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JEE (Main + Advanced)

JEE (Main 2024

+ Advanced) 2024
Phase : TOPS


1. A small block slides with velocity 0.5 gr on the horizontal frictionless vo
surface as shown in the Figure. The block leaves the surface at point C.
The angle  in the Figure is r

(A) cos–1 (4/9) (B) cos–1(3/4) r

(C) cos–1(1/2) (D) none of the above O

2. A pendulum of mass m is suspended from a trolley which runs on a a
horizontal rail. The trolley and pendulum are initially at rest with  =
0. If the trolley is given a constant acceleration a = g, the tension in the
cord at  = 45° is
 
(A) (3 2  2) mg (B) (5 2  2) mg

(C) mg (D) 2 mg m

3. Consider a pendulum, consisting of a massless string with a mass on

the end. The mass is held with the string horizontal, and then released.
The mass swings down, and then on its way back up, the string is cut
at point P when it makes an angle of  with the vertical. What should
 be, so that the mass travels the largest horizontal distance from P by
the time it returns to the height it had when the string was cut?

 1   1 
(A) tan–1 3 (B) tan–1   (C) tan–1   (D) tan–1 (1)
 3  2
4. A block of mass is kept on the bottom of a smooth wedge which is then
subjected to a constant acceleration of 2g. After some time, the block breaks
of the wedge & lands on the ground. Find the time elapsed from breaking
vertically off the wedge to striking the ground.
5. A small particle of mass 1 kg slides without friction from height H = 45 cm
shown in figure and then loops the vertical loop of radius R from where a
section of angle  = 60° has been removed. Find R such that after losing
contact at A and flying through the air, the particle will reach at the point B.
Also find the normal reaction between particle and path at A.
6. A particle is released from rest at position A on a
smooth parabolic surface y = ax2 (where a = 1m–1).
It slides on the surface to the position B where it
flies off. Find the total horizontal distance D it travels
before hitting the ground at C.
7. A block is joined to a string having a length of 25/16 m. The
block is held with string horizontal and released from position
shown. When the block is at C, string breaks. Find the horizontal
distance (in m) from point C where the block will land.

PHYSICS / Assignment # 22 E-1/4

JEE (Main + Advanced) 2024
Phase : TOPS

8. A vertical frictionless semicircular track of radius 1m is fixed on the

edge of a movable trolley as shown in the figure. Initially the system is
at rest and a mass m is kept at the top of the track. The trolley starts
moving to the right with a uniform horizontal acceleration a=2g/9.
The mass slides down the track, eventually losing contact with it and
dropping to the floor 1.3m below the trolley. (g=10m/s2)
(a) Calculate the angle  at which it looses contact with the trolley and
(b) The time taken by the mass to drop on the floor, after losing contact.
9. A massless ring hangs from a thread and two beads of mass m slide on it
without friction. The beads are released simultaneously from the top of the
ring and slide down opposite sides. If the angle from vertical at which tension
in the thread becomes zero for the first time is . Find sec.
10. A smooth circular tube of radius R is fixed in a vertical plane. A particle is projected from its lowest
point with a velocity just sufficient to carry it to the highest point. Show that the time taken by the

particle to reach the end of the horizontal diameter is ln (1 + 2 ).

[Use :  sec  d  ln (sec   tan )  c ]

11. A particle P of mass m is attached by a light inextensible string of length 2a to a fixed point O.
When vertically below O, P is given a horizontal velocity u. When OP becomes horizontal the string
hits a small smooth peg, Q, distant a from O and the particle continues to rotate about Q as centre. If
the particle just describes complete circles about the rail, find the value of u.
12. A particle is attached to one end of string the other end of which is fixed.
The particle moves in vertical plane. The velocity at the lowest point is
such that the particle can just complete the circle. The ratio of acceleration at
A & B is________.
13. ABCDE is a smooth iron track in the vertical plane. The sections ABC and
CDE are quarter circles. Point B and D are very close to C. M is a small
magnet of mass m. The force of attraction between M and the track is F,
which is constant and always normal to the track. M starts from rest at A.
Find minimum value of F if contact is not lost.
14. A simple pendulum consists of a bob of mass m and a string of length
R suspended from a peg P1 on the wall. A second peg P2 is fixed
vertically below the first one at a distance 3R 7 from it. The pendulum
is drawn aside such that the string is horizontal and released. Calculate
the maximum height (with respect to the lowest point) to which it rises.
15. A hollow circular tube is fixed in a vertical plane. The interior of the tube is smooth & frictionless. A
particle describes circular motion in the vertical plane inside the tube. The ratio of its greatest to least
speed is 3 : 1. Find the ratio of the greatest to least force bewteen the particle and the tube.

