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Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research Publish Ahead of Print

DOI: 10.1519/JSC.0000000000001901




Michael J. Ormsbee1, 2


Joseph P. Carzoli1

Alex Klemp1

Brittany R. Allman1
Michael C. Zourdos3

Jeong-Su Kim1

Lynn B. Panton1
Institute of Sports Sciences and Medicine, Department of Nutrition, Food and Exercise
Sciences, Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL, 32306

Discipline of Biokinetics, Exercise and Leisure Sciences, University of KwaZulu-Natal,
Durban, South Africa
Department of Exercise Science and Health Promotion, Muscle Physiology Laboratory, Florida
Atlantic University, Boca Raton, FL. 33433

Corresponding Author:
Michael J. Ormsbee, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, Department of Food, Nutrition and Exercise Sciences
Florida State University
120 Convocation Way
430 Sandels Building
Tallahassee, FL 32306
Tel: (484) 802-6852
Fax: (850) 645-5000

Copyright ª 2017 National Strength

Jackson Junio Andrade dos santos - - CPF:and Conditioning
092.323.825-55 Association

3 Autoregulation (AR) is the practice of adjusting training variables in response to athlete

4 feedback. One component of AR postulated to enhance resistance training adaptations involves

5 implementing a resistance training-specific rating of perceived exertion (RPE) scale measuring

6 repetitions in reserve (RIR). The purpose of this study was to examine the efficacy of this

7 method using the bench press exercise. METHODS: Twenty-seven college-aged men were

8 assigned to one of two groups based upon training age: experience benchers (EB) (n=14, training

9 age: 4.7±2.0 yrs) and novice benchers (NB) (n=13, training age: 1.1±0.6 yrs). Subjects

10 performed one-repetition maximum (1RM) followed by single-repetition sets with loads

11 corresponding to 60, 75, and 90% of 1RM and an 8-repetition set at 70% 1RM. Subjects reported
12 a corresponding RPE, based on RIR, for every set. Average velocity was recorded for each

13 single-repetition set along with the first and last repetitions of the 8-repetition set at 70% 1RM.

14 RESULTS: Average velocity at 100% of 1RM in EB was slower (0.14±0.04 m·s-1) compared to

15 NB (0.20±0.05 m·s-1) (p<0.001). EB recorded greater RPE than NB at 1RM (EB: 9.86±0.14 vs.

16 NB: 9.35±0.36) (p=0.011). No between-group differences existed for average velocity or RPE at

17 any other intensity. Both EB (r=0.85, p<0.001) and NB (r=0.85, p<0.001) had strong inverse

18 significant correlations between average velocity and RPE at all intensities. CONCLUSION: Our

19 findings suggest that the RIR-based RPE scale may be an efficacious approach for AR of bench

20 press training load and volume in college-aged men.

21 Key words: Autoregulation; velocity; strength; one-repetition maximum; bench press

Copyright ª 2017 National Strength

Jackson Junio Andrade dos santos - - CPF:and Conditioning
092.323.825-55 Association


2 Resistance training load is often determined as a percentage of one-repetition maximum

3 (1RM) based upon an initial 1RM test (5). Thus, when utilizing percentage of 1RM for load

4 assignment, it is important that the 1RM test is accurate. However, obtaining a true 1RM value

5 can be problematic due to numerous factors including administrator errors and abnormal lifting

6 performance (5). Consequently, an erroneous 1RM can lead to a training load, which is too light

7 or too heavy to achieve desired adaptations, when using a percentage of the 1RM model (17).

8 Additionally, the ability of an individual to successfully perform a fixed daily training load is

9 influenced by physiological fluctuations (e.g., sleep patterns and recovery), which are not

10 traditionally accounted for when designing resistance training programs (18). Since previous data

11 support that recovery from exercise (4) and the rate of adaptation (26) to training is athlete-
12 specific, an individualized feedback-regulated model could allow for alteration of training load

13 based upon daily readiness rather than load prescription solely based on an initial 1RM test.

14 Indeed, an athlete feedback model for load prescription, termed autoregulation (AR) has

15 been previously utilized to individually adjust weekly load progression more effectively than a

16 fixed progression in collegiate football players (17); however this study did not investigate intra-

17 training load alteration based upon daily readiness. Altering intra-session training load can be

18 accomplished utilizing athlete feedback (30) from rating of perceived exertion (RPE) scales, in

19 that if an RPE is above the desired threshold load can be reduced for the subsequent set, while

20 load can be increased if an RPE is below the desired threshold. The two most common RPE

21 scales within the literature are the Borg 15-point (6-20) and a Borg category ratio (CR-10) 10-

22 point (1-10) scale, with lower numbers indicating less perception of effort. Originally, RPE

23 scales were developed to monitor aerobic exercise intensity, and as such, RPE scales may not be

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092.323.825-55 Association

24 appropriate to effectively gauge resistance training intensity. Indeed, several studies have

25 reported individuals to record non-maximal RPE values during resistance exercise despite the

26 occurrence of muscular failure or maximal muscular exertion (8, 22). Specifically, Hackett et al.

