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Certificate of Analysis and Specifications

Certificate No. 12100 - 41934


PHONE 732-749-9840
Lot Number : 1018630 Issue Date : 10/31/2022
Product : ANETHOLE SYNTHETIC Manufactured: 03/30/2022
Customer P.O.# : EX00589 Retest Date : 03/29/2025
Customer Code # : 12100 Best Before : 03/29/2027
Notes : CountryOfOrigin: CHINA
Test Method Result Specification

Odor and Appearance NF Normal Colorless to faintly yellow liquid at or above

23°C ; sweet taste ; anise-like

Identification FCC Matches standard Infrared Spectrum to match standard

Specific Grav. 25 °C / 25 °C NF 0.987 0.983 to 0.988

Refractive Index @ 20 °C FCC 1.562 1.557 to 1.562

Refractive Index @ 25 °C NF 1.559 1.557 to 1.561

Optical Rotation @ 25 °C NF 0.04 ° - 0.15 ° to + 0.15 °

Congealing Point NF Passes test Not less than 20 °C

Distilling Range NF Passes test 231 °C to 237 °C

Phenols NF Passes test No purple color produced

Assay by GC FCC 99.9 % 99% Minimum

Cis anethole by GC PMC 0.0 0.2% Cis Anethole Maximum

Aldehydes and ketones NF Passes test No apparent change in volume; no

Residual Solvent Passes test Meets Requirments

Solubility FCC Passes test 1 mL dissolves in 2 mL of alcohol

Storage and Shelf Life - This product will last at least 3 years when
stored in a full, tightly sealed, suitable
container and kept away from heat and light.
Once opened retest after one year.


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