" One ADEPTUS ASTARTES unit from your army

but their stubborn determination ensures they never within Engagement Range ofthat enemy unit.

do so for long, or without a fight. T? "1 : Until the end ofthe turn, each time an attack
targets your unit, subtract 1 from the Wound roll.
WHEN: Your Movement phase, just after an
ADEPTUS ASTARTES unit from your army Falls Back.


EFFECT: Until the end ofthe turn, your unit is eligible

to shoot and declare a charge in a turn in which it
Fell Back.
Whether its true significance is kept a Even amongst the elite of the Unforgiven, this warrior is
secret or not, there is a singular prize here a paragon of duty and martial might.
that the Inner Circle have come to either
secure or destroy. They will pursue this DEATHWING model only. Melee weapons equipped by
strategic objective with cold ferocity. the bearer have the [LETHAL HITS] ability, and each time
the bearer makes a melee attack, if it is within range
At the start of your Command phase, of your Vowed objective marker, a Critical Hit is
select one objective marker. Until the scored on an unmodified Hit roll of 5+.
start of your next Command phase, that
objective marker is your Vowed objective EYE OF THE UNSEEN
marker. Each time a DEATHWING INFANTRY It is said that no secret can escape the gaze of this
unit from your army makes an attack ocular augmetic, which belongedfirst to the feared
that targets a unit within range of your Interrogator-Chaplain Enoch.
Vowed objective marker, add 1 to the
Wound roll. DEATHWING model only. Each time you target the
bearer’s unit with a Stratagem, roll one D6, adding 1
if the bearer is within range of your Vowed objective
RESTRICTIONS ( l j marker: on a 5+, you gain lCP.

Your army can include DARK ANGELS SINGULAR WILL

units, but it cannot include any This warrior lets nothing stand in their way or slow
ADEPTUS ASTARTES units drawn from any their advance, closing swiftly and relentlessly with
other Chapter. their quarry.

DEATHWING model only. Each time the bearer’s unit

Piles In or Consolidates, models in that unit can move
an additional 3".

Employing shock assault doctrines requiring ancient
technology and immense tactical skill, the Deathwing
are masters of catching their foes wholly unawares.

DEATHWING model with the Deep Strike ability only.

The bearer’s unit can be set up using the Deep Strike
ability in the Reinforcements step of your first,
second or third Movement phase, regardless of any
mission rules.

When the wrath ofthe Inner Circle is unleashed en masse worlds shake, armies die and heretic
fortifications topple in flaming ruin. Sometimes the elite of the Unforgiven fight alone as a wedge
of skilled veteran battle-brothers who strike suddenly from blazing teleport flares or ride to war
aboard thundering armoured transports. At other times the Inner Circle deploy alongside their less
elevated battle-brothers, forming the unstoppable speartip of a combined-arms assault. Whatever
the case, such forces are not committed lightly — they always have a vital strategic goal, be it the
devastation ofan enemy position, the acquisition of key intelligence, or the capture ofone whom
the Unforgiven have long hunted across the stars.



The belligerence of the Adeptus Astartes combined The Deathwing employ ancient and incredibly
with their transhuman physiology makes them powerful teleportariums, some older than the Great
unyielding foes to face. Crusade, to strike at theirfoes with unparalleled
safety and accuracy.
: WHEN:Youropponent’s
Fight phase,just after an enemy unit has selected WHEN: Your Movement phase.
its targets.
TARGET: One DEATHWING unit from your army that is
TARGET: One ADEPTUS ASTARTES unit from your army arriving using the Deep Strike ability this phase.
that was selected as the target of one or more ofthe
EFFECT: Your unit can be set up anywhere on the
attacking unit‘s attacks.
battlefield that is more than 3" horizontally away
EFFECT: Until the end ofthe phase, each time from all enemy models.
an attack targets your unit, worsen the Armour
RESTRICTIONS: Until the end ofthe turn, your unit is
Penetration characteristic ofthat attack by 1.
not eligible to declare a charge.



The warriors of the Deathwing fight with the honed Channellingthestrategicpuissanceandmeasured

skill and lethality of knight/y champions. ferocity aftheir gene sire, the veterans of the
Unforgiven unleash a perfectly timed and utterly
WHEN: Fight phase.
lethal storm of tightly controlled violence.

army that has not been selected to fight this phase. WHEN: Your Charge phase.

EFFECT: Until the end ofthe phase, each time TARGET: One DEATHWING INFANTRY unit from your
army thatjust ended a Charge move.
a model in your unit makes an attack, re-roll a
Wound roll of 1. If your unit is within range ofyour EFFECT: Select one enemy unit within Engagement
Vawed objective marker, you can re-rall the Wound Range ofyour unit and roll one DB foreach model in
roll instead. your unit, adding 1 to the result ifthat enemy unit
is within range of yourVowed objective marker: for
each 4+, that enemy unit suffers 1 mortal wound [to
a maximum of 3 mortal wounds).

WHEN: Fight phaseyust after an enemy unit has

In the name of their oaths to Chapter, Primarch and
selected its targets.
Emperor, the Deathwing march into the fiercest
TARGET: One DEATHWING unit from your army that firestorms and refuse to falter
was selected as the target of one or more ofthe \
attacking unit’s attacks. I Your opponent‘s Shooting phase,just after an
enemy unit has selected its targets.
EFFECT: Until the end ofthe phase, each time a
model in your unit is destroyed, ifthat model has not ‘ . One DEATHWING INFANTRY unit from your

fought this phase, roll one OE, adding 1 if your unit army that was selected as the target of one or more

is within range of yourVowed objective marker. On a ofthe attacking unit’s attacks.

4+, do not remove the destroyed model from play; it . ,.: Until the end ofthe phase, each time an
can fight after the attacking unit has finished making attack targets your unit, ifthe Strength characteristic
its attacks, and is then removed from play. ofthat attackIs greaterthan your unit’5 Toughness
characteristic, subtract 1 from the Wound roll.
'Ihe Ravenwing are fearsome and daring Those who command the Ravenwing on their hunts
hunters, relentless in pursuit and furious are often honoured with a masterwork blade, mace or
on the assault. When they lead the other deadly close-quarters weapon. Such implements
Dark Angels to war they inspire their are fashioned by the chapters artificers and weighted
battle—brothers with their strategic and perfectly to be wielded from the saddle of a speeding
tactical mastery of high—speed warfare, armoured steed.
knightly bike—mounted venators leading
every charge and rapidly outmanoeuvring RAVENWING model only. Melee weapons equipped by
the foe. the bearer have the [PRECISION] ability.


are eligible to shoot in a turn in which This warrior has mastered the art of such advanced
they Advanced or Fell Back. plays as feigningflight only to turn swiftly upon
overextended foes and launch a devastating
counter—oflensive to shatter their lines.
RAVENWING model only. The bearer’s unit is eligible
Your army can include DARK ANGELS to declare a charge in a turn in which it Advanced or
units, but it cannot include any Fell Back.
ADEPTUS ASTARTES units drawn from any
Daring and audacious, this commander favours
breakneck outflanking manoeuvres that allow
KEYWORDS (:6) them to plunge into the enemy’s midst from
unexpected quarters.
DUTRIDER units from your army gain the
BATTLELINE keyword. RAVENWING model only. If the bearer’s unit starts the
battle in Strategic Reserves, its points value does not
count towards the combined points limit for units
from your army that are in Strategic Reserve, and for
the purposes of setting up that unit on the battlefield,
treat the current battle round number as being one
higher than it actually is.

This commander is an expert scout as well as hunter,
and takes advantage of these skills to seize the most
advantageous position before battle begins.

RAVENWING model only. Models in the bearer’s unit

have the Scouts 9" ability.

Engin roar and turbines howl as the swift hunting formations ofthe Unforgiven run their prey
A to ground. Outfitted with swift attack vehicles from rugged assault bikes and ATVs to anti-grav
skimmers and armoured transports. these formations boast a potent combination of speed,
firepower and resilience. Flanking strikes; encircling manoeuvres; line-breaking assaults;
hit-and-run raids; the Ravenwing and their equivalent formations amongst the Unforgiven have
mastered them all. Yet it is on the hunt where they truly excel. Guns blazing, expert riders weaving
through incoming fire and the most challenging terrain, they rapidly eliminate every obstacle and
foe in their path before overtaking their quarry and snaring them in an adamantine noose.



Using augur beacons, servo-skulls and the like, The Ravenwing employ shock tactics andfocussed
the Ravenwing mark locations they have passed firepower to tear bloody paths through the enemy
through and cleansed offoes, laying a trial their ranks, shattering resistance and clearing the way to
fellows can I! w n the hunt. their true quarry.

