Low Temperature Stress Corrosion Crackin

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Low Temperature Stress Corrosion

Cracking of Sensitized Inconel 600 in

Tetrathionate and Thiosulfate Solutions*

R. BANDY, * R. ROBERGE, * * and R. C. NEWMAN*

This paper addresses some aspects of low temperature stress corrosion cracking (SCC) in In-
conel 600 steam generator tubing, a recent instance of which apparently resulted from the
contamination of the primary coolant by sulfur compounds. The low temperature SCC of sen-
sitized Inconel 600 was studied in concentrated and dilute solutions of tetrathionate and thio-
sulfate. The material tested was a tubing directly sensitized from the milt-annealed condition.
Tests were performed using U-bends, slow strain rate, and constant extension. The resuits
show that the propensity to SCC, especially its initiation, in thiosulfate is low and is much
lower than in tetrathionate. However, when slow strain rate was applied in thiosulfate, or
when the pH of the thiosulfate solution was lowered, the specimens cracked readily. Constant
extension tests, where the extension was applied using dynamic straining with the solution
present, caused cracking much faster than in U-bends, suggesting that U-bend cracking is
initiation controlled. Temperature accelerated the crack propagation significantly and
seemed to reduce the threshold stress for cracking. Flat coupons of the sensitized metal
developed pits in a short period of time in tetrathionate and low pH thiosulfate, but not in
neutral thiosulfate; pits sometimes act as precursors to SCC in this system.

Introduction ful effects, even at the ppm level, on sensitized stainless

The stress corrosion cracking (SCC) of sensitized Inconel 600 stee1.2,3 It is speculated that sodium thiosulfate leaked in
in dilute sulfur-bearing environments has recently become a small amounts into the primary coolant system from time to
subject of much practical interest in view of the extensive time. Also, sulfuric acid was once apparently introduced ac-
cracking of the Inconel 600 steam generator tubes in the Three cidentally into the primary coolant stream. Sulfur-rich deposits
Mile Island Power Plant Unit 1. 1 Widespread tube cracking on have been observed on the tube surfaces, and fractographs of
the primary coolant side of each of the two steam generators cracked surfaces show indications of sulfur, thus implying
was noticed in late 1981. 1 Most of the degradation occurred at some key role of sulfur in the cracking process. The relevant
approximately the same level in both steam generators, level of sulfur in the primary coolant may have been as low as
around the roll transition zone of the upper tube sheet. The 0.7 ppm. It is speculated that some metastable form of sulfur
cracks are intergranular and penetrated either completely or such as thiosulfate or polythionate was probably the
about 80 to 90% through the tube walls. During hot functional causative agent for cracking.
testing of the unit in August, 1981, there was no indication of It has been known for several years that sensitized In-
leaks. Subsequent to this, the unit was maintained at a cold conel 600 suffers SCC in polythionic acid 4 and concentrated
shutdown temperature of around 40 C. It is therefore believed sodium tetrathionate. 5 However, its cracking in dilute sulfur
that the cracking occurred at low temperature and propagated environments has not been studied systematically. Therefore,
very rapidly.' this study was undertaken in order to understand more
The hypothesis that sulfur compounds might have caused thoroughly the role of sulfur compounds in the SCC of sensi-
the damage is supported to the extent that sulfur bearing com- tized Inconel 600. This paper describes the results of tests on
pounds such as sulfuric acid and sodium thiosulfate have tubing that was directly sensitized following milt annealing.
been identified as likely contaminants of the reactor coolant The tubes in the once-through steam generators which failed
system. Sodium thiosulfate (used in the building containment were sensitized after being rolled (part way) into the tube sheet
sprays) has been particularly implicated because of its harm- as a result of the post-weid treatment given the steam
generator vessel with the tubes in place. Therefore, the direct
sensitization treatment used in this study is believed to be
*Submitted for publication July, 1982; revised November, representative of the thermal treatment given the tubes that
1982. suffered cracking in the steam generators. However, even
*Corrosion Science Group, Department of Nuclear Energy, more highly sensitized materials, i.e., specimens sensitized
Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, New York. subsequent to solution annealing, have also been studied and
"Permanent address: Institut de Recherche d'Hydro-Quebec, the environmental aspects of their cracking have been
Varennes, Quebec, Canada. reported elsewhere. 6
Vol. 39, No. 10, October, 1983 National Association of Corrosion Engineers 391
Commercially produced nuclear grade Inconel 600 tubing,
outside diameter 22 mm and wall thickness 1.24 mm, and of
the following composition (Wt%) was used for our investiga-
tion: 0.004 C, 0.17 Mn, 0.29 Al, 0.001 S, 0.32 Si, 14.61 Cr, 0.22 Ti,
0.40 Cu, 9.41 Fe, 0.02 Co, and balance Ni. The yield strength
and elongation were about 310 MPa and 40%, respectively.
The tubing was cut into small pieces and sensitized at 621 C
for 18 hours. There was very little change in the mechanical
properties following this heat treatment.