27 (2012) compared the CR-10 scale to one based upon the concept of repetitions in reserve (RIR)

28 and reported that subjects did not record maximal RPE values with the CR-10 scale even when

29 achieving muscular failure (6); subsequently concluding that a scale focused on RIR may be

30 better suited to gauge resistance trianing intensity. Due to the limitations of traditional RPE for

31 resistance training, a new RIR-based RPE scale has been suggested to enhance the traditional

32 RPE scale configuration (10, 11, 30). In this scale, a RPE value corresponds to the additional

33 number of repetitions individuals perceive they could perform after completion of repetitions

34 within a set. For example, an RPE 10 corresponds to 0 RIR, an RPE 9 corresponds to 1 RIR, an
35 RPE 8 corresponds to 2 RIR, and an RPE 7 corresponds to 3 RIR.

36 Currently, only two studies have examined the efficacy of the RIR-based RPE scale

37 during 1RM testing and various sets of submaximal intensities in resistance exercise (11, 30).

38 Zourdos et al. had experienced and novice squatters record RPEs after single repetition sets at

39 60, 75, 90, and 100% 1RM and after an 8-repetition set at 70% of 1RM (30). Helms et al. also

40 examined this scale at 1RM and ≥ 80% of predicted 1RM in the squat, bench press, and deadlift

41 in powerlifters in single repetition sets only (11). Both studies reported a strong inverse

42 relationship between RPE and average velocity at increasing intensities (i.e., higher RPE

43 corresponded with lower velocity) (11, 30); thus validating the relationship between RPE and

44 intensity with the RIR-based RPE scale. Furthermore, examination of velocity along with RPE

45 is important since RPE ratings are subjective; thus these ratings can be validated with the

46 objective measurement of velocity and velocity/RPE profiles can be created at various

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092.323.825-55 Association

47 intensities. Moreover, Zourdos et al. also reported slower average velocity in experienced versus

48 novice squatters at 90 and 100% of 1RM (30). This slower velocity at high intensities may signal

49 greater neuromuscular efficiency (i.e., quicker recruitment of high-threshold motor units) as

50 previous data have indicated average velocity at 1RM to decrease as strength increases with

51 more lifting experience (24). Importantly, to our knowledge, no study has examined the

52 resistance training-specific RPE scale for efficacy during multiple repetition sets in the bench

53 press.

54 Therefore, the aim of this study was to examine the application of the RPE/RIR scale and

55 corresponding average concentric velocities during a bench press 1RM test and at single

56 repetition sets of 60, 75, and 90% 1RM, and an 8-repetition set at 70% of 1RM in experienced

57 (EB) and novice benchers (NB). It was hypothesized that the RPE/RIR scale would be effective
58 at quantifying bench press intensity, indicated by an inverse relationship between RPE (i.e.,

59 lower RIR) and concentric velocity. In addition, it was hypothesized that EB would perform

60 slower average velocities at 90 and 100% of 1RM than NB.




63 Experimental Approach to the Problem

64 Subjects were recruited from the Florida State University (FSU) weightlifting club,

65 campus gyms, by word of mouth, and posted flyers. All data collection took place during one

66 laboratory visit. Subjects were informed to refrain from consuming caffeine 24 hours prior to

67 testing as caffeine has been shown to have analgesic effects, which could interfere with accurate

68 RPE ratings (14). No other dietary restrictions were required (e.g., fasting). Additionally,

69 subjects were asked to refrain from doing any chest-dominant exercise for 48 hours prior to

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092.323.825-55 Association

70 testing and to refrain from any exercise prior to testing on the same day. Upon arriving to the

71 laboratory, subjects signed the informed consent form, and completed health history and physical

72 activity questionnaires, which were followed by anthropometric measurements. Subjects were

73 then assigned to either experienced bencher (EB, n=14) or novice bencher (NB, n=13) based

74 upon bench press experience obtained from the training history questionnaire. The testing

75 protocol began with a dynamic warm-up and simple resistance band movements to ensure

76 adequate physical preparation before lifting. Subjects were then explained the protocol and

77 familiarized with the RPE/RIR scale and began 1RM testing in accordance with USA

78 powerlifting specifications (27). Immediately after 1RM testing, subjects completed single

79 repetition sets of 60, 75, and 90% of 1RM followed by an 8-repetition set at 70%. During 1RM

80 testing and all subsequent sets, subjects were asked to provide RPE/RIR values (Figure 1).
81 Additionally, average concentric velocity (m·s-1) was measured for each repetition to analyze if

82 correlations existed between velocity and RPE.


