Neet Question Paper 2024 q4

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34450 4008! "881 Bookiet Code RIGUD This Booklet contains 82 PAD, Melty Do not open this Test Booklet Unt yoy 8 t Test Booklet No. ENGLISH] Rough Page. £@ asked to do St ns Wer ‘ide this Test Booklet. When you directed 19 . i ‘he ney Mand lathe pareutrvon ORICHSIL COPY N ~ test is of 3 hoitrs 20. minutes duration and the Test satin Spree gieh 6 35 ject (Question Nos ~ 1 t0 79+ 0 agcbtions with a single correct answer) from Physi or SBecrens each subject are divided into tn Sections (A. 2B): (9) Séetion A shal consis at $8 (Tniveefiv) Gusto I etc Sed 85 101 t0 138 and 151 to 185), All questions ae compu ino, ©) Section i shall consis of 18 (Fifteen) qusations in £20 canto a Geton Nos —36 1 50, 86 t0 100, 13 oots0.and 186 to 200) In Section By acandite Mee4S (0 atlepyan NO creo) Suestions 15 (Firteen) in each subject, a Gansidates are advised to read ail 15 questions in each sade tgn ec tth before they start attempting ana aration paper. In the event of a eandiate attempting MOTe than ten qua before they start avery *agNered by the candidate shall be evaluated. Fetch question carries 4 marks. For ench correet response, the candidate Tse Bier ag MAPK will be deducted from the fota! scores. The Maximum sarge nee aq. Rae 2lue/Black Ball Point en only for writing particulars on th nee aces on nswer Sheet, Rough work is to be done in the ice provided for this purpose in the Test Booklet only. Qu Sompletion ofthe test, the cangidate must hand Over the Asie en ORIGINAL and QEFICE Copy) to the Invigilator before leaving the Roon/Hall. The cagidates ae allowed to take away this Test Booklet with them. ‘The CODE for this Booklet is lg 4 marks. For each incorrect QA. mae sure that the CODE printd onthe Original Copy of the Answer Sheet is the same as that on this Test Booklet, In case of dacepaney, the candidate should immediately report the matter to the Invigilator for replacement of bar ine Tare See should Answer Sheet, 8. The candidates should ensure that the Answer Sheet isnot folded. “Answer Sheet. Do not write your Roll NO. anywitere else except in ihe speed pane eae eon th “Answer Sheet, 9. Use of white fuid for corection is NOT permissible on the Answer Sheet 10. Each candidate must show on-demand hsyher Admit Card tothe Invisiats co HE, Necandde, without special permission of tie centre Superintendenterlvglbtor, would leave his Mer seat 12, The candids should not av the Examination all akon handing verdes aera ae gn dy and sgn (ih ne the Attendance Shet twin, Casen wheres conidate hae oe SA Attendanet Steet gacond time, will be deemed not to have hended sve ihe Answer Shot earache ‘vith as an Unfair Means case: 13, Use of Elecronic/Manua! Caletlator i prohibited 1 The cand gov bl Roles and Reailons os examinionvith esd to hee coe the xamintgy Room alleases of mfirmean iti deak wihaspsthe Hales and eee et this examination. tof the Test Booklct and Answer Sheet shall be lerany circumstances, ie The ends will write the Correct Test Booklet Code ge seed uma tances, ance Sheet 17 et ne of oe hour Gee mines win Do not maké any stray marks on the Sheet in the aeeL Provided for the examination of three hour Sean Wee Suh Canddate (lavigne natn 10 WEG) ser hg ROMS. oft — — +e O sa MP colleged unias ey AF HL 2 1400 Oo & ‘cla £, A S. i ire 0 ‘The maximum elongation of a steel wire of Lm m ithe ‘the imit of ste 5 Young's 44 Lg The po noe bate by sommes nyt if the elastic limit of steel and its You NU NLxvEand P (in P) shown in tye een Me" modulus, respectively, are g «10 Nm? and UAL om 2% 10! N mr, is: asi =9% , GEN Fray PM Sli Q jm th mm gee ‘) ‘ ie 6 The moment of inertia ofa thin rod about an axis a w passing through its mid point and perpendicular | ie aX 07 10 to the rod is 2400 gem?, The length of the 400 g °° ——4 rod is nearly : ° axity 7 x —“ 4 (1) 85cm Q) 175em glue 5x10? G) 20.7cm LB T2.0 em x 108 , Ax 3x10 @) 1108 7 A tightly wound 100 turns coil of radius ) 0.5 x 108 (4) zero 10 cm carries a current of 7 A. The magnitude of the magnetic field at the centre of the coil is (Take UnLA - " 2 The output (¥) of the given logic gate is similar permeability of free space as 4210-7 SI units): to the output of an/a : = wx =) ies % at z |. tm i ae tena Pvtee x Px io ar nic a4 & 4 te A\e as 8 (1) NAND gate (2) NOR gate (3) OR gate AI IND gate 3 If the monochromatic source in Young's double | slit experiment is replaced by white light, then (1)_ interference pattern will disappear. (2) there will bea central dark fringe sutroundeg by afew coloured fringes- ‘here will be a central bright wit ing surrounded by a few coloured fringes, ‘0 (4) all bright fringes will be of ea¥! wid, ‘ any * 4 Inavernier calipers, (N+ D Laeietil ‘orice scale coincide with N divisions Th Sale. ¢ I MSD represents 0.1 mm, th? ‘Onstant (in om) is : 1 Ct ow 2) oo") owt) @) 100v a jen 5) at )= sé Q4 English 1 \e (4 2 ’ ‘ 23x10! At any instant of time 1, the displacement of any particle is given by 2¢—1 (SI unit) under the influence of force of SN. The value of instantaneous power is (in SI unit): ¢ = 43 D 7 @) 7 Two bodies A and B of same mass undergo completely inelastic one dimensional collision, The body A moves with veloc is at rest before collision. The velocity of the system after collision