U -Bend Tests
Reverse U-bends were prepared using methods described
elsewhere. 7 The bolts of the U-bends were spot-welded to 2
mm diameter rods which served as specimen holders. The
U-bends were ultrasonically cleaned in detergent solution,
rinsed in distilled water, cleaned in acetone and methanol, and
air dried. The specimen holder, the two ends of the U-bend, and
the bolting device were masked with a thin film of lacquer. The
above specimen configuration allowed electrochemical
monitoring of the U-bends. The uncoated area of the U-bend
was immersed in the appropriate environment prepared from
deionized water (conductivity <0.1 µS/cm) and either sodium
thiosulfate or sodium tetrathionate. The environments
generally contained 1.3% boric acid to simulate the conditions
in the TMI-1 primary coolant. However, to study the effect of
boric acid, some tests in tetrathionate were conducted without
any boric acid addition. Unless otherwise mentioned, all tests
were conducted at a room temperature of 22 C. Higher
temperatures, when required, were maintained by an infrared
lamp in conjunction with a temperature controller. Tests were
generally carried out in air saturated environments. Deaera-
tion, when necessary, was achieved by continuously bubbling
high purity (99.999%) nitrogen gas through the test solution.
Some tests were conducted in a low pH (-3) environment ob-
tained by adding an appropriate amount of 1 N sulfuric acid to
the solution. The specimen potential was measured with
respect to a saturated calomel electrode via a Luggin probe.
The potential was monitored with a PARC Model 173 potentio-
stat and a HP strip chart recorder. Potential control, when
desired, was applied with a PARC Model 350 Corrosion Meas-
urement System.
The U-bends were generally withdrawn every 24 hours for
examination under a low power microscope. Specimens which
were electrochemically monitored or controlled were not with-
drawn until the monitoring or control was discontinued. The
specimens in some of the concentrated environments cracked
very rapidly. They were withdrawn and examined whenever
possible at the earliest indication of cracks. The time to crack-
ing reported is the total time elapsed before a through-wall
crack was observed. In some of the low pH tests with thiosul-
fate, the pH drifted to higher values because of the develop-
ment of a bisulfite/sulfurous acid buffer. In these cases, fresh FIGURE 1 — Microstructure of Inconel 600 tubing: (a) as-
test solution was prepared every 100 hours. received, phosphoric acid etch, 400X; and (b) as-received
+ 621 C for 18 h, 400X.

Constant Extension and Slow Strain Rate Tests

These tests were conducted on a slow strain rate testing Resuits and Discussion
machine, using curved tensile specimens of 12.7 x 2.7 mm
gage. Before testing, the gage section was abraded to a Microstructure of Material
600-grit finish. The specimen was ultrasonically cleaned in The microstructure of the milt-annealed (as-received)
detergent solution; rinsed in distilled water, acetone, and material is shown in Figure la after an electrolytic phosphoric
methanol; air dried; and mounted on the loading fixture. Slow etch. Clearly, there is considerable grain boundary and intra-
strain rate testing was carried out at a strain rate of 3 x granular carbide precipitation in the milt-annealed condition.
10 -6/s. For the constant extension test, the specimens were Figure lb shows the microstructure after the 621 C, 18 hour
pulled in the desired test solution at a relatively rapid strain sensitization treatment. The grain boundary carbides seem to
rate of 3 x 10 -5 /s to the desired stress level, and the straining be larger and more continuous in the sensitized structure.
was then discontinued. The specimen was thus held at a con-
stant extension. The load was monitored on a strip chart U -Bend Tests
recorder. After an initial creep, the load leveled off. However, Effects of Solution Composition and pH. Table 1 de-
as the crack eventually initiated and grew, the load relaxed fur- scribes the exposure time and time to cracking for some
ther and dropped to zero in case of complete fracture. selected U-bend tests. The results for the remaining U-bends

