Film Review 2024 2024 Jurassic Park

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Film Review: Jurassic Park

1. What type of film is Jurassic Park? ----------------------------------------------------------------
2. How many paragraphs are there in the text? ----------------------------------------------------
My favorite film of all the time is Jurassic Park. I have seen it five times. It is a
science fiction movie. It first appeared in 1993. The director was Steven Spielberg. The
film is just over two hours long.

In the film, Jurassic Park is the name of the theme park placed on an island where
millionaire John Hammond plans to exhibit live dinosaurs created out of fossilized DNA.
The millionaire invites some scientists and members of his family to go on a sightseeing
tour of the park. Unluckily, everything goes wrong when animals escape from their cages,
attacks and kill the people. The attack of the dinosaurs turns an enjoyable tour of Jurassic
Park into a nightmare for Hammonds' team, his family, and his guests,

I liked the film because the story is very exciting and interesting. The actors are highly
skilled and the use of special effects is beyond compare, but I did not like the violent scenes
of the film.

The theme of the film is very important. Jurassic Park examines the ethical problem
of using science to clone or create life out of dead matter. It shows that it is wrong and
dangerous to interfere in nature.


The story of the film Paragraph
C. Evaluation of the film Paragraph ANSWER
The message / general idea of the film Paragraph THE
Main features the film (type, first appearance, director… Paragraph
1. Who is the director of the film ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2. How long is Jurassic Park? --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
3. Who are the main characters in the film and what happen by the end of the
story ?-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
4. What is Jurassic Park like?
5. What message does the film convey? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

Writing: Film Review
Write about a film that you have seen

My favorite film of all the time is ___________________________________________________


In the film _______________________________________________________________________


I like the film because ___________________________________________________________________


But I don’t like _________________________________________________________________________


The theme of the film is very important. It reveals ___________________________________________


Types of films
- Action – based on fights involving guns, swords or karate moves, horseback action or any destructive forces
of nature,
- Adventure- similar to action films but the action may be less and more weight will be given to experiences.
- Comedies- A comedy can be based humor
- Crime and Gangster Films- Such films trace the lives of fictional and true criminals, gangs or mobsters.
Serial killer films may be included here,.
- Drama films-. Dramas depict true stories or real-life situations.
- Epics/ Historical films/ costume drama – An epic involves elements like war, romance and adventure. The
sets are created carefully to reflect the time period.
- Scary movies / Horror- These films expose our fears and give rise to nightmares.
- Musicals/ Dance films – These are entertaining films that are based on full scale scores or song and dance.
- War films- These are very true to real life and often depict the waste of war.
- Westerns- This genre is central to American culture and to its film industry. They speak of the days of
expansion and the trials with Native Indians.
- Animation: Animated Films- often use Computer graphics and special effects
- Thrillers- They differ from Horror because they are more provocative than scary.
- Science Fiction : Sci-Fi – based on future or scientific discoveries and imaginary world
- Romance / love story: films about love stories

Planning sheet
Level: Second Baccalaureate Classes Activity focus: Writing activity
Stream: Arts and Humanities Assumed Knowledge : Students have never read the text
Classes: 3/4/ Students are familiar with types of
Time: 55 Minutes activities in this lesson
Book: Gate Way to English Working Mode : Whole Class and pair work
Unit: 9 Sustainable Development Anticipated problems : Students may do the activities slower
Activities devoted: Reading / Writing Than expected. In this case, the remaining
activity activities will be given as a homework task

Objectives Students will :

- Read for specific information ( Section A and Section C )
- Read for general information ( Section B )
- Practice written modal through guidance (Task II)

Performed stages
Comprehension Task
Warm –up and vocabulary review (about 10 minutes)
1. How many times have you gone to cinema? What is the best film that you have ever seen? Have you ever seen
Superman, Batman, and Spiderman? Are they comedies? Are they scary movies? What type of films are they?
They are science fiction movies? A science fiction or Sci-Fi is film is based on future or scientific
discoveries and imaginary world
2. Have you ever seen Jurassic Park? Jurassic Park is also a science film. The stars are dinosaurs. Do dinosaurs
exist on earth? How do they make them on the cinema? By computer or the technique of special effects. It is
a technique by which we make unreal or abnormal scenes in the cinema: heavy snowfalls, floods, bridge

A. Focus Questions ( about 5 minutes)

3. What type of film is Jurassic Park?
4. How many paragraphs are there in the text?

Teacher set time limit (about 3 minutes)

Students read the text quickly and answer the two questions
Blackboard correction or oral correction
B. Matching ideas and paragraphs (2 minutes)
- Same procedures above
C. Comprehension questions : (about 10 minutes)
Same procedures above

D. Writing Task : about 20 minutes)

- Teacher distributes a hand-out and explain the instructions
- Teacher asks students to organise ideas and then to write a similar writing model respecting the modal
organisation, but using different content
- Students work individually or in pairs
- Possible some of the students read samples of their completed writing for the rest of the class to hear. Teacher
can check some himself.
- A teacher or a student sample should be written on the blackboard
- If time doesn’t allow, the task should be set a homework

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