84 Subjects

85 Twenty-seven college-aged, active males, 19-27 years old (age, 22.4 ± 2.3 years; body

86 mass, 86.4 ± 13.4 kg; height, 177.9 ± 6.7 cm) were recruited for this study. Subjects performed

87 testing sessions at the Institute of Sports Sciences and Medicine (ISSM) FSU. All procedures

88 were approved by the FSU Human Subjects Institutional Review Board in accordance with the

89 Helsinki Declaration. Prior to testing, subjects’ height (SECA, Hamburg, Germany) and weight

90 (Detecto 6127 High Capacity Digital Physician Scale, Brooklyn, NY) were recorded. Subjects

91 were assigned to one of two groups based upon the inclusion criteria obtained from the

92 questionnaire: 1) EB (n=14; resistance training for >2 years, bench-pressing ≥1x/week for the

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092.323.825-55 Association

93 previous 2 years and test-determined Wilks coefficient of ≥70); and 2) NB (n=13; resistance

94 training for ≥3 months and ≤2 years and bench pressing on average ≥1x/2 weeks to ensure

95 familiarization with the bench press exercise). Subjects were excluded if they or the

96 questionnaires revealed any recent skeletal muscle injury or contradictions to exercise (e.g., heart

97 disease), cigarette smoking, or steroid use.


99 Wilks Coefficient. Wilks coefficient is used by the (United States of American

100 Powerlifting) (USAPL) to calculate relative strength and has been validated within the literature

101 (28). This value is calculated by multiplying a bodyweight coefficient number by the total load

102 lift, which in this study was the 1RM bench press value. We chose to include Wilks coefficient

103 to further differentiate between EB and NB, as more experienced lifters should have higher
104 values.

105 Procedures

106 Warm-up. Prior to 1RM testing, all subjects completed a dynamic warm-up consisting of

107 40 jumping jacks, 16 jumping backslaps, 8 push-ups, and simple resistance band movements. For

108 the resistance band movements, subjects held the band with their hands a comfortable width

109 apart and rotated their arms at the shoulder until the band had been moved from the front of their

110 hips, overhead, and to the back of their hips, keeping their elbows extended throughout the

111 movement. This motion was reversed until the band was placed back into the starting position.

112 Subjects completed four repetitions of this movement and then completed four repetitions each

113 of clockwise and counterclockwise motions in a similar fashion.


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092.323.825-55 Association

115 One-Repetition Maximum (1RM). For 1RM testing subjects performed the bench press-

116 specific warm-up, which consisted of lifting a 20.4-kg barbell for 8 repetitions, 5 repetitions at

117 20%, 3 repetitions at 50%, 2 repetitions at 75%, and 1 repetition at 85% of estimated 1RM.

118 Subjects completed the warm-up sets with ad libitum rest periods. A 3-minute rest period (1) was

119 administered between each 1RM attempt and between each single repetition set at 60, 75, and

120 90% 1RM, as well as the 8-repetition set at 70% 1RM. The sets at submaximal intensities were

121 implemented to examine the perceived amount of repetitions allowed in both populations at

122 various intensities. Ultimately all attempts were selected by the researchers; however, subjects’

123 estimated 1RM and feedback from the RPR/RIR scale were considered for attempt selection.

124 This procedure generally consisted of a 1st attempt at 95%, 2nd attempt at 97.5%, and 3rd attempt

125 at 100% of estimated 1RM. To ensure an accurate 1RM assessment, one of three situations was
126 required to be satisfied: 1) recording of a 10-RPE by the subject, and also the investigator

127 determining an increased load for the ensuing attempt would not be successfully completed; 2)

128 recording of an RPE of 9-9.5 followed by the subject failing on the next attempt with a load

129 increase of ≤2.5 kg; or 3) recording of an RPE of <9 and the subject failing on the next attempt

130 with a load increase of ≤5 kg.


131 For each 1RM attempt and following submaximal sets, subjects were required to adhere

132 to strict procedural instructions. At the start of each repetition, subjects waited for an audible

133 “start” command from the investigator before lowering the barbell to their chest in a controlled

134 manner, followed by extending their arms completely to return the weight to the starting

135 position. Lastly, a “rack” command was given before re-racking the barbell was permitted.