TABLE 1 — Results of Selected U•Bend Tests
Sample Time to
Number Environment Time of Exposure, h Cracking, h

1 0.1 M thiosulfate 1000 NC^1I

2 0.1 M thiosulfate + 1.3% boric acid 1000 NC
3 0.1 M thiosulfate + 1.3% boric acid, up to 80 C 72 h each at 40, 60, 80 C NC
4 0.1 M thiosulfate + 1.3% boric acid, held potentio-
statically at -100, -50, 0, +50, +100 mV SCE 24 h at each potential NC
5 0.1 M thiosulfate + 1.3% boric acid, notched specimen 1000 NC
6 0.1 M tetrathionate, continuously purged with 99.999%
pure nitrogen 48 <48
7 0.1 M thiosulfate + 1.3% boric acid at an initial pH 3
and continuously purged with 99.999% nitrogen 100 NC
8 0.1 M thiosulfate + 1.3% boric acid at an initial pH
-1.8 200 NC
9 (2) 0.1 M tetrathionate 120 NC
10(2) 0.1 M tetrathionate 18 <18

( ' ) NC = No cracking.
(2) Sample No. 9 from milt-annealed tubing; No. 10 mill annealed +621 C for 6 h; all other samples from mill-annealed


ó 10-2 10-I
z z
w 0
z z
0 2 10 - 2
á 10-3 a
1- 1-
• z
• w
v z
z 0
0 v
a 10 -3
ó 10 -4 b

10 -4
10-5 1 10 100 1000
10 100 1000 TIME , h

FIGURE 2 — Effect of concentration on cracking time FIGURE 3 — Effect of concentration on cracking time
for U-bends in sodium tetrathionate (Na 2 S 4 O 6) with and for U-bends in sodium thiosulfate (Na 2 S2 O 3 ) containing
without 1.3% boric acid. 1.3% boric acid and initial pH adjusted to 3.

showing detailed relationships between the time to cracking However, the specimens cracked rapidly when the pH of the
and the concentration of the environments are illustrated in thiosulfate solution was reduced to 3 by adding an appropriate
Figures 2 and 3. It is of interest to note (Table 1) that none of amount of sulfuric acid (Figure 3).
the specimens cracked in 0.1 M thiosulfate, whereas tetra- Figure 2 shows the relationship between the cracking
thionate caused cracking down to 10 -5 M concentration time and tetrathionate concentration with and without 1.3%
(Figure 2). Since thiosulfate was not an effective cracking boric acid. At 0.1 M concentration, the cracking was very rapid
agent, efforts were made with higher temperature and poten- and it was rather difficult to determine the time to cracking ac-
tial control to accelerate the process. Attempts to initiate the curately. Therefore, the time reported in Figure 2 at this con-
cracking were also made with a specimen that was notched centration may be in error by 50% or more. At lower concentra-
with a jeweler's saw, speculating that a crack might start tions, however, it was possible to monitor the cracking with
propagating from the notch, but no cracks were observed in better accuracy. The relationship between log concentration
any of the above specimens during the test span used. and cracking time is fairly linear between 10 -2 and 10 -4 M,

Vol. 39, No. 10, October, 1983 393

and at 10 -5 M concentration there is a departure from lineari- ^Z•Z•,
ty, thus implying a possible threshold sulfur concentration for
/1C3M Na 2 S4 0 6
SCC. With boric acid, tests were conducted down to 10 -4 M 100
concentration of tetrathionate and a linear relationship be-
tween time and log concentration was observed. The cracking ' 0
is much faster without the boric acid, especially at lower con-
centrations of tetrathionate. Thus, at a concentration of 10 -2 á -100
M tetrathionate, the cracking time with and without boric acid
differs by a factor of 2, whereas at 10 -4 M tetrathionate the w -200
difference is about a factor of 6. This is expected, however, 1-
because at a fixed concentration of boric acid (1.3%) its in- - -300 10 M Na 2 S4 06
hibitive power will be more pronounced at a lower concentra-
tion of tetrathionate. The inhibiting effects of boric acid were 1 1^I 1 1 11111111 ^ 1 1 1

