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NAME:abhiram CLASS:BCA-B ROLLNUMBER:CA21371 DATE:28/05/2003

5. Create a web page to model solar system using canvas element animation, where it contains sun,

earth and moon (all must be created using canvas shapes not images). Earth should revolve around

sun and moon should revolve around earth simultaneously. Sample screen shot below:

<!DOCTYPE html>



<title>Solar System Animation</title>


canvas {

border: 2px solid black;





<canvas id="canvas" width="600" height="600"></canvas>


const canvas = document.getElementById('canvas');

const ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');

// Define the sun, earth, and moon

const sun = {

x: canvas.width / 2,

y: canvas.height / 2,

radius: 50,

color: 'yellow'

NAME:abhiram CLASS:BCA-B ROLLNUMBER:CA21371 DATE:28/05/2003

const earth = {

x: sun.x + 200,

y: sun.y,

radius: 20,

color: 'green',

angle: 0,

speed: 0.005


const moon = {

x: earth.x + 50,

y: earth.y,

radius: 10,

color: 'silver',

angle: 0,

speed: 0.045


function draw() {

ctx.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);


ctx.arc(sun.x, sun.y, 203, 0, Math.PI * 2, false); // Earth orbit


// Draw the sun


ctx.arc(sun.x, sun.y, 30, 0, Math.PI * 2);

ctx.fillStyle = sun.color;


// Draw the earth

NAME:abhiram CLASS:BCA-B ROLLNUMBER:CA21371 DATE:28/05/2003


ctx.arc(earth.x, earth.y, earth.radius, 0, Math.PI * 2);

ctx.fillStyle = earth.color;


// Draw the moon


ctx.arc(moon.x, moon.y, moon.radius, 0, Math.PI * 2);

ctx.fillStyle = moon.color;


// Update the earth's position

earth.x = sun.x + 200 * Math.cos(earth.angle);

earth.y = sun.y + 200 * Math.sin(earth.angle);

earth.angle += earth.speed;

// Update the moon's position

moon.x = earth.x + 50 * Math.cos(moon.angle);

moon.y = earth.y + 50 * Math.sin(moon.angle);

moon.angle += moon.speed;

// Request another animation frame


// Start the animation loop




NAME:abhiram CLASS:BCA-B ROLLNUMBER:CA21371 DATE:28/05/2003


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