136 Violation of any of these commands resulted in a failed attempt. Additionally, lifting standards

137 followed the USA Powerlifting rules, which required subjects to keep their hips, shoulders, and

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138 head in contact with the bench throughout the entire movement (27). Each session was

139 supervised by a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS) and/or a USA

140 Powerlifting Club Coach (USAPL-CC) to ensure proper performance and safety.


142 Rating of Perceived Exertion and Repetitions in Reserve. Prior to 1RM testing, the RPE

143 scale was shown and explained to each subject in the same manner described as Zourdos et al.

144 (30). Immediately following each 1RM attempt, as well as the 60, 75, 90, and 70% 1RM sets,

145 subjects were asked to provide a RPE value.



148 Average Velocity. Average concentric velocity for all 1RM attempts and subsequent
149 single repetition sets were recorded, as well as the first and eighth repetitions of the 70% 1RM

150 set using a Tendo Weightlifting Analyzer (TENDO Sports Machines, Trencin, Slovak Republic),

151 which has previously been demonstrated to have high test-retest reliability (intraclass correlation

152 coefficient-ICC=0.982) for average velocity (6). The Tendo unit is composed of two parts, a

153 velocity sensor and display unit. The velocity sensor was placed on the floor with the Tendo cord

154 attached to the barbell just inside of the ‘sleeve’ with a velcro strap. The Tendo unit was

155 positioned to achieve a perpendicular angle between the cord and the barbell for the beginning of

156 the bench press movement. Velocities were kept confidential from subjects until the completion

157 of their testing.




Copyright ª 2017 National Strength

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092.323.825-55 Association

161 Statistical Analyses

162 Independent-sample t-tests were used to analyze differences in subject characteristics

163 between EB and NB at baseline. A two-tailed independent t-test was used to analyze differences

164 in age, body mass, and height, while a one-tailed independent t-test was utilized to examine

165 training age, 1RM and Wilks coefficient. To demonstrate the range of reported RPE values

166 within our sample size, mean values and 95% confidence limits (CLs) for all bench press

167 intensities were calculated. Additionally, to express the spread of the data the median and

168 interquartile ranges were calculated. Furthermore, since the RPE values have a natural limit of

169 10, the mean RPE values at all intensities were not normally distributed, which was determined

170 via the Shapiro-Wilk test. Therefore, the independent-samples Mann-Whitney U test was used to

171 examine differences of non-normally distributed mean RPE values between EB and NB.
172 Differences in average velocities between EB and NB for single repetition sets were analyzed

173 using a two–tail independent-sample t-test. Correlation coefficient r scores and their associated p

174 values were calculated between average velocities of all single repetition sets and their

175 corresponding RPE values for both EB and NB. Correlations were interpreted and reported as

176 “weak” if they were less than or equal to 0.35, “moderate” if they fell between 0.36 to 0.67,

177 “strong” if they fell between 0.68 to 0.89, and “very strong” if they were equal to or greater than

178 0.90 (24). The coefficient of determination r2 scores were also calculated to describe the

179 explained variance of the correlation coefficients. Repeated measures analyses of variance were

180 used to analyze changes in average velocities at 70% 1RM between the first and last repetitions

181 in EB and NB. All analyses were performed using SPSS statistics (IBM SPSS Statistics for

182 Macintosh, Version 22.0. Armonk, NY: IBM Corp.), and significance was set at p≤0.05.


Copyright ª 2017 National Strength

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092.323.825-55 Association


185 Subject Characteristics

186 Five subjects were dropped from the study for various reasons (e.g., muscle irritation (n=1 NB;

187 n=1 EB), exercising the day prior to testing (n=1 EB), and for not following lifting commands

188 (n=1 NB)). Baseline characteristics of height, weight, and age did not differ significantly

189 between EB and NB. As anticipated, EB had significantly (p<0.001) greater training age, bench

190 press 1RM, and Wilks coefficient compared to NB. Means and standard deviations of all

191 descriptive characteristics are displayed in Table 1.





196 Rating of Perceived Exertion and Repetitions in Reserve

197 Table 2 presents RPE means, standard deviations, 95% confidence intervals, median, and

198 interquartile ranges. Significant group interactions were noted for mean RPE values at 1RM

199 between EB and NB. However, no group differences (p>0.05) for mean RPE at any other

200 intensities were detected. Table 3 illustrates 95% confidence limits (CLs) of reported RPE values

201 and the associated RIR, cross referenced with the “Percent of 1RM and Repetitions Allowed”

202 guidelines (1). It was observed that 71.43% of EB (10 of 14) and 23.08% of NB (3 of 13)

203 recorded an RPE value of 10 at 1RM. All EB (14 of 14) selected an RPE ≥9.5 at 1RM whereas

204 30.77% of NB (4 of 13) selected an RPE ≤9 at 1RM.