WHEN: Command phase. WHEN: Your Shooting phase.

TARGET: One RAVENWING MOUNTED unit from your TARGET: One RAVENWING unit from your army that
army that is within range ofan objective marker hasjust shot.
you control.
EFFECT: Select one enemy unit that was hit by
EFFECT: That objective marker remains under your one or more ofthose attacks. That unit must take
control, even if you have no models within range of a Battle-shocktest. When doing so, ifone or more
it, until your opponent controls it at the start or end RAVENWING units from your army are within 6" ofthat
ofany turn.


The belligerence of the Adeptus Astartes combined Even when travelling at breakneck pace, the
with their transhuman physiology makes them \ Ravenwing control their vehicles with consummate
unyielding foes to face. skill and are able tojink and dodge around incoming
enemy fire.
WHEN: Your opponent’s Shooting phase orthe
Fight phase,just after an enemy unit has selected . Your opponent’s Shooting phase, just after an
its targets. enemy unit has selected its targets.

TARGET: One ADEPTUS ASTARTES unit from your army 5: One RAVENWING unit from your army that
that was selected as the target ofone or more ofthe was selected as the target of one or more ofthe
attacking unit’s attacks. attacking unit’s attacks.

EFFECT: Until the end ofthe phase, each time ‘5: Until the end ofthe phase, each time an
an attack targets your unit, worsen the Armour attacktargets your unit, subtract 1 from the Hit roll.
Penetration characteristic ofthat attack by 1.



The Ravenwing scan and analyse theirfoes’
Be it their true quarry or simply one who possesses .) strategic dispositions constantly, augury and aerial
knowledge that will lead them to their apprehension, surveillance helping to watch that no quarry slips their
when the Ravenwing strike at a priority target they closing net. They are quick to redirect combat assets
d ith unmerciful surety. sh uld such a risk present itself

WHEN: Your Shooting phase orthe Fight phase. End of youropponent’s Fight phase.

TARGET: One RAVENWING Mouureo unit from your Tm? :T: One RAVENWING unit from your army that
army that has not been selected to shoot or fight is not within Engagement Range ofone or more
this phase. enemy units.

EFFECT: Until the end ofthe phase, each time a . T: Remove your unit from the battlefield and
model in your unit makes an attack that targets an place it into Strategic Reserves.
add 1 to the Wound roll.
‘By sanctified bolt shell and purifying plasma blast do
we chastise the unclean. By keen—edged blade do we
strike the heads from heretics and flense away the sins
of the traitor and the liar alike. Yet it is our unyielding
spirit that is our greatest weapon, and the one that our
enemies soon come to fear the most.’

— Master Lazarus, from his Oaths Martial

Lion Eonnson stalks from mist-wreathed shadow realms
like an ancient questing knight hunting down the galaxy’s
terrors. With the immense blade, Fealty, the Primarch

cleaves apart the most heinous ofmonstrosities, while

the Emperor‘s Shield erupts in blazes of light andforce in
response to savage blows.


D Arma Luminis — bolt [PISTOL] 12" 4 2+ 4 -1 2
CORE: Deep Strike, Fights First
D Arma Luminis — plasma [PISTOL] 12" 2 2+ 8 -3 2

5? MELEE WEAPONS RANGE A WS 5 AP D Primarch ofthe First Legion: In your Command phase, select
D Fealty — strike [LETHAL HITS] Melee 3 2+ 12 -4 4 one Primarch ofthe First Legion ability [see left]. Until the
start of your next Command phase, this model has that ability.
D Fealty — sweep [susmusa HITS 1] Melee 16 2+ 6 -3 1
The Emperor's Shield: Each time a melee attack is allocated to
this model, on an unmodified savingthrow of 6, the attacking
unit suffers 1 mortal wound after it has finished making
All Secrets Revealed: Once perturn, when your opponent targets a unit from their army with a Stratagem its attacks.
but before that Stratagem's eFFects are resolved, ifthat unit is within 12" ofthis model, you gain 1CP
Dark Angels Bodyguard: While this model is within 3" of one
and that enemy unit must take a Battle-shock test. lfthat test is failed, in addition to that unit being
or more friendly ADEPTUS ASTARTES INFANTRY units, this
Battle-shocked, that Stratagem’s effects are not resolved [that Stratagem still counts as having been
model has the Lone Operative ability.
used this hase]

Martial Exemplar [Aura]: While a friendly ADEPTUSASTARTES unit IS Within 6 ofthis model , each time a
model in that unit makes a melee attack, add 1 to the Hit roll. UNIT COMPOSITION

No Hiding from the Watchers [Aura]: While a friendly ADEFTUS ASTARTES unit is within S" ofthis model, - 1 Lion EI'Jonson — EPIc HERD
models in that unit have the Feel No Pain 4+ ability against mortal wounds.
This model is equipped with: Arma Luminis; Fealty.


Ifth' d Iis in yourarmy, it must be yourWARLORD.

D Before selecting targets for this weapon, select one of its profiles to make attacks with.


Wielding Calibanite greatswards with breathtaking
skill, wreathed in the incense smoke of their braziers of
judgement, the Inner Circle Companions cut a crimson
path through their foes. They are sinister warriors whether
battling as ally ar enemg,for theyfight in silence savefor
the whine aftheir armour servos and the crunch of their
blades through flesh and bone.


Heavy bolt pistol [PISTOL] 18" 1 3+ 4 -1 1 FACTION- Oath of Moment

5c MELEE WEAPONS RANGE A ws S AP D Braziers ofJudgement:Whilea CHARACTER model is leading

this unit, each time an attack targets this unit, subtract 1 from
D Calibanite greatsword — strike ILETHAL HITS] Melee 4 3+ 6 -1 2 the Hit roll

D Calibanite greatsword — sweep [SUSTAINED HITS 2] Melee 4 3+ 6 -1 1

............................................................................................................................................................................................... Enmitu forthe Unworthu: Each time a model in this unit
makes an attack that targets a CHARACTER unit, add 1 to the

Ifa CHARACTER unit from your armg with the Leader abilitg can be attached to a
STERNGUARD VETERAN SDUAD, it can be attached to this unit instead. UNIT COMPOSITION

- 3-5 Inner Circle Companions

Every Inner Circle Companion is equipped with:

heavy bolt pistol; Calibanite greatsword.

- Before selecting targets far this weapon, select one of its profiles to make attacks with,


Supreme Grand MasterAzrael is a beacon of inspiration
to those who follow him, and is paid enormous respect
for his ability as a strategist. A masterful commander,
he quickly grasps changing battlefield realities and
orchestrates his forces to maximum advantage. In the
fray, Azrael decapitates foes with every strike of the Sword
of Secrets.


Lion‘s Wrath
24 2 2+ 8 3 2 CORE: Leader
..PATIENT!fszFYIfiTIIII‘E WPP'.‘P§:WFPFF5§}I...............................................................................................................


Supreme Grand Master: While this model is leading a unit,
The Sword of Secrets [DEVASTATING wouuosi Melee 6 2+ 4
weapons equipped bg models in that unit have the [SUSTAINED
HITS 1) abilitg.
Masterful Tactician: At the start of gour Command phase, if

This model can be attached tothe following units: ASSAULT INTERCESSDR SOUAD, BLADEGUARD VETERAN this model is on the battlefield, gou gain 1CP.


The Lion Helm: Models in the bearer’s unit have a 4+

invulnerable save. In addition, once per battle, in ang phase,
- 1 Azrael — EPII: HERD the bearer can summon a Watcher in the Dark. When it does,
until the end ofthe phase, models in the bearer’s unit have
This model is equipped with- Lion‘s Wrath- the Sword of Secrets- the Lion Helm.
the Feel No Pain 4+ abilitg against mortal wounds.


Asmodai is the Dark Angels‘most successful

lnterrogator—Chaplain. Relentless and humour/ess, in

6"4 3+ 43 _1 battle he incites his battle-brothers ’fighting spirit to reach

new heights, rendering them unstoppable killing machines

by chanting litanies ofhate with unshokeable belief.



Heavg bolt pistol [PIsroL] 18" 1 3+ 4 -1

CORE- Leader


D Crozius arcanum and powerweapon — strike Melee 5 2+ 2 Exemplar of Hate: While this model is leading a unit, each
D Crozius arcanum and powerweapon — sweep Melee 8 2+ 5 2 1 time a model in that unit makes a melee attack, you can
re-roll the Hit rollt

LEADER Feared lnterrogator: Atthe start ofthe Fight phase, each

enemy CHARACTER unit within 6" ofthis model must take
This model can be attached to the following units: ASSAULT INTERCESSOR SDUAD, BLADEGUARD VETERAN a Battle-shock test, subtracting 1 from that test when they
STERNGUARD VETERAN SoUAo, TACTICAL SOUAD CHARACTER model with a melee attack, you gain 1CP.