also observed recently in the SCC of sensitized stainless steel 0 20 40 0.1 10 100
in sodium thiosulfate solutions. 2 Lithium hydroxide also in- HOURS
hibits cracking of Inconel 600 in borated sulfur environments,
as reported recently elsewhere 6
FIGURE 4 — Variation of corrosion potential of U-bends
Cracking time is plotted against the concentration of low with time in two different concentrations of sodium
pH sodium thiosulfate (containing 1.3% boric acid) in Figure 3. tetrathionate.
The pH of the solution was lowered to 3 at the commencement
of the test. At 0.1 M thiosulfate concentration, the cracking
was again very rapid (Figure 3), and it was difficult to deter-
mine the exact cracking time. Figure 3 also shows a w
r•el (a) 1.3% H+0.1
3 80 3 M Na 2 S Z 0 3
reasonably linear relationship between cracking time and log 100 (b) 1.3% H 3 80 3 +0.1 M Na 2 S 2 3 at pH3
(thiosulfate concentration). The time to cracking against con- (c) 1.3% H 3 B0 3 +10Íu1 Na 2S 2 0 3 at pH3
centration relationship shown in Figures 2 and 3 follows a very 0
similar course to that of sensitized stainless steel in
tetrathionic acid, as observed by Dravnieks and Samans, 8 ex- ._E 100
•1\ ------
cept that the stainless steel cracks even more rapidly than In-
conel 600. It is rather interesting to note that in borated
thiosulfate and tetrathionate of identical sulfur concentra-
w 200

tions, the time to cracking is very similar. Thus, at 10 -4 M a -300

tetrathionate (Figure 2) and 2 x 10 -4 M thiosulfate (Figure 3),
the time to cracking is about 500 hours. The major portion of 20 40 0.I 1 in in
the cracking time, especially in dilute solutions, involved crack SECONDS HOURS
initiation. When the initiation time, as determined by the first
sign of the crack under a low power microscope, is subtracted TIME
from the total time to cracking reported in the figures, one ob- FIGURE 5 — Variation of corrosion potential of U-bends
tains an average crack propagation rate of approximately 5 to with time in borated sodium thiosulfate solutions with
10 nm/s in the most dilute solutions tested, and about 20 to 30 and without pH adjustment.
nm/s in 10 -2 M concentrations of both thiosulfate and
Although the sensitized specimens did not crack in any of quickly precipitates. In contrast, one has to add a much
the tests in neutral 0.1 M thiosulfate (Table 1), they cracked smaller amount of sulfuric acid to lower the pH of the 0.1 M
rapidly in very dilute solutions of both tetrathionate and low thiosulfate to 3, and the resulting sulfur remains in the form of
pH thiosulfate (Figures 2 and 3). This implies that the material a colloidal suspension for a long time, and may even attack
was highly sensitized, but its susceptibility to crack initiation the metal. It is not known at present whether an excess of
in neutral thiosulfate solution was very low. However, once the sulfate !ons thus generated actually hinders the cracking proc-
pH of the thiosulfate solution is lowered to the right level, the ess, but this is currently being investigated. However, the
initiation process appears to accelerate drastically and rapid results confirm that cracking in thiosulfate is very pH sen-
cracking results. sitive. Studies on sensitized stainless steel in tetrathionate
The following reaction, among others, takes place on also show that pH significantly influences the cracking at all
acidification of a thiosulfate solution: 9 concentrations tested. 16 • 17

Corrosion Potentials and Thermodynamic Considera-

2S 2 0 3 2- + 3H+ = 2S + S0 2 + HSO 3 - + H 2 O. (1)
tions. The variation of corrosion potential with time for some
of the U-bends is shown in Figure 4 for concentrated and dilute
Apparently, all three sulfur species generated from the above tetrathionate, and in Figure 5 for borated thiosulfate with and
reaction are aggressive to sensitized stainless steel and without pH alteration. In all cases, the potential shifted to the
possibly Inconel 600. 10 Thus, sulfur dioxide was identified as a negative direction within a few seconds after immersion, ex-
potent cracking agent for sensitized Type 304 stainless steelt' cept for the dilute tetrathionate solution where the transition
and cast Fe-Ni-Cr alloys of various compositions. 12 It is also was much slower. Note that the potential trend in 0.1 M
well known that wet elemental sulfur significantly increases tetrathionate and 0.1 M thiosulfate at low pH is very similar. In
the corrosion rate of iron and mild steel 13 • 14 and chemisorbed 0.1 M thiosulfate (without pH reduction) where the specimen
sulfur catalyzes the active dissolution of nickel in sulfuric did not crack, the potential moved back in the positive direc-
acid. 15 Interestingly, if the pH of the thiosulfate solution is tion very quickly. In the dilute thiosulfate at low pH, a similar
lowered too much, the cracking does not occur, as can be seen trend occurred, but the potential shifted to negative values
from Table 1, Specimen 8, which was tested at an initial pH of again and then slowly moved toward positive values. The
1.8. Because of the bisulfite/sulfurous acid buffer that is potential monitoring was discontinued after about 70 hours.
operative in this system, one needs to add sulfuric acid to the However, the potential in all dilute environments was in the
extent that the ratio of thiosulfate and sulfate ions ap- range of -50 to - 100 mV vs SCE at the time of cracking. The
proaches unity in order to lower the pH to about 1.8. Most of potential excursions in Figures 4 and 5 are perhaps indica-
the thiosulfate reacts with the acid, and the resulting sulfur tions of film formation on the specimen surface and possibly