is v AT GB) «The ratio vy +. @) 21 @ 4 Ahorizontal force 10 N is applied toa block as shown in figure, The mass of blocks l and B are 2kgand 3 kg, respect e blocks slide over a frictionless surface. The force exerted by block, Aon block Bis: F=NPZq 4B | ay | BRE Perr () zero @) 4N -By ON (4) 10N L a «ca MW collegeduni rf lo Ras a 97 UL The mass of leet? “Planet is 1 ohihat or the cart " its diameter 0 he earth and Acceleration gue alt that of the earth, The We to graviilon that planet is : © 196m52 i} QW 9.8 ins2 GB) 49ms2 is 8 , 3.92 ms? 12 Consi fe : ae the following Statements A entity the correct answel: WS I ga ® io on -wW Vv mo co q ay Tavs in SN O A. Fora solar-cell, thed¢V characteristics lies in the TV quadrant of the given graph. B. In a reverse biased'Pn junction diode, the | 1 current measured in (24), is due to'majority charge carriers. 4 ~m oh DXA is comect but B iseomest DKK is incorrect but a correct. x \80 (3) Both A and Bare cortect. 2 af Gf Boh Aand Bare iggprrect 55008 i anters through, right angled prism at , aie path the angle of idence 30° as shown fn figure. Ir travels throlish the prism parallel to its base BC and emerge’ along the face AC. The refractive index of the ge ny Sin 30 =H Sin 48 Eu 2 ie "54 Se ai 17 we Q) 3 @ | Q4_English | Say Tos my} (4) 99N LT ery ol te Fy si eS 00 Se Given below, fi * 0 statements : statement | al ims are electrically newt they COMLniy neutral ual iy yositive negaliVe chayye number of pt iatement and emit the ry ible oy of cach element are st hiracteristic spectrum. nthe ligh Inthe NEN OF the shove statements, choose the cee PPMP ansver from the options EVE below - o Both Statemeqt 1 and Statement I ar correet, 2) Both Statement { and Statement II are incorrect, (3) Statement | if'dorrect but Statement I! is incorrec, (4) Statement js Fjoorrect but Statement Il is correct. Athin flat creeds ofradius 4.5 em is placed gently over the surface of water. If surface tension of water is 0.07 Nm-!, then the excess force required to take it away from the surface is: T9.8mN } i @) 198N I, ‘Solenoid-1 ©) ‘Sotenoid-2 =m Cl 19 In the above diagram, a strong bar magnet js moving towards 0leD0%d-2 from solenoid-1.-The direction ofimiweedguerent in Solenoid and that in solenoid-2, *ePeetively, are through the directions: Q) apantPC —-C) Bland en @) apa? — A) Batand oe a) ing sylfh nit js moving WM UNiFOTM speed ing og L nacireutae (3) consti! vs) ing decelerat (4) gayind eCHY aNd Varying Aceleratig, . Dn, "Conta OF sce collegedunia: H te. 19 20 Match List I with List 1 List 1 List 11 (Spectral Lines of CWatengis 0" Hydrogen for transitions from) A, m=3t0m=2 4102 B m=4tom=2 ML 434y C. m=Stom=2 I. 656.3 D. m=6tom=2 NV, 486.1 Choose the correct answer from the options give” below : () Ad, BA, CAV, DA @) Ad, BAY, C-, DA @) AAV, BAN, C-l, DA (4) Ad, BAT, C-II, D-IV ‘The quantities which have the same dimensions as those of solid angle are: ay 2) G) @) strain and angle stress and angle strain and are angular speed and stress ‘An unpolarised light beam strikes 4 81088 surface at Brewster's angle. Then (1) the reflected light will be partially polarised, (2) the refracted light will be completely polarised. : (3) both the reflected and refracted Hight willbe completely polarised. oy the reflected light will b¢ Completely Y polarised but the refracted "2h Will be partially polarised, Q4 English | 2 2 23 Given below are two statements: gne is labelled as Assertion A and the other js Jabelled as 24 Reason R. Assertion A : The potential (7) ot any axial point, at 2m distance(r) from the centre of the dipole of dipole moment vector B of magnitude, 4x 10C m, is 49x10 FV. 2P Reason R: V= where r is the 25 ney? distance of any axial point, situated at 2 m from the centre of the dipole In the light of the above statements, choose the correct answer from the options given below: (1) Both A and R are trie and R is the correct explanation of A. (2) Both A and R are tue and R is NOT the correct explanation of A. G) Ais truc but Ris false. (4) Ais false but R is true ‘A wheel of a bullock cart is rolling on a level road as shown in the figure below. If its linear speed is v in the direction shown, which one of the following options is correct (P and Q are any highest and lowest points on the wheel, y respectively)? P @ Point P moves slower than point Q. 2). Point P moves faster than point O. G) Both the points P and Q move with equal speed. (4). Point P has zero speed. a) 2 ir ssin( a + 2m represents the motion ofa particle executing simple harmonic motion, the fmplitude and time period of motion, respectively are (1) Sem,2s @) Som, 1s (2) Sm2s @ Smits | Contd, A logic follow O sce PP collegedunia 24 25 26 27 A logic ci Tui follony it proy following. Truth, an the output Pas per the AlBly oyolr Oli lo ljoti Thee _ Ut fo a “Pression for the output Y'is : @ Absa Q) sBeT a @) B Ifei: it statement ‘of light in free space, the correct are: S about photon among the following A The energy ofa photon is E=in. B. The velocity of a photon is ¢ C. The momentum of. photon, p =" . € In a photon-electron collision, both total energy and total momentum are conserved. E. Photon possesses positive charge. Choose the correct answer from the options given below : (1) AandBonly @) A,B, Cand D only @) A,Cand D only (4) A,B, D and E only ‘A bob is whirled in a horizontal plane by means of a string with an initial speed of « rpm. The tension in the string is 7, If speed becomes 20 keeping the same radius, the tension in the wl string becomes : a) 7 @ ar @ @) Wr The terminal voltage of the battery, whose emf is 10V and internal resistance 1 Q, when connected through an external resistance of 4 as shown in the figure is ¢ 40 » 30 BD Ae tnifarny, 2 jnauniforn needle perry, Stic field of 0.049 Ssecondsa,""8 20 complete oscillation’ jeedle is 43%. The moment of inert nagneticngy [kg m2. IF the magni the vai ttt of'the needle is x * 10™ them the Vag 57,0! the nee ‘ris ama the aude oF SA 2 0). 