- 1 Asmodai — EPIt: HERO

This model is equipped with: heavy bolt pistol; crozius

arcanum and power weapon.

- Before selecting targets forthis weapon, select one of its profiles to make attacks with


: Grand Master Belial is a warrior born 7 a killer whose
skill in battle has always stood out, even amongst
his posthuman brethren, For all his ability he is a
staunch perfectionist, chastising himselffor every
perceived weakness In battle he wields the Sword of
Silence, an obsidian Chapter relic that seems to swallow
nearby sound,


CORE: Deep Strike, Leader


The Sword ofSiIence [PRECISION] Grand Master ofthe Deathwing: While this model is leading
a unit, each time a model in that unit makes an attack, ifa

LEADER Critical Hit is scored, that attack has the [PRECISION] abilitg.

Strikes of Retribution: Each time a melee attack is allocated

This model can be attached to the following units: DEATHWING KNIGHTS, DEATHWING TERMINATOR SOUAO,
to this model, afterthe attacking unit has finished making
its attacks, roll one DS [to a maximum ofsix D6 per attacking


I 1 Belial — EPIC HERD

This model is equipped with: master~crafted storm bolter;

the Sword OfSilence.


Ezekiel is Grand Master ofLibrarians: As a master of

lnterromancy, his warp»whispers shred the sanity ofhis
enemies. His blade, known as Traitor’s Bane, was forged to

slay those who turn against the Emperor It is afarmidable

force weapon rumoured to entrapjorever the souls of

the Fallen,


The Deliverer [PISTOL PRECISION] 12 1 2+ 4 1 2 CORE: Leader

MIN WIpe — WItchlIre 12 1 2+ 6 2 OS


MInd WIpe — focused WItchfIre [ANTI-CHARACTER4+. 12 1 2+ 6 2 D6 Psychlc Hood: While this model Is leadlng a unIt, models


in that unit have the Feel No Pain 4+ abilitg against

5% MELEE WEAPONS Engulfing Fear [Psgchic]: In your Shooting phase, gou can
select one enemy unit within 18" ofthis model.That enemg
Traitor’s Bane [ANTI-CHADS 2+, PSYCHIC]
unit must take a Battle-shocktest.

This model can be attached to the following units: ASSAULT INTERCESSDR SOUAD, BLADEGUARD VETERAN
Book of Salvation: While this model is leading a unit, add
1 to the Attacks characteristic of melee weapons equipped
bg models in that unit. When this model is destroyed, each
friendlg ADEPTus ASTARTEs unit within 6" ofthis model must
UNIT COMPOSITION take a Battle-shocktest.

I 1 Ezekiel — EPIC HERO

This model is equipped with: the Deliverer; Mind Wipe; Traitor’s Bane; Book of Salvation.

D Before selecting targetsfor this weapon, select one of its profiles to make attacks with,



» Sommoel, Grand Master of the Ravenwing, rides to
war on the jetbike Corvex, o relic from the Dark Age of
Technologgi He swoops into the frog, storm bolters and
5 3+ 7 6+ plasma cannon blazing, before moving in for the kill with

,~_‘\, ' the Raven Sword, a precious relic weapon with a razor

a INVULNERABLESAV m ' edge that never dolls.

ram 713 a ~
Bolt pistol-{HeisroLl 12" 1 2+
CURE: Leader
Master-crafted plasma cannon [BLAST]
FACTION: Oath of Moment

Grand Master ofthe Ravenwing: While this model is leading a

5Q MELEE WEAPONS unit, that unit is eligible to shoot and declare a charge in a turn
in which it Advanced.
e Raven Sword [susmuen Has a]

Cut Off Their Escape: Each time an enemy unit [excluding

MONSTERS and VEHICLES] within Engagement Range ofthis
model's unit is selected to Fall Back, models in that enemg
unit must take Desperate Escape tests as iftheir unit was
Battle-shocked. When doing so, ifthat enemy unit is also
Battle-shocked bg other means, subtract 1 from each ofthose
Desperate Escape tests.


. 1 Sammael — EPIC HERD

This model is equipped with: bolt pistol; master-crafted

plasma cannon; twin storm bolter; the Raven Sword.


Master Lazarus wields his sword, Enmity’s Edge, with
all the martial ski/l expected ofa Dark Angels Company
Master. In even the most ferocious fighting he exhibits

a calm demeanour, maintaining composure despite the

hatredfor witches smouldering in his breast, while giving
masterful orders that have yielded great victories.


, 39" Pism'.l'.'.'§I9Fl.................................................................137................l ..........€f........ flVVVVVVVVV9.............1 ...... CORE: Leader


“Enmitg's Edge [ANTI-PSYKER 2+] Melee 6 2+ -3 2 lntractable Will: While this model is leading a unit, each time
a model in that unit is destroged by a melee attack, ifthat

LEADER model has not fought this phase, roll one D6. [in a 4+, do not
remove it from plea; that destroged model can fight after the
This model can be attached to the following units: ASSAULT INTERCESSDR SOUAD, BLADEGUARD VETERAN attacking unit has finished making its attacks, and is then
The Spiritshield Helm: This model has the Feel No Pain 3+
ability against Psgchic Attacks and mortal wounds.


- 1 Lazarus —- EPIC HERO

This model is equipped with: bolt pistol; Enmitg’s Edge.



After deploying rapidly on to the battlefield via blazing
teleport strike or within the armoured hull of a mighty
transport, Deathwing Terminator Squads pour fire into
their enemies with storm bolters and devastating heavy

weapons, or engage them in brutal melee, tearing them

apart with powerfists and howling chainfists.


Assault cannon [OEVASTATING wouuos] 24" 6 3+ 6 U 1

CURE: Deep Strike
D Cyclone missile launcher — frag [ausn " 35" ans 3+ 4 O 1
D Cyclone missile launcher ~ krak 36" 2 3+ 9 -2 DB

Heavy flamer [IGNORES COVER. TORRENT] 1 2" DB N/A 5 -1 1 Teleport Homer: Atthe start ofthe battle, you can set up one

D Plasma cannon — standard [Bust] 38" D3 3+ 7 -2 1 Teleport Homertoken forthis unit anywhere on the battlefield
that is not in your opponent’s deployment zone. If you do,
D Plasma cannon — supercharge {Bust IIAzARoous] 36" D3 3+ 8 -3 2
Storm bio-liter mm FIRE 2] ............. 2.
it}; .................,2............
4 ...........D.............1.......
once per battle, you can target this unit with the Rapid ingress
Stratagem for DCP, but when resolvingthat Stratagem, you
must set this unit up within 3" horizontally ofthat token and

5C MELEE WEAPONS RANGE A WS 5 AP D not within 9" horizontally Ofany enemy models. That token is
then removed.
Chainfist [ANTI-VEHICLE 3*] Melee 3 4+ 8 -2 2
Deathwing: Each time a model in this unit makes an
MeIee 3
3+ """a
-2 2
............1....... attack, you can ignore any or all modifiers to that attacks
Ballistic Skill or Weapon Skill characteristics and/orto the
Hit roll. In addition, each time a model in this unit makes

WARGEAR OPTIONS an attackthat targets your Oath of Moment target (see

Codex: Space Marines], add 1 to the Hit roll.
- Any number of DeathwingTerminators can each have their powerfist replaced with 1 chainfist.

- For every 5 models in this unit, 1 Deathwing Terminator can replace its storm bolter with one of WARGEAR ABILITIES
the following:

° 1 assault cannon Watcher in the Dark: Once per battle, in any phase, this unit
can summon a Watcher in the Dark. When it does. until the
° 1 heavy Homer
end ofthe phase, models in this unit have the Feel No Pain 4+
0 1 plasma cannon
ability against mortal wounds.
° 1 storm bolter and 1 cyclone missile launcher [this model’s storm bolter cannot be replaced]
Designer's Note: Place a Watcherin the Dark token next to the
- This unit can be equipped with 1 Watcher in the Dark. unit, removing it when this ability has been used.


- 1 Deathwing Sergeant Ifa CHARACTER unit from your army with the Leader ability
- 4-9 Deathwing Terminators can be attached to a TERMINATOR SOUAD, it can be attached to
this unit instead.
The Deathwing Sergeant is equipped with: storm bolter; power weapon.

Every Deathwing Terminator is equipped with: storm bolter; power fist.