2N1203 + HSO3---Ni + HS0

Ni02 + S03 -

111304 + 111203 + 503 -

Ni ++ + H2S03 HS03
Ni ++ + HSO-3

.4 Ni +++ Ni* N0 111304 + S03


0 NI+** 5 2 0 3 Ni0 + SO3

NiO + S 2 03
x 4NiS
W -0

-0 .8
Ni + H 2 S
Ni + HS -
-1 2
4 6 8 10 12 14

FIGURE 6 — Potential-pH diagram for Ni-S-H 2 0 at 298K,

not considering SO 42 . All equilibria for dissolved

species are drawn for unit activity; equilibria involving

H 2 S are for 1 atmosphere gaseous H 2 S. L\G (NIS) = °
-26 kcal/mole. Other values from Pourbaix Atlas; 19
Ni 3 S 2 not considered.

its localized breakdown. The corrosion potential of sensitized

stainless steel in polythionic acid also shows rapid transition,
and the behavior is ascribed to the formation of a sulfide film
on the specimen surface. 18
Recently, the thermodynamic basis of SCC of sensitized
304 stainless steel in sulfur compounds has been rationalized FIGURE 7 — Macrograph of typical cracked U-bends: (a)
from the composite potential-pH diagram for the Fe-S-H 2 0 0.1 M thiosulfate + 1.3% boric acid at pH 3; and (b) 10 -
system. 9 ' 10 From this diagram, the potential range of cracking M tetrathionate.
can generally be correlated to the expected potential range for
active iron dissolution and elemental sulfur formation. A Fractography. A typical cracked U-bend in borated thio-
similar composite potential-pH diagram for the Ni-S-H 2 0 sulfate (0.1 M) at pH 3 is shown in Figure 7a. Specimens
system has been constructed in Figure 6, generally based on cracked in 0.1 M tetrathionate appeared very similar. The
data provided by Pourbaix. 19 In this diagram, the NiS stability stress pattern of the sample is clearly delineated. Since thio-
field contains the open circuit potential range of SCC at pH sulfate is cheaper than tetrathionate and is more readily
-3, i.e., - 50 to - 100 mV vs SCE (Figure 4). In the presence of available in pure form, the 0.1 M thiosulfate at low pH might be
a NiS film, oxide passivation is not possible, and when the film used as a test solution for detecting susceptibility to SCC and
is ruptured, metal can dissolve to a considerable depth. In studying residual stresses in sensitized Inconel 600. In dilute
borated thiosulfate of 0.1 M concentration with a pH of about solutions of thiosulfate and tetrathionate, however, the cracks
5.2, the U-bends did not crack until the pH was reduced to 3, do not always seem to follow all of the stressed regions, as is
promoting the formation of S, S0 2 , and HS0 3 , according to - evident from Figure 7b, which shows a specimen tested in
Equation (1). In this case, the susceptibility to cracking may be 10 -3 M tetrathionate.
ascribed to a combination of lower pH and aggressive decom- Figure 8a shows a typical scanning electron fractograph
position products. Tetrathionic acid might have been pro- of a U-bend cracked in tetrathionate (10 -4 M in this case). The
duced by the same process as was observed with sensitized cracking is clearly intergranular. An energy dispersive X-ray
stainless steel in the presence of an oxygenated solution of analysis (EDAX) of the fracture surface is shown in Figure 8b,
sulfur dioxide in water. 20 which reveals a prominent sulfur peak, apparently from tetra-
Effect of Oxygen Concentration. Results of tests on thionate or some of its reduced species. The EDAX scan of the
Samples 6 and 7 in Table 1 in deoxygenated 0.1 M tetra- specimen cracked in pH 3 thiosulfate also revealed a promi-
thionate and borated 0.1 M thiosulfate at pH 3 show that while nent sulfur peak.
the specimen in thiosulfate did not crack in 100 hours, the one
in tetrathionate cracked in less than 48 hours, although the Constant Extension and Slow Strain Rate Tests
cracking was much less severe than that in the aerated solu- Figure 9 shows a typical load (nominal stress based on
tion of the same strength. In a separate experiment in deox- original cross section of the gage) against time plot for a
ygenated 0.1 M tetrathionate, the specimen was withdrawn specimen undergoing SCC in borated 0.1 M thiosulfate at an
after about 18 hours and no cracking was observed. No at- initial pH of 3. After an initial creep, the load levelled off and re-
tempt was made to measure the actual oxygen level in the mained relatively steady for about 4 hours, which is probably
above test solutions. However, the results indicate that ox- the crack initiation period or a period of very slow crack
ygen influences the cracking process significantly. The results growth. This period is followed by an abrupt relaxation of load,
also imply that the cracking mechanisms in tetrathionate and thus indicating the beginning of rapid crack propagation. The
low pH thiosulfate are probably somewhat different. In low pH load then decreased rapidly and eventually dropped to zero at
thiosulfate, nitrogen not only prevents oxygen from getting in, the end of complete cracking across the cross section of the
but also purges sulfur dioxide generated from acidification gage. The complete separation shows that very low stress in-
described previously in Equation (1). The sulfur dioxide may tensities are required for SCC in this system. The load relaxa-
play a role as an oxidizing agent in the cracking of Inconel 600 tion at the onset of the apparent rapid crack propagation was
in low pH thiosulfate. not always as abrupt as in Figure 10, but there was always a