5x (2) 12827 | 2 @ 50m (4) 1280x7 j x 4 A wite of leg +p and resistance 1009 © divided into 10 equal parts. The first 5 parts 7 connected in sres while the next 5 parts 57 connected in parallel. The two combinations 3° again Connected in series. The resistance of this final combination is: () 26a Q) 52Q @) 55Q- (4) 602 Match List with List. List-I List (Material) (Susceptibility (1) A. Diamagnetic L 2-0 B, Ferromagntic ll. 0> 42-1 | C. Paramagnetic = WL x >> D. Non-magneic» IV. 0<%Z— 5 p_# Box ee oe, JG emission stated abo Inthe nucle ve, the ma mind atomic number of the 7 umbe : Product respectivelds °° + . ° (ay. 280.8! 2) 286, 80 (28882 (4) 286,81 (Conta, er collegedunia: 19 Q ) 1 ion al? rhe graph which SHOWS thy 8 i 2 - awitskinetceneBF iS vhe,, > jgpnel® wavelength of a free‘particle) : BS Ol oF o 3 i 1 4 FO A 1 4 8) 2 “ @) " Ein) t é oO sy Nyt 33 Inanideal transformet, the tums ratio is eae [ca] Ns The ratio ¥,: V, is@qual to (the symbols carTy their usual meaning) : Q@) 2:1 ey) 14 in MA thermodynamic liystem is taken through the sycle abeda. The work done by the gas along the a MQ) 307 9 -o7 Inthe folowing cireu ‘en terminal 4 and terminal B is : w i edad fe 2a eu A “rt, + 18 tw | op * aur SHE Fe EX 6 2 ipe ) Osur tg ae @) aur it the equivalent capacitance 37 39 ™~ Physics : Section B (> Ifthe plates of a parallel pla, 3) toa battery are Sage A Moved clog ,~ the charge stored in the energy stored inp Mess thy its capacitance increas, the ratio of charge 1° the same, B. the product of cha Be Choose the most appropi ting, options given below. “8 fon gy (1) A,BandE only (2 " Eon, AC (2) B,Dand E only (4) Aaa A10 pF capacitor is ‘conn source as shown in fi B. 6 D. Metal, tay only re IY So wee BU Tepe cont the circuit is nearly (x=3,4 Ht iS C= 10 uF 210 V,50 He : () 0584 (2) 34 @) 1204 (4) B34 A force defined by F = ai? siadsonaparick at a given time ¢. The histor which is it r dimensionless, if ce and p wecostims i if a @ H @) apr , @ 4 perv eunsesof igh represtieand The flava Tis tet ed Ps an idea! est i Feesented ine) a ee PSE the volume) 1 those of Chet! compared with! as dotted lines. collegedunia: 6 Oa t a a on Ss we Vv 40 Ani ioveloey a itis bent Sleath Las magietiemoment | rahe tine pot of the mation © vo arms l® Middle ofits length such thatthe body #5 Shon iy magnetio ne*® @¥anale 60° with each other. The ‘Moment of this new magnet is: aq) M M Q 7 +f @) 2M ae - OS Aparallel plate capacitor is charged by connecting ittoa battery through a resistor. If lis the current e eilnr) > ‘The acceleration a) ime (0 graph that best sus this motion is. a is; in the circuit, then in the gap between the plates : & : (1) there is no current » A 1 / 2) displacement current of magnitude equalto | me 1a I flows in the same direction as I. (3) displacement current of magnitude equal to I flows in a direction opposite to that of I. a rr (4) displacement current of magnitude greater 4 z than I flows but can be in any direction, = Fit tige, © oes 42 A‘ metallic bar of Young’s modulus, 0.5 « 1011 N mr and coefficient of linear thermal expansion 10-5 °C-!, length 1 m and area of cross-section 10-m? is heated from 0°C to 100°C without expansion or bending. The compressive force developed in iti (Q) 5*10N (2) 50*10N @) 100*103N = (4). 2*103N 45. Asmalltelescope has an objective of focal length 140 cm and an eye piece of focal length 5.0 em. The magnifying power of telescope for viewing a distant objects: a) 34 @) 28 43 Choose the correct circuit which can achieve the @) 17 a) 32 bridge balance. fo Sie 46 Theminimumenergy required to launch a satellite $ 2 ‘of mass m from the surface of earth of mass Mf apie? 7 @ and radius R in a cireular orbit at an altitude of er a 2R from the surface ofthe earth is: aE K eK sGml 2GmM DR ete “eR” ©) SR @| eA] w One? Git @ om L_1.—¢ + GQ) aR 3R Q4_English ] (Conta, a A collegeduni rf —_—_ ~~ 47 Ifthe mass of the bob. inag, slut 15 increased otic isang inte pt ismnde hal its vin gS and nie CPt then ther period of oscillation is 84. its orginal ti t €S its origin period. Then the vale aM 3 @) W3 48 A sheet is placed on a horizontal surface in romt of'a strong magnetic pele, A force ig needed 0 A. hold the sheet thetéfit is magnetic. B. hold the sheet thet®fit is non-magnetic C. move the sheet day from the pole with uniform velocity if't is conducting D. move the sheet dWy from the pole with uniform velocity if tis both, non-conducting and non-polar. Choose the correct statemen(s) from the options given below: wy (1) Band Donly @) AandConly * G) A,CandD only 8 (4) Conly @ io 49 Two heaters A and B have power rating of | kw and 2 kW, respectively. Those two are first connected in series and then in parallel 0 fiyeq Power source. The ratio'St power Outputs for these two cases is: t a) Q) 2:9 GB) @) 2:3 © 580 The property which is Hot of an electromagnerie wave travelling in free space is that : ay Q) they are transverse in natures the energy densify In electric field is egy to energy density inl magneti¢ Feld, OTe charges Ving wi, @) (a) they travel witha gheed & a) they originate froin uniform speed. Q4_English } St 52 53 54 Among Group 16 elements, mp Is hone does N¢ show ~2 oxidation state? ne does Nq Match List I with List I.’ List I “Listy (Molecule) (Number and ty ‘pes of bonds between two carbon stoms) AL thang 1.” one G-bond and ve B. ethene IL C. carbon ML molecule, C, D. ethyne IV. (ohe o-bond and te ‘one -bond Choose the correct answetfrom the options give below: . to (1) A4, B-V, C-II, D-II (2) AA, B-IIl, C-II, D-1 ‘ACM, BV, C-M, DV AM, BAV, C4, Da) @ Fehling’s solution ‘A’ is (1) aqueous copper sulphate (2) alkaline copper sulphate | 3) alkaline solution of sodium potassiur tartrate (Rochelle’s salt) (4) aqueous sodium citrate a) Match List I with List 11°) List 1 td List I (Conversion) ©) (umber of )) Faraday required A. Lmolof H0t00, ook 3 B. [molof MnO, t ‘OIL 2F Mn? _ CC. 1SmotofCafiom ML TE molten CaCl, x ) Fe,Qy) IV. 1 mol of FeO to FeO) somed cane the correct answer from the options iver i below: iy ca, Dall n Ad @ ‘Adil, BAV, C-1, Dell (3) Adi, B-Il, C-1, DAY, , D-t a) | Contd. a «ca MW collegeduni rf 55 _ @) te Identify th © Corre about th ct reagents that we bri following ansformatign, OE On e-cy cys HCH @-ar,-c,-co té Hon Cros CS BH 2 H,0, /OK 5 =f PCED BRS. ¥,63/5 oO @ «i @ Gi) (4) cy 56 Intramolecular hydrogen bonding is present in 7 or NO; ® i LT NO oo HO wy (4) HE @ ‘Activation energy of any chemical reaction can be calculated if one knows the value of G2) rate consiaht at standard temperature, (2) probability of collision. @) orientation of reactant molecules during collision, (4) ‘rate constant at two different temperatures Q4 English | 9 58 59 Mateh Lig), ith List, ex) ise 1 efype of isomerism) LL. Solvate o isomerism 5 [coo 1. Linkage : isomerism c [co()] [Gfex),] tr. tonization yy isomerism D. [co(H0) 4s TV. Coordination © isomerism Choose theconect answer from the options given below: (1) A-ll, BA, CAV, D4 @ AL ean, iv, Dal @) Ad, BAY, @Ul, D-IL (4) Ad, BIV, C2, DL @ 0 1 gram of sodium hydroxide was treated with 25 mLof 0.75 M HCI solution, the mass of sodium jde left upggacted is equal to (2 @ 250mg (4) 200 mg hydrox‘ (ly 750m8 (3) Zeome I < & Arrange tf elements in ine Aran Monga nn Her no fF & 8 ecortept answer from the Choosetheeoreet nthe options pi below: a os asing | Conta, © scz MY collegedunia = atch List with List I, List I List (Process) (Conditions) ‘A. Isothermal 1 Noheat exchane? process B._Isochoric MW. Carried out at process Constant temperatu® C. Isobaric MH. Carried out at process Constant volume D. Adiabatic IV. Carried out at process Constant pressure Choose the correct answer from the options given below: (1) AAV, Bulll, C-Il, D-I Q) AY, Bell, C-Ill, D-T (3) Ad B-ll, C-lll, D-IV Pall, Ball, CAV DL 62 Which one of the following alcohols reacts, instantaneously with Lucas reagent? (1) CHy-CH,~CH, ~CHOH @) cH,-cH, - cH-on f CH, ©) cH, - c—cH,on CH, 63 The energy of an clectron in the ground stare (1) for He*ionis—x.J, then that FOF a" electron in n=2 state for Be3 jon in J is: W =x @ 4 @) ~4x «@ 4y 9 Q4 Engtisn 1 64 The compound th With the fastest rat Onn a Onn © on cH, 65 ¢ The Henry's law Constant (Kj) values of thr Bases (A, B, C) in water are 145, 210-5 a: 35 Kbar, respectively. The solubility ofthese gse: in water follow the order: at will Under 5.1 oQ te (l) B>A>c @) A>C>B (2) B>c>a @ A>B>c 66 . Which plot of In k vs + is consistent wit ‘Arthenius equation? i a 2 Q t : z a) = es 8) Ts y py iil K and K, 61 Inwhich ofthe following equi kam are NOT equal? LAY PClsig) = PCl yyy * Che Q Hyg the =? He tthe 3) CO + H2%) = COxp (4) 2BiCly) = Bray + Che | Contd a «ca MW collegeduni rf 10 68 10 Q4_Englisb | Gi given below are two statements: ‘atement I: The boiling point of tree isomeric Pentanes follows the order pentane > isopentane > neopentane Statement TL : When branching increases, the Molecule attains a shape of sphere. This results im smaller surface area for contact, due to which the intermolecular forces between the spherical molecules are weak, thereby lowering the boiling Point. mn the light of the above statements, choose the ‘most appropriate answer from the options given below: LL Both Statement Land Statement!l arecorrect. (2) Both Statement I-and Statement II are incorrect Statement I is correct but Statement II is incorrect. Statement I is incorrect but Statement II is correct. GB) “a The reagents with which glucose does not react to give the corresponding tests/produets are Tollen’s reagent | B. Schiff’s reagent HCN D. NH,OH E, NaHSO; Choose the correct options from the given below: (1) Bandc (2) AandD (3) BandE (4) EandD In which of the following processes entropy increases? ‘A. Alliquid evaporates to vapour. B, ‘Temperature of a crystalline s from 130 K to 0K. C. 2 NaHCO) >NagCOpq) + CO) + 12%) D. Chg ?? Cle Choose the correct answer from the options given below: (y Aand @) A.CandD lowered @ A,BandD (4) CandD