. Before selecting targetsfor this weapon, select one of its profiles to make attacks with.



Deothwing Knights are the Chapters ultimate
death-dealers, their strikes breaking the enemy’s back

or ensuring the capture of errant Fallen. Equipped

with heirloom worgeor such as crackling blades or
incense-wreathed maces, they teleport into the heart of

the thickestfighting, led by Knight Masters who lead them

INVULNERABLE SAVER unerringly to victory.
g A4:
‘. . {.4 *


Great weapon ofthe Unforgiven
CORE: Deep Strike
[nmsmmc wouuns.suszEn Has 1] Melee 5 2+ 5 '2 2
Mace ofabsolution Melee 4 2+ 6IIIIIIIIII -1 2 FACTION: Oath of Moment

Powerweapon Melee 5 2+ 6 2 1 v .
I. Homer: At the start ofthe battle, you can set up one
Relic weapon [LETHAL HITS] Melee 6 2+ 7 -2 2 ’
Teleport Homertoken forthis unit anywhere on the battlefield
that is not in your opponent’s deployment zone. If you do,
WARGEAR OPTIONS once per battle, you can target this unit with the Rapid ingress
Stratagem for OCP, but when resolving that Stratagem, you
- The Knight Master‘s great weapon ofthe Unforgiven can be replaced with 1 relic weapon.
must set this unit up within 3“ horizontally ofthat token and
I All Deathwing Knights in this unit can each have their mace ofabsolution replaced with 1 not within 9" horizontally ofany enemy models. That token is
then removed.
- This unit can be equipped with 1 Watcher in the Dark
Inner Circle: Each time an attack is allocated to a model in this
unit, subtract 1 from the Damage characteristic ofthat attack.


- 4 Deathwing Knights
Watcher in the Dark: Once per battle, in any phase, this unit
The Knight Master is equipped with: great weapon ofthe Unforgiven. can summon a Watcher in the Dark. When it does, until the
end ofthe phase, models in this unit have the Feel No Pain 4+
Every Deathwing Knight is equipped with: mace ofabsolution.
ability against mortal wounds.

Designer's Note: Place a Watcher in the Dark token next to the

unit, removing it when this ability has been used.


Ifa CHARACTER unit from your army with the Leader ability
can be attached to a TERMINATOR SOUAD. it can be attached to
this unit instead.



Watcher in the Dark Deathwing Knight Deathwing Knight

with power weapon with mace of absolution

Ravenwing Command Squads speed into battle at the
very head Of the hunt. With their champion ready to duel
for the honour of the Company, the Ancients banner
fluttering in the wind like a knight/y pennant, and the
Apothecary on hand to heal the most grievous injuries,

:" i H these formidable warriors aid their comrades in running

@ INVULNERABLESAVEYfi’w down even the most dangerous quarry.


D Astartes grenade launcher — frag [BLAST] 24" D3 3+ 4 D

CORE: Leader
D Astartes grenade launcher — krak 24" 1 3+ 9 -2 DB

Bolt pistol [PISTOL] IIIIIIIII 12" IIIIIIIII1 3+........ 4 ”O 1

D Plasma talon—standardiitAPlDFIflE 1]IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 18" 2 3+ ?2 1 Narthecium: While this unit contains a Ravenwing

D Plasma talon — supercharge HAZARDOUS, RAPID FIRE 1] 18" 2 3+ 8 -3 2 Apothecary, in your Command phase, you can return 1
destroyed model [excluding CHARACTER and INVADER ATV
models] to this unit.
Astartes Banner: While this unit contains a Ravenwing
Black Knight combat weapon
Ancient, add 1 to the Objective Control characteristic of
models in this unit.

Honour or Death: While this unit contains a Ravenwing

Champion, add 1 to Advance and Charge rolls made forthis
unit and you can target this unit with the Heroic Intervention
Stratagem for UCP


- 1 Ravenwing Champion

- 1 RavenwingApothecary

- 1 RavenwingAncient

The Ravenwing Champion is equipped with: bolt pistol;

plasma talon; master-crafted powerweapon.

Every other model is equipped with: bolt pistol; plasma talon;

Black Knight combat weapon.

. Before selecting targetsfor this weapon, select one of its profiles to make attacks with.



‘We are the onrushing storm that blinds the

dread horizon. We are the wind that sweeps
in tumult through the shuddering forest
and screams across the plains. We are the
tempest and also that which rides its wrath on
outstretched wings. We are retribution. We are
vengeance. We are the Ravenwing, and we carry
unto you your doom.’

- Extract from the Rites langaelic

The Ravenwing Black Knights are the 2nd Company's
greatest warriors. They are elite fighters who style
themselves after the monster-hunting knights Ufa/d
Caliban. They speed towards the foe, swinging their

corvus hammers with such force that the spiked

weapons puncture the thickest armour and lay law the
greatest prey.


D Astartes grenade launcher — frag [Bust] 24" 03 3+ 4 O 1 FAETION: Oath of Moment

D Astartes grenade launcher — krak 1 3+ 9 -2 D3
Knights of Caliban: Each time this unit is selected to fight, if
Bolt pistol [PISTOL] 1 3+ 4 O 1
it made a Charge move this turn, until the end ufthe phase,
D Plasma talon — standard [RAPID FIRE 11 18" 2 3+ 7 -2 1 melee weapons equipped bg models in this unit have the

Plasma talon — supercharge 18" 2 3+ 8 _3 2 [ANTI-MONSTER 4+] and [ANTI-VEHICLE 4+1 abilities.

,..I,W5599953,3§?IP.FFFIEEI .....................................................................................................................................................
- 1 Ravenwing Huntmaster
Black Knight combat weapon Melee 3 3+ 5 —2 1
- 2-5 Ravenwing Black Knights

Every model is equipped with: belt pistol; plasma talon; Black

Knight combat weapon.
I For everg 3 models in this unit 1 model can replace its plasma talon with 1 Astartes grenade launcher.


lfa CHARACTER unit from your arm; with the Leader abilitg
can be attached to an OUTRIDER Scum, It can be attached to
this unit instead

. Before selecting targets/or this weapon, select one of its profiles to make attacks with.


Mounted upon each Darkshroud is a mysterious
statue that survived Caliban’s destruction and

became imbued with the energies released by

that cataclysmic event. Through the artifice of

the Dark Angels, these energies are amplified and
used to obscure those battle-brothers near to the
Darkshroad from enemy sight.


Assault cannon {omsmms wounos]
CORE: Deadly Demise D3

Icon of Old Caliban [Aura]: While a friendly ADEPTUSASTARTES
Close combat weapon unit is within 6" ofthis model, models in that unit have the
Stealth ability and each time a ranged attacktargets that unit,
that unit has the Benefit of Cover against that attack.


- 1 Ravenwing Darkshroud

This model is equipped with: heavy bolter; close

combat weapon.


Boasting a larger chassis and anti-gravity engines,

the Land Speeder Vengeance mounts heavier
weaponry than other Land Speeders, and is thus
fitted with a plasma storm battery. ln battle, its
crew use this potent weapon to deliver devastating
firepower while keeping pace with the swift hunt of
the Ravenwing.


CORE: Deadly Demise DB

Plasma storm battery — standard

Storm ofVengeance: Once perturn, in your opponent’s
Plasma storm battery — supercharge
36 D6+1 3+ 9 3 2 Shooting phase, when another friendly ADEPTUS ASTARTES
.,1W5?fi‘fflFPQF’§:.TY’.'.’.‘:FFIKEPJ.................................................................................................................................. unit within 6" ofthis model is destroyed, one model from your
army with this ability can use it. Ifit does, afterthe attacking
5C MELEE WEAPONS RANGE A WS S AP D unit has finished making its attacks, that model can shoot
as if it were your Shooting phase, but when resolving those
Close combat weapon Melee 4 3+ 4 0 1
attacks it can only target that enemy unit [and only ifit is an
eligible target]


- 1 Ravenwing Land Speeder Vengeance

This model is equipped with: heavy bolter; plasma storm

battery; close combat weapon.

- Before selecting targetsforthis weapon, select one of its profiles to make attacks with.


The Dark Talon is a close-attack aircraft designed
to help the Ravenwing snatch up their most
» "f , . ‘ tenacious or troublesome prey. It is aided in this

20+" 8 3+ 11 » 6+ , ., ' ', " _ * ' role by armaments dating back to the DarkAge
' of Technology, such as the empirically charged
3 rift cannon and the sinisterstasis bomb, that
@ INVULNERAB . EI. I _L ' trammelsvictimsinazoneofslowedtime.