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092.323.825-55 Association

207 Average Concentric Velocity

208 Mean values and standard deviations of average concentric velocities (m·s-1) for EB and

209 NB at 60, 75, 90, and 100% of 1RM are shown in Figure 2. EB recorded significantly slower

210 average velocity compared with NB at 100% 1RM (EB, 0.14 ± 0.04 m·s-1; NB, 0.20 ± 0.05 m·s-1;

211 p<0.001). There were no significant differences (p>0.05) between groups for average velocities

212 at 60% (EB, 0.61 ± 0.13 m·s-1; NB, 0.56 ± 0.12 m·s-1), 75% (EB, 0.47 ± 0.10 m·s-1; NB, 0.50 ±

213 0.11 m·s-1) and 90% (EB, 0.29 ± 0.07 m·s-1; NB, 0.32 ± 0.09 m·s-1) of 1RM. Additionally, there

214 was no group differences (p>0.05) in average velocities of the first (EB, 0.49 ± 0.11 m·s-1; NB,

215 0.52 ± 0.08 m·s-1) or final repetition (EB, 0.38 ± 0.12 m·s-1; NB, 0.41 ± 0.09 m·s-1) of the 8-

216 repetition set at 70% of 1RM. No difference was observed between groups (p>0.05) in the

217 change in average velocity between the first and final repetition of the 8-repetition set at 70% of
218 1RM (data not shown).



221 Correlation of Average Velocity with Rating of Perceived Exertion

222 When all single repetition set velocity data were pooled, EB had a strong inverse

223 correlation between RPE and average velocity at all percentages of 1RM (r = –0.85, p < 0.001).

224 In NB, a strong inverse correlation between RPE and average velocities at all percentages of

225 1RM was also observed (r = –0.85, p < 0.001). In both EB and NB, 71% (r2 = 0.71) of this

226 inverse correlation between relative load and average velocity can be explained by the

227 relationship between velocity at all percentages of 1RM and RPE (Figure 3).



Copyright ª 2017 National Strength

Jackson Junio Andrade dos santos - - CPF:and Conditioning
092.323.825-55 Association



232 The primary findings from this investigation demonstrated that RIR-based RPE scale

233 values were significantly and strongly inversely correlated with average concentric velocity in

234 both EB (r=–0.85, p<0.001) and NB (r=–0.85, p<0.001). Our hypotheses were supported in that:

235 1) there was a strong inverse correlation between RPE and average velocity (r=–0.72) across all

236 intensities in both EB and NB; and 2) EB produced slower average velocities (EB: 0.14 ± 0.04

237 m·s-1 vs. NB: 0.20 ± 0.05 m·s-1) and higher RPE (EB: 9.86 ± 0.14 vs. NB: 9.35 ± 0.36) compared

238 to NB at 100% 1RM. However, one hypothesis was not supported in that EB did not record

239 significantly slower average velocities than NB at 90% 1RM. Furthermore, RPE/RIR values at

240 75% and 60% suggested fewer repetitions could be performed than the traditionally purposed
241 repetitions allowed at these intensities. Additionally, this finding also demonstrated large

242 variation among perceived repetitions allowed, further indicating that the ability to perform

243 repetitions at various intensities is individualized. Overall, our results are in agreement with

244 previous findings which suggest the RIR-based RPE scale is an effective tool to aid in a 1RM

245 test and can assist in AR of training load within a resistance training program (11, 30).

246 While the RPE scale was originally designed for aerobic exercise, it has been investigated

247 previously in resistance training to quantify intensity (3, 19), power (23), and total session

248 exertion (16). Hackett et al. had subjects estimate repetitions to failure while also recording

249 traditional 1-10 RPE; however, subjects still reported submaximal RPE values on the traditional

250 scale despite reaching volition failure (8), thus warranting a combined RPE/RIR scale as used

251 presently. To date, few studies have utilized the RIR-based RPE scale during 1RM testing (11,

252 15, 29, 30), even though RIR may improve accurate RPE selection by providing a more tangible

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092.323.825-55 Association

253 measurement of exertion. Furthermore, traditional RPE scales have only used integers to

254 measure exertion, which is inappropriate for the RIR-based scale. For example, a RPE value of 9

255 would indicate one more repetition could be completed, while a 9.5 suggests more weight could

256 be added (e.g., 2.5-5 kg), but an additional repetition could not be performed. Moreover, an RPE

257 of 8.5 indicates definitely 1, and possibly 2 additional repetitions could be performed, while an

258 RPE of 7.5 represents that 2 and possibly 3 more repetitions could be performed. This inclusion

259 of non-integer values, especially near 1RM, may aid the selection of load attempts and improve

260 the accuracy of obtaining true 1RM values, by allowing for increased precision in reporting RPE.