Match Lig a as with Li List I (Reaggiith List 1. ents! “tony List Rent on) ” 9 *OOnoe . oie n ‘Aahyd.AICIs jw a. Saga fi 0s MH oO or" Ul, KMnO¢ m KOH, 4 oss, to i tr IV. (i) O3 C0K (iiyZ0-H,0 Choose te caret aiier fom the options below: () AW,Bi, cali€b-t1 (2) Adlll,B, CAI, DIV GY AAN,BI,C-ll, D-IL a) ALBAN, CL DA 72 Given beloware twb/Statements: Statement I : The Boiling point of hydrides of Group 16 elements follow the order H,0> H,Te> H,Sez HS. Statement II : On thg basis of molecular mass, HO is expected to haye lower boiling point than the other members Of the group but due to the presence of extensive H-bonding in H,O, it has, higher boiling point. In the light of the above statements, choose the ‘correct answet front the options given below: (1) Both Statementghand Statement Il are true, (2). Both StaemenfLand Statement Il are false, {G) Statement| is rue but Statement Tis false, (4) Statement | is fafbe but Statement I is true, oo 73 Forthereaction 2AtS B+C, K,=4x10 tg iven in, he composition of reaction mixture aj-(2]-[C]=2*10°M. f the following is correct? is at equilibrium. has 4ttndency to go in forwarg is: Then, which o! (ay Resetion ea . WO J -6 ps Bm 49 AG Hilo OF sce PP collegedunia 4 8 16 ce Mateh List L with List 1, List 1 Quantum Number Inorg provid Am Shape of orbital Bom, i cl Din otentation of si of electron Choose the correct answer below: (1) Ad, Ban, Cl, Dy 2) AdIl, BAY, C-l, D-t GY Adlll, BAY, C-ll, Dal (4) Ad, BA, CAV, Dll from the options give A compound with a molecular formula of Cll, hhas two tertiary carbons. Its TUPAC name is: (1) hexane 2) 2-methylpentane G) 2,3-dimethylbutane (4) 2,2-dimethylbutane On heating, some solid substances change from Solid to vapour state without passing through liquid state. The technique used for the purification of such solid substances based on the above principle is known as (1) Crystallization 2) Sublimation G) Distillation (4) Chromatography ‘The most stable carbocation among the following is: cH, oO 1yeSouKen, “Hh Bn cH oy O Sey, 1 Cl, 8) O-&, cu, @ Q) 4 Kngtsh | 0 80 81 bP Given below are two stamens Statement I: Aniline doe Crafts alkylation reaction, Statement If: Anitinecanntt rere Gabriel synth Penn big Im te light ofthe above statements, hos correct answer from the options sven be (1) Both Statement {and Sitement fare 2) Both Statement land Sizemsnt Hare is _LAiatement 1 is correct but Statement It false. ot undergo Fries (4) Statement 1 is incorrect but Statement IL true, Which reaction is NOT a redox reaction? (1) Zn+Cus0, + 2nS0,+Cu Q) 2KCIO; +1, > 2K10,+Ccl, @) Hy +Cl, > 2HCI (4) BaCl, +Na,SO, —> BaS0, +2 NaCl Match List I with List I List List (Compound) (Shapelgeometry) A. NH; L._ Trigonal Pyramidal B. BrFs MW. Square Planar C. XeF, TH. Octahedral D. SE, I, Square Py Choose the correct answer fom the options give below: (1) Ad. BAY, C-Il, D-II 2 All, BV, Coll, D1 8) Adil, BAY, Cl, DAL (4) Adll, BAL, CAV, DA Arrange the following elements in inereasir order of first ionization enthalpy’ Li, Be, B, C, N n Choose the correct answer from the options give below: (I) Li3RC]+A ROH +PCIs>RCLHHCI+B (@) POCI, and HPO; @) POCK and HPO, () HPO, and POI, (4) H3P0, and Pct, Mass in grams of copper deposited by passing 9.6487 A current throygh a vollmete? Containing Copper sulphate solution for 100 seconds is: (Given : Molar mads'orCu : 63 g mol, IF=96487c) () 3.15 @) 3158 (2) 0.3158 ‘Day 0.03158 Q4 English | 93 94 95 96 97 4 Be 327 B> 40 7 (Givenaton (1) ABC, ps G) ABC, gy During the preparation of Mohr's (Ferrous ammonium sulphate, following acid is added to prevent Fe? ion? ° (1) dilute hydfopthtoric acid @) concentrated sulphuric acid (3) dilute nitrieacia (4) dilute sulphyric acid i Identify the eorgget answer (1) Three resqyance strucres canbe dawn ozone. (2) BF; has non-zero dipole moment. 3). Dipole moment of NF; i greater than th of NH, (4) Three canonical forms can be drawn fe CO3~ iont a The rate of Sreaction quadruples whe temperature ‘Shuiges from 27°C to 57°C Calculate the etétgy of activation. Given R= 8.314) K-! mot", log 4 = 0.6021 (1). 38.04 ki/mol (2) 3804 ki/mol @)_3.80kt/m6l) isl (4) 3804 kan) tion For the given vad ghno yt oP O-F Dp (si i ‘Pis probe) a O-cno @ Onc ollp-OH @) One [ Contd: a «ca MW collegedunia & BL 98 99 100 Q4_English | The plot of osmotic pressure (11) Ys concentration (mol L~!) for a solution gives a straight line with slope 25.73 L bar mol-!. The temperature at which the osmotic pressure measurement is done is: (Use R = 0,083 L bar mol! K-!) Q) 37°¢ @) 310°C. @) 25.73°C (4) 12.05°C Given below are two statements : Statement 1: [co(ss,),[” is-a homoleptic complex whereas [co(wt), cla] is a heteroleptic complex, 3 Statement IT: Complex [co(w) } has only one kind of ligands but {co(wH), ct,” has more than one kind of ligands. In the light of the above statements, choose the correct answer from the options given below: (1 Both Statement I and Statement II are true. (2) Beth Statement I and Statement Il are false. (3). Statement I is true but Statement II is false. (4) Statement Iis false but Statement II is true, Consider the following reaction ina sealed vessel at equilibrium with concentrations of Nz = 3.0 * 10-3 M, 0) = 4.2 «10-3 M and NO =2.8 «103 M. 2NO(q) = Naia)* ne) 10.1 mol L~! of NO(gyis taken ina closed vessel, what will be degree of dissociation (at) of NOw at equilibrium? (1) 0.00889 (3) 0.8889 @) 0.0889 @) 0.717 otany ; 101 wns. Bet Bardeners to prepare weed F°™ LY romay: “age is caused 10 grass as 40% Ay prome’**Pical dominance. ‘ 6) docyg*bscission of mature leaves "1% plang Meet mature ‘monocotyledono™ (4) can bey © 80 help in cet division in grasses: '© Prottce growth. 