Vol. 39, No. 10, October, 1983 395






FIGURE 9 — Variation of load (nominal stress) with time

for a tensile specimen undergoing SCC in borated
(1.3%) 0.1 M thiosulfate at pH 3. Specimen held under
constant extension at an initial stress of —90% of yield



o TEST AT 60°C


5 200

0 20 40 60 80

FIGURE 10 — Crack propagation as a function of initial

nominal stress in constant extension tests in borated
0.1 M thiosulfate at pH 3.

ture reduces the apparent threshold stress for cracking. The

effect of temperature on crack propagation was studied in
more detail and the result is shown in Figure 11, which gives
an apparent activation energy of 3.5 kcal/mole. This shows
FIGURE 8 — (a) Scanning electron micrograph of U•bend that temperature significantly accelerates the cracking pro-
fracture in 10 -4 M tetrathionate, and (b) EDAX scan of cess. The specimens in Figure 11 were all held at an initial
the typica1 fracture surface shown in Figure 8a. stress equal to the yield strength.
The crack propagation rate at different concentrations of
distinct change in the slope of the load relaxation curve to in- thiosulfate, all at an initial pH of 3 and held initially at yield
dicate the onset of rapid crack growth and shortly afterwards stress, is shown in Figure 12. The rate seems to level off at
(1 to 2 hours), cracks were generally visible under the naked lower concentrations, especially when one considers the ap-
eye or a low power microscope. parent net propagation time, as shown in the dashed curve in
In Figure 10, the crack propagation rate in the pH 3 thio- the figure. At 10 -4 M thiosulfate, the specimen did not crack,
sulfate at 22 Cis plotted against the initial nominal stress with although the U-bend in the same environment cracked in about
a single test point at 60 C. The crack propagation rates in 800 hours (Figure 3). This demonstrates that long term U-bend
Figure 10 and in subsequent figures were generally calculated tests may often provide information that one may miss in short
on the basis of the total time to failure from the commence- term loading or straining tests. Unlike the U-bends, however,
ment of the application of the load. The crack propagation rate the rapid cracking time in Figure 12 down to 10 -3 M thiosul-
decreases with stress, and at about 152 MPa initial stress no fate indicates that the crack initiation time is significantly
crack propagation was noticed in 100 hours at 22 C, thus im- reduced in these cases owing to the surface film rupture
plying a threshold stress level, similar to the ones observed in caused by the initial straining in the environment. Also, it ap-
polythionic acid and tetrathionate for sensitized Inconel 600 pears that this initial straining was sufficient to initiate the
by other authors. 4' 5 At 60 C and 152 MPa, however, the speci- cracking process even when the nominal stress applied was
men suffered some cracking within 24 hours. The crack, much below the yield stress, as can be noticed in Figure 10
however, developed toward the base of the gage and where the specimen readily cracked at 22 C when strained up
perhaps because of the larger cross sectional area there, the to about 193 MPa, i.e., approximately 62% of the yield
crack did not proceed any farther in 100 hours, as determined strength. Once again the crack was completely intergranular.
by any absence of load relaxation. The propagation rate The role of dynamic straining in crack initiation was also
shown in Figure 10 at 60 C is based on the length of the crack noticed in our slow strain rate tests. 6 Thus, while none of the
in the first 24 hours. The result indicates that higher tempera- U-bends cracked in pure or borated thiosulfate solution, slow

