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Romantic period Franz Liszt:

-The Romantic Period (1820-1910) in music Birth: October 22, 1811, Raiding (now
celebrated emotion, imagination, and artistic Doborján), Hungary.
freedom. Career: Renowned pianist and composer,
innovator of solo piano recitals.
Key Characteristics: Composer: Pioneered symphonic poems and
Emotional Depth: Music evoked intense wrote virtuosic piano pieces.
feelings, from sorrow to joy. Relationships: Had significant romantic ties,
Creative Freedom: Composers broke tradition, notably with Marie d'Agoult.
expressing themselves freely. Legacy: Revered for technical prowess and
Orchestral Growth: Ensembles expanded for contributions to Romantic movement.
richer soundscapes. Notable Works: "Hungarian Rhapsodies" and
Expressive Melodies: Themes of love, nature, "Transcendental Etudes."
and nationalism were prominent. Death: Died July 31, 1886, Bayreuth, Germany.
Possibly from pneumonia or a heart attack.
Distinctive Features:
Cultural Fusion: Native and foreign influences Giuseppe Verdi:
inspired diverse compositions. Birth: October 9 or 10, 1813, Le Roncole, near
Dynamic Range: Extreme dynamics intensified Busseto, Italy.
emotional impact. Career: Influential opera composer, known for
Rhythmic Complexity: Varied rhythms added intense human emotions.
depth and complexity. Operatic Success: Produced enduring works like
Textural Exploration: From harmonious to "La Traviata" and "Aida."
intricate, textures conveyed emotion. Political Involvement: Engaged in Italian
nationalist causes.
Instruments: Legacy: Revered for shaping operatic repertoire
Piano: Central to Romantic music, balancing and emotional depth in music.
delicacy and power. Notable Operas: "Rigoletto," "Il Trovatore," and
Woodwinds, Strings, Percussion: Enriched "Otello."
orchestral arrangements. Death: Died January 27, 1901, Milan, Italy.
Suffered a stroke, leading to his passing at 87.
Compositions and Composers
Frédéric Chopin: Neoclassicism, 1780-1840:
Birth: March 1, 1810, Żelazowa Wola, Poland. - Influenced by Ancient Greek and Roman art.
Career: Renowned Polish composer and pianist - Coincided with the Age of Enlightenment.
Style: Merged Polish folk with intricate - Artistic portrayal of Roman history with formal
harmonies composition and local color.
Paris and Relationships: Settled in Paris, formed
notable romantic bonds. Neoclassical Artists:
Legacy: Celebrated for emotional depth and - Jacques-Louis David (1748-1825): French
influence on Romantic music. painter, focused on historical subjects.
Notable Works: "Nocturnes," "Polonaises," and - Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres (1780-1867):
"Preludes." Known for portraits and mythological themes.
Death: Died October 17, 1849, Paris. Likely due Neoclassical Sculptures:
to complications from tuberculosis. - Inspired by Roman styles.
- Antonio Canova (1757-1822): Italian sculptor
famed for nude figures.
- Bertel Thorvaldsen (1789-1838): Danish
sculptor renowned for mythological themes.

Neoclassical Architectures:
- Derived from Classical Greek and Roman
- Types include Temple Style, Palladian Style,
and Classical Block Style.

Romanticism Art, 1800s-1810s:

- Emphasized emotion, imagination, and
- Celebrated nature and the human experience.

Romantic Artists and Paintings:

- Jean Louis Théodore Géricault: Explored dark
- Eugene Delacroix: French leader of the
Romantic school, known for vivid colors.
- Francisco Goya: Spanish painter chronicling his
era, known for social commentary.

Romantic Landscape Paintings:

- Depicted natural scenery with emphasis on
mountains, valleys, and the sky.
- Theodore Rousseau and Jean-Baptiste-Camille
Corot were notable landscape painters.

Elements of the Neoclassicism and Romantic

- Neoclassicism valued order and solemnity,
while Romanticism embraced intuition and
- Neoclassical art emphasized Greek and Roman
history, while Romantic art celebrated nature
and the human experience.

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