102 ag? Molecules of ATP and NADPH 4 for ey dint Calvin yee molecule of CO; fies (1) 2 molecules of ATP and 3 molecules of NADPH PF 2 molecules of ATP and 2 molecules of NADPH G) 3 molecules of ATP and 3 molecules of NADPH (4) 3 molecules of ATP and 2 molecules of NADPH 2 103 In the given figure, which component has thin ‘outer walls and highly thickened inner walls? 104 Mate List! with List IL 15 List List A. Nucleolus I. Site of formation ~ of glycolipic i IL Organi: i Cento ganization like 3 the cariwheet ycoplasts IL Site for active G, Ie ribosomal RNA, synthesis by aoe WV. Forstoring * paras nutrients ‘Choose | the correct answer from the options ‘given belo¥y i, Bell, C-LV, DL 1), Ball, Cl, DAV 2) i, BV, C-ll, Dl a ip, BL C-lll, DAV @ (Conta, CE sc collegedunia: 109 A pink flowered Snapdragon with a red flowered Snapdragon iter oy of phenotypels is/are expected gg." Vy, (1). Only red flowered plants Progeny 2) Red flowered as well as pink me Only pink flowered plans °"**pl (4) Red, Pink as well as white tex ty, 110 Formation of interfascicular cambig based on thepsio® . corolla and androgenic 4 0" theP fi . ium with respe" theovary fom th given fairey 7 ihe ‘ ‘ developed parenchyma cells isan eagle (1). Differentiation ‘ (D) (®) Epigynous; (b) Rypogynous 2) Redifferentiation « 3 (2)_() Hypoeynous; (6) Epigynous G)_Dedifferentiation 3) (@) Petigynous; (b) Bxipynous @) Maturation (4) (a) Petigynous: (b) Perigynous | tt LL Match List I with List IL Ht 106 Match List 1 with List II List I Liat List A. Two or more Le Bakers A. Rhizopus I alternative B. Ustilago UL. “Smut fungus forms of a gene 4 C. Puceinia M1 Bread mould B. Cross of Fy TL Phody D._ Agaricus IV, Rust fungus progeny with ‘Choose the correct answer! ‘rom the optionsgiven homozygous below: uy recessive parent (1) Adil, Bl, C-y, D-f C. Cross of F, II, Allee @) Ad, Ball, Coll, DAVY progeny with ‘ G) A-lll, B-ll, C1, D-lve? any of the parents i @) AAV, Bll, C-ll, D139 D. Number of IV, Tester © « 107 Which of the following is an example of een a aelnemorphile flower? i Choose the correct answer from theepionsg® (1) Datura Q)erCassta below 3) Pisum (uch (1) Ad, Ball, Ca, DAV 108 Identify the set of correct statements: 2) AL, B+, Cll, DAV A. The flowers of Vatlisneriaare colourful ang BF All, BAY, C4, D-IL i producenectar, 3 ' (4) AlY, B-lll, C-ll, D-l i The flowers of watetlily are not pollina ; einen oF ety not olin), Which of the following are require he C. In most of water-pollinated species, the reaction of photosynthesis? é pollen '$ are protected from wetting. AS Light o D. Pollen grains of some hydrophytes are long B. Chlorophyll 0 and ribbon like.) Cc. CO, E. In some hydrophytes, the pollen grains ar D. ATP carried passively inside water. NADPH ion Choose the corect answer from the OptiONS wiyey Choose the comect answer from theo" beloy . below: n Q) C,Dand Bony (DA, Band C only x (2) A,B, Cand D only Q) Cand D only | G)_ A.C, Dand E only G)_C, Dand E only n (4) B,C, Dand E only (° Dand E only Jae Q4_English } tk i a sca collegedunia 1B 14 us Q4 English | Lia, pau AI! Given below are two statements: Statement 1 : Chromosomes become gradually visible under light microscope during leptotene stage. Statement II : The begining of diplotene stage is recognized by dissolution of synaptonemal complex. r In the light of the above statements correct answer from the options (1) Both Statement I and Statement {I are true (2) Both Statement I and Statement II are false (3) Statement | is true but Statement is false _SAy-Statement | is false but Stateméfit is true ou Spindle fibers attach to kinet6@hores of chromosomes during, bea) (2) Metaphase (4) Telophase oy ‘What is the fate ofa piece of DNA ctying only zene of interest which is transferred into an alien organism? 3 ‘The piece of DNA would be ableto multiply (1) Prophase 3) Anaphase ‘ itself independently in the progeny cells of the organism. B. _Itmay get integrated into the genome of the recipient. , CC. Itmay multiply and be inheritegalong with the host DNA. b D. The alien piece of DNA is nof an integral part of chromosome. g E. It shows ability to replicate. «yy Choose the correct answer from the options given below: (1) AandBonly a iy (2) Dand E only @) BandC only (4) AandE only 7 e 16 THE Hoctong a7 ug. ug “wy BB ium of va wt PMesent in the growth medium O° bacteiatansported tothe cell by the action OF (4) Polymerase 342753 Given below are two statemeht3: Statement 1; Parenchyma is living but collenchyma is dead tissue. (“) 19 Statement II: Gymnosperms,lack xylem vessels but presence of xylem vessels js the characteristic of angiosperms, Ps cs In the light ofthe above statffents, choose the correct answer from the options given below: (1) Both Statement I and Statement Il are true @) @) @) Both Statement I and sffeent Mare false Statement I is true but Statement Il is false ot j Statement I is false but Statement I is true ao ND criteri not a criterion for Which one of the followi classification of fungi? (1) Morphology of mycelium, fede of nutrition AN) on bt G) Mode of spore formation, i v @ Fring body 3 © tna plant, black seed color (BBYBD) is dominang a ite seed color (bb). In order to find out ov enotype oF the black seed plant, with which, following genotype will'you cross it? bb) (4) BBIBb @ © the Bef of the @) Bb (Conta... OF sce collegedunia: 120 Tropisal regions show greatest joy of richness because ‘Tropical latitudes have remained relatively undisturbed for millions of yegrs, el more time WAS available for speei®® A diversification. Tropical environments are more season C__More solar energy is available in tropics D. Constant environments promote nich? specialization. E. Tropical environments are constant and predictable. Choose the correct answer from the options given below: DRC. Dand E only (2) AandBonly @) A,Band Bonly (4) A, Band Donly 121 These are regarded as major causes of biodiversity loss: A. Over exploitation —~ B. Co-extinction C. Mutation x7 D. Habitat loss and fragmentatiom_~ E. Migration Choose the correct option: (1) A,Cand Donly @) A,B,Cand Donly B) AgBeand-Eonly Band D only 122. A transcription unit in DNA is defined primarily by the three regions in DNA and these are with Fespect {0 upstream and down stream end; (1) Repressor, Operator yene, Structural ene 2) Structural gene, Transposons, OperOr gene (3) Inducer, Repressor, Structural gene 123 HindII always cuts DNA moleculesat 4 point called recognition sequence ang eons oft (1) 8bp Q) bbp @G) 4bp (4) 10bp 124 The cofactor ofthe enzyme carboxypeptidase (1) Zine 2) Niacin @) Flavin (4) Haem 125 Match List I with List II List 1 List A. Clostridium 1. Ethanol butylicum B. Saccharomyces IL. Streptokinase cerevisiae C. Trichoderma MIL. Butyric acid polysporum D. Streptococcus sp." 1V._Cyclosporin-A Choose the correct answer from the options given below: (1) Adlll, Bel; C-Il, D-IV (2) Adil, BAY, Cll, D4 @) Adlll, BA, CAV, D-ll (4) AAV, BA, Cl, D-ll 126 _ List of endangered species was released by- BY GEAC @) WWF (3) FOAM (4) IUCN 127. The type of conservation in which the threatened species are taken out from their natural habitat and placed in special setting where they ean O& protected and given special care is called: (D-tir-situ conservation (2) Biodiversity conservation (3) Semi-conservative method (A) Promotor, Structural gene, Terminator Q4_English | 13, (4) Sustainable development [ Contd. a «ca MW collegeduni rf 128 129 130 131 132 Q4 English | S LY Totipotency _G)-Canying capacity G)tnereased photosynthesis in monocots. The capacity to generate a whole cell of the peace rte# Whe plant from any lant is calle Mm ©) Micropropagatisin G)_Ditterentiation’ ~Y (4) Somatic hybridization From this equation, x indicates: () Intrinsic rate of natural increase @) Biotic potential? (4) Population density Bulliform cells are responsible for (1) Inward curling St leaves in monocots. (2) Protecting the plant from salt stress. (4) Providing large spaces for storage of sugars. Lecithin, a small molecular weight organic compound found in Jjving tissues, is an example oF a (1) Amino acids n ees 3) Glycerides ery (4) Carbohydrates‘ (2) Phosphol inhibition of Succinic dehydrogenase enzyme by malonate is a classifaliexample of: a) Cofactor inhi idm (2) Feedback inhitjtion “« itive inhibition @) Competitive ink Oh amend iven Sutemet Are two statement cane i Bttoxins are insect group SP Statemeny ee ory As. sats ag inactiv® protoxin jy fff Bt toxin exis Par ingestion ph fstluiringtensis. However. 2°. conver by the insect the inactive protoxin s “ Ted ini Yetive form due to acidic P' the inset gu, Si In the lth offe above statements, choose #° correct answesrom the options given below: (1) Both Statement fan Statement Il are FU Q) Both statement 1 and Statement If are false G) Satene T's true but Statement Il is false a) Statement t is false but Statement IT is rue 134 Identify the pdrtorthe seed from the given figure which is destiied to form root when the seed germinates, ©) 135 hich one of the following can be explained on the basis of Mendel’s Law of Dominance? ‘Out of ohe!pair of factors one is dominant and the other is recessive, B, Alleles d8ot show any expression and both "the chafibters appear as such in py as eneationt ; c. Factors OSbur in pairs in normal diploig pants. SO ‘The discrete unit controlling a partig —P> paracter is called factor, lar ‘The expression of only one of the pay E. charac found ina monohybrid. cae ' e cotfdct answer from the option, eS hoosetiecotf he options give below? Band Gonly a) &C, Dad E only YG, Cand D only a ‘A,B,C, and E Conta, OF sce collegedunia: —_—— As WU 4 wD 136 Match List] with List 11 139 Read the following statements and ch Wo0set List 1 ia of correct statements: het A Cite as 1 Cytonaem In the members of Phaeophyceae, ‘cyt A. Asexual re i i r 7 production occurs usuall B, Glycolysis Te Mitochondrial biflagellate zoospores. any by ia ¢. ‘Heetron im, ie ait B. Sexual reproduction is by oogamous method transport Niece or only. en ry, Milehondia C. Stored food isin the form of carbohydrates on Inner which is either mannitol or laminar gradient / mitochondrial jinarin, ° membrane D. The major pigments found are ehlorophyl Choose the correct answer from the options vet a, cand carotenoids and xanthophyll. en paem E, Vegetative cells have a cellulosic wall, -1, Bell, C-lll, D-lV usually covered on the outside by gelatinous (2) Adi, BA, C-V, D-Ill coating of algin, G) All, BAY, CA, DAL i . ig ANVEM GILDA Choose the comer answer rom te pins given low: 137 Match List I with List I (1) A,B,CandD only el Est 2) B,C, DandE only . Robe} E jes. ny ake (3) AC, Dand E only B. Alexander von I Long term (4) A,B, Cand E only Humboldt ecosystem outdoor plots | 140 Spraying sugarcane crop with which of the C. Paul Ehrlich ML, Global spectes following plant growth regulators, increases the diversity at about length of stem, thus, increasing the yield? ; imi (1) Auxin D. David Tilman IV. Rivet popper (2) Gibberellin hypothesis, an Choose the correct answer from the options given @) Cytokinin below: (A) Abscisic acid () Ad, Ball, C4, D-tv (2) A4IL, B-I, C-IV, D-II i ith Lis & ‘Ad, BAIL, DAV 141 Match List I with List I (@) Ad, BAY, C-Hl, D1 List I List IT (Types of Stamens) (Example) ‘A. Monoadelphous 1, Citrus B. Diadelphous Il. Pea C. Polyadelphous Il. Lily 138 In an ecosystem if the Net Primary Productivity (NPP) of first trophic level is \0O* 10 100% (kcal m2) yr“, what would be the GPP (Gross Primary Productivity) of the third trophic level of the same ecosystem? \ D. Epiphyllous IV. China-rose < 2) yt Choose the correct answer from the options giver 1) % (heal m2) yr yy below: AB elbeata) (2) AAV, BAll, C-l, D-IL 8) 10x (eal m=?) yr“! @) ALY, BA, CI, D-Ill @ 100% (eal m2) wt () A-l, BA, C-IV, D-IL (4) Aclll, B-l, C-LV, D-ll Q4 English | » | Contd.» a «ca MW collegeduni rf 142 143 144 D. Q4_English 1 Which of the following stateme . nt is correct Teearding the process of replic: nin E.coli? The DNA dependent DNA Polymerase Catalyses polymerization that is 3° 5, n one direction 2) The DNA dependent RNA polymerase catalyses polymerization in one direction, that is $*+3°, G) The DNA dependent DNA polymerase catalyses polymerization in 5°->3° as well as 3°—55° direction. The DNA dependent DNA polymerase catalyses polymerization in 5° +3? direction. @) Identify the step in triearboxylic acid cycle, which does not involve oxidation of substrate. (1) Malic acid + Oxaloacetic acid (2) Suceinic acid —> Malic acid (3) Suceinyl-CoA -> Suceinie acid (A) Isocitrate > a-ketoglutarie acid Match List I with List If List I Frederick 1 Griffith Francois Jacob & Jacque Monod Har Gobind List IT Genetic code Il. Semi-conservative mode of DNA replication. UL Transformation Khorana Meselson & Stahl s Choose the correct answer from the options given IV. Lae operon below: (1) Aci, Bl, C+, DV (2), Aclll, B-V, C-l, DA -Il, B-II, C-IV, D-IL @) Aci Bln 5 esti eg 146 M47 (4) AN. BH, CA, D-lll a (2) Circular, do —L—— 1 given "est description about the figure: flowers with well exposed stamens. Water pollinated flowers showing stamens With mucilaginous covering. Cleistogamous flowers showing autogamy. @Q) 6) @ Compact inflorescence showing complete aulogamy. The DNA present in chloroplast is: (1) Linear, double stranded uble stranded le stranded (3) Linear 3 (4) Circular, single stranded Given below are two statements: Statement 1 In C3 plants, some O, binds tg RuBisCO, hence COy fixation is decreased, Statement T:1nC plants, mesophyt cells show very litle photorespiration while bundle sheath tells donot show photorespiration, in the Fiat of the above statements, choose th re correct answer from the options given belo. (ay Batt Statement Land Statement I are tryg (2) Both Sisement Land Siatement Hae py, efement | is true but Statement 1 jg fal: ay, stsoment Ls false but Statement Ise Tue [Conta © sce PP collegedunia v 2 ag. Nove List Lith List f List 1 : List yy 4. GLUTA R - fi ‘ommone g, Insulin a Gs TEE 'ntereettular Sround substa"e? D, Collagen Enables ghicos? ‘transport into! e Choose the correct Sapwver from the options" below: r iL AN BLCRD Mm (2) AL B-ll, cae @) Adi, BAIL, CIV, D1 (4), AdIL, BAY, C-l, DA 149 Match List I with ual 1 i i List pe List IL A. Rose LENE Twisted aestivation =: B. Pea TI,’ Perigynous flower I, Perigynous flo C. Cotton JIL} Drupe D. Mango“ 1V. Marginal placentation Choose the correct answer from the options given below: oo (1) “AI, B-LV, C-ISD-L 4 \fD-I Q) Al, Bl, cath DAV @) AAV, Bll, C4} D-1 (4) A-l at, Ban, CY D4 130 Which of the following are fused in somatic hybridraton involping two varieties of Pans? (1) Callus ww é 2). Somatic embrgos Gr Protoplasts 0 (4) Pollens = Q4 English | 2 Listy As Pleurobrachia 4 Mol B. R . le . TL Ctenophora 7 omochord TL. Oseichinyes . Air bladder IV. Hemich Hemichordata a hoose the correct answer from th on sin options give (1) AAV, Ba, Can, ba QANDAH, Dan G)_AaL Bay, c4,Dam @) AAV, BAI, C4, D4 152 Following are the stages of cell division : Gap 2 phase Cytokinesis ‘Synthesis phase Karyokinesis Gap 1 phase Choose the correct sequence of stages from the options given below: CEDAB. G) BDEAC moO 8 Pp Q) EBDA-C (4) ECADB 153. Match List L with List List IL List ‘A. Commoncold ©} Penson B. Haemozoin 1, Typhoid Widal test Ii, Rhinoviruses 7 Allergy v. Dostimites i fons give™ ‘Choose the correctanswer fom Me options below: (1) Adll, BAY, CoD Q) Bull, C-ll, DIV “c-ttl, B-l, Cll, DAV 1, C-lll, DA (4) AWB con @ se collegedunia:

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