60 40 20
500 30

n- 2 a 1.~ /_..I_.



50 1
2.8 3.0 3.2 3.4
10 3 /T°K

FIGURE 11 — Crack propagation rate as a function of

temperature in borated 0.1 M thiosulfate at pH 3; speci-
mens held at an initial stress = yield strength.

JU 1 1111111 IIui 11111



E 80


50 -

30 10 -2 10 310'

FIGURE 12 — Crack propagation rate as a function of

concentration of borated thiosulfate at pH 3, based on
two different considerations of crack propagation time;
specimens held at an initial stress - yield strength.

strain rate specimens cracked readily down to 10 -2 M and

minor cracking was noticed at 1.1 x 10 -3 M thiosulfate. The
straining causes continuous emergence of slip steps, and by
frequently rupturing the oxide film promotes a low pH environ-
ment conducive to cracking. Additionally, if a crack was FIGURE 13 — (a) Nature of pits developed on flat
initiated by slow straining in neutral 0.1 M thiosulfate, it con- coupons in 0.1 M tetrathionate in -150 hours; (b) SEM
tinued to grow at constant extension even when the solution micrograph of pits of Figure 13a showing deposits
was progressively diluted to 10 -5 M. This establishes the around pits; and (c) EDAX scan of deposits shown in
special significance of initiation in thiosulfate solutions. Figure 13b.

Vol. 39, No. 10, October, 1983 397

(already present owing to leakage). Sulfide formation is there-
fore possible in localized areas that see a relatively high con-
centration of sulfuric acid. These sulfides could then react ac-
cording to Equation (2).