Hurricane bolter [RAPID FIRE6,TWIN-LINKED] 24" 6 3+ 4 IIIII0 IIIIIIIIII 1‘ , CORE: Deadly Demise DB, Hover
Rift cannon [BLAST,DEVASTATING wounns] 18" D3 +1 3+ 16 _4 3 ...................................................................................................................

................................................................ FACTIDN: Oath of Moment

5? MELEE WEAPONS RANGE A W5 S AP D Stasis Bomb: Once perturn, one model from your army with
Armoured hull Melee 3 4+ 5 0 1 this ability can use it after it ends a Normal move. lfit does,

you can select one enemy unit [excluding AIRCRAFT] that

model moved overthis phase. That unit suffers D3 mortal
a DAMAGED' 1’3 WOUNDS REMAINING woundsandyou mustroIlone DB:ona 1-3,thatunitcannot
While this modeI has 13 wounds remaining, each time this model makes an attack, subtract 1 from the Advance 0' Fall 339k '" 90‘" opponent's nekt Movement
Hit roll. phase; on a 4-6,that unIt must RemaIn Stationary In your
............................................................................................................................................................... ., . opponent’s next Movement phase. Each model can only use
this ability once per battle.


- 1 Ravenwing DarkTalon

This model is equipped with: rift cannon; 2 hurricane bolters;

armoured hull.


Sleek air-to-air interceptors, Nephilim Jetfighters

are an instrumental part of the wider Ravenwing
armoury, serving as the eyes and blades of the
hunt. Able to excel both in ground attacks and
breakneck dogfights, these potent fighter craft
.. - . , provide versatile and blisteringly swif fire support
INVULNERABLE SAVE ‘ - , V _ ,‘ _ 1' . wherever it is most desperately required.


Avenger mega bolter [susrAmEo HITS 1] CORE: Deadly Demise 03, Hover
Blacksword missiles [ANTI-FLY 2+]

Nephilim lascannons

Twin heavy bolter [susrAINEo HITS 1,TWIN-LINKED] Lightning-fast Manoeuvres: Each time a ranged attack
targets this model, subtract 1 from the Hit roll. lfthat attack
5% MELEE WEAPONS RANGE A WS 5 AP D was made bya modelthat can FLY, subtractl from the Wound
roll as well.
Armoured hull Melee 3 4+ 6 0 1 . ..................................... . ....................................................................


I This model’s avenger mega bolter can be replaced with 1 Nephilim lascannons. I 1 NephIIIm Jethghter
..................................................................................................................................................................... This model is equipped with: avenger mega boner;

blacksword missiles; twin heavy bolter; armoured hull.

g DAMAGED: 1-3 WOUNDS REMAINING ...................................................................................................................
While this model has 1-3 wounds remaining, each time this model makes an attack, subtract 1 from the
Hit roll.


{Erusade Rules—
'Dark is the galaxy and late grows the hour. Shadows
gather around Mankind's flickering lights and with
smothering tendrils seek to snuff them out. Yet we
Unforgiven may yet shine brightest of all in this
gloaming age. So let umbra cloak that which must be
done, and vengeance that must be exacted, so that in
our final redemption we shine of a sudden so bright
that all the darkness is cast in tatters and ruin!’

— From The Secret Exhortations of Chaplain Zacharias

In this section you’ll find additional rules for playing Crusade battles that are bespoke to DARK ANGELS
units. If your Crusade army includes any ADEPTUS ASTARTES units from the Dark Angels Chapter [or one
ofits successors], you can use any of the following Crusade rules.

If you are using an ADEPTUS ASTARTES Crusade force, you may

choose for it to represent the Dark Angels or one of their
successor Chapters. If you do, you cannot use any other
Chapter’s Crusade rules, but you can use the AoEPTus ASTARTES
Crusade rules found in Codex: Space Marines and any other
‘Not in victory does duty end. publications to embark on campaigns and gain XP and Honour
Not through service nor with points. In addition, you’ll have access to a series of unique
death endured does duty end. campaigns for Dark Angels Crusade forces that allow you
Not with vengeance taken nor to investigate the whereabouts of the Fallen and protect the
penance served nor hunt's Chapter’s darkest secrets, as well as induct CHARACTERS into the
final blooding does duty end. Inner Circle. You can also use Dark Angels Battle Traits and
For never can duty truly end, Crusade Relics to customise your units, in addition to those
save by the command of the presented in Codex: Space Marines.
Emperor himself, and none
of us shall live to hear such DATHSWDRN CAMPAIGNS
benediction given. Yet take Building on the Crusade rules found in Codex: Space Marines,
heart, brothers, for duty is these unique Oathsworn Campaigns allow your Dark Angels to
its own reward, and we shall protect their deepest secrets and hunt for the Fallen.
never be without it.’
- Master Belial, commencement of Rules allowing induction into the Inner Circle are found here,
the lurasnoctus Crusade representing characters in your army proving their worthiness
to learn the innermost secrets of the Unforgiven.

Dark Angels armies can attempt to achieve unique Agendas in
addition to those found in other publications. These represent
the faction’s unique goals and their particular methods of
waging war.

Dark Angels armies have access to a number of bespoke
Requisitions in addition to those found in other publications.

As they gain experience and prowess, ADEPTUS ASTARTES units in
your Crusade force can be given one of the Battle Traits in this
section instead of one presented elsewhere.

In addition to the Crusade Relics presented in other
publications, DARK ANGELS CHARACTER models can claim one of
the Crusade Relics found here.

Here you will find three Crusade Badges representing goals you
can set yourself when campaigning with your Crusade force.
Once one is achieved, you could set yourself a new goal, or take
the opportunity to start a new Crusade force.

Your Crusade force can use the Oathsworn Campaigns rules featured in Codex: Space Marines to embark
on Oathsworn Campaigns unique to the Dark Angels and their successors. Each Oathsworn Campaign
offers Bonus Agendas to gain Honour points, allowing your CHARACTERS to become members of Chapter
Command and — unique to this publication — the secretive Inner Circle.



The Unforgiven toil beneath the weight of doubled duties. Not only must they fight alongside the armies of the
Imperiurn in defence of Humanity, they also pursue secretive quests that may force them to abandon the most
loyal or desperate of allies in pursuit of clandestine goals. That these secretive operations all serve the ultimate
goal of redemption for the Lion’s sons is cold comfort at such times, but loyalty to the Chapter must come first.



The Dark Angels and their successor Chapters have The Unforgiven act without hesitation or mercy
had longpractice in the art ofconcealing their true should they receive the merest hint that their foes
intentions. Indeed, even within the ranks oftheir have gleaned knowledge of their hidden secrets.
own strike forces there may be precious few warriors
with any true understanding ofthe wider strategic During the Declare Battle Formations step, your
ramifications of the missions they undertake. opponent must select five units from their army.
At the end of the battle, if you have destroyed three
Purchase this Requisition before a battle. During or more of the selected units, your Crusade force
that battle, do not reveal your chosen Agendas gains 2 Honour points.
until you have gained XP from them for the
first time, or at the end of the battle, whichever
comes first. I ENIGMATIC GOALS

At times the Unforgivenfocus on seemingly minor

locations or assets, enemies and allies alike blind to
the wider value of intelligence secured.

At the start of the battle, select one objective

marker on the battlefield that is not in your
deployment zone and note it down secretly. This is
your Enigmatic Goal objective marker. At the end
of the battle, if you control your Enigmatic Goal
objective marker, your Crusade force gains 3
Honour points.

Some enemy commanders may not even realise the
explosive value of the knowledge they hold or the
risks it could pose to the Unforgiven. Such ignorance
will not save them, of course.

At the end of the battle, if one or more CHAPLAIN

or LIBRARIAN units from your Crusade army either
destroyed one or more enemy CHARACTER units
with a melee attack or is within Engagement Range
of one or more enemy CHARACTER units, your
Crusade force gains 3 Honour points.



The return of Lion El’Ionson has energised and inspired the Unforgiven Chapters. Whether they do so out of a
desire to honour their gene—sire or infear ofhisjudgement, whether theyfight on the same battlefields as the
Primarch or make war half a galaxy from his shadow, their battle—brothers fight harder than ever before. No
challenge is too great nor hardship unendurable if it meets the Lion’s approval.