261 Specifically, if an individual calls an RPE of 9 during a 1RM test a load increase of 5 kg may be

262 taken for the next attempt, and if an RPE of 8 is called then a load increase of 10 kg may be

263 implemented. However, if an individual is unsure whether 1 or 2 additional repetitions could be

264 performed an RPE of 8.5 can be recorded, which might translate to a 7.5 kg increase for the next

265 attempt. Consequently, a scale with only integer values might cause the individual to fail the

266 subsequent 10 kg increase, and while the 5 kg increase might be successful, it may also fatigue

267 the individual for any subsequent attempts; however, the 7.5 kg load increase, which occurs due

268 to the 8.5 RPE, could allow the lifter to achieve the most accurate 1RM. Therefore, non-integer

269 values allow coaches and athletes to be as precise as possible with attempt selection during a

270 1RM test. Importantly, Pageaux (2016) has suggested the use of decimals on the CR-10 scale,

271 indicating that the existing CR-10 does not allow for sufficient ratings to detect small changes in

272 effort (20); however, this is rectified in resistance training on the RIR-based RPE scale as

273 described above.

274 When comparing the traditional repetitions allowed purposed by Baechle and Earle (1) to

275 the current values, we found both similarities and discrepancies. At higher intensities (100%,

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092.323.825-55 Association

276 90% 1RM), the traditional recommendations and RPE scale suggest a similar number of allowed

277 repetitions. However, when examining this comparison at 75%, our data suggest 5-7+ repetitions

278 could be completed, while the traditional recommendation would allow for 10 repetitions. This

279 pattern is also seen at 60%, where our data suggest 8+ repetitions and traditional

280 recommendations propose 15+ repetitions. These results suggest that RIR becomes more

281 inaccurate the farther a lifter is from failure (i.e., the greater number of repetitions remaining)

282 Further, there was a considerable range observed for RPE/RIR values at 90% (5-9), 75% (3-8),

283 and 60% (1-7.5), indicating a large degree of variation in the perceived ability to perform

284 additional repetitions at various intensities. Indeed, it does seem that large individual variation

285 exists regarding repetitions allowed at specific percentages of 1RM (7), which could be

286 influenced by a myriad of factors (i.e. personality traits and experience). Therefore, it seems that
287 the RPE/RIR scale is a plausible method to account for this individual variation and allow for

288 proper adjustments to training programs for desired goals.

289 Only two studies to our knowledge have examined the RPE scale based upon RIR in the

290 resistance exercises (11, 30). Helms et al. examined differences in RPE and average velocity at

291 100% of 1RM in the squat, bench, and deadlift in powerlifters, along with the relationship

292 between RPE and velocity for single repetition sets between 80-100% 1RM (11). Similar to

293 Helms et al., the EB in the current study had a mean RPE of 9.86 vs. 9.7 in the previous study;

294 both studies reported a strong inverse correlation between velocity and RPE. However, for

295 average bench press velocity at 100% 1RM, Helms and colleagues reported a mean of 0.10 m·s-1

296 vs. 0.14 m·s-1 among EB in the present study. This slight difference in velocity may be explained

297 by the use of strictly powerlifters by Helms et al., thus it is likely that this population was more

298 efficient at the 1RM test than the present population. It should also be noted that Helms and

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092.323.825-55 Association

299 colleagues utilized a GymAware PowerTool for velocity assessment compared to the Tendo

300 Weightlifting Analyzer used in the present study. While, both devices have high test-rest

301 reliability for velocity (6, 12), different devices may still have varying measurements from each

302 other, which may be another reason for the slightly different average velocities at 1RM between

303 studies. On the other hand, Izquierdo et al. (13) and Gonzalez-Badillo et al. (Error! Hyperlink

304 reference not valid.) reported similar average velocities to the present investigation of 0.15

305 m·s-1 and 0.16 m·s-1 at 100% 1RM in active, but not powerlifting population. Moreover,

306 Izquierdo et al. reported a significant decline in average concentric velocity during a bench press

307 set to failure at 70% of 1RM with the first significant decline occurring on average at the 5th

308 repetition of a 14 repetition set, and average velocity at the last repetition being 0.18 m·s-1. We

309 also observed a significant decline from first to last repetition at 70% of 1RM (0.49 m·s-1 to 0.38
310 m·s-1) in EB and the faster last repetition velocity can be attributed to our 8-repetition set vs. the

311 failure set from Izquierdo et al. Therefore, average concentric velocity does seem to be a valid

312 assessment of neuromuscular fatigue during multiple repetition sets in the bench press.