E-2/4 PHYSICS / Assignment # 22

JEE (Main + Advanced) 2024
Phase : TOPS

16. A small sphere B of mass m = 1 kg is released from rest in the position

shown and swings freely in a vertical plane, first about O and then about the
peg A after the cord comes in contact with the peg. Determine the tension in
the cord.
(a) just before the sphere comes in contact with the peg,
(b) just after it comes in contact with the peg.
17. Two particles A and B each of mass m are connected by a massless string. A
is placed on the rough table. The string passes over a small, smooth peg. B
is left from a position making an angle  with the vertical. Find the minimum
coefficient of friction between A and the table so that A does not slip during
the motion of mass B.
18. A small particle slides from height H = 45 cm as shown and then loops
inside the vertical loop of radius R from where a section of angle  =
60° has been removed. Find R (in cm) such that after losing contact at
A and flying through the air, the particle will reach at the point B.
Neglect friction everywhere.
19. Two beads connected by a light inextensible string are placed
over fixed vertical rings as shown in figure. If mass of each bead
is 100 gms and all surface are frictionless if the tension (T) in the
string just after the beads are released from the shown position, R

then find 100T2 (in N2)

20. A rod is arranged at an angle of 30° from the horizontal. Attached
to the rod with two strings is the mass m, as shown. The rod is
60° T
rotated, maintaining its direction in space, so that m travels in a 60° 1

circular path. The strings are of equal length , and make angles of m
60° with the rod as shown. Take the length of the strings as 2.4m. 30°
Side view
Calculate the minimum value of the tangential speed (in m/s) of
the mass such that the string with tension T2 does not become slack when the mass is directly above the
21. A weightless rod of length l with a small load of mass m at the end is
hinged at point A as shown in the figure and occupies a strictly vertical
position, touching a body of mass M. A light jerk sets the system in
motion. For what mass ratio M/m will the rod form an angle  = /6
with the horizontal at the moment of the separation from the body? What will be the velocity u of the
body at this moment? Friction should be neglected.
22. A particle P is sliding down a frictionless hemispherical bowl. It passes the point A at t = 0. At this
instant of time, the horizontal component of its velocity is v. A bead Q of the same mass as P is ejected
from A at t = 0 along the horizontal string AB, with the speed v. Friction between the bead and the string
may be neglected. Which bead reaches point B earlier?

PHYSICS / Assignment # 22 E-3/4

JEE (Main + Advanced) 2024
Phase : TOPS

23. A collar B of mass 2kg is constrained to move along a vertical B

smooth and fixed circular track of radius 5m as shown in figure.
The spring is in plane of the track and has a spring constant of 5m
200 N/m. It is underformed when collar is at A. It starts from rest C
at B. What is the normal force (in N) exerted by the track on the
collar when it passes through A ? D
24. A block of mass m is tied with an inextensible light string of length . One end of the string is fixed at
point O. Block is released (from rest) at A. Find acceleration of particle during its motion in vertical
plane at positions specified in column I and match them with column II. Given that A & O are at same
horizontal level.
A l O

Column-I Column-II
(A) Highest point (P) Acceleration is horizontal
(B) At lowest point (Q) Acceleration is vertically upwards
(C) at  = tan–1 ( 3 ) with vertical (R) Acceleration is vertically downwards
(S) Acceleration has both horizontal and vertical components
25. A motorcycle moves around a vertical circle with a constant speed under the influence of the force of
  
gravity w , friction between wheel and track f and normal reaction between wheel and track N :
Column-I Column-II

(A) Constant magnitude (P) N
 
(B) Directed towards centre when value is non zero (Q) N  f
 
(C) Total reaction force by track (R) f  w
  
(D) When motion is along vertical the value is zero (S) N  w f


1. Ans. (B) 2. Ans. (A) 3. Ans. (C) 4. Ans. (2+ 2 )
5. Ans.R = 0.2 m, 10 N 6. Ans : 8.26 m 7. Ans. 4 8. Ans.(a) 37°, (b) 0.38s
9. Ans. 1.50 11. Ans.u = 7ga 12. Ans. 13. Ans. 2mg
14. Ans. 27R/28, solved 15. Ans.  16. Ans. (a) 15 N, (b) 25 N
17. Ans. min = 32cos 18. Ans. 20.00 19. Ans. 50 20. Ans. 6
21. Ans. 4, gl / 8 22. Ans. P 23. Ans. 1480 N
24. Ans. (A)–R, (B)–Q, (C)–S] 25. Ans. (A)-S (B)-P,S (C)-Q (D)-R

E-4/4 PHYSICS / Assignment # 22

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