To stand unyielding no matter the fury of your foes All those who defy the will of the Master of Mankind
or the losses amongst your ranks, until duty is done are enemies of the Imperium and — by extension
and the day carried — such is the essence of service to — bitter foes of the Lion and his sons. To slaughter
the ideals of the First Legion. Those battle—brothers a great tally of such unclean xenos and perfidious
who embody these teachings bring glory not only to traitors is a sure way to do honour to the Primarch
themselves but also reflect it upon those who lead of the Unforgiven.
them to victory
At the end of the battle, the unit from your Crusade
Purchase this Requisition after a battle. Select one army that destroyed the most enemy units during
INFANTRY unit from your Crusade army that failed that battle gains 1XP. If that unit destroyed three
a Battle—shock test during that battle but was not or more enemy units, your Crusade force gains 2
destroyed. That unit gains SXP and your Crusade Honour points as well.
force gains 2 Honour points.


There can be no greater honour for the Unforgiven
than to know they follow the Lion’s own commands.
Fighting as living embodiments of their gene—sire’s
ironclad will, the devoted battle—brothers lay claim
to that which their master commands and hurl back
the foe’s every attempt to seize it from them.

At the end of the battle, for each objective marker

you control that is not in your deployment zone,
your Crusade force gains 1 Honour point (to a
maximum of 3).

The warriors of the Inner Circle fight with an insight
and context denied to most of their battle-brothers,
and know only too well the price to the Unforgiven
should they fail in their duty. Thus, nothing short of
their swift and total victory over their foes will suflice
to honour the Lion.

Each time a DEATHWING unit from your Crusade

army destroys an enemy CHARACTER unit, your
Crusade force gains 1 Honour point, or 2 Honour
points instead if that DEATHWING unit contains your
WARLDRD (to a maximum of 4).



Underpinning everything the Unforgiven do is the hunt for the Fallen. Never will the sons of the Lion be absolved
until every last traitor who brought Caliban to damnation has been apprehended and judgedfor their sins.

You can only embark on this Oathsworn Campaign if your Crusade force has already completed a Secrets
of the Unforgiven Oathsworn Campaign and at least one other Dark Angels or Adeptus Astartes Oathsworn
Campaign. Unlike other Oathsworn Campaigns, you must complete this campaign’s three Bonus Agendas
in sequential order, one per battle, starting with A Trail Uncovered. If you fail to complete a Bonus Agenda,
the campaign immediately ends as you lose the Fallen’s trail (note that you can still use the Penitent’s Hope
Requisition to re—attempt the Capture the Fallen Bonus Agenda). Otherwise, once you complete Capture the
Fallen, your hunt is successful and the campaign is completed.

After embarking on a Hunt the Fallen Oathsworn Campaign, you cannot embark on another one until you
have completed at least two other Oathsworn Campaigns.


Acting on hard—won intelligence, you take the first The quarry stands at bay, yet the Fallen are ancient
painstaking steps along the trail of one of the Fallen. warriors who will not be taken without afightl

Mark on a tally the first time you achieve each of In order to use the Capture the Fallen Agenda,
the following during a battle: your opponent must add one HERETIC ASTARTES
CHARACTER model with a Save characteristic of 3+
I You score Victory points for holding an objective or better to their Crusade army. That model is your
marker during your Command phase. Quarry of the Unforgiven and gains the FALLEN
I Your WARLDRD is in your opponent’s deployment keyword if it does not already have it. It has a
zone at the end of one of your turns. points value of 0, does not require a Crusade card,
I A model from your Crusade army destroys the cannot gain XP and cannot be a WARLORD. That
enemy WARLORD. model cannot be set up as Reserves, cannot lead a
I You have destroyed 3 or more CHARACTER units. unit, and has an Objective Control characteristic of
I An enemy CHARACTER’S unit fails a 0. Additionally, it gains the Lone Operative ability
Battle—shock test. if it does not already have it.
I You win the battle.
At the end of the battle, if an Ausrtus Asumas unit
At the end of the battle, if you have marked from Crusade army destroyed your Quarry of the
that tally 3 or more times, you have successfully Unforgiven, you have successfully completed this
completed this Bonus Agenda — your Crusade force Bonus Agenda — your WARLDRD gains 3XP and your
gains 4 Honour points and your Hunt the Fallen Crusade force gains 10 Honour points.
Oathsworn Campaign continues.

2. PURSUIT ACROSS WORLDS Designer’s Note: To engage with the Capture

the Fallen Bonus Agenda, we recommend
Once they have marked their quarry, the Unforgiven creating a Fallen miniature to represent your
pursue with relentless determination. Quarry of the Unforgiven, which you can lend
to your opponent when required. We would
At the end of the battle, if there are one or more also recommend checking with your opponent
ADEPTUS ASTARTES units from your Crusade army that they are happy to include this model
wholly within three or more different table in their army before attempting this Bonus
quarters, and those units are all more than 3" away Agenda. If your opponent would prefer not
from any other table quarter, you have successfully to include it (because it is not suited to their
completed this Bonus Agenda and your Crusade army’s narrative, for example), we recommend
force gains 5 Honour points. you wait until a better opportunity arises
before attempting this Bonus Agenda. If so,
you may temporarily suspend your Oathsworn
Campaign and pick a Bonus Agenda from
another eligible Oathsworn Campaign to use
for the battle.

After an Oathsworn Campaign ends, if you have enough Honour points to do so, you can promote one or
more CHARACTERS to be members of the Inner Circle. To do so, select a CHARACTER you wish to promote,
then subtract that promotion’s Honour points cost from your total and select one of that promotion’s Battle
Honours for that CHARACTER to gain. Each CHARACTER can only have one of these Battle Honours, even if
you gain enough Honour points to promote them again. Each of these Battle Honours is unique — you can
only have one instance of each in your Order of Battle. When gaining one of these Battle Honours, if that
CHARACTER already has the maximum number of Battle Honours, you can choose to replace one with a
Chapter Command Battle Honour (see Codex: Space Marines).

The Master of the Dark Angels Ist Company The Master ofthe Dark Angels 2nd Company
is second only to the Chapter Master in experience and is able to react to changing battlefield situations in the
knowledge of the Fallen. blink of an eye and deploy their high-speed forces to
wherever they are needed. Whether hunting the
TERMINATuR CAPTAIN model only. Once per battle, Fallen or pursuing a more conventionalfoe,
after selecting your Oath of Moment target (see they can be relied upon to rapidly scout
Codex: Space Marines), you can use this ability. If enemy positions and overrun even the
you do, until the start of your next Command phase, most veteran or swift—witted offoes
each time this model’s unit makes an attack that with their sudden shock assaults.
targets your Oath of Moment target, add 1 to the
Wound roll. RAVENWING model only.
This model’s unit can declare
a charge in a turn in which it
Advanced, and you can re-roll
NAMED CHARACTERS Charge rolls made for that unit.
If BELIAL is added to your Order of
Battle, he automatically gains the
Master of the Deathwing Battle Honour, even
though he cannot normally gain any Battle
Honours. This does not increase his Crusade
points. If there is already a model with that
Battle Honour in your Order of Battle, you
cannot add BELIAL to your Order of Battle.

If SAMMAEL is added to your Order

of Battle, he automatically gains the
Master of the Ravenwing Battle Honour, even
though he cannot normally gain any Battle
Honours. This does not increase his Crusade
points. If there is already a model with that
Battle Honour in your Order of Battle, you
cannot add SAMMAEL to your Order of Battle.

If LAZARus is added to your Order

of Battle, he automatically gains the
Keeper of the Unseen Ritual Battle Honour,
even though he cannot normally gain any
Battle Honours. This does not increase his
Crusade points. If there is already a model with
that Battle Honour in your Order of Battle, you
cannot add LAZARus to your Order of Battle.

The Master of the Dark Angels 5th Company The Master of the Dark Angels 7th Company
is responsible for curating what scraps of knowledge is responsible for the vast network of informants and
remain concerning the ancient Calibanite orders. He is sleeper cells the Chapter has seeded onto worlds across
expected to be an expert in the martial traditions and the Imperium. The resultantflow ofinformation —
codes of honour carried forward through the millennia sporadic and maddeningly vague though it can be
amongst the Unforgiven Chapters, and to provide his — provides not only leads on the Fallen but also many
unique strategic insight when it is needed most. other uncovered secrets and hints of grand strategic
opportunities to be seized.
CAPTAIN model only. Once per battle, when you target
another unit with a Stratagem, you can use this At the end of each battle, if your Crusade army for
ability. If you do, that Stratagem costs OCP. that battle included this model, your Crusade force
gains D3 Honour points.
If gour Crusade army is using the Dark Angels Crusade rules, you can select Agendas from those
presented here.