313 Currently, EB recorded slower velocities at 100% of 1RM compared to NB. In

314 agreement, Zourdos et al. demonstrated slower velocities of back squat 1RM in experienced

315 compared to novice squatters, suggesting enhanced neuromuscular efficiency among experienced

316 lifters (30). Moreover, it has been previously suggested that there is an improved maintenance of

317 neuromuscular efficiency after the onset of fatigue with adequate levels of testosterone (2).

318 Importantly, positive changes in resting testosterone to cortisol ratio over 2 years of training have

319 been associated with positive neuromuscular adaptations (9); thus it seems reasonable that the

320 EB (4.7 yrs of training) had improved rate coding at 1RM compared to NB (1.1yrs of training)

321 allowing for higher RPE and slower velocity at 1RM. However, Zourdos and colleagues also

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092.323.825-55 Association

322 demonstrated slower velocities at 90% of 1RM with experienced versus novice squatters (30),

323 whereas the present study showed no difference in average bench press velocity at 90% of 1RM

324 between populations. A possible explanation for the difference is that overall average bench

325 press velocity is quite slower than average squat velocity. Additionally, both Zourdos et al. and

326 the present investigation reported significantly higher RPE vales at 100% of 1RM in the

327 experienced group to coincide with the slower velocities; suggesting that EB were closer to a

328 true 1RM.

329 Velocity based training (VBT), in which a set of resistance training ceases when there is a

330 certain percentage of velocity drop off during a set, is a recent variant of AR (21). While VBT

331 can be used to autoregulate training load, it requires purchase of a linear position transducer, thus

332 for the individual monetary constraints often preclude VBT from becoming practical.
333 Specifically, since the RPE/RIR scale has been strongly correlated with repetition velocities at

334 various intensities (30), athletes could be prescribed a target RPE range and cease exercise once

335 the recorded RPE value exceeds that range, which would provide a practical alternative to VBT.

336 For example, if the focus of the program is intensity based, a RPE range of 9-9.5 (RIR of ~1)

337 could be assigned allowing athletes to perform a number of repetitions until the desired RPE

338 range is achieved.

339 Perhaps, the most important usage of this RPE scale is to autoregulate training load to

340 accommodate an athlete’s daily readiness. Specifically, if an athlete is in a volume-type training

341 block and scheduled to perform 4 sets of 8 repetitions at 70% of 1RM, which would typically

342 result in submaximal RPEs between 5-8 (10); however, if fatigue is present due to previous

343 training or non-training factors (i.e., sleep, anxiety, etc.) the pre-determined sets and repetitions

344 may not be feasible at the pre-determined training load. In this case the lifter may simply adjust

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092.323.825-55 Association

345 training load to fall between a 5-8 RPE for 4 sets of 8 repetitions. With this strategy the lifter has

346 now achieved the desired stress per set (i.e., number of RIR) rather than failing to complete the

347 desired relative volume. Conversely, if rate of adaptation is more rapid than expected and a lifter

348 records an RPE of <5 during the first set during the same training session, this individual could

349 increase training load for subsequent sets to reach the desired stress per set. Thus, RPE can be a

350 valuable tool to adjust intra-session training load to achieve the wanted adaptation despite

351 variability in daily readiness.

352 In summary, the results of the present study support previous findings that the RIR-based

353 RPE scale is effective to gauge resistance training intensity (11, 30). Furthermore, there were

354 discrepancies in regards to traditional repetitions allowed in the bench press at lower intensities

355 compared to current recommendations. Moreover, considerable variation exists among perceived
356 ability to perform repetitions (i.e. recorded RPEs at specific intensities); thus universal load

357 assignment via 1RM likely provides various levels of physiological stress across a population of

358 lifters.