1. The propensity to initiation of SCC of sensitized In-
conel 600 in sodium thiosulfate is much lower than that in
sodium tetrathionate.
2. Sodium thiosulfate at low pH (-3) is a very potent
cracking agent for sensitized Inconel 600, and can be used as
an inexpensive test solution for sensitization.
3. Temperature significantly accelerates the cracking
and perhaps also decreases the apparent threshold stress for
FIGURE 14 - Localized attack on flat coupon exposed 4. Boric acid inhibits or retards SCC in the tetrathionate
to borated 0.1 M thiosulfate at pH 3 for -400 hours. environment.
Original surface was abraded to 600 grit finish. 200X. 5. Although dynamic tensile straining produces much
faster crack initiation than a U-bend, long term U-bend tests
Immersion Tests provide significant information regarding SCC initiation.
In order to understand the possible role of localized corro- 6. There is evidence that localized attack such as pitting
sion in SCC, 1 cm 2 corrosion coupons of the milt-annealed/ near grain boundaries may precede polythionate SCC.
sensitized material were immersed in 0.1 M tetrathionate and
borated 0.1 M thiosulfate with and without pH reduction. The
This research was carried out under the auspices of the
tetrathionate caused localized attack within 48 hours and after
U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission under FIN A-3380. Ex-
about 150 hours, deep pits, as shown typically in Figure 13a,
perimental assistance was provided by C. Schnepf, T. Roberts,
were observed. The attack seemed to occur under the passive
and J. Svandrlik. The potential-pH diagram (Figure 6) was con-
oxide film, and was usually near a grain boundary. Figure 13b
structed by B. Alman. Discussions with J. R. Weeks and D. van
shows a SEM micrograph of the same pit showing corrosion
Rooyen are gratefully acknowledged.
products which gave a large sulfur indication in the EDAX scan
of Figure 13c. While the specimen in borated thiosulfate did
not suffer any localized attack, the one in pH 3 thiosulfate was
1. Newsletter on Three Mile Island Unit 1, Nuclear News,
readily attacked within a few days. Figure 14 shows the form
Vol. 25, p. 47 (March, 1982).
of the attack after 400 hours: there is a general grain boundary
2. Isaacs, H. S., Vyas, B., and Kendig, M. W., Corrosion, Vol.
attack in addition to a single deep pit. These results suggest
38, p. 130 (1982).
that localized corrosion might nucleate SCC in the tetra-
3. Dhawale, S., Cragnolino, G., and MacDonald, D. D., EPRI
thionate and 1ow pH thiosulfate solutions. Also, SCC on
Progress Report RP1166-1, July-December, 1980.
U-bends in dilute tetrathionate and low pH thiosulfate
4. Scarberry, R. C., Pearman, S. C., and Crum, J. R., Corro-
nucleated from pits. In concentrated solutions, however, no
sion, Vol. 32, p. 401 (1976).
pits were noticed on U-bends, perhaps owing to the very rapid
5. Berge, Ph. and Donati, J. R., Nuclear Technology, Vol. 55,
cracking process.
p. 88 (1981).
6. Newman, R. C., Roberge, R., and Bandy, R., Environment-
Possible Mechanisms of Low Temperature SCC Sensitive Fracture: Evaluation and Comparison of Test
in Sulfur-Contaminated Nuclear Methods, accepted for publication in ASTM proceedings,
Steam Generators 1983.
We now discuss possible mechanisms of SCC in steam 7. Bulischeck, T. S. and van Rooyen, D., Corrosion, Vol. 37,
generator tubing material similar to that used in this investiga- p. 599 (1981).
tion, having determined that thiosulfate per se is not very ag- 8. Dravnieks, A. and Samans, C. H., J. Am. Pet. Inst., Vol. 37,
gressive for this condition of sensitization. Naturally, some No. 3, p. 100 (1957).
steam generator tubes could be more severely sensitized, 9. Newman, R. C. and Sieradzki, K., Corrosion Science (in
depending on their carbon content and milt history, and would press).
therefore be susceptible to direct SCC by thiosulfate. 10. Cragnolino, G. and MacDonald, D. D., Corrosion, Vol. 38,
1. S2 0 32 is metastable in aqueous solutions and can p. 406 (1982).
readily release sulfur or produce unstable 1ow valence sulfur 11. Piehl, R. L., J. Am. Pet. Inst., Vol. 44, No. 3, p. 189 (1964).
compounds by disproportionation or redox processes. 10 This, 12. Hart, A. C., Br. Corrosion J., Vol. 6, p. 164 (1971).
at the high operating temperature, could lead to the formation 13. Farrer, T. W. and Wormwell, F., Chem. Ind., Vol. 5, p. 196
of metal sulfides MS x. The sulfides could have remained as (January, 1953).
scales on the metal surface until after shutdown, when oxygen 14. MacDonald, D. D., Roberts, B., and Hyne, J. B., Corrosion
entered and reacted with them to produce thionic acids by a Science, Vol. 18, p. 411 (1978).
mechanism similar to the one suggested for iron sulfide 15. Oudar, J. and Marcus, P., Appl. Surface Sc., Vol. 3, p. 48
scales by Brophy 2 1 (1979).
16. Zucchi, F., Frignani, A., Trabanelli, G., and Zucchini, M.,
MSx + 0 2 + H 2 O - M xOy + H 2 S X O 6 (2) La Metallurgia Italiana, No. 2, p. 49 (1979).
17. Zucchi, F., Frignani, A., Zucchini, M., and Trabanelli, G.,
The thionic acid, thus produced, could then cause the crack- La Metallurgia Italiana, No. 4, p. 188 (1976).
ing. 18. Kowaka, M. and Kudo, T., Nippon Kinzoku Gakkaishi,
2. Another possibility is the effect of low pH that one Vol. 43, p. 595 (1979).
might expect to exist in an occluded area, e.g., under a loosely 19. Pourbaix, M., Atlas of Electrochemical Equilibria in Aque-
adherent surface deposit. In the presence of thiosulfate, the ous Solutions, Pergamon Press (1966).
low pH solution could promote SCC initiation. 20. Ahmad, S., Mehta, M. L., Saraf, S. K., and Saraswat, 1. P.,
3. Accidental ingress of sulfuric acid into the primary Corrosion, Vol. 37, p. 412 (1981).
coolant may cause localized disproportionation of thiosulfate 21. Brophy, A. J., Materials Performance, Vol. 13, p. 10 (1974).


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