Local rumour has it that an enemy commander Deathwing Terminators often stand ready in
was seen dealing with a mysterious black—armoured teleportariums aboard orbiting Dark Angels void
figure. This commander must be brought in ships, ready to strike as soon as crucial enemy
for interrogation. units or commanders are identified by their swifter
brethren. Upon arrival, devastation follows in
If the enemy WARLDRD is destroyed by an attack their wake.
unit from your Crusade army, that unit gains 3XP At the end of your turn, if a DEATHWING unit
and your Crusade force gains 2 Honour points. from your Crusade army that arrived using the
Deep Strike ability this turn destroyed one or
more enemy units this turn, that DEATHWING unit
LENCIRCLE THE FOE gains 2XP. If any of those destroyed enemy units
were CHARACTER units, that DEATHWING unit gains
The Ravenwing seek to encircle theirfoe, corralling 3XP instead.
them to ensure there can be no escape, before
summoning the Deathwing to deliver the killer blow.
At the end of the battle, you can select either three
or four RAVENWING units from your Crusade army The Librarians of the Dark Angels are well—practised
(excluding AIRCRAFT). Each unit selected must at scanning the minds oftheirfoesfor any clues
be wholly within 9" of a different corner of the about the Fallen.
battlefield. Each of the selected units gains 2XP.
At the start of your Shooting phase, you can select
one DARK ANGELS PSYKER unit from your Crusade
army that is not Battle-shocked and is eligible to
shoot. If that unit is within 12" of one or more
enemy CHARACTER units, it gains IXP.
lfgour Crusade army includes any ADEPTUS ASTARTES units, you can spend Requisition points [RP] on
any ofthe following Requisitions.


Sombre and stern as they are, the Unforgiven do There can be no more vital a dutyfor any champion
not revel in glorious victory as do some of their of the Unforgiven than capturinga Fallen brother,
brother Chapters. Rather, they honour successful andfew marks ofshame greater thanfailing to do so.
conquests through ancient and obscure rituals, while Only rarely does such prey linger long enough to ofler
the architects of such success are rewarded — if they a second chance at capture. When they do, however,
are judged ready — with advancement into the inner they unwittingly ofier a chance of redemption to the
mysteries of the Chapter. one who first failed to apprehend them.

Purchase this Requisition after you have won a Purchase this Requisition after a battle in which
battle, once per Oathsworn Campaign. Select one you failed to complete the Capture the Fallen Bonus
CHARACTER model from your Crusade army that Agenda. You may re—attempt that Bonus Agenda an
participated in that battle; that CHARACTER gains additional time in your next battle. After purchasing
3XP. If that CHARACTER’s unit destroyed one or more this Requisition, take note of your Battle tally; you
enemy CHARACTER units during the battle, that cannot purchase this Requisition again until you
CHARACTER gains SXP instead. If you were attempting have fought at least ten more battles.
the Capture the Fallen Bonus Agenda during that
battle, this Requisition costs ORP.

By the will ofChapter command and the hidden

wisdom of the Inner Circle, the ranks of Unforgiven
strike forces may be bolstered with seasoned
battle-brothers from the 1 st or 2nd Companies. Such
reinforcements may well indicate that one of the Fallen
has been discovered and the hunt has now begun!

Purchase this Requisition when you add a DEATHWING

Order of Battle, That unit gains 6XP (and therefore
gains the Blooded rank). Select one Battle Honour
for that unit as normal.
None amongst the

as the enigmatic Cypher.

Fallen is as

He appears
suddenly, a sinister presence who
seems always to herald the onset of When an ADEPTus ASTARTES unit gains a Battle Trait, you can
discord and calamity, before vanishing use one ofthe tables presented here to determine which
as abruptly and inexplicably as he Battle Trait that unit has gained.
arrived. Cypher has come and gone

in this fashion for millennia, his

disruptive influence felt on worlds RAVENWING AIRCRAFT UNITS

from one end of the Imperium to the

other. Few amongst the Unforgiven

know of his existence, but of those
This pilot has been awarded the Silver Talon for their
none doubt the supernaturality of his
incrediblefeats ofdaringflying. Only a handful of
powers: Cypher’s incredible longevity;
Ravenwing pilots have everbeen awarded this honour,
his ability to escape even the most
but the prestige it imparts ensures their name goes
determined pursuit or secure prison as
down in legend.
though he vanished into thin air; the

rapidly spiralling strife that erupts Each time this model is selected to shoot, you can

wherever he goes and the way in which re-roll one Hit roll or one Wound roll when resolving

the Fallen seem drawn to his orbit. those attacks.

All suggest this shadowy figure enjoys

the patronage of a greater - possibly LIGHTNING REFLEXES

infernal - power. Combat experience coupled with relentless training and
directed combat meditation has improved this pilot’s
Few facts about Cypher are certain. He reaction time in battle to nigh-supernatural levels. They
goes robed and hooded, though glimpses are able to anticipate incoming enemyfire andjink
of the insignia upon his ancient power their craft around it almost as though thefoe’s deadly
armour leave little doubt of his projectiles flew towards them in slow motion.
links to the Dark Angels. He rarely This model has a 4+ invulnerable save against
speaks, and never of himself or his ranged attacks.
ultimate purpose. He bears a mighty

blade, sheathed upon his back and

never drawn — for he fights with great

skill using twinned pistols — that

may be the legendary Lion Sword of the DEATHWING INFANTRY UNITS
Primarch himself. If this is so, it
begs the question as to why Cypher of
all beings has this precious weapon in
his possession and what his ultimate STAUNCH HUNTERS
intentions with the blade are. Some These Deathwing battle-brothers have fought together
amongst the Unforgiven have suggested for decades, always surviving against the adds. 50
that Cypher has long safeguarded the ironclad is their will that they can shrug off and ignore

weapon that he might return it to hurts that would lay even a normal Space Marine low.

the hand of its true owner upon his At the start ofeach player’s turn, one model in this unit
return. If that is the case, however, regains 1 lost wound.
the moment of presentation has not
yet come despite the Lion’s return.
Others have suggested darker purposes
The enigmatic Watchers in the Dark haunt these
to Cypher’s galactic wanderings and
warriors'steps, flitting through the shadows wherever
his possession of the ancient relic
they go and whispering inscrutable words ofguidance
blade. Indeed, he was apprehended on
and warning.
Terra itself upon the very cusp of
lfthis unit is equipped with a Watcher in the Dark, it can
the Noctis Aeterna, attempting to gain
use that Watcher in the Dark’s ability twice per battle
entry to the Emperor’s throne room.
instead ofonly once.

One individual might know the truth

of Cypher’s nature and his quest, yet

if he does, Lion El’Jonson keeps his

own counsel on the matter. Indeed he

refuses to speak of Cypher at all.

Yet equally he has not halted his

gene—sons’ continued hunt for this

enigmatic Fallenm


So swift and relentless is the pursuit of these warriors
that they fall upon theirfoes almost before the enemy
are aware of their peril. What panicked shots the prey do
loose of}; the Ravenwing evade with ease.

Each time a ranged attacktargetsthis unit, ifthis unit ‘Listen well, initiates, forl
Advanced in your previous Movement phase. subtract bring light to the darkness. lt
1 from the Hit roll. is the weak-minded that crave
comforts — the Dark Angels
INESCAPAB LE need them not. Wealth?
Even the most cunning or dug-infoes are an easy mark The sons of the Lion covet
for these veteran hunters, whose accuracy is such no baubles, for they are
thattheycanplacepreciseanddeadlyvolleyswhile a meaningless to us. Sensual
hurtling at breakneck speeds into battle. gratification? We know well
Each time a model in this unit makes a ranged attack,
its transitory nature. Pride?
you can ignore any or all modifiers to that attacks We are no whelps of Russ.
Ballistic Skill characteristic and/orto the Hit roll.
By our actions alone shall we
be known.’

— Brother—Chaplain Valeforr



fmbodying the grim stoicism thatis their Chopter’s
wotchword, these battle-brothers stand firm
in theface ofeven the most terrib/efoes and
punishing onslaughts.

While this unit is within range ofan objective marker, it
These warriors’ hearts burn with cold hatred for the
enemies ofthe lmperium. Nofoe can escape their
steely gaze, nor the vengefulfury oftheir blasts
and blades.

Once per battle, you can target this unit with the Fire
Overwatch or Heroic Intervention Stratagem for UCP.
CHARACTER model gains a Crusade ARTI FlCER RELICS
Relic, you can select one ofthe Relics
It is a rare honour for a warrior’s firearm to be taken by the
Chapter artificers and enhanced with ancient augmentative
technologies drawn from the vaults of the Rock. Such adaptations
are performed with the greatest of care, for the resultant melding
of machine spirits is invariably bellicose in the extreme.