360 Practically, the RPE/RIR scale is a tool to implement AR into resistance training program

361 design. Indeed several studies have demonstrated that incorporation of AR as efficacious to

362 improve strength (21), and in some instances is more advantageous for strength compared to

363 traditional designs (17, 18). Therefore, due to the limitations of the percentage based model for

364 load assignment, the RPE/RIR scale can be effectively used to assign load and progress load for

365 the bench press. Specifically, performing a certain number of repetitions at a given intensity is

366 not universal, thus, athletes can use a RPE/RIR scale to achieve the desired physiological stress

367 during a training session. Further, load can be increased or decreased during or prior to a session

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368 to coincide with varying rates of adaptation among athletes and to accommodate daily

369 fluctuations in training readiness. Additionally, since the RPE/RIR scale is strongly and inversely

370 correlated with velocity (11, 30), it can be used as an alternative to VBT in the absence of an

371 objective velocity calculator. Lastly, in accordance with previous findings (25, 30), our findings

372 suggest that RPE accuracy has a direct relationship with training experience, thus a learning

373 curve likely exists with novice trainees. Ultimately, the resistance training specific RPE/RIR

374 scale seems to be a viable option to assign and autoregulate training load in the bench press.



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092.323.825-55 Association

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463 The authors thank the participants for their time and effort in participating in this study. The

464 results of the present study do not constitute endorsement by the authors or the NSCA.



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092.323.825-55 Association


470 Figure 1. Experimental scale for rating of perceived exertion (RPE) for resistance exercise.
471 Values in the rating column correspond to the repetitions in reserve (RIR) or perceived level of
472 exertion indicated in the adjacent description column. Descriptions of perceived exertion are
473 associated with the number of RIR. Adapted with permission from Zourdos et al. (25).
475 Figure 2. Mean average bench press velocities at 60% 1RM, 75% 1RM, 90% 1RM, and 1RM
476 for experienced benchers and novice benchers.

477 EB= Experienced Benchers; NB= Novice Benchers; 1RM= One-Repetition Maximum; RPE=
478 Rating of Perceived Exertion
479 *Significantly (p<0.001) faster mean average velocity at 1RM compared to EB.

481 Figure 3. Correlation of RPE and velocity across all single repetition sets in both experienced
482 and novice benchers. * Significant correlation (p<0.001). RPE= Rating of Perceived Exertion.

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Table 1. Descriptive characteristics (N=27)

EB (n = 14) NB (n = 13) p-value

Age (yrs) 22.1 ± 2.1 22.6 ± 2.5 0.599

Body mass (kg) 90.2 ± 16.5 82.3 ± 7.7 0.547

Height (cm) 177.1 ± 6.3 178.7 ± 7.2 0.131

Training years
4.7 ± 2.0 1.1 ± 0.6 <0.001*


1RM (kg) 133.0 ± 23.6 89.5 ± 18.9 <0.001*

Wilks coefficient 86.1 ± 12.3 60.1 ± 10.7 <0.001*

EB = experienced bench group; NB = novice bench group; RM = repetition maximum

*Significantly (p<0.001) different between groups.

Values presented as means ± standard deviations.


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Table 2. Means, standard deviations, confidence intervals, median, and interquartile ranges for
RPE values.
Mean ± 95% confidence interval Median (interquartile range)

EB (n=14) NB (n=13) EB (n=14) NB (n=13)

RPE at 1RM‡* 9.86 ± 0.14 9.35 ± 0.36 10 (9.50-10) 9.5 (9-9.75)

RPE at 90% 1RM‡ 7.54 ± 0.58 7.65 ± 0.78 7.75 (7.38- 8) 8 (7.25-8.50)

RPE at 75% 1RM‡ 4.57 ± 0.49 5.15 ± 0.69 5 (4-5) 5 (5-5.50)

RPE at 60% 1RM‡ 2.86 ± 0.64 3.19 ± 1.15 3 (2-3.25) 3 (2-4)

RPE = rating of perceived exertion; EB = experienced benchers; NB = novice benchers

*Significantly (p=0.011) greater mean RPE recorded for EB at 1RM.

‡Data not normally distributed

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Table 3. Repetitions allowed at different percentages of 1RM: traditional vs. proposed


Traditional Proposed Relationship

relationship EB (n = 14) NB (n = 13)

% 1RM Repetitions 95% CL Total RPE 95% CL Total RPE

allowed† RPE Repetitions range RPE Repetitions range

allowed allowed

100 1† 9.72-10 1 9.5-10 8.99-9.71 2 8-10

90 4† 6.96-8.12 3-4 5-9 6.87-8.44 3-4 5-9

75 10† 4.08-5.06 5-7+ 3-6 4.46-5.84 5-7+ 3-8

60 15+† 2.22-3.50 8+ 1-5 2.04-4.34 8+ 1-7.5

RM = repetition maximum; RPE = rating of perceived exertion; EB = experienced benchers;


NB = novice benchers.

† From Baechle et al., 2008 (1)


CL= Confidence limit


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Figure 1.


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Figure 2.


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Figure 3.


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