Select one ranged weapon equipped by the bearer (excluding a

weapon that has been replaced by an Enhancement or upgraded
using the Weapon Modifications Battle Honour). Make a note
on the bearer’s Crusade card and give that weapon a suitable
name. That weapon is now a Crusade Relic; improve its
Strength, Armour Penetration and Damage characteristics by 1,
and that weapon has the [HAZARDOUS] ability.


The enhanced autosensorium of this artefact helm way—finds
for its wearer with hyper—reactive speed, highlighting hazards
that lie in theirpath and guiding them unerringly around or
through them.

RAVENWING model only. The bearer’s unit can ignore any or all
modifiers to its Move characteristic and to Advance and Charge
rolls made for it.


Rare indeed are the chances for an Interrogator—Chaplain to add
a black pearl to their rosarius, and even one such accolade has
an electrifying efiect upon the bearer. Ever after they fight with
redoubled zeal andferocity, especially against the servants of the
Ruinous Powers.

CHAPLAIN model only. To be eligible for this Crusade Relic, a

CHAPLAIN model must have participated in a battle in which you
successfully completed the Capture the Fallen Bonus Agenda
(see the Hunt the Fallen Oathsworn Campaign). Each time
the bearer makes a melee attack that targets a CHARACTER unit,
you can re-roll the Hit roll. In addition, if that CHARACTER unit
is a CHAOS or FALLEN unit, the bearer’s melee weapons have the
[LETHAL HlTS] ability for that attack.

Since the fall of Caliban, the Dark
Angels have relied upon a range of
different worlds from which to draw
recruits. From the Imperium’s point

ANNOUHYRELmS of View, this ensures a variety of

gene—stocks, as well as ensuring a

MONSTER SLAYER 0F CALIBAN regular Adeptus Astartes presence on

This weapon was traditionally bestowed upon the most many different planets. For the Dark
honourable knight of the Order. It is said that as long as its owner Angels, it allows them many bases from
stays pure, it will strike down the greatest offoes. which to operate. It also keeps their
true inflow of recruits hidden.

The bearer is equipped with the following melee weapon in

addition to its other weapons: Although there are many Unforgiven
recruiting worlds — the full number

MELEEWEAPUN RANGE A WS 5 AP D of which is known only to the Lion

and Supreme Grand Master Azrael — the
MonsterSlagerofCaliban Melee 7 2+ 6 -2 2
majority are feudal worlds that echo
ancient Caliban. Over time some of
these worlds have been lost — either

SHIELD 0F CALLOSUN permanently to calamity, such as in

It is believed that this vast shield was once carried into battle by a the case of Grymmport, or temporarily
legendary Dark Angels hero who fought during the Great Crusade. out off by warp storm activity as
So potent is its aegis, so impenetrable a bulwark of crackling happened with the Plainsworld ~ but

protective energies does it cast about its bearer when roused to new sites are periodically added. Upon

wakefulness, that there can be little doubt the device shares its some recruitment worlds the Unforgiven
technological roots with the mighty void shield generators of have built fortress monasteries:

Imperial Titans. large, well—defended complexes where

hopeful aspirants compete for the

Once per battle, at the start of any phase, the bearer can use honour of being selected. Other

this ability. If it does, until the end of the phase, the bearer has planets boast only smaller outposts,

the Feel No Pain 4+ ability against mortal wounds and a 2+ ranging from a hardened bunker complex

invulnerable save. or compact starport to a mere statue,

in front of which ceremonies might
take place. The most feral of these
LEGENDARYRELWS planets have nothing but legends of
mighty visitors descending from the

MANTLE OF THE SENESCHAL skies at ordained hours to subject the

This mantle was fashioned from the skin of a mighty beast of worthy to the God—Emperor’s trials.

Caliban, slain by the Lion himself Kept in stasis and only removed
in the direst need, only the greatest champions are granted the At need, some established recruiting

honour to wear it over their armour. In battle, the bearer becomes worlds have been given over by the

a beacon of inspiration to those around them, reminding all of the Dark Angels to successor Chapters
savagery and martial tradition of lost Caliban. or vice versa, and much work is
done to ensure that any records

I Add 1 to the bearer’s Move, Toughness and Wounds held by the Adeptus Administratum
characteristics and add 1 to the Strength and Attacks concerning such sites are soon lost

characteristics of the bearer’s melee weapons. or destroyed. Nachtwald, for instance,

I While the bearer is leading a unit, each time a model in that was originally the home world of the
unit makes an attack, add 1 to the Hit roll. Lions Sable Chapter. After their
destruction, however, the planet
passed into the control of the Angels
of Vengeance until — after almost a
century of that Chapter’s sporadic
recruitment efforts — it passed to the
Angels of Absolution. The Unforgiven
ascribe these efforts at secrecy and
obfuscation to a need to prevent
traitors or heretics from learning
of or endangering their recruitment
worlds. Yet critics amongst disparate
Imperial institutions mutter
all the louder of duplicity and

so—called Legion—building.

When your Crusade force accomplishes specific long-term goals, you can earn the Crusade badges
shown below, representing gourwarriors' successes over many battles.

Your victories and conquests have been noted amongst the upper ranks
of the Chapter, as has your stoic obedience of even those commands that
tested your loyalty and seemed inexplicable. You have been chosen for
advancements into the deeper rites and mysteries ofyour brotherhood. Oaths
you have taken and truths have you learned, your eyes opened through
allegory and catechism. Never has your desirefor vengeance upon thefoes of
Mankind burned more fiercely. Use thatfire, and your newfound insights, to
guide your next steps along the road of righteous war.

I You have completed one Oathsworn Campaign and promoted one or

more CHARACTERS to Chapter Command or the Inner Circle.
I You have won two or more battles.

With each martial victory so have you advanced through the rarefied
circles of truth that coil ever inwards toward the heart ofyour Chapter.
Every footfall along the spiral brings another dreadful revelation, another
spiritual weight to add to the burden you must bear. Yet you are not brought
low. Instead, your grim determination only increases. You will fight on for
vengeance and redemption no matter the cost.

I You have completed three Oathsworn Campaigns and promoted two or

more CHARACTERS to Chapter Command or the Inner Circle.
I You have won six or more battles.
I You have successfully completed the Capture the Fallen Bonus Agenda
at least once.


If any truth of the Unforgiven remains hidden from you it is only by the will
of the Lion himself The burden you bear is terrible indeed, yet it is matched
by the power you wield, the insight you possess and the peerless honour roll
ofyour many victories. You are a trusted champion of the Primarch himself
a bane of the Fallen, a mighty lord amongst the Unforgiven, and all wise foes
should tremble at your name.

I You have completed five Oathsworn Campaigns and promoted five or

more CHARACTERS to Chapter Command or the Inner Circle.
I You have won ten or more battles.
I You have successfully completed the Capture the Fallen Bonus Agenda
at least twice.

You can use this section to determine the points [pts] value of each unit from your army. Each entry
lists the unit's size [which may include a lower and upper limit] and the associated points value for that
size. You can learn more about using points to muster your army on pages 55-56 ofthe Core Rules.

In addition to the points values printed here — which you can always
use in agreement with your opponent —- this Codex is supported
with live online points values so that you can enjoy the most
balanced and exciting games ofWarhammer 40.000. Scan this DR
code to see the latest points values for your army.

Ravenwin- Black Kni-hts

1 model ............................................... 55 pts 1 model ............................................... 70 pts 3 models ........................................... 115 pts
6 models ........................................... 230 pts
lnner Circle Com-anions
1 model ............................................. 105 pts 3 models ........................................... 105 pts Ravenwin- Command S-uad
6 models ........................................... 210 pts 3 models ........................................... 185 pts

1 model ............................................... 85 pts Land S - eederVen eance Ravenwin- Dark Talon

1 model ........... 150 pts 1 model. ....200 pts
Deathwin- Kni-hts
5 models ........................................... 290 pts Ravenwing Darkshroud
1 model ..... 70 pts 1 model ............................................. 120 pts
Deathwin Terminator S - uad
5 models ...... ...205 pts Lion El’Jonson
10 models... ...410 pts 1 model ............................................. 365 pts 1 model ............................................. 135 pts

Ne - hilim Jetfihter
1 model ............................................. 185 pts

Compan ofHunters Unforiven Task Force

Master of Manoeuvre ....... .. 15 pts Champion ofthe Deathwing ..... 15 pts Pennant of Remembrance ..... 10 pts
Master-crafted Weapon... .. 10 pts Deathwing Assault ...................... 30 pts Shroud of Heroes .................... 25 pts
Mounted Strategist ...... 30 pts Eye ofthe Unseen. .10 pts Stubborn Tenacity ....................... 20 pts
Recon Hunter .............. 20 pts Singular Will ............ .20 pts Weapons ofthe First